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RPAC “I Pledge” Campaign, Major Investors, & Health Insurance Reform
By: Max Brandow, RASM Vice President of Advocacy and Member Programs
It’s summertime in Florida, so we know the mercury is quickly rising, and likewise, RASM’s advocacy efforts are hotter than ever!

RASM has recently kicked off RPAC’s “I Pledge” campaign for Major Investors. RASM will be hosting an exclusive Major Investor reception for 2022 Major Investors and 2023 Major Investor Pledges on Monday, October 2 at Sarasota Waterworks with special guest Tim Weisheyer. Mr. Weisheyer is the 2025 Florida REALTORS® President, an RPAC Major Investor, and a leader in the REALTOR® world. Make sure to pledge today at myrasm.com/major-investor-pledge and secure your spot in this event! RASM’s RPAC Major Investors are an elite and passionate group of Realtors® whose investments shape the political future of the real estate industry. By becoming a Major Investor, you are investing a minimum of $1,000 into RPAC. Pledge to invest in your profession!
Great Opportunities To Complete Rpac Investment
Rasm Virtual Auction
RASM Major Investors and Major Investor Pledges have multiple opportunities over the next few months to complete their RPAC investments while bidding on some great items. This month, RASM will be holding our annual RASM RPAC American Dream Auction from July 3 - 7. There will be numerous buy-it-now options as well as all your summer essentials. The link for registration and the auction is www.rasmauction/ givesmart.com
In August, the largest RPAC auction of the year takes place during the 2023 Florida REALTORS® annual convention. This auction always has hundreds and hundreds of items, and there are great deals to be had. The 2023 Florida REALTORS® Convention Auction will take place from August 14 - 18. The link for registration and the auction is www.FRPAC.
Association Health Plans Bill Advances In Washington
As independent contractors, access to health insurance is always a hot topic in our industry. The National Association of REALTORS® has fought for important reforms to the insurance landscape to allow independent contractors like our Realtor® members to be able to access health insurance. Last month, the House Education and Workforce Committee approved an NAR-supported Association Health Plan bill (AHP Act – H.R. 2868). This plan would allow our members to group together with other self-employed professionals and small businesses to gain access to large group plans which offer higher quality and more affordable coverage than the Affordable Care Act plans.
This bill will go to the full House of Representatives later this year and will be voted on with other healthcare measures as part of the larger omnibus package. •