October 2022 Cross Currents

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Cross Currents



October greetings to you, St. Andrew’s Family! This month we are continuing our “By Faith” sermon series, which will culminate on November 20. Our focus over this period is on Jesus, Whom we are invited to fix our eyes upon, as the “pioneer and perfecter” of our faith. We are encouraged by the “cloud of witness” who went before us and are described in the Bible – ordinary people who trusted in God’s promises and lived by faith. I encourage all of us to continue godly practices of regularly praying for the St. Andrew’s congregation, the leaders, the staff as this is a key season of ministry work and preparation for the exciting season before us. Here are a couple items to keep in prayer, as we trust in God together for God’s leading and provision:

• Congregational Mission Study Team (CMST)

The team has concluded its surveys and listening sessions with the congregation. They are now in the phase of analyzing the results and turning that into a written report. Please pray for this team and the important work before them. Their final work once published will be approved by the Presbytery Commission on Ministry, and once approved, will clear the way for the election of a Pastor Nominating Committee. I know that many of you are anxious for this to happen quickly. My guidance to the CMST is to do its work without undue delay, but also without undue haste. The team is committed to producing the very best work that will assist and even streamline the work of the eventual PNC.

• Congregational Meeting: October 23, 10:00 am (between services in the Sanctuary). The Nominating Committee has been diligent in seeking people to be nominated to serve as church officers beginning in January. Please note that only members who are in person at the meeting will be voting to approve the officers nominated to serve as Elders, Deacons, and

on the Nominating Committee. This meeting will be live streamed so that interested people can follow what happens, but there will not be provision for off-site voting for those not in person. (To be clear, this October meeting will not include the election of a PNC. That is to be anticipated in the new year, possibly in January or February.)

• Budget Planning. The Budget Team has been hard at work, planning a 2023 church budget. With the present volatile economic conditions, particularly inflation, this is not a simple process. There are competing desires to both keep costs as low as possible and to be able to provide a cost-of-living increase to the staff (which has not happened over the past two years), and to increase giving to Mission. With everyone’s expenses rising, it’s a faith challenge for each of us to consider what our practice of stewardship generosity will look like in 2023, as each of us discerns what to choose to commit financially (and otherwise) to the Lord for the operations of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. I acknowledge that for some of us, that may look like a reduction in financial giving, but for others, it may be an opportunity for a joyful increase.

For this these things and more, we trust God to provide and lead St. Andrew’s Church as a beacon of Christ’s love and light!

Counting It All Joy, Pastor Pete, Interim Pastor / Head of Staff




The following ministries are having special events this month and could use your help!

Laguna Elementary School

Laguna Elementary School will be hosting “Days of Caring” and need volunteers for October 21-22 as well as a few days before. More details coming soon!

TIHAN TIHAN (Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network) is hosting a benefit at the Fraternal Order of Eagles #180 (1530 N Stone Avenue) on Sunday, October 9. The event will take place from 11:00 am5:00 pm and is free to the public. There will be raffles, music, and a silent auction. Tacos and chilaquiles, rice and beans are also available for $10 a plate from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm! All proceeds benefit TIHAN! For more information, please visit tihan.org.

Fresh Start International

Do you feel called to the area of Justice? Fresh Start International is looking for volunteers for their 2nd annual Fresh Start Expo where everyone gets a new beginning! This event takes place on Saturday, October 22, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Their mission is to create a One-Stop Shop where friends can access legal and practical services to help them on their way to their personal fresh start. Please check out freshstartint.com/event for further information on this lifechanging ministry.


Four times a year, in lieu of our typical 9:00 am and 10:45 am Worship Services, our SAPC family is invited to participate in “Service Worship.” This is a chance to engage with community projects, with a choice for opportunities both on the church campuses and on-site with community partners. Through this outreach, we acknowledge that God is doing something in the community by using Christ’s church as an instrument of God’s Kingdom. We come together to join in what God is doing in the neighborhood – this is worship through service! This year is the third year where our fourth quarter project is in conjunction with “Serve Our City” – linking arms with other churches in Tucson to make a huge difference together over one weekend. In 2020, seven churches participated! In 2021, that number increased to 19! This year, we are expecting even greater involvement! Please join us as we build relationships, trust, and collaboration in serving our city!

We will have:

• Service projects on both Saturday and Sunday

• 9:00 am start time unless otherwise noted on each project

• Online sign-ups available the last week of October

• Serve Our City t-shirts available on November 6 after each service

• 7:30 am Service only on November 13

• No send-off service this time!

• NEW! Noon after party of pizza, salads, and a created space to share what we saw!

We serve a Missional God Who sent Jesus into the world, and He sends us so that we can share His great love. Please plan on joining us! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn at rsmithrud@sapctucson.org. Thank you!

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Young Life Capernaum is a ministry that gives young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the chance to experience fun and adventure, to develop fulfilling friendships, and to hear about Jesus through club, camp, and other exciting activities.

The Young Life Capernaum club here in Tucson was founded in 2011. Over the years, it has grown gradually to a group of about 25 students with disabilities, eight consistent volunteer leaders, and has reached eight different high schools.

At our clubs, students play games, sing songs, hangout with their peers, and most importantly, hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed! Something that makes our club unique is our emphasis on transitioning our high school graduates out of Capernaum club well. Our ministry is specifically for high-school students ages 14-22 and saying goodbye can be difficult. For this reason, we partner with a new adult ministry here in Tucson called Friends for Life that offers a place for our kids to go when they graduate out of Capernaum. Additionally, we network with churches so that our kids can have a genuine and accepting place of community once their time at Capernaum comes to an end.

We believe that special needs ministry is vital for the church to engage in because the more diverse the body of Christ is, the stronger it is. Consider the passage 1 Corinthians 12:1231. This passage so beautifully describes the

body of Christ and the Lord’s desire that each member with diverse giftings be united as one. It’s not just the lives of people with disabilities who are enriched by intentional disability ministry; the whole church benefits from including people of all abilities. Contact Us!

tucsoncapernaum.younglife.org Hollyroden1515@gmail.com 520-873-8537


YOU’RE INVITED! Alliance for Children Everywhere is our mission partner for our Change for Children Program each year. This year we have a special event which will be hosted by our ACE Team. Please join us for an unforgettable afternoon. We will enjoy brunch, storytelling, and have the opportunity to uplift hundreds of our young brothers and sisters at Tithanzide Faithworks school in Lusaka, Zambia. Please RSVP to childreneverywhere. org/7schools/tucson

WHEN: Saturday, October 29, 2022, 11:00 am– 1:00 pm

WHERE: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Friendship Hall (NE Campus)


Did You Know? Collect your aluminum pop tabs and drop them off at St. Andrew’s (Church Office or Information Desk), and they will be taken to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Arizona, which supports families with sick or injured children being treated in Tucson hospitals.

Money from recycling the pop tabs is used towards the operating expenses of the house as well as for programs for families, bringing in approximately $3,000 per year!

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A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:3) We demonstrate love, when through our generosity, we give of our time, talents, and treasures, for the betterment of others for the glory of God.

Generosity rarely happens by chance, instead it is an intentional decision that we make in our lives. When you give to others, you are affirming that God, and people matter most to you! Did you know that generous people report being happier, healthier, and more satisfied with life than those who aren’t? Where

A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another - John 13:3


are you currently investing your time, talents, and treasures? Make a list of the things you personally are grateful for. Spending time reflecting on what you already possess allows you to see how blessed you are and what you have to offer to others.

“t3” is a new committee here at St. Andrew’s. Our goal is to provide resources and opportunities for you to embody generosity. At St. Andrew’s we do a really good job of serving our neighbors, but there is so much more we can do within our own church and church community.

There is much Kingdom work to be done and YOU are needed to serve in it with your time, your talents, and your treasures. We look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months.

Join our Sunday Connect Group from 10:45 am – 11:45 am in Fireside (NE Campus) The group will kick-off with a RightNow Media study on the book of Haggai. The study of Haggai: Building God’s Church, features teachings by Dave Cornes and includes a study guide. It is a four-part series “reminding us that God has given us purpose: to be part of the most magnificent building project imaginable, the church.”

Sunday Connect is a Bible study group open to anyone who would like to spend time connecting with God and each other. Contact Karin Fiore at karinfiore@gmail.com or Lori Seiferth at loriseiferth@gmail.com for more information and to receive study materials.


Interested in getting your First Aid & CPR Certification or Recertification? A CPR and First Aid class will be offered October 23, 2022, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, in Friendship Hall. To register contact Louise Doran 520-529-7748 or Church Office. CPR $20, First Aid $20 (First Aid class requires a current CPR certification.)

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There’s still room for you at Alpha! This is a chance to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment. Got questions about life and faith? This a safe place to be to ask any questions you may have!

This fall we are teaming with Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene at their site. Contact Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org for more info and you may register online at ovcn.church/alpha.


Your Adult Discipleship Team is inviting you to a morning of fellowship and encouragement on “How to Find Joy Through Life’s Transitions” on Saturday, October 8, from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Rev. Joe Johnson will be teaching on healing loss, sadness, grief, also prayers of lament for healing and how to recover from trauma and grief and how to navigate life transitions.

There will be a light breakfast served with morning refreshments. Cost is $15 and you may sign-up at sapctucson.org or RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org. Childcare will be available.


Ladies - come join the fun and fellowship on October 21 for our monthly time together. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff, and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and adult beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of Connie Randall at 1361 W. Placita Del Rey, Oro Valley, AZ 85704 RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org. Women of all ages are invited as we encourage one another.

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Join us on October 23 from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm for our Annual Topgolf Youth Fundraiser! This fun intergenerational event is great for the whole family! A brunch buffet is included. All proceeds go to support the Youth Ministry and the Youth Scholarship Fund. No experience required! Anyone

can play Topgolf, from aspiring pros to those who’ve never walked 18 holes. You can sign up on sapcyouth.com under our events. If you would like to sponsor a tee sign please connect with Tim at tchristian@sapctucson.org . We hope to see you there!


Fall Youth Program Break

October 10-16


November 12-13

HS Pie Night November

Thanksgiving Eve Family Night Dodgeball November

Turkey Bowl November


Our annual Book Fair will be October 25-27 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm in Alpha on the NE Campus. This is a great time to stock up on Christmas gifts or plan ahead for birthdays while supporting the Preschool and Kindergarten! In addition to amazing books, some of our most popular items you can find are science experiment kits, arts and craft sets, and much more for all ages!

Our Book Fair theme this year is “What do I want to read?: Empowering students to choose their own books and creating literacy opportunities for students to see themselves reflected in the books they read.” Thank you Church Family for helping support the important work of our Preschool Ministry! We will gladly accept any volunteer help to set up, take down, or serve as cashier for the Book Fair. Please visit sapcschool.org to learn more.

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When: Sunday, October 30, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Where: SW Campus Parking Lot

What: Trunk or Treat is a safe way for kids to trick or treat. Volunteers come, decorate the trunks of their cars, and hand out candy to the kids who come. It is a way for us to get to know each other and the kids in our neighborhood.

Why: It is a way for us to get together as a congregation and hang out with people from different groups. We also get to connect with families from the church, preschool, and neighborhood.

Want to get involved? Trunks are always needed! Come decorate your trunk and pass out candy. Contact Heather Brannock at hbrannock@sapctucson.org with questions or to sign up to be a part of this event.


So often, we are stuck in a situation. We think we only have a couple of alternatives, and none sound like a good choice. Talking with someone you can trust can help you decide.

In fact, as you share with another about a situation, you often see things from a different point of view and realize you have more options that you think. A Stephen Minister is a free, confidential, trustworthy resource that is available to you. For more information, call Pastors Pete or Mat at 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-297-7201.

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FINANCIAL UPDATE August total revenue $121,213 Year to date revenue $1,220,835 Monthly revenue required 85,517 YTD revenue required 1,202,918 Difference $35,696 Difference $17,917 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY IN MEMORIAM


Our October Artist for the St. Andrew’s Art Gallery will be Judy A. Morgan. Stop by the SAPC Art Gallery on our SW Campus to view Judy’s work from October 13 - November 20.

“Nature is my primary focus and motivation for a painting. I paint in oils en plein air/French term for outdoors.”

Having moved west to Durango, CO from Newport, RI, where the artist painted and exhibited her marine watercolors, she now resides in Tucson and concentrates on her work on the Sonoran Desert.

Judy is a member of the Sonaran Plein Air Painters, Southern Arizona Arts Guild, and the Plein Air Painters of the 4 Corners. She has exhibited in Newport, Nashua, NH, Durango, and Denver, CO, Farmington and Santa Fe, NM, and San Carlos, Sonora, MX.

She has been represented by Houshangs Galleries in Santa Fe for the past 15 years. Her most recent exhibits include the Oro Valley Community Center & Overlook Restaurant, Saint Philip’s Murphy Gallery, Salpointe High School, Stevens Gallery, and Galeria Bellas Artes in San Carlos. She has appeared on Good Morning America (Newport, 1990) painting the sailboats involved in the “BOC Around the World Alone” race.

Her paintings have been included in the Essential Guide to Santa Fe (2014), Southwest Art (2015), and on the cover of the 125th Anniversary Book of the Newport Yacht Club.


Falling once doubles the chances of falling again and one in five falls causes a broken bone or head injury. Fear of falling may cause a person to limit their activities and that may lead to other medical issues like anxiety or depression.

Things you can do to prevent falls:

• Speak up. Talk openly with your doctor about fall risks and review your medications.

• Keep moving by using an exercise program that improves your leg strength and balance.

• Get an annual eye exam and replace eyeglasses as needed.

• Make your home safer by removing clutter and tripping hazards.

• Wear well-fitting shoes

• Watch your step around children and pets

• Learn to use walking aids safely.

• Identify and fix hazard

Faith Community Nurse Ministry has a check-list brochure to help you find and fix hazards in and outside your home. For more information please contact Louise Doran 520-529-7748 or the Church Office.


SAPC is now hiring for a Director of Facilities and IT. The director has oversight for the physical plant, information systems and technology, daily operations, and facilities staffing. If you or someone you know would be a good fit, please visit sapctucson.org to learn more!

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