Stories from the Staff of St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten - STORY ONE -
Giggling children running around the courtyard squirting each other with water on a hot summer day. Teachers comforting teary little ones away from home for the first time. A four-year-old raising his hand and proud to have the right answer to a math question. Excited Kindergarteners “getting their sillies out” on the playground before buckling down to learning centers in their classroom. These tender images, and many, many others, have made indelible marks on my heart as I’ve worked
7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 520-297-7201
at St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten. From the time we enrolled our daughter, Hannah, in the twos class, I was impressed by the loving devotion the staff shows to each family as they entrust their greatest treasures to our school. Our teachers are the smiling face of God to their students as they are welcomed into the classroom each day. They are the gentle caress of Jesus as they wipe away tears and bandage little boo-boos. They are the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as they encourage young minds to grow and learn. Each year our prayer is to be a light to our little corner of the world, to nurture hope and love in those whom God places in our paths.
I came to St. Andrew’s six years ago for an opening in the twos classroom, and I’ve been here ever since. St. Andrew’s has been a place where my faith has been allowed to flourish. God has shown up for me in many different ways here, but one of the biggest blessings has been the opportunity for me to bring my children to work. I don’t know of any other workplace that allows for women to bring their children to work and stay in a loving childcare for free.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35
Some people might be scared of teaching in a room full of twelve two year olds, but I love it. I’m able to connect with my students and watch them grow from babies to toddlers. My classroom teaches me patience, grace, and offers me the chance to see the world through a child’s eyes daily. My clothes and hands are constantly covered in dirt and glitter, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
When I came to St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten, I had already retired from teaching at Casas for twenty years. My granddaughter started school, and so for the first time in a very long time, I didn’t have a little one to care for. One day I decided that I needed to put myself back out there, so I printed out five resumes with the intent of visiting the five preschools where I felt like I would be a good fit. St. Andrew’s was the second and last school I visited. I knew it was where God wanted me to be. I started as a substitute, but I wanted more. I was offered a chance to work with special needs students the following year. Then two years ago I was given the opportunity to work in the threes as an associate with a wonderful lead who has become a part of my family.
St. Andrew’s mission partner, Goshen International Church, has found a permanent home after two years at temporary locations in Tucson. Pastor Bigimba Ngabo arrived in Tucson in 2007 as a refugee from Burundi. Watching young refugee adults torn between their old culture and not finding a place in American culture, Pastor Bigimba saw the need for a bridge between cultures. This vision led not only to the creation of a multi-cultural church but also a community center offering English as a Second Language, job training, financial training, and trauma counseling for refugees and asylum seekers. The congregation is a body made up not only of those from African nations but all Tucsonans committed to learning to walk with Jesus daily. On May 26, a fire spread through the store front property that Goshen had been leasing, creating the need for the congregation to move once again. But in July, Pastor Bigimba toured a vacant church property, complete with furnishings, and Goshen was offered generous terms by the owner. Thanks to God’s grace and generous partners, the church was able to make a $150,000 down payment and purchase the property in early August. All are welcome to worship at their new home, 1520 Melpomene Way in east Tucson at 10:30 am on Sundays.
Being a part of a team that loves and values children as much as I do is an honor. The support I’ve received here during some of the hardest trials of my life has been one of my biggest blessings. Just stepping onto campus gives me the feeling of being loved and accepted. - BY WENDIE HEFLIN, ASSOCIATE TEACHER - THREES CLASS
To learn more about St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten or to schedule a tour, please visit or call 520-742-2969.
In Memoriam John McGowan July 28, 2019
CrossCurrents (020349) September 2019 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704
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Ralph Werley August 5, 2019 Tom Berresford August 7, 2019 Jack Jackson August 7, 2019
On September 8, we will start a new sermon series where we will look at the redemptive story of the New Testament through five major periods: Expectations, Messiah, Pentecost, Teaching, and Yet to Come.
Thank you dear St. Andrew’s friends, for the loving support I received during and after my husband, Larry’s, rapid illness and death. You are such a blessing to our family & me! - Susan Lane
We have some exciting news! We are now formally approved by the IRS with our nonprofit status! Our latest progress includes: • We received $25,000 from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Mission Committee from the SAPC Faith That Works account as our opening balance. • We opened a checking account at Canyon Community Bank. • We received an anonymous donation of $1,000 that was deposited into the bank account. • The annual insurance premiums for liability and the mobile shower unit have been paid in full. • We paid professional fees to two vendors. Legal fees were paid for the corporation documents and website fees for website updates. • Online donations are being accepted on behalf of FTWT via the St. Andrew’s giving portal. One can also write a check to Faith That Works Tucson as well. • Our new website has launched! Please be sure to check it out at We think you’ll like the updates! • We developed a skills/talents inventory to help others find where they are called to serve in the community. One can find it on the “Let’s Work Together” page of our website. • And finally, we have officially launched VOMO, our volunteer platform for the mobile shower unit. We are excited to move forward in faith following the Lord’s plans for us. Thank you, St. Andrew’s, for your encouragement and support!
FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT July total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference
Once again, your generosity of donated time helped nine different schools for Serve Our Schools, our August 4 Service Worship! Below are some of the positive comments received. Kelly from Keeling Elementary called to say that she loved the delicious desserts and that she usually was a cookie person, but whoever made the white Texas sheet cake changed her opinion! Through a little investigating, we found out that Susan Cochran made that cake and she is sharing the recipe with Kelly. Kelly thanked our congregation for supporting and encouraging them in the hectic time of beginning a new school year!
For over 11 years the St. Andrew’s Sandwich Squads have provided 10,000 lunches annually to the homeless at Gospel Rescue Mission. One hundred seventy families participate. There are 16 groups and each group makes lunches every eight weeks. Half of the groups make lunches at church; the other eight groups make their lunches at home and deliver them to church on their designated Sunday. We are in need of people to make lunches at home. You would need to make 10 lunches once every 8 weeks. The whole family can join in. If you can help contact Craig Littlefield at or 307-4248.
$149,429 168,914 ($19,486)
“I wanted to thank you and your amazing team. Once again, you all went above and beyond and the desserts were a tremendous hit. Thank you for serving us at Mountain View.” Todd Garelick Principal, Mountain View High School “Thank you SO much for all the work that you and your group completed this weekend. It looks great. The lunches were a surprise and I know my staff will LOVE it. Teachers love to be fed and are always very appreciative! Thank you again. We are blessed to have your support in our community. Have an amazing day!!” Julie Valenzuela Principal, La Cima Middle School “The stage looks amazing!!! I can’t believe how much different a darker shade makes our stage look. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are so very appreciative of your service and support for the Butterfield community. Have a great one!” Joshua Bayne Principal, Butterfield Elementary School
Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference
$1,242,885 1,175,626 $67,259
During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson. / 3
Join us for a fundraiser to benefit Youth Ministry at Topgolf Tucson. This fun event is great for whole family! A breakfast bar is included. All proceeds go to support Youth ministry and the Youth Scholarship Fund. Topgolf’s tournament style is more social and exciting than your traditional on-course golf tournament: Every person in your family can participate whether you’re a true golf professional or you’re more of a spectator! This is an intergenerational event filled with community laughter and fun that you don’t want to miss! Sign up quickly before the price increases September 28th!!! Want to support youth ministry but can’t make it to the event? You can purchase a tee sign for $100 or we are accepting donations for raffle prizes! Learn more at CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228 RICHELLE KING, Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x 208
Bibles will be presented during the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services on September 15. Students need to RSVP for this so we can make sure to have a Bible for them. Please contact Shelly at to RSVP by September 10.
CHRISTMAS THINGS TO PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR: • November 10: Christmas Play Practice Begins • December 8: Angel Sunday • December 14: Christmas Concert • December 24: Christmas Eve; Christmas Play at the 5:00 pm Family Service • December 29: No Sunday School
Save the date for the 5th Annual St. Andrew’s Trunk or Treat event. Trunk or Treat will be on Sunday, October 27 from 5:00 pm 7:00 pm in the SW Campus parking lot. Start thinking about how you want to decorate your trunk for this event! Email Shelly at if you’d like to participate and decorate a trunk. Are you thinking “What’s Trunk or Treat?” People sign up to decorate their trunks, and children from the church and community come to trick or treat at each trunk. Those decorating trunks pass out candy to the kids. Last year some people had games or interactive activities at their trunks. You can pair up with other people and decorate together. This is a way for us to reach out to the community and offer a safe, fun place for their children to come.
Holy Molies will start up again in September! This group for 4th and 5th graders meets the third Wednesday of the month starting September 18 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in Room F. We have dinner together, play games, have a devotional, do service projects, fellowship, and have fun! Please bring $5 to offset the cost of dinner. Questions? Let Shelly know at or 297-7201. 4 /
CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry
Display: September 8 - October 13 Retiring to an adult community has afforded me the opportunity to draw upon all my past artistic endeavors and express my creativity in oil painting.
Rachel Held Evans
Hugely popular Christian writer, Rachel Held Evans, died this May at age 37. Described by Beth Moore as “alarmingly honest” and by Shauna Niequest as “willing to tackle the most sacred cows, willing to ask the trickiest questions,” Evans confronted every controversial issue in American evangelical culture. A “joyful troublemaker” she wrote of a faith that accepts doubting and questioning and a church that includes everyone. Evans wrote, “This is what God’s kingdom is like: a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they are hungry, because they said yes.” Our library offers these selections by Evans:
A Year of Biblical Womanhood - How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master” in which she took the Bible’s instructions for women to hilarious extremes and shared what she learned from women of diverse faiths, including Amish and Jewish women. (2012) Searching for Sunday – Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church in which she tells of her journey away from church and what kept leading her back. (2015) Inspired – Slaying Giants, Walking on Water and Loving the Bible Again in which she rediscovers a love for Scripture. (2018)
Just seven years ago, for the first time, I put brush to canvas with the encouragement of my brother, a professional artist. I called upon my skills of balance, texture, color and function learned while at the University of Washington studying interior design. I worked off and on for the next sixty years as a re-designer, using what the client had to organize and rearrange furnishings. My sense of color was honed while doing color analysis for wardrobe, make-up, and interiors. I am self-taught and enjoy exploring a variety of subject matter and techniques. As a Christian, I especially enjoy painting as the Holy Spirit directs, sometimes portraying Scripture. This is an area that I would like to develop further and am excited about where it might lead. Recently, I have been painting with acrylic. Because it dries so fast in the Tucson climate, I find it difficult to handle. The experience has caused me to work faster and therefore I think fresher. I see my painting as an ever changing and hopefully improving live art form. It will be exciting for me to see where it goes. I hope you enjoy viewing my work and perhaps following my journey.
Stop by the Narthex on the SW Campus to view our Artist’s Gallery.
FAITH COMMUNITY NURSES Growing a Healthy Relationship
Do you have a repeated pattern of unresolved relationship conflict? Relationship-building strategies can be understood in the form of a cycle of renewal with five basic phases or steps. Practicing these steps may help to get you out of being stuck in pain and offense. • Manage your emotions. When you’re upset, don’t react immediately. Stop and invite God into the conflict and pray that He will help you manage your emotions and keep you from adding any further damage to that which has already been done. Then pray that God turns this situation into an opportunity for growth and change. • Find trusted help. If the dispute is serious seek friends, colleagues or counselors who can support you and help you understand the surface as well as the hidden forces at work in you and your relationship. • Embrace a learning framework. Approach the conflict from a framework that acknowledges that God has something to teach you and your partner. Look for the hidden root causes which need to be brought into the light and resolved. • “Let go.” It is difficult to let go of the anger, resentment and hurt feelings. Ask God to help you forgive the offenses and release your own guilt and shame for your contribution. • Engage again. When your partner is ready, humble yourself, initiate reconnection and make necessary amends. If you both let go successfully, you can now move into the future. See Faith Community Nurse Louise Doran (529-7748) for church and community resources to address the problem.
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STEPHEN MINISTRY Why Be a Stephen Minister?
Tim: Pastors Can’t Do it All – In a church this size, our pastors can’t meet all the care needs on their own. For one hour a week, I’m happy to help my friends and neighbors when they are struggling. John: I’ve Learned to Listen – I don’t have the answers (that’s God’s job); but I can listen and I can pray for a friend in need…and, by the way, now my wife never tells me “you never listen to me” anymore, because now I know how to be a good listener!
You are invited to Soul Care Retreat on Saturday, September 7, from 9:00 am 3:00 pm. This day retreat is a special day for you to be with God and discover more of what God has for you. Join us for worship, prayer, food, fellowship and encouraging teaching. Cost is $10 for lunch. Register at the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place or contact Connie at
Come party with us September 11 at 6:00 pm and bring a friend! There will be yummy food as well as fellowship and FUN! Alpha is all about hanging out together to explore life, faith, and meaning! Contact Connie Randall at or stop by the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place. We will be meeting at Roadrunner Coffee Co. on Thornydale.
Barb: Win/Win – While I am growing closer to my Care Friend, I am growing closer to God, too. I look forward to our time together each week. What a blessing for both of us! Our Stephen Ministers are a team of gifted, trained, and committed lay caregivers ready to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people struggling through a difficult time in life—those experiencing grief, divorce, job change or loss, a move, illness, an empty nest, or some other life stress. After 50 hours of specialized training and making a commitment to serve this ministry for two years, a Stephen Minister provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour, in total confidentiality. A new class of Stephen Ministers is trained every other year and this is the year! Training begins November 3, with classes on Sunday late afternoons and commissioning on March 22. If you want to use your gifts of love and compassion in meaningful ministry, growing spiritually as you serve others, please talk to Cheryl Smith (271-6591) about joining this exciting adventure. Application Deadline is October 10.
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Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food, and encouragement! This month we will be meeting at Suzanne Graun’s home on September 20 from 6:00 pm8:00 pm. RSVP to Connie at or visit the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place on Sunday mornings.
Join us for this four week class, beginning September 19 at 6:00 pm. This class has been created to share financial tips and tricks to help you through life’s journey. We’ll go over car loans, student loans, want vs. need, career choices, cost of living and the impact of delayed gratification. This class is aimed at those 13-40 years old.
Bible Study Fellowship Men’s and Women’s Classes begin the first and second weeks of September. The study this year will be The Acts and Letters of the Apostles. For Men’s Classes contact Greg Jester at and Women’s classes Connie Randall at .
HUGS W E D N E S D AY S / / 1 0 : 1 5 A M
HUGS (Happily under God’s Supervision) fall season will start on Wednesday, September 4. This interdenominational senior outreach program is open to all confessing to be a senior. Our morning starts in Friendship Hall, providing a fun filled time with devotions, hymn singing, and a musical program, games, or timely subject of interest to seniors. A hot $3 lunch is served at 12:00 pm and our time together ends at 12:30 pm. We welcome seniors to come check us out and find out how much fun and fellowship is available. For information, contact Susan Lane at or Bill Gross at Upcoming Dates 9/4: Birthdays & Games 9/11: Tom McKinney CEO/ICS 9/18 On The Move with Lisa Skillman 9/25 Daybreak Musical Presentation
SEPTEMBER 16 // 5:30 PM
SEPTEMBER 26 // 4:00 PM
Come join us at YES for another year of food, friendship, fun and exploring new topics. YES (Young Energetic Seniors) meets in Friendship Hall on the third Wednesday of the month from September through March. We meet at 5:30 pm, sharing a pot-luck dinner and then have a speaker or program.
The Faith Walk book to read for September is Faith-A Journey for All by Jimmy Carter. “In this powerful reflection, President Jimmy Carter contemplates how faith has sustained him in happiness and disappointment. He considers how we may find it in our own lives... As President Carter examines faith’s many meanings, he describes how to accept it, live it, how to doubt and find faith again. A serious and moving reflection from one of America’s most admired and respected citizens.”
The first meeting on September 16 will feature “The Tucson Wildlife Center” with a slide show and speaker. Come join us for a wonderful, informative evening. For more information contact Susan Quillen at 544-2790 or
Come join us in the church library. For more information, contact Jean O’Hanlon at 743-1854 or
St. Andrew’s Women’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, September 24, at 7:00 pm to discuss The Library Book by Susan Orlean. Please join us even if you have not read the book as we discuss this lively and multilayered portrait of the Los Angeles Public Library by Orlean (The Orchid Thief). The author describes a source as “electrified by everything he told me about the library.” Contact Katrina Lantz for more information at
Join us Thursdays for History Study Group. The topic is the history of the United States from the 1500’s to the Clinton era. Lectures are video presentations given by noted history professors. They last one hour and are held Thursdays in the Fireside room beginning at 9:15 am. You are welcome to stop by and check it out. To learn more contact Dick Kampa or Louise Doran
Do you enjoy a good story? Do you enjoy hearing other people share the stories of their lives? John’s books, 1,2,3 are just that, stories about his best friend, who just happens to be his Savior. John takes such delight to recall his experiences with Jesus and wants to make sure that we share in this experience. He also wants us to understand the magnitude of Christ’s love for us! The ladies will return September 11 & 13. The book is $15. Please call to register if you will not attend the first meeting. For more info contact Jan Littlefield (Friday Group) at or 299-6851 or Linda Sebastian (Wednesday Group) at 299-3167 or
SEPTEMBER 24 // 7:00 PM
T H U R S D AY S / / 9 : 1 5 A M
W E D N E S D AY S / / 6 : 3 0 P M- 7 : 4 5 P M F R I D AY S / / 9 : 0 0 A M - 1 1 : 3 0 A M
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