CATTLE CALL Official Publication of the Saskatchewan Hereford Association
Summer 2017
Canadian Mail Product Agreement No. 40012604
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings everyone. I hope this spring season has brought everyone a renewed optimism as we enjoy the thoughts of a new growing season. There is nothing quite like the day when you park the feeding machines and turn the cows out onto a fresh field of grass. If we can get some heat there will be a great crop of grass this year, as pretty much all of Saskatchewan seems to have soil moisture. At the farm here at Maidstone, the past week has really brought on the grass and leaves. Finally the weather has improved enough so the kids want to go outside! I have talked with multiple producers in the past week that have been pleased with returns on cull cows at the market. We are finally starting to see some fundamental pressures for a cattle price increase. This is a great opportunity to trade those cows without calves on them for cash. I’ve never had much luck keeping them over as empties; so a cow not lactating is a cow sold around here unless they are one of the fortunate to get twin from another cow. The market for bulls this spring was a bit hit and miss, but on average sales went fairly well. Unfortunately the cattle market has been lower for the last year or so and producers have had to redo their budgets I’m sure. The market correction will help everyone down the supply chain to keep beef on the consumer’s plate. It will be interesting to see what comes of trade talks between Canada and the US. President Trump definitely like to shake things up. The SHA ANNUAL MEETING is set for the 16 th of June at the AG in Motion site north west of Saskatoon on highway 16. We hope to have cattle on display, and have room for any of you that would like to show anything off be it cattle, promo materials, or products. Some of the board’s new initiatives that will be unveiled at the AGM include the MENTORSHIP PROGRAM, BREED PROMOTION PROGRAM and changes to the longest running show of its kind, the RED COAT CLASSIC. The Saskatchewan Hereford Association mentorship program will commence this fall with applications due in December of this year. We are hoping to foster a raised level of communication and interest in young people involved in the Hereford industry. The Mentorship committee consisting of Lance Leachman, Karen Wagner and our Junior representative Tyson Ringdal will outline the program. At our January meeting we renewed our commitment to advertising and promotion by appointing a new committee led by Rob O’Connor. As many of you know, Hereford cattle are discounted at many auction markets across the country based on poor perceptions that are largely in the past. Hereford breeders have worked diligently to improve the breed and the committee is tasked with changing the perception and clout of Herefords. They hope to present the first phase of a multi-year plan at the AGM. The Red Coat Classic show, annually held at Agribition, has a long-standing history of putting our breed and our influential breeders in the spotlight. The SHA is planning to produce a special program for the week of Agribition highlighting the cattle entered in the Red Coat Classic. We believe the program will create more of a buzz for the show, and we aim to increase traffic to the stalls of the exhibitors. This AGM will mark the first anniversary of my Presidency, and I’d like to thank our General Manager, Marilyn Charlton, and my fellow board members for their dedication to the breed. Stephen Myer, SHA President
From the SHA Office
Marilyn Charlton, General Manager
Saskatchewan Hereford Association Annual Meeting
Beef-A-Rama 2017
The Saskatchewan Hereford Association will be holding their annual general meeting on Friday, June 16, 2017 at the Ag In Motion Site located on highway 16 northwest of Saskatoon, Sk. There is an opportunity to bring cattle for display so if you are interested contact Stephen Myer at 306-893-2298 by Monday, June 12 to book space.
All juniors are invited to attend the 7 th Annual Beef-A-Rama to be held at the farm of Rob & Dawn O’Connor, Vibank, Sk., on Saturday July 29, 2017.
At their January meeting, the board reviewed their governance document along with the Constitution & Bylaws and as a result have brought forward to the annual meeting proposed changes. All of the changes and more information regarding the annual meeting are detailed on the back cover. We hope you will mark your calendars and join us!
Northwest Sask Hereford Club Field Day The Northwest Sask Hereford Club will be hosting their annual Field Day on August 3, 2017 at Turtleford Fair Grounds, Turtleford, Sk. Activities will start at 2:00 pm with the judging of the bull calves followed by the people’s choice judging of pen of three heifers, bred heifers and two year olds. After the judging is completed, election of officers for the NW Sask Hereford Club, presentations and supper will take place. For further information on the events at the field day contact, Lance Leachman, NW Secretary at 306-903-7299.
Last year the show welcomed 48 youth, their families and 91 head of purebred and commercial cattle. You can check out their website at For more information please contact, Rob & Dawn O’Connor at 306533-1902 or email
T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament You are invited to attend for one final round on June 19 and 20, 2017 at the Dakota Dunes Golf Links to be part of the 10 th Annual “the Final Round” T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament. For more information on how you can be involved contact, Bryan Kostiuk at 306-933-4200 or or check our their website at
Bonanza 2017 & CHA AGM Bonanza, the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Show, will be held this year July 17-21 at Abbotsford, B.C. Information about the show can be found on the CHA website at The Canadian Hereford Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 20.
Southeast Hereford Zone MOE Show & Field Day The Southeast Hereford Zone MOE Show and Field Day will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2017 hosted by Jim & Lori Duke at the Square D sale site at Langbank, Sk. Arrival of cattle will begin at 10:00 am and judging of the cow/calf pairs will take place at noon. Following lunch, judging of the heifer calf, bull calf and yearling heifer classes will take place. Presentations and supper will follow judging. For more information contact, Corey & Tasha Lees, SE Secretaries at 306-455-2714.
Southwest Sask Hereford Tour Plan to attend the southwest Sask Hereford tour on August 10 th and 11 th. If you would like more information, just contact anyone of the breeders listed.
It is shaping up to be a busy summer here in Saskatchewan. Wishing you an enjoyable and safe summer and we hope you will join us at the events planned throughout the province.
CATTLE CALL Summer 2017 Issue Canadian Publications Mail Product Sale Agreement No. 40012604 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Saskatchewan Hereford Association Box 713, Weyburn, Sk. S4H 2K8 Phone: 306-842-6149 Fax: 306-842-0296
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2017 - AG IN MOTION SITE (Located on south side of Highway 16, 15 minutes northwest of Saskatoon, Sk.) Notice to the Membership of The Saskatchewan Hereford Association Election of Directors to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association • Four (4), three year terms expire 2017 - James Hordos, Stephen Myer, Tina Lees, Matt Lohner Election of Director to the Canadian Hereford Association • One (1), three year term expires 2017 - David Reid Notice of Amendments/Additions to the Constitution & Bylaws ARTICLE 3 - OBJECTS 3.1 a) The encouragement and development of raising of purebred cattle in Saskatchewan; change to read “ The encouragement and development of raising of purebred Hereford cattle in Saskatchewan”; 3.1 c) By maintaining an efficient supervision of breeders of Hereford cattle to prevent, detect and punish fraud; change to read “ By maintaining an efficient supervision of breeders of Hereford cattle to prevent, detect and report fraud to the Canadian Hereford Association”; ARTICLE 7 - ZONES 7.1 Change to read “The province has two active zones: Northwest Sask Hereford Club and Southeast Hereford Zone”. ARTICLE 8 - DIRECTORS 8.8 c) Directors shall take office immediately, in accordance with the constitution of the Canadian Hereford Association; change to read “Directors shall take office, in accordance with the constitution of the Canadian Hereford Association”
The Saskatchewan Hereford Association Annual General Meeting Schedule of Events 1:00 pm
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
Arrival of Cattle for Display Contact Stephen Myer at 306-893-2298 if you will be bringing cattle by Monday, June 12, 2017 If you are bringing cattle, please bring corral panels Saskatchewan Hereford Association Annual General Meeting • Election of Directors • Presentations from Promotion & Advertising Committee • Introduction of Mentorship Program Supper
Saskatchewan Hereford Association Stephen Myer, President (306)893-2298 Marilyn Charlton, General Manager 306-842-6149 Email: