The Hilltops Phoenix Issue 6

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Live Local, Love Local, Support Local

Thursday 7 April 2016


Seniors Week a hit across the Hilltops Seniors Week NSW 2016 has so far proven a hit for the senior citizens of our community, with those people partaking in numerous activities during the week. Events for the occasion were most prominent in Young, while smaller events in both Boorowa and Harden also took place. In Boorowa, the Boorowa Library ran information sessions for the senior citizens of the town on Monday and Wednesday relating to computer usage. 0RQGD\¡V DFWLYLWLHV VDZ WKRVH LQYROYHG learn about all of the basic computer skills needed in the modern age of technology, ZKLOH :HGQHVGD\¡V VHVVLRQ HQWLWOHG Âś=LQLR 2QOLQH 0DJD]LQHV DW \RXU /LEUDU\¡ VDZ SDUticipants learn about how to access magazine publications online. Boorowa Council Customer Service Team Leader Jody Robinson said the library had reported a good turnout. “I understand that it was a success and the opportunity was taken up by some people to learn more about computer skills,â€? she said. ,Q <RXQJ DQ HQWLUH ZHHN¡V ZRUWK RI SURgramming was put in place for senior citizens of the Shire to take time and socialise with like-minded people. The week started last Sunday with an DZDUGV FHUHPRQ\ RI <RXQJ¡V 6HQLRU &LWLzens of the Year.

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IMAGE: Dot Jefferies and Glad Hancock at the Young Senior Citizens of the Year awards ceremony last Sunday. Photo: Supplied.

Winners of these awards were Geoff Holt and Trish Saines, while Dot Jefferies and %ULDQ -DPHV Ă€QLVKHG DV UXQQHUV XS $ EDUEHTXH DW &KLQDPDQ¡V 'DP ZDV SXW on by the Rotary Club and the Lions Club, and was attended by around 30 people. Wednesday saw a mystery bus trip, full with 55 people, go to Cowra, where travellers spent the day in the town, with the highlight being the Cowra Japanese Gardens. Today Southern Cross Cinema will play the movie “Brooklynâ€?, which is set in the 1950s, while tomorrow Twomeys will host a seniors information forum. 7KH ZHHN ZLOO EH FRPSOHWHG ZLWK Ă€VKLQJ DW &KLQDPDQ¡V 'DP RQ 6XQGD\ ZKLOH D GLJLWDO library session will be held on Monday. Continued on page 2

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Page 2 Thursday 7 April 2016

Continued from page 1 Young Seniors Week Committee Secretary Roz Faulkner, speaking at the ChinaPDQ¡V 'DP OXQFK RQ 7XHVGD\ VDLG WKH HDUO\ stages of the week had been a huge success, and the remainder was looking good as well. “Our mystery bus tour is always the most popular part of the week, which we have on the Wednesday. We had a full bus of 55 people booked in for our mystery Cowra trip, which was great,â€? she said. “Our awards ceremony was a great success as well, with over 70 people attending the event on Sunday.â€? “I think what we do with Seniors Week is D JUHDW WKLQJ ,W¡V VSRQVRUHG DQG VXEVLGLVHG E\ WKH <RXQJ 6KLUH &RXQFLO ,W¡V DOO DERXW the seniors in our community being able to come out together and socialise.â€? In Harden, The Murrumbidgee Local Health District promoted April Falls Prevention Month by highlighting health service programs that promote the overall health and well being of older people living in rural areas.

locally first!

Beccy Cole loves Young’s cherries Australian country music superstar Beccy Cole said she loves the cherries produced in the Young Shire, ahead of her next performance in the town on Saturday night. Cole will be playing at the Young Services Club on April 9 as part of her “Sweet Rebeccaâ€? tour, which will be promoting her latest album with the same title. She said that she normally visits Young each year on each tour that she does, and conceded she always leaves with a box of cherries. “Depending on what time of the year I am there, I always come back with a box of cherries,â€? Cole told The Hilltops Phoenix. ´, ORYH WKH SODFH ,¡YH EHHQ WRXULQJ IRU RYHU 20 years now and these days as I tour, I get to know different places.â€? “You get to know the good coffee. You stay in town as opposed to “go-go-goâ€? all the time, so I try to spend as much time as I can in Young.â€? ´,W¡V RQH RI WKH UHDOO\ VWURQJ WRZQV in Australia for my kind of music. People tend to come out and enjoy the music, ZKLFK ZH ORYH DQG WKDW¡V ZKDW NHHSV XV coming back.â€? ´$ ORW RI SODFHV ZH¡OO RQO\ FRPH EDFN RQFH every two years or three years but Young is very strong for live music.â€?

IMAGE: Three participants enjoy the computer skills session held at the Boorowa Library on Monday. Photo: Supplied.

phone l (02) 6344 1846 email l or web l Street Address 1/48 Lynch Street, Young NSW 2594 Postal Address PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804

Have your say... Have your say on the issues that affect you and your community. To submit a letter to the Editor email us at editor@hilltopsphoenix. or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804. Letters to the Hilltops Phoenix must carry the senders name, home address and day and evening phone numbers. Pseudonyms are not accepted. The opinions and views of readers are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix.

&ROH¡V WRXU ZLOO UXQ IRU DERXW six weeks, but she has other performances planned for the entire year, including one in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, and another in Johannesburg, South Africa. Following her performance in Young, she will travel up the highway to West Wyalong on Sunday, before heading to Northern NSW and Queensland. She said she loved playing in regional towns, where people are generally down to Earth and show appreciation for country music. Editorial Debra Clarke | Editor | 0474 159 981 Joshua Matic | Reporter | 0458 237 387 Advertising Debra Clarke | Advertising | 0474 159 981 Advertising Deadline Monday 10am if you require design Tuesday 10am for pre-designed ads Editorial Deadline | Monday 10am

FREE community newspaper published every Thursday. Please sign up on our website to receive the Phoenix via email each week.

Weekly Market Report by FORBES CATTLE SALE 4th April, 2016 Yearling Steers 330 – 400kg 320.0 – 333.0 Average 330.6 400kg+ FD280.0 – 321.0 Average 311.9 Yearling Heifers 330-400kgs 280.0 – 308.0 Average 290.7 Grown Heifers 0-540kgs 270.0 – 279.0 Average 270.8 Cows 520+kgs 225.0 – 236.0 Average 230.3 Bulls 600+kgs 250.0 – 250.0 Average 250.0 FORBES SHEEP SALE 29th March, 2016 Lambs

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locally first!


Young and District Multicultural Society news Following a successful End of Year Celebration in November of 2015, the beginning of 2016 for Young and District Multicultural Assoc. (YADMA) has begun with the Annual General Meeting in February, but as yet no organised social gatherings have been arranged, however stay tuned! There are some on the way! Elected YADMA committee at 2016 AGM are as followed: President Josie Johnson, Vice President Joy Carter-Karajcic, Secretary Helenie Carmody, Assistant Secretary Moyà van Rijswijk, Treasurer Michael Mercer, Assistant Treasurer and Social Convenor Tina Caravello, Assistant Social Convenor Vicky Lee.

Boorowa juniors excel In a big week for Boorowas junior rugby league players, the bushrangers are extremely proud of three of their own who have achieved representative honours. Will Fahey and Cooper Cross excelled at Cootamundra last Saturday to gain selection for the group 9 under 12s northern pool side. These boys play several games throughout the season with the creme of talent in their competition. On Monday Nathan Welch and Harvey Gay represented Cowra district under 11s, while Aiden Gurney represented the 12s,at Dubbo. All boys did well with Harvey being selected for Western Region, to attend the state championship at Tamworth in June. Boorowa Community Landcare Group prepares for event. Boorowa Community Landcare Group (BCLG) has invited Dr Dean Revell from Revell Science and Ben Hanrahan, Greening Australia, to present a grazing workshop DW 7RQ\ -HQQ\ 0DJHH·V SURSHUW\ ¶*XQ\DK· Maryvale Rd Rye Park on Saturday 16th April. Dr Revell will discuss how perennial IRUDJH VKUXEV DUH SURYLGLQJ SURÀWDEOH DQG sustainable grazing, by reducing risk in a YDULDEOH FOLPDWH DQG ÀOOLQJ IHHG JDSV /HDUQ how shrubs can contribute to the nutrition, health and shelter of livestock. PCYC ART Union The Young PCYC Committee is having an Art Union running at the moment. All proceeds stay in Young. Tickets locally purchased are available at the PCYC or by contacting 0407 950 605.

Boorowa Junior Soccer online registration now open Cost is $60. Season opener soccer gala day will be Sat 30th April in Young. Any questions, please call Kate on 0458 141 034 or email

Boutique Markets There will be a fabulous boutique market being held at the Young Town Hall on 30th April. The markets will be raising money IRU WKH <RXQJ +RVSLWDO·V 0DWHUQLW\ 8QLW There will be a special guest speaker this year, Jacinta Tynan who is a Sky News Presenter, mother of two and an Author.

Thursday 7 April Page 3

THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN THUMBS UP To great gardening ideas from Golden Glance Nursery THUMBS UP To the Seniors Committee for all the great events planned for Seniors Week THUMBS UP To the Harden-Murrumburrah Community Bank for service and community involvement THUMBS DOWN To people who litter the streets. Please pick up your rubbish THUMBS UP 7R WKH %RRURZD 3RVW 2IÀFH IRU the service they provide to the community THUMBS UP To the Wombat Pub for their great coffee in the morning! THUMBS UP Drove through Boorowa on a trip to Canberra and loved the town! Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. The opinions and views of readers submitting Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix. To submit a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down email us at or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804.


Page 4 Thursday 7 April 2016


locally first!

FROMthe Mayor’s desk Another busy week in Local Government with current councillors and General Managers being asked to express their interest in being involved in any transitional type council that may be put in place for merged councils until they go to the polls in March 2017. Some sections of Local Government and some councillors have been critical of this process and also of the criteria that is explained in the accompanying document. I myself thought that is was a pretty straightforward and simple matter to deal with, if you are interested and would like to be part of a successful merger and are committed to serving your community, express that to the Minister, if you are not willing to commit to those two REMHFWLYHV WKHQ GRQ¡W DSSO\ VLPSOH I had the pleasure of attending and presenting awards at the launch of Senior Citizens Week

at the Services Club on Sunday, and it was indeed a pleasure to see people who have given their time and resources voluntarily to the community be acknowledged. The people who receive these awards are special people and never seek acknowledgement and mostly try to avoid it, but they truly deserve to be thanked. On Sunday evening I attended a Dinner with a group of people who make up the Regional Development Australia Southern Inland committee who travelled to Young to hold their board meeting at Young Shire Council chambers and to spend Monday visiting some of our local businesses. The aim of this group is to listen to the needs of regional areas and endeavour to form strategies that help achieve those needs. On Tuesday morning Deputy Mayor Ben Cooper and I met with several local farmers and the Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair and representatives from Local Land Services and had discussions relating to

Traveling Stock Routes in our area. Then at 12.30 pm several councillors and myself met with Michael McCormick MP, Federal Member for Riverina and had discussions in regard to several matters that are of concern to our community. At 2.00pm the General Manager and I attended a public inquiry into proposed mergers at Harden and then proceeded to attend an inquiry at Boorowa at 6.00pm on proposed mergers. As I write this article on Tuesday night I will say I fully intend to attend a meeting in Gundagai on Wednesday morning in regard to the same PDWWHU DQG ÀQLVK RII WKH GD\ E\ EHLQJ SUHsent at our Public inquiry at 3.00pm. To say that it has been busy is an understatement, but as I stated, if you put your hand up to serve your community that is what you do, and my promise to serve the community as best I could is as strong now as it was when I made it in September 2012. Young Mayor - Brian Ingram

YOUNGShire News...

Wiradjuri values to be respected in Local Land Services project Local indigenous part-time employees will take responsibility for the cultural heritage for the maintenance of travelling stock routes (TSR) across the Riverina. The NSW Government Local Land Services has put in place a cultural assessment training package for 15 indigenous students, who will be employed part time to assess the quality of 153 TSRs in the Riverina. With TSRs needing regular maintenance checks, most commonly involving dead or dieing trees, the LLS decided to incorporate the traditional culture of the Wiradjuri people. TSRs will be assessed according to local indigenous culture, while also being effectively PDLQWDLQHG DQG //6 5LYHULQD¡V *UHJ 3DFNHU and indigenous staff members, said this was great news for the local indigenous community.

“Our culture is very important to us, and we need to look after it and protect our culWXUH DQG WKDW¡V ZKDW¡V KDSSHQLQJ ZLWK WKH program,â€? he said. “The program is ongoing because we KDYH D ORW RI 765V LQ RXU UHJLRQ DQG LW¡V D ORQJ SURFHVV VR ZH¡OO EH WLHG XS IRU D couple of years yet.â€? Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair visited the Eight Mile Travelling Stock Reserve near Young to see how the local Wiradjuri community is working with the NSW Government to preserve cultural heritage. Mr Blair said preserving Aboriginal cultural heritage is an important element of land management and this is an innovative pilot project led by Riverina Local Land Services.

Stockist of Roma caravans, Trailers and Horse floats. We also stock all parts and accessories for caravan’s, trailer’s horse floats. Your local stockist of Donaldson Filtration, Hydraulic hose’s and Gulf Western Oil.

“The team is using the skills of the local Wiradjuri community to undertake site assessments on Travelling Stock Reserves,â€? Mr Blair said. “The pilot project is a two-fold success: it has LGHQWLĂ€HG LPSRUWDQW DUHDV RI ORFDO FXOWXUH DQG provided employment opportunities for local community members.

IMAGE: NSW Minister for Primary Industries Niall Boyle Inspects a tree at the Eight Mile Travelling Stock Route near Young on Tuesday. Photo: Joshua Matic.

157 Milvale Road Young NSW 2594 (PH) 02 6382 2244 (FAX) 02 6382 1166 (MDL No: MD054777 - RL No: MVRL44479)

YOUNG SHIRE COUNCIL PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF DRAFT SECTION 94 AND SECTION 94A CONTRIBUTIONS PLANS 2016 The public exhibition for the draft Section 94 and Section 94A plans commences on Friday 4 March 2016 and closes on Friday 8 April 2016. The public exhibition comprises the following documents: ‡ 'UDIW 6 'HYHORSPHQW FRQWULEXWLRQV SODQ

PESTICIDE USE NOTIFICATION Planned pesticide use by Council works crews and contractors until week ending Thursday 21st April 2016 will include the use of Round Up, Brush Off, Amitrol, Weedmaster, Dicamba, Grazon, Basta, Primo, MCPA and Broadstrike and Fusilade for KHUELFLGH FRQWURO &RQĂ€GRU IRU $SKLG DQG $FFHVV IRU wild fruit tree control on:


• All roads in Young Shire, Shire Parks, Ovals, /DQHZD\V DQG VRPH WRZQ DUHDV

• Young LEP 2010


• Plain English Statement

• Old General Cemetery

• Report to Ordinary Meeting of council on :HGQHVGD\ )HEUXDU\

Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait will be used in the above DUHDV WR WDUJHW WKH FRQWURO RI IUXLW Ă \


,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO¡V 3HVWLFLGH 8VH 1RWLĂ€FDWLRQ 3ODQ VLJQV ZLOO EH SURYLGHG RQ WKH vehicle applying the pesticide and signs will remain on-site to inform the public for 24 hours after spraying. For further information please call &RXQFLO¡V 3DUNV DQG *DUGHQV $VVHW 3ODQQHU RQ 6380 1200.

‡ 6XEPLVVLRQV )RUP • Political Donations declaration Form (if needed) • 1993 Section 94 Plan proposed for repeal PROPOSED CHANGES Council proposes to repeal the current “Young Shire Council Section 94 contributions Plan (1993)â€? and replace it with the two following development contributions plans: ‡ 6HFWLRQ 'HYHORSHU &RQWULEXWLRQV 3ODQ ‡ 6HFWLRQ $ 'HYHORSHU FRQWULEXWLRQV 3ODQ Development Contributions Plans are needed in a local Government Area when the demand for public services and facilities is occurring. Young LGA continues a period of change and growth and projections indicate similar demands. Such demands place pressures on Council to provide public services and facilities to pay for them. A Section 94 Plan levies charges on development to meet some of the cost of providing these facilities. How can I comment on the draft Pans mentioned above? You are strongly advised to review the formal exhibition material and make a written submission, if needed. Development Contributions plans can, initially be complex to understand and Council is committed to assist understanding. Should you need to discuss these with a staff member, an appointment is recommended and this may be arranged by contacting Lynne in the Planning & Environment Team to set up this appointment. Submissions must be in writing. Verbal discussions with Councillors and/or Council Staff do not constitute a valid submission. Written submissions will be accepted until 5.00PM on Friday 8 April 2016. Council has produced an easy to use submission form, available online or from the Planning and Environment enquiry counter. Council has produced two fact sheets to assist landowners, residents and all parties to understand WKH GUDIW SODQV Submissions may be lodged in any one of the following forms: • Post to: The General Manager Young Shire Council Locked Bag 5 Young NSW 2594 • Fax to: (02) 6380 1299 • Email to: Any queries in relation to the Section 94 & 94A 3ODQV VKRXOG EH GLUHFWHG WR &RXQFLO¡V 3ODQQLQJ Environment and Strategic Services Department on (02) 6380 1200 during business hours. DAVID ABER GENERAL MANAGER

The planned pesticide use is subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. NOTICE TO ALL RAFFLE TICKET SELLERS

PLANNED ROADWORKS FOR WEEK ENDING THURSDAY 14TH APRIL 2016 The following works are underway: • Gravel resheeting at Monteagle Stock Route West and Jerrybang Lane. • Shoulder widening at Bribbaree Road from Mines intersection to Kikiamah Lane. • Culvert extensions at Chillingworks Road (between the rail crossing and Henry Lawson Way). • Maimuru SS Road shoulder widening from Good Friday Gully intersection to Bribbaree Road intersection. • Wombat Street and Gordon Street intersection upgrade. Please contact Young Shire Council to arrange quotation and payment of all private works in these areas. Speed restrictions will be in place and minor delays may be experienced. Motorists are advised Roadwork Speed Limits are enforceable by the NSW Police. Caution should be exercised when travelling through roadwork sites. The planned roadworks are subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions.

7KLV LV D UHPLQGHU WR DOO RUJDQLVDWLRQV WKDW VHOO UDIà H tickets in the streets of the central business district WKDW WKH\ ÀUVWO\ KDYH WR ERRN D GD\ WR VHOO WLFNHWV with Council. There is only to be one ticket seller in the street on any day, this includes Saturday. Organisations who fail to obtain Council approval ZLOO EH SUHYHQWHG IURP VHOOLQJ UDIà H WLFNHWV


Saturday 9 April – RFS Boara Fundraiser

(c) remove or interfere with a structure, work or tree on a public road, or


(d) pump water into a public road from any land adjoining the road

In accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and section 74 of the Environmental Planning DQG $VVHVVPHQW 5HJXODWLRQ QRWLĂ€FDWLRQ LV JLYHQ WKDW WKH GHYHORSPHQWV DQG RU PRGLĂ€FDWLRQV mentioned below have recently been granted consent. The development consents are available for public LQVSHFWLRQ GXULQJ RUGLQDU\ RIĂ€FH KRXUV DW &RXQFLO 2IĂ€FHV %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ 2011/DA-00002 REV02 – Lot 3 DP 40328, 2 &DPSEHOO 6WUHHW <RXQJ ² 0RGLĂ€FDWLRQ 7R SHUPLW the sale of alcohol 2016/DA-00022 – Lot 3 DP 757697, 625 Tubbul Road, Memagong - Staged development for a dwelling (new) - Stage 1 - establishment of dwelling EXLOGLQJ HQYHORSH 6WDJH HUHFWLRQ RI D GZHOOLQJ (subject to a further development application). 2016/DA-00026 – Lot 1567 DP754611, 4570 Murringo Road, Young - Use of Land - placement of WZR [ SUH PDQXIDFWXUHG RIĂ€FH EXLOGLQJV DQG WZR (2) x pre-manufactured amenities blocks 2016/DA-00033 – Lots 1102 & 1103 DP 754611, 30 Old Temora Road, Young - Industrial - Temporary installation of portable buildings (amenities, RIĂ€FH OXQFKURRP IRU XVH LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WKH construction of the Young sewer conveyance main scheme. 2016/DA-00040 – Lot 2, DP 1125246, 194 Willawong St, Young - Dwelling (new) - four (4) bedroom, single storey, brick veneer with attached GRXEOH JDUDJH DQG 6KHG UHVLGHQWLDO VWRUDJH colorbond 2016/DA-00038 – Lot 30 DP 1068846, 30 Settlers Place, Young - Dwelling (new) - four (4) bedrooms, single storey, brick veneer, attached double garage

Without the approval of Council a person must not: (a) erect a structure or carry out a work in, on or over a public road, or (b) dig up or disturb the surface of a public road, or

The public road reserve includes grass or concrete footpath areas. Generally it is that area between front fences on opposite sides of the road or between building frontages on opposite sides of the road in the town area. Typical works include driveway construction, erection of scaffolding for shop front maintenance and under-road boring. The application form is available from the Council $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2IĂ€FHV DQG LV WR EH VXEPLWWHG ZLWK D FRS\ RI D &HUWLĂ€FDWH RI &XUUHQF\ IRU SXEOLF liability insurance to the value of $20,000,000 PLQLPXP DQG D 7UDIĂ€F &RQWURO 3ODQ SUHSDUHG E\ DQ accredited person. (QTXLULHV FDQ EH GLUHFWHG WR &RXQFLO¡V (QJLQHHULQJ 6HFWLRQ RQ GXULQJ QRUPDO RIĂ€FH KRXUV

Page 6 Thursday 7 April 2016


BOOROWAShire News...

FROM the Mayor’s desk

IMAGE: Boorowa Mayor Wendy Tuckerman with NSW Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair. Mr Blair inspected %RRURZD¡V ZDWHU VXSSO\ RQ 7XHVGD\ 3KRWR 6XSSOLHG

Minister Blair Inspects Boorowa’s Water Supply Minister for Primary Industries, Lands and WaWHU 1LDOO %ODLU ZDV JLYHQ D Ă€UVWKDQG LQVLJKW LQWR the ongoing challenges Boorowa Council faces with its water supply last Tuesday morning. Minister Blair inspected the Boorowa Weir DQG VXSSOHPHQWDU\ ERUHV ZLWK &RXQFLO¡V 0D\RU Wendy Tuckerman and General Manager Anthony McMahon. Council has been continuing to work with the Government on developing a long term solution to its water supply shortfall which sees the community on severe water restrictions most years. “It was very pleasing to have the MinisWHU VHH Ă€UVWKDQG ZKDW ZH KDYH EHHQ ZULWLQJ and speaking to him about for some time and to really understand that the Boorowa River does not provide the volumes of water we need to have a secure supply year roundâ€? said Mayor Tuckerman.

locally first!

The Council has made it clear to the Government that the available options are limited with a pipeline to a neighbouring supply shaping up as the only real long term viable solution. “We have certainly had some frustrations in recent years navigating the amount of VWXGLHV DQG SODQV ZH¡YH EHHQ UHTXLUHG WR complete just to rule out potential options. We are certainly closing in on answering all the questions we need to and I believe the Minister is genuinely supportive of helping us reach our long term solutionâ€? said Mayor Tuckerman. Council is hopeful that in the near future funding can be secured to undertake detailed planning and design for a pipeline WR VHFXUH %RRURZD¡V ZDWHU VXSSO\ ZHOO LQWR the future.

Not sure where to find YOUR COPY OF THE latest HillTOPS Phoenix YOUNG BOOROWA Town Hall Newsagency, NewsXpress, Boorowa Pharmacy, lGA, Boorowa Newsagency. Woolworths, IGA, Young Services Club, HARDEN Young Council Chambers, Amcal Pharmacy, IGA, Carrington Hotel. %ORRPV 3KDUPDF\ &%$ $1= 1$% St. George, Elders, BP Visitor Centre, AND VARIOUS OTHER OUTLETS McDonalds.



Once again a busy week in Boorowa which has seen our second public inquiry meeting held re: the NSW Government mergers proposals and again I encourage people to make a written submission. I recently sent a brochure detailing information to residents and a proforma outlining the criteria the NSW delegate would like addressed when making a submission. The word format for the submission pro-forma can be found on Councils website. If you need assistance in lodging your submission please do not hesitate in contacting Council staff at &RXQFLO RIĂ€FHV 6XEPLVVLRQV FORVH RQ WKH 15th April 2016. I look forward to welcoming The Honourable Tim Fischer, who will be in Boorowa on Friday evening for the Boorowa Education Foundation Cocktail and fundraising event to be held at Boorowa Showground pavilion and also to open the display of the %RRURZD¡V 5DLOZD\ +LVWRU\ DW DP 6DWXUGD\ $SULO 0U )LVFKHU DIĂ€QLW\ ZLWK DQG advocacy for rail transport in Australia is well renown and it is wonderful for him to give his time to such an important project DQG WR DFNQRZOHGJH WKH VLJQLĂ€FDQFH RI Railway history in Boorowa. I will also be opening the Cr Neil Henry Gorham Pedestrian Footbridge in the Boorowa Recreation Park at 4.30pm on Thursday 7 April, recognising 39 years of dedicated service to the Boorowa Local Government Area and acknowledging Cr Gorham as the longest serving Councillor in Boorowa Council history. The late Cr Gorham will be represented by his children and their families and community members are most welcome to attend. Boorowa Mayor - Cr Wendy Tuckerman


locally first!

Thursday 7 April Page 7

Residents asked to check their skin

HOUSE of the week

RYE PARK – Grand & Comfortable Very Impressive 4 bedroom weatherboard home in excellent condition on approximately 1 acre, with expansive rural views in quiet village setting. 3 spacious bedrooms with built ins, main with ensuite. Well-lit open plan living & dining areas, modern kitchen with 1 metre benches, electric stove, dishwasher, island bench & walk in pantry. Bathroom with spa bath, separate toilet. Ducted heating & cooling throughout & slow combustion wood stove.

Large double garage with workshop area (13x6) storage sheds, garden shed, water tanks, chook pens & established lawns and gardens. Other features of this property include 1 meg water licence, 5 kilowatt solar system & its proximity to Yass & Canberra. A quality home in a rural setting. Asking $450,000

Promotion of Melanoma, a cancer affecting many Australians of all ages, begins in Young on Thursday 21st April, with the arrival of Max and Molly Melanoma to the front window of the Millard Centre. Libby Woodse, Chairperson of the Boorowa Harden and Young Community Cancer Network and her small committee have researched accredited information and material surrounding Melanoma to create a display with handout information they hope will attract those at risk. Everyone is at risk! Farmers like Max and Molly, children, elderly, those with disabilities, young mothers, and sports lovers. The call is to “Get naked! Check your spots!” Involve your family in checking your skin. Melanoma will not only affect you, it will affect your family too, so prevention and early detection is so important. On board sharing her talent in designing and creating Max and Molly Melanoma is Kay McDonald. The display will remain in Millard Centre, Young for 3 weeks then move to Boorowa and Harden at venues to be arranged. The Boorowa Harden and Young Community Cancer network is committed to promoting awareness to assist the community to keep healthy, and to provide information to support when a cancer diagnosis changes OLIH·V MRXUQH\

BOOROWA AMALGAMATION NEWS It's still not too late to have your say Written submissions to Boorowa Young Merger Proposal, close 5pm, Friday, 15 April 2016 Mail to Council Boundary Review GPO Box 5341 Sydney NSW 2001 Electronically to

For more information see Or contact Boorowa Council 6380 2000


Page 8 Thursday 7 April 2016



ACROSS 1 Although he made a lousy cut, I re-operated carefully (10) 6 Fashion accessory for a farm worker and a coarse lady (7) 8 Think of returning before morning with lots of bubbles (4) 9 British leader demonstrates initial lack of confidence in political coalition (4) 10 Ate out for a meal (3) 12 When a riot gets out of proportion? (5) 13 Plant gets a quiet massage (5) 14 This older relative makes a small explosion (3) 16 Devoted women sunning without gin cocktails (4) 18 Unlucky Tess gets hard collections (4) 19 First, second, seeing out the very beginning (7) 20 Have a short day, finish, send out camaraderie (10)

QUICK CLUES ACROSS 1 Carefully (10) 6 Woman’s portable accessory (7) 8 Sponge material (4) 9 Political coalition (4) 10 Herbal drink (3) 12 Proportional relationship (5) 13 Woody plant (5) 14 Burst open (3) 16 Religious sisters (4) 18 Hardens (4) 19 First book of the Bible (7) 20 Camaraderie (10) DOWN 1 Meeting for discussion (10) 2 Form of public transport (4) 3 Aged person or thing (informal) (5) 4 Housing foundation (4) 5 Ecclesiastical ruler (10) 6 Hesitating (7) 7 Takes pride (7) 10 Superior surface (3) 11 Snake (3) 15 Vast expanse (5) 17 Truck (4) 18 Reposes (4)

6 Nutmeg and what other spice are derived from myristica fragrans trees? 7 Which Australian city began as a settlement called Batmania? 8 What year were the last Australian personnel withdrawn from the Vietnam War? 9 Which Indian city is the home of Bollywood cinema? 10 Which tennis player recently caused controversy when he tried to justify higher pay for male players?









Form at least one nine letter word from the given letters and as many other words as possible of four or more letters. Each word must contain the letter in the central circle. Simple plurals, formed by adding “s” are not counted as extra words. No prefixes or suffixes. Reference: The Macquarie Concise Dictionary.

0704 © Reuben’s Puzzles




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Difficulty: Hard


Today’s Aim: 19 words Good 23 words Very good 26 words Excellent


How to play sudoku: You are given a 9x9 grid which has been divided up into nine 3x3 boxes. The aim of the game is very simple: to fill each row, column and 3x3 box with the numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive.

1 Switzerland. 2 Mystic River. 3 The Picture of Dorian Gray. 4 Spearmint. 5 Faust. 6 Mace. 7 Melbourne. 8 1972. 9 Mumbai. 10 Novak Djokovic.

1 In which country is the Large Hadron Collider located? 2 Actor Sean Penn has won two Best Actor Oscars, for Milk and which other film? 3 What was the only novel written by Oscar Wilde? 4 Mentha Spicata is a common plant better known by what name? 5 In German folklore, what is the name of the scholar who makes a pact with the devil?

DOWN 1 There was undue concern about the fee structure for the meeting (10) 2 Small market returns by this conveyance (4) 3 My love lied about the old thing that was still popular (5) 4 A broad plank full of beer? (4) 5 Ecclesiastical head develops a nasty phobic rash (10) 6 Wavering whilst trying to light an explosion (7) 7 Proudly rejoices in his sole rig (7) 10 Better clothing for the torso (3) 11 One creature that makes a faux-pas (3) 15 One chartered accountant gets into trouble in an area of some liquidation, perhaps (5) 17 Only half a big truck? (4) 18 Rests on studies without due process (4)

ALONENESS, season, lesson, alone, oases, salon, solan, lasso, nones, aloe, aeon, loan, also, sola, anon, ossa, leno, lone, noel, lose, sloe, sole, neon, none, noes, nose, loss.


locally first!

With a subscription the advertiser can: • In less than 3 minutes create ads, campaigns, competitions etc. • Reach audience that is relevant through GEO targeting • Change and update ad(s) whenever they want • Plan and create multiple active ads e.g. a product catalogue • Follow and track campaigns through live statistics



2QH RI WKH PRVW VLJQLČ´FDQW ZD\V IDUPHUV FDQ LPSURYH QXWULHQW XSWDNH LQWR WKHLU SODQW LV E\ LPSURYLQJ WKH FURS URRWV 6FLHQWLČ´F WHVWV KDYH SURYHG WKDW WKH EHWWHU WKH URRW V\VWHP WKH KLJKHU WKH FURS \LHOG DQG TXDOLW\ YLAD Living Soils over the past 14 years have successfully created Germinate Plus, a down the tube granular fertiliser that ensures the feeder roots of the crop, along with microbiology uptake nutrients in a balanced form for plant growth. This is in comparison to nutrients being taken up in soil water through the water roots of the plant in a soluble form. Trials at Illinois University have shown when nutrients are taken up in this manner, nitrogen jams the system, blocking out essential phosphorus and calcium. Without balanced nutrition being supplied to the crop there is far more likelihood of disease and pest problems. Germinate Plus is a microbe friendly, carbon based blend supplying soluble and slow release nutrients including trace minerals which produces plant roots with an

active rhizosphere. It is in this area that soluble nutrients are held tightly and sixty percent of soil microbes live close to the roots. These microbes utilise the glucose from photosynthesis for energy, supplying nutrients back to the plant in a balanced bio available manner. Seed Dressing represents the highest FRVW WR EHQHČ´W UDWLR RI DQ\ LQSXW in cropping and should ideally form an integral part of every fertiliser program. YLAD Living Soils, Seed Start Dressing supplies 22 amino acids, 60 broad spectrum minerals and includes gibberellins, cytokines and auxins, betaines and triacontanol ensuring quick germination and plant establishment.

For a free report on The Six Challenges of Dependence on Chemical Fertilisers to provide Plant Nutrition or to learn more about YLAD Living Soils’ sustainable cropping program please freecall 1300 811 681 or email


*HUPLQDWH 3OXVČ is a balanced starter fertiliser supplying soluble and slow release nutrients and trace minerals bonded with carbon Improves nutrient uptake into plant Reduces nutrient tie-up and leaching Improves soil/microbe/root communication Improves plant health and productivity

Blended easy to use Quotes available Application rate 109 kg/ha

Analysis units/ha: N 12.4; P 11.2; S 10.68 Ca 5; Zn 1.46; B 1.55; Humic Acid 2.8

Contact us today for further information on *HUPLQDWH 3OXVČ and the full YLAD Seeding Program. &DOO or email ZZZ \ODGOLYLQJVRLOV FRP DX


Page 10 Thursday 7 April 2016

locally first!

QUESTION of the week

HARDEN Shire News...

Horton speaks out against forced Council mergers Harden Shire Council Mayor John Horton has spoken out against forced Council mergers in NSW at the lastest public enTXLU\ RQ +DUGHQ¡V PHUJHU VLWXDWLRQ DW WKH Harden Country and Golf Club on Tuesday. &U +RUWRQ VDLG +DUGHQ¡V YROXQWDU\ SURposal to merge with the Cootamundra Shire, which was submitted on June 30 last year, LV ZKDW VKRXOG KDYH EHHQ FRQVLGHUHG Ă€UVW by the NSW Government. On December 18 last year, NSW Minister for Local Government Paul Toole announced the government planned a forced merger between Harden, Boorowa and Young Shires. The decision was welcomed by both the Boorowa Council and the Young Shire Council, but not by Harden. As a consequence, the Harden Shire Council submitted a compromise proposal to the Minister to merge with both Cootamundra and Gundagai, a move that was disparaged by Gundagai, but one Harden EHOLHYHV ZLOO VROYH DOO Ă€QDQFLDO LVVXHV ZLWK their merger situation. Speaking to a delegate from the electoral boundaries commission, Cr Horton and Harden Shire Assistant General Manager Trevor Drowley outlined their reasons for merging with Cootamundra and Gundagai instead of Young and Boorowa. Cr Horton spoke strongly on the matter of voluntary mergers versus forced mergers. He claimed a recent survey conducted by the Harden Shire Council found that 90.5% of respondents preferred to merge with Cootamundra and Gundagai as opposed to merge with Boorowa and Young.

What do you like to do around your home in Autumn?

I actually love going bike riding around Harden, but also out of town as well. My husband does all of the house work! - Kerren Clarrie.

IMAGE: Harden Shire Council Mayor John Horton speaks at the public enquiry on council mergers at the Harden Country and Golf Club on Tuesday. Photo: Joshua Matic.

“We have spent a long time working on this, and we would like to merge with Cootamundra based on business principals and community support,â€? he said. Mr Drowley added a merger with Gundagai and Cootamundra would bring $29 milOLRQ LQ FRPPXQLW\ EHQHĂ€WV DQG VWRS UDWHV from rising. Both the Young Shire and Boorowa CounFLOV KDYH VSRNHQ DJDLQVW +DUGHQ¡V SURSRVDO VD\LQJ HDFK 6KLUH ZRXOG EHQHĂ€W PRUH from each other. By Joshua Matic

With a rich history and quality service, make sure that you stop by the Light Horse Hotel or stay longer.

I like cleaning up my garden during Autumn when LW¡V FRROHU RXWVLGH /RUUDLQH %URZQ

I usually commit my time in Autumn to FRPPXQLW\ YLVLWV , GRQ¡W UHDOO\ GR WRR PXFK around the house. - Clarrie Powell.

Involvement in the local community is what The Hilltops Phoenix is all about. We want to know all the important community news that is relevant to you each week! What sports are being played? Who is having a baby? Who is getting married? What are the local events? We want to know it all!

Email: Phone: 0474 159 981 Web:

337 Albury Street Murrumburrah Ph: 6386 2210 Mob: 0428 151 042


locally first!

HOUSE of the week

Thursday 7 April Page 11

If you have decided to sell your property in Young or the surrounding areas, please contact me at Jamieson Real Estate. New listings are welcome.

Prime residential land opportunity Ray White Young offer the opportunity to declare your interest in this prime residential land site adjoining Garland Estate occupying approx. 2.078 hectares (5.13 acres) LQ RQH RI <RXQJ¡V Ă€QHVW VRXWK ORFDWLRQV 5 *HQHUDO 5HVLGHQWLDO =RQHG WKLV YDFDQW ODQG EHQHĂ€WV IURP WKH DYDLODELOLW\ RI DOO residential services. 7KLV LV SRWHQWLDOO\ <RXQJ¡V QH[W UHVLGHQWLDO subdivision subject to council approval and registration of the current plan of subdivision. Equally if you seek lifestyle with town conveniences the property offers you a desirable 5 acre lifestyle property taking in Saw Pit Gully creek-line. Notably the house block is now sold and this is the residual land offering with formal registration anticipated in the next 42 Days. This presents a limited but genuine opportunity to acquire

and the vendor is committed to selling the property and will meet the market. Proposed Lot 101, Part 64 Binalong Street, Young is For Sale By Expressions Of Interest (EOI), closing 5pm, Friday 22 April. Ray White invite buyers to submit an offer to purchase this property by the speciĂ€HG WLPH DQG GDWH (DFK SRWHQWLDO SXUFKDVer will have the opportunity to put forward WKHLU EHVW DQG Ă€QDO RIIHU LQ ZULWLQJ $FFRUGing to David Coombes, when submitting an Expression Of Interest, you need to include a price you are willing to pay, conditions of sale, such as settlement dates, deposit & DQ\ Ă€QDQFH FRQGLWLRQV You must submit your offer in writing by completing an EOI form prior to the closing GDWH DYDLODEOH IURP 5D\ :KLWH¡V RIĂ€FH DW Main Street, Young.

- Professional - Friendly - Personal Roz Faulkner 0407 950 605 22B Lovell Street Young

OPEN for inspection Ray White Young’s Weekly Open Homes: • 4 Lachlan Close, Young

- Saturday 10am • 1400 Kingsvale Road, Young

- Saturday 10am • 7 Hambrook Place, Young

- Saturday 11am

Young Rentals Address

DEAL OF THE CENTURY – 12 Yass Street, Young 3 br clad home very close to schools, hospital and main street shopping Spacious open living area, large modernised kitchen & tidy bathroom Split system a/c and natural gas, rear lane access with room for a shed

1/22 Currawong Street, Young 3/13 Marina Street, Young 3/31 Prospect Street, Young 5/38 Boorowa Street, Young 2/157 William Street, Young 25 Gordon Street, Young

Per Week

$135 $140 $180 $220 $240 $320

1 2 2 3 2 4

Agent Graeme Schneider M: 0417251795 T: 0263823333

Price $130,000

Contact: Ana Long 0447 034 090 Please visit our website for weekly Rental Open Homes

1 1 1 1 1 2

0 1 1 1 1 1


Page 12 Thursday 7 April 2016

locally first!

Rural Roundup CNHI capital dealer of the year for 2015


South West Tractors were recently awarded the NSW CNHI Capital dealer of the year for 2015. It was a surprise to Dealer Principal Jim Ower, who was attending the New Holland dealer conference in Sydney when the announcement was made. The award is recognition from the Capital section of New Holland and is achieved using various types of criteria, including exceptional business practices. “South West Tractors won this award previously in 2006 when WKH\ DFKLHYHG WKH VDPH H[FHOOHQW UHVXOW 7KH ÀQDQFH LQGXVWU\ LV very competitive and to be able to sell New Holland equipment WKHQ RIIHU D YHU\ FRPSHWLWLYH ÀQDQFH SDFNDJH WR WKH FXVWRPHUV all with the same company makes the processes a lot simpler for our valued customers,” Ower states. Jim Ower and co-owner Austin Davis would like to thank their many customers for making this award possible. To achieve any DZDUG IRU UHFRJQLWLRQ LQ WRGD\·V EXVLQHVV ZRUOG LV TXLWH H[FLWLQJ They would also like to thank all their staff for helping to achieve this award, as it takes all facets of the business and a team of dedicated staff members to make a business successful.

IMAGE: The team at South West Tractors with their award. Photo: Supplied.

NEW HOLLAND T7 SERIESADAPTING CONTINUOUSLY · New Heavy Duty Terraglide Front Axle Suspension · SideWinder™ II Armrest · The Horizon™ Cab for All-Round Visibility · New Heavy Duty Rear Axle · Advanced Auto Command™ Transmission · Reduced Fuel Consumption by up to 10%



(02) 6382 3355 AUSTIN: 0427 297 606 BEN: 0457 335585


locally first!

Thursday 7 April Page 13

Rural Roundup 0D[LPXP SURĂ€WDELOLW\ with Sheep specialist Moses and Son specialise in every aspect of VKHHS RSHUDWLRQV WR HQVXUH PD[LPXP SURĂ€Wability in any market environment. The company have been supporting Wool Growers since 1920 and today are amongst the leading Wool Brokers in NSW. Established by Charles Moses along with his son, Samuel, they formed a wool skin and fur buying business, servicing clients throughout the south west of New South Wales. ,Q &KDUOHV¡ JUDQGVRQ %UXFH WRRN over the management and in response to their FOLHQWV¡ QHHGV SURJUHVVHG WKH FRPSDQ\ IURP private treaty buying to Sale by Tender in 1986 and then in 1989 registered as Wool Brokers. From strength to strength through the generations, Moses and Son grew acquiring state of the art handling facilities, spreading their footprint across NSW and most recently branching into Adelaide, South Australia in 2011. Today, Moses and Son is a successful and progressive wool marketing business, offering clients several selling options and an expanded range of services, with Auction still the main method of selling. :LWK FOLHQWV¡ QHHGV JURZLQJ 0RVHV DQG Son branched in to rural merchandise and offers superior customer service and retail experience through their branches. 0RVHV 6RQ¡V DQLPDO KHDOWK DGYLFH and product supply business is based on three principles –

1. Prevention of animal health issues through education & health check groups 2. Detection before treatment through FEC (worm test kits) and drench resistance tests 3.Treatment with the right product & appropriate support from their animal health team to ensure the product is used correctly (rotation, modes of action, resistance management & application procedures). The depth of industry knowledge, client service, marketing expertise, the highest quality management standards and commitment to best practice animal husbandry are what this business prides themselves on. Moses and Son stock a wide range of all animal health and stock handling merchandise, including all mainline categories such as wool presses, overhead shearing equipment and a large range of sheep handling equipment. The six stores throughout Central and Southern NSW ensure they are well positioned to supply competitive and convenient rural merchandise.

“Small Farm Specialist�

For all your rural fencing and farm maintenance needs. No job Too big or too small

Call 0402 435 633

Don’t go cold this winter! ioMerino clothing available at Moses & Son 2/312 Boorowa St Young

- free front axle suspension* - finance rates starting at 1.35%* - case ih 3 year / 3000 hr warranty* Temora road, YOUNG Ph: 02 6382 7233


Young Road, COWRA Ph: 02 6342 4488 *To approved applicants terms and conditions apply, *Suspension applicable to limited units while stocks last

Page 14 Thursday 7 April 2016


locally first!

YOURgarden Get down to Ylad Soils Young this weekend for a oneof-a-kind Gourmet Compost! Also known as Ylad Humus, it has the ability to restore and expand biological activity in the soil while further enhancing the physical and chemical properties.


The Balloon Glow is on this weekend! Do yourself a favour and grab a ticket early either at the Age Of Fishes Museum Canowindra or the Cowra Visitor Information Centre for this 6DWXUGD\¡V &DQRZLQGUD %DOORRQ *ORZ 7LFNHWV DUH IRU RYHU DQG children under 12 are free. Lots of markets and great local fare will be on RIIHU %ULQJ D UXJ RU D FKDLU JHW WKHUH HDUO\ DQG HQMR\ WKH DIWHUQRRQ¡V HQtertainment before the main event - The Cabonne Country Balloon Glow. Check out for a full program of events.

STYLEsteal Check out this beautiful clock, mirror, and range of handbags available now at Under The Arches store Young! Head down there this weekend to see your best range of vintage furniture, paintings, handmade goods and gifts!

ONspecial 3HWULH¡V 0LWUH <RXQJ has all of your mulch needs this weekend. Get down to the store today and explore its huge specials on all mulches for your planting and gardening needs!


locally first!



*Terms and conditions apply. All concession co-payment scripts will be $1 under the maximum allowable PBS price.

BLOOMS THE CHEMIST YOUNG 46 Boorowa Street, Young PH 02 6382 2009


Kim Holt How long have you lived in or around Young for? I have lived in Young for about 30 years now, since my family moved back here. I was born elsewhere but my dad is from Young What do you enjoy the most about living in Young? I have two kids, and Young is a great place and a safe place for them to grow up. Where would your dream holiday be to? My dream holiday would be to anywhere warm. At the moment I would like to go to Hawaii. A few members of the gym here KDYH EHHQ ODWHO\ DQG KDYH VDLG LW¡V JUHDW What do you do for work?

Unique & different Antiques Collectables Old & New 170 Boorowa St, Young

Ph: 6382 6715

SERVICES • Namegiving Ceremonies for Babies, Children, Adults in your home, parks, sea or air. • Marriage, ReafďŹ rmation of Marriage Vows. Lola Elizabeth Crawley • Funeral Ceremonies - Grave side or Crematorium

Call 0429 469 263

I am the co-owner and manager of NRG Fitness Young with my husband, Chris Holt. I also do personal training and administration work. How do you drink your coffee? I always have a skim latte with no sugar.

Thursday 7 April Page 15


Pet Insurance – A load of Rubbish? Like most insurances out there until you need them you feel like you are paying for thin air. This is especially true with pet insurance which I thought was a load of rubbish (as do most pet owners: according to consumer group Choice, only 2 per cent of people insure their pets) until faced with the prospect of massive veterinary ELOOV DIWHU RXU IDPLO\ GRJ GHFLGHG WR SLFN D Ă€JKW with a king brown snake. If your dog is prone to illness or if your cat URXWLQHO\ JHWV LQ WR Ă€JKWV ZLWK RWKHU FDWV SHW insurance can take the stress out of expensive vet bills. Considering the high costs for complicated specialist treatments, pet insurance can offer value for money and give you peace of mind that you can afford the best treatment for your pet. Three tips when buying pet insurance First, read the policy properly – some insurance contracts may as well be written in Greek, so it pays to work out exactly what is included and excluded in your cover. Some LQVXUHUV ZRQ¡W SD\ RXW IRU SUH H[LVWLQJ FRQGLtions, older pets or even certain breeds. Second, choose the highest excess you can FRQĂ€GHQWO\ DIIRUG WR SD\ LQ WKH HYHQW RI D FODLP OLNH WKLV ZLOO ORZHU \RXU \HDUO\ SUHPLXP )LQDOO\ RQO\ LQVXUH IRU HYHQWV WKDW FDQ Ă€QDQcially devastate you. Insurers are only too happy to sell you a high-priced all-inclusive type of cover that allows you to claim vet visits and a KRVW RI H[WUDV ² EXW \RX¡OO SD\ WKURXJK WKH SDZV for it. A lower-cost option is to get fully covered in the event of an accident and illness, and pay for any other vet treatment such as immunisations out of your own pocket. So long as you buy the right policy, pet insurance like most insurance is a smart investment. By John Bowman Ausure Insurance Brokers

WHAT’S Hot 7KH ɇ L3DG 3UR LV DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ QHZ device. Fitting squarely between the ɇ L3DG 3UR DQG WKH ɇ L3DG $LU LW FDQ EH GLIĂ€FXOW WR GHWHUPLQH ZKDW WKH device actually is. The new iPad Pro will feel very familiar to current iPad Airr 2 owners. For those of you that alreadyy J RZQ D ɇ L3DG 3UR EXW DUH ZDQWLQJ D VPDOOHU YHUVLRQ WKH QHZ VOLPOLQH ɇ ɇ ipad Pro is for you. The smaller version n may feel like a downgrade but in otherr D ZD\V SULPDULO\ FDPHUD FDSDELOLW\ LW¡V D huge upgrade.

Talk to us about your Insurance needs. John Bowman & Alleena Vitnell 75 Main Street, Young NSW 2594 Phone: 02 6382 6022 Email:

Page 16 Thursday 7 April 2016


locally first!


Event Details

7 Apr

Kung Fu Panda – Southern Cross Cinema – From 5:30pm Tickets $12 All Proceeds to the Mercy Care Centre to be used for educational resources. Elvis To The Max – Young Services Club Tickets $50 – Doors 7:30pm Show 8pm

8 Apr 8 Apr

8 Apr

9 Apr 9 Apr

9 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr

10 Apr

16 Apr

16 Apr

17 Apr

17 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr

29 Apr 30 Apr 30 Apr 30 Apr

The Country Education Foundation – Cocktail Party and Grant Presentation Friday 8th April commencing at 6.30pm at the %RRURZD 6KRZJURXQG 3DYLOLRQ /LYH HQWHUWDLQPHQW DQG FRPSOLPHQWDU\ GULQN RQ DUULYDO DXFWLRQ UDIĂ HV &RXUWHV\ EXV SHU person. The Honourable Tim Fischer will be the guest speaker. Tickets for sale online or at the Boorowa Newsagency. Twomeys are hosting a “Seniors Pathway After Retirementâ€? with guest speakers from Centrelink and Murrumbidgee Health – Aged Care. Catholic Community Services in partnership with RMS are presenting a Gofer Mobility Scooter Road Safety and transition from “Big Wheels to Little Wheelsâ€? programme, This will be held on 8 April 9.30am at the Young S&C Club. Boorowa residents transport will be arranged if they contact the Community Transport. Enquiries: Young and Boorowa Community Transport tel: 63 82 1518 Beccy Cole Live With Support Act Libby Donovan – Young Services Club Adults $30 Child $15 The Railway Mob – a group of Boorowa volunteers – have been constructing a free standing display containing 8 panels – an illustration and the history of the Galong to Boorowa railway line. This project was facilitated by Boorowa Council which allocated an area in the Old Court House Grounds and supported by the Boorowa Community Bank who provided funds. The display will EH RIĂ€FLDOO\ RSHQHG E\ WKH +RQ 0U 7LP )LVFKHU $& RQ 6DWXUGD\ $SULO DW DP 9HQXH 2OG &RXUW +RXVH *URXQGV ² IROORZHG E\ morning tea. Cabonne Country Balloon Glow – From 3:30pm at Canowindra Sports Ovals. Rugby Game from 4pm, Entertainment and markets with Balloon Glow In the evening. Phone Jan for more info on 6344 1819 The Military Researcher Book Store – Boorowa Street, Young. Tim Fischer book-signing and talk. 2pm. Book title- “Maestro -RKQ 0RQDVK $XVWUDOLD¡V *UHDWHVW &LWL]HQ *HQHUDOÂľ 6HQLRUV :HHN ² )LVKLQJ DW &KLQDPDQ¡V 'DP &KLQDPDQ¡V 'DP 3LWVWRQH 5RDG <RXQJ )URP DP )UHH %RRNLQJV DUH essential. To book from March 21 - March 30 from 9am- 4pm at the Marie McCormick Community Centre. Come along for a fun day out! The Young Fishing club will provide some equipment, table,chairs and a BBQ lunch. Bring a friend or a grandchild! To organise transportation contact Community Transport on 6382 1518. As a part of National Youth Week Boorowa ZLOO EH KRVWLQJ LW¡V YHU\ RZQ &RORXU 5XQ WUDGHPDUN HYHQW DORQJ WKH %RRURZD 5LYHU to be held on Sunday 10 April. Venue: Boorowa Recreation Park. FREE to participate. Everyone encouraged to wear white. Jump on Boorowa Council facebook page and register your interest. Young & Region Farmer Markets. Saturday 16th April 2016 0DUNHWV VWDUWLQJ DW DP DQG Ă€QLVKLQJ DW SP DW $QGHUVRQ 3DUN near the Railway station. Buy fresh straight from the producers. Local fruit, vegetables, plants, wine, honey, goats milk products and baked goods. For any inquires call: 0439 638 233 The Boorowa Community Landcare Group will be hosting a Grazing Revolution Field Day to be held on Saturday 16th April. The day will be hosted by Tony & Jenny Magee “Gunyahâ€? Marvyvale Rd, Rye Park. Dr Dean Revell from Revell Science will SUHVHQW NH\ SUDFWLFDO Ă€QGLQJV IURP WKH (QULFK 3URMHFW &KDUJH )UHH WR ODQGFDUH PHPEHUV IRU QRQ ODQGFDUH PHPEHUV Attendees are asked to bring along a notebook and chair. RSVP by 11 April to Linda Cavanagh 63 851 018 The Young Boorowa Branch of Can-Assist will be holding a Fundraiser on 17 April at 2pm Featuring the Australian Rugby Choir, Southern Cross Choir from Young and our local M&D Choir from Boorowa and a Gospelfolk Choir from Canberra. Soprano Julie OÇonnor will also perform. Last year the Boorowa Remembers Committee the concert in St 3DWULFN¡V &KXUFK %RRURZD ZLWK D SDFNHG KRXVH ZKLFK ZDV LQFUHGLEO\ VXFFHVVIXO PDMRULW\ RI IXQGV ZLOO JR WRZDUGV &DQ Assist. A very worthy cause which assists individuals and families affected by Cancer. Mercy Care Centre Autumn/Winter Fashion Show – Young Golf Club, Contact 6382 8444 - Tickets $30pp – Assisting the refurbishment of the Mercy Care Centre’s Hennessy Recreational Therapy Centre and Paediatric Gym. The Young Society of Artists Annual blokes only-exhibition opening Saturday 23rd April 11am in the Burrangong Art Gallery at Young Visitor Information Centre. Iandra Castle – Mt Oriel Homestead Open Day Sunday 24th April 2016 (Anzac Weekend). 10.00am-4.00pm. $10 adults, $5 children. Parking is onsite, drive in through the main gate and you will be shown where to park. Bring your own picnic basket and have lunch on the lawn, under the trees, or on the verandah. Freshly brewed, locally produced coffee is available. Books and souvenirs are sold on Open Days. Locally produced products are also available. Kingswood Live – Support Act for ACDC 2015 Tour - Young Services Club Tickets $25 (Pre-sale) $30 @ The Door. Boorowa Lions Club will be hosting a Trivia a fundraiser for Snowy Hydro Southcare at the Boorowa Ex-Services Club to be held on Saturday 30 April 2016. $6 per head tables of eight. Bookings: Chris Hall 0455 542 858 or Marilyn Miller 0427 053 086 Boorowa Amateur Picnic Races Enquires: Steve Pescud 63 851 770 <RXQJ +RVSLWDO $X[LOLDU\ 0RWKHUV¡ 'D\ 6WDOO – outside Westpac Bank ,Young, 8.30-3.00. Great selection of plants, delicious KRPH PDGH FDNHV VOLFHV MDPV KDQGZRUN HWF $OVR 0RWKHUV¡ 'D\ 5DIĂ H

For Information On Events in Young and the Region 02 6382 3394 #visityoung


locally first!

Thursday 7 April Page 17

BE Seen

Marie Tame, Jenny Tate, Margaret Fathers, Fay Thompson, David Wynne, Keith Watson, Brian Murphy, Graham Fathers, Roz Faulkner and Murray Napier enjoy WKH &KLQDPDQ·V 'DP OXQFKHRQ 6HQLRUV :HHN HYHQW RQ 7XHVGD\ Photos: Joshua Matic.

Ulricka Noyes and Margaret Kite. Dunt magnit ea nonsed ut verum inctia

Margaret Haines, Pat Smyth, Joyce Lamb, Jenny Glenn and Joyce Williams.

Glad Hancock, Nancy Heffer, Don Hancock, Lloyd Kirkland, Ann Fredrickson and Helen Gunther.

Merva Williams, Maureen Kirk and Robert Kirk.

If you have any photos from a special event, please send them to


sweet rebecca


The Beccy Cole official autobiography

Page 18 Thursday 7 April 2016


No Interest loans available to Hilltops residents

LITTLE Black Book



Panel Beating and Spray Painting - Restorations All Insurance Work - Plastic Welding Headlight Cleaning and Restoration 344 Boorowa Street, Young, NSW, 2594 P: (02) 6382 2322 M: 0498 380 782 E: smurďŹ


P: (02) 6382 7558 F: (02) 6382 7559 E:

Patios, Rooms, Cladding, Carports (BL83737C) As on TV. Phone 6382 7641 WANTED – Agistment / Lease Country For Grazing operation All sizes and options considered! Call 0439 029 204

BFC Maintenance for all your home renovation needs Concreting, tiling, kitchens, bathroom & laundry Works 9 Templemore Street, Young, Phone: 026382 6360 Email: admin@bfcmaintenance com

Lions Club of Young Inc Mini Lotto Results Our Mini Lotto was drawn last night 31st March 2016 at Young Bowling Club The Winning Numbers were:


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There were no winners of 6 numbers And There were 7 winners of 5 numbers Next Week the lotto Jackpot for winning 6 numbers will be $10,000. And The Lotto Jackpot for winning 5 numbers will be $200.00 Next Draw is Thursday 7th April 2016 and will be drawn at the Young Bowling Club. Mini Lotto Quick Pix tickets are sold at various outlets including the S&C Club, IGA, Woolworths, South West Slopes Credit Union and some hotels by Lions Members with the distinctive yellow box.


People living on low incomes in Young, Boorowa, Harden, Cootamundra, Temora and Grenfell can access small loans of up to $1,000 at no interest to buy household items such as appliances or furniture or pay for some services such as dental work. This is all possible under the No Interest Loans Scheme, which is available to residents who meet the correct criteria. There are no establishment or account keeping fees either, so if a loan is for a new washing machine costing $600, that is what is to be paid back. Repayments on loans, usually $20-30 per fortnight, are recycled into loans for other people. “Often mainstream credit, such as a credit card or a personal loan from a bank, LVQ¡W DYDLODEOH WR SHRSOH OLYLQJ RQ ORZ LQFRPHV DQG WKH\ FDQ Ă€QG WKHPVHOYHV WXUQing to very high cost cash loans through non-bank lenders such as you see advertised on TV,â€? said NILS Young coordinator Judy Barker “Another option is to sign up with a rentto-buy company that can end up costing 2 or 3 times the price of an item bought for cash.â€? Through the No Interest Loans Scheme, assisted by the Joesephite Foundation Young, people holding health care, pensioner concession or DVA cards can apply for a No Interest Loan if they have lived at their current address for six months and have the willingness and capacity to repay the loan. :KLOH 1,/6 ORDQV FDQ¡W EH XVHG WR SD\ bills or borrow cash, they can be used for a wide range of household items from fridges to furniture, car tyres and windscreens, televisions to computers, dental costs and medical appliances, hot water services and even lawn mowers. Contact Judy at Young NILS on 6382 6328 on Tuesday or Wednesday for more information.



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Send a clear, high res photo to or post on our Facebook page: The Hilltops Phoenix, with details of who you are nominating. Entries close 30th April 2016

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Thursday 7 April Page 19

PHOENIX Giveaway

win a family pass to taronga western plains zoo Family pass includes tickets for 2 adults and 2 children, valid for 12 months.

Complete the below entry form and return it to The Phoenix Office at 1/48 Lynch Street Young, or enter online via our website for your chance to win. Full terms and conditions are located on our website

Entries close 5pm, Monday 18th April Name: Address: Email: Phone:

IMAGE: Young Yabbies under sevens player Darcy Woodward meets Canberra radio presenter Kristen Henry at Canberra Stadium last Saturday. Photo: Supplied.

Woodwards gets experience of a lifetime at Canberra Stadium The last thing Young Yabbies under sevens player Darcy Woodward expected last Saturday night was to be interviewed live on the big screen at Canberra Stadium. But much to his surprise he got the call up before his 10 minute match against the Gungahlin Eagles during half time of WKH 6XSHU 5XJE\ Ă€[WXUH EHWZHHQ WKH $&7 Brumbies and Waikato Chiefs. He was interviewed by one of Canberra DQG VRXWKHUQ 16:¡V ELJJHVW UDGLR VWDWLRQ presenters, Kristen Henry, from Mix 106.3, who is a regular ground announcer at ACT %UXPELHV¡ KRPH JDPHV With the Yabbies now a part of the ACT Rugby system, its under sevens side ZDV LQYLWHG WR SOD\ LQ D PRGLĂ€HG PDWFK GXUing half time of the Brumbies game, as well as some of the other clubs involved with ACT Rugby. The Yabbies and Eagles played out a “scintillatingâ€? 0-all draw, according WR :RRGZDUG¡V IDWKHU 'DYLG :RRGward, who said his son was thrilled with the experience.

“We nominated Darcy as our spokesperson before the match, and he loved the experience,â€? he said. ´+H ZDV DVNHG IRXU TXHVWLRQV ÂśKRZ ORQJ KDYH \RX EHHQ SOD\LQJ IRU¡ ZKLFK LV WZR \HDUV ÂśZKR ZRQ \RXU JDPH¡ ZKLFK KH GLGQ¡W NQRZ ÂśGR \RX JHW RUDQJHV DIWHU WKH JDPH¡ ZKLFK KH VDLG QR WR EXW KH DFWXDOO\ GRHV DQG ÂśZKDW¡V \RXU DGYLFH IRU WKH %UXPELHV LQ WKH VHFRQG KDOI¡ ZKLFK he told them to play harder.â€? David Woodward said his son got a fair share of air time with Kristen Henry, which he was very grateful for. While he conceded the Yabbies under sevens did not play particularly well, he said their enthusiasm was second to none. ´7KH\ UDFHG RXW RQWR WKH Ă€HOG IDVWHU than what a horse can gallop,â€? he said. “They also got to meet with Brumbies and Wallabies star Henry Speight and walk down the tunnel at Canberra Stadium. The parents got free tickets to the game as well, so it was a great night.â€?

Goldies ready for local derby against Harden Boorowa Goldies captain and coach Marty &RUFRUDQ VDLG WKLV 6DWXUGD\¡V ORFDO GHUE\ match against Harden will answer plenty of questions about his side. The Goldies managed to beat Broulee in round one of the South Coast Monaro competition 41-31, but leaked a few tries late in the match. The Harden Red Devils have been out of the competition for a number of years now, but have celebrated their 40th anniversary by re-entering the competition this year. “Harden should be really tough. They EHDW -LQGDE\QH LQ WKHLU Ă€UVW JDPH EDFN ODVW ZHHN DQG ,¡P KHDULQJ WKH\ KDYH D pretty solid forward pack,â€? said Corcoran. The Goldies will be without fullback Nick Ryan for the Boorowa Showground clash, after he suffered a popped shoulder against Broulee. Charlie Coles will be the most likely player to replace Ryan at fullback. &RUFRUDQ VDLG KLV WHDP¡V VFUXPV OLQeouts and set pieces worked a treat for them in round one, but the players were now looking to improve their defence. 6DWXUGD\¡V PDWFK ZLOO DOVR EH WKH *ROGLHV¡ Âś2OG %R\V 'D\¡ ZLWK SDVW SOD\ers invited to join the current ones at the game, and also for drinks at the Boorowa Hotel afterwards.


Page 20 Thursday 7 April 2016

locally first!


IMAGE: The Young Yabbies in action against Eastern Suburbs in Canberra last weekend

Yabbies to work on discipline after disappointing loss 7KH <RXQJ <DEELHV ÀUVW JUDGH ZHQW GRZQ E\ RQH SRLQW RYHU WKH ZHHNHQG LQ WKHLU ÀUVW game since joining the John I dent competition based out of Canberra. In a stop start game dominated by penalties and scrums the Yabbies Lost to Easts :LWK D WRWDO RI ÀYH \HOORZ FDUGV IRU WKH game both teams should be looking to improve discipline for their future games. Easts held on to possession for the majorLW\ RI WKH ÀUVW KDOI ZLWK WKH <DEELHV GHIHQFH holding well until some scrappy play saw the Easts outside outs t ide centre pick up a loose loo o se ball and cross the line.. The converted conve vert ve vert r ed d try

saw Easts with a 7-0 lead late in the second half. The Yabbies hit back quickly with Daniel Pumpa slotting a penalty goal to close the gap to 7-3. The Yabbies kept attacking late in the half with Ben Simmons crossing the line only for it to be disallowed by the referee. Two more penalties kicked by Pumpa in the second half saw the Yabbies take the OHDG /LNH WKH ÀUVW KDOI WKH IRUZDUGV n dominated the second half with Hagon Williams and Jeshua Smith repeated eatedd repeatedly taking the e ball into contact. With With 3 minutes to go Easts took a shot after affter afte t r

a penalty to secure them the win 10-7. For the Yabbies Best on ground – 3. Will Coulter 2. Calum McCaffery 1. Jack Biggins with Biggins also getting players player points. Co-Coach Mick Stallard had this to say about the performance: “It was a strong Ă€UVW KLW RXW WKHUH DUH D ORW RI SRVLWLYHV ZH can take from this game and we will look to improve each week. Our scrums were solid and we will use that as a base to lift other aspects of our game and move forwardâ€? Vice-president Tam Hamilton said: “A close Game of Rugby, Cold Drinks and +RW IRRG , FRXOGQ¡W LPDJLQH D EHWWHU ZD\ WR spend a Saturday. This year is shaping up to be a cracker.â€? This weekend sees the Yabbies host a ZRPHQ¡V ¡V FRPSHWLWLRQ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ ZLWK UHVHUYH JUDGH DQG Ă€UVW JUDGH WDNLQJ RQ Wests Rugby in the afternoon.

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