March 22, 2023
To: The Congregation of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
From: Elder Lee Ann Hamilton, SAPC Nominating Committee Chairperson
During the year of 2022, well over 40 members’ names were submitted to the Nominating Committee for consideration as potential candidates for service on a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). On November 28, with helpful assistance from the Presbytery, we held an informational meeting for all those who had been suggested, as well as for anyone from the congregation who wanted to attend. At that meeting, the qualifications for and significant expectations of PNC members were explained, allowing for some to withdraw their names from consideration. After this preliminary process, the Nominating Committee was thrilled to have a diverse group of church members from which to choose an 11-member Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). With so many excellent people to choose from, it was a difficult but joyous process of discussion and prayer. Following a thorough process, we have agreed on a final slate of PNC Nominees.
We thoughtfully and prayerfully selected people to represent and reflect the make-up of our congregation, taking into account important demographic characteristics as well as the following: worship service attendance, years of membership, past and current involvement in church committees, groups, and activities, as well as personal statements shared with the Nominating Committee. Each of the 11 nominees has made a commitment to serve on the PNC that will work faithfully together to organize their committee leadership roles, review, identify and interview applicants, and ultimately, guided by the Commission on Ministry, nominate to the congregation a candidate to serve as our next installed Pastor and Head of Staff.
The St. Andrew’s Congregational Mission Study Report was reviewed and approved by the Session on March 14, and by the Presbytery on March 21. A congregational meeting has been called for Sunday, March 26, at 10:45 am to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee enthusiastically presents the following members as a slate for election to serve as the Pastor Nominating Committee.
I became a member of St Andrew’s in 1977 as a senior at Canyon del Oro High School Since that time, I have worshiped with Reverends Dulaney, Bettridge, and Toole as well as many wonderful associate pastors including Barbara Smith, Jennifer Wilcox, Carla Williams, and Mat Grover. During my time at St. Andrew’s, I have been blessed to be a part of many ministries, including teaching Sunday School for more than 30 years, serving twice as a Deacon, playing in the Wittman Ringers bell choir for 36 years, initiating the Angel Tree program that provided Christmas gifts for children of incarcerated parents, and chaperoning and serving as counselor at Montlure and Forest Home Christian camps I have been married to my wonderful wife, Jan, for 40 years We have three amazing children, Steven, Christie, and Scott, and five incredible grandchildren with one on the way
Ever since being invited in the early-1990s to St. Andrew’s by friends who attended here, my wife, Tori, and I have been members. Both of our sons were baptized in the NE Chapel by Pastor Joe Bettridge, and Skyler (our oldest) and Megan Lynn were married by Pastor Jim Toole. I’ve been serving as a Deacon for the last four years, which has involved me in a wide variety of church activities, ranging from serving as the communion coordinator to helping out with blood drives, BBQs, and an interesting variety of Service Worship Sundays (everything from bicycle repair to computer updates for a school) For as long as I can remember, my faith journey has been entangled and wrapped up in my fascination with science and nature; the more I learn, the more amazed I am at how much I (we) still have to learn. My goal is to keep learning.
As a member of St. Andrew’s since the 1970’s, I’ve served in various positions of responsibility, including Deacon, Trustee, Stephen Ministry, Preschool Board (two of my grands attended our preschool), Personnel, and Heavenly Hosts It’s been a most important part of my Christian life, as I continue in my lifelong faith journey I taught at Cross Middle School for over 20 years, loving the many students I enjoyed watching grow and mature at St Andrew’s I love meeting up with them regularly! Our rustic old family cabin on Mt. Lemmon brings spiritual rejuvenation, peace, and joy with family and friends, and I continue to hold various positions of responsibility and effort in the Mt. Lemmon community. I treasure serving others and being a worthwhile member of society. I am honored to be chosen as a candidate for the PNC. Thank you for this opportunity to again serve St Andrew’s
My wife, Kristin and I, have been members of St Andrew’s for about 10 years During this time, it has been my joy to serve in the orchestra, as well as on the Worship/Music and Missions committees, as an Elder on Session, and as a member of the Interim Pastor search committee I have also enjoyed helping Kristin, yearly, during Adopt-a-Family We are so thankful for St. Andrew’s, for the faithful preaching and teaching here, and the many opportunities to serve, as well as so many wonderful people. These all have helped us to grow in our personal relationship with Christ. I believe God has many exciting plans for St. Andrew’s future, and I am honored to have been nominated to serve on this committee.
As a mother of three children (Nolan - 7, Magnolia - 4, and Fiona - 2), a lot of my life revolves around my kids I am constantly using my background in retail management to not only manage a household, but to use those talents within SAPC as well, by serving on the Preschool Board and heading up the Teacher Appreciation Committee. I also love volunteering at my son’s school and substitute teaching at St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten. My passions involve being outdoors, running, participating in book club, and living out a life of love and laughter with my husband, family, and dear friends. Concerning my faith journey, I grew up around church, but have really strived to make my faith my own over the past few years Our connection to the preschool led us to SAPC nearly four years ago, and the lifelong friendships I have made here strengthen my faith daily
I grew up in Illinois, graduated in engineering from Iowa State University, married my college sweetheart, Judy, and we spent our first 15 years living in Ohio. In 1979 we, along with our son, Paul, moved to Tucson. In 1980, we joined St. Andrew’s, drawn by faithful Bible preaching, strong Adult and Youth Sunday School classes, and welcoming atmosphere. Through Bible study, small group participation, and both local and international mission outreach, I have grown to know and trust Jesus as my Lord and Savior I have served as a Deacon, Elder, Trustee (three times), and on a previous Pastor Search Committee Currently, I participate in the Men’s Bible Study and serve on the Adult Discipleship Committee Since retirement, using my gifts of woodworking and handyman skills has allowed me to share God’s love with others and brought me much joy.
Our family first started attending St Andrew's in the 1990s when our children attended St Andrew's Preschool & Kindergarten In the early 2000s, I became more involved with Women's Ministry and Bible Study, joining the church when I became a part of the Women's Ministry leadership team. Since that time I have served three terms as an Elder, two terms consecutively, and another term several years later. I have served on the Nominating Committee, discerning and enlisting church officers for St Andrew's, and on a previous Interim Pastor Nominating Committee One of my great joys is being part of Friday Morning Bible Study and I have been a small group leader with them for many years Currently, besides Bible Study, I attend the Family of God small group on Sundays, tap with St Andrew's Tappers, read and discuss books with the Book Club, and when I can, hike with the Joyful Hikers. Through all these years at St. Andrew's I have seen my faith continue to develop and mature. I am very happy to be called to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee and participate in what God has planned for St. Andrew's.
I moved to Tucson with my husband and three small children in 2014 and was introduced to St Andrew’s by my brother Since then, our family has grown by one more, and all four of our kids (aged 6-13) have thrived in the Children’s and Youth Ministries here. Being a wife, mother to four, and a physician, I often describe myself as busy, and, particularly during these last few years, overwhelmed. No matter what is going on in the world, at home or at work, I am constantly reminded that I am not in charge - that God works in ways that I do not always understand and that my main job is to have faith This truth is both humbling and uplifting I hope to serve on this committee to help bring about God’s will for our church
I have been affiliated with St. Andrew’s for the past 12 years. For the past three years, I have served on Session as a Ruling Elder. I have served on the Preschool Governing Board for the past seven years. I have been actively involved in participating, planning, and providing leadership for the MOMS group, Women's Christmas Brunch planning committee, Women's Retreat planning committee and 30 Hour Famine for the past decade I enjoy helping with VBS and Sunday School and have raised money and run the half marathon to support World Vision I am committed in my life to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. - Micah
My husband, Larry, and I have lived in Tucson three different times over the course of our 42 year marriage. We began our relationship with St. Andrew’s in the 1980’s and permanently returned to Tucson and St. Andrew’s in 2001. I feel a special connection to Galatians 6:2 which calls us to “Bear one another’s burdens” in this calling I became a founding member of “We The People” which addressed and rewrote Arizona laws regarding pedophilia I was the Executive Director of the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network in Missouri, the Southern Arizona Community Diaper Bank, and created the Football For Women seminars I have served on many Boards including the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation and Bethany Fellowship, which is a national mentoring and spiritual leadership organization, supporting new ministers in their first four years of congregational ministry. I am involved with the SAPC Youth Discipleship Ministry and, after 30 years as a Stephen Minister, serve on the SAPC Stephen Ministry Leadership Team as the Referrals and Training Coordinator St Andrew’s is my spiritual home!!
I have been a member of SAPC since 2005 when our family relocated to Tucson from the Seattle area. I have served the church in a variety of roles, including Deacon, Sunday School teacher, Head usher for the 9:45 am Service, Ride to Worship volunteer, and Camp Commander for the Mt. Lemmon Labor Day Camp Out In my free time, I enjoy traveling to see our boys, camping in our fifth wheel, watching any high school or college sport, and playing the occasional round of golf A native of Portland, Oregon, I graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a degree in Business I met my wife, Kirstan, at PLU and we have two sons Kendall is a senior at Hillsdale College and Riley is a junior at the University of Hawaii, currently studying abroad in London. Working out of my home office in Oro Valley, I serve as a National Sales Manager for an ergonomic chair manufacturer for all of North America.