Annual Report
In 2023–24, our community enjoyed many educational and relationship-building opportunities, from Classroom Without Walls to Friday Night Lights, music, dance, and theater performances to IASAS sports competitions, Marathon Club and Interim Semester. Thank you! Your contributions bring us together and help create memories for our students that will last a lifetime.
As we reflect on our board work last year, there are several milestones that I would like to mention.
We worked closely with the school this year to oversee the third year of our SAS2027 strategic plan implementation. We are pleased with progress in key areas, including social-emotional wellness, mathematics, college counseling, world language, and significant progress on our soon-to-be-completed elementary school.
Working with the board’s Facilities Committee, we continued to monitor phase one of the SAS Reimagined project and the design process for phases two and three of the plan. We made significant progress on the new elementary school and look forward to welcoming students and educators into that new building in 2025. We appreciate the school’s work to help our contractor address the challenges faced by Singapore’s construction industry and the impact these challenges have had on the timing of certain projects. For more information, visit our SAS Reimagined website.
In partnership with the board’s Finance Committee, we examined both short-term and long-term cash flows of the school, approved this year’s budget, and discussed the long-term strategic asset allocation of the school’s invested reserves. We are pleased that the school continues to be in a strong financial position with a positive outlook going forward. The school continues to meet or exceed its budget targets, and has made impressive steps forward in the area of advancement.
Led by the board’s Nominations and Governance Committee, our community passed a special board resolution with 80 percent of participants voting in favor of adjusting our board member election and appointment process. The terms of the resolution are outlined below:
• The board shall consist of eight elected seats and four appointed seats
• Elected members will continue to be drawn from current SAS parents and legal guardians
• Appointed members may be drawn from current and former SAS parents and legal guardians and from SAS alumni, all of whom must reside in Singapore
• Board members will serve four-year terms, with elections held every two years and appointments made every (alternate) two years
• Changes will begin to take effect in the spring of 2025 and will be phased in over the following four years
We are excited about the continuity of service and the diversity of experience and perspectives these changes will bring to the school board composition.
We continued to partner with Tom and provide support, guidance, and thought partnership to him. We appreciate the close and productive relationship we have had together over the past five-plus years. We are grateful for his thoughtful leadership and collaborative spirit. 4. STRENGTHEN GOVERNANCE AND PLAN FOR BOARD TRANSITION
We worked closely with the superintendent to review key operating metrics, including student social-emotional health data (Panorama), enrollment data, faculty and leadership retention, performance on MAP and SAT assessments, advanced studies data, college placement results, Child Safeguarding annual report, and surveys of students, educators, leadership, and our community. We appreciated the school leadership team’s focus on data and actions driven by that data. We have continued that work this fall and are excited about the road ahead of us.
Support and provide oversight of superintendent
Ensure successful monitoring and implementation of the 2027 Strategic Plan
Monitor and review SAS Reimagined campus upgrade implementation plan and construction contracts
Ensure short- and long-term financial health of the school
Strengthen governance and plan for board transitions
• Work with superintendent to ensure strong communication channels, a supportive relationship, and clear accountability
• Work with superintendent on clear priorities for 2024–25 within the plan
• Monitor implementation of school strategic priorities, including performance of deepdive reviews and implementation of changes resulting from such reviews
• Monitor and review key data points in school operating metrics
• Review and approve phases two and three of the campus upgrade plan
• Ensure clear communication with community on key decisions, including move into new elementary school building
• Closely monitor financial health of SAS— enrollment, revenue and expense trends and budget approval for 2025–26
• Support school’s advancement campaign and the launch of our first Capital Campaign, including adoption of Board Gift Acceptance Policy
• Monitor investment strategies and returns of school reserves
• Review and approve the budget for 2025–26 fiscal year, supporting the strategic priorities of the school while ensuring its continued financial health
We are grateful for the many contributions each of you makes to our community, and we look forward to continuing our work together this year!
Ehab Abou-Oaf Board Chair
• Develop pipeline of board appointments and committee membership
• Plan for 2025 successful board elections
• Lead the process for the first appointment under revised Articles of Association with clear community communication on process and decisions
Ehab Abou-Oaf
Board member since 2017
Shiv Puri
Board Vice Chair
Finance Committee
Investment Advisory Committee(Chair)
Board member since 2021
Michelle Yi Lin
Board member since 2023
Board member since 2022
Maxine Barnett Nominations and Governance Committee
Board member since 2023
Liwen Chen Nominations and Governance Committee
Strategic Plan Task Force
Board Liaison to the SAS Foundation Board
Board member since 2019
Board member since 2023
Investment Advisory Committee
Board member since 2023
Wade Cruse NOMINATIONS AND Governance Committee(CHAIR)
Board member since 2021
Archana Parekh FINANCE COMMITTEE Investment Advisory Committee
Board member since 2022
Board member since 2023
Tom Boasberg SUPERINTENDENT *NON-VOting member
Board member since 2019
S. Jessica Roth NOMINATIONS AND Governance Committee
Strategic Plan Task Force
Board Liaison to the PTA
Board member since 2022
Since 2019
Dr. Jennifer Sparrow DEPUTY
Since 2015
Since 2023
Since 2023
Since 2011
Since 2019
Since 2023
Since 2022
Since 2023
Tricia Lee
Since 2023
Since 2019
Since 2017
Since 2021
Anthony Poullard
Since 2020
Jo McIlroy
Since 2016
Since 2020
Chris Beingessner
Since 2022
Dr.Lisa Wan
Since 2020
Simon Thomas
Since 2023
Dr. Darnell Fine
Since 2022
Dr. Amanda Wood
Since 2014
Nicole Veltzé
Since 2021
Dr. Betsy Hall
Since 2022
Dr. Susan Shaw
Since 2015
Since 2022
Audrey Hazleton
Since 2022
Ken Schunk
Since 1996
Lance Murgatroyd HIGH SCHOOL
Since 2020
David Hoss
Since 1996
Jeff Scott
Since 2022
Singapore American School is incorporated in the Republic of Singapore and recognized under the Singapore Charities Act. A school board that serves without remuneration governs the school, and financial surpluses, if any, are used solely for the betterment of the school. Current parents and faculty are automatically members of the school and participate in its governance by electing the school board, which oversees the superintendent. The chief operating officer/chief financial officer works under the superintendent’s direction to implement the decisions of the board and its committees and to ensure that resources are managed efficiently and responsibly. School operations comply with high standards of financial accountability and transparency.
The audited financial results for the 2023–24 school year compare favorably to the budget approved by the board in January 2023. Overall, revenues were favorable to the budget, mainly due to the record number of enrolled students and additional revenue from the guaranteed placement program. Operating expenses incurred were higher than budgeted, mainly due to higher salaries and benefits to support growth in enrollment and to respond to the high inflationary environment, which impacted housing costs in particular. Overall, the total surplus amounted to S$16.5 million, compared to a budgeted surplus of S$11.8 million.
Annual operating surpluses are generally used for capital purposes, including the maintenance and renewal of the school’s facilities, as well as for identified capital projects intended to enhance or replace the school’s physical infrastructure, like the current ongoing campus upgrade project. Operating surpluses may also be transferred, with the approval of the board, to our reserves, which are invested and managed prudently for the long-term, continued financial well-being of the school and to pay for future facilities needs.
• Enrollment-related income comprised 95 percent of total revenues.
• Donations, Singapore government grants, and the guaranteed placement program contributed to the remaining 5 percent.
Total Revenue: S$196.4M
• The breakdown of schoolwide costs was similar to last year, with salaries and benefits, our largest cost, representing approximately 77 percent of overall expenditures.
• Campus operations (including depreciation), the second-largest expenditure, accounted for 12 percent of overall expenditures.
• Our remaining expenses (technology, learning resources, other operating expenses, and donations expenditures) remained relatively unchanged at 11 percent of overall expenditures. Total Expenses: S$182.0m
In the spring of 2020, the school board agreed to move forward with SAS Reimagined, a major campus upgrade project to replace, renew, and upgrade aging buildings on campus in order to create an improved learning environment with flexible and innovative spaces. The campus upgrade plans include the demolition of the current elementary and middle school buildings and construction of a new elementary school and a new middle school; major renovations of high school and shared-facility buildings; and the creation of a new welcome center along with a new aquatic center, athletic facilities, and dining options. The project commenced in May 2021, and we have seen a number of upgrades come to fruition on campus. While we have experienced some construction delays due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, work is progressing and the new elementary school building is anticipated to be completed in early 2025. The projected completion date of all SAS Reimagined project phases is 2028.
During the year, the school capitalized S$71.6 million in project-related costs and recognized a S$2.3 million accelerated depreciation expense on the elementary and middle school buildings due to the revision in expected useful life of these existing buildings.
Like all of Singapore’s Foreign System Schools, SAS is regulated by the government through SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). The SSG’s regulations ensure that all private and international schools in Singapore are committed to financial solvency and that families selecting these schools understand their tuition and fee obligations.
One of the board’s responsibilities is to ensure that an annual audit of the financial accounts of the school and the SAS Foundation is carried out. This audit was performed by Deloitte during the 2024 summer and its results were available for review before the school’s and the foundation’s annual general meetings in December and August, respectively. Approval of the accredited financials is an important element of both AGMs.
“We are delighted to report another year of strong financial performance and record enrollment, which reflects the robust demand for the high-quality education provided by SAS. Our strategic investments in facilities, staff development, and social and emotional well-being in support of SAS 2027 have strengthened our academic offerings and allowed us to continue providing an exceptional learning experience for our students. We will continue to manage our resources prudently to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of our school.“
Tricia Lee, Chief Operating Officer / Chief Financial Officer
We are committed to managing the resources entrusted to us by the parents of current and former students carefully and responsibly. The robust state of the school’s finances reflects the continued efforts of the board and the administration to maintain and improve the school’s long-term financial health.
Since its inception in 1956, Singapore American School has been dedicated to serving the American community in Singapore through the provision of a US-style education. The establishment of the school was made possible by the community’s collective effort, raising the initial S$100,000 required to bring a brand-new educational institution to life. Over the past 68 years, SAS has remained true to its not-for-profit origins, and the spirit of philanthropy continues to be a vibrant force within our community.
We express our deep gratitude to all supporters of SAS. Rooted in a culture of philanthropy, our community members—comprising parents, alumni, faculty, and leadership—take immense pride in contributing to our shared mission. Together, our donors play a crucial role in fostering a spirit of philanthropy, as each individual shares a common interest in inspiring others to invest in the continued success of SAS.
Together, our community raised over S$22.7 million last year; parent participation was at 19 percent; and 33 percent of educators made a gift to SAS.
1,650 K-5 students experienced a theater presentation and tailored sessions with Kate Messner
Over 250 students explored middle school robotics elective experience
636 Students traveled to Indonesia and Malaysia during Classroom Without Walls in 2023-24
In 2023-24, a total of 35 students whose families demonstrated financial need, each received a S$3,000 scholarship to help defray the cost of the trip
Almost 1,000 unique Working on Wellness experiences hosted for SAS educators
George Raymond Zage III (Chair - Since 2012)
Aaron Kim (Vice-chair - Since 2020)
Aymeric Ralph Henri Fraise (Since 2023)
Shaun Bernier Massara (Since 2023)
Sam Tsui (Treasurer - Since 2021)
Brian O’Connor (Since 2014)
Clarice Chia Woodworth (Since 2014)
Georgina Bach (Since 2016)
Eck Meng Goh (Since 2017)
Simran Kotak (Since 2021)
Alan Miyasaki (Since 2019)
Astrid Salim (Since 2014)
Rudolph Muller (Chair - Since 2008)
Nick Haslett (Vice-Chair - Since 2015)
Mendy Crews (Since 2017)
Sheila Deford (Since 2010)
Martyn Goosen (Since 2016)
Anish Jain (Since 2016)
Brent Mutsch (Since 2008)
Chip Kimball (Since 2012)
Deirdre Simon (Secretary - Since 2012)
SAS is proud to receive the support of Marina Bay Sands, under the integrated resort’s Sands Cares community program, which impacts so many people both in the Singapore American School community and across the island. Since 2016, Marina Bay Sands has been the venue host for SAS’s annual Eagle Society Soiree, and has helped SAS to fully utilize its donor funds for programs that directly benefit our students and learning.
Reserves Policy: The SAS Foundation (Singapore) will maintain 25 percent of its annual revenue as reserves, subject to an incremental cap of S$50,000 each year and an overall cumulative cap of S$120,000. Reserves Investment Policy: Reserves will only be invested in cash, fixed deposits, and high-liquidity investments.
Conflicts of Interest Policy: Directors of the SAS Foundation (Singapore) will submit their conflict of interest disclosure statement upon assuming office and at least annually, either by affirmative disclosure in which directors state that they do not know of any potential or actual conflict of interest, or by full disclosure of their outside interests. To see the policy in its entirety, please visit Executive management: The SAS Foundation Ltd has no paid employees. Audit: We will make available the audited accounts of the SAS Foundation Ltd to interested parties upon request to
S$50,000 AND ABOVE
Aymeric Fraise and Jacqueline Zhan
Martin Hartono and Grace Katuari
Shirley and Aaron Kim
Li Foundation
Saurabh and Shraddha Mittal
Danny Oei and Tracy Lee
Shiv and Reshma Puri
Eduardo and Elaine Saverin
Tiara and Mark Shaw
Dr. Shuna Sun
Kenji Taira and Astrid Salim-Taira ’96
Kimin and Fiona Tanoto
Zhong Yi Zhao and Zoe Zhou
Ben Zhou and Lily Dai
Yiming Zhu and Jingjing Wei
Anonymous gift made by 1 family
Ehab Abou-oaf and Gina Elzoheiry
Wang Chen and Fiona Lu
Vikram and Shruti Hora
Diane, Will, and Bea Knox
Alan and Christine Miyasaki
Brian and Aisha Oravec
Anonymous gift made by 1 family
Tae Ahn and Sungsun Nam
Darren Massara and Shaun Bernier
Yandong Du and Xiao Xue Xiao
Kevin Zhao and Elan Shou
Guanya Jia
Liming Ke and Mengxiao Li
Vir and Simran Kotak
WG Miao and Vivian Wang
Rudy and Andrea Muller
Brent and Maggie Mutsch
Brian O’Connor and Nancy Menayang
Seyoon Oh and Junghee Joo
Rajiv Ramnarayan and Gayatri Govitrikar
Alston Salim ’05
Kevin Shu and Leslie Wang
Eric Solberg and Cora Lee
Cheng Teik and Betty Tan
Paul and Maura Thompson
Kevin and Marina White
Gordon Xiao and Angela Xia
Guorui Zhang and Yingzhi Song
Anonymous gifts made by 7 families
Alfred and Rita Aspen
Tom Boasberg and Carin Chow
Andrew Burych and Anna Sellers
Susan Ewert ’73
Chadha Family
Dean Chen and Joyce Zheng
Scott Dowdell and Venta Norvilas
Tricia Lee and Johan Dulat
Marty and Kathy Goossen
Herman Guo and Ellen Shao
Jie Zhang
Dingkun Hong and Huiqin Liao
Benjamin Joe and Sarah Choi
Chien-Ho Liao and Tzu-Li Ku
Tong Lin and Ting Lu
Milind Pasad and Vaishali Mehta
Yongqiang Qian and Jia Yu
Ryan Silfanus and Margaret Sutjojo ’04
Steve and Karen Sonnenberg
Amanda Steckler
Peter Succoso and Angel Kung
Gordon and Jeanine Thomson
Quan Trang and Chu Chen
Andy and Karen Walz
Aaron and Zoe Wong
Anonymous gifts made by 5 families
Jeremy and Georgina Bach
Wei Zhang and Liwen Chen
Rick Chen and Greta Zhao
Huajie Cheng and Ying Luo
Wade Cruse and Elaine Heng
Shelley and Phil DeFord
Eric Dulaurans and Joanne Cheigh
John and Pauline Foo
Tetsuichi and Kaoru Fujiwara
Eck Meng Goh
Jack Henske and Janet Wong Henske
Yiyong Huo and Danyang Ru
Anish Jain ’02
Chenyun Ji and Li Shen
Michael Lee and Yamin Cui
Tim Lee and Sheryl Lim
Jeb Li and Lu Wang
Wen-Chi Liao and Hui-Chen Chen
Andrew Mingst and Madeline Stone
Samit Nathirmal and Priya Nevrekar
Michael and Danae Niederberger
Huide Wu and Joan Qian
Dalmar and Mimi Sheikh
Donald and Tracy Stroh
Kevin Sun and Stella Xing
Sachin and Rajul Shah
Gregory and Nathalia Thiery
Tae Whang and You Ri Lee
Yang Lei and Zhang Dan
Aaron and Charisse Yip
Anonymous gifts made by 12 families
Prady and Aparna Agrawal
Aldous Family
Peng Huat and Swat Ang
Elbert and Mamie Bailey
Chris Beingessner and Brenda Baisley
David Boen ’71
Kate and Bob Brundage
Xudong Cai and Qian Wu
Reagan Chai and Juha Song
Alexander Chan and Jennifer Kan
Micheline Chau ’70
Youqin Che
Seongkoo Cheong and Marie Park
Fumiko Matsuo and Peter Chin
Avery Colcord and Spring Feng
Jason and Beth Cone
The Cunningham Family
Frieda Marie Dietrich
Russell and Kim Dreisenstock
Jeff Scott and Linda Eide
John Figi and Megumi Hattori-Figi
Ken Freeman and Susi Susilowati
Amy Gile
Evy Gozali ’97
Betsy Hall
Chris and Audrey Hazleton
Shuangchi He and Fan Yu
Bill and Nic Hendricks
Bryan and Christine Henning
David Hoss and Michael Fiebrich
Hou Hou and Zhang Zhang
Zongen Hu and Zhenyi Li
The Huang Family
Dongil and Yuree Hwang
Ashik Kazi and Farhana Amjad
Yunsik and YoonAh Kim
Norio Kobayashi and Margaret Yu
Rick Lai and family
James Lam ’03
Tim Lee and Jihye Sun
Li Li
Tian Li and Mengzhu Wang
Aidan Lim ’23
Will and Danielle Lincoln
Aries Liu and Teresa Wang
Canhui Liu and Xiaohong Qu
Hui Liu and Wenting Zhang
Maggie Liu
Pai Liu
Peng Liu and Lei Xiao
Shui Liu and Yan Sun
Tingyu Lu
Vivek Mahapatra and Himani Bhardwaj
David and Katy Matvey
Vasu and Cynthia Muthyala
Ken and Eve Myers
Jit Nagpal and Kanta Sawlani
Yoon Suck Nam and Suzie Seo
Aseem Nambiar ’06
Dennis Ng and Maria Liang
Tomo and Maria Oda
Craig Olsen and Joanna McIlroy
TaiKang Ong and Mei Ying Chen ’94
Sergei O’Saerang ’95 and Herlina Lim ’96
Shirley Pandra ’98
Richard Payne and Patricia Chiota
Anthony Poullard
Pratyush and Saumya Raj
Avi and Ahna Raju
Gary Rana and Shellie Xu
Chris Raymaakers and Robin Balshaw
Ann Marie Regal
Kenny Rosche ’04
Yosh Rubinstein and Elizabeth Slagle-Rubinstein
David Soong and Felicia Santosa ’97
William and Martha Scarborough
Susan and Tiri Shaw
Kris Sidharta and Lisa Wan
Ram Singh and Laura Mohl
David Snyder ’89
Nick and Jennifer Sparrow
Sukumar Rajah and Priyamvada Sukumar
Jie Sun
Anup Suresh ’07 and Yashika Mody ’08
Eric and Josephine Tam
Chris and Julia Tan
Zehan Tao and Fei Liu
Seung-Taek Oh and Teresa Dyar
Austin and Winnie Tomlinson
Sam Tsui and Carmen Chau
Haiding Wang and Xiaorong Zhong
Karl Wang and Tiffany Li
Xiao Wang and Jinwen Chen
Hang Wen and Yue Tong
David Wong ’91
Xi Wu and Xuemei Dai
Haiyan Xiong and Vicky Zhang
Hailing Xu and Shuojun Zhu
Hui Xu
Xiaolin Xue and Qi Liao
Yang Yang and Tong Tong
Mike and Jenny Yeh
Hongying Chen
Anthony and Agnes Zameczkowski
Janice Zhang
Shousong Zhang
Ying Zhang
Liedong Zhu and Macheng Ma
Deming Zou and Jane Huang
Anonymous gifts made by 38 families
Jason Cho and Jamie Kim
Jonathan Cho and Christine Ahn
Khyhang Cho and Min Yu
Taemin Cho and HK Kim
Youngho Cho and Jung Eun Hong
Chang Hyun Choi and Ji Yeon Woo
Sarizan Ahmad
Steven Allagan
Mariana Alvarado
Jodi Amat
Shawne Angelle ’80
Aryton Armando
Brian Bae and Eun Ju Yoon
JK Bae and Su Jung Min
Dosik Bang ’93 and Euna Choi
Kenny Bang and Lynn Jang
Wei Bao and Haijia Yi
John and Shari (’98) Barnidge
Leon Bart-Williams
Molly (Markham) Baslow ’99
Doug Behse
Amy & Augie Bell
Tiffany Benson ’06
Alyssa Binnig ’07
Stephen and Jodi Bonnette
Liz Bowers Ng ’06 and Jason Ng
Kim Brauer
Dave and Kate Breslin
Teresa Cantu
Jill Carpenter
Oumlee Cha
Jung Hoon Chang and Joo Ye Moon
Pranay Chaturvedi and Ankita Joshi
Henry Chen and Erein Zhou
Cheolmin Kim and Ri Yoo
Brian Chien and Enki Li
Teddy and Kathleen Chin
Dongkun Cho and Jiin Park
Chris Choi and Ji Yea Jeong
Jinho Choi and Ju Youn Nam
Yoon Hyuk Choi and RyeoGyeong Lee
Youngsoo Choi and Sarm Kim
Youngwook and Hyejeong Choi
Mike Chu and Xiaoxue Meng
Ee Chien Chua ’07
Kev Chung and Christina Gunarto
Monica Clear and Joe Tremarco
Warren and Donna ’76 Coco
Vicky Colorado
Bryan Coole and Sarah Absolom-Coole
Jim and Lyn Crouch
Peter and Ali Cuthbert
Nick ’99 and Katherine Dale
Tabitha Dalman
Casey DeFord ’07
Nicole DeFord ’04
Sophie Deschaux Beaume Ep Caporossi
Tim DeWeese and Allison King ’74
Erica Dodds
Ken Doh and Hyemi Kim
Eisinger Family
Vivian Chang
Mike Ely ’02
David Ewert
James Fan ’10
Stephen Fisher and Shijung Park
Rick ’67 and Marla Gadbois
Xin Gao and Michelle Lin
Zhaorui and Zhaobo Gong
Sarah Gonzales
Merced and Linda Gonzalez
Tom Grant ’18
Benjamin Green ’19
Daniel Green and Beth Toole
Owen Green ’22
Jim and Beth Gribbon
Mark Guerrier and Paula Story
Won Ha and Yeonho Cha
Inger-Lise Hagen ’89
Taejin Ham and Miyoung Cho
Michael and Joanna Hambrick
Marcy Hampton
CJ Han and Jenny Jung
CK Han and In Bok Jeon
Manyoo Han and Jay Yoo
Kelly and Jake Hannon
Rob and Olivia Hardin
Bob Helmer
Francis Hernandez
Felipe Herranz-Sanchez and Quyen Nguyen Do
Dhanush and Nilanga Hettiarachchi
Kavan Ho and Katie Goggins
LaRoy and Michelle Hoard
Stuart Hong and Jung-Jin Kim
Sungchan Hong
Patrick and Jennifer Hopkins
Elizabeth Hudson
Rushton Hurley and Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Jeff and Jena Hutchinson
Jae Ik Hwang and Irene Kim
Kerri Iha
SJ Jain ’20
Donna Jang
Myoung Seok Jeong and Tae Hyon Ahn
Anna Jo
Daniel Joe and Jiwon Seo
Minyoung Ju and Oakhwa Han
Andy Jung and Yoojin Choi
Jaeyong Jung ’13
Youngsoo Jung and Danbee Park
Jung Woo Kang and Yun Hee Chang
Jiuming Ke and Karen Chen
Tomoko Kato ’89
Phillip ’02 and Johanna ’01 Katzman
Amar Jit Kaur
Jennifer and Jennifer Kelly
Megan Kelly
Alec Kersman and Natalia Vairo
Mike and Analu Kewelar
Puneet Khosla and Anushree Sawhney
Alex Kim and Ji Hae Lee
Bryan Kim and Jae Yeon Joo
Byunghan Kim and Eunjoo Lee
Chong and Hyo Jung Kim
Dan and Jessica Kim
Daniel and Hye Rin Kim
DK Kim and Heewon Park
Dohyeong Kim and Hyeongkyeong Seong
Duckwon Kim and Kyungsim Han
HK Kim and Eunju Park
Jae Young Kim and Ae Hee Jang
Jaeyel and Hakyung Kim
James Kim and Inny Yi
Jason Kim and Bokyung Seo
Jay Kim and Jiyeon Chung
Jay Kim and YK Yoon
JB Kim and Sunny Yang
Jee Young Kim
Jin Byun Kim and Myoung Wha Yun
Jinny Kim
John Kim and Veronica So
Jongmin Kim and Hyomi Jie
Jung Ah Kim
Junghoon Kim and Hyeri Lim
Junghoon Kim and Kyoungjin Lim
Martin Kim and Eulan Kyoung
Myong Gyu and Hyejin Kim
Nara Kim and Namjin Park
Sean Kim and Daye Lee
Shee-Young Kim and Juhee Chung
Soon Jae and Sookkyoung Kim
Sunghun Kim and Kris Ryu
Sunwoo Kim and Geum Bin Park
Taehong and Ji Hyun Kim
Tyler Kim and Ka Young Hwang
Yong Gyu and Hye Won Kim
Devin Kimble and Amy Sittler
Matt and Narumi Kish
Julia Knight ’07
Drew Knoten and Kristine Petersen
GB Ko and Yeun Kyung Kim
Hyunseok Ko and Gloria Kim
Jay Ko and Kate Yoon
Jerry Koo and Kelly Hwang
Jeff Kreutter ’07
Steven and Holly Kreutter
Howard Kukla ’75
Ramend Kumar
Marshall Kuo and Kate Lee
Hyouk Kwon
OJ Kwon and Hyojin Lim
Lawrence Lam and Nahyoon Hong
Wilson Lau and Jessica Zee
Jeffrey and Diane Laurent
Sahil Lavingia ’10
Michael Le and Sarah Lu
Ann Lee
Chanhee and Youngmi Lee
Chester ’00 and Edna Lee
David Lee and Jenny Ryu
Dong-Kyu Lee and Hee-Jung Kang
Doo Hyun Lee and Hyun Shin
Douglas Lee ’76
Gabriel Lee ’10
Hyelan Lee
Jason and Grace Lee
John Lee and Sarah Woo
Ju Seung and Hae Jin Lee
Jung Hun Lee and Yeojun Kim
Justin Lee and Mirie Yoon
Kevin Lee and Michelle Gong
Kidong Lee and Jeehyun Oh
Kyoung Hoon Lee and Jung Mi Cheong
Kyungeun Lee
Lee Young Hoon and Suh SangHee
Moon Lee and Yun Jin Ko
Phillip Lee and Yunjin Son
Sang Hoon and So Jueng Lee
Sanghyun Lee and Wonsun Paek
Sanghyun Lee and Yoojin Suh
Stephen and Heayoung Lee
Steven Lee and Bora Kang
Sung Ho Lee and Moonhee Jung
Victor Lee and Chiyo Myoungjin Ma
Wonbae Lee and Suzy Park
Wonjoon Lee and June Park
WS Lee and Yunjeong Kim
Yim Lee
Yong Ho Lee and Inkyung Song
Yong Yam Lee
Younmin Lee and Hyosun Cho
Erik L’Heureux and Joa Kim
Serena Li Xiaosi
Xiaoyao Liang and Feng Ji
John Liao ’10
Kelly Lim
Paul and Phoebe Lim
Sun Kyun Lim and Soo Hyeon Kim
Young Lim and Jinnie Chung
Aurora Lin
Win and Stephanie (’99) Lippincott
Alicia Liu
Edwin Liu ’00
Xinxin Liu
John Loftus and Amy Jackson
Christina Natalie Loh ’04
Kelvin Loh and Hong Wui Tan
Travis Macdonell and Erica Greco
Brad Madden
Carmen Onstad Matthews ’60
Adam Meyers-Spector and Francesca Cecchi
Jihong Min and Julia Ham
Peter Min and Claire Chung
Eric and Miri Moffett
Edward Moon and Jaehee Yu
Kon Moon and Sohyun Kim
Mitchell Moore
Daniel and Cheryl Mountcastle
Natalie Muller ’10
Nicholas Muller ’13
Bong Woong Mun and Suk Hee Jang
Kristin Munson
Daniel Na and Michelle Kim
Kyoungwon Na and Min Kyung Cho
Sanghwan Namkoong and Hijoung Oh
Mark Nelson and Margrit Benton
Howard and Ivy Ng
Kathleen Nickle
James Oh and Joyce Cho
James Oh and Mi Suk Lee
Je Jun Oh ’96 and Hyejee Shim
Joon Oh and Sunny Jang
Scott Oh ’95 and Jane Lim
Seoknam Oh and Hee Kyung Moon
Wonsuk Oh and Angela Ryu
Judd and Melissa Osborne
Yohan and Bomin Paek
Kyung Paik and Hi Young Kim
Jae Soo Park and Kyoung Mi Lee
James Park and Gina Kim
Jason Park and EJ Lee
Jin Park and Julie Lee
Joseph Park and Jeesun Lee
Jungnam Park and Eunna Song
Millo Park
Peter and Se Jin Park
Sang Jin Park and Yeon Hee Jung
Sean and Julie Park
Shawn Park and Sylvia Lee
Wankeun Park and Jenny Lee
Cheryl Parkhurst Gallagher
Michael and Chloe Pasko
Sudesh Pathmarajah
Erich Paulini and Petrina Seah
Jianzhang Peng and Yan Wu
Rodney Pereira and Erin Caskey
Fred Perry
George Peterson
Sarah Pisacich
Rachel Proffitt
Kevin Ra and Jay Hu
Mike and Shilpa Rapaport
Bridget Rigg-Anderson
Scott and Lisa Riley
Hosup Rim and Hyunjin Chang
Ben Robertaccio and Dolly Ngai
Beverley Rogers
James and Robyn Rogers
Sung Hyun Roh and Mi Young Kim
Youngjin Roh and Caylee Yoo
Haslan Rohani and Netty Sidek
Kate Ryan ’02
Allen Ryu and Kelly Sohn
Jin Su Ryu and Na Hyun Seo
Youngsoo Ryu and Kim Ahreum
Maslitah Sain
Shannon Salter ’88
Martin Sanchez
Ole Sander and Marcia Hammelev Sander
Yi Sang and May Chen
Indranil Sarkar and Vrutika Mody ’06
Jenn ’93 and Stuart Schultz
Laura C Schuster
Dan and Kristin ’64 Searle
Premala Sekaran
Norbert Seo and Jiwan Shin
Peter Seo
Kinjal Shah
Sajan Shah ’09
Carrie Shaw and Cormac Davey
Brian Sheehan and Cara D’Avanzo
Dongho Shin and Rosa Jung
Jae Woo Shin and Yoon Hee Lee
Keith Smith ’93
Tim Smith ’89
Selvie Somasundaram
Mike Son and Eunbin Song
Tommy Son and Lisa Lee
Hwee Jun Song and Ji Young Kim
Youngho Song and Nayoung Kwon
Diogo Sousa ’16
Linda Spataru ’15
Adam Sprankell (’92) and Suger Britches
Divya Srinath
Thomas Stoebe
Carly Studer ’02
Kichul Suk and Yungi Huh
Hyunseok Sun and Hyojin Lee
Dana Sung
Wanie Supaat
Khash Surti and Krishna Goradia
Steve ’97 and Miranda Tadlock
Anne Prema Tambou
Jian An Tan and Soo Jung Park
Stephanie Tang
Thomas Family
Maria Lorena Torres
Therese Vainius ’11
Shuting Wan
Jeff Wang and Rao Hu
Stephan Wang and Bo Gao
Anne Wenstrom
Marty and Betsy West
Ben and Catherine Wheeler
Dominic Wong ’10
Amanda and Simon Wood
Ben Wu ’20
Carol Xu
Eric Yang and Jenny Kim
Kihoon Yang and Youngae Lee
Seung Jun Yang and Soo Hyun Park
Dae Seok Yoon and Young Joo Kim
Dohjin Yoon and Justine Chung
Kookhan Yoon and Hyemi Jeon
Charles Young and Julie Kang
DJ Yuh
JJ Yun and Stella Shin
Jee-mann Cho and YuRi Kim
Jefferson Zhang ’23
John and Helen Zhang
Kelly Zhang ’10
Yang Zheng
Deming Zhu and Jacqueline Zhang
Steve Zielinski and Ziqi Chan-Zielinski
Michael and Betsy Zink
Tim Zitur and Lisa Tay-Zitur
Anonymous gifts made by 257 families
Esteban Acosta ’24
Amit Agam ’24
Avanti Agarwal ’24
Anshi Aggarwal ’24
Rohan Agrawal ’24
Lauren Ah-Hot ’24
Morgan Ahn ’24
Krishna Aiyar ’24
Teddy Alexander ’24
Maia Armstrong ’24
Kyra Arora ’24
Julia Bach ’24
E-Jun Bae ’24
Seungmin Bae ’24
Christy Baek ’24
Manya Bahl ’24
Samara Baidwan ’24
Gabby Baker ’24
Avery Bald ’24
Nikolas Basmajian ’24
Felix Becker ’24
Sanya Belgaumi ’24
Kelilah Bennett ’24
Isabelle Bible ’24
Alisha Boome ’24
Thomas Bouchard ’24
Kinsey Bowling ’24
Aaron Brest ’24
Avery Bretting ’24
Sophia Buxton ’24
Johann Calamita ’24
Liea Carpenter ’24
James Carroll ’24
Kaden Chan ’24
Nikita Chanda ’24
Shawn Chang ’24
Kaylee Chen ’24
Adam Chen ’24
Alan Chen ’24
Jay Cheng ’24
Benjamin Cheong ’24
Ella Chi ’24
Marcus Chin ’24
Noelle Ching ’24
Anna Cho ’24
Daniel Cho ’24
Rachel Choi ’24
Anna Hyunjin Choi ’24
Arthur Choi ’24
Irene Choi ’24
Rayan Chowdhury ’24
Stella Christiansen ’24
Sasha Coates ’24
Mia Comerford ’24
Ethan Cone ’24
Lauren Copeland ’24
Rahul Cortez ’24
Zach Dajani ’24
William Dawson ’24
Nicole Delica ’24
Anushka Desai ’24
Cylas Devens ’24
Nyrah Dhariwal ’24
Harry Dingemans ’24
Gabriella Diocos ’24
Gavin Dixon ’24
Will Drake ’24
Maiya Duran ’24
Bella Eskesen ’24
Ella Fering ’24
Kiana Ferrell ’24
Avery Fiore ’24
Giancarlo Flores ’24
Kiana Fong ’24
Olivia Ford ’24
Danielle Gaines ’24
Raef Galicia ’24
Ezra Ganske ’24
Sophia Zoe Garcia ’24
Ale Garcia diroatmodjo ’24
Tara Garde ’24
Bennett Gardner ’24
Anna Garita ’24
Juliette Gartman ’24
Nathan Geiling ’24
Roman Gergun ’24
Zara Ghale ’24
Kabir Goklani ’24
Curtis Gray ’24
Joshua Paul Guirao ’24
Vedanti Gupta ’24
Taarini Gupta ’24
Nicholas Haddad ’24
Dylan Halasz ’24
Ashley Han ’24
Siddharth Harish ’24
Hugo Hartono ’24
Gabe Hazleton ’24
Spencer Hazleton ’24
Connor Henning ’24
Victoria Henske ’24
Dyvan Hevey ’24
Thomas Hew ’24
Stanley Ho ’24
Kana Honda ’24
Scarlett Huang ’24
Marc Ju Yi Huang ’24
Zerah Hughes ’24
Chris Jacobes ’24
Lily Jaeger ’24
Betty Jaeger ’24
Sarah Jafary ’24
Aliyn Hyun Jeon ’24
Fynn Jermyn ’24
Nathan Jiang ’24
Qi Yang Jiang ’24
Jessie Jin ’24
Riddhima Kamat ’24
Eita Kan ’24
Tessa Kane ’24
Gyulim Kang ’24
Amari Kapoor ’24
Georgia Kelly ’24
Mike Kelly ’24
Mohammed Khan ’24
Diya Khatri ’24
Andrew Kim ’24
Sejung Kim ’24
Justin Kim ’24
Rachel D. Kim ’24
Hanna Kim ’24
Noah Kim ’24
Taehee Kim ’24
Edward Kim ’24
Shannon Kim ’24
Genis Kim ’24
Timothy Kim ’24
Apichya (Aimee) Kittismidh ’24
Sara Kobayashi ’24
Luna Koford ’24
Diya Koul ’24
Eshan Kumar ’24
Saraa Kumar ’24
Shinzo Kumar ’24
Nysa Kumar-Eralil ’24
Malcolm Kuo ’24
Hiroki Kurata ’24
Hyeon-Seo Kwon ’24
Jia Lakhamraju ’24
Ella Lam ’24
Ashley Lan ’24
Ahana Lara ’24
Amelie Lau ’24
Benny Lawrie ’24
Jiwoo Lee ’24
JunHyuk Lee ’24
Jake Lee ’24
Matthew Lee ’24
Amber Lee ’24
Sena Lee ’24
Seohyun Lee ’24
Belle Leggett ’24
Alexa Leipold ’24
Oscar Leipold ’24
Simona Letizia ’24
Ethan Li ’24
Lisa Li ’24
Andrea Liang ’24
Po-Jui Liao ’24
Tommy Lien ’24
Emily Lim ’24
Heidi Lim ’24
Lauren Lim ’24
Scott Liu ’24
Yuhao Liu ’24
Eric Liu ’24
Anna Lo Presti ’24
Samantha Long ’24
Rachael Low ’24
Anda Lu ’24
Aidan Luo ’24
Jillian Mabasa ’24
Henry Maguire ’24
Asia Marcos ’24
Maggie Matvey ’24
Tara Mehta ’24
Angie Moh ’24
Alessandro Monke ’24
Asher Isaac Morgenroth ’24
Connor Murgatroyd ’24
Xander Myong ’24
Rohit Nair ’24
Reina Nakahara ’24
Chris Nam ’24
Chan Namgoong ’24
Aamya Narayanan ’24
Ansel Natarajan ’24
Daniel Ng ’24
Evan Nguyen ’24
Aadya Nishtha ’24
Sakura Niunoya ’24
Joey Oh ’24
Keari Ong ’24
Aashna Parikh ’24
Gio Park ’24
Oscar Peng ’24
Sofia Perrotta ’24
Kyla Petersen ’24
Ryan Phan ’24
Jazzy Plants ’24
Charlie Pollard ’24
Suhani Prajapati ’24
Wyatt Price ’24
Isha Punjabi ’24
Tristan Purawinata ’24
Max Quinlivan ’24
Anushka Ram ’24
Siddhant Rastogi ’24
Aria Raymaakers ’24
Sophia Reiner ’24
Emily Ren ’24
Lorelei Resnick ’24
Kyle Reynolds ’24
Ryder Rivero ’24
Alice Roache ’24
Amelia Roberts ’24
Naman Rusia ’24
Mikail Saadullah ’24
Ariana Sabet Taheri ’24
Ishika Sadhukhan ’24
Inika Sahai ’24
Yohan Sakurai ’24
Addison Sale ’24
Navya Saluja ’24
Nikki Sanghvi ’24
Esha Sanklecha ’24
David Schleider ’24
Garrett Scott ’24
Maliha Shah ’24
Meera Shah ’24
Adi Sharma ’24
Milika Shaw ’24
Bella Shi ’24
Daniel Shi ’24
Peter Shin ’24
Ansh Shukla ’24
Nicholas Sidharta ’24
Sebareesh Sikhakollu ’24
Manit Singh ’24
Abby Siu ’24
Lency Smith ’24
Bjorn Smith ’24
Angelina Steckler ’24
Amber Stephens ’24
Marcy Sun ’24
Shaunak Surlu ’24
Caidan Tan ’24
Natalie Tan ’24
Shodai Tanaka ’24
Vedansh Tandon ’24
Luke Tang ’24
Emily Tanoto ’24
Alex Tao ’24
Saisha Tayal ’24
Ayaan Thakkar ’24
Nieve Thomson ’24
Shayna Tjiputra ’24
Pippa Tomita ’24
Jye Trudel ’24
Minh Khue Truong ’24
Eleanor Tsai ’24
Sofia Uribe Garcia Cano ’24
Emilio Uribe Garcia Cano ’24
Jikke van Eldik ’24
Matti Vayrynen ’24
Alden Villanueva ’24
Sophie Villaruz ’24
Meeraya Wadhwa ’24
Jakob Weisser ’24
Sola West ’24
Gray West ’24
Aidan Wheatley-Kuhn ’24
Maddie Wigent ’24
Ian Wilson ’24
Kaia Woolfe ’24
Frank Xie ’24
Shaun Xu ’24
Cricket Yang ’24
Alice Yang ’24
Ryan Yang ’24
Eddie Yang ’24
Howon Yi ’24
Noah Yi ’24
Christina Yi ’24
Lizzy Yoo ’24
Caitlyn Yu ’24
Siena Zage ’24
Elin Zhang ’24
Humphrey Zhao ’24 Larry Zheng ’24
Amelia Zou ’24
Theo Zuckerman ’24
The Singapore American School Limited is a corporation limited by guarantee and established pursuant to the Singapore Companies Act and the Charity Council. It is the legal entity under which the Singapore American School operates.
Lawyers: Dentons Rodyk & Davidson LLP
Auditors: Deloitte & Touche LLP
Banking Relationships: DBS Bank; OCBC Bank; Standard Chartered Investment advisors: Cambridge Associates Asia Pte Ltd
The School is committed to maintain and operate as a going concern the coeducational institution established under Article IX of the Constitution of The American Association of Singapore and generally known as The Singapore American School situated in the Republic of Singapore, and doing all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above object.
In accordance with Board policy, any annual surplus or deficit realized in the School’s consolidated accounts accrues to the School alone. It is the responsibility of the Board to direct the management of such surplus or deficit in a fiscally prudent manner that serves the best interests of the School, both short and long term.
Programs and Activities
Singapore American School, a private, preschool through grade 12 school in Singapore, focuses on growth, development, and cultural awareness and offers an American-based curriculum. For more information, visit
Governance and Leadership
The school board held 10 scheduled board meetings during the fiscal year 2023–24. The attendance rate was 86 percent. Board members served on a voluntary basis. For more information please contact
Reserves Policy
The school maintains operating reserves to cover a minimum of six months of operating expenses, as well as capital reserves to fund the renewal of buildings and other infrastructure projects that are in the best interests of the school, consistent with the aims and objectives established by the board
We will make available the audited accounts of the Singapore American School Ltd to interested members upon request to