Cattle Call Summer 2018

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Cattle Call Official Publication of the Saskatchewan Hereford Assocation

Summer 2018

Canadian Mail Product Agreement No. 40012604

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Greetings to all you Hereford enthusiasts. As we all embark on another growing season, and no doubt a new set of challenges, I wish it a profitable one for everyone. We have some new initiatives as a provincial Hereford organization this year and hope that everyone can attend and participate. These busy times we live in, with many available distractions, it is ever more difficult to find time to enjoy the company of fellow Hereford breeders. The date of our annual meeting is quickly approaching. Please mark the day of Friday, June 15 on your calendars to join the board for an afternoon meeting at the Temple Gardens Hotel and Spa in Moose Jaw. We hope you can use this detination meeting as a small get away for you and your family. There will be refreshments and we will be introducing some new events and changes to our programs for the year. The year end report for 2017 will also be presented, and elections for the four Saskatchewan Hereford board positions and one national board position will be held. We will have representation from the Canadian Hereford Association present to report and answer questions in regards to their programming, including the new Hereford Plus service to be rolled out during this year that has created a lot of conversation. The annual meeting is an important time to make your voice heard, gauge the opinion of the membership, and socialize with business contacts. After much deliberation at our January board meeting, and in years previous, we are rolling out a large change to the Red Coat Classic this year. The new Red Coat Heifer Lotto will be replacing the Classic pick of the entries format. There will no longer be a group of entered animals from many exhibitors, but one heifer donated and displayed at Agribition from one exhibitor. Therefore there will no longer be a show or parade of animals. The breeder that donates a heifer for a year will rotate around to those who wish to support the program. That breeder will receive a large advertising package (including Cattle Call ads, SHA website ads, and preferred stalling at Agribition) as well as some compensation for the cost of the heifer. Tickets will be sold by the Saskatchewan Hereford Association board members and from the Hereford booth at Agribition. We are hoping to have the heifer paraded during Agribition, possibly earlier in the week and at the final draw which will likely be after the main Hereford show on Friday. While we recognize this drastic change of a longstanding event limits the involvement of breeders on a year to year basis, we felt that the lack of a venue to display the group of entries during a peak Hereford show time was detrimental to having a well received event. The abibilty of the Red Coat to survive so many years was a product of the board's willingness to change the format over the years to meet the needs of the exhibitors and the crowds. This year's committee is working hard to ensure this lotto's success. I would like to give a shout out to everyone who has taken part in the Red Coat over the years for supporting the SHA! This year we are also overhauling our Bull Lottery program into a Buyers Appreciation/Information session to take place at the Ag In Motion Farm Show northwest of Saskatoon. We will be canvassing the breeders of the province for $100 donations for which they will receive unlimited passes for their customers to the Ag In Motion show including access to meal and information session featuring a representative from the packing industry. We hope this session can help bridge the gap between the cow/calf producer and the packer and help to guide bull selection for the desired carcass traits. With the success of this event we hope tol have similar informational sessions at key cattle events throughout the province in future years. If you have any questions about any of our programming or are interested in being a part of the Saskatchewan Hereford Association Board of Directors feel free to give me a call and I look forward to visiting with you all at Hereford events this year!

Summer Events 2018 Beef-A-Rama

Juniors mark your calendars now to attend the 2018 Beef-ARama to be held at the farm of Rob and Dawn O'Connor, Vibank, Sk., on July 28, 2018. Lunch and supper will be provided at cost. For all entry information check out or contact the O'Connors at 306-762-4543 or send them an email at

Northwest Sask Hereford Club Field Day

Join us for the Northwest Sask Hereford Club Annual Field Day to be held on at the Turtleford Fair Grounds, Turtleford, Sk on August 2, 2018. Events start at 2:00 pm with judging events followed by presentations and supper. For more information on this event contact Lance Leachman, Club Secretary at 306-903-7299. The NW Hereford Club is planning a tour August 8 & 9, 2019. Watch for more details on this event in future Cattle Call issues!

Southeast Hereford Zone MOE Show and Field Day

ANL Polled Herefords, Steelman, Sk will be the site of the SE MOE Show and Field Day on August 11, 2018. Arrival of cattle will begin at 10:00 am and judging of the cow/calf pairs will take place at noon. Following lunch, judging of the heifer calves, bull calves and yearling heifer classes will take place. Presentations and supper will follow the show. For more information contact Corey and Tasha Lees at 306-4552714.

Sask Herefords Sponsor Event at Ag in Motion

A Buyers Appreciation/Information session will take place at the Ag In Motion Farm Show northwest of Saskatoon Wednesday, July 18, 2018. A noon meal and information session featuring a representative from the packing industry. For $100 you will receive unlimited passes for you and your customers to attend. For further information contact the SHA office at 306-842-6149.

Saskatchewan Juniors

The SJHA has been forcusing on preparing for Bonanza 2019. They have created a few committees to start working on the show and sponsorship. Bonanza 2019 will be in Weyburn, Sk from July 31 to August 3. A big thank you to all those who have volunteered to help but there are still many roles that need to be filled so that the show can happen. If you would like to participate in preparation for Bonanza 2019, a meeting will be held on May 26 at 10:00 am at the Weyburn Agricultural Society facilities or you can contact Karen KcKim at or call 306-436-7731. If you have any questions about the SJHA or CJHA please contact your national delegates listed below. Morgan Millham Emma Nicholas Follow the Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association on Facebook to keep up to date on meetings and events!

Bonanza 2018 & CHA AGM

Our Herefords. Our Passion Bonanza 2018 will be held July 17 – 21 at Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Information about the show can be found on the Canadian Hereford Association website The Canadian Hereford Association Annual General meeting will be held on Friday, July 20 at 7:00 pm. For further information on Bonanza events contact Allison Mastine at 438-837-5318 or Lissia Leblanc at 450-578-4085.

From the SHA Office Saskatchewan Hereford Association Annual Meeting

The Saskatchewan Hereford Association will be holding their annual general meeting on June 15, 2018 at the Temple Garden Spa, Salon B, Moose Jaw, Sk. The spa is located at 24 Fairford Street.

Marilyn Charlton, General Manager forms of private cash donations, donated heifers, embryos, semen, artwork and travel experiences to name a few. In keeping with the “18” theme, our goals for the “Lot 18 in 2018” campaign is to raise $18,000.

The meeting will begin at 2:00 pm and we encourage all members to attend the meeting. Business will include the election of directors, presentation of the fiscal year end financial statement, information on activities of the association and a presentation by the Canadian Hereford Association on the Hereford Plus program.

How it Works – If you have a production, provincial or online sale, you may pledge a percentage of the gross sale of the designated lot – Lot #18. Any lot can be chosen to be part of the program, it does not have to be the designated year lot, for example you could chose Lot #1 or 2 etc. if that is your preference.

If you are a member of the association and would like to let your name stand for election to the board of directors, please get in touch with Matt Lohner 306-697-7822 or Logan Martinson 306458-7170 for more details.

Benefits to Your Sale – All donations made to the KGF are tax deductable. Your sale will be promoted on the KGF website and social media platforms of the KGF, Canadian Hereford Association and the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. A notice of appreciation will be published in the January edition of the Hereford Digest. A KGF “Lot #18 in 2018” logo will be made available along with text to publish on your website and sale catalogue.

From the Canadian Hereford Association

Life Members Due to rising costs Life members will no longer be receiving a Digest subscription free of charge, If you are a Life member and would like to receive a copy of the Digest please contact the CHA office. 2018 CHA Constitutional Amendments In the Spring the CHA staff took on the task of reviewing the Canadian Hereford Association Constitution in full to update the intricacies of the constitution that may, have overtime, become out of date or needed to be moderized.

Pledge Packages – You can choose any level participation as your pledge. Suggested amounts are as follows: 18%, 2%, 5%, 10%, or customize your pledge level to your preference. Participation is easy – contact the KGF at least 30 days before your sale to get set up. – or call 1-888-836-7242 for more information.

Fourteen Constitutional Amendments will be considered as a result of this review. All CHA members received a package in the mail with these amendements outlined. Please ensure that you return the voting card to the CHA office on or before July 1, 2018 to be valid.

Looking forward to visiting with everyone at one or all of the events planned this summer in the province. Give me a call if you would like more information at 306-842-6149.

Canadian Junior Hereford Association The CJHA has launched new advertising and promotion bundles , so take a moment to look over the new programs available from the CJHA for 2018.


Keith Gilmore Foundation – Lot 18 in 2018! The Keith Gilmore Foundation is launching a new fundraising campaign. The intent is to raise funds and awareness of the KGF purpose and scholarship programs while expanding the base for potential contributions. The KGF relies on donations to continue funding up to 10 prestigious scholarships benefitting students in all stages of post secondary education and post-graduate studies. The foundation has enjoyed great support from the Hereford community in the

Summer 2018 Issue Canadian Publications Mail Product Sale Agreement No. 40012604 Return undeliverable Canadian addesses to: Saskatchewan Hereford Association Box 713, Weyburn, Sk. S4H 2K8 Phone: 306-842-6149

Fax: 306-842-0296


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Temple Gardens Hotel & Spa Salon B - 24 Fairford Street, Moose Jaw, Sask.

FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018 – 2:00 PM

Notice to the Membership of the Saskatchewan Hereford Association

Election of Directors to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association Four (4) three year terms expire 2018 – Kurtis Reid; Chad Wilson; Karen Wagner; Lyal Heidecker Election of Director to the Canadian Hereford Association One (1) three year term expires 2018 – Murray Andrews Note: Only members in good standing of the said assocation shall be entitled to vote or let their name stand for election to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association or Canadian Hereford Association Board of Directors.


This notice will be considered the “First Call” for resolutions. Saskatchewan Hereford Association members are asked to submit, in writing, any resolutions which they would like to bring forward at the annual general meeting. Please submit resolution one week prior to the meeting either by email at or by mail at Saskatchewan Hereford Association, Box 713, Weyburn, Sk S4H 2K8.

For Further Information contact: Saskatchewan Hereford Association Stephen Myer, President Marilyn Charlton, General Manager Phone: 306-842-6149


Fax: 306-842-0296

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