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Live Local, Love Local, Support Local

Friday 10 March 2017


WOMEN’S BREAKFAST... The International Women’s Day event in Forbes was well supported by nearly 90 women with a breakfast at Lake Forbes. Inset is Marg Duggan of the Forbes Business Chamber.

Forbes Women Support Gender Parity

Nearly 90 women met for breakfast at Lake Forbes on Wednesday to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD). The women were entertained by the talented singer Maddi Collits, while Cheryl Shirvington and Sandra Nicholson provided a Tai Chi demonstration. The guest speakers reinforced the IWD message of celebrating women and striving for gender equality with Marg Duggan, President of the Forbes Business Chamber providing information on the initiatives the Chamber provides. Dianne Green, a McGrath Breast Care nurse reminded everyone of the importance of monthly breast examinations. McGrath Breast Care Nurses assist individuals, and their families, experiencing breast cancer by providing physical, psychological and emotional support. This support is available for free no matter whether you’re in the private or public health system. Event Info Featuring demonstrations and talks from over 30 exhibitors to showcase the latest in sheep handling equipment, supplementary feeding, animal health and farm management systems. LOCATION Australian National Field days site 563 Borenore Road, Borenore

“A breakfast meeting is ideal for working woman,” said one participant Alpana Mahagankar. Mother nature was kind as the morning was sunny, yet crisp and clear. “It is so nice to have breakfast cooked for us, said Margaret Adams, “”especially bacon and eggs.” International Women’s Day has been held annually since 1911 to celebrate the achievements of women and to strive for gender equality. This year’s theme was BeBoldForChange . Throughout history women have joined together and vindicated inequality to build a better future for their communities, children and themselves. Whether through bold well-documented action or through humble resistance that never made it into history books, women have united for equality and achievement. By Dianne Collie

FORBES SMASH The repair team you can trust Free Quotes • Insurance & Private Work Friendly & Reliable Service • Free Help & Advice Professional Quality Repairs & Refinishing Ph: 6852 2272 or 0497 855 088 • 27 Rankin St, Forbes License Number MVRL51053

Sheep Field Day Tuesday 14th March, 9am FREE ENTRY

P: 02 6362 1588 E: W:

Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in and around

Page 2 Friday 10 March 2017

THUMBS UP... THUMBS DOWN MAYORAL NOTES Forbes hosted the Local Government Heavy Vehicle Access Forum on Tuesday at the Town Hall. It was a great event. We heard from a number of speakers regarding heavy vehicle regulations and it was very informative for those in attendance. The Forbes Sportsperson of the Year Awards were held ‪on Saturday night and I congratulate the winners, especially Darcie Morrison who was awarded the Forbes Advocate 2016 Sportsperson of the Year. The Forbes Seniors Festival has been a great success and we had a fantastic turn out for the seniors variety concert on Sunday. Thanks to Neil and Jane Gilmour for the great job they did in helping to organise the event. Forbes has been announced as a Celebration Community for the Queen’s Baton in the lead up to the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. The baton arrives on Monday, 29th January and we are currently organising the festivities for the day. On Wednesday, Council organised an International Women’s Day Breakfast by the lake and from all reports it was a great suc-

THUMBS UP To the Forbes Lions Club for supporting our community in so many ways. The assistance you provided after the flood is still very much appreciated; along with the day-to-day support you offer to a variety of causes. THUMBS DOWN To the person or persons who allow their unfriendly dogs to roam the streets early mornings on the weekend. It would be much better if you get out of bed, walk with your dogs and please restrain them.

THUMBS UP To the gardening crew at Forbes Shire Council. You’ve done a magnificent job over a very hot summer period.

cess with 90 tickets sold. Last week was the opening of the Forbes High School Wellness Hub and I would like to thank those Councillors who attended the opening. I was also in attendance but a late arrival due to another commitment.


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phone l (02) 6344 1846 email l or web l Postal Address PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804 Editorial Maggi Barnard | Editor | 0403 080 085 Dianne Collie | Reporter | 0414 643 250 Advertising Advertising Deadline Tuesday 4pm if you require design Wednesday 3pm for pre-designed ads Editorial Deadline | Wednesday 10am FREE community newspaper published every Friday

Please sign up on our website to receive the Phoenix via email each week.

The Wellness Hub is a great initiative with Forbes High partnering with local services to support students and families by offering professional support programs and counselling. Mayor Graeme Miller

“Serving the Community” Public Notices


ROUND 1 WINNER... forbes physiotherapy

Development Engineer Due to a vacancy in our workforce, Council is seeking a qualified Civil Engineer to join the Engineering Department in the position of Development Engineer. Contact: David Tinlin, Manager Technical Services on 6850 2874 Applications Close: 5pm, Friday 17 March 2017


Manager Economic and Business Development Council is seeking applicants for the readvertised position of Manager Economic and Business Development. Reporting directly to the General Manager, the primary purpose of this Manager Economic and Business Development role is to promote sustainable economic development and growth in the Forbes region. Contact: Danny Green, General Manager on 6850 2304 Applications Close: 5pm, Monday 27 March 2017 Waste and Environment Officer – ENV014 Council is seeking applicants for the position of Waste and Environment Officer. The primary purpose of the Waste and Environment Officer role is to ensure Council operates in a sustainable manner and continues to meet its Waste and Sustainability Objectives in accordance with the Local Government Act. Contact: Paul Bennett, Director Environmental Services and Planning on 6850 2344 Applications Close: 5pm, Monday 27 March 2017 Graduate Health and Building Surveyor – ENV015 Council is seeking applicants for the position of Graduate Health and Building Surveyor. Located within the Environmental Services and Planning Department and reporting directly to the Manager Development and Compliance, the Graduate Health and Building Surveyor is a 12 month graduate position designed to offer recent graduates the opportunity to gain practical experience in a structured, supportive, learning environment. Contact: Paul Bennett, Director Environmental Services and Planning on 6850 2344 Applications Close: 5pm, Monday 27 March 2017 How to apply for positions with Council: Visit A direct link will be provided directing all applicants to Scout, a web based recruitment application. Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts: The Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008 states that a person who makes a planning application (i.e DA) or submission to Council is required to disclose reportable political donations and gifts made by any person with a financial interest in the application to a Councillor(s) or Council employee(s) within the past two years. Privacy Notification: Submissions made by Council are considered public access documents under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.Personal information such as your opinion, name and address may be made publicly available including via Council’s website.

Forbes Shire Council 2 Court Street, Forbes P: (02) 6850 2300 F: (02) 6850 2399 Email: • Website: All submissions to Council should be sent to: General Manager, Forbes Shire Council, PO Box 333 Forbes NSW 2871 • After Hours Emergency Number: 1300 978 633





Forbes Physiotherapy - Linda Reilly



Forbes Family Dentists - Dr Peter Thompson



Forbes North Public School - Steve McAlister



Central West Glazing



Evolution Mining - Jamie Coad



Forbes Smash



Jelbarts Tyrepower



Forbes Central Butchery - Dean



Central West Diesel



Ian Simpson & Co - Daniel Willis



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If you’ve been wanting a brighter smile, talk to us about custom whitening trays today! Call 6851 5505 or walk in now!

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Friday 10 March 2017 Page 3

QUESTION of the week Market day: The Forbes Handicraft Centre’s next market day is on Saturday, 18th March outside the shop in Lachlan Street from 9am to 1pm. There will be an abundance of home cooking, cakes, slices, jams, pickles and preserves, plants, and fresh eggs.

Year 9 food tech students, Libby Mylepharane and Hannah Stewart helped to serve lunch at the opening of the Wellness Hub at Forbes High last week.

Support for students: The Forbes High School Wellness Hub was officially opened by the Director of Public Schools Maree Angus last Wednesday. The initiative was developed in partnership with local community services to provide students with professional support programs. It was a day of celebration with the school captains and vice captains cutting the cake, Maddison Collits performing the Missy Higgins song Everyone’s Waiting and a delicious lunch prepared by the Year 11 and 12 hospitality class. Students enjoyed a barbeque prepared by Forbes Neighbourhood Watch, while a number of service providers, such as Binaal Billa, Centacare, and a National Disability coordination officer set up information stalls for students. Carewest provided Fun with Drums. End of disaster relief: The Lions Disaster Relief Funding in the Forbes Shire will wrap up 31st March. The Forbes and District Lions Club has been providing flood relief vouchers to local residents from September last year. As there is no longer any demand for the vouchers the Lions Club will close off the funding. Vouchers will still be valid until 30th June for use. For assistance until the end of the month call 0419 463 803.

Radio news: At the Lachlan Valley Community Radio AGM held recently John Berger was re-elected as president. Other office bearers are vice president, Rod Brown and Bill Stevenson; treasurer, Kerry Stevenson and secretary, Alison Coe. The Forbes station broadcasts close to 105 hours each week with on-air presenters, and do community service announcements free of charge. Clean Up Australia Day: A total of 84 volunteers turned up on Sunday for Clean Up Australia Day. The numbers were boosted by a good turn out of 64 Red Bend boarding students. The volunteers collected approximately 94 bags of rubbish around Forbes. The main items picked up were drink and food containers or wrappers. During the week nine schools also took part in the clean up effort. The NSW government plans to introduce a container deposit scheme with a 10-cent refund for empty beverage containers on 1st December to help curb littering.

Katy and Pete Stipp were among the 84 volunteers who helped to clean Forbes on Sunday.

St Gregory’s College Campbelltown

What do you do to remain fit and healthy?

Kerry Acheson: I eat lots of vegetables and have plenty of exercise. In addition, I have six beautiful grandchildren (and another on the way) who keep me very active.

Best friends Colleen Dean and Ann Mackay: We walk three to five kilometres every day, Monday to Friday. We also play lawn bowls every week and enjoy eating lots of lovely local fruit, especially the tomatoes at the moment.

Husband and wife Daniel and Patricia Maxwell: We walk around our lovely lake here in Forbes every morning and make sure we don’t eat junk food. We also believe strongly in keeping our minds healthy by painting (Daniel) and by singing (Patricia).

St Celebrating Gregory’s College Campbelltown 90 years of Marist Education and Boarding Celebrating 90 years of Marist Education and Boarding


GRIFFITH: Griffith Exies Club – 6.00pm Friday 24 March 2017

GRIFFITH – Griffith Exies Club – 6.00pm Friday 24 March 2017 HILLSTON: Private Home – Saturday 25th March 2017 HILLSTON – Private Home – Saturday 25th March 2017 WEST WYALONG: Royal Hotel – 6.00pm Saturday 25th March 2017 WEST WYALONG – Royal Hotel – 6.00pm Saturday 25th March 2017 th March 2017 HARDEN: Private Home – 11am Sunday 26th HARDEN – Private Home – 11am Sunday 26 March 2017

considered Gregory’s College College for son’s secondary education? HaveHave youyou considered StStGregory’s foryour your son’s secondary situated on vast acreage the Hillsin ofthe the Hills Macarthur St Gregory’s education? situated on vastinacreage of the Area Macarthur Area StCollege Gregory’s is steeped in history and remains dedicated to providing a holistic education which College is steeped in history and remains dedicated to providing a holistic education enhances each student academically, spiritually, socially, and culturally and and which enhances each student academically, spiritually, socially, and culturally physically. OPEN DAY IS EVERY DAY FOR INTERESTED FAMILIES physically. OPEN DAY IS EVERY DAY FOR INTERESTED FAMILIES For information and bookings contact: Kate Stott, Registrar on (02) 4629 4269 For information and bookings contact: Kate Stott, Registrar on (02) 4629 4269 Email: or Email: or

We welcome new boarders from Griffith, Cooma, Muttama, Tumblong, Quaama, Canberra, Narrabri, Jerrara, Parkes, Ryalston, West Wyalong, We welcome new boarders from Griffith, Cooma, Muttama, Tumblong, Quaama, Sanctuary Point, Gundagai, Bourke, Berridale, Wellington, Bethungra, Canberra, Narrabri, Jerrara, Parkes, Ryalston, West Wyalong, Sanctuary Point, Bathurst, Cootamundra and Wallendbeen. Gentlemen, Welcome to the Gundagai, Bourke, Berridale, Wellington, Bethungra, Bathurst, Cootamundra and St Gregory’s College Community

Wallendbeen. Gentlemen, Welcome to the St Gregory’s College Community

Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in and around

Page 4 Friday 10 March 2017

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Consider St Gregory’s For Your Son’s Secondary Education

SINGING TOGETHER... Forbes College for Seniors Singers were a popular act at the seniors variety concert on Sunday.

Seniors Savour Energy, Experience And Happiness

By all accounts the Forbes seniors put in a great effort to do more together during the NSW Seniors Festival with many different events on offer around town. The theme for the this year’s festival was Let’s Do More Together. Tanya Davies, Minister of Ageing said it was about celebrating our seniors for their energy, experience and unique ability to know what inspires and makes them happy. The festival kicked off last Friday with more than 100 people enjoying a community barbeque at Jemalong Residential Village. The consensus was “it was a lovely lunch” and the sing along with Paddy Molloy and Ray Lassere was “really great”.  Neil Gilmour, organiser of the seniors variety concert in the Forbes Town Hall on Sunday estimated there were over 150 audience members. “They were very receptive to all the performances, including James Janetski, Barbara Bruce, Richard Morgan and Forbes College for Seniors,”

said Neil. According to Sam Rath over 50 people enjoyed morning tea on Monday at Mater Aged Care. There were lucky door prizes, raffles and local soprano, Patricia Maxwell sang, ‘What a wonderful world it would be,’ accompanied by pianist Barbara Bruce. “I sing mainly to encourage resident’s involvement,” said Patricia. The final event of the festival takes place today from 10am to 12pm at the Forbes Men’s Shed located at the Forbes showgrounds. Pop around to hear more about the exciting plans for Men’s Shed to open up a new premises in Union Street later in the year. President, Norm Haley said they looked forward to tripling the space, increasing their opening hours and the number of members. They currently have 47 members ranging in age from 14 to 95 years. By Dianne Collie

St Gregory’s College is a boarding and day secondary college in the hills of the Macarthur region in Sydney. Founded in the Marist tradition and operating since 1926, the college remains dedicated to providing a holistic education enhancing each student academically, spiritually, socially, culturally and physically. St Gregory’s offer full time boarding with three junior and two senior boarding houses with each boy having his own space and privacy in a home style environment. Boarders come from all over country NSW, ACT and NT. With a focus on academic excellence, the dedicated staff, many of whom live on site, provide guided and supervised tuition and study periods each night. With a state of the art TAS facility, music facilities, refurbished science labs and new IMAC labs, not to mention the college’s own swimming pool, gymnasium, basketball and tennis courts, cricket and football fields and fully functioning farm, St Gregory’s facilities are of a high standard. A recent addition is the new learning centre and refurbished dining rooms. The boarding and tuition fees combined are comparatively lower than many other independent boarding schools’ fees in NSW. St Gregory’s offer a myriad of courses, including agriculture and primary industry, and assists students in choices for future studies. The St Gregory’s College family has a unique spirit with a sense of belonging. The challenge is to impart the qualities that will provide a source of strength to each individual, enabling them to take an active and responsible role in society in the spirit of the gospel as expressed in the college motto: “As you sow, so shall you reap”. For more information visit: www.stgregs.

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Friday 10 March 2017 Page 5

Rangers Program For Aboriginal Youth “Aboriginal kids are asking for their heritage. They want to know why their parents don’t talk to them about it.” Peter White, founder of Wiradjuri Cultural and Environment Rangers (WCER), said it was time to forget the past and start building the future. WCER is a non-profit organisation aiming to assist aboriginal youth and their families improve their cultural, social and economic conditions by employing them as rangers. Youth rangers from 14 to 19 years, and rangers 20 years and older, will assist in feral pest and weed control, identifying and protecting endangered species, manage natural environments and help visitors enjoy national parks. They will also facilitate

cultural training and art groups. “The intention is also to work with job agencies and assist within the juvenile justice areas for our youth,” said Peter. He also hopes the program will help break down cultural barriers by inviting non-aboriginals to learn about aboriginal culture. WCER will initially be concentrating on the Parkes/Forbes region. “It is important we put boots on the ground to get things done and achieve goals to gain credibility,” said Peter. The Council of Elders will be consulted on 10th March and the WCER inaugural meeting will be held on Monday, 13th March. By Dianne Collie


New Speed Tillers At McClintock McClintock has new Kubota speed tillers available for the start of the sowing season. A key factor for seed germination is the even incorporation of straw and residues. Kubota has designed the CD1000 and CD2000 series to comply with these requirements. It also offers the farmer a versatile machine, which is ready for shallow, as well as, deeper cultivation. And, not to forget, the mixing of the straw, performance with large amounts of residue (straw, intermediate green crops, etc.), good penetration and cutting quality, output, simple adjustment and minimum maintenance costs. Contact McClintock, your local Kubota dealer for a demonstration. Keeping the magic of farming alive.

With autumn upon us, so is the sowing season for many farmers.

New Kubota Speed Tillers



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Ungarie Road West Wyalong | Phone: 02 6972 2288 | Fax: 02 6972 3753 Angus Clarke Drive Forbes | Phone: 02 6852 1200 | Fax: 02 6852 2251 Berrys Lane Grenfell | Phone: 02 6343 1422 | Fax: 02 6343 1105

Mill Street Canowindra | Phone: 02 6344 1208 | Fax: 02 6344 1845 E:

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Page 6 Friday 10 March 2017

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Brian King, owner of Central West Diesel, completed his apprenticeship at Cummins before returning to work in Forbes in 1978. He became a partner at Central West Diesel in 1991, and took over the business in 1994. He started expanding the business and built it up to its current 12 full-time staff members. Today Central West Diesel provides a full range of services, repairs and heavy goods vehicle parts and accessories to truck drivers throughout central NSW, from Oberon to Condobolin and everywhere in between. With its fleet of support vehicles, Central West Diesel offers roadside assistance anywhere in the central west of NSW. To find out more about services, or to book a truck in for services, call Central West Diesel on 6851 4999.

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Friday 10 March 2017 Page 7

RURAL ROUNDUP New Feeder Can Cut Workload In Half With stock prices high at the moment, and local farmers having plenty of grain over from harvest, now is a good time to invest in a new supreme feed processor from Supreme International available at Forbes Machinery Centre. A supreme feed processor is a powerful feed cutter that allows you to accurately process all types of roughage into uniform lengths. It is also a thorough feed mixer that blends feed and feed additives into a single, uniform ration without grinding or damaging the feed. Finally, it is an efficient feeder that allows you to discharge ration in even, measured amounts for unparalleled control of your feeding operations. Supreme feed processors are more durable with simple, professionally engineered designs, minimal moving parts and premium quality components that will reduce downtime and fewer maintenance related costs. Supreme feed processors cut material uniformly, and cleanly, so you don’t lose food value, while the mixing action is gentle and accurate to thoroughly blend feed and additives. Employing four separate auger patents, the Supreme will cut and mix material simultaneously and can reduce your daily workload by up to 50 per cent over most other vertical mixers. Over the course of a year, the speed and accuracy advantages will translate into substantial savings in time, labour, fuel, and feed costs. For enquiries call Forbes Machinery Centre on 6852 3211 or visit at 2 Parkes Road.

Jemalong Wool Weekly Market Update The NRI continued to explore uncharted territory with a 52 cent increase to close at 1582c/kg, making 2017 the best start to the calendar year since 2011. From the opening bid on Wednesday, prices jumped quickly and continued to strengthen throughout the day to close 30-50 cents dearer. Thursday saw more increases, with the NRI adding a further 22 cents to the 32 lift achieved the previous day. The skirting market followed the lead of the fleece and experienced rises of 50 to 80 cents compared to the previous sale, with some finer better style types recorded increases in excess of 100 cents. The crossbred market maintained its renewed support and managed to post increases for the third consecutive week, generally increasing by 20 to 40 cents. The oddment market did not get left behind with a 12 cent rise in the Northern region. The sharp increase in prices has encouraged more sellers into the market, pushing next weeks offering to 47,500 bales.

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Page 8 Friday 10 March 2017

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#MONTEfamousreview To celebrate International Women’s Day we “tip the hat” to three inspirational Australian women. 1. COLLEEN SHIRLEY PERRY SMITH (1924 –1998). Mum Shirl was a prominent social worker and activist committed to justice and welfare of Aboriginal Australians. The Wiradjuri woman was a founding member of the Aboriginal Legal Service, the Aboriginal Medical Service, the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, the Aboriginal Children’s Service and the Aboriginal Housing Company. She was awarded an Order of the British Empire, an Order of Australia and was an Australian National Living Treasure. 2. NANCY BIRD WALTON (1915–2009) became Australia’s first paid commercial pilot in 1935. In her late teens she flew an aerial babies’ clinic for outback stations in western NSW and Queensland, and in 1950 founded the Australian Women Pilots Association. 3. MARIE BYLES (1900–1979) was the first female solicitor in NSW and the first woman to set up a legal practice. She lectured for the League of Nations Union before World War II. Marie was a tireless champion of both women’s rights and conservation, and is credited for establishing the Bouddi National Park in 1932.


Sydney-raised spy Nancy Wake was the most decorated Australian servicewoman of WWII. She was a young freelance journalist before she joined the French Resistance, and was trained in espionage by the British, and was renowned for eluding capture. What was the Gestapo’s code-name for her? a) The Black Cat b) The Red Fox c) The White Mouse. See answer at the bottom of page 10 under What’s On.

HAVE HEART, GIVING LOVE! HOUSE OF TRIBES – WE STILL HAVE HEARTS House of Tribes sophomore album, We Still Have Hearts, sees the band mature and create a full, deep and meaty sound. The local Forbes band has successfully experimented with new variations on their indie folk sound. We Still Have Hearts is a mixture of folk, pop and rock with a sprinkling of hip hop. I have not stopped listening to this album since I received my copy. This is a beautifully crafted and lyrically masterful album. We Still Have Hearts is a #Montefamous must get for March! House of Tribes launches their album tonight at the Forbes Services Club at 6:30pm.

MOVIEMagic LION Five year old Saroo gets lost on a train which takes him thousands of miles across India, away from home and family. Saroo must learn to survive alone in Kolkata, before ultimately being adopted by an Australian couple. Twenty five years later, armed with only a handful of memories, his unwavering determination, and a revolutionary technology known as Google Earth, he sets out to find his lost family and finally return to his first home. Catch this movie at the Forbes Services Memorial Club Cinema.

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Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in and around

Nicky-May’s 73-77 Rankin St, Forbes Phone 02 6851 1595

March Workshops

4 March Pin-Wheel Quilt Workshop 9.30am start 11 March Shoulder Bag Workshop 9.30am start 18 March Jelly Roll Quilt Workshop 9.30am start 24-26 March Wellington Craft Camp

March Classes

7, 14, 21, 28 March Natalie’s Class 6pm - 9pm

2, 9, 16, 23, 30 March Kids Club 3.30pm - 5.30pm

CLASSIFIEDS Rooms, Cladding, Patios & Carports (BL83737C) As on TV. Phone 6341 3122 FORBES PHYSIOPHERAPY Linda Reilly APA Titled Sports Physiotherapist 3-5 Spring Street Forbes Phone: 6852 1000 Forbes Netball Association 11 years carnival team coach Applications close March 31. email State-coaching qualifications & experience and/or playing experience AGISTMENT WANTED Long term Agistment wanted for Cattle. Call 0439 029 204. THINKING OF MOVING? Want to do it yourself, then Call Potts Removalists Now for Self-Move Truck Hire on 6862 2253. Good rates available

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OUR Bloke

YOUR Wealth Matters

Aidan Clarke

Get On Top Of Your Finances In 5 Easy Steps

How long have you lived in Forbes and what do you like about living here? I have lived in Forbes my whole life, 21 years. Forbes is my home and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Where do you work and what do you enjoy most about your work? I work at Forbes Learning Ladder as a room leader. The thing I love most about my job is watching the children grow and learn each and every day. What do you do to unwind after work and on weekends? Well I am going to be completely honest and say if I am not fishing or having a few tips at Randwick on a Saturday, then I will be parked in front of the TV watching something sporty. What are you really good at? I am happy to be an average guy. That said I am really good at caring for and educating kids and received acknowledgement for the 2017 Junior Citizen of the Year. If you could have a super power, what would it be? To be a genius and to help find a cure for some of these dreadful diseases on our planet. What is your pet hate? My pet hate without a doubt would be leaving the toilet seat up! I am a bloke, but you must remember I work with women and have to keep my eye on it! Tell us about your best holiday ever. Like I said I love Forbes! Well…. we took a drive to Bogan Gate once!

To place a classified ad please contact


4 Clarke St, PARKES P 6862 2346 E

Friday 10 March 2017 Page 9

All maintenance and priorities for emergencies. Specialising in domestic, commercial and rural plumbing.

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Here are 5 easy ways to start taking control of your financial situation… remember, money is just a servant, you are the master! Step 1: Review your financial situation The only person responsible for your financial situation is you. Work out where your finances are right now. Write down what assets and debts you have, take away your debts from your assets and see how you’re travelling. Step 2: Take control of your debt If you have debt, it’s important to ensure you’re getting a good deal on your interest rate, possibly look at consolidating loans to reduce interest, and pay well above the minimum repayments so that the debt is paid off ASAP. GOLDEN RULE: Pay off credit card debt every month. Step 3: Build an emergency fund. It’s hard to get ahead financially if you’re not saving anything. Start saving some money from every pay cheque and build up an emergency savings account. Step 4: Be your own super hero Most people don’t understand superannuation because no one has explained it to them. Super is simply a way to save money for your retirement and pay less tax on the money. You have enormous control over it and once you understand the power of super, you’ll pay attention from that moment forward. Step 5: Invest in financial education Hopefully the ideas in this article are starting to give you a heads-up that managing money isn’t really that hard once you learn how. Spend a day at a Wealth Train workshop and let us share 15 years of experience with you to give you all the tools you need! Cheers, Daniel

Page 10 Friday 10 March 2017

BE Seen

Your free weekly guide to what’s happening in and around


10 Mar

10 Mar 11 Mar Present at the recent Wiradjuri Cultural and Environment Rangers (WCER) meeting were (L-R) Peter White (Founder of WCER), Russell Spencer (Fish Care Volunteer), Joanne Lenehan (Office of Environment and Heritage), David Acheson (Forbes Aboriginal and Community Working Party) and Sergeant Scott McWhirter. (See report of meeting on page 5.)

11 Mar 12 Mar 12 Mar 14 Mar 18 Mar

20 Mar

Marg McDonald, Marie Lambert and Betty Lamrock enjoyed the Seniors Week morning tea at Catholic Healthcare Mater Aged Care on Monday.

27 Mar

3 Apr

8 Apr

14-15 Apr 25 Apr Murray and Maureen Field like to support Catholic Healthcare Mater Aged Care and enjoyed the morning tea on Monday for Seniors Week.


Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Ava and Ebony Percy with their friend, Jazz Nash loved their turn in the Fire Engine at the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Forbes North Public School last Saturday.

locally first!

House of Tribes new album launch at the Forbes Services Memorial Club at 6:30pm. Free show for the album We Still Have Hearts, with special guests pack A Day, Salt To The Wound, XiLE and Civil Hands. Eugowra CWA meeting at CWA rooms at 11am. Frances Anderson will talk about Nepal after attending a CWA of NSW study weekend in Canberra. The first Forbes Rotary Ipomoea market of the year at Sir Francis Forbes Park in Camp Street from 8am to 12.30pm. Come and find a bargain – lots of local handicraft, produce, cakes. Plants and bric-a-brac! Netball Come and Try Day at the Forbes netball courts from 10am to 12pm. All new and returning players are invited, free sausage sizzle afterwards. High Tea at Café Aglio & Olio, next to Spotlight. Cost: $38pp/$42pp gluten free. Bookings essential on 6851 5599. Bingo at the Trundle Golf Club at 10am. Trundle Royal Far West Sunshine Club monthly meeting at the Op Shop at 1:15pm. Forbes Handicraft Centre Market Day outside the shop in Lachlan Street from 9am to 1pm. There will be an abundance of home cooking, cakes, slices, jams, pickles, preserves and plants, as well as fresh eggs and in season produce. Social Media: Basics Workshop at Forbes Services Memorial Club at 2pm and 5.30pm. Cost: $25 for non-Business Chamber members + booking fee, Forbes Business Chamber Members free admission. Contact Kate on 0424 283 792 or email Social Media: Advanced Workshop Forbes Services Memorial Club at 2pm and 5.30pm. Cost: $25 for non-Business Chamber members + booking fee, Forbes Business Chamber Members free admission. Contact Kate on 0424 283 792 or email Email Marketing Workshop at Forbes Services Memorial Club at 2pm an 5.30pm. Cost: $25 for non-Business Chamber members + booking fee, Forbes Business Chamber Members free admission. Contact Kate on 0424 283 792 or email Opera for Ava @ Red Bend College Main Hall from 3 – 5pm with principal soloist for Opera Australia, Dominica Matthews with Diego Torre from Mexico and Kathleen Moore from Canada. Tickets $85 available at Hazell and Field in Forbes or send email to Go to the Opera4ava Facebook page for more information. Tullamore Irish Festival over Easter with Peter Byrne & Celtic Beat, Damien Leith and Celtic Sirens. For more information visit Biggest Morning Tea in the Forbes Handicraft Centre shop in Lachlan Street starting at 10am. Entry fee of $5 to be paid directly to the Cancer Council. Free tai chi classes sponsored by the Forbes Shire Council every Tuesday from 10-11am at the Uniting church hall, Browne Street, Forbes. Morning tea provided. No experience necessary, loose clothing, flat shoes. Contact Cheryl Shirvington on 6851 2099 or Sandra Nicholson on 0437 522 778. The Forbes and District Lions Club meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at the Vandenberg Hotel at 6.30 for 7.00pm. Call Peter Bright on 0419 463 803 or Ray Judge on (02)6852 2143 for more information. The Rotary Club of Forbes Ipomoea meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Plainsman Motel at 7am. Call Sue-anne Nixon on 6851 5197 for any information. The Adult Survivors of Child Abuse - Cowra Support Group meets on the first Friday of each month at 12:30. Open to all survivors of any community. If interested contact Pascale on 6342 1612. Members come as far as Canberra, Temora, Forbes, and Eugowra. All details on:

Topical Trivia answer: c) The White Mouse

Parkes Rd, Forbes (next to Hozpots) PO Box 586, Forbes NSW 2871 Phone: 02 6852 4288 Fax: 02 6851 1151 Email: Website:

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Friday 10 March 2017 Page 11


Keeping you fit for life


John Shaw in the Cowal gold mine open pit. He is one of the 64 Forbes residents employed at the mine outside West Wyalong.

Glittering History Secures Future For Many Gold has played a significant role in the history of Australia starting in 1851 with the Bathurst gold rush. More than 150 years later, the Cowal gold mine near West Wyalong announced a modern day “gold rush” last month with its board approving an investment of approximately $270 million to increase production and extend the life of mine by eight years to 2032. Rated among the top five biggest gold mines in Australia, total production is set to increase to 1.2 million ounces.

ICONIC PARKES TOWN CLOCK INVESTMENT CBRE is pleased to present 157-159 Clarinda Street, Parkes a freehold commercial investment property located within the heart of Parkes.


• Entry level investment property • Annual net income $43,820.71~ • Established national tenants • Land size of 822sqm* • Significant growth region • Iconic Town Clock building within Parkes and held as an investment The property will be sold by way of Public Auction: Wednesday, 22nd March 2017 at 11:00am Level 29, 177 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060 For further information please contact the exclusive selling agents below: Aaron Arias Metropolitan Investments 0403 674 599 *approximately

Toby Silk Metropolitan Investments 0422 143 813 ~supplied by the vendor

Just as all the discoveries of gold all over Australia has boosted the economy, an immediate benefit of the Cowal mine expansion is an increase in employees with 48 new operators in the open pit and the plant. Community Relations Officer at the mine, Tony Glasgow said interviews for the new positions had already started this week. The mine currently employs about 400 staff and contractors from the Forbes, Bland and Lachlan Shires, with 64 residents catching the bus from Forbes. The new investment will deliver two major projects over the next four years: the E42 stage H cutback and the dual leach project. The E42 stage H cutback will widen and deepen the existing open pit by at least 80m. The pit is currently 340m deep. This has been made possible by a 145% or 2.28 million gold ounces increase in Cowal’s ore reserves since Evolution acquired the operation in 2015. The Dual Leach project will add an additional leaching circuit to the processing plant to target a four to six per cent increase in gold recoveries. Situated on the banks of the largest inland lake in NSW, Lake Cowal, the mine site has natural beauty not easily found at mines. Hundreds of emus, locally known as bush chooks, roam freely, as well as wallabies, kangaroos, 277 bird species and the dealy tiger and brown snakes. The environmental sensitivity of the mine site has not been without controversy, but according to Tony the mine operates to very high environmental standards to ensure the least possible impact. Cowal has received ISO14001 certification for mining and ore processing operations and support services for gold and silver production. Evolution Mining bought the Cowal gold mine from Barrick Gold in 2015 and described it as one of the most attractive gold assets in Australia. Cowal is the biggest of the six mines in the group.

With pre-season training for winter sports commencing, it is a relevant time to discuss sports related head injuries and consider what can be done to prevent or minimize the impact a concussion injury has on an athlete. In the medical world, a concussion is considered a mild traumatic brain injury. Concussions occur not only from direct contact of the head with a solid object but also when indirect forces cause the brain to move rapidly within the skull such as a fall on the buttocks or a whiplash injury. Contrary to popular belief, you can sustain a concussion without losing consciousness. Common symptoms of concussion include headaches, memory and concentration difficulty, decreased balance and coordination, drowsiness, vomiting and light or sound sensitivity. The ability to perform normal activities with the same speed, reaction time and precision as prior to the injury is often significantly altered. When managed appropriately most signs and symptoms are temporary and resolve within seven to 10 days, however complications can occur including prolonged duration of symptoms and increased susceptibility to further injury. There is also growing concern about the potential long-term consequences of multiple concussions. The brain needs time to heal and rest after a concussion. This includes rest from both physical activity and cognitive loads. Returning to sport too early increases the chances of another concussion. It is worth considering performing baseline testing such as a SCAT-3 or King Devick Test in the pre-season to establish a benchmark offering comparison when an athlete has sustained a concussion. This helps determine when they are ready to return to sport. “For the fitness of you” Linda Reilly

Linda Reilly


APA Titled Sports Physiotherapist 3-5 Spring Street Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone 02 6852 1000

Page 12 Friday 10 March 2017

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Going fishing this weekend?

Childhood Dream Comes True For Darcie Darcie Morrison’s blazing performance on the Rugby Sevens world stage the past year won her the Forbes Advocate 2016 Sportsperson of the Year last Saturday. Darcie, who could not attend the ceremony, was honoured to be nominated and selected by her peers and the community. Ever since attending the Sportsperson of the Year Awards at the age of about 10 she has always wanted to win this award. “I encourage all sports people to give back to the community sporting organisations that have made all this possible,” she said. The fact that she only started playing rugby sevens in 2015 makes her sporting achievement so much more impressive. It did not take very long for her to be noticed and she was selected to play for Australia at the World University Championships in Wales last year where she scored five tries and was awarded players player. Darcie went on to captain the CSU Rugby Sevens team at the Australian University Games in Perth. The team went through the competition undefeated and won the gold medal. Darcie scored all but two of the tries. She was again named players player. She was also invited to play with one of two Australian teams at the Central Coast Sevens in October last year and she played for NSW in the 2016 National Championships where they finished as runners-up to Queensland. The list continues with Darcie named 2016 Blue Belle – NSW Rugby Sevens player of the year, she was invited to play in the Australian Development team at the Darwin Sevens in January, she played an invitational game with the Australian development team against Ireland in Sydney in January and was invited to tour with the Australian development team to Japan in February.

GREEN AND GOLD… Darcie Morrison in the Australian University team streaks away to score one of her two tries against Portugal at the World University Championships in Wales last year.

Queen’s Baton Relay Comes To Forbes Forbes will be one of eight overnight stops in NSW in the Queen's Baton Relay for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. The Queen’s Baton will travel through Australia for 100 days from 25th December, visiting Forbes on Monday 29th January next year. Mayor Graeme Miller said the event presented the Forbes Shire with a unique opportunity to showcase what we have to offer to the rest of Australia and the world. Nominations are now open for all Australians to take part in the Queen’s Baton Relay. You can nominate someone as 3,800 baton bearers are needed across Australia. If you know someone who has achieved something extraordinary or inspired others, or has made a significant contribution to either sport, education, arts, culture, or charity in the community, you have time until 15th May to nominate them on the website:

Send in your catch to for your chance to win a $25 voucher from Loomzy's Fish 'n' Fix!

Croquet News The Forbes Croquet Club has decided to keep up with technology and set up a Facebook page to be more accessible to people interested to play or join the club. You can find them at Forbes Croquet Club Inc. A reminder to all members the general meeting is on Tuesday. If you would like to add an agenda item, contact Anne Stewart on 6851 5320, or add to the list at the croquet grounds. A big thank you goes to the Forbes Council staff for the extra work to greening the lawns and to Tony Thompson for helping out. The heat has taken its toll on the lawns. The last few weeks croquet games have been well attended as the mornings are becoming cooler. Our outstanding players with full scores of three games in golf croquet on Tuesday, 28th February were Jeff Liebich, Mary Hodges and Bruce Field. In Aussie croquet on Saturday, 4th March, full scores of three games were played by John Cole, John MacCullagh, Kevin Rubie and Bill Scott. By Anne Stewart

Junior Rugby The Forbes Junior Rugby Union Club is gearing up for a big season with registration numbers already up on previous years. Junior Club President Paul Shepherd said there were strong numbers already registered in Wallas, 13s, 15s and 17s. Official training starts for the Wallas (7,9,11s) on Friday, 24th of March at 5:30 to 6.30pm followed by a sausage siz-

zle. Official training starts for 13s 15s and 17s on Tuesday, 14th March from 5.30 to 6.30pm and will continue every Tuesday and Thursday nights. If you can’t make it to training but want to register, email or on Facebook: Forbes Junior Rugby.

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