June 16

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Official Publication of the Saskatchewan Hereford Association

Summer 2016

Canadian Mail Product Agreement No. 40012604

Cattle prices are falling but the rain is not. Who knows what the rest of the year will bring? The futures look down for the fall prices. The weatherman is calling for another early summer drought. Let us hope that they are both wrong and the year ahead is profitable for everyone. Early bull sales were good, however there seems to be slower demand and downward prices on sales held recently. That goes for all breeds. Commercial producers were looking for calving ease bulls with premiums paid for low birth weight sires. Our Hereford breed is in good position to take advantage of these premiums as there are many good low birth weight sires available for the breeding season. Hereford enthusiasts will have many events to attend this summer. Over the next month, you can see young 4-H members showing their Hereford influence cattle at shows all across the province. The Saskatchewan Hereford Association annual meeting will be held in the north west of the province. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to attend or contact any of the existing directors before the meeting date. The northwest and southeast zones will be holding their field days in early August. There will be many of the province’s top Herefords on display and all breeders are welcome to show off their stock. The final event of the summer will be the Canadian Hereford Association Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with Bonanza to be held in Olds, Alberta from August 9 to 13. Good luck to everyone showing at these events. Plans are already being made for the Agribition fall show. Lets show everyone what great Hereford cattle are all about and why all cattleman can use them to better their herds. In closing, I hope the rain starts to fall and the price of cattle does not fall from now until the summer has passed and the fall sales are as good as the last couple of years have been.

See you this summer. Dale Shillington, SHA President


2016 SUMMER EVENTS Beef-A-Rama 2016

T Bar Invitational

All juniors are invited to attend 6th Annual Beef-A-Rama 2016 to be held at the farm of Rob and Dawn O’Connor at Vibank, Sk., on July 30, 2016.

Join us on June 28 & 29 at the Dakota Dunes Golf Links to be part of the 9th Annual T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament. For more information on this event visit the website at www.tbarinvitational.com.

For entry information check out the website at: www.beefarama.weebly.com For more information please contact Rob and Dawn O’Connor at 306-762-4543 or email them at rdoconnor@sasktel.net.

Bonanza 2016 & CHA AGM Bonanza, the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Show will be held this year at Olds, Alberta - August 9 - 13, 2016. Entry forms and show information has been sent to all junior members. More information can be found by visiting the CHA website at www.hereford.ca. The Canadian Hereford Association Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with Bonanza on Friday, August 12.

Northwest Sask Hereford Club Field Day Join us for the Northwest Sask Hereford Club annual Field Day and MOE Show on August 4th at Turtleford Fair Grounds, Turtleford, Sk. Activities start at 2:00 p.m. with judging events that include: • Bull Calf judging • People’s choice judging of pen of three heifers, bred heifers and two-year olds. As well as displays of herd bulls. Presentations and supper will follow the judging events.

Cattle Call The next issue of Cattle Call will be the October issue. Deadline for ads and editorial is September 10th. Ad Size


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Arrival of cattle will begin at 10:00 a.m. and judging of the cow/calf pairs will be held at noon. Following lunch judging will begin including heifer calf, bull calf and yearling heifer classes.

Inside Back - Color


Business Card Ad

$170.00 yearly

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For more information contact Corey and Tasha Lees, SE Secretaries at 306-455-2714.

Website Link

$25.00 yearly

For further information on the day’s events, contact Lance Leachman, NW Secretary at 306-903-7299.

Southeast Hereford Zone Field Day & MOE Show LV Farms Ltd., the Martinson’s of Midale, Sask., will be the hosts of the Southeast Field Day and MOE show to be held on August 6.

Association News

From the SHA Office The Saskatchewan Hereford Association will be hosting their Annual General Meeting in conjunction with Junior Ag Showcase on July 10, 2016 at Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, Sask. Details of the meeting are included on the back cover. We hope you will mark your calendars and join us! New Breeder Directory The Saskatchewan Hereford Association has produced a new breeder directory. The directory will be available at our annual meeting and at the field days this summer. Thank you to all of the breeders and businesses that supported our directory. Canadian Hereford Association Fee Changes for 2016 Following the December 2015 CHA Board of Directors Meeting there will be two fee changes, as follows: •Embryo Calf DNA Testing: The $15 subsidy for these ET calves has been removed, meaning that ET calves will be DNA tested at the regular rate of $40/parentage and abnormality test. •THE Fees: After over 10 years without any increases, the THE fees for 2016 enrolment will be $6/cow. In 2016 the CHA will be running 6 EPD evaluations to provide newly calculated EPDs for breeders to market cattle. Running 6 EPD runs per year will also provide much quicker turn around on getting GE-EPDs on cattle if you are using genomics evaluations in your program. The increase in cost to the THE enrolment fee offsets the increase in cost for the additional evaluations in 2016. Five-Generation Pedigree: Access to 5 Generation Pedigrees will be free of charge going forward through your online log-in account. (If you don’t already have a password, contact val@hereford.ca.) If a breeder requests that the CHA print and mail out a five-generation pedigree the cost will remain $10.00. These changes will be reflected on the new 2016 Fee Schedule effective January 1, 2016 NEW for 2016 – EPDS will be calculated 6 times per year! Beginning in 2016, all new Semen Certificate and Non-Semen Certificate AI Permitted sires will be required

Marilyn Charlton, General Manager

to have a High Density DNA test done. Similarly, all Donor Dams and In-Herd AI Permitted sires will be required to have a Low Density DNA test done. These tests will identify the genomics of those animals more prolific in the population to keep the development of our genomic evaluation as accurate as possible. To help cover the expense of these tests, the CHA has secured funding so that we can offer the Low Density tests for the same cost as the regular parentage and abnormalities - for a limited time. Therefore Donor Dams & In-Herd AI Permitted bulls will be tested at the regular $40 fee. In the event that funding runs out, the cost will revert to the regular $75. To get in on the reduced rate, please indicate the reason for the test when requesting DNA applications for animals with Donor Dam and AI Sire Permit intentions. Canadian Western Agribition The Saskatchewan Hereford Association will again be hosting the National Hereford Show at Agribition on Friday, November 27, 2015. Red Coat Classic will again follow the Hereford show on Friday. Watch the October issue of Cattle Call for details or check out or website at www.saskhereford.com. Have a great summer everyone. I hope to see you at the events planned this summer in our province!

CATTLE CALL Summer 2016 Canadian Publications Mail Product Sale Agreement No. 40012604 Return Undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Saskatchewan Hereford Association Box 713, Weyburn, Sask. S4H 2K8 Phone: 306-842-6149 Email: skhereford@sasktel.net

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 - SASKATOON, SASK. Notice to the Membership of the Saskatchewan Hereford Association Election of Directors to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association • Four (4) three year terms expire in 2016 - Dale Shillington, Lance Leachman, Corey Lees, Jeff Lees

Note: Only members in good standing of the said association shall be entitled to vote and let their name stand for election to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association or Canadian Hereford Association Board of Directors. Resolutions: This notice will be considered the First Call for Resolutions. Saskatchewan Hereford Association members are asked to submit, in writing, any resolutions which they would like to bring forward at the annual general meeting. Please submit one week prior to the meeting to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association, Box 713, Weyburn, Sask. S4H 2K8 or email to skhereford@sasktel.net.

SASKATCHEWAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 3:00 P.M. - July 1O,2016 held in conjunction with the Junior Ag Showcase Saskatoon Prairieland Park - Hall E break-out #1 Everyone is invited to attend!

For Further Information contact: Saskatchewan Hereford Association Dale Shillington, President Marilyn Charlton, General Manager Phone: 306-842-6149

Email: skhereford@sasktel.net

Fax: 306-842-0296

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