Summer 2024 Cross Currents

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From Pastor John

Jesus called for them and said, “Let the children come to Me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs. - Luke 18:16

Jesus went against the grain of his 1st century culture by putting children first. Kids were to be seen and not heard. They were deemed “nonadults.” Dirty, noisy, stinky, and annoying. Of course Jesus didn’t want to be bothered by the likes of rambunctious, runny-nosed children! Yet Jesus surprises us once again by being so kid-friendly. He mentions this vital truth on other occasions saying, “If you want to enter the kingdom of God, you must receive it like a little child” and “you must change and become like children.” In Jesus’ hierarchy, the smallest are the greatest. Jesus says, “Come and follow Me…” not just to adults. He says, “let the children come to Me, don’t stop them.” The unmarried and childless Jesus absolutely loved kids. And if Jesus welcomed children… so should we.

We talk about childproofing our homes, child-proofing medicine, and child-proof car windows, all for the safety of our children—it’s an act of love to look out for them. One of the things I love about St. Andrew’s is that we aren’t a “childproof church.” We care for our kids’ safety AND we want them to be very much part of our community of faith because they have so much teach us! Children teach us so many things: how to trust, how to forgive, and how to be innocent.

They remind us to be receptive, inquisitive, open, ever asking questions, and always learning and growing and changing. Children also model for us how to keep laughing and smiling, which help us get over our “serious problems.” I need and love kids around me because they protect me from becoming a grumpy old middle-aged man.

Jesus picks up a child for His children’s sermon— it was “show and tell” time. Notice Jesus didn’t pick up an adult. Didn’t lift up a pastor or politician. Didn’t hold up for everyone a scholar or soldier, but a child. Children remind us that we’re children of God. We then realize more clearly that God loves to be in our presence--no matter how much trouble we’ve gotten ourselves into. God sees no one as a problem child, just a prodigal son or daughter that hasn’t come home just yet. And in these sacred moments we grow into, rather than out of our childhood. We become childlike, but not childish.

So as VBS week fast approaches, we commence a sacred week. We have the awesome joy and privilege of loving and pouring into these young children that Jesus welcomes. We can learn from them and they can learn from us about Christ and the great Bible stories. Let’s pray for Heather and our amazing VBS Team and volunteers and our 120+ young lives to be touched in life-changing ways at VBS. What a great and joyous honor we have this upcoming VBS week!


Serve Our Schools - Adopt Me!

Serve Our Schools is July 28! To kick this off, we are collecting shoes for the Amphi Clothing Bank during the month of June! The Amphi Clothing Bank supplies clothing, shoes, socks, and underwear for children living in the Amphitheater School District. Last year, the Amphi Clothing Bank was able to give away 700 pairs of shoes for children in need in the district. Our theme is “Adopt ME!” Think of the age of the child you would like to make sure has a new pair of shoes, and then go shopping for that pair of shoes! Since I have two sons of my own, I like to shop for shoes for boys and purchase two pairs in honor of them. If you don’t like to shop, you can donate to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian

Eagles Wings of Grace


Church and write Service Worship Shoe Drive in the memo space. RuthAnn, Local Outreach Director, will be in the Gathering Place on the weekends of June for shoe sign-ups, and we will also have an online sign-up as well. (The sign up will help us identify the sizes purchased and sizes still needed.)

We will need boys/girls shoes sizes preschool through size 12 for high school. Let our offering be pleasing to the Lord! Thank you for loving our neighbors as ourselves!

Questions? Please contact RuthAnn Smithrud at

Empowering women to thrive with dignity, purpose and hope, Eagles Wings of Grace provides professional attire for women struggling with devastation; working through recovery with the goal to restore dignity, purpose, and hope. Our vision is for every woman to experience the qualities of life that come from achieving economic freedom. Trained volunteers work one on one with women to create a professional wardrobe selected from your donated clothing to aid their job hunting efforts.

Our Upscale Resale Boutique is open to the public each Thursday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Higher end donations are available for purchase. One hundred percent of sales is used for overhead. Private group shopping can also be arranged. Since our beginning in 2007, we have served over 8,000 women. Thanks to our volunteer staff, fabulous donors, and financial assistance from all over Arizona, these women have received the support necessary to reenter the workforce.

Open Monday - Friday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 2925 N. Country Club Drive 520-906-9915





Registration opens June 2

Learn more at

1mission Rocky Point Mission Trip

St. Andrew’s has partnered with 1Mission for the last 12 years. 1Mission describes their organization as “a community development organization giving people in poverty the opportunity to earn a house by serving their community.” “Since 2008, 1,106 families have earned a house by serving 338,273 hours in a variety of locally-led initiatives.” In addition to building homes, 1Mission is very focused on community development. This includes planting a church and a classroom building in the neighborhood where many of the new homes have been built. This will offer local residents the opportunity to both worship and learn new skills from others. The combination of all these efforts is creating a more robust, healthier, and interconnected self-sufficient community. We are proud that St. Andrew’s has supported the work of 1Mission both financially and with our members’ time and talents for the last 19 years.

Backpack & School Supplies Drive

We will collect BACKPACKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES in July for the children at Gospel Rescue Mission, the Karenni children tutored by St. Andrew’s members, one of the refugee agencies and the Amphi Clothing Bank. Items needed: colored pencils, highlighters, crayons, college rule paper, etc. If you don’t know what to buy ask your children/grandchildren or write a check with backpacks in the memo line. Questions? Contact Jan Littlefield at jan.littlefield@ or 299-6851. Thanks for your help.

In October, we will again be partnering with Pantano Christian Church and sending a group to Rocky Point to help build a home. No prior construction experience is needed. There is also the “Los Ninos” program, which is similar to Vacation Bible School and the kitchen crew which prepares food for everyone working on the homes and Los Ninos. If you are interested in helping on any of these teams and seeing firsthand how 1Mission is working in Rocky Point, please join us. The trip will be Saturday, October 5, through Tuesday, October 8. Cost is $230 Individual, $600 Family. Registration opens June 2 and closes August 11 and is limited to 225 people. More information and online application can be found at Please contact Kevin Oxnam if you have any questions at 520-471-3811 or


Volunteer Spotlight

Deacons are doers! Some of what the Deacons do is well known and visible, like the annual Deacon BBQ. The proceeds of the BBQ benefit the Benevolent Fund to help people in times of financial need. Deacons are involved in many ministries that are behind the scenes. They serve a three year term and there are 21 men and women serving now. They meet monthly on the third Tuesday to check in with each other, give reports and get updates on needs of the congregation. These are ministries that Deacons serve: six blood drives a year, assisting at memorial services, coordinating meals for those in need of short term meal assistance, organizing baptisms, arranging communion set up and servers monthly for the 9:00 am and 10:45 am Worship Services and weekly for the 7:30 am Worship Service, coordinating home communion and prayer under the crosses after Sunday services, sending friendship cards to church members who are sick, hospitalized, or homebound, as well as making birthday phone calls.

Are these ministries where you’d like to serve? The Nominating Committee will be nominating seven new Deacons who will be elected at a Congregational Meeting in October and ordained at a worship service in January 2025. Talk with a Deacon who can provide you details about these ministries and let you know the blessings we receive by serving others, and email to express your interest in becoming a Deacon.

Peanut Butter Party Food

Drive Sp r ead the Lov e

WHAT: Collect 10,000 14-16 oz jars of peanut butter for ICS food banks

WHAT: Collect 10,000 14–16 oz. jars of peanut butter for ICS food banks

WHEN: July 1 to July 31, 2024

WHEN: July 1-31, 2024



Please place your 14-16oz PLASTIC JARS of peanut butter on the table in the Gathering Place or the box in the Chapel between July 1-31. Donations can also be delivered to the Northwest Food Bank (2820 W Ina Rd) or the Eastside Food Bank (8701 E Old Spanish Trail) Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 11:00 am. (SAPC Volunteers will collect, count, and deliver the peanut butter to ICS.)

Please place your 14 – 16oz PLASTIC JARS of peanut butter on the table in the Gathering Place or in the box in the chapter between July 1 – July 31. Donations can also be delivered to the Northwest Food Bank (2820 W. Ina Rd) or the Eastside Food Bank (8701 E. Old Spanish Trail) Monday-Friday, 8am-11am. SAPC volunteers will collect, count, and deliver the peanut butter to ICS.

Let’s help Interfaith Community Services (ICS) collect 10,000 14-16 oz jars of peanut butter this July 2024. This is a very friendly competition with other faith communities to see who delivers the most peanut butter jars to ICS by August 1. Let’s give this our best effort! ICS gives about 2,000 PB jars/month to help feed families on school break. SAPC volunteers will collect, count, and deliver the peanut butter

to ICS. To share the opportunity via your social media, tag ICS #ICSpbparty collection drive to your social media posts with your peanut butter jars. Spread the Love and encourage others to pitch in. Questions or need help with spectacularly big donations? Contact Karen Sweet, SAPC/ICS Mission Partner Liaison,


Adult Ministry


Many of our groups and ministries take a break over the summer. To find out about a specific ministry, please contact the leader of that group. Contact information can be found at or contact the Church Office.


Have some time for reading this summer? Why not try out St. Andrew’s Women’s Book club. We will meet again on June 25, 7:00 pm for a discussion of The Girl who Wrote in Silk by Kelli Estes. Check out the public library for a copy. Questions? Contact Katrina Lantz,


Mark your Calendars! The Friday Women’s Bible Study is taking a break for the summer but will resume on September 15 with a study on the Parables. We will do in person and Zoom groups. For more information contact Jan Littlefield at or 520-299-6851.

Preschool & Kindergarten

Thank you for all your prayers and support during our 2023-24 school year! It was a year of growth and positivity on campus, and we are so thankful to all those who commit their time, energy, and finances to help our students learn through play, in a faith based environment.

We need your help for the upcoming school year! You can join our school mission in making an impact in the lives of our students and families through Tax Credit Donation. A donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program helps families choose St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their children’s education. Our school offers the lowest student to teacher ratio in the northwest Tucson area with two dedicated teachers in each classroom, and a full academic curriculum including a Christian education component. Our school works to meet students where they are at developmentally and challenges them to reach their highest potential.

We work with the Institute for Better Education ( and the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization ( to remove any financial obstacles that stand in a family’s way of choosing St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their child’s education. For the past several years, your generous tax credit donations have blessed all of our Kindergarten students with full scholarships to our excellent program! Thank you!

When you give, you can receive a dollar-for dollar credit on your Arizona state income taxes! For the 2024 tax year, you may donate up to the maximum amounts: $2,910 (married couple filing jointly), $1,459 (single taxpayer), or your total tax liability, whichever is less.

For more information and to make a donation today, please visit

You have the ability to invest in future generations and make a significant difference in the life of a child and their family by making a donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program on behalf of St. Andrew’s Kindergarten today!


Youth Ministry


High School Pool Party - June 4

Middle School Pool Party - June 5

Youth Group is back for the summer with our pool parties! We will be beating the heat, splashing around in the pool, playing mermaids, and hanging out with all our friends! The High School Summer Kick-Off Pool Party will be Tuesday, June 4, from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, at the Grovers (1400 W Calle Concordia). The Middle School Summer Kick-Off Pool Party will be Wednesday, June 5, from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm, at the Notts (6730 N. Columbus Blvd). Get ready for a fun-filled summer!


June 10 and June 13

We are continuing our tradition of Middle School mission days during the week of VBS! Mission work is not just something we go and do, it is a part of our life. During the Middle School Mission Days, we will get a chance to serve in our own community and perform acts of Christ’s love. We will be doing two mission adventures following VBS on Monday and Thursday. Students may do one or both of the days. You can register online at!


June 12

Some of you have experienced the amazingness that is WATER BASEBALL! This is your chance this summer to slip-n-slide into home plate! Join us for this combo of baseball, slip-n-slide, kickball, and water shenanigans!


July 7-12, Cost $580

Forest Home is coming up just around the corner! We are beyond excited about this incredible week in the San Bernardino Mountains with students entering 6th grade through graduating seniors! It is an amazing adventure filled with games, worship, teaching, zip-lining, hiking, blobbing, competitions, friendship, and more! We still have some middle school spots available and high schoolers can be added to the waitlist if they are interested! Don’t forget to send in your final payments by June 16!


Children’s Ministry


Our next meeting of Super Friends and parents will be on June 2 at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Rooms. Contact Heather at with questions or to sign up.

There will be NO SUPER FRIENDS meeting in July. We will resume our meetings on August 4.

VBS Donations


We are getting closer and closer to Scuba VBS on June 10-14! We have 117 kids registered so far for VBS as of May 15. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has signed up to volunteer!

Join us to see what we learned during VBS week on Sunday, June 16, at the 9:00 am service. Check out our supply donation list at

We are also asking for donations for breakfast items for our VBS volunteers. We are asking for items such as fruit, muffins, pastries, paper goods, etc. All donations need to be dropped off on the SW Campus kitchen by 8:00 am each morning. Thank you for helping to bless our VBS volunteers!

VBS Decorating Party

Our annual VBS decorating party is June 6 from 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm. VBS is a whole church effort! Come and help make and hang decorations. Pizza will be provided for everyone who comes out to help! Please RSVP to Heather at Childcare is available upon request at


No Children’s Church June 9, June 16, or July 28

There will be NO CHILDREN’S CHURCH on June 9. Heather and Ronnie are making final preparations for VBS! Childcare will be available for kids five years old and younger in Room L.

On June 16, we will be sharing what we learned the week of VBS at the 9:00 am service. Children of all ages are invited to participate in worship for VBS themed songs and some takeaways from those who attended VBS. Childcare will be

available for kids five years old and younger in Room L.

On July 28, we will be participating in Serve Our Schools. There will be a number of family friendly projects, so we hope your family will sign up to help serve! Childcare will be available upon request for on campus projects at


Your Mental Health


Relationships or the pressures of performing at work or school are things we all know can have an impact on our mental health, but sometimes it’s less obvious when it’s the world around you that’s causing problems.

Four things likely affecting your mental health:

• Current Events - 73% of Americans reported being overwhelmed by the number of crises going on in the world.

• Loneliness – a recent survey shows that 58% of U.S. adults are lonely which could have an impact on lifespan equivalent to smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes a day or alcoholism and twice as harmful as being obese.

• Technology – Having the internet at your fingertips can be a fantastic thing, but it’s not without its downfalls. Exposure to constant bad news coverage and contentious political news can make anyone’s mood sour.

• Social Determinants – Gallop poll found 42% of Americans are worried about not having enough money to pay their bills.

Four things you can do to improve your mental health:

• Find your support system – St. Andrew’s can help you find people with similar interests, or help you through stressful times.

• Set tech limits/boundaries – limiting screen time, blocking social media use between certain hours might help.

• Taking action and advocacy for causes you believe in as a form of healing can be powerful.

• Find healthy coping skills – invest some time into figuring out what works best for you in managing your feelings.

Sometimes trying to manage your mental health by yourself can be too much and St. Andrew’s Faith Community Nurses can help you find an appropriate counselor or therapist. Please contact Louise Doran at

Reference: Mental Health America- May 2024

Financial Update

Stephen Ministry

Grief isn’t orderly, neat and tidy, or complete in a year. Your grief may still surface years after a loss. Maybe there is an event in your life that happened many years ago and you’re still sad about it. Sharing stories, remembering, and asking questions with a trusted friend can make a big impact on how you feel. Stephen Ministers can be that encouraging, listening resource that you need.

For more information, please call the church office at 520297-7201 or Cheryl Smith at or 520-271-6591.

Thank you for your support of our ministries. Please contact Brad in the business office at (520)297-7201 if you have questions.

As of April 30, 2024 YTD Offering YTD Expenses Actual $ 594,081 $ 691,428 Planned $ 634,777 $ 786,578 Difference $ (40,696) $ (95,150)

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