Greetings St. Andrew’s Family!
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1
Peter 4:10
In September we begin a new sermon series: Be a Blessing, Make a Difference. While the culture leads us to think of ourselves as consumeristic individuals, the gospel tells a different story about how we are called to live. Disciples of Jesus Christ experience a transformation of the Holy Spirit that makes all things new, including our perspectives of how we relate to God and others in the world. By Grace, we are invited into a relationship with our Creator, accompanied by a calling to serve as co-creators upon the earth. God’s plan is to guide followers of Jesus into community life, responding to the call to serve as stewards of the earth and all the good
gifts that God provides. The economy of the church reflects the values of the Kingdom of Heaven, which are often in conflict with the popular values of the world. This series will challenge us to examine the gifts we have received from God, and how God calls us to use them in service of the Kingdom of Heaven. While we all don’t have the same gifts, all gifts are essential, and each one has the opportunity to share for the common good, to the glory of God! You are called to be a blessing and make a difference!
So, what’s the situation with the church’s finances? I sometimes receive questions about the church’s overall financial status, and how financial updates are reported. The church’s Trustees provide two regular updates to keep the congregation informed. The first one (emailed weekly in the Weekly News, and posted on the website) is a report which compares the year-to-date received
offerings to the budgeted plan of expected offerings. If you’ve looked at this report lately, you have noticed there has been a large gap. At the end of July, year-to-date offerings were $132,541, or 12%, less than planned. The second update is included in this monthly newsletter, which represents a report of total revenue (which includes more than offerings, the largest of which is the Preschool and Kindergarten). This month’s report (see page 3) shows that July revenues were almost double what was required by the budget, and that for the year, revenue is $71,350 more than required. So, the question arises: Is the church financially sound?
My interpretation of these data points, along with my awareness that the church is doing a very good job of controlling expenses, is that while SAPC is on very strong financial footing, there is reason to be concerned about reduced offerings. This is especially relevant in planning for next year’s budget. This year, thanks to the excellent leadership of the Preschool Governing Board and Director Jennifer Bultman, Preschool and Kindergarten revenues have exceeded expectations – a reason for celebration. However, this is just one facet of the multifaceted story. If you seek a deeper understanding through
a conversation, I suggest reaching out to one of the Trustees or Brad Engel, the Business and Operations Director. As the SAPC budget team looks ahead to 2024, they've been directed by the Session to ensure the budget aligns with the congregation's capacity to sustain it through regular offerings to the General Fund. As this planning and budgeting for the next year unfolds, please keep our Trustees, Elders, and staff in your prayers. We recognize that God's blessings and guidance have been with SAPC for many decades, and responsible stewardship of finances has been consistent since the church's inception in 1960. Praise God for all the ways SAPC is a blessing to so many people, within the congregation and through our various mission and ministry partners!
Continue to pray for the Pastor Nominating Committee as they continue their important work of prayerful discernment. Updates and information can be found at Some people are wondering about whether SAPC will be searching for a replacement for Connie Randall who recently retired as Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry. The Personnel Committee has decided to pause searching for the ADM Director until the next installed pastor arrives, so that they can be a part of the process of hiring this critically important role. In the meantime, Pastor Mat and I will be providing support to the ADM Committee as they continue to lead this ministry.
Counting It All Joy,
Pastor Pete Seiferth
Interim Pastor / Head of Staff
Backpack Drive Update
Thank you for your generous donations. We were able to distribute 120 backpacks and school supplies to the children at Gospel Rescue Mission, the Karenni kids, refugee students served by Lutheran Social Services and the Amphi Clothing Bank. The children were so excited to receive them. Thank you!
Habitat for Humanity Many Ways to Share God’s Love
Before you stop reading because you can’t stand the heat, climb a ladder, or swing a hammer, rest assured that there are many other ways you can serve this important ministry which St. Andrew’s has supported for 31 years.
CHUCK Development Center 2811 W. Curtis Rd ( Flowing Wells area) is a new volunteer site for assembly of prefabricated walls for Habitat homes. No experience needed, indoor comfort. Register ahead for a free training event, 7:00 am - 1:00 pm on September 7 at Wear closed-toe shoes and bring a snack. All tools provided.
Habistore: 935 W. Grant Rd. Shop used and new home furnishings at amazingly low prices. All purchases fund building supplies for Habitat homes. Donate your gently used items (call 520-230-5323 for free pickup service). Or volunteer to work at the store.
Brush With Kindness: Join a crew for a half-day of clean-up, painting, and other exterior chores for an elderly homeowner.
Family Partners: Mentor a future homeowner, as they learn about financing, budgeting, home maintenance, and other issues necessary for successful homeownership.
Pray: for homeowners as they complete their required 250 hours of “sweat equity” at a construction site.
Eagles Wings of Grace Update
Our mission partner, Eagles Wings of Grace is moving and would like to ask St. Andrew’s to hold their donations for Eagles until Sunday September 17. They really appreciate all the generous donations they have received from everyone in the last few years and those that will continue after their move. Many women have been served and prayed over. If you have questions please call April Ritchie at 520-225-9602.
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Goshen Africa
At the beginning of this year, Goshen Africa found itself in a position where the committed donor funds were short of their annual budget for the ministry. Their executive committee quickly pivoted to find ways to trim their expenses and bring their costs in line with the budget. At the time, their ministry had seven owned houses and three leased houses in Uganda, along with two leased houses in Kenya. These were homes for orphan children who would otherwise be homeless. The rental payments for the leased houses were a considerable part of their monthly expenses, along with scholarships for the children to attend school. After being approached by a neighbor willing to sell a house in their neighborhood, Goshen Africa realized they could reduce their monthly costs by purchasing the house. Their executive committee in the US mobilized to reach out to ministry partners to raise funds needed for a purchase. SAPC, answered the call and, along with other ministry partners, contributed to provide the one time funding that was needed. With the funds that Goshen Africa raised, they were able to not only purchase one house, but two houses which replaced all three rental properties! In addition, they had enough funds to build western style restrooms in each of the houses. In total, Goshen Africa now owns nine houses for seven dozen children in Uganda and they continue to lease two houses for two dozen children in Kenya. God has continued to bless this ministry which started in 2006 with 11 children in Burundi.
Faith Community Nurses
Top Reasons Everyone Should Know CPR/AED and First Aid
According to the American Heart Association, 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency because either they don’t know how to administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or their training has significantly lapsed.
• One minute is all it takes for a child to drown.
• 88% of cardiac arrests happen in the home.
• Only 6.4% of cardiac arrest victims survive because people witnessing the incident do not know CPR.
• Over 200,000 people die of Sudden Cardiac Arrest each year and 50,000 deaths could be prevented.
Why learn First Aid?
• By performing simple procedures and following certain guidelines, it may be possible to save lives by giving basic treatment until medical help arrives.
• In an emergency there is no time to read instructions, you need to react quickly and effectively which might make the difference between complete recovery and permanent disability.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is offering classes September 23, 2023, from 8:00 am-noon. Each class is $25. CPR/AED follows Save-A-Life curriculum endorsed by Tucson Fire Department and taught by an American Heart Association certified instructor. The course includes the following:
• Infant / Child / Adult one person rescuer
• Choking maneuver
First Aid Class teaches basic First Aid and is taught by a certified instructor.
Contact Louise Doran (520-529-7748) for more information and to register. Also you may sign up in the Church Office by September 20, 2023.
SAPC Financial Update
During the months
July total revenue $217,699 Year to date revenue $1,619,211 Monthly revenue required 118,423 YTD revenue required 1,547,861 Difference $99,276 Difference $71,350
from May
September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson.
Third graders will receive their Bibles during the 9:00 am service on September 10. If your 3rd grader would like a Bible, please RSVP to Heather by September 5 so that we can have a Bible ready for them on September 10.
Our 4th and 5th graders will meet this month on September 20 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm in Room F. We will eat pizza, play games, and talk about how God wants our attention! Please bring a Bible, a filled water bottle, and $5 to offset the cost of dinner.
At the end of September the fourth grade class will learn about the sacrament of Communion. After this, 4th and 5th graders will attend the 9:00 am service with their Sunday School classes for Communion.
At St. Andrew's we welcome individuals of all abilities. We provide a ministry for children with special needs called our Super Friends! We had a great time on our Super Friends outings this summer! Our regular Super Friends meetings will start again on October 1. We offer a parent support group and a special children's Sunday school class. Both groups meet on the first Sunday of the month from 10:30 am - 11:15 am.
2023 Trunk or Treat - October 29, 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
It is September! School is back in the normal swing of things and so is the youth ministry! After an action-packed summer, we are excited to continue our momentum into the fall with all of our regularly scheduled programming. High School Youth Group is on Tuesday nights from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Middle School Youth Group is on Wednesday nights from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm. Sunday School for both Middle and High School is during the 10:45 am service on Sunday mornings.
We are always looking for leaders who have a heart for students and want to spend a little time throwing a dodgeball around and engaging in some big conversations. If you, or someone you know, may be interested, please reach out to Tim at
Over the summer, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church dedicated many hours to support the classroom renovations in our White Hall building. The project included a newly renovated Kindergarten classroom and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) classroom!
The STEAM room is the newest classroom at our school and is used by the entire campus in addition to our extended care 4s STEAM Class offering. In this classroom, students will build, experience sensory play, read in the library, cook a meal in the play kitchen, design at the light tables, or tinker with loose parts play. The goal of our STEAM class is to create experiences that will encourage children to be curious, to wonder, to be innovators, and to learn through hands-on play!
A BIG THANK YOU to Steve Olafson, Steve Herzog, Don Spiece, and the Physical & Technical Resources Committee, to Matt Cornett for his donation of electrical services, and to Clint Zamora and the facilities maintenance and custodial crew for all their hard work! The teachers and kids are LOVING this hands-on learning space!
Our summer here at St. Andrew’s has been full with ministry and opportunity and God certainly showed up in big ways. The fall brings anticipation of new things that God is doing in the life of our congregation and in our ministry! As we enter into this fall, it starts with some transition. We want to thank Carl Dahlen and Ronnie Crider who served in amazing ways in temporary rolls (Carl - Pastor Associate, Ronnie - Temporary Assistant Children's Discipleship Director). They both served selflessly and were huge blessings to the ministry that happened over the summer. The end of summer also saw two staff members, moving on to new seasons as well. We said “see ya later” and “thank you so much for your ministry” to Logan Schmidt who has been the Assistant Youth Discipleship Director for the last 2 years and Rev. Connie Randall, our Adult Discipleship Director over the last 6 years! Please feel free to send well wishes and great thanks through the Church Office. Lets make sure they know how loved they are!
Cornerstone Chorale & Brass
The Worship and Music Committee is pleased to welcome the Cornerstone Chorale and Brass in concert on Saturday, October 28, at 2:00 pm. The Cornerstone Chorale & Brass presents a powerful message of reconciliation, healing and social justice through narration and a wide variety of traditional music -- all woven together with newly composed musical interludes to focus on faith and God’s call to reach out in service to those in need. Cornerstone’s 20 paid professional singers, brass quintet, pianist, and narrator are recruited from all over the United States -- and have performed 481 concerts since 1988 across North America. The 2023 Tour will culminate in Cornerstone’s 500th performance!
CALL FOR HOST FAMILIES! The Cornerstone Chorale and Brass will be hosted by the Worship and Music Ministry for a concert on Saturday, October 28. These Christian men and women need housing for a night and transportation back to the church the next day. We need up to 30 host families to be gracious hosts for a night and provide a breakfast the following morning. If you have space in your home to accommodate one or more musicians, please contact Mark Gary at or (520)382-2115.
Women's Bible Study
The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will begin a 10 week study of the Parables on Friday, September 15. We meet in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 am until 11:00 am. A zoom group is also available. Study books are $15. This study is appropriate for all levels of Bible knowledge. We would love to have you join us. For more information or to preregister contact Jan Littlefield at 520-299-6851 or
Men's Bible Study
MOMS Group
St. Andrew’s MOMS Group Bible Study starts back up Thursday, September 14, at 9:00 am! Join us as we work through the study It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee. The study will focus on letting go, hanging on, and finding peace you almost forgot was possible. MOMS group is for mothers of all ages from firsttime moms to grandmothers, as Sisters in Christ supporting and encouraging each other through the challenges of motherhood. MOMS Group will meet every Thursday at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on the main campus. Childcare will be provided. For more details contact Jaclyn Waggoner at or Dianne Schultz
Our morning study consists of a study led by one of our pastors on the current sermons series, prayer requests, and church announcements. We welcome all members and friends of St. Andrew’s as we have an enjoyable time together in sharing, prayer, and study. Join us Thursday mornings at 8:00 am in Alpha on the NE Campus. For more information, contact Pastor Pete Seiferth at or Pastor Mat Grover at
Joyful Hikers
Our Joyful Hikers group is starting back up! This group welcomes women of all ages who enjoy hiking and want to explore God's gift of the great outdoors. Each month there will be at least two hikes planned; our typical hiking days are Tuesdays and Saturdays. We will choose hikes from around Tucson that are for the moderate hiker. The goal of our hikes is to enjoy the scenery and get to know others in the group. During the hike you will always get to enjoy a snack break that includes time for a short devotion. If you are interested in hiking we would love to hear from you. Contact Karin Fiore at for more information and to receive details on upcoming hikes.
Discovering God's Vision for Your Life - Spiritual Gifts Course
What are spiritual gifts for? Who receives spiritual gifts? How can I be sure which spiritual gifts I have? Are spiritual gifts permanent or temporary? What does the Bible say about spiritual gifts? To learn the answers to these and other questions, register for Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts.
Starting on Sunday, September 10, this course will meet every week at 10:30 am and conclude with a celebration on November 19. The celebration will affirm participant efforts and accomplishments and help explore their interests and involvement in using their gifts. A registration fee of $25 covers the cost of materials and supplies. Childcare available upon request. Learn more at
Stephen Ministry
One of the blessings that comes from belonging to a community of believers is that we don’t have to go through our trials alone. In fact, we are called to ‘Bear one another’s burdens.' Stephen Ministry training, (starting soon!), fully equips you to come alongside people during a tough time. Through 50 hours of training spread out over several months, you will learn step-by-step how to listen, pray, encourage, and clearly communicate God’s love and hope. For more information visit or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591
Blood Drive
Can you imagine working in a hospital blood bank and having to tell a doctor you didn't have blood for their patient? Or telling a surgeon they have to cancel surgery because you can't support the blood loss that may occur during the procedure. We're pretty close to that scenario in Tucson's hospital blood banks right now. You have the opportunity to help on September 24 in the Choir Room. Appointments are available from 7:30 am to 12:15 pm. Please give the GIFT of LIFE! Visit and search St. Andrew's to sign up.
Sue Ritz (September 10 - October 15)
In 2005, Master Sergeant Sue Ritz found herself stationed in Doha Kuwait. It was there she first noticed the guard dogs, at the gate with their handlers, the Belgian Malinois. Bomb dogs. She contacted the MP commander and got permission to take photos and tour the kennels. Then, she began painting dog portraits in her billet at night.
The bomb dog paintings were different from her previous attempts at watercolor. Something about them didn’t go away. Back home, she began painting her own pets. Then, other people’s pets. Some of the gifted portraits were not great. But she kept at it.
In 2006 Sue moved to Tucson where she started taking watercolor classes. Slowly she improved. And one subject kept being painted, over and over again, her favorite dog, a border-collie mix named Monty.
My Life in Black and White reflects Sue’s obsession with the now 15+ year-old dog. This exhibit explores the progression of the artist through the aging of her most beloved pet. Early works are less intense and detailed while later paintings show Monty in all his sneaky, intelligent, glory. Something any border collie owner will understand.
Sue works primarily in watercolor but other water media, and surfaces are part of her materials menu. She loves to experiment, always hoping to achieve that feeling of love that dogs express so eloquently through their eyes.
Sue has exhibited her work at the SAWG gallery in Tucson and Tubac Center of the Arts, and in galleries from Philadelphia to Los Angeles.
Susan K. Ritz
MSG Retired U.S. Army National Guard