September 2020 Cross Currents

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SAPC FALL EVENTS While we are practicing safe distancing, there are still a lot of opportunities to connect and be together as we jump into fall! Save the dates for these upcoming events and stay tuned for details!


We know that the pandemic is causing families the stress of providing an education for their children whether it be from home or in-person learning. We want to help take some of the stress away by providing back to school blessings for families with school-age and college-age children. Here’s how it works: The Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry have emailed families asking for participation to receive blessings from another individual or family. The Family Blessings project will begin on September 4 and end on September 25. A Sign-Up Genius will come out online on September 4 so that you can choose a family with children to bless once a week for four weeks. College-age students will receive a back to school care package once during the month of September. Blessing ideas may include: letters or Bible verses, microwavable popcorn, chips, crackers, or other store-bought treats. No homemade baked goods please. Please try to choose a family or college-age student that you may not know very well. We look forward to serving each other with the love of Jesus during this difficult season of our lives!

SAPC FINANCIAL UPDATE July total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

$206,377 147,008 $59,368

Year to date revenue $1,162,005 YTD revenue required 1,262,914 Difference ($100,908)

During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson.




This fall we will be starting a new sermon series that will look at the chapters in Acts post-Pentecost and before Paul’s Missionary Journeys (Acts 3-12). We start to see the followers of Christ becoming a community that eventually formed one of the greatest movements which we call Christianity. Let us learn from the early believers who grew in their faith, faced crisis, and yet shared the Good News of Jesus wherever they went.

DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT Please join us on Saturday, September 5, for our second Drive-In Movie Night! We will be showing Mary Poppins Returns - a great all ages movie! So please come! We will be showing the movie on our SW Campus (by the Sanctuary). The lot will open at 6:45 pm and the movie will start at 7:15 pm. The movie run time is 130 minutes. Bring your snacks, beverages, and a chair and we look forward to having another great night! For questions, please contact Pastor Mat at

OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP OF ST. ANDREW’S Fore! We welcome you to the very first Open Championship at St. Andrew’s (New World Course). Think Trunk or Treat meets Youth Golf Tournament. We invite you and your family and friends to come attend and be a part of this great new event! We will have members of St. Andrew’s design a mini-golf hole, and then invite you to come and play. Only $2 a player will cover your tee time, ice cream, and prizes! Tee Time registrations will be out the first week of September. If you are willing to put together a mini golf hole (with Discipleship Ministry Staff help) please reach out to Shelly Akins at

Register at 2

AN EXPERIENCE AS A CHILD: SAPC MEMBER STORY “I grew up on a farm which was without indoor plumbing or electricity. From the earliest age I was taught the importance of hand washing. We had a cistern outside the back door, and my grandmother was the envy of her neighbors because there was a hand pump at the kitchen sink so she didn’t have to go outside to pump water. Every drop was precious. Nothing was done under a stream of running water. Water for washing dishes, baths, shampooing hair, etc., was heated on the stove. One used the absolute minimal amount

necessary to do the job. But at least we had water at hand, not having to travel miles to get it, or having to decide if we had enough drinking water to get us through the day. I can see that my experience was still far from what the Navajo Nation is experiencing. I knew how to get along with little water, but it was always available. I don’t know how they manage. What do they do for fresh food storage without electricity? I am so hopeful that we can help improve their lives.”

NAVAJO NATION: THE HOLY SPIRIT MOVES We received a call from the Lord to help the Navajo Nation, so given that the parameters were changed due to the Pandemic, we decided to create an opportunity through Service Worship. It is amazing to watch how the Spirit moves through our congregation, providing everything we needed to have a successful trip. We had people helping to sort, pack, and deliver an estimated 3000 pounds of food and supplies! We also have money to ship them water and more detergent and cooking oil as well as other items that they need in the near future.

We have work to be done in the Navajo Nation. We know that the Lord wants us to continue to help our friends at Fort Defiance Presbyterian Church, a little church in desperate need with no pastor but with a beautiful little Sanctuary. We want to thank you for your prayers and submission to the Lord for this project!


Faith that Works Tucson continues to grow for Christ in our city and beyond. We are currently partnering with the Pima County Health Department to provide food boxes that we created for clients who have tested positive for COVID-19. We are also delivering PPE care kits to people whom they refer. We have 12 churches partnering with us to provide shopping and delivery of these food boxes which get left outside each door after notification by phone. We have also recently partnered with J17 Ministries as they have referred 12 Hispanic families in need who are suffering from the effects of COVID, job loss, and not being able to get out and get food and supplies. The Lord is providing us many opportunities for connections and collaboration with like-minded agencies such as the Tucson Community Food Bank, Pima Council on Aging, Pima County Health Department, and Interfaith Community Services. We can do more together. Thank you for continuing to support our incredible ministry. If you would like to be a part of this great need for shopping and delivery, please fill out the form located at Thank you!

Arriving in Fort Defiance reminded us of the poverty in some parts of Mexico. Many people are older and just cannot get around or out to get food and water. One sweet elderly lady just kept telling us, “God Bless You Children!” 3


Even though we are distanced, we will still be giving out Third Grade Bibles. On September 20, Ms. Shelly will honor the Third Graders and this milestone during the 9:00 am service. Then, Ms. Shelly and Ms. Heather will hand deliver the Bibles to each Third Grader. If you’d like your Third Grader to receive a Bible, please let Ms. Shelly know by September 15. You can email her at


Stop by our SAPC Kids YouTube channel and meet Theo the Faith Retriever as he helps Ms. Shelly teach about prayer. These lessons are specifically written for Kinders and Preschoolers, but anyone can enjoy the stories, singing, and life application from Ms. Shelly and Theo.


After talking with our committee and praying, we will not be returning to in-person Sunday School until after schools have been in session in-person for at least a month. This gives kids and families a chance to be exposed to any new germs from school without mixing in germs from Sunday School. Also, we want to make sure that once we start meeting in-person we can continue to meet in-person. This means that we might be returning to in-person services before Sunday School starts up again. You can always join us for Sunday School LIVE each week at 10:15 am on Zoom or watch our Kinder and Preschool videos on the SAPC Kids YouTube channel.

Stay Connected


CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry 4


Youth Ministry is ever-changing and shaping in this time. Tim and Richelle are constantly trying new things to engage with students especially with the start to the school year! For the end of summer celebration we held a movie night and handed out goodie bags for a little encouragement to start the school year off right. We were so grateful for great conversations held with our students and families at our goodie bag pick up. We know how difficult it has been with all of these adjustments but are so thankful to keep our relationships with students going and able to still have great conversations about life and faith. The youth groups are meeting in-person and we are even getting some new students in the process! We are continuing to meet in the NE Campus parking lot from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays weekly with some flexibility due to the monsoon season. Our goal is to cultivate connectivity and encouragement in a time that we can feel very alone and isolated. Because things are constantly changing, we recommend following @sapcyouth on Instagram and Facebook, checking the website, and opening any email updates sent out for updated information. We want to be able to pray and connect with our students and their families so please feel free to reach out to Tim ( or Richelle ( We are looking forward to some creative fall events so be on the lookout!

CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228 RICHELLE KING, Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x 208 5


Friday Morning MOMS Group is BACK! We encourage and welcome all mothers who are in need of ministry, fellowship, and prayer to join us. We will be meeting virtually this semester starting on September 18 and will use the 1st and 2nd Peter online Bible study from You can look for more information to come soon, but in the meantime please feel free to contact Erica Cornett at


FRIDAY MORNINGS We are excited to announce that our Friday Women’s Bible Study will begin on Friday, September 18. We will have discussion and prayer on Zoom with our groups from last year. We will study the book of John using Joy of Living materials. Books are $20. If you are new and want to register or returning and need to order a book, contact Jan Littlefield at 299-6851 or WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Study will begin a new study in January 2021. For further information, contact Linda Sebastian 299-3167 or email

LOVE OVER FEAR BOOK STUDY Join us for our new book study on “Love Over Fear,” by Dan White Jr., Wednesday evenings beginning September 16 at 7:00 pm. “Love Over Fear” is a compelling guide to conquering fear with love in an age of polarization. Hear stories of those who changed hearts and minds through radical love, learn how to practice disarming compassion, and discover the disruptive power of showing affection to monsters.


Faith Uncorked will be Friday, September 18, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food, and encouragement! Zoom or in person TBA, so keep an eye out for more information soon. RSVP to Connie at

For more information, contact Connie Randall at


Bible Study Fellowship Men’s and Women’s Classes begin the week of September 14. This year’s study is “Beginnings” A Study of Genesis and classes will begin online. You may register online at

CONTACT CONNIE RANDALL, Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x211



CHRIST CARING FOR PEOPLE THROUGH PEOPLE That’s the motto of Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Minister’s role is to bring God’s love into the lives of people who are going through a difficult time or experiencing a crisis. What do Stephen Ministers do? They listen, care, support, encourage, and pray with and for a person who is hurting. During these days of social distancing, many of us are reaching out to our care receivers through technology or our phones. And, in the midst of these confidential, one-to-one, caring relationships, God’s healing love comes pouring through. We are so thankful that your St. Andrew’s Stephen Minister team has grown, and we ask that you join us in welcoming the following new Stephen Ministers:

Catherine Stevenson Catherine has lived in Texas all her life where she worked as a RN. She moved to Tucson three years ago. Catherine and her husband Bruce have been married for 16 years, have four great children, son-in-law, and a perfect granddaughter. Todd Huff Todd has been a member of St. Andrew’s since the late 90s. After some life-changing events he felt a calling to train to be a Stephen Minster wanting to give back through this very important and caring ministry. Larry Allen Larry and his wife, Susan, moved to Tucson in 2009 from Pennsylvania upon retiring. They enjoy the Tucson lifestyle and outdoor activities. Larry is on the Astronomy Advisory Board, gives tours for the Mirror Lab, and the Tree Ring Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Susan and Larry feel blessed to be a part of the community at St. Andrew’s.

Cherie Miller-Gray Cherie was born and raised in Massachusetts and is a graduate of Boston University. Cherie has worked for 42 years as an Occupational Therapist/Certified Hand Therapist. She is wife, mother, and grandmother, all of which, with her career, helps to define her. Cherie’s passion to serve the Lord led her to become a Stephen Minister.

Dick Kampa Dick Kampa and his wife Bonnie have been St. Andrew’s members since 2000. He is retired from an international management job with Motorola Communications Corp. Dick has served as an Elder for two terms and has been involved with the mission committee and missionaries for a number of years.

Phil Coleman Phil has been a member of St. Andrew’s since 2016. He is starting his second year as the music teacher at Mountain Vista K-8 School in Oracle. Phil has participated as a musician in St. Andrew’s Youth Ministry, Contemporary Worship, and Traditional Worship on various instruments. He is honored to continue his service to the church as a Stephen Minister.

Liz Boltz Since moving from Pennsylvania to Arizona in 2000, Liz has worked both in the school district and at a Christian pre-school. She has been married for 35 years, has four children and nine grandchildren. In addition to spending time with her grandchildren, Liz enjoys pursuing her crafts hobby which she turned into a small business.

David Schmidt David has been married 28 years to Kimberly and is father to three wonderful kids; Logan, Austin, and Karli. David has been a member at St. Andrew’s for more than 10 years. After 30 years, David retired from Eli Lilly and he currently loves to travel in their RV with Kimberly, working in his wood shop, hiking, and riding his bicycle.

We are so thankful that these wonderful individuals followed the Lord’s calling into Stephen Ministry. To find out about how Stephen Ministry can help you or someone you know, contact us through one of our pastors, the Caring Ministry link on the church website at, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.


SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES Each Sunday morning, we stream two worship services on our website, Vimeo, YouTube, and Facebook. Choose the one that will work best for you! Links are provide at and in our weekly update email. Services will stream live at 9:00 am and 10:45 am and recordings will be available anytime after the service at We also provide a call-in option for those without computer access. You can call by phone to listen to our livestream at 844-470-5750. TROUBLESHOOTING As we continue livestreaming worship, you may occasionally encounter disruptions in your stream. If you ever have issues on a Sunday morning, please know we are working to correct any issues on our end as quickly as possible. Here are some troubleshooting tips you can do to correct issues which may be on your end: • Wait 30 seconds. If you lose the stream, please wait to see if it restarts on its own. • Refresh your screen. Often if there is a delay or interruption in the stream, a simple refresh will correct the issue. • Switch platforms. Each week, we stream our services to three different platforms - Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo. If one isn’t working, another might be. Try switching to see if another platform is streaming. • Switch device. One possibility of an issue might be the device you are using. If you are streaming to your TV, try switching to your phone or your computer. 8

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