What's Happening Summer 2012

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what’s happening

Summer 2012

Contents p3





My Story

Natalia Wojtczak


Network House



Our next steps Discovery Zone


Cell groups




p22 p24

Trustee of the term Activities Dates for your diary


Welcome to this terms edition of what’s happening. We’ve put this together to help you get an overview of what’s going on in the Vineyard church. It would be impossible to capture all that is going on in a growing church like ours, so we’ve focussed on some stories and areas of church life that give you a taste of what’s happening. We continue to grow as a church so we are actively seeking a larger premises to resource our vision to make a difference in the city. Read about the next steps in our adventure together on page 10. Our sermon series this term looks at “living lives that reveal our true home”. Jesus said that when we follow him we have a new identity, a new community, a new purpose and ultimately a new home. A real faith

has a transforming effect on how we live each day here and now. Our sunday series shows how we can live as people of hope, faith and love in a culture often hallmarked by uncertainty, anxiety and self interest. We’ve also got updates from Network House, the events and conference social enterprise, personal stories of transformation and highlights from areas of ministry committed to serving people in crisis. A number of new cells have been planted in the last few months and we have more planned for the next term (see page 16). Looking forward to a great term ahead. Andrew & Rosie

Andrew & Rosie McNeil and SImon & Keely Bateson [Senior Leadership Team]



eeting new m t a e r g s It wa ring what the a e h d n a le p peo about church is all

We aim to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and find their way in at their own pace. Our desire is that everyone can experience God’s life and love and find a place to belong.

Third, come along. You’ll receive an email invitation to the next connect event. These happen on week 3 of the month during the morning service from 11:00 until 11:50am. During the break between worship and the talk you’ll be invited to join the connect team on the 1st floor of Network House.

A great way to find out more about the church is to attend a connect If you have any access issues please event. These happen on a regular let us know by return email and we basis and are an opportunity to will make special provision for you. share some food, hear our story and see how you can be involved. First, pick up a connect card. Pick up a connect card on a Sunday from the information desk or the offering basket. Second, fill it in and give it in. Fill in your connect card and either put it in the post box in the information desk or give it to one of the welcome team.


sto my story


Tell us a bit about your story? I lived in Poland until the age of 18 and was brought up as a Catholic. I attended church on Sundays and for special occasions, such as Easter or Christmas, but my main motivation was the need to do it because I was told to. I also thought that going to church could earn me God’s approval and blessing. I’ve always believed in God, however He’s been more of a concept for me and I understood being a christian as following some rules and ‘being good’. I didn’t really see any evidence of God’s presence in my life but thought it was meant to be that way; that God was too great and important to let me experience His closeness. In the Catholic church I’d heard hundreds of times ‘happy are those who do not see and yet believe’. I thought that was the whole point and principle of faith.



As a teenager I went through a difficult time at home. There were many issues in the relationship between my mum and her partner, which had an impact on me as well. I prayed that things would get better but in fact they only became worse. My mum’s partner started drinking alcohol excessively. He became aggressive and my mum decided to break up the relationship. After he left we found ourselves in a very difficult financial situation, which also put a strain on my relationship with my mum. I couldn’t understand why such bad things were happening to me and people around me. I cried out to God for help but never heard Him answer me. Therefore, when I joined Vineyard the idea of communicating with God was completely unknown and hard for me to comprehend. I was thinking ‘How can I hear from God if I’ve never experienced Him before, even though

MY I have believed and prayed for many years?’ However, after some time I realised it is possible. Now I know that He has probably spoken to me many times before, I’ve just never been attentive enough to recognise it was Him.

How did you first find out about the church? I’d heard about Vineyard a few years ago from my university friend but I didn’t come to church until May last year. I went for the first time to Trent Vineyard in Nottingham because my friend – the same one who told me about Vineyard a long time ago – lives there and I was visiting her for a weekend. I was completely overwhelmed by what I saw and experienced during the service. I decided I’d go to Vineyard church in Birmingham the following week. What was it like when you came? The first time I came to Network church I attended the evening service, which was very different and much quieter than the one I went to in Nottingham. Nevertheless, I felt God’s presence even more intensely and tears started filling my eyes. I tried to behave ‘sensibly’, like in all other public places, but I couldn’t stop myself from crying. At that point I didn’t know our church was a safe place, where God touches people and all kinds of reactions are accepted. I was definitely touched.

Although I didn’t feel like talking to anyone – at that moment I needed tissues more than people – I wasn’t left on my own. One of the leaders approached me, asked a few questions and made me feel understood and welcomed. It was really good to talk to someone in that new environment and be assured that the way I reacted was normal.

What has changed as you have got to know more about God? My entire life has changed. It feels like I’ve experienced a renewal and that I can draw a line between my past - where going to church on Sundays was the main indicator of my faith - and present - where I have a personal relationship with the living God and know that He can transform lives. He has opened my heart, healed it, softened it and filled it with love. This process has affected many areas of my life. God has helped me to reconcile with my mum, forgive those who have hurt me and choose to love people around me. Now, the way I think about the world, others, relationships, as well as my work and future is completely different. I try to follow Jesus. It’s so much better when I know that He is my friend who can always help me and will always be by my side. I now spend much more time with God – I pray more often, not just before going to bed and after waking up but also during the day as I’m aware that I need God’s guidance and support at all times. I go to different services at church, serve in Discovery Zone, am part of a cell group, read the Bible, and listen to Christian music in my private time. The best thing is that I still want to get to know God better, find out more about Him, grow spiritually, devote more of my time to Him, and serve Him in my everyday life. How would you describe your faith now? It definitely is much stronger than a year ago – before I joined Vineyard – but at the same time it feels like it’s only in a baby stage. I know my relationship with God can be much deeper and am extremely excited about the journey I will be on. I know I will never love God as much as He loves me but there’s definitely a lot of room for growing in faith and being the daughter that God wants me to be.

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network house

Ever wondered what takes place within the four walls of Network House during the week? If you were to pop in, perhaps mistaking a weekday for a Sunday, you would not only find a hive of high-spirited activity in the Vineyard Church Office but you may also happen upon a conference or a training event. Since 2009, our church building has been used by Network House Birmingham, as an events and conference centre. We host conferences, training events, exhibitions, board meetings and other meetings for a wide variety of clients ranging from Birmingham City Council to the University of


Birmingham and other private companies, and also for charities such as Crisis, The National Children’s Bureau and The Children’s Society. We run the business as a social enterprise which means that all profits are invested into the local area and the city through the various projects that Vineyard Network Church are involved with, including Urban Devotion, City Pastors and NetworkFour. The fact that the success of Network House Birmingham facilitates the great work and effectiveness of these citytransforming projects is one of the most exciting aspects of the conference centre. Not only do we provide excellent facilities with

our state-of-the-art audio visual equipment but our day delegate rate includes a delicious range of menu options and desserts. The main courses are supplied by VNCB’s very own caterer-extraordinaire Rosi Tomkinson, whose exquisite flavours and exotic dishes always receive high praise. Also included in our rates are homemade cakes, created by the fair hands of Gavin Page. I am sure many of us will agree with one excited delegate, remarking through a mouthful of Gavin’s chocolate fudge cake, “These are the best cakes of any conference venue in the UK!” Whilst still a relatively young business, under the watchful eye of Rosie McNeil, Network House Birmingham has begun to develop quite a reputation for high standards of excellence and cheerful service. Every effort is made to accommodate the various needs of the clients and to provide them with a really enjoyable experience. We believe the verse “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though working for the Lord, and not for men” (Colossians 3:23) and we try to put it into practice at every event. Whilst Network House Birmingham is run as a commercial business, we still try to treat each delegate who comes through the doors as Jesus would treat them. Looking forward, we aim to not only retain our current clients but also expand our client base. This will generate more money to support VNCB’s increasing number of projects and put us in a position to offer employment and training opportunities to people who have been out of work for a season or who want to learn new skills in order to re-engage with the employment market, some of whom are introduced to us by Gary through NetworkFour.

Bethany Lambert Rosie McNeil www.networkhousebirmingham.com

We would also like to develop a pool of members of staff who can work with us providing conferences and events in Network House Birmingham. If you are looking for some occasional work on a casual basis and would be interested in becoming part of our friendly and fun-loving team, do talk to Bethany Lambert or Rosie McNeil, or email us at bethany@networkhousebirmingham.com or rosie@networkhousebirmingham.com and we will give you some more details and an application form. Do pray for God’s hand of blessing on this social enterprise that He will achieve all that He plans for it and through it and that He would be glorified in this venture.


our next steps As a Church we are on a journey together, following Jesus as we live out our faith in our city. Network House has served us as a great base for the growth of the church over the last few years. A church building is just a tool. It’s never the primary focus of church life. Having a building has given us freedom to put our best energies into developing services and ministries as well as cells and cell communities. Our church community has grown in every way. It’s as if Network House has been our starter home, but now the family has outgrown it and we need to find somewhere bigger!

It’s as if Network House has been our starter home as a Church family but now the family has outgrown it and we need to find somewhere bigger!

We need to pray for God’s continued blessing and health on every aspect of the church’s ministry. We must also ask God for His guidance and provision for a bigger space for church. We are currently in strategic negotiations with Birmingham City Council about how we can play our part in serving Birmingham. The city has aspirations to see economic regeneration, physical redevelopments and stronger communities. These aspirations are expressed in the Big City Plan for Birmingham. Over the last few months through our discussions with the council it has become obvious that we have a significant and distinctive contribution to make to this vision as a faith-based organisation. The council has land and buildings and we have experience, people and a capacity to deliver change. This gives the opportunity for partnership and we are keen to see this happen so we can work together to serve our city.

“Seek the peace and prosperity of the City to which I have called you. Pray for it. If it prospers you too will prosper.� Jeremiah 27 v 9 p11

We believe that part of our calling is to seek the peace and welfare of the place we live through prayer, words and action. “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have called you. Pray for it. If it prospers you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 27 v 9 Since meeting in Network House our services have developed and we have seen significant growth in so many area of Church life. We’ve seen new ministries develop as well as cells multiply and communities grow. We believe God has planted us in our local communities across Birmingham and we’re called to make a difference where we are. That’s why our cells and cell communities are central to our vision and as we grow we will see new groups start and cell communities grow and multiply. All this is served by having a strong, growing gathered church rooted right here in the centre of Birmingham. In the autumn of 1996 around 70 individuals or family groups responded to a call to give sacrificially (over and above their normal church giving) towards a permanent base for the church. This giving was like saving our deposit for our first family home. We didn’t have a particular building in mind, nor did we have a clear picture of where that building would be or how much it would cost. At that time, people generously gave £200,000, some immediately and some over the next 4 years and this meant we were in a position to purchase Network House in 2004. As a leadership team and council we believe God is calling us now to prepare for the next stage of our adventure together, to look towards expansion and the purchase of a new home for Vineyard Network Church so that we can continue to grow. We are praying and working strategically so that the right place will become available. Our preference would


be to sell Network House and build a new church centre on a visible and strategic site in the area. We would love to increase our community activity, provide jobs and meet the felt needs of our community, we want to increase our social enterprises and ministries so that we will serve the local area and wider city. We also have a calling to serve and train other churches in the region and a larger premises would help facilitate this. It will also give us a wonderful new place for the church to meet, worship and grow. The word that Ian Cole from World Prayer Centre brought last year is making more sense the more we pray, trust God and step out together.

He said “May I humbly suggest that the next phase of your journey as a church is not about a season of prayer it is a journey into the presence of God that will enable you to see what you’ve never seen before and do what you’ve never done before. If you want to see the things you’ve always seen then do the things you’ve always done. If you want to see things you’ve never seen then do things you’ve never done before.” God has initiated something important that requires a prayer response and a practical response, so

in the Autumn term we will be talking more about the vision for growth and how a new building will serve us. It’s a journey of faith, prayer and generosity that will involve us all. As a leadership team we absolutely believe this is what the Lord is calling us to next and we know that through o u r generosity as the God has initiated people of something important God, we that requires a will pave prayer response and the way for a practical response. hundreds It’s a journey of m o r e faith, prayer and p e o p l e generosity that will to be involve us all. reached, blessed a n d transformed through the ministry of the church. Over the summer months we would encourage you to be thinking and praying for a miracle and how you can be a part of it. Lets keep praying for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done in our communities and our city.


Discovery Zone is the children’s ministry at Vineyard Network Church. As a church we believe that children are the church of today as well as the church of tomorrow and therefore they play an important role in the life of the church. The vision of Discovery Zone is: Putting Jesus first (Point up) Getting to know God better together (Thumbs up)

Showing our friends how to live God’s way (Open hands)

Living a life full of God’s power (Jazz hands) There are six different age appropriate groups in Discovery Zone: • Parent and Baby Room: 0-18 months – S3 • LaunchPad: 18 months- 3 years – S1 • Rockets: 3 – 5 years – F3 • Explorers: 5-7 years – 186 Barford Street • GForce: 7-9 years – 186 Barford Street • Voyagers: 9-11 years – 186 Barford Street


Making contact:

This Term in Discovery Zone Sunday 1st May sees some of our children moving up age groups. We do this in May so that they have time to settle in their new groups before they move classes and maybe schools in a few months time. This means that the many children born in our church 18 months ago will all be moving out of the Parent and Baby room leaving quite a bit of space. If you see parents with babies on a Sunday morning, do offer them the choice to take their children upstairs if they’d like to. LaunchPad are going to be looking at stories in the Old Testament in the coming term. Rockets and the 5-11s are going to be learning about how to hear God’s voice and how to pray for the sick. There has been a real building of momentum in the church in the last few months in the area of healing and as there is no such thing as a “mini” Holy Spirit, I desire for every child to be equipped to heal the sick. If they can learn how to do these things at a young age - just imagine the impact they will have on our world. God stories in Discovery Zone The children of this church make a big impact on the Discovery Zone Team. A few recent inspiring stories we have heard: • A three year old telling their group leader that when they were worried about their Nan being ill, God came and comforted them and took their worry away. • Seeing adults and children bringing children who don’t go to church along and the new children having a great time and wanting to come back.


• Having so many members of the youth serving on the rota that we can’t have any more on the team. • Seeing 18 month olds comforting their friends so they stop crying – enabling parents to go downstairs and enjoy the service. 5-11s new space: Office 3,186 Barford St Many of you will be aware that we are reaching capacity at Network House. The 5-11s were getting more and more limited with how much they could move around F1 and F2. On a week 1 and 3 we often have 40 children, which is brilliant but not without its challenges. Therefore, to allow the 5-11s to continue to grow and for the children to enjoy coming and have space to be able to play games, we have decided to move the 5-11s to a new space. We have rented Unit 3 of 186 Barford Street, a 30 second walk down the road from Network House. The walk doesn’t involve any crossing of roads! We are thrilled about this new move, but some of the practicalities of how the 5-11s functions needs to change. • 5-11s will need to be signed in at the new building - 186 Barford St - from 10:2010:40. Before and after this time the doors will be locked and the team will need to be contacted via the door bell or mobile phone. • There will be a 5-11s team member in the entrance foyer of Network House showing people where to take the children, so watch out for the Discovery Zone T-shirt. • The 5-11s will be brought back to Network House to F2 to be signed out at 12:00. So you will drop your children off in a different place from where you will pick them up.

Sign in Policy With a bit of tweaking, the new sign in policy that started in September seems to be working very well. Thank you to everyone who gave constructive feedback. Here are a few gentle reminders of what the policy says: • All children must be signed in by an adult (over 18). • When an adult signs their child/children in they will pick up their designated lanyard. • It is then that adult’s responsibility to decide who is given the lanyard in order to pick up their child/ren. It could be themselves, another adult or a member of youth. • To be able to collect a child the lanyard needs to be shown and handed in. No lanyard - no child.

DREAMING you to all FOR OUR Thank who came along night at the KIDS toendourof prayer January. It was a great success and one we plan to repeat in the future. Watch this space… Month by month as we look after the children we see how Jesus is moulding and shaping the children to be who He has called them to be – and it’s beautiful to watch. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me if you have any questions.



cell groups


So what’s the big deal about cell groups? Being involved in genuine community is at the heart of what it means to follow Jesus and to be in this church. We’re called to love God and love one another. One of the ways we do this is through our cell groups and communities. We look to reach out to friends and neighbourhoods, deepen our friendships and care for one another and in the process grow stronger in our faith. Community is about noticing. Noticing what’s going on in your neighbourhood or in a person’s life. Noticing what a person likes or dislikes, noticing what’s happened in a person’s day or week. It’s being aware enough to care, to encourage, to be there. We’ve seen that people grow best when they’re in consistent relationship and community with others. The first thing Jesus did when he started his ministry on earth was to start a small group. His disciples were friends who prayed together and laughed together. They shared meals and they shared their lives. We want everyone who is part of our church family to know they belong and be around people who can help them grow. Our cells are often grouped together in cell communities. These groups meet on the 4th Sunday in each month, Community Sunday. In a large and growing church like ours the communities are small enough to care yet big enough to make a difference locally. The building blocks of healthy communities are new cell groups. Intentional planting and development of cells and communities is our best way of reaching out to our neighbourhoods across the city. In the summer some cell groups meet less frequently due to holidays. Each year a group of people go to New Wine and camp together at the central and South West event. If you would like to go you can find out more details at www. new-wine.org/summer or chat to Jim and Kerry Cullis. What’s next? If you’re not in a cell...... get involved. The first thing we encourage you to do is find one. We don’t

“assign” people to groups but will do all we can to help you find one that you’ll feel comfortable in. Maybe you’ve got questions about something you’ve read in the bible, or what it means to follow Jesus. In a cell you can talk things through with others who understand your questions and are for you. If you’re in a cell step up! What can you do to serve others in the group? Whats next for you as you grow in your faith? Could you host the group or invite people over for a meal? Can you commit to pray for your friends in cell each day? Maybe you’ve thought about starting a new group. We need to plant many new cells this year and we always offer training and ongoing support to all our group leaders. We also need teams who can work together to plant new groups. If you’re a leader, pray and ask God “what’s next” for your group? Could you help with planting a new group? What does God have in mind as you follow Him and seek to express the cell values? What can you thank God for and what qualities does God want to develop in your group?

Cells and communities that meet on a community Sunday Bournville Phil & Sue James

Broad Street Nick & Fiona Harding

Central John & Barbara Wilkins

Four Oaks Gibu & Chinnu Koshy

Northfield Steve & Jackie Philpott

Perry Common Sam & Hannah Miller

Selly Oak Adam & Helen Bignell

Solihull Ian & Gill Rogers

Stirchley Gary & Sarah Wicker

Students James Lee Pickin

Weoley Castle James & Kerry Cullis

crafted Crafted is a new and exciting compassion ministry in Vineyard Network Church. It formally started in September last year after being made possible by relationships built through the foodbank ministry. As a church we regularly provide Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid refuges with Foodbank bags. These are always gratefully received by families who are victims of domestic violence. The women can often feel very isolated when they arrive, having left homes, families and communities. They are extremely vulnerable and don’t have very much to do. A small team of ladies in church felt challenged to do more to help the women with their sense of self worth and value and “Crafted - made with love” was born. The aim is to get alongside women in refuges to engage in craft based activities for a couple of hours once a month, to help build their self confidence and value,

and to share God’s love with them. Crafts that we have made are button frames, fabric hearts, jewellery, painted pots and many other things. The feedback from the ladies has been very positive as it has been a welcome distraction and an opportunity to do something for themselves. We have seen them grow in confidence exploring their creative talents.

RAY PLEASE P We would really appreciate all your prayers:That we would continue to build good relationships with the woman and staff in the refuges. That we would see the team grow so that we can cover more sites, more often. That we would know God’s heart and express his love in a way that brings hope and joy. That as a church we would press in to all the opportunities God has for us to express his love and compassion in our city.


Seanna: 07725 552509 danielandseanna@ntlworld.com

Asian caribbean Meal

grab a bag: Grab a bag and fill it with produce as listed on the front. You can do this individually or as part of a group or family.

Female Toieltries / Household Breakfast


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If you are interested in joining the team please pick up a form from the information area on a Sunday or contact Seanna:

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It is such a privilege to have this opportunity, and we are looking to expand the team and ministry. We currently go into two refuges a month, but there are more centres and other organisations that would like us to go and work with them to deliver craft based sessions. If you are a women who would be interested in joining the team please do not hesitate to contact Seanna.




When we ventured out in September we felt challenged to express that God made each of the women we meet “with love”. The Crafted logo captures for us the heart of this ministry which is to see God restore each of the ladies we meet. Their experiences of domestic violence and abuse are life shattering, and we want to be able to share God’s love with them: “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:9-10)

fill a bag: Fill a bag: choose a meal, breakfast, Indian, caribbean, baby or one of the two toiletries bags. You will find a removable shopping list on the front of each bag. Simply pull it off and take it with you to the shops. Please supply all the ‘basic’ items on the shopping list and if you wish, choose an item or two from the ‘optional extras’.

give a bag: Give a bag: Please return your filled bags to Network House where they will be checked and stored. The bags will then be distributed through compassion groups and to individuals known to us at Vineyard Network Church.



trustee of the term

How long have you been a Trustee? I’ve been coming to Vineyard for 12 years, and became a Trustee last year – so I am the newest Trustee, and still learning the ropes!

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What is the role of the Trustee from your perspective? I hope that the Trustees are able to support the church leadership team with practical, financial and legal issues. In other words, to help with the practical stuff that is part of a church with several hundred members at every Sunday meeting, loads of children’s groups, over 25 small groups meeting across Birmingham, and a team of 7 staff plus volunteers helping make it all happen! The Trustees help ensure that everything we do as a church is safe, legal and has a sound financial basis. What’s your day job and what particular experience do you bring to the role? I have worked for a small communications and feedback technology company in Coventry (Rapide Communication Ltd) for the past 5 years as a manager, and before that for several companies (large and small) in various sales and commercial management roles. I hope that I can bring experience of team and people management, and running a growing organisation. I also understand what it is like to be “on call” 7 days a week, and I am keen to encourage the pastoral team to have the right balance of time for their vocation and their family! What’s good about being a Trustee? I love the mix of experience and backgrounds represented by the trustees (engineering, law, church leadership and public service) and the unique insight and wisdom that they each bring. It is also a privilege to understand what goes on

behind the scenes, and see just how much God has His hand on what happens to us as a Church. There’s a John Wimber talk about the wedding at Cana where he points out that it is the servants who actually see the miracle – this is true across all aspects of serving in Church (so if you are not already involved – get on a team and join in!) and being a Trustee is no exception. What would you say to those who give to the church? Thank you! Your support underpins and enables so many aspects of Vineyard, and your generosity helps power our outreach and compassion ministries. I encourage everyone who gives to take a little time to pray and reflect, and then see where God is looking to direct you and your finances – and please please make sure that your giving is set up for Gift-Aid, as that really helps! What would you say to those who haven’t started giving? If Vineyard is your home (and I hope that it is!) then listen to God…and get started! If you are able to commit to a regular amount (with GiftAid) then that gives us a fantastic foundation to do more as a Church - and often it is the practical compassion ministries that are the first contact for people in Birmingham with Jesus’ love. We always have opportunity to do more as a Church, and an increase in the amount that we receive on a committed regular basis increases how much we can do to share and show Jesus’ love to the community around us.

website www.vineyardnetworkchurch.com

Our website is a great source of information, whether you are a newcomer to the church or you’ve been around a while. You can find out about events, activities and services and also listen to any Sunday talks you might have missed in our Resources section.

There are also stories and updates from every part of the church community to help keep you up to speed with all thats happening across the network. Find us on facebook: ‘Vineyard Network Church BIrmingham’


City Pastors is an initiative involving volunteers from local churches working in partnership with the Broad Street Business Improvement District to ensure that Broad Street is a safe, vibrant environment for everyone who visits.

Every month a team of people go out onto the streets to show God’s love by praying for people who need healing. The team is led by Jackie Tearle and can be found outside Birmingham Cathedral on the third Saturday in each month from 1-3.30pm.

We aim to help young people find space to make friends, learn more about Jesus, serve the church and live the reality of the Kingdom of God.

Simon Bateson

Jackie Tearle Sandra Eagle

Steve & Davina Kempson Mike McMaster

FOODBANK The focus of Sozo is to break the lies and heal the wounds in our lives. If you are in this church and in a small group and would like a Sozo appointment then do pick up a flyer. Keely Bateson

Foodbank reaches out to serve those in need by providing a bag of provisions in a time of crisis. Every bag has a card inside with a simple message from the church to express something of God’s love. Fiona Harding Sarah Wicker

Vineyard Bible Institue (VBI) is an accredited Bible study programme. The next course is ‘Introduction to Biblical Interpretation’. Contact Adam Pipe for more details.

Network Netball meets regularly on Monday evenings at Selly Park Technology College sports hall from 8pm.

Adam Pipe

Jo Bullock

DZ meets during the morning service. Age groupings are: Parent & Baby (0-18m) Launch Pad (18m - 3) Rockets (3-4) Explorers (5-6) G Force (7-8) Voyagers (9-11) Zara Llewellyn

Network Vibe organises social events helping friendships develop across the church.

Davina Kempson Jo Bullock

activities Networkfour offers vulnerable and deprived young people and adults a chance to see hope and transformation. Networkfour aims to establish networks of compassion in the community, offering individuals the chance to access and find the tools they need to build a foundation towards a brighter future.

Gary Wicker

Dalitso Trust works in partnership with rural villages in Malawi with its team based in Malingunde.

We run Network House Birmingham as a social enterprise conference centre, employing and training people in events and conference skills. Talk to Rosie or Bethany if you are interested in finding out more. www.networkhousebirmingham.com

Simon Bateson

Rosie McNeil

Where we meet p23


A comprehensive diary of all that’s going on during the Summer term. For more details about individual events you can go to the events page on our website and click on it, or alternatively contact the office on 0121 622 1230.


6 13 20 27

10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am* 6.30pm Community sunday

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

3 10 17 24

10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am* 6.30pm Community sunday

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

1 8 15 22 29

10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am* 6.30pm Community sunday 10.30am 6.30pm

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

5 12 19 26

10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm Community sunday

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3


Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday


May - July 2012



dates for your diary Wednesdays 2 May, 6 June, 4 July, 1 Aug Prayer Wall at Network House

Saturdays 19 May, 16 June, 21 July, 18 Aug Healing on the Streets - St Phillips Cathedral Square

Sundays 27 May, 24 June, 22 July *Connect events during Sunday service

Saturday 30 June

Call to Men - Network House

Team 1 (extra)

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.