September 2021 Cross Currents

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CROSSCURRENTS FROM PASTOR PETE Greetings St. Andrew’s! Can you recall the best sermon you’ve ever heard? Maybe there is a powerful phrase that stuck with you. Or maybe there’s an illustration or story you heard that brought a gospel concept to life. Or maybe, like me, you remember the unplanned things said by children during the children’s message that put everyone into hysterics. More important than remembering a sermon you’ve heard is developing a habit of hearing sermons. This is because every Biblically-based and Christcentered sermon actually has the same message of truth, which has no expiration date: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. By grace, you are loved into a forever family, and God will never let you go. I’ve come to appreciate that my sermons have a limited shelf life in people’s memory banks. This is because sermons are not meant to be remembered. They are meant by God to be a tool used by the Holy Spirit to inspire action and holy living. If you want to impress a preacher, don’t tell them what you remember about their sermon, tell them what you were inspired to do, relying on your faith in Jesus! What risk did you take? What act of love did you demonstrate? What light did you reflect? Jesus gave the best sermon ever and it’s contained in Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7. Referred to as “The Sermon on the Mount,” it contains the core of Jesus’ moral teaching. Jesus teaches His disciples how to live as a part of the community of the blessed, as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Over the next few months, we will be diving deeper into Jesus’ teaching in this greatest sermon ever told. I pray that more than simply being memorable, God will use this series to inspire and lead us to a greater reliance on God and a boldness to act as disciples of Jesus!

NEW SERMON SERIES: BEST. SERMON. EVER. Best. Sermon. Ever. …a series on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7 The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) contains the core of Jesus’ instruction about what it means to live on the earth as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s all of these things: practical, confusing, instructive, meddling, challenging, and life-giving. This sermon series will be a deeper dive into this greatest sermon ever given, sitting at the feet of Jesus as our Teacher, Rabbi, Savior, and Lord. “To read the Sermon on the Mount is to discover what it means to be Jesus’ disciples; to read it with faith is to receive power to be Jesus’ disciples.” - F. Dale Bruner in Matthew, A Commentary.

Counting it all joy, Pastor Pete Sermon Scriptures – September 2021 Series: Best. Sermon. Ever. September 5: Matthew 4:23-5:2 September 12: Matthew 5:3-12 September 19: Matthew 5:13-16 September 26: Matthew 5:17-20






WELCOME TO THE TEAM! Over the summer, SAPC has filled many staff positions with some fantastic new team members! If you haven’t already, please be sure to introduce yourself and welcome them to the SAPC Staff!



Irma Leyva Custodian Kurt VanHassel Maintenance Technician Nolan Coleman Custodian Nannette Pierson Administrative Assistant Daniella Bolin AV Engineer


Attending a new church can be an intimidating experience, trying to get connected can be even harder. Our Discover SAPC: New Members Class exists to help get you plugged into life, community, and ministry as well as help you learn more about the heart of SAPC. Join us September 19 from 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm and enjoy a free lunch and free childcare. To register, visit or contact Barbara Souter at


• Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry Be sure to check out our current listings at job-opportunities or contact the Church Office.

Stop by the Narthex outside the Sanctuary on Sunday, September 19, between services for Get Connected Live! SAPC Ministries will be providing information and invitations for you to sign up! There will also be invitations for getting connected with others to equip and encourage you in your faith journey. Watch for more information in the weekly news!




ALPHA You are invited to an Alpha “Come and See” Launch Party, on September 15, at 6:00 pm in Friendship Hall at St. Andrew’s. Join us for dinner, fellowship, and a video on “Is There More to Life Than This?” Been through Alpha before – come and bring a friend! Alpha is a great way to get connected with others and is for all ages. Questions about life and faith are the theme each week with energetic discussion. RSVP with Connie at or check out details online!

JOYFUL HIKERS Our Women’s Joyful Hikers Group is starting up again in September! This group welcomes women of all ages who want to hit the trail and explore the beauty of the outdoors. Each month there will be a weekday and weekend hike planned. Please contact Karin Fiore at for more information.

FAITH UNCORKED Ladies, come join the fun and fellowship on September 17 for our monthly time together. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff, and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and adult beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of Lisa Best, (6208 N. Camino De Corozal, Tucson 85704). Please RSVP to Connie at Women of all ages are invited as we encourage each other to keep on keeping on in our journey of life and faith!



YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY This summer was full of fun events at SAPC Youth. We had Pool Parties, Water Baseball, and normal Youth Groups in between on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our Volunteer Summer Interns were Edwin Uche, who’s a Junior at Catalina Foothills High School, and Sedona Robinson, a Junior at Salpointe. Together we planned Youth Groups and learned ins and out of Youth Ministry all while they volunteered their Wednesday nights to lead Middle Schoolers ending the summer sharing their testimonies of how God has moved in their lives thus far. We participated in our Middle School Mission Days this summer, where we sorted shoes from the Jim Toole 1k, worked with Beads of Courage on Monday, and on the Thursday we went to Gap Ministries and helped them sort items in their warehouse. We were lucky enough to attend Forest Home this summer. We took 55 Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers to camp with us along with 10 volunteer leaders. God moved in incredible ways, building strong connections between our students and leaders. We were able to dive into deep and meaningful conversations about faith removed from distractions of everyday life, all while enjoying all the fun that Forest Home has to offer. We had an incredible summer at SAPC Youth and we are so excited to jump into the fall with our students.



On August 15, seven third graders received Bibles. Shelly presented the Bibles and Pastor Pete gave each child a highlighter to use when reading their Bibles. During their Sunday School time, the third graders are becoming FBI agents: Faithful Bible Investigators. They will be learning how to use their Bibles throughout the school year.


Children’s Ministry kicked off the school year on August 8! Children we welcomed to their new classrooms by their teachers. This year, the 2s - 2nd Grade are exploring a new curriculum called Simply Loved. With this curriculum kids explore foundations, Jesus-centered journey through God’s story of love. The goal is for children to build a relationship with God, Jesus, their teachers, and each other. Third Graders will explore the Bible and get to know how to use it. Fourth and Fifth Graders will be following Pastor Pete’s sermon series, and will begin attending service once a month in October. Children’s Ministry is looking for a teacher for our 10:45 am Sunday School time. Currently there is not Sunday School at the 10:45 am service, because there is not a volunteer to teach. If you’d like more information about teaching Sunday School, contact Shelly at


Holy Molies, a group for 4th and 5th graders, started in person on August 18. This was the first meeting in person since March 2020. This year the Holy Molies will be exploring and asking big questions such as “Is it ok that sometimes I doubt God?” Oh, and there’s games, food, and fun too!





WITTMAN RINGERS The Wittman Ringers will return this fall beginning with rehearsal on Tuesday, August 31, in the Choir Room. Anyone may join, though experience reading music is necessary. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!!

Please join us in supporting the St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten for their percentage day at Elevate Trampoline Park! When: Saturday, September 18 | 10:00 am - 10:30 pm Who: All ages are welcome! Where: Elevate Trampoline Park (9705 N Thornydale) Feel free to come out any time that day! When you check in, please be sure to mention that you are there to support St. Andrew’s Preschool so that 20% of your purchase can be donated to our school! We so appreciate all your support!

IN MEMORIAM In Memoriam Jerry Loomis | July 29, 2021 Robert Peck | August 8, 2021 Robert Lyons | August 15, 2021

CROSS CURRENTS PRODUCTION CHANGE This year, we will be combining our December and January issues of Cross Currents into one issue. Due to this adjustment, we ask that all articles for December and January be submitted to by November 15, 2021. The due date for the February 2022 issue will be January 15, 2022. Thank you for your help in making this possible. For questions, please contact Amy Grover at

FINANCIAL UPDATE July total revenue


Year to date revenue


Monthly revenue required


YTD revenue required 1,256,259





During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson.





What is a Stephen Minister?

• after 7:30 am service in NE Campus Church Office • after 9:00 am service in SW Campus Info Center • after 10:45 am service in SW Campus Info Center

Stephen Ministers are congregation members equipped and commissioned for caring ministry. They come from many different backgrounds, ages, and walks of life, but all have one important thing in common: a heart for bringing Christ’s healing love to hurting people.

Faith Community Nurses will resume “Second Sunday” Blood Pressure Screening on September 12 . Time and location are as follows:

High blood pressure (hypertension) has been called the “silent killer” because it doesn’t cause pain or discomfort by itself, but can increase the risk of serious consequences such as coronary heart disease and kidney or other organ damage. A visit with one of our Faith Community Nurses will help you learn healthy guidelines to achieve blood pressure reading that are within normal limits.


CPR/First Aid Classes will be given on September 8, 2021, at 4:00 pm (2 hr. training) in St. Andrew’s Knox Building - Room 10. To register, contact Louise Doran at 529-7748 or Cost: $40


Thanks to everyone who donated backpacks, school supplies, or the funds to purchase them. Because of your generosity we were able to give 106 backpacks and school supplies to the homeless children at GRM Women & Children’s Center, the Karenni students tutored by St. Andrew’s members, the Amphi Clothing Bank, and Catholic Social Services for refugee children. Thank you so much for your help!

In short, Stephen Ministers are people like you—caring Christians who want to make a difference in the lives of those going through difficult times. Take Abby, a stay-at-home mom from Ankeny, Iowa, for example, “Becoming a Stephen Minister was the best training I’ve ever experienced. It did a great job of building my confidence and equipping me to better care for others. The biggest lesson I learned was the importance of listening—and it’s helped me not only with my care receiver, but also with my husband and three kids. All the distractions we have today can get in the way of really having meaningful conversations, but Stephen Minister training has helped me to stop, listen, ask follow-up questions, and be more emotionally available. Above all, I learned that God is the One who brings healing. I’m there to walk with my care receiver, listen, and be on the journey with her.” “Whoever you are or whatever experiences you bring, you can learn valuable caring skills through Stephen Minister training.” Would you like to know more about Stephen Ministry? Contact Cheryl Smith at (520) 271-6591 or visit to learn more about the Stephen Minister training that will begin in January 2022!


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