Thursday 21 April 2016 ISSUE 8
The Hilltops ANZAC day but the meaning of the ANZAC spirit goes so he 101st anniversary of the landing in much further than just Gallipoli.â€? Gallipoli by the ANZACS will be cele´,W¡V DERXW FDPDUDGHULH DQG PDWHVKLS brated in many ways across the Hilltops which is what is so great about Australia.â€? region on Monday, with various events being 0U $UPLWDJH LV LQ KLV Ă€UVW \HDU DV 3UHVLGHQW held across each of the Young, Boorowa and of the Boorowa RSL. Harden Shires. Mr Armitage spent 22 years in the Once again it is tipped that the dawn Airforce and two years in the services will be some of the most “...the Army, working from Engpopular ceremonies to take place meaning and Australia during the on the day, with these being of the ANZAC land Vietnam War. held from between 5.30am and spirit goes so He said there would be be6.30am in the towns of Young tween 70 and 80 marchand Boorowa, as well as the much further than just ers in Boorowa this villages of Koorawatha, Rugby, year, with around and Wombat. Gallipoliâ€? 12 RSL members, The mid morning ceremonies and Ă€UHĂ€JKWHUV DQG marches in each of the three shires about 50 school students are expected to attract plenty of families, and taking part, being lead by the these will be held from between 8.30am and Boorowa RSL drum band. 11am in Young, Boorowa, Harden, Bendick While similar events will Murrell, Crowther, Wirrimah, and Koorawatha. take place across the Harden Various afternoon events will be staged in Shire, it will also have something Bribbaree, Monteagle, and Jugiong. quite unique. Boorowa RSL sub-branch President Phil A local Light Horse Brigade Armitage said despite ANZAC Day being RQ WKH GD\ $XVWUDOLD¡V DQG 1HZ =HDODQG¡V will tour the Shire across its events on troops became ambushed on the beach at Gallipoli, the occasion extended much further than that. ´,¡P H[WUHPHO\ SURXG WR EH SUHVLGLQJ over ANZAC Day in Boorowa this year,â€? he said. “With last year having been the 100th anniversary since the landing at Gallipoli, we may not have quite as many people out this year,
the day, starting at the Wombat dawn service before getting driven back to Harden for the morning service. It will then ride across to Murrumburrah to the Light Horse Memorial at mid day, before UH HQDFWLQJ WKH IDPRXV Âś%XLOG WKH %DVWDUG¡ Light Horse story at the Memorial. +DUGHQ¡V 6LPRQ 3DYLWW KDV EHHQ D SDUW of the brigade since 2000, and said he exSHFWHG EHWZHHQ Ă&#x20AC;YH DQG SHRSOH WR MRLQ him this year. ´,¡OO EH ZHDULQJ OHJJLQJV WKDW P\ XQFOH ZRUH in 1942 as part of the Cootamundra Light Horse Brigade,â&#x20AC;? he said. ´, UHDOO\ HQMR\ GRLQJ WKH ULGH HDFK \HDU ,W¡V a great thing to do.â&#x20AC;? Young RSL sub-branch President and former Mayor John Walker has worked hard this year preparing events in Young. &U :DONHU D 9LHWQDP YHWHUDQ VDLG <RXQJ¡V march had been swapped around to commence at Town Hall and conclude at Anderson Park, instead of the opposite, for the convenience of the public. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did that to achieve more of an ÂśDPSLWKHDWUH¡ HIIHFW ,W ZLOO EH PRUH LQYROYLQJ IRU WKH FURZG DQG WKH\¡OO Ă&#x20AC;QG LW HDVLHU WR VHH the wreath laying than what they used to at Town Hall,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We should get a couple thousand people at our dawn service, but we could see up around the 4000 mark at our morning service.â&#x20AC;?
From The Team At Blooms Chemist Young
From The Hilltops Fruitbarn, Young
from everyone in the team at Richard Mellish Insurance Young.
from Holly Bradford Photography.
From All Of The Team At Mill Sandwiches, Young
From Brian Maroney Electrical Discounts
from FTS Financial Planning
from the team at Native Botanical, Young.
‘We will remember them’
Hon Katrina Hodgkinson MP
Senator the Hon Fiona Nash
Member for Cootamundra
Deputy Leader of the Nationals Senator for NSW
Will be at the 10.45am Cootamundra ANZAC Commemoration Service and the 3.45pm Bribbaree ANZAC March and Service For assistance with State matters or an appointment please phone: 6226 3311 fax: 6226 3345 write: PO Box 600 Yass NSW 2582 freecall: 1800 00 2580 e: w:
Will be at the 5:45am Dawn Service in Young Phone: 6382 3400 Fax: 6382 3499 Electorate Office: 79 Main Street, Young NSW 2594 Email:
Live Local, Love Local, Support Local
Thursday 21 April 2016
Unique & different Antiques Collectables Old & New 170 Boorowa St, Young
IMAGE: Young Mayor Brian Ingram, Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson, Minister for Regional Development, 6NLOOV DQG 6PDOO %XVLQHVV -RKQ %DULODUR DQG 7$)( 5HOLHYLQJ ,QVWLWXWH 'LUHFWRU 3DXO ,QJZHUVHQ WXUQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW VRG DW WKH Young TAFE campus last Wednesday. Photo: Supplied.
TAFE upgrade to boost education for Hilltops students The entire Hilltops region received a huge boost in education last Wednesday, with construction of a new state-of-the-art medical and commuQLW\ VHUYLFHV WUDLQLQJ IDFLOLW\ RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDOO\ VWDUWLQJ DW the Young TAFE campus. Minister for Skills, Small Business and Regional Development John Barilaro and Member for Cootamundra and Parliamentary Secretary for Southern NSW Katrina Hodgkinson turned WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW VRG RQ WKH VLWH WR IRUPDOO\ VWDUW WKH million redevelopment. The new specialised facilities include a simulated hospital for health and aged care, an early childhood teaching centre with indoor and outdoor learning spaces, as well as a hairdressing and beauty therapy salon, which will include the latest equipment. Ms Hodgkinson said the Young campus project marks a new era in the delivery of vocational education and training for the community.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The redevelopment is very exciting and will allow local students to experience the very best in vocational education and training facilities,â&#x20AC;? she said. Mr Barilaro welcomed the major development in a regional centre. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The new facilities will contain a connected learning centre delivering hundreds of blended courses, using digital technologies to access online learning resources,â&#x20AC;? Mr Barilaro said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;TAFE plays a crucial role in regional NSW and this investment in its future will create opportunities for Young and surrounding communities and allow our regional centres to prosper through quality education and trainingâ&#x20AC;?. A construction period of 12 months is anticipated with the new facilities open for use by February next year.
Ph: 6382 6715
Specialising in residential sales, rural sales, property management & auctioneering Servicing Boorowa, Harden & surrounds.
Call us on (02) 63853337 EST.
Great Counter Meals Icy Cold beer and a great family atmosphere
9 Zouch Street, Young, NSW 2594 Ph (02) 6382 3033
Page 4 Thursday 21 April 2016
QUESTION of the week What are your plans for ANZAC Day?
,¡P JRLQJ RYHU WR P\ PXP¡V KRXVH WR KHOS ORRN after my niece - Kim Foster.
,¡OO EH PDUFKLQJ RQ $1=$& 'D\ LQ WKH <RXQJ march with my school, Young High School - Liam Callaghan.
SNIPPETS... Congratulations to the Smerdon family! The Hilltops Phoenix would like to congratulate the Smerdon family for winning our family pass giveaway to the Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo! Make sure you pick up your copy of The Hilltops Phoenix each week to keep an eye out on other giveaways throughout the year. Head down to the Yass Wooback Festival this weekend! On the river banks of the historical Cooma Cottage, home of the iconic Hamilton Hume, a spectacular Guinness World Record breaking event will be taking place on April 23-24. Wooback 2 is about breaking the current Guinness World Record for the most draught horses ploughing simultaneously. The current record stands at 84 horses. No room for cold potatoesâ&#x20AC;Ś Anything could happen when Hot Potato Band performs on the 29th April, courtesy of the Young Regional School of Music. After returning from their acclaimed performances at Woodford Folk Festival, the much-celebrated Hot Potato Band will be bringing their talent and enthusiasm to Young High School, where they will be demonstrating a variety of musical styles and instruments. They will be performing in the auditorium from 6pm. Tipperary Golf Club news The sun shone bright at Tipperary Golf Club last Sunday for the John Gallop memorial, DQG ZLWK -RKQ¡V IDPLO\ LQ DWWHQGDQFH LW ZDV FHUWDLQO\ D PHPRUDEOH RFFDVLRQ 'RQ¡W IRUJHW the social golf on Monday and Friday. Nine holes are played and nobody keeps score unless you get a par or above.
Have your say...
Have your say on the issues that affect you and your community. To submit a letter to the Editor email us at or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804. Letters to the Hilltops Phoenix must carry the senders name, home address and day and evening phone numbers. Pseudonyms are not accepted. The opinions and views of readers are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix.
THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN THUMBS UP Thumbs Up to the three young gentlemen who assisted an elderly ODG\ LQ D ZKHHOFKDLU DW 6W 0DU\¡V )DLU THUMBS UP Thumbs Up to Native Botanical in Young for their great work in preparing à RZHUV IRU ZHGGLQJV LQ UHFHQW ZHHNV THUMBS UP Thumbs Up to all the organisers of the Can Assist fundraising choir SHUIRUPDQFH DW 6W 3DWULFN¡V &KXUFK LQ Boorowa on Sunday.
THUMBS UP to all of the fantastic photographers who took part in the HardenMurrumburrah Camera Club competition last weekend. THUMBS DOWN to people who make skid marks on our roads. THUMBS UP to everyone across the wider Hilltops area who has helped SUHSDUH QH[W 0RQGD\¡V $1=$& 'D\ ceremonies.
Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. The opinions and views of readers submitting Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down are not necessarily the views of the staff and Management of The Hilltops Phoenix. To submit a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down email us at or mail us at PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804.
locally first!
LETTER TO THE EDITOR... Dear Editor, As we celebrate International Guide Dog 'D\ RQ $SULO ,¡G OLNH WR WKDQN WKH PHPEHUV of the public who resist patting, feeding or otherwise distracting working Guide Dogs in harness. These amazing dogs, which cost more than WR EUHHG UDLVH DQG WUDLQ DVVLVW WKRVH who are blind or vision impaired to safely and independently get to where they need to go. Unfortunately, some people in the community continue to distract Guide Dogs. In a recent survey, 89% of Guide Dog handlers reported that their Guide Dog had been distracted by members of the public in the past 12 months. It takes a great deal of concentration for a person who is blind or vision impaired to work safely with a Guide Dog and everyone in the community can do their part to make the daily travels of someone who has a Guide Dog a little easier. How the community can help: Â&#x2021; 3OHDVH GRQ¡W SDW IHHG RU RWKHUZLVH GLVWUDFW D working Guide Dog in harness. A well-intentioned pat can undo months of training â&#x20AC;˘ Make sure your pet dog is on a leash and under control around a Guide Dog and if approaching someone with a Guide Dog, let them know you have a dog with you. People who use Guide Dogs have been trained in the most effective ways to control WKHLU GRJ¡V EHKDYLRU VR SOHDVH RQO\ SURYLGH assistance if requested. And if your assistance is required, always direct your attention to the person rather than interacting with their Guide Dog. Thank you once again to all those who have been considerate, respectful and mindful of the potential issues caused by distracting a Guide Dog. Sincerely, Dr Graeme White CEO, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
phone l ((02)) 6344 1846 email l or web l Street Address 1/48 Lynch Street, Young NSW 2594 Postal Address PO Box 251 Canowindra NSW 2804 Editorial Debra Clarke | Editor | 0474 159 981 Joshua Matic | Reporter | 0458 237 387 Advertising Debra Clarke | Advertising | 0474 159 981 Advertising Deadline Monday 10am if you require design Tuesday 10am for pre-designed ads Editorial Deadline | Monday 10am
FREE community newspaper published every Thursday Please sign up on our website to receive the Phoenix via email each week.
locally first!
Thursday 21 April Page 5
Harden Shire News...
Noyes to play trumpet at ANZAC Day ceremony 7KLV \HDU¡V GDZQ VHUYLFH LQ WKH +DUGHQ 6KLUH will again feature more youth behind the trumpet than one might come to expect. Fourteen-year old Young High School stuGHQW 5HLG 1R\HV ZLOO SHUIRUP WKH œ/DVW SRVW¡ DQG œ5HYLHOOH¡ RQ KLV WUXPSHW IRU WKH WKLUG VXFcessive ANZAC Day dawn service ceremony in Wombat village. Whilst the talented young trumpeter admitted to feeling a sense of self-satisfaction when he played those two tunes, it was something he had previously never imagined himself doing. And he said he is now potentially considering a career as a musician in the Royal Australian Navy.
IMAGE: Young trumpet player Reid Noyes will play at the Wombat ANZAC Day dawn service for the third time on Monday. Photo: Joshua Matic.
He has been playing the trumpet now for seven years, and after the teaching staff at <RXQJ 3XEOLF 6FKRRO LGHQWLĂ&#x20AC;HG KLV PXVLFDO prowess in his primary years, he was asked WR SOD\ DW WKDW VFKRRO¡V 5HPHPEUDQFH 'D\ ceremony a few years ago. Since that moment, a snowball effect has occurred, and Mr Noyes has found himself playing at the Wombat dawn service for several consecutive years. He said he enjoys the self-satisfaction of being able to play on ANZAC Day - one of the most important days on the national calendar. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The self-satisfaction is great with the trumpet, but it has also brought me a lot of opportunities,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ANZAC services are not about me really. I wear my JUHDW JUDQGIDWKHU¡V PHGDOV He fought in World War II.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think I would enjoy playing in the Royal Australian Navy band later in life. If I ended up in the military, I would prefer to be a musician.â&#x20AC;? Mr Noyes also plays at the Masonic Lodge ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies each year, which are actually held prior to the 25th of April in both Young and Harden. In further news, he has also been selected on the NSW Department of (GXFDWLRQ¡V :HVW RI WKH 'LYLGH WRXU to Europe later this year. The tour group consists of students from schools in NSW and participants are selected based on their musical ability.
Weekly Market Report by FORBES CATTLE SALE 11th April, 2016 Yearling Steers 330 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 400kg FD 265.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 308.0 Average 298.2 400kg + FD 285.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 315.0 Average 306.9 Yearling Heifers 330 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 400kgs 247.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 288.0 Average 277.5 Grown Heifers 0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 540kgs 264.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 264.0 Average 264.0 Cows 520 + kgs 200.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 225.0 Average 214.8 Bulls 600 + kgs 210.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 255.0 Average 238.3 FORBES SHEEP SALE 12th April, 2016 Lambs
20.1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 22kg $115.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $126.00 Average $121.10 22.1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 24kg $124.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $136.00 Average $129.20 24.1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 26kg $136.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $146.00 Average $140.60
22.1kg + $101.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $110.00 Average $105.20
14.1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 18kg MR $64.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $81.00 Average $72.40 24kg + MR $109.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $109.00 Average $109.00
UPCOMING SALES Young Store Cattle 19/05/16 Forbes Store Cattle 22/04/16 CLEARING SALE 7th May, 10am Australiana & Collectables A/C Croker
With a rich history and quality service, make sure that you stop by the Light Horse Hotel or stay longer.
CWLE Stock Draw Cattle: 5 - 18/04/2016 Sheep: 7 - 19/04/2016
337 Albury Street Murrumburrah
FOR ALL YOUR LIVESTOCK NEEDS CALL: OfďŹ ce: (02) 6382 1500 John Gerrard: 0427 102 842 Mark Jolliffe: 0427 110 624 Steve Tomlinson: 0437 102 999
The Harden Murrumburrah Camera Club KHOG LW¡V DQQXDO 3KRWRJUDSKLF ([KLELWLRQ Competition from Friday April 15th to Sunday April 17th at the historic Court House building in Murrumburrah. The Mayor of Harden Shire, Mr John +RUWRQ SUHVLGHG RYHU WKH RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDO RSHQing of the Exhibition on Friday night. Guests were able to enjoy the light supper provided as they browsed through the display. A massive 256 entrants displayed their work across junior and open divisions in the categories of people, birds and animals, portrait/people, open, monochrome people, monochrome subject, macro or closeup, local entrant, and landscape/ waterscape. Placegetters were announced and awarded for each category, and awards were also given for champion print, most VXFFHVVIXO H[KLELWRU DQG WKH SHRSOH¡V choice award. Susie McDonell took out the senior awards for both most successful exhibitor and champion print, while Kirralee Gendle did the same for the junior version. Susie and Kirralee repeated their success by winning the Most Successful Exhibitor awards in their age group, with Susie also being awarded the Connie McFadyen Perpetual Trophy. With entries coming in each year from SODFHV DV IDU DĂ&#x20AC;HOG DV 6\GQH\ 2UDQJH Port Macquarie, Bathurst as well as the Riverina region, the annual Exhibition continues to grow and the organisers hope to offer greater prize money each year.
ALL DAY SALE 28th May, 9:30am Young Showground
Also it is important that you only load stock ďŹ t to travel.
Camera Club exhibition hailed a success
Ph: 6386 2210 Mob: 0428 151 042
Page 6 Thursday 21 April 2016
YOUNGShire News...
FROMthe Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desk
New Heritage Signs for Young New heritage signs depicting some of the <RXQJ VKLUH¡V PRVW VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW HDUO\ KLVWRU\ were installed at four locations last week. The signs, similar in design and construction as the existing heritage signs in Boorowa Street, comprise a photograph or artist impression and an extended caption. 7ZR RI WKH VLJQV DUH OLQNHG WR WKH WRZQ¡V gold rush history, one involves the infamous bushranger Ben Hall and another harkens back to early settlement. One of the signs has been placed in Carrington Park beside an existing notice announcing the location of the Reading of the Riot Act in 1861. With a portrayal of a skirmish between the European miners and the Police on horseback, the notes recount the discovery of gold at Lambing Flat, the attacks on the Chinese miners and the reading of the Riot Act.
locally first!
Another sign installed in Gordon Street is KHDGHG ´/XWSRQ¡V /RRNRXWÂľ DQG FRYHUV WKH shooting of miner William Lupton in 1861 during an attack on the Police Camp situated in the existing Young High School. A shoot out between bushrangers Ben Hall, John Gilbert and two police constables at the Bang Bang Hotel at Koorawath in 1864 is the subject of another new sign installed at the YLOODJH RI .RRUDZDWKD 'XULQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;ULQJ RQH ball of the revolver ricocheted into the public KRXVH $QRWKHU NH\ Ă&#x20AC;JXUH RI WKH GD\ SROLFH inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger arrived with reinforcements following the exchange. -DPHV :KLWH¡V 6KHHS <DUG XVHG DURXQG ² LV VXEMHFW RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;nal new sign installed this week. James White was the original white settler of the area and the sheep yards were located in Thornhill Street.
Councillors and Staff met with the Chief Executive Donna Rygate and President of Local Government NSW Keith Rhoades last week to discuss issues Local Government are facing. Mergers of course were discussed and the implications that go with them. We also had discussions in regard to how the State Government proposes to change funding arrangements for the Emergency Services Levy, on face value it looks like a clear case of â&#x20AC;&#x153;double dippingâ&#x20AC;? and LGNSW will be putting a strong DUJXPHQW XS LQ RSSRVLWLRQ WR WKH 6WDWH¡V proposal. Councillors and representatives from the Economic Development Committee and Chamber of Commerce met with John Barilaro, Minister for Skills, Small Business and Regional Development whilst he was in Young last week and touched on issues that effect Small Business in all Regional areas. 7KH 0LQLVWHU ZDV LQ WRZQ WR RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDWH LQ WKH Sod Turning Ceremony at the Young TAFE, a great investment in our community. While the Minister for Regional Development was in town the YSC took the opportunity to emphasise the need for regional areas to be DEOH WR SURYLGH PRGHUQ DQG HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW KHDOWK facilities to their residents as well as educational institutions. The Minister is now very aware that the YSC has submitted proposals for funding towards building and creating a new Health Hub in Young at both Federal and State Level. On Saturday I took the opportunity to atWHQG WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW &XWWLQJ (YHQW WR EH KHOG DW WKH new facility in Milly Milly Lane and thoroughly enjoyed watching the talent on show from both horses and riders. Congratulations to all involved and I look forward to watching the precinct expand and cater for various horse events and rodeos in the future.
326 BOOROWA STREET, YOUNG NSW 2594 PH 6384 1400
Young Mayor - Brian Ingram
In accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and section 74 of the Environmental Planning DQG $VVHVVPHQW 5HJXODWLRQ QRWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ LV JLYHQ WKDW WKH GHYHORSPHQWV DQG RU PRGLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV mentioned below have recently been granted consent.
This is to advise that Council is in receipt of the following Development Application No. 2016/DA-00053 NAME OF APPLICANT: Stephen Woolford PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot A DP 411875 and Lot 1 DP 449700, 17 Thornhill Street Young NSW 2594 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Mutliple residential development - four (4) x three (3) bedroom dwelling units, 2 detached and 2 attached, single storey, brick veneer, attached single garage Mutliple residential development - four (4) x three (3) bedroom dwelling units, 2 detached and 2 attached, single storey, brick veneer, attached single garage The proposed development is not a designated development, and Young Shire Council is the consent authority for this application. The development application referred to in this notice and the documents accompanying the application, may be LQVSHFWHG DW <RXQJ 6KLUH &RXQFLO RIĂ&#x20AC;FHV %RRURZD 6WUHHW Young, Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., until Friday 29 April 2016. Any person may make a written submission to Council about the development application during this period. If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of REMHFWLRQ PXVW EH VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;HG LQ WKH VXEPLVVLRQ Submissions on the proposal must be lodged in writing with Council prior to the close of business on Monday 2 May 2016.
The development consents are available for public LQVSHFWLRQ GXULQJ RUGLQDU\ RIĂ&#x20AC;FH KRXUV DW &RXQFLO 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHV %RRURZD 6WUHHW <RXQJ 2016/DA-00052 - Lot 1 DP262993, 376 Olympic Highway North, Young - Dwelling (alterations/ additions) - bedroom, deck, double garage attached to dwelling 2016/DA-00047 - Lots 3 & 4, DP 758734 Section 27, 16 Murringo Gap Rd, Murringo - Dwelling (new) - Use of Property for Installation of Manufactured Home 2016/DA-00049 - Lot B DP 410964, 54 Murringo Street, Young - Dwelling (alterations/additions) kitchen, bathroom, laundry and dining area; and Shed - residential storage, colorbond 2016/DA-00041 - Lot 11 DP250700, 112 Milly Milly Lane, Burrangong - Dwelling (alterations and additions) - living area, bedroom, ensuite DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A CAT OWNER? Cat owners have a responsibility to their cat to ensure it is housed, fed and managed to ensure their health and welfare. The community often have divided opinions about cats - which can be seen as either a valued pet/ friend or as a pest. Irresponsible ownership can not only jeopardise your cats safety but it can further impact the reputation of the cat when it is simply behaving as a cat does naturally. Council has developed a factsheet to help cat owners become more aware of the ways to manage companion animal cats in the best possible way. The IDFWVKHHW LV DYDLODEOH IURP &RXQFLO RIĂ&#x20AC;FHV MICROCHIP & REGISTER YOUR CAT Cats born after July 1999 must be microchipped by 12 weeks and registered by six months.
The use of shipping containers for storage, is quick and affordable, and is rapidly growing in popularity. Placing a shipping container on your property, is much like building a shed or garage, and requires development consent. As most shipping containers lack architectural merit, the placement of the shipping container must comply with certain criteria, to reduce their visual impact. Shipping FRQWDLQHUV PXVW DOVR PHHW &RXQFLO¡V 3ROLF\ LQ WHUPV RI â&#x20AC;˘ location, â&#x20AC;˘ visibility and screening, â&#x20AC;˘ the number permitted, Â&#x2021; H[WHUQDO Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHV â&#x20AC;˘ safety, and â&#x20AC;˘ structural adequacy. Further details can be found in the Chapter 4.8 of the <RXQJ '&3 ZKLFK LV ORFDWHG RQ &RXQFLO¡V ZHEVLWH ZZZ - Planning and Building Section). PESTICIDE USE NOTIFICATION Planned pesticide use by Council works crews and contractors until week ending Thursday 5th May 2016 will include the use of Round Up, Brush Off, Amitrol, Weedmaster, Dicamba, Grazon, Basta, Primo, MCPA and %URDGVWULNH DQG )XVLODGH IRU KHUELFLGH FRQWURO &RQĂ&#x20AC;GRU for Aphid and Access for wild fruit tree control on: â&#x20AC;˘ All roads in Young Shire, Shire Parks, Ovals, Laneways and some town areas; â&#x20AC;˘ All Villages, Rest Areas and Reserves; and â&#x20AC;˘ Old General Cemetery Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait will be used in the above areas to WDUJHW WKH FRQWURO RI IUXLW Ă \ ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO¡V 3HVWLFLGH 8VH 1RWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ Plan, signs will be provided on the vehicle applying the pesticide and signs will remain on-site to inform the public for 24 hours after spraying. For further information please FDOO &RXQFLO¡V 3DUNV DQG *DUGHQV $VVHW 3ODQQHU RQ 6380 1200. The planned pesticide use is subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions.
Cats are known to have no boundaries and traditionally have roamed the neighbourhood for PDQ\ \HDUV +RZHYHU WKHUH DUH VHYHUDO EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV WR keeping cats indoors or well contained, including;
One of the joys of being a pet owner is the ability to take them for a walk or a play in a public place.
â&#x20AC;˘ Cats do not have any road sense, and although many do cross roads successfully, there is a VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW ULVN RI \RXU FDW EHLQJ LQMXUHG LQ WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F â&#x20AC;˘ Hunting is a natural behaviour for a cat. By keeping your cat inside you can prevent your cat from hunting native wildlife. At least keep your cat inside between dusk and dawn when wildlife is most at risk. Â&#x2021; 2XWGRRU FDWV DUH HDVLO\ LQYROYHG LQ FDW Ă&#x20AC;JKWV HVSHFLDOO\ DURXQG PDWLQJ VHDVRQ &DW Ă&#x20AC;JKWV FDQ cause injuries which need to be treated by a veterinarian, and can also led to noise complaints. â&#x20AC;˘ Roaming cats are in danger of contacting healthrelated viruses which can also result in death. BEFORE YOU ALLOW YOUR CAT TO ROAM, ASK YOURSELFâ&#x20AC;Ś ´,V LW IDLU WR OHW P\ FDW RXW WR ZDQGHU LQ RWKHU SHRSOH¡V properties? Possibly causing damage and defecating RQ RWKHU SHRSOH¡V JDUGHQV"Âľ ´+RZ ZRXOG , IHHO LI WKH QHLJKERXU¡V FDW FDPH RYHU WR my place and did the same thing?â&#x20AC;? DESEX YOUR CAT It is important to desex young cats before they reach sexual maturity - females can become pregnant at the age of four months and desexing male cats before three months of age prevents anti-social behaviour such as urine spraying and aggression. BE A RESPONSIBLE CAT OWNER MICROCHIP AND REGISTER YOUR CAT PREVENT YOUR CAT FROM ROAMING DESEX YOUR CAT UNDERSTAND CAT BEHAVIOUR
$V D UHVSRQVLEOH SHW RZQHU DQG UHVLGHQW ZLWKLQ WKLV Ă&#x20AC;QH community, this joy comes with several responsibilities. 7KHVH DUH EULHĂ \ OLVWHG EHORZ DV D FDVXDO UHPLQGHU Effective Control All pets when off their property must be under effective control. For the purposes of the Companion Animals Act, this means the pet must be on a leash and under command and supervision of the attending person. Only 2 Leash Free areas exist within Young and these are at Jack Howard Reserve on Whiteman Avenue, and also the Dog Ring area of the Young Showground when the Showground is open for use and free of other events. Clean Up Any Mess Should your pet choose to relieve itself in a public place, the person who has effective control of the animal has the responsibility, at law, to clean up after their pet. When walking your pet, tie a couple of plastic bags into the leash or slip them into your pocket. Old shopping bags are ideal for this. Control Any Aggression or Barking Try hard to have your pet not interfere with the area you are walking in. It is hard as pets like to socialize and are naturally curious, however it is best for everybody if you have effective control of your pet. At Home â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Good Enclosures Pets need to be suitably controlled and amused whilst at home. Council receives too many calls about barking dogs, escaped dogs and roaming dogs. Please check your yard, ensure your pet is well fed, well watered and content in its surroundings. Try to ensure access to shade especially in these warmer months and that your pets have balls, chew toys or other items to help amuse them. Council thanks you for thinking about your pets and working towards a happy and cohesive community.
PLANNED ROADWORKS FOR WEEK ENDING THURSDAY 28TH APRIL 2016 The following works are underway: â&#x20AC;˘ Gravel resheeting at Jerrybang Lane, Belowra Road and Murringo Stock Route. (Please contact Young Shire Council to arrange quotation and payment of all private works in these areas.) â&#x20AC;˘ Shoulder widening at Bribbaree Road from Mines Road intersection to Kikiamah Lane. â&#x20AC;˘ Culvert extensions at Chillingworks Road (between the rail crossing and Henry Lawson Way). â&#x20AC;˘ Maimuru SS Road shoulder widening from Good Friday Gully intersection to Bribbaree Road intersection. â&#x20AC;˘ Olympic Highway minor patching works various locations. â&#x20AC;˘ Tubbul Road shoulder widening at Greengully. Speed restrictions will be in place and minor delays may be experienced. The planned roadworks are subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. Motorists are advised Roadwork Speed Limits are enforceable by the NSW Police. Speed should be reduced and caution should be exercised when travelling through roadwork sites. Mary Gilmore Way (Weddin Shire) - Temporary road closure. Due to Railway Level Crossing improvement works a vehicle detour will be implemented via Quandialla Road and Bribbaree Road through Bribbaree Village on 18 April 2016, weather permitting. For further information please contact Weddin Shire Council on 6343 1212.
Page 8 Thursday 21 April 2016
BOOROWAShire News...
FROM the Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desk
IMAGE: The Boorowa District Hospital surrounded by its Autumn colours. Being a district hospital, it does not provide all services, meaning Boorowa residents may need to travel depending on their needs.
Transport for health in Boorowa Boorowa Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) reminds the community about some changes to transport arrangements to medical appointments that may impact local residents. Chair Phil Armitage said the changes concerned the Isolated Patient Transport and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS). â&#x20AC;&#x153;We all know that Boorowa is a community that is a bit isolated from transport, making LW GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW WR DFFHVV D ZLGH UDQJH RI KHDOWK services,â&#x20AC;? Mr Armitage said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Most of us get to specialists in places like Canberra, Wagga or Sydney under our own steam. Where this is not possible we often fall back on Community Transport; a volunteer based, federally funded program. And JLYHQ WKH GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW\ VRPHWLPHV ZH MXVW GRQ¡W go.â&#x20AC;? IPTAAS is a subsidy scheme that allows people who drive, or are driven, to medical
locally first!
services over 100km away to claim some Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH :KHUH WKH UHIHUring GP states that an escort is needed and/or accommodation is needed at the destination an additional subsidy can be claimed to cover some of the cost. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Non health care card holders need WR PDNH D FR SD\PHQW +HDOWK FDUH card holders do not need to make a copayment,â&#x20AC;? Mr Armitage said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you need to make frequent trips (say for radiology or dialysis) that are shorter than 100km you can also qualify for assistance, if you travel over 200km a week. To do this you need to keep a diary. There is a form for this on the website. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To qualify for the subsidy of 22c per kilometre your referral must be to the nearest provider of that type of service. So it makes sense to check that your referral is to the nearest service provider.â&#x20AC;?
ANZAC Day Road Closures Council wishes to advise that on Monday, 25 April 2016, as in previous years, Marsden Street, Pudman Street and Queen Street will be closed for the ANZAC Day march to the War Memorial from 10am until 12.30 pm. The parade will commence at the intersection of Marsden and Queen Street at 10am and proceed to the War Memorial. Marsden Street will be reopened following the completion of the Parade. Anthony McMahon General Manager
This week I have spent a lot of time thinking about telephones and the amount of time we have spent arguing with our service providers to ensure that we are getting what we pay for. Arguing and telephone service seem to be synonymous. Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, was actually involved in a very famous legal battle just to prove he invented the telephone before Elisha Gray? It seems since then, the arguments, the legal battles and the trouble getting proper service, have only become more impossible. Since December, Boorowa has experienced seven landline outages and lost a total of twenty-one days of service. For some of the outlying villages and rural residents, landlines are the only service available. This has led to a very dangerous and potentially life threatening problem. There is no way for residents WR FRQWDFW Âś ¡ LQ DQ HPHUJHQF\ EHFDXVH 7HOVWUD KDYH QR EDFN XS Ă&#x20AC;EUH OLQN 7KH\ KDYH not repaired the Boorowa - Goulburn link that failed a long time ago and now the back up link is failing. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated issue. Other areas are experiencing these same GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV 7HOVWUD¡V LQDFWLRQ LQ SURYLGLQJ SHUPDQHQW solutions is not only frustrating, it is a breach of their service contract conditions. As we wait to hear what our Federal representatives and the Government will do now WKDW 7HOVWUD¡V FRQWUDFW LV XS IRU UHYLHZ , VXJgest we all invest in a good pigeon and begin an extensive training program. Know of anyZKHUH ZH FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG VRPH JRRG SLJHRQV" /HWV FRQWLQXH WKH Ă&#x20AC;JKW DV D FRPPXQLW\ DJDLQVW 7HOVWUD¡V EODWDQW LQDFWLRQ LQ RXU ORFDO government area and region. Please keep complaining until something is done. Hello? Telstra? Can you hear us now? Boorowa Mayor - Cr Wendy Tuckerman
locally first!
Thursday 21 April Page 9
Vicki Carey How long have you lived in or around Boorowa for? I live in Frogmore, which is near Boorowa. I have lived there for 26 years now. What do you enjoy most about living in Frogmore? I enjoy the unique friendships and community involvement. The community also has a lot to offer to people of all ages.
What do you do for work? I work part time at the Boorowa Council, as a customer service representative, and I also help out my husband on the farm. +H¡V D IDUPHU
Bee biodiversity workshop a success
How do you drink your coffee? I have my coffee white with skim milk, with one sugar, and made extra hot.
On Saturday 2nd April, Boorowa Community Landcare Group hosted Megan Halcroft from Bees Business, to speak at Boorowa Ex-Services Club about Native Bees and their habitat. It was a very successful event with over 30 attending from Boorowa, Young and extending to neighbouring Landcare groups in Gunning, Yass and Breadalbane. Megan opened the day with discussion about the importance of bees in our environment and how most native bees are solitary and do not produce honey but are very important pollinators. Bees drive biodiversity through pollination, as pollination enables seed formation and fruit development. Bees are important pollinators of many food crops such as vegetables, berries, nuts, coffee and more. Very simply â&#x20AC;&#x201C; No bees, No food!
Sadly, our bee populations are declining. As we clear land for urban development, remove plants and by using pesticides, we can cause bee population losses. The workshop group then moved to local gardens in Boorowa to observe what habitats for native bees look like and what is the best way to attract bees to your garden. The best way to attract bees to your JDUGHQ LV WR KDYH SDWFKHV RI à RZHUV ² WKH JUHDWHU YDULHW\ RI à RZHU WKH JUHDWHU WKH GLversity of bee you will attract. Make sure you plant a variety of different species so that WKHUH DUH à RZHUV DOO \HDU URXQG Gardens can also provide additional nesting habitat that are similar to their natural ones. Megan had many samples on display and talked about how to create these very simply from bundles of hardwood, bamboo and rammed earth blocks.
Boorowa Preschool seeks Committee Members Boorowa Preschool would like to invite all members of the community to participate in the reconvened AGM, to be held at 7pm on 26 April at Boorowa Preschool. The Preschool operates as a community UXQ QRW IRU SURĂ&#x20AC;W LQFRUSRUDWLRQ DQG DV VXFK requires a committee of volunteers to govern the business. Committee members are provided with a unique opportunity to be involved in the education and care of the young people of Boorowa, and an incredibly satisfying and rewarding experience. The Management Committee must comprise of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and 2-4 general committee PHPEHUV 7KHVH UROHV PXVW EH Ă&#x20AC;OOHG LQ RUder for the preschool to remain operational in its current form. For a small, rural community such as Boorowa, the provision of affordable Preschool education to all children
is critical. In its current structure the preVFKRRO RSHUDWHV DV D QRW IRU SURĂ&#x20AC;W LQFRUSRration and this enables fees to be set at a minimum. If you have skills you wish to share and time to contribute to the preschool, they would value your participation. The Committee is looking for members who can assist with secretarial, book keeping, fund raising and strategic management. Please consider joining the committee for what is going to be a very exciting time as they make the move into long day care. For more information on what is involved please contact the Centre Manager Sarah Rose on 6385 3467 or email, alternatively you could contact the Committee Secretary Ann de Wright at
Where would your dream holiday be to? My dream holiday would be to somewhere overseas to enjoy the history of other places.
IMAGE: Frogmore resident Vicki Carey works at the Boorowa Council.
G SALES ADVERTISIN ANTED PERSON W Do you love talking and meeting new people? Love to know what is going on in the local community? Have excellent presentation skills? Then the Hilltops Phoenix needs you! We are looking for a talented sales person who is target driven and has a commitment to achieve. If you would like to join the team on a part time basis, then send your resume to:
Page 10 Thursday 21 April 2016
ACROSS 5 Washed and dressed in breeches (5) 6 Stern punishment inflicted by several landholders (5) 8 Remark about the role of a separated space (11) 9 Disagreeing with the use of a damaged airgun, regarding it with some gravity (7) 12 Red hole rash ailment possesses a bit of company (11) 13 Talk back concerning the thickness of wool yarn (5) 14 Encouraged Edward with a seed cell on top (5)
QUICK CLUES ACROSS 5 Applied pressurised water (5) 6 Hires (5) 8 Separated room (11) 9 Disagreeing (7) 12 One with investment in company (11) 13 Answer (5) 14 Urged (5) DOWN 1 Trademarks (5) 2 As a stop-gap (11) 3 Nomenclature (11) 4 Smart (5) 7 Extended period of no rain (7) 10 Rotating part of cart (5) 11 Taper off (5)
6 Who provides the voice of Po the panda in the Kung Fu Panda film series? 7 Which peace treaty officially ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers at the end of World War I? 8 What is the world’s most populous city? 9 Which planet in our solar system is the only one to spin on its side? 10 According to Greek mythology, who is the god of commerce?
1404 © Reuben’s Puzzles
Form at least one nine letter word from the given letters and as many other words as possible of four or more letters. Each word must contain the letter in the central circle. Simple plurals, formed by adding “s” are not counted as extra words. No prefixes or suffixes. Reference: The Macquarie Concise Dictionary.
Difficulty: Medium
Today’s Aim: 13 words Good 16 words Very good 18 words Excellent
How to play sudoku: You are given a 9x9 grid which has been divided up into nine 3x3 boxes. The aim of the game is very simple: to fill each row, column and 3x3 box with the numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive.
1 Chameleon. 2 Foot. 3 200 games. 4 Pevensie. 5 Red, blue, orange. 6 Jack Black. 7 Treaty of Versailles. 8 Tokyo, Japan. 9 Uranus. 10 Hermes.
1 Which lizard species can move its eyes in two directions at the same time? 2 Where in the human body is the cuboid bone? 3 Melbourne Victory’s Leigh Broxham recently became the 11th player to reach which A-League milestone? 4 What is the surname of the children featured in The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis? 5 Which three colours feature on the national flag of Armenia?
DOWN 1 Set up a branch overseas with designer trademarks (5) 2 Relay import taxes for the time being (11) 3 That certain nomenclature with suits the room I renovate gently but systematically (11) 4 Sing about the time you may needle someone for some cash (5) 7 I wonder why the medico should undergo such a dry period (7) 10 Roll with leading part of foot (5) 11 Gradually give out the first bishop (5)
SUCCULENT, nucleus, cusec, uncle, scent, scute, unset, clue, cent, sect, cute, lens, lent, lune, lest, lute, nest, sent, tune, suet.
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HOUSE of the week
Thursday 21 April Page 11
If you have decided to sell your property in Young or the surrounding areas, please contact me at Jamieson Real Estate. New listings are welcome.
- Professional - Friendly - Personal -
Neat and tidy three bedroom cottage 930 Stock Route Road East, Monteagle $205,000 Located on the edge of Monteagle Village on 2.58 ac. A neat and tidy three bedroom Hardiplank cottage with rumpus room, lounge, kitchen/ PHDOV DUHD ZLWK XQGHU ÁRRU KHDWLQJ EDWKroom and separate toilet. The house block has established shade trees and shrubs with scattered timbers on the outer area. To view this listing further see our website and for inspections please contact Roz Faulkner on 0407 950 605
Roz Faulkner 0407 950 605 22B Lovell Street Young
OPEN for inspection Ray White Open Homes • 3 Browns Lane, Young - Open Saturday 9.30am, Auction 10am • 7 Hambrook Place, Young - Open Home Saturday 10.30am, Auction 11am • 8 Back Creek Road, Young - Open Home Saturday 11am • 4 Lachlan Close, Young - Open Home Saturday 12.30pm, Auction 1pm • 7 Prospect Street, Young - Open Home Saturday 12pm • 1400 Kingsvale Road, Young - Sold Prior to Auction
Young Auctions
Thursday 21 May Young Federation Motor Inn, Commencing 6pm 8/48 Lynch Street, Young (Former Mill Tavern) 258 Boorowa Street, Young (Commercial Land) Saturday 23 May 10am On Site - Lot 1 Brown Lane, Young 11am On Site - 7 Hambrook Place, Young 12pm On Site - 4 Lachlan Close, Young 1400 Kingsvale Road, Young SOLD PRIOR!
50 arable acres in private location with spring fed creek 4br + office timber featured home - spacious living areas I/g. pool, 2 huge sheds, stockyards, tractor & implements
Contact the Ray White Young Sales Team 7 days: David Coombes 0417 263 978 Dick Cummins 0438 299 446 Adam Strong 0438 825 800 Tony Brown 0427 615 703
Agent Bernade e Edgerton M: 0412092006 T: 0263823333
Price $740,000
37 Main Street, Young, Ph: 02 6382 5800 Email:
Page 12 Thursday 21 April 2016
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MIXit up The Bakery Boss from Harvey Norman Young is available in delicious colours such as Blueberry Granita, Salted Licorice, Sour Cherry, Silver and Royal Champagne
STYLEstealal Check out these beautiful products available in the window at Under the Arches Young. Get down there this weekend for your best range of vintage furniture, paintings and handmade goods and gifts.
CHECKthis out! Get down to -HQQLQJ¡V PRZHUV DQG VDZV this weekend WR FKHFN RXW WKHLU ODWHVW UDQJH RI EORZHUV -HQQLQJ¡V LV your local Stihl dealer, and specialise in a wide range of products. Blowers are available in battery and electric power, and range in sizes.
HEALTHLYhome Preparing for Winter? Get down to Blooms Chemist Young this weekend to take advantage of the latest Vapor Pro sale! Vapor 3UR UHOLHYHV QDVDO FRQJHVWLRQ IURP FROGV Ă X croup, bronchitis and hayfever.
locally first!
$VWKPD %XVKĂ&#x20AC;UH 6PRNH %XVKĂ&#x20AC;UH VPRNH DQG VPRNH IURP SUHscribed burning activities can be a major trigger for people with asthma and other UHVSLUDWRU\ FRQGLWLRQV ,W¡V LPSRUWDQW WR EH prepared and know how to respond if you are exposed to smoke. With many properties across the Young, Boorowa and Harden Shires burning off their paddocks, there has been lots of smoke in the air recently. So what do I do? â&#x20AC;˘ Stay indoors when there is smoke (unless you are advised to evacuate); close all windows and doors and block air vents. â&#x20AC;˘ If you have an air conditioner, use it - set it to recycle, at home and in the car. â&#x20AC;˘ Avoid doing physical activity outdoors while smoke is around.
â&#x20AC;˘ Continue using your asthma preventer medication as prescribed by your doctor. â&#x20AC;˘ Always have your asthma reliever medication with you, and use it as soon as you get symptoms â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to prevent them from getting worse. If available, use a spacer as it assists with the dosage of medication. Â&#x2021; ,I \RXU DVWKPD UHOLHYHU PHGLFDWLRQ LVQ¡W ZRUNing, or needed 2-3 times hourly or more, seek urgent medical advice by calling 000 for an ambulance. Â&#x2021; ,I \RX GRQ¡W KDYH \RXU DVWKPD PHGLFDWLRQ ZLWK \RX RU \RX FDQ¡W DFFHVV \RXU KRXVH WR get it, your community pharmacy can provide emergency asthma medication even if \RX GRQ¡W KDYH D VFULSW RU PRQH\ WR SD\ IRU LW â&#x20AC;˘ For all medical advice, consult your healthcare professional
Thursday 21 April Page 13
Hay fever still around Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, better known as ÂśKD\ IHYHU¡ FDQ VWLOO EH SLFNHG XS LQ $SULO despite the fact we are well past Spring, the most typical time of year to get the condition. Allergic rhinitis symptoms are FDXVHG E\ WKH ERG\¡V LPPXQH UHVSRQVH WR LQKDOHG SROOHQ UHVXOWLQJ LQ FKURQLF LQĂ DPmation of the eyes and nasal passages. Here are some tips for avoiding exposure to pollen: â&#x20AC;˘ Stay indoors until after midday. Try to avoid going out on windy days or after thunderstorms. â&#x20AC;˘ Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes â&#x20AC;˘ Do not mow the grass and stay inside when it is being mown. If mowing is unavoidable, wear a mask or consider taking a non-drowsy antihistamine if your doctor has suggested this. â&#x20AC;˘ Consider planting a low allergen garden around the home. â&#x20AC;˘ Keep windows closed both at home and particularly when in your car (and where possible use recirculating air conditioning in your car). â&#x20AC;˘ Do not picnic in parks or in the country during the pollen season. â&#x20AC;˘ Try to plan your holidays out of the pollen season or holiday at the seaside. â&#x20AC;˘ If you are sensitive to particular weeds or trees that are outside your bedroom window, have them removed. â&#x20AC;˘ Shower when you arrive home and rinse your eyes frequently with water. â&#x20AC;˘ For all medical advice, consult your healthcare professional
NE W !
No Script Necessary *Price of vaccination is only available during set clinic times.
46 Boorowa St, Young
02 6382 2009
Flu Vaccine Clinic 2 Accredited Pharmacists on staff No Script Required Available 8am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6pm Monday to friday
96 Boorowa St, Young Ph:6382 2455 7KLV GRHV 127 UHSODFH WKH IUHH YDFFLQH IRU RYHU ¡V $ERULJLQDO DQG Torres Strait Islanders, pregnant women and those suffering from chronic diseases under NIP or people under the age of 18 years old
Page 14 Thursday 21 April 2016
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Just a Short Drive to Yass OORE! W E TH
SUNDAY 24 APRIL 9:00 to 3:00
Entry with your $10.00 Woo Back 2 ticket
Yass - a great destination Yass lies on the junction of the Hume and Barton Highways and serves as an important interchange, connecting Sydney, Melbourne and the Australian Capital Territory. 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW VXUYH\ RI WKH WRZQ ZDV FRQGXFWHG LQ DQG WKH WRZQVKLS ZDV RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDOO\ JDzetted in 1837. ,Q +DPLOWRQ +XPH ZDV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW QRQ indigenous person to see the Yass Plains. At the time he was struck by the superior quality of agricultural land and spectacular scenery in the area. In 1824 Hamilton Hume and William Hovell returned to the Yass Plains and it was during this time that they made their groundbreaking exploratory expedition from Appin near Sydney, to Port Phillip Bay. Prior to 1821, the Yass District had numerous Aboriginal campsites, which re-
Ă HFW D FRPSOH[ DERULJLQDO KLVWRU\ ZLWKLQ an area, which was, prior to European settlement, known as Ngunnawal Territory. The inhabitants of this territory were known as the Ngunnawal tribe. The strong relationship between local indigenous people and the development of the WRZQ LV UHĂ HFWHG LQ LWV QDPH <DVV ZKLFK is believed derived from an Aboriginal word â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yharâ&#x20AC;? meaning running water. Yass sits 487 metres above sea level and houses around 6000 people. The Valley features the villages of Binalong, Sutton, Murrumbateman, Gundaroo, Wee Jasper, Wallaroo, Bowning and Bookham. With its many historic buildings, Yass and its Villages offer numerous attractions for tourists.
Lots to see and do for all ages at Heyday Festival $W WKH +XPH¡V +H\GD\ DQQXDO )HVWLYDO RQ Sunday 24th April you will experience eveU\GD\ OLIH LQ +DPLOWRQ +XPH¡V GD\ ² WKH mid-19th Century colonial Australia. Cooma Cottage is the perfect setting; the house and stables have been preserved by the National Trust as Hume left them.
The National Trust is a non-governPHQW QRW IRU SURĂ&#x20AC;W FKDULW\ WKDW VWULYHV to preserve our heritage, while educating people about the past and about the importance of keeping the memory and the buildings as an important part of $XVWUDOLD¡V KLVWRU\
Celebrate our colonial heritage by joining us for Wooback2 and Humeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hey Day at the KLVWRULFDOO\ VLJQLĆŹFDQW Cooma Cottage 23-24 April Call 1300 886 014 or visit for more information
locally first!
Thursday 21 April Page 15
Just a Short Drive to Yass Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss Thyme to Taste in Yass â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look out for the old push bike out the front of the store.â&#x20AC;? 7KDW¡V WKH PHVVDJH IURP 7K\PH WR 7DVWH GHOL and cafĂŠ owner Lee-Anne Sutton, who said her business is a must-see when visiting Yass. Ms Sutton and her business partner, Andrew Dodds, decided to start the business from
scratch, specialising in all local produce from the Yass Valley and surrounding regions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We specialise in cheese, sausages, chicken, meat, and lots of other produce from around the region,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Who made what, and where? We can answer thatâ&#x20AC;?.
Yass Valley is set to host Wooback 2, highlighting the heritage of heavy horses, which will culminate in a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest amount of heavy horses SORXJKLQJ LQ RQH Ă&#x20AC;HOG DW WKH VDPH WLPH An initiative of the Wooback Yass Heritage Working Horse Association and supported by Yass Valley Council, Wooback 2 will be hosted at the historic property of the Australian explorer Hamilton Hume, Cooma Cottage in Yass. It will be staged over two days, 23-24 April 2016. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heavy horses really built this country, and with only around 5000 Clydesdale horses left in the world, we really need to show the next generation how highly intelligent and valuable these animals are,â&#x20AC;? Chris Broers said. Wooback 2 will be a fun, jam-packed weekend of horse events, trade stalls, carriage rides, food, music and family activities. The
original Wooback event, held in 2014, attracted around 6000 visitors to Yass Valley where the world record for heavy horses ploughing in RQH Ă&#x20AC;HOG DW WKH VDPH WLPH ZDV RULJLQDOO\ VHW ´2Q WKH 6DWXUGD\ ZH¡OO KDYH VRPH JUHDW heavy horse events including lead, halter, ridden and working classes. Saturday evening ZH¡OO KDYH D FRXQWU\ PXVLF FRQFHUW WKHQ RQ WKH 6XQGD\ ZH¡OO IRFXV RQ WKH KHULWDJH LQFOXGLQJ plough matches, working displays and claiming back that world record,â&#x20AC;? Chris continued. :RREDFN LV D QRW IRU SURĂ&#x20AC;W RUJDQLVDWLRQ and any money made from this event goes straight back to four chosen charities; the Yass Hospital Auxiliary, Can Assist Cancer Assistance Network, Cooma Cottage National Trust and Heavy Horse Heaven - a dedicated rescue and rehabilitation centre for heavy breed horses in Australia,
Wooback 2 in 2016
The place to be COFFEE CAKES â&#x20AC;˘ TURKISH BREAD â&#x20AC;˘ GOURMET SANDWICHES â&#x20AC;˘ SMOOTHIES & MILKSHAKES â&#x20AC;˘ CATERING & MUCH MORE â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ 93 Meehan St, Yass (02) 6226 5261
THUNDERBIRD MOTEL Open from 6pm Mon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sat Bookings essential 62261158 264 Comur St, Yass NSW 2582
Come to Galutziâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for fresh gourmet food Galutzi specialises in fresh, home made gourmet food. Including slow cooked, chunky beef pies, gourmet sandwiches on turkish bread, and cakes made daily.
Enjoy great coffee and food, or come and WU\ %XUHN &KLFNHQ )LOR¡V RU GHOLFLRXV IUXLW VPRRWKLHV LFH FUXVKHU GULQNV *DOXW]L¡V LV located just off the main street.
ipadvisor -
- Highly rated on Tr
Come visit the little deli and cafe in Yass where we support local producers directly. Enjoy our great tasting coffee or sample our fine cheese boards and premium selection of local wines.
23-24 April 2016,YASS NSW AUSTRALIA
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WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S On DATE
Event Details
23 Apr
The second workshop scheduled for the school holidays at the Boorowa Library are at 10am and 12pm on Saturday 23 April â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Make it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; LEGO
23 Apr
The Young Society of Artists Annual blokes only-exhibition opening Saturday 23rd April 11am in the Burrangong Art Gallery at Young Visitor Information Centre.
23 & 24 Apr
Wooback 2 Heavy Horse Ploughing Festival - â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cooma Cottageâ&#x20AC;?, 756 Yass Valley Way, Yass NSW. Come out to the festival on April 23 and 24 to see the Guinness World Record attempt for the most draught horses ploughing simultaneously! The festival opens from 9am-4pm both days. &RVW LV IRU DGXOWV DQG IRU FKLOGUHQ DQG SHQVLRQHUV
24 Apr
Iandra Castle â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mt Oriel Homestead Open Day 6XQGD\ WK $SULO $Q]DF :HHNHQG DP SP DGXOWV FKLOGUHQ 3DUNLQJ LV onsite, drive in through the main gate and you will be shown where to park. Bring your own picnic basket and have lunch on the lawn, under the trees, or on the verandah. Freshly brewed, locally produced coffee is available. Books and souvenirs are sold on Open Days. Locally produced products are also available.
25 Apr
Young Township - Anzac Day Dawn Service - 5.45 am - Boorowa Street in front of the Young Town Hall War Memorial Clock Tower
25 Apr
Young Township - Anzac Day March & Service, Anderson Park, Lovell Street. From 10.00am Assemble on Boorowa Street at the front of the Young Town Hall, War Memorial Clock Tower for the Anzac Day Service March. The participants will then march in an easterly direction along Boorowa Street turning left into Lynch Street then left again into Lovell Street. to assemble at Anderson Park War Memorial in Lovell Street for wreath laying prior to the Commemoration Anzac Day Service.
25 Apr
Young Shire ANZAC Day services BENDICK MURRELL VILLAGE - Memorial Service from 9.00am - Bendick Murrell Hall Memorial BRIBBAREE VILLAGE - March and Memorial Service from 4.00pm - adjacent to Assemble at the Bribbaree Bowling Club and march to the Cenotaph for Wreath laying at Anzac Park. Then march onto the Bribbaree Memorial Hall for Memorial Service. CROWTHER MEMORIAL - Memorial Service Crowther Memorial Park from 10.00am KOORAWATHA VILLAGE - Dawn Service - from 5.30am - assemble Boorowa Street(Koorawatha) War Memorial Gates. March & Memorial Service - from 10.45am - assemble adjacent to the Koorawatha Regional Rooms, march concludes with a Memorial Service at the War Memorial Park Gates. MONTEAGLE VILLAGE - from 2.30pm - Memorial Service Monteagle Hall. WIRRIMAH VILLAGE - from 8.30am - Wirrimah Memorial Park
25 Apr
11.00 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; March and Commemorative Service at War Memorial 0XVWHU IRU 0DUFK DW DP RQ 4XHHQ 6WUHHW QH[W WR 3RVW 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH
March departs at 10.45 am Lunch for Veterans, Service and Ex-Service personnel at Boorowa Ex-Services and Citizens Club. RSVP for lunch by 18 April 2016
25 Apr
Rugby ANZAC Day services 6.30 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dawn Service at Rugby War Memorial (QMR\ D IULHQGO\ FDPSĂ&#x20AC;UH EHIRUH WKH 'DZQ 6HUYLFH Muster at the Rugby Hall to proceed to the Memorial Gates for the Service Afterwards a traditional breakfast of Anzac Coffee and Toast is served in the Hall. Gold coin donation is requested. There is always a speaker at/ after Breakfast.
26 Apr
The Boorowa Preschool Centre is re-convening their AGM due to vacant committee positions. The meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 26 April at 7:00pm. All interested community members encouraged to attend.
29 Apr
Kingswood Live â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Support Act for ACDC 2015 Tour - Young Services Club 7LFNHWV 3UH VDOH # 7KH 'RRU
29 Apr
The Hot Potato Band is unique, as there sound come form three drummers creating synchronised grooves on what could be a deconstructed drum kit. 6:00pm, Friday April 29, 2016, Young High School Auditorium, Campbell Street, Young 7LFNHWV $GXOWV 6WXGHQW DYDLODEOH RQ WKH QLJKW RU DW WKH <RXQJ 5HJLRQDO 6FKRRO RI 0XVLF %DNHG SRWDWRHV ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH EHIRUH WKH VKRZ IRU 7KH\ DUH SURYLGHG E\ WKH <RXQJ +LJK 6FKRRO 3 & )RU DQ\ IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW Tania Noyes or the Young Regional School of Music on (02) 6382 5735
29 Apr
Autumn Workshop by Artist John Wilson. 'DWH )ULGD\ WK $SULO 9HQXH 0DULH 0F&RUPLFN &HQWUH 7LPH SP HQWU\ IRU WKRVH QRW attending 2 day workshop / light supper served. Bookings and information contact Heather on 6382 3268.
29 Apr
Young Community Chest Inc Launch. Friday April 29, 2016, 6pm- 8pm. Young Service Club terrace, 42 Cloete Street, Young. Come along for D FDXVDO QLJKW WR ODXQFK RI WKH <RXQJ &RPPXQLW\ &KHVW LQF ZLWK Ă&#x20AC;QJHU IRRG SURYLGHG 5693 E\ $SULO 3KRQH RU (PDLO
30 Apr
Boorowa Lions Club will be hosting a Trivia a fundraiser for Snowy Hydro Southcare at the Boorowa Ex-Services Club to be held on Saturday 30 $SULO SHU KHDG WDEOHV RI HLJKW %RRNLQJV &KULV +DOO RU 0DULO\Q 0LOOHU
30 Apr
Boorowa Amateur Picnic Races Enquires: Steve Pescud 63 851 770
6 May
<RXQJ +RVSLWDO $X[LOLDU\ 0RWKHUV¡ 'D\ 6WDOO outside Westpac Bank ,Young, 8.30-3.00. Great selection of plants, delicious home-made cakes, VOLFHV MDPV KDQGZRUN HWF $OVR 0RWKHUV¡ 'D\ 5DIà H
14 May
The Boorowa Anglican Debutante Ball will be held on Saturday 14th May. Any interested debs should contact Jody Robinson 0429 853 260 or Greta Campbell 63 853 668
For Information On Events in Young and the Region 02 6382 3394 #visityoung
locally first!
Thursday 21 April Page 17
An Autumn Harvest In The Park
Calling All Ladies For A Day At The Races
Head to Brougham Park in Cowra on the 30th April to enjoy Cowra 7RXULVP·V $XWXPQ +DUYHVW LQ WKH 3DUN )URP DP WR SP VWDOOV ZLOO be set up selling everything from regional produce to cosmetics and FDQGOHV $IWHU \RX·YH GRQH WKH PDUNHW URXQGV JUDE D FRIIHH DQG VRPH EUXQFK RU VRDN XS WKH VXQ RQ D KD\ EDOH ORXQJH LQ WKH 3HRSOH·V Pasture courtesy of Millamolong Polo. With live entertainment from jazz four-piece, Shiraz Band, this is the perfect way to enjoy a chilled Saturday afternoon. For more information contact Cowra Tourism on 6342 4333 or check out the Facebook at Harvest In The Park.
7KH VW 0D\ LV WKH GD\ WR EH VHHQ EHFDXVH LW·V /DGLHV 'D\ DW WKLV \HDU·V Young Community Cup! Presented by The Young Turf Club Inc., this horse racing event is one for the serious punters down to the spectators ZKR ORYH WR HQMR\ D JUHDW GD\ RXW /DGLHV HQMR\ IUHH HQWU\ DQG GRQ·W forget to put on your best Autumn fashion to be in the running for the best GUHVVHG ODG\ DQG JHQWOHPDQ 3UL]HV LQFOXGH D JLIW YRXFKHU IURP 7KH /RIW DQG %UXFH·V 0HQVODQG *DWHV RSHQ DW DP ² 7RRPSDQJ 5DFHcourse, Temora Rd, Young. Free courtesy bus to and from the venue departing from The Young Hotel. THE YOUNG TURF CLUB INC PRESENTS.
STEP OUT IN STYLE IN YOUR FINEST AUTUMN FASHION WHILST ENJOYING A GREAT DAY OF RACING A day packed full of racing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 races including the Feature Race:
Bathurst NRL Panthers V Raiders On Saturday 30th April from 10am footy fever will strike the Central West as Penrith Panthers prepare to take on Canberra Raiders at Carrington Park. Gates will open at 10am for a full day of three grades of hard hitting football action. The Holden Cup will be followed by the Intrust Super Premiership NSW match with the main NRL Telstra 3UHPLHUVKLS JDPH NLFNLQJ RII DW SP 7LFNHWV VWDUW DW IRU MXQLRUV DQG IRU JHQHUDO DGPLVVLRQ 7R SXUFKDVH WLFNHWV RQOLQH DQG DOO game day information go to
Page 18 Thursday 21 April 2016
Young Scholarship Program opens
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BFC Maintenance for all your home renovation needs 9 Templemore Street, Young, Phone: 026382 6360 Email: admin@bfcmaintenance com
Panel Beating and Spray Painting - Restorations All Insurance Work - Plastic Welding Headlight Cleaning and Restoration 344 Boorowa Street, Young, NSW, 2594 P: (02) 6382 2322 M: 0437 486 038 E: smurďŹ
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Lions Club of Young Inc Mini Lotto Results Our Mini Lotto was drawn last night 14th April 2016 at Young Bowling Club The Winning Numbers were:
16-9-6-12-15-4 There were no winners of 6 numbers And There were 2 winners of 5 numbers Next Week the lotto Jackpot for winning 6 QXPEHUV ZLOO EH And The Lotto Jackpot for winning 5 numbers will EH Next Draw is Thursday 21st April 2016 and will be drawn at the Young Bowling Club. Mini Lotto Quick Pix tickets are sold at various outlets including the S&C Club, IGA, Woolworths, South West Slopes Credit Union and some hotels by Lions Members with the distinctive yellow box.
Member for Cootamundra, Katrina Hodgkinson today encouraged local youth aged 18-25 years old to apply for the NSW GovernPHQW¡V <RXQJ 5HJLRQDO 6FKRODUVKLS program. Katrina said this program is enabling the next generation of arts professionals based in UHJLRQDO 16: WR IXOĂ&#x20AC;O WKHLU FUHDWLYH DPELWLRQV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our community has a fantastic array of young artistic talent and I urge people to apply now for this potentially career-changing opportunity,â&#x20AC;? Katrina said. Katrina said she was proud the NSW Government has created a scheme exclusively for regional youth. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The 2015 successful recipients showcased the innovative and vibrant artistic talent of young people in regional NSW, and their activities will inject new skills back into the regions,â&#x20AC;? Katrina said. Jordan Bos of Coolamon was a 2015 Young Regional Scholarship recipient entering in to a mentorship program with artist and curator Sarah McEwan to develop a body of new sculptural work for a solo exhibition in a local gallery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Government is investing in artistic talent throughout regional NSW to ensure the community is supported with a diverse and thriving arts and cultural scene,â&#x20AC;? Katrina said. Local artists and arts workers can apply from any art form, including dance, design, digital arts, history, Aboriginal arts, literature, music, theatre, screen and the visual arts. The scholarships are available to fund activities including mentorships or internships, residencies, short-term courses and workshops, travel and the creation of new work. For the purpose of this scholarship, regional 16: LV GHĂ&#x20AC;QHG DV /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW $UHDV outside the metropolitan and metropolitan fringe of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. Applications close on 27 June 2016. For more information or to apply for a NSW Young Regional Artists Scholarship visit: www.arts.
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We need your help to search for the best tradies in town! Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s show our tradies some appreciation for all the hard work they do by giving them some great prizes courtesy of Young Workwear!
Send a clear, high res photo to or post on our Facebook page: ge: 6 The Hilltops Phoenix, with details of who you are nominating. Entries close 30th April 2016
50 Boorowa StYoung, NSW (opposite McDonalds)
Ph: 02 6382 82 2289
locally first!
Thursday 21 April Page 19
Boorowa Picnicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gets the Green Light Racing NSW Southern Area Racing Chief Steward Jim Walsh, has given the go ahead for the race day after inspecting the race track last Sunday. :DOVK VDLG WKDW WKH WUDFN ZDV D OLWWOH Ă&#x20AC;UP but if rain were to fall late this week, as is being forecast as a possibility, that would make all the difference. Once again the Licensing Sergeant has requested that patrons limit canned beer to Light or Mid Strength only. Wine in bottles can still be brought into the course but please ensure all cups are plastic. Tent site holders are reminded that you are responsible for the behaviour of your guests and that no underage drinking will be tolerated. The Licensing Sergeant will be at the races and scrutinizing the behaviour of the patrons. Polly Picker has done an amazing job on gaining support for Fashions on the Field.
So get into the swing of things, dress up and come along and enjoy a great family day out. In past years, the event has attracted a crowd of around 1,500-1,800. The commitWHH LV FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW D VLPLODU FURZG ZLOO VKRZ their support for the event this year.
IMAGE: Jim Walsh, Southern Area Racing Chief Steward and Tom Kelly, President of the Boorowa Amateur Picnic Race Club, inspecting the track. Photo: Supplied.
Yabbies go down in tight contests The Young Yabbies took two teams over to 4XHDQEH\DQ RQ 6DWXUGD\ LQ WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;UVW DZD\ game for the season. It was a sleepy start for second grade with the Queanbeyan whites scoring a couple of tries early. It was an up hill battle for second grade from there, eventually losing 43-14. Points for that game went to Josh McManus 3, Billy Moncrieff 2, and Curtis Targett 1. First grade also had a slow start leaving their best plays for later in the game. Queanbeyan scored early and would hold the lead throughout the game to win 24-12. Referee Mitch Runner -â&#x20AC;?Good close game played in the right spirit. It was close until the end. I thought Young could have come back but left it a little late.â&#x20AC;?
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Mick Hudson had this to say: ´7KH ODGV GLGQ¡W VZLWFK RQ HDUO\ HQRXJK :H IDLOHG WR PDWFK 4XHDQEH\DQ¡V enthusiasm which put pressure on us early. Once we did switch on, there was a good rally where we played well. It was an even second half. Brendan Shoard played well and Jack Biggins was good on the paddock. Will Coulter had another good day out and is developing as a key forward.â&#x20AC;? Player ratings were: Brendan Shoard 3, Jeshua Smith 2, and Connor Macgregor 1. The Yabbies will face a tough assignment at home this Saturday when they take on the Tuggeranong Vikings at &UDQĂ&#x20AC;HOG 2YDO
Young Society of Artists Incorporated AGM Notice 16th May 4:00pm Arts Room Southern Cross Cinema
Goldies ready for local derby against Jindabyne The Boorowa Goldies will head into this SatXUGD\¡V PDWFK DJDLQVW -LQGDE\QH LQ -LQGDE\QH IXOO RI FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQFH ZKLOH FXUUHQWO\ VLWWLQJ LQ WKLUG place on the ladder. Captain and coach Marty Corcoran said this Saturday would answer plenty of questions about his side, however they have already managed to beat Broulee in round one of the South Coast Monaro competition 41-31, Harden 31-19, and had a bye last weekend. The Goldies will be without fullback Nick Ryan for the John Connors Oval clash, after he suffered a popped shoulder against Broulee. Charlie Coles will be the most likely player to replace Ryan at fullback. &RUFRUDQ VDLG KLV WHDP¡V VFUXPV OLQHRXWV DQG set pieces had worked a treat for them so far, but the players were now looking to improve their defence. After three rounds the Bungendore Mudchooks lead the competition.
Serving All Day Breakfast Saturday and Sunday Live Entertainment Fully Licensed Bar Child friendly / Play area Courtesy Bus available for group bookings
Locally owned and operated Wombat NSW Ph: 0481 777 161 Sat â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sun 10am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4pm Fri â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sat 6pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:30pm Enquire about our function and wedding packages
Graduate Accountant and Accounting Support Staff - YOUNG OFFICE An exciting opportunity has arisen to join Twomeysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Business Services team in Young. We have the following full time positions available: 1. Graduate Accountant Experience is not necessary but you must have a relevant Accounting or Business degree or have almost completed your degree to be considered for this role. 2. Accounting Support Applicants should have two to three yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience in an accounting ďŹ rm or three to ďŹ ve yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience in an accounting processing role and be familiar with accounting software packages. Enquiries Lindy Chalmers (02) 69420300
Applications to: Applications close 2 May 2016 Please include your resume and a covering letter addressing each of the selection criteria which is available from our website at
Page 20 Thursday 21 April 2016
locally first!
VETERAN PROFILES ´3HRSOH UHDOO\ DSSUHFLDWH ZKDW RXU Ă&#x20AC;JKWLQJ forces fought for.â&#x20AC;? Cr Walker is also the President of the Young RSL sub-branch.
IMAGE: Former Young Mayor and current Young RSL sub-branch President, John Walker, served in the Vietnam War. Photo: Joshua Matic.
John Walker For former Young Mayor and current councilor John Walker, serving for Australia runs in the family. Whilst he fought in the Vietnam War, his eldest daughter Emily Cameron currently serves in the Royal Australian Air Force, while his father George Walker fought in World War II. Cr Walker said he felt a great sense of pride when it came to marching down the main street of Young for ANZAC Day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;ANZAC Day means a lot to my memory. It PDNHV PH WKDQNIXO WKDW ,¡P VWLOO KHUH WR WHOO WKH tale. There are a lot of families that have been LPSDFWHG E\ ZDU DQG LQ WKH VDPH ZD\ LW¡V LPportant to remember all of the brave people that fought for a cause.â&#x20AC;? he said. Cr Walker has also served in the New Zealand army, completing a true ANZAC identity. He said Australia is a great country because of its military history, and what those who have fought for it have achieved. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I believe the commemoration of ANZAC Day is a sign of how much Australians appreciate WKHLU Ă DJ ,W¡V D WUXH VLJQ RI FDPDUDGHULH DQG PDWHVKLS ¡ KH VDLG
IMAGE: Terry Rodgers wearing his medals last year with daughter Annie and grandson Mick. Photo: Supplied.
Terry Rodgers Harden Shire resident Terry Rodgers says mateship and camaraderie are the most important aspects of the commemoration of ANZAC Day. While living in the Harden Shire, Mr Rodgers lives closest to the town of Young, and will march from Town Hall to Anderson Park with many other local veterans on ANZAC Day. Mr Rodgers served with the Australian Army in the Vietnam War from April 1967 to April 1968, working on some major operations in which one of the biggest saw the use of around 360 vehicles. He also served in the RAAF for 20 years from 1958-1978. He was based in the South Vietnam province of Phuoc Toi, an area in which the Australians had responsibility, and also worked closely with the American forces.
While spending much of his time making schedules on how troops would get on aircraft and get from one point to another, he also assisted both American and Australian pilots in spotting exercises from the air. He said ANZAC Day was for remembering your mates. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like to march to remind the civil population what those that have served have done,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You never forget who your mates were when you have served.â&#x20AC;? Stephen Barnes Boorowa returned serviceman Stephen Barnes says he feels proud when he marches and sees people watching him march. Mr Barnes, a resident of Boorowa for the past 10 years but originally from Inverell, Northern NSW, served in the Royal Australian Navy from 1962 to 1985. He served in the Vietnam War between 1966 and 1969 before being brought back home to Australia. He worked aboard the HMAS Sydney, a troop transport ship, from 1966 to 1968, before working as a trainer on the HMAS Perth, which was a missile destroyer. He said ANZAC Day reminds him strongly of the camaraderie and mateship that the day is so well known for. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I look back at my time in the Navy as a positive experience, and not one that I would regret,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;ANZAC Day reminds me of the camaraderie and mateship of those who have served for Australia, and I feel very proud when I march when I see so many people watching and supporting.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I left the Navy, my wife joined it, so it runs in the family as well.â&#x20AC;?
In the Hilltops - ANZAC Day 2016 Young Township Anzac Day Dawn Service 5.45 am - Boorowa Street in front of the Young Town Hall War Memorial Clock Tower Young Township - Anzac Day March & Service, Anderson Park, Lovell Street. From 10.00am Assemble on Boorowa Street at the front of the Young Town Hall, War Memorial Clock Tower for the Anzac Day Service March. The participants will then march in an easterly direction along Boorowa Street turning left into Lynch Street then left again into Lovell Street. to assemble at Anderson Park War Memorial in Lovell Street for wreath laying prior to the Commemoration Anzac Day Service. Young Shire ANZAC Day services BENDICK MURRELL VILLAGE - Memorial Service from 9.00am - Bendick Murrell Hall Memorial BRIBBAREE VILLAGE - March and Memorial Service from 4.00pm - adjacent to Assemble at the Bribbaree Bowling Club and march to the Cenotaph for Wreath laying at Anzac Park. Then march onto the Bribbaree Memorial Hall for Memorial Service. CROWTHER MEMORIAL - Memorial Service Crowther Memorial Park from 10.00am
KOORAWATHA VILLAGE - Dawn Service - from 5.30am - assemble Boorowa Street(Koorawatha) War Memorial Gates. March & Memorial Service - from 10.45am assemble adjacent to the Koorawatha Regional Rooms, march concludes with a Memorial Service at the War Memorial Park Gates. MONTEAGLE VILLAGE - from 2.30pm - Memorial Service Monteagle Hall. WIRRIMAH VILLAGE - from 8.30am - Wirrimah Memorial Park Boorowa ANZAC Day services 6.00 am - Dawn Service at the Boorowa War 0HPRULDO IROORZHG E\ %%4 *XQĂ&#x20AC;UH %UHDNIDVW (Gold coin donation) 11.00 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; March and Commemorative Service at War Memorial Muster for March at 10.30 am on Queen Street QH[W WR 3RVW 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH
March departs at 10.45 am Lunch for Veterans, Service and Ex-Service personnel at Boorowa Ex-Services and Citizens Club. RSVP for lunch by 18 April 2016
Rugby ANZAC Day services 6.30 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dawn Service at Rugby War Memorial (QMR\ D IULHQGO\ FDPSĂ&#x20AC;UH EHIRUH WKH 'DZQ 6HUYLFH Muster at the Rugby Hall to proceed to the Memorial Gates for the Service Afterwards a traditional breakfast of Anzac Coffee and Toast is served in the Hall. Gold coin donation is requested. There is always a speaker at/after Breakfast. Harden Shire ANZAC Day services Harden March - 10.00am from Mechanics Institute Service - 10.15am Newson Park cenotaph Members of the Light Horse brigade will be in attendance Jugiong March - 3.15pm from the Police Station on Back Jugiong Rd Service - 3.30pm Memorial Park cenotaph Members of the Light Horse brigade will be in attendance Wombat March - 5.30am from Wagenbah Oval Service - 5.40am ANZAC memorial site Breakfast - Wombat Hotel