Creative Leadership

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Creative Leadership

Monsoon Semester 2022

Course Code: IR2728

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

Course Outline :

Creative leadership is a combination of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. In a way it’s a philosophy or an act where it develops realizes innovative ideas through the ambition of improvising the world through enterprise formation. It envisions the courage, collaboration and creativity of complexed minds behind it. Empathy is the hallmark of a 21st century leader which is widely spoken by forbes, and others. Creativity is an innate ability to develop solutions as this course is delivered by creative with international profile. Clarity is needed to balance and activate empathy as this is often undervalued. Entrepreneurship is a set of activities starting in one’s mind said to be cognition process. Thoughts in action follows research for improvement on rational and irrational knowledge. More the creative design or production staff are better the innovative products are available to position within the market. To be with the flow and increase the cash inflows within the market innovations are very important

Exercise :

• In a team of 5, work collaboratively using empathy towards each other with creativity that brings innovation in your university exhibiting your creative leadership style

• The exercise topic can be selected independently or can be part of a major issues that you may be facing.

• Please address the challenges that you had while working as a creative leader in your team.

• Please do discuss the topic of your selection with other groups, TA and tutor.

• This exercise needs to be executed 50% by week 6 and rest by week 12.

Learning Outcomes :

After completing the Course, the students will be able to have the:

• Ability to inspire their team and build their confidence to take new challenges

• Ability to create culture of innovation by increasing their team’s capacity to experiment

• Ability to craft well-framed questions that encourage and enable others to tap into their own potential

• Ability to build trust, stay present and engaged-listening and guiding the work of their team

• Ability to design rituals that reinforce the beliefs and behaviors of creative team and organization

Module :

Weeks Exercise description Short summary

Week 1 Introduction to Creative Leadership

Understand and Define Creative Leadership.

Week 2 Creative Collaboration Learn about different types of collaboration and the situations that call for creative objectives. Get an introduction to the meaning of collaboration and the key elements that define it.

Week 3 Understand and Define Creative Leadership. Alling the team on the expected norms for your collaboration by making agreements.

Week 4 Choreography of Work Understand the two mindsets that drive the creative process.

Week 5 Tackle the hard stuff Understand the transformative energy that tension brings with it.

Week 6 Innovative formulation Learn about different ways to get innovative with your work and think outside the box.

Week 7 Self-Leadership Mid-sem Identifying your workplace personality.

Week 8 Clarity at work Delivery with surety and specifics for key outcomes.

Week 9 Empathy at work Appreciation and being on same wave length with others within the team or larger audience.

Week 10 Interaction and Networking

Try to interact and network with people from other background.

Week 11 Communication for being Creative & Effective Leader Demonstration of skills required for Creative & Effective Leader.

Week 12 Leading Teams and Leading cultures Final Submissions

It is vital and dynamic element of contemporary leadership theory and practice to help you excelling in your current team.

Students : 1 Meher Design BID- Bachelor of Inerior Design UG180349 2 Rishitha Tayyuru Design BID- Bachelor of Inerior Design UIR20263 3 Anjana Madathil Sasikumar Architecture MCR- Masters in Conservation and Regeneration PCR22039 4 Aneri Thakkar Design BPD- Bachelor of Product Design U21225 5 Anshika Bhatt Design BID- Bachelor of Interior Design UIR20023 6 Jay Murthy Design BPD- Bachelor of Product Design UBD20065 7 Malay Mishra Planning BUD- Bachelor of Urban Design U21083 8 Mahek Mudgal Architecture B.Arch - Bachelor in Architecture UAR20089 9 Nivea Gupta Architecture M.L.Arch - Masters in Landscape Architecture PLA22231 10 Tirth Valu Architecture B.Arch - Bachelor in Architecture UAR20229 11 Aditi Shah Design BPD- Bachelor of Product Design U21007 12 Virti Mehta Architecture B.Arch - Bachelor in Architecture U21183 13 Purvaa Laddha Architecture B.Arch - Bachelor in Architecture UAR21297 14 Dhruvi Shah Technology B. Tech - Bachelor of Construction Technology UG190372 15 Gauri Nevatia Architecture M.L.Arch - Masters in Landscape Architecture PLA22116 16 Janhavi Aggarwal Design BPD- Bachelor of Product Design U21055 17 Maitri Thakkar Design U21082 18 Bhavana Bhamidipati Design BID - Bachelor of Interior Design UIR20255


Improving Studio Infrastructure and Facilities at CEPT

Mahek Mudgal | UAR20089

Semester 5

Faculty of Architecture

Group 1

M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

Anshika Bhatt | UIR20023

Semester 5

Faculty of Design


Jay Murthy | UBD20065

Semester 5

Faculty of Design

Nivea Gupta | PLA22231

Semester 1

Faculty of Architecture

Malay Mishra | U21083

Semester 3

Faculty of Planning

At CEPT, studios are spaces where students spend most of their time and it is important to have good infrastructure along with basic necessities for the students. As an architectural student there are some requirements within the studio which affects our time and makes uncomfortable to work in an collaborative environment.

Our group aims to focus on and curb the issue of Studio Infrastructure at CEPT campus and to work like a team and come up with solutions in the best possible way.


The issues faced by us (students) and our peers are:

1. Shortage and odd placement of charging ports

2. Lack of studio space

3. No lockers or appropriate on-campus storage facility for students

4. Issue of Furniture and Permanent Partitions at FA building

5. Lack of fans in effective places at FP building



• The studio arrangement does not allow easy movement

• Space is compact


• Some tables are locked anonymously

• Locking system is damaged

• Some of the studios are lacking with either table or standalone lockers


As an enthusiasts we would like take this issue to the authorities with a certain process with approvals at different hierarchies.


• The switchboards in the studio are inaccessible Placed at the corners

• During online sessions, students face issue with sharing the plug points and which causes delays


• The tables are not of adequate dimension

• Lack of drawers

• The sitting stools are uncomfortable

Before jumping on solutions, the process of taking the problem to an higher level is very important. Some survey's and coordination with fellow students will help me to take this issue ahead in a constructive way which can in turn into some positive result.


1. The issue should be raised on a smaller level initially.

2. Will talk to the fellow classmates about it and gather common issues.

3. Will conduct a collective poll on the same with other course students.

4. Will raise the issue as class representative to the department head

5. Coordinating with the department head further will be involved with the meetings etc.

6. Later with the agreement with all the students the issue can be taken upto the student service council.

7. A draft with the budget can be presented in front of the council for better understanding.


1. According to the poll we can figure out the priority of the problems.


1. As there were many issues which were stemming from our topic of Studio Infrastructure.

2. We as a team chose to divide our work between us, which meant one person will focus on a single issue and work on it effectively while coordinating with the rest of the group.

3. This process means each person can study their issue in depth, while feedback and suggestions can be passed around amongst the group for each other’s work.

2. At one time it will be impractical to go up with all the problems. Changes need time and patience.

3. Setting up the priorities is an important step moving forward with the issue

4. This will help us to focus on some issues rather than messing up with everything.

q Examples of outcomes delivered by two groups on the next page

Topic 1

Charging Problem at CEPT

Anshika Bhatt| UIR20023

Charging cables and charging pods:

• Introduction

• Pros

• Reason of the problem

• Effects of the problem

• Tackling the problem at student level

• Tackling the problem at administrative level


Studio spaces in the cept have a lot of studios going on simultaneously. Sometimes studio space is also divided into more than 4 parts for different studios to work. And in each studio there are about 10 students working at different tables, but with a lesser amount of charging points. Nowadays it has become more difficult as more digital work is done by the students and for that two or more than two digital equipment are required. And due to less charging points and extensions it becomes difficult to work in that space.

Sometimes also by using extensions fuse in the wire may happen as it is an external source of charging. Thus more charging pods are required than to provide an external supply.

The above image is of old Faculty of architecture studio. The above image is faculty of design studio


• Digital working on more than two devices simultaneously for a longer time

• Less number of external supplies

• Lesser damage of the wire

• More number of students can work at a time on the same place than before.


One of the main reason of the problem is ergonomics of the institute as while constructing if this point would have taken in consideration than a lot of issues can be solved. Also one reason can be lack of management by the institute, as they can ask students about their problems and can have solution to it. Also increase in number of student in all the spaces than before is also one of the reason. Increase in the number of electronic devices with students can also be an important reason of this issue.

• There are several ways to tackle this problem

• The students can themselves take the ownership and make a alliance with themselves and talk to the Management department of the college.

• One of the way to solve the problem is to change the furniture layout of the studios accordingly.

• Cooperate with other studio mates and can share the charging points.

• Students can come together and go to the administrative level to solve the problem.


• Another way to solve the problem is to add more amount of switch boards or can have floor boards or to have switch boards attach on the tables itself.

• Another solution is to reduced the number of studios working in one space and give more space to each studios so that everyone can have access to charging points and can get one charging point it.

• Another solution is to divide the studio spaces in such a way that each studio can have easy access to charging points.

• Change the ergonomics of tables and chairs like putting tables and chair height accordingly.

Challenges faced while doing the group work and how I overcame it.

Lack of communication between the team were one of the challenge I faced during the group work. And for this I talked to Satyam sir about it and he gave me solutions to solve the problem and the solution that worked for me was to talk to each team member personally via message or call and ask them to collaborate as a team and by doing it the issue of lack of communication solved to a great extent.

The above image is of Faculty of architecture studio.


Due to less number of charging points less production of work can take place by the students. Students will start having chaos with one another because of it and will prefer more work from their home after the lecturer and not to stay on the campus and work. Difficulty in working with more amount of electronics will take place Also due to less amount of charging points chaos between students can also take place



Now came the time to gather evidence based on the issues identified, so we can rally ahead in solving the issue. I started by taking a few photographs which depict how studio spaces are badly divided using tack boards - which are not sound proof at all. Here are examples of a few pictures I’ve taken:

Topic 2

Lack of Studio Space

Past Present
Lack of space to walk around Tackboards as dividers Students facing away from each other instead of at each other

Potential Reasons behind this Issue

Being a Faculty of Design Student, I can think of one reason applying to us:

The FD building was built years ago only for the Bach of Interior Design Program However since the past 4 years, the university has introduced another program (Bach. in Design) which falls under FD. This means while the building was design for Interior Programmes, it is being used by students of two programmes.

The introduction of the new programme led to the intake of 30-40% more students in FD, while the addition of more courses meant there are more teachers fighting for an empty classroom. This is why spaces meant for a single class are being divided for two classes simultaneously

Gathering a force behind the cause

From the knowledge gained from our creative leadership classes, I realized that a group of 4 students will go nowhere in solving such a wide issue in a huge institution like CEPT. Thus, we needed a way to reach out to students and see if the problems we identified resonate with them - so we can take the initiative forward.

To achieve this, I have created a Google Survey which we will send out to as many students as possible, which will give us valuable insights on what they think about this issue and if they’re willing to get behind this cause.

Survey results till date

Potential Solution

Since studios and electives/mandates are not held in the same classes, various studios can have alternating “studio” days so they both don’t clash in classrooms on the same day. As one studio will be doing the elective/mandate on that day. As increasing the building size and infrastructure is very costly, long term and will involve several high level stakeholders, a slight shift in schedules seems like a quick and effect solution

Challenges faced

• Initial understanding of nature of the task - our group started forming and storming individually and not as a team which led to decreased effectiveness of work and progress.

• In the early weeks, communication was a challenge as the team did not set norms of discussion sessions which led to lack of coordination.

• Getting adequate amounts of survey responses was a challenge as I was unable to plan of to effectively distribute it through various CEPT student communication channels.

Potential Solution Mon Tue Wed Thursday Friday Studio 1: Expeditions in Digital Technologies Studio 2: Traveller’s Home Studio Mandate 1 Elective Mandate 1 Mandate 2 Studio Elective Studio Studio Mandate 2

Capturing the issue

Studio spaces are lacking an appropriate facility of lockers.

The tables do have lockers but some of them are locked anonymously and are inaccessible. On the other hand some of the tables do have a drawer to lock. In architect students have a lot of their belongings which are expensive and need to be taken care of.

Their daily work includes sheets of different sizes, sketchbooks, stationeries, digital essentials etc. These things require an adequate locker facility with safety.

Studio spaces are not enough for the students to keep their things with safety and security.

Topic 3

Inappropriate Lockers Facility

Nivea Gupta | PLA22231

WHY do we need to tackle this issue?

Having a locker in a school or institution offers a surprising range of benefits for both students and faculty that are practical in nature. These includes:


• The single most important thing that lockers provide for students and faculty is security.

• The added security of school lockers is not only beneficial to students, either, as the presence of a personal locker gives parents peace of mind that their children’s costly belongings are secure throughout the day.

Locked anonymously Broken Lock System

It is no secret that lugging heavy textbooks and laptops around can take its toll on your health! This can lead to serious issues with neck and back pain as well as bad posture


1. The table which are anonymously locked can be opened up so that students can use the given facility.

2. The table can be repaired with new locking system.

3. Individual locker space can be provided within the studios so that students can keep their belongings safely.

4. The lockers can be of an adequate size and depth. A detailed drawing of suck can help us out in proceeding with the same.


Schools will still need to have some basic guidelines concerning locker use (e.g. no graffiti or contraband). Despite this, giving students the freedom to decorate their lockers with photos, posters, stickers and so on can positively affect their well-being. This is particularly true in the case of students who might be struggling socially.


• Privacy is important. Whether you are a student, teacher, parent or professor, privacy is something we all see as valuable

• The concept of privacy creates boundaries that teach students about a mutual respect.

• It defines value in their belongings, thoughts and ideas, and builds trust by giving them access to a space that’s theirs and theirs alone.

• A locker plays an essential role in guaranteeing privacy by creating a place in schools where students can house their personal belongings.

• A locker provides a place where students can learn essential life lessons like trust, respect, and independence – and can help them out physically and creatively, too

5. Students lose their stationary and other submissions via commuting and that can be looked upon with the help of the presence of lockers.

6. The lockers can be allotted to the students for some specific period of time for example during midterms and final examinations when everyone stays in campus for the whole night working. It will be easier for them to work freely

Types and Dimensions


Health and Safety


Digital locking system can be encouraged so that management can also keep a track on locking

Minimalistic Design Lockers can be used to maintain the essence of the pre designed building

A student survey was conducted to know the needs and priorities of the issues within a larger picture. The survey group is Faculty of Architecture Department students.

Further analyzing the results, It was seen that the students are demanding table lockers and their issues needs to be resolved

Empty lobby walls can be utilized as lockers space Source:

Topic 4

Issue of Furniture and Permanent Partitions at FA building

Mahek Mudgal | UAR20089

WHAT is the Issue?

1. New Furniture that is not suited for Design Students

Architecture students need drafting tables that enable clamps and strings to be installed. It also has a drawer below it for them to keep their sheets and stationary. The new tables in the FA building are plain wooden tables which has no space for attaching clamps. They are not the standard size that a student needs to keep their laptops, sketchbooks , sheets and stationary on it but lesser than that, Because of the no drawer space, it is very difficult to keep our sheets in the studio. Large common lockers have been given which take up too much floor space and are not big enough for big sheets proving inefficient to the students.

2. Installation of sliding glass doors

The glass doors on one side of the studio spaces have separated them from the rest of the studios creating a sense of alienation. The idea of anyone walking in any studio to learn is hindered by this solid glass boundary. It has also led to smaller studio spaces which pose a problem for the students.

Throwing more light on the issue of new tables

• As one can see in the Figure 1, the tables on the right are the old drafting tables. They are wider and of the correct standard size needed. On the left side, are the new tables which are too long and too narrow, hence making it difficult to set up these tables and put backing on them

• With old drafting tables, the length of the tackboard is is equal to the length of 2 tables, hence 2 students can share one tackboard. But the new drafting tables are too long and so 2 tables can’t be placed properly in front one tackboard making it difficult for students to pin up their work.

1 Fig 2

WHY do we need to tackle this issue?

These changes need to be undone. The administration was ignorant to the needs of a design student. It failed to understand that our academic needs are different from a student of any other college of a commerce/engineering background. These changes also affect the way we look at learning. It is encouraging learning in isolation rather than peer learning and Mr. BV Doshi’s concept of ‘learning without boundaries’. Additionally, the student council or faculty was never consulted before making such significant changes to our building.

On the left, is the old drafting table which has a drawer below it to keep all our sheets, stationary and notebooks. It was very convenient for students to have their own personal drawer to keep their belongings , but now huge tall common drawers have been kept which hinder the view and take up unnecessary extra space. Thus, the tall cupboards hinder the view of double volume and restrict the open layout, which are a contradiction of BV Doshi’s values for the building

Nivea had a different argument regarding this as the CFP building is much larger with more space, hence lockers are a more viable option for them.

HOW can we tackle this issue?

• The student body has requested the administration multiple times via mails and in person meetings to get these changes undone. Every time we have been made false promises to, but nothing has been done about it.

• The student council should arrange for a non violent protest that brings these issues to limelight. Each member of the FA should participate in this protest

The importance of Mr. BV Doshi’s vision

When designing FA, BV Doshi wanted to create a space for open learning- a concept of ‘learning without boundaries’, therefore the permanent partitions were made between studios to allow peer learning and interaction among students, so they can learn from each other and receive a holistic educational experience. The introduction of glass doors in the building is a contradiction of his vision and hinders peer learning and interaction for students inside those spaces New changes do not suit the students’ learning anymore

• The protest could be in the form of removing the new tables and lockers out of the building and keeping them in the sagara basement.

• Posters can be put up showing how the new tables do not have enough space to keep the necessary items while working.

• The council should keep sending mails and going to the administration office to make them aware of the issue

• The faculty should also extend their support to the students and talk to the administration to see the urgency of the matter

Fig 1. Old drafting tables at FA Building Fig 2. Open plan Layout at FA building before FA as envisioned by Mr. B.V. Doshi
Active Support from Faculty

HOW can we tackle this issue?

• The students should talk to the council head about this important issue and if the council does not comply, a new reformed council should be made.

• There is no alternative solution to this problem than going back to the old ways of CEPT teaching of old drafting tables and open plan layouts

• Instead of glass partition, removable cloth/ thin partition can be used so they can be used to cancel noise whenever needed and removed when everyone is working.

• If this option does not prove to be feasible, then students can actively keep the glass doors open most times to allow incoming of other students and faculty should encourage the idea of ‘peer learning’ in classes so the students somehow dilute the presence of glass partitions in their minds and interact with each other.

A possible solution for locker situation

• Instead of large common lockers, a simple wooden storage box provided to each student would be much better. This could be used to keep their models and stationary.

• They are better than previous lockers as they won’t hinder the view and can be easily kept under their desks and their height is much lesser.

• This drawer under their table along with this will be enough storage for one student.

Challenges I faced

• In the beginning, I was apprehensive to share my ideas as i was talking to a new set of people I didn’t really know, but remembering Satyam Sir’s teachings about self-confidence and social interaction , I talked freely and communicated well with them.

• On a group level, there was miscommunication in the beginning, as everyone was from different batches and had different schedules. But sir suggested to talk on whatsapp, emails and calls. And So we started to hold google meets, make whatsapp group and regularly give updates about our work which solved the problem.

• We also tried to be empathetic to someone if they are not able to work at a certain time, and gave them time and helped them if they asked for it


• There was a group discussion among the five of us to talk about the issues in our college.

• Everyone took their issues and worked on it individually but there was communication throughout the process.

• Jay suggested me to talk about the non-violent protests that happened in our campus and Anshika helped me to think about solutions for the storage issue in FA building.

• Nivea and I collaborated on the topic of lockers and understood how, as we are in different buildings, have different opinions on the presence of lockers in our space.

• Malay also gave suggestions on my work which helped me make a better presentation.

Topic 5

Lack of fans in Effective places at FP building

Malay M. Mishra I U21083

What is the Issue ?

Urban Design demands long working hours on softwares i.e. a person has to sit at one place for a longer period of time with his or her laptop/ tablet With such tedious tasks at hand, minisquial things seem to create grave irritation. And therefore, the placement of wall fans in ineffective spaces or existing fans which are obstructed by tag boards is an issue of importance at The FP building.

Why to tackle this issue ?

1. Since FP building lacks infrastructure like Air-Conditioners which require high maintenance it becomes tough during the summer months to deal with the scorching heat And because Ahmedabad records temperature as high as 48 degree Celsius .It is therefore an issue that needs to be taken note of.

2. It is clear from the previous slide that Urban Design students have to sit for long hours to get their work done on their laptops and the smallest ich can become a cause for great frustration during this time. That will show badly in their project.

HOW to get rid of this issue?

1. Facilitate electric fans available on campus to the students.

2. Rearrange studio spaces for better ventilation.

3. Students can make use of studio funds to buy electric coolers.

4. Write sign letters to the administration with maximum signature response.

5. Take support of the faculties and staff on campus who can speed up the process for a faster solution.

Public Response

Number of people questioned - 10 individuals from FP

Chart Depicting Fan Placement in FP old library

The diagram is a 1:100 representation of FP old Library. The baes of the study is the by placing the existing fans above and around the placement of tables and tack boards. To know where the fans were required a workaround and people’s opinion was taken into consideration.

If the issue of fans affecting you personally ?

1 individual agreed to not being affected by the issue

9 individuals agreed to being affected by the issue

How many agreed to vouch and sign the petition to resolve the issue?


Supposed outcomes

• Placement of more such fans in the FP old library will provide for an even better ventilation, which serves of great importance during the peak of the summer season, heat of Ahmedabad.

• The cost effectiveness of the fans in comparison to the air conditioners is far more superior than the latter’s The same can be said when it comes to the easy maintenance of the electrical fans

Challenges I faced and How they were overcome

Majorly focused on the lack of initial communication within the group created a few problems in the group that were later sorted out with the advice of Satyam sir’s. Based on his suggestions daily 10 minutes meet were arranged over call that everyone was able to adapt and that drastically improved the group situation in terms of work mandates.


In all the above slides several issues related to the infrastructure and ergonomics of CEPT University had been listed out by all the team members.

And after the observations done by us and by the results of the pol, one of the issue that have been faced by the students the most is of lack of charging plugs in studio spaces and another important issue was of lack of space to arrange table and chairs followed by the issue of ergonomics and tack boards, the only means of partitions between the studios.

Other than that issue of running multiple studios in the space of one studio and not having enough amount of lockers in the studio space was faced by the students of the university and for all the issues, we had tried to observe its reason, why it is happening and according to it we had tried to give solutions regarding the same.

Challenges faced by the team while working on the project and how we overcame them

In the beginning, due to the difference in the faculties there was lack of communication happening. Some of the members were active some were not. Actively, receiving comments from the mentor on how to build up communication and collaboration within the group. We worked on the guidelines and tried some methods to communicate and the results were appreciable. We are working, communicating and actively collaborating within the group.

• As creative leaders we all will now set up our priorities towards the issues and will work collaboratively in order to solve the issue.

• Creative solutions with appropriate strategies will help us to move into the right direction.

• Further budgeting, administrative lead will be taken in order to proceed in a legal and precise way.

Universal Designing at CEPT University

Dhruvi Shah UG190372 Faculty of Technology Gauri Nevatia Janhavi Aggarwal PLA 22116 Faculty of Architecture U21055 Faculty of Design Maitri Thakkar U21082 Faculty of Design Purvaa Laddha UAR21297 Faculty of Architecture Mission statement: Inclusive, Informative Accessible & Flexible Design THE TEAM :
Group 2

The problem

Lack of adequate universal design facilities and provisions at CEPT University for the ease of accessibility around campus for students and especially for the specially abled people.

The CEPT University campus is full of students and faculty members coming from different parts of the world; Being a shared space, an institutional campus which houses such diversity, the basic needs of all should be fulfilled However, as observed on the campus, one may find it difficult to navigate in their first days of entering the university, often roaming around confused, from one classroom to another trying to catch up with the schedules on time.

Another major concern at the university is the lack of integrated design facilities for specially abled people Being a design school itself, the university should consider appropriate measures to support full range of human diversity- thus, creating an universal environment which safeguards the needs of all.

The Need

Universal design (UD), sometimes called inclusive design or design-for-all, is “a process that enables and empowers a diverse population by improving human performance, health and wellness, and social participation”

Working Strategy

The solution

To solve the problem, one must reflect and take into consideration the principles for universal design

Through this approach, we can create and shape a better world accommodating the needs of all. It will form better human centric designs such that everyone is able to share and enjoy their experiences.



Create socially responsible designs to support full range of human diversity, and make the space usable regardless of their age, ability or circumstance.

Informative Informative design generates the user’s experience of a space. Information should bring clarity and ease in navigation.


To create an experience shared equally by all, taking into consideration how people are to understand the information presented.

Flexible Creating flexible design which can cater to different functions and needs of a person.

. . .
Step 2 Define
3 Ideate
5 Test
Prototype Step
01 02 03

Inclusive Design

Steps towards designing a universal / inclusive space -

• To provide ramps beside staircases to help aid the movement of wheelchair users. On campus the door to the bathroom for wheelchair access open outwards and is very heavy and inconvenient for a person on wheelchair to operate. Instead their should be sliding doors which are easy to open and close and require less effort. Minimum width of the door should be 32 inches. Also, small changes like tilting the washbasin a little can make things easier for all.

• Provision of lifts for multiple level access for elderly and specially abled people. Provision for lifts are made in most of the buildings on campus, but they are occasionally accessible, thus a mere effort of making them operationable is required.

• Separate provision of parking spaces for specially abled near to the campus access.

• Provision of warning tiles on regular pavements to assist visually impaired people in walking.

Flexible Design

Steps towards designing a flexible space –

• At an institutional campus, one space can be utilized for various purposes such that there is shared learning and experiences. For eg- a library can open up to a discussion or a gathering room to exchange ideas.

• Mobile furnishings allow for occupants to rearrange and split up the space as needed and open design ensures that the entire campus encourages multipurpose use. Finally, the design encourages occupant movement and flow, enhancing the flexible nature of the space.

• The design of the space should be such that it caters to the future circumstances.

Informative Design

Steps towards designing an informative space –

Accessible Design

Providing all the facilities and measures is the initial step and making these easily accessible is equally important.

Steps towards designing an accessible space -

• Design spaces and rooms with dimensions catering to all regardless of age and body features.

• Restrooms, classrooms, and other facilities that are physically accessible to individuals who use wheelchairs or walkers

• Non-slip walking surfaces.

• The walkways during the monsoon s should be clear and avoid water clogging.

• To provide information signages along with braille script whereever necessary for ease in navigation around campus.

• Comfortable access to computers for both left- and right-handed students.

• Software that is compatible with assistive technology.

• Computers that are on adjustable-height tables

• Alternative text for graphic images on web pages so that individuals who are blind and using text-to speech technology can access the content.

• One for all mobile applications and software with several modes that students and staff can use based on their level of flexibility.

• Various types of handbooks which are easily accessible throughout the campus with both braille and text.

• Portals for queries.

What is informative design?

The art of displaying information in a way that consumers can access and understand it readily is known as information design. To achieve predetermined goals, information design is tailored to particular audiences in particular contexts.

• Information design has user-centered objectives. It puts the user first instead of aesthetics or the quality of its appearance

• The information design process requires a wide range of skills

• Wayfinding is the term that applies to all types of information design which helps people find their way.

• Not only wayfinding, but also informative design includes clear signs about the emergency exits and how to access the same.

Importance of Informative Design

• It helps people navigate and understand the complex systems, procedures, directions in and around the campus. It avoids the problem of people feeling lost in the premises and

• It helps users finish a task, solve a problem, or meet a need.

• It minimizes or eliminates frustrations.

• It begins and ends with understanding the people who will use the facilities and making sure that the infrastructure and its presentation and delivery serve them

How does informative design affect the quality of a space and its users

Informative design adds to meaning to the space, the facilities provided, the infrastructure and its enhances its functionality.

Empathize: To design informative, the initial step is to empathize to the users, as to what they might feel while using the building for the first time, what challenges would a user face, etc

Ideate: Relevant and necessary spots all around the campus should be marked. Different ways to make a design more informative should be ideated, like:

• Emergency instructions that are clear and visible and address the needs of individuals with sensory and mobility impairments.

• Clear directional signs that have large, high contrast print. There are odd steps everywhere around the campus like in the canteens and should partially have ramps.

• A location QR Code that redirects the user to the specific maps or an interactive application can be designed stating the map of the campus with all the locations and trackers.

Measures: mobile softwares and application

The most effective and efficient step could be to develop a digital application, with features like:

• In built map and routes to all the department buildings

• A digital ID scan system for the entry and exit the campus premises.

• Guide with details of different facilities available campus and steps to avail them.

• Easy communication with the student services other offices.

To take this step an application development event be hosted among all the departments of CEPT University, and it can be a combined effort towards making the campus more inclusive, informative accessible design.

Proper indications all over the campus

Example, the admin office of the faculty of design building does not have any indication or even a room name plate outside to direct people.

Safety and awareness

• Arrangement of emergency exits/ fire extinguishers is the basic necessity, but providing enough information regarding where to access the same with evacuation maps and and who to contact in case of emergency is equally important.

• CEPT has all the provisions for in-house counselling and anti ragging help, but how to avail all these services and helplines should be more clear and approachable.

Example, different faculty buildings should have relevant indication sign boards.

ISSUE : Lack of space utilization

Multipurpose usage

As we know CEPT is an ever growing community. This has eventually lead to constricted spaces as the total campus area remains the same with only the number of students increasing by the day. Hence, the basic design and functionality of each space must at least become multi-functional. In this way, the same space can be used in different ways throughout the entire day. For this to become easier, the furniture must be lightweight and easy to move around, so that the spaces can reorganized as and when needed.

This, in a way is already being practiced in CEPT, but these areas are very limited. For example this image of the space near the FA building ramp, is very often used to conduct informal meetings. Another example of such a space would be the Sagara basement, which is occasionally used for formal sessions and other activities

A counter example of where space is not being as flexible as it could be is the BNB hall. This hall has a fixed seating arrangement, instead there could have been movable or retractable seating which would open up the entire hall space, available for any large, indoor, informal events.

There are numerous such examples where spaces need to be more efficiently used Like this image on the right of a space below the staircase. By adding a few foldable tables, chairs and pedestal fans we will be able to make the space usable. These type of spaces can be used for short discussions, meetings, etc. The image on left can also be utilised during cloudy days, during favourable weather conditions to conduct an outdoor lecture. There are other spaces like these throughout the campus which can be used as outdoor classrooms

This is another example of a wasted space. This is a locked away classroom in the FA building. Instead of keeping these spaces closed, they must be utilized in an efficient way. Organizing these spaces which are currently not used and in bad condition is a very important step towards managing these spaces.

Spaces like these, or spaces which can but are not being used in a multitude of ways can be found and seen all over the campus. Identifying these spaces and utilizing their potential is a must in the current situation.

Creating a council

Creating a body for arranging spaces to create an efficient management of spaces. A special body/council can be created to identify these spaces and how they can be used in a multifunctional way can be setup. They will also accept opinions of students who propose the location of such spaces and will then find out why the space is not being currently used and how it can be used in the future. They will also have to procure their source of budget, either by the authorities or if not provided, raising funds. The aim of this committee will also be to solve the problems which arise in the proposed solutions and overcome them. After which that council can collapse handing over the their duties to the maintenance team or can continue to become responsible for the maintenance of these spaces.

Challenges faced in the proposed solutions

• Future of the existing tables which are to be replaced.

• Planning and managing the spaces and timings.

• How can existing rooms be changed to cater to the requirement of larger spaces for the specially abled?

• What happens to the open spaces during the rainy season?

Overcoming the challenges

• Donating the existing furniture to charity which cannot be used.

• Collaborating with organizations who specialize for the needs of the specially abled to better understand their requirements and necessities.

• Providing special and direct access to places for the specially abled.

• Increasing campus area or creating more blocks as sub-parts of the college in other areas.

• Since the furniture is lightweight and easy to move around, it can be stored away in a shaded area during the rainy season.

ISSUE : Lack of design provisions for the Visually Impaired at CEPT Campus

What is the issue?

Designing for the blind and visually impaired is an example of the concept of accessible design. In a university CEPT, it is important to have a well integrated design for students from all around the world

Most of us take our navigation abilities for granted and instinctively use our sense of sight to help us find our way However, for millions of people worldwide with visual impairments, wayfinding and navigation are a daily challenge.

• Not only for the specially abled people, but also for the visitors visiting the campus, it should be self addressing about the various offices or departments

• Learnability: users should easily learn how to operate the area.

• Efficiency and effectiveness: the use of the space judicial.

Building of Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University

The entrance of the building lacks basic handrails & tactile pavement surfaces for people with disabilities.

Photo credits - Gauri Nevatia

Inclusive Design

The three dimensions of Inclusive Design :Recognize the diversity & uniqueness

Each individual has their own uniqueness and are diverse in nature. This means that a mass solution does not work well. Optimal inclusive design is best achieved through one-size-fit-one solutions

Inclusive design strategies

To encourage diverse participation, the design and development should be designed in such a way so that they become more accessible and usable as possible. This strategy not only hone the skills of professional designers but calls for those skills to become more accessible.

Broader beneficial aspects of end users

It is the responsibility of inclusive designers to be aware of the context and broader impact of any design and strive to effect a beneficial impact beyond a set of targeted users.

What can be done to resolve this issue?

1. Installing Braille Staircase Handrail

It would be really handy for visually impaired and blind people. The system can be integrated easily with common staircase handrail, thus providing great navigation information to assist visually impaired without changing their experience of those with other people.

2. Planning Routes for Visually Impaired

The common areas should have polished concrete while metal transition strips on the floor should be used for the demarcation and better understanding of the spaces. Since sound is the most active sensory factor, acoustical treatments like reducing the mechanical sounds and increasing the positive sounds like the sounds of the footsteps are encouraged.

The blend of materials and acoustical features to help the visually impaired.

Provision of braille system along with wayfinding signages

Provision of sensor devices or tactile surfaces to ensure added accessibility and safety.

3. Lighting for low vision

Some individuals with visual impairments will need adjustments to the lighting to minimize the negative impact of their visual impairment.

• The ideal situation is for light to be distributed on the visual task in equal amounts from all angles with none of it reflected back toward the face.

• Reducing glare from windows and lights, as much as possible (using blinds, shades, curtains, etc.)

• Cover shiny tabletops with light-absorbing materials.

• Yellow filters can be placed over work (these can be specially ordered or you can use yellow tinted portfolio covers and are available at supply stores).

ISSUE: Lack of design provisions for the Physically Impaired at CEPT Campus

What is the issue?

CEPT University is a globally recognized institution. People from all over the world, and from all walks of life visit and study at this campus

However, after careful observation, one may realise that, today, the design of the campus is not suitable in some areas for those who are physically impaired to move without, or in some cases, even with assistance. To make a space inclusive and accessible, persons with disabilities must be taken care of.

The image beside is that of the CEPT campus which reflect the lack of design provisions for physically impaired people Absence of ramps, lifts and handrails are few of the missing elements in these spaces.

Capturing the issue

Building of Faculty of Technology, CEPT University

The entrance as well as the interior of the building becomes inaccessible for the physically impaired as there are no ramps or lifts.

Photo Credits: Dhruvi Shah

Why do we need to resolve the issue?

Every building design should accommodate the needs of a diverse pool of people regardless of their age, gender, race and abilities. Every person should be able to gain the same experience of the building without compromising their safety. While the campus teaches students how to design effectively for the humans, the campus needs to set an example for the same.

The CEPT campus requires a lot of movement from one building to the other, and without the provision of certain integrated features, it becomes difficult for the physically challenged people to move around without assistance.

The campus has an excellent play of levels within its design but during monsoon seasons as well as the time of juries and exams when everyone is in a hurry, one often misses the steps and tumbles causing injuries

Sometimes this also happens while the students are walking with their carefully crafted models which end up getting damaged!

Basic Guidelines by CPWD (Central Public Works Department)

• Adequate space should be provided for people using mobility devices, e.g. wheelchairs, crutches and walkers, as well as those walking with the assistance of other persons.

• The range of reach of a person in a wheelchair should be taken into consideration for all building elements.

Amphitheatre at CEPT- absence of any rails or ramp to access.

Photo Credits: Dhruvi Shah

Absence of ramps and handrails, and presence of narrow staircases.

Photo Credits: Purvaa Laddha

How to resolve the issue?


Photo Credits: Dhruvi Shah

Providing ramp and handrails by making changes to the existing staircase or by making additions by utilising spaces which are unused or have gaps.

Alternative Feasible solutions

Instead of permanent concrete ramps which are heavy and costly to build and require more space, there are several other options that can be explored-

• Using deployable ramps

• Using light weight and more economical materials such as - aluminum/ metal ramp

Special parking space for wheelchair users

Separate non slip pavement for pedestrians to safeguard from vehicles

Paved and evenly finished concrete road

Photo Credits: Dhruvi Shah


Examples of Universal designing around the global




Robson square steps Wheelchair accessible swing at The Friendships park promoting children interaction at Bikurim Inclusive school Non slip tiling at Centre for people with disabilities Inclusive design at Musholm sports centre Clear sightlines at DeafSpace at Gallaudet University

Building design elements for Universal Design

Various urban planning design provisions can be provided for universal design such as-

• Marking at every entrance of the building and over roads to help locate street furnitures for visually impaired people

• Tactile signifier tiles of different patterns to help identify and access information, navigation and ease transportation.

‘A Heartful Building’

Spaces that need special attention while designing for the specially abled-

• Toilet - sufficient width of a toilet cubicle and ease of accessibility

• Corridor - ease of two way movement within a corridor space

• Stairways - provision of gentle slopes with handrails

• Roads and Passages - free of levels and unevenness

• Parking lots - closer and wider access for wheelchair users

• Entrances / exits - Provision of automated sliding doors for handicapped people

Resource Planning and Process of Delivery

Identifying the mission

Preparing a framework

Outlining direct goals and objectives to present at the university level management clearly stating the need and the proposed solutions.

Through the study of various mandatory building regulations, inclusive design standards and policies

Design & Developmen

t Creating a committee and a trained design team taking into account management, procurement and planning of design while collaborating with persons with disabilities.

Challenges coming while implementing UDL

• The user doesn’t feel heard.

• Hindrance and harm is caused while the work is going on.

• Users doesn’t know how to operate what to operate and what is being offered.

• Lack of interaction with the users leading to miscommunication and disputes

• Infrastructure and tech failure.

• Safety is breached.

• Budget is not considered and the costing is increased.

Implementat ion Practicing and delivering according to approvals and necessary guidance.

Encouraging innovation and ensuring compliance

Management & Operation Inclusive maintenance and minimal disruptions. Incorporating user feedback through evaluation and continuing the process of enhancing features.

Measures to take while implementing the design

• Know your user and deliver according to the approval.

• Doesn’t affect the existing spaces and users.

• Deliver content through a variety of mediums.

• To engage with the users constantly.

• Take advantage of existing software supports.

• Collaborate and learn from others

• Promote and encourage.

• Don’t go overboard with the budget.

• Keep in mind the safety measures.


Know your user and deliver according to the approval.

Understand the user, what he/she needs and how it need to be delivered.

Seek the users approval while implementing to avoid opposition later.

Doesn’t affect the existing spaces and users.

Making sure the implementation process doesn’t harm the existing infrastructure or doesn’t become a barrier to the user causing inconvenience.

Deliver content through a variety of mediums.

While implementing, it is important that the user knows about your project reduce lack of information post implementation. Delivering your design / content through only one medium is not enough it will not reach to bigger scale. To reach the maximum targeted audience deliver the content through various kind of mediums.

To engage with the users constantly

Keep constant touch with the users to understand how to implement in a better way. What is working for them and what is not. Constant engagement helps to ease up the implementation process. Take advantage of existing software supports.

While building a tech based infrastructure the process is quite long and can need a lot of iterations. To fasten up the process and avoid tech failure based issues seek help from existing similar kind of softwares while implementing the proposed ideas.

Collaborate and learn from others.

Collaborating with existing structures or who are also in the implementation process helps a lot. It gives a chance to learn how things could and what could be a better solution for the problems faced.

Promote and encourage.

Promoting makes the user believe in your design. Encouraging the user while the implementation process is going on keeps the user engaged and interested in the product.

Don’t go overboard with the budget.

The most crucial part of implementing is to keep the budget maintained. Keep in mind the budget you have and keep constant monitoring to avoid going over budget.

Keep in mind the safety measures.

The work should be done keeping in mind the safety of the users. The safety should not be breached.

Post implementation challenges

No feedback friendly environment.

The users are not given any opportunity to give feedback. What problems are being faced, what works for them what doesn’t work for them.

Lack of maintenance leading to more trouble for the users.

Once it is implemented there is a lack of care and maintenance. The signages or softwares of whatever design is added tends to get ruined or fails because they’re not updated, maintained or serviced regularly.

Lack of attention and consistency leading to failure of everything over the course of time.

The authorities doesn’t fulfil the regular duties. There is no proper attention given to the design, how is working, what is the issue , what needs to be fixed and due to the lack of attention the infrastructure tends to fall apart.

Lack of information and knowledge depriving user to get the benefits.

If the user has not been made aware of the design during the implementation process the user lacks information about the benefits of the product, what services are being provided and how to get maximum benefit because they are not being provided adequate information.

How to make universal design more accessible and help function smoothly-

• Easily accessible feedback platforms across the corners.

• Creating a team for regular surveys.

• Make the user feel heard for genuine and timely feedback.

• Regular maintenance of the portals, applications, softwares and lifts.

• Creating more approachable environment which is open to feedback.

• Evaluating the barriers and effectiveness of the design.

• Be consistent with user expectations

• Defining and addressing any new thing for better user experience since the beginning.

• Designs which are introduced can be tested and applied with evidence based methodology to gain more trust and understanding.

• Often, giving a learner a tool is insufficient To use the instrument efficiently, we must offer the necessary assistance. Many students require assistance navigating their surroundings (both in terms of the physical environment and the curriculum), and all students should be given the chance to use resources that can help them achieve the goal.

Solving the post implementation challenges

Easily accessible feedback platforms across the corners.

To make the user feel heard and get more and more constructive feedback there should be feedback platforms around the campus which are accessible to everyone. Keeping in mind the targeted audience. Creating a team for regular surveys.

To stay in constant contact with the user needs and activities there should be a survey team formed which can regularly follow up with the situation around and know the ratio. Make the user feel heard for genuine and timely feedback.

There is no point of feedback platforms and surveys is the user needs are not considered and the feedback panel is not working effectively. The feedbacks should be taken and considered on time to make the user feel heard and have faith in you.

Regular maintenance of the portals, applications, softwares and lifts.

The infrastructure should be regularly updated and maintained so that the user can get maximum benefits and can reach out without going through any hassle if there is any kind of issue.

Creating more approachable environment which is open to feedback.

Sometimes the user feels uncomfortable reaching out to give feedback or address the issues. We should create a kind of environment where people can reach out comfortably and easily without any hesitation. Evaluating the barriers and effectiveness of the design.

Evaluation should be conducted to analyze the barriers being faced and how effective is the design. Be consistent with user expectations

There should be consistency in the work and management. What the user needs and expects should be consistently hear and fulfil it.

Defining and addressing any new thing for better user experience since the beginning. After something new is added, there should be proper adequate promotion. To make the user understand the system properly it should be addressed and defined to the user so that the user can get maximum benefits and doesn’t miss out on anything due to lack of knowledge.

Designs which are introduced can be tested and applied with evidence based methodology to gain more trust and understanding.

To gain the trust of user that the product or system introduced is beneficial the designs should be tested before implementing so that the user has evidence based knowledge and would believe in considering and giving constructive feedback.

Often, giving a learner a tool is insufficient. To use the instrument efficiently, we must offer the necessary assistance. Many students require assistance navigating their surroundings (both in terms of the physical environment and the curriculum), and all students should be given the chance to use resources that can help them achieve the goal

Sometimes the users are given and offered the opportunity but they are not getting the benefits from it due to lack of knowledge and understanding. They do not know how to operate and get benefits from the system. Proper assistance should be provided to the students to make it easier for them to operate and interact.

Challenges face by the team while working on the project and how we overcame them

Maitri Thakkar- Communication gap and lack of availability of all the team members at same point of time

Dhruvi Shah - Communication gap and lack of coordination among team members which lead to decrease in quality of work; Overcoming the challenge by addressing the issues to the team members, distributing work, and meeting up with the team members to discuss and ideate.

Purvaa Laddha- Lack of coordination among the team members Overcoming this problem by properly and clearly discussing beforehand and following the tips of communication given by our mentor, Mr. Satyam Parikh sir.

Gauri Nevatia - Lack of communication and irregularities in follow ups. Following guidelines given by our mentor about the miscommunication that helped immensely to overcome the difficulties.

Janhavi Aggarwal- Lack of coordination and miscommunication among the team members.

Waste Management On Campus

One of the key issues on campus is Improper waste management. This presentation aims to bring attention to the root cause of the problem and provide solutions for the same. Waste management is an important issue to be discussed not only because of the environmental impact it has but also because of the health hazards it can cause like mosquitos and infections.

Group 3

M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar


Our group's objective was to thoroughly define the issue, track down supporting evidence, and come up with the most creative solution.

TEAM : INTRODUCTION ADITI SHAH | U21007 Semester 3 VIRTI MEHTA U21183 Semester 3 TIRTH VALU UAR20229 Semester 5 BHAVNA BHAMIDIPATI UIR20255 Semester 5 AYUSH PALANY UG180028 Semester 9

Waste Management

What problems does it cause to everyone around?

• The waste generated through various model making processes lies around abandoned on the campus for quite a long time. It might also happen that some of the reusable material like leftover boards for cutting, empty bottles of fevicol etc might not in a state that it can be recycled.

• Unhygienic conditions caused by some these wastes lying around may cause hazardous health effects. Non biodegradable materials like thermocol if not treated properly, is harmful for nature.


DECODE the problem DOCUMENT the evidences


1. Why is this waste generated?

DESIGN a creative solution

1. What kind of wastes are found on campus?

2. Areas where waste materials are predominantly found?

3. Case study of a waste management company.

4. Advantages and disadvantages for cost effectiveness?

5. How to slash down the cost of removal?

2. What are the problems that everyone around is dealing with due to this waste?

3. What issues does this waste cause to environment?

Why and how is the waste generated?

• In the university, there are different kinds of waste generated everyday, out of which paper waste and waste after the model making activity do consist some amount of waste that can be reused and recycled.

• Since the materials used in model making and printing cost a fair amount of money, it becomes a necessity to cut down the cost by using some innovative and creative approach.

What issue does this cause to our environment ?

• We keep producing large amounts of trash, we do not dispose of it correctly, and in the end that will be our downfall as it is for the environment and wildlife in the ecosystems we all share. Humans are generating too much trash and cannot deal with it in a sustainable way.

• Waste that is not biodegradable and cannot be properly be recycled is filling our oceans and landfills. Let’s take plastic waste as an example. A recent study found that of the 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste that has been produced and very little had been recycled.

What kinds of waste is found on


• Throughout day, various kinds of waste are generated on campus. It can be categorized according to the type of the material. Waste can also be classified according to its final destination. Plastic waste goes to one place, while biodegradable waste can go to another; each requires a different kind of handling.

• Determining the category in which an object ends up as waste may become necessary since waste includes a diverse range of items. The waste can primarily be classified according to the materials in the following manner: plastic waste, paper waste, organic waste, and wooden waste.

• Plastic is a non biodegradable material used in manufacturing and packaging of items, hence creating a large amount of waste in campus. Such waste originates from wide range of places. On our campus, Disposable items are used a lot. This waste comes from the canteen, as packaging, and disposable items.

• Significant amount of waste comes from stationary. Materials made of synthetic polymers like styrofoam, thermocoal, and PVC contribute to plastic waste. Since these materials cost much higher, it becomes necessary to reuse them to cut down costs. Debris after the 3d printing from the workshop also is plastic waste

• On our campus, paper waste is the most abundant type of waste produced every day. There are different types of papers and boards used for various purposes, and they are thrown to waste after being used. Almost all types of these papers can be recycled.

• Paper waste produced after the printing, One-sided prints, presentation pin-ups, waste test prints, and posters of various events need to be reused. Along with that, bits of paper and model-making materials like cardboard sheets, millboards, craft papers, and other materials left over from cutting fall under this category.


• From everyday use, other types of waste are also generated on the campus that needs attention, like organic waste and wooden waste. Organic waste is a biodegradable type of waste from the canteen and the kitchen. Generally, the leftovers after eating go into the trash, along with disposable dishes.

• Since woodworking happens in the university workshop on an everyday basis, a considerable amount of leftover small wood bits and sawdust get generated, along with pieces of wood boards. Lost stationary items also contribute to the wastage on campus, which lies around creating a mess on campus.

Areas where waste materials are predominantly found?

• On campus, places like print shop, stationary shop and canteens are where the one or other types of items are supplied to the people of the university. Over time, a significant part of these objects accumulates as waste in the studio spaces.

• After the semester ends, not all the university desks' drawers get cleaned, and waste can be found in those, along with the shelves and the lockers of each studio. Such waste in the studio spaces can be seen while passing by the area.

• The canteen and print shops also do have a significant amount of trash. In canteen the waste is generated in the kitchen due to everyday use, and in the case of the print shop, incorrect prints, used paper roll tubes, and other garbage are all accumulated there.

• The campus workshop is also a place where considerable amount of waste is generated after the process of 3d printing, laser cutting and woodworking.

Case study of waste management company

Let’s Recycle – NEPRA

Let’s Recycle is an initiative by NEPRA Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. that operates in the sector of Dry Waste Management and Recycling. Offering spot pick-up of waste, they aim to create zero waste to landfill. They work to achieve the reduction of approximately 5 77+ MMT of Carbon emissions by diverting 2 MMT of waste by 2025. They collect and process a range of waste materials such as Commercial & Industrial waste, Paper & Cardboard, Plastic Waste, Metals, Wood and Glass.

A Statistic from Sommerville Campus source

Greenobin Recycling Pvt Ltd is a leading paper waste management company in India They offer a wide range of services like waste audits, training programs, recycling bins, eco fair, recycled paper products etc. Greenobin collect waste paper and further channelize it to recycling mills after sorting into different grades.

Greenobin Recycling Pvt. Ltd.

Advantages and disadvantages of cost effectiveness?

For Waste Collection and Management, two primary options can be enforced.

1. Waste Collection by AMC

2 Waste Collection by Private firms

For collection by private firms, the advantages include proper segregation of the waste into wet and dry and further into biodegradable and non biodegradable. These services can be diversified for different types of wastes such as e-waste by approaching various other organizations. The only downside is that these organizations charge for each trip to your locality.

For collection by AMC, the advantage is that the people do not have to pay for the collection but it has a huge disadvantage of no segregation of the waste.


1. How can we solve this problem?

2. What creative steps can be taken in order to solve this issue?

3. What innovation can be done out of the wastage?

4. What strategies will be incorporated by the entire team of creative leaders to have wastage removed for free?

How can we solve the problem?

Authority level

Authority level:

Student level

• Spending a part of the funds on introducing more resources for the collection, segregation and disposal of waste is one of the first steps that needs to be taken.

• The sequence of solving the problem at hand is to ask the students the reason for the issue, suggesting measures and conducting a follow up of the progress and in the process providing the technical and financial support.

• More transparency in terms of the break up of the fees that is being collected would be able to bring up an effective solution to manage the funds in a better way, so a particular amount can be dedicated to waste management.

• The authorities must also implement stricter guidelines for littering and make the students aware of the consequences of not following these.

Aditi Shah U21007 Tirth Valu UAR20229 Bhavna Bhamidipati UIR20255 Bhavna Bhamidipati UIR20255 Bhavna Bhamidipati UIR20255

Student level:

• Students must be conscious of their choices while making models or generating waste and must act responsibly.

• Posters creating awareness about reducing waste generation can be used. This would help ensure that students are constantly reminded of their responsibilities towards the college as well as the environment.

• Waste sorting as soon as waste has been generated by the students

• would also help them do their part to contribute to the initiative and a

• part of the solution.

• Incentives and appreciation can be given to the students who act responsibly to

• motivate others to be more conscious of the environment.

What creative steps can be taken to solve the issue?

• Starting a hygiene club in collage that takes responsibility of safe waste disposal by creating awareness and taking necessary steps to reduce amount of waste.

• Inviting companies like Greenoblin to collaborate with the collage.

• Student initiatives to run clean campus campaigns as a part of the various events that take place on campus.


1. The collected waste can be donated to NGOs who help underprivileged children in their growth and development

2. Serving meals in reusable steel dishes so less amount of plastic generated on campus.

3. Preventing the plastic wrapped food on campus which will also improve student’s health.

4. Putting suitable bins for biodegradable and non biodegradable waste. To make sure that this happens correctly, a CCTV camera should be placed near the dustbin.

What innovation can be done out of the wastage?

1. The installations that are made for the events can be made out of recycled materials like tracing paper.

2. The posters can be reused for printing on both sides.

3. Collaborating with third party organizations to recycle the leftover paper pieces from model making to generate notebooks is a good idea

4. Exhibitions can be organized to sell the unused stationery by students for minimal cost.

5. An arrangement can be made with print shop to dedicate one printer for recycling the back side of printed papers

Students who reuse prints

Students who DO NOT reuse prints

A survey to understand the waste disposal of prints post discussion source : 39 students of CEPT

Sample posters to be pinned up in studios and public places around the campus source : internet

Previous year example of reusable tracing sheets and existing exhibition panels being used to make the backdrop source : Bhavana Bhamidipati

1. Materials which are plastic based materials can be sent to companies where it can be converted into plastic bags and other possible products.

2. Biodegradable waste should be dumped in earth somewhere on campus, this will enrich the earth.

What strategies will be incorporated by the entire team to have wastage removed?

1. Rewards and appreciation can provided to students who make conscious efforts to reduce waste generation, which would motivate others to do the same.

Challenges We Faced and How We Overcame it While Making the Presentation

• Communication is a difficult task when there are people from faculties and fields who come together as a group

• Since we all have studios and mandatory classes going on along with electives, it is a challenge to find a common free slot in everyone’s schedules.

• Meeting deadlines for every week submission was tough because every person of the team have to complete their part on time.

• In order to solve these issues, we came up with a group where everyone can drop in a message and clear communication takes place.

• We also fixed a slot of at least 15 minutes at the end of the day which helped us to work together.

• Moreover we tried dividing all the tasks equally amongst the 5 of us and set deadline until which it was compulsory to finish the task.

• First and foremost, it was challenging to choose just one final topic to work on because there were so many options for topics to choose from. We spoke with our lecturer, Mr. Satyam Parikh, who gave us the greatest advice possible on how to solve this difficulty.

1. ‘Clean campus’ campaigns can be conducted as a part of student bonding activities. Such campaigns would also attract public appreciation and help promote the credibility of the college.

2. Constant follow ups and meetings with the campus authorities to release more funds for waste managements and provide opportunities to collaborate with NGOs for the same. These follow ups must be through mail, personal interaction and documented so as to hold the authorities accountable for their promises.

3. Using word of mouth as a strong means of spreading awareness about the situation is very important.

4. The accumulated stationary can also be donated which would help improve public relations.

• The other difficulty was finding time to work frequently despite our busy schedules.

Mr. Satyam Parikh assisted us in overcoming this by teaching us how to manage our time and collaborate for just 20 minutes each day at 11 p.m.

• Creative differences are pretty common in a group, yet communicating different point of views and finding common ground helps with smooth functioning of the work.

• Relating theoretical solutions to practical implementation of solutions is a problem that has been overcome by referring to the presentation by Mr.Satyam Parikh and research over the internet.

What strategies will be incorporated by the entire team to have wastage removed?

One of the major challenges faced during the assignment was the fact that all of us were from different faculties, because of which everyone had a different schedule and everyone had different prior commitments which made it difficult to work together. To overcome that we had to go about on the phone idea suggested by our faculty, Mr. Satyam Parekh which was to take up a 15 minute zoom call to discuss about the next steps

• Another challenge faced by me was the lack of creativity in me Coming from a technical background, it was difficult to bring out the creativity but all of it was possible only because of my fellow teammates

• Among the challenges we faced for the presentation, the lack of communication made us lag behind the deadlines. This issue we solved by involving more real-life interactions over the use of digital way of communication

• Finding a suitable time slot that suited each team member was a challenge since we all belonged to different majors at the university. Understanding the pace of working for a team member also took a bit of time.

• Allocating dedicated time for the team is necessary for the teamwork to advance without difficulties A big issue I encountered was the time due to other subjects. I overcame this by giving some hours on Saturday to the group work, a time when the load of other subjects was less

Barriers to Bridges

Group 4

M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

PCR 22039 U21225 UG180349 UIR20263

1. New students are not aware about what all CEPT has to offer so they miss out on a lot of things which they need or might help them in either academic or non-academic ways.

2. Students don’t know about various clubs that go on in each faculty and in the campus So they think that there only exists academic stuff and keep banging their heads in it. But that is not the actual case, they can join any of the clubs of their interests wherein a lot of activities go on which can give them a break from work.

3. Design is a field where you as an individual are required to be interactive and build a great network which is not possible without interacting with others because every person will need help, guidelines and feedback from others, may it be for constructing a house or designing the most simple poster.

4. First year at CEPT is common for all i.e. students from all the faculties are provided with the same knowledge because everyone studies about their own field and they have to go through a studio selection process. Now if they don’t talk to seniors about it, they will face problems in the selection process and end up getting into the studio which they will have to suffer for the entire semester.

5. There are no separate classrooms for different studios at CEPT, there is just this huge hall kind of a structure with many different studios partitioned by tagboards. The idea behind this is to be able to interact with as many people as possible from around the studios and again gain knowledge will not come to you, you will have to search out for it.

6. Sometimes seniors don’t respond nicely to juniors or don’t come to them often on their own which gives a feeling that they are not interested and thus juniors hesitate to start a conversation or interact with them.

• The project looks into developing student connections and bonds over faculties and overcome the hesitation and reluctance to reach out and meet new people. This is the very nature of the CEPT institute where vertical studios help create a buddy like feel amongst its juniors and seniors.

• The reason for a silent diminishing to occur amongst its student body is mainly due to social anxiety, worry of conversations to go wrong and general fear of judgement. Methods to tackle this very issue is what is being focused here.


A survey was done among the students of multiple faculties of CEPT in order to understand the stand regarding social anxiety. The Results are follows.

22039 U21225


CEPT has an atmosphere which urges students to perform their best which can be overwhelming. Some of the reasons that adds on to the same are:

• Long working hours

• Continues rejections of their designs

• Dealing with continues pressure leading to stress and anxiety.

Most of the times students look for

• Friendly support from peers and seniors

• Healthy discussion on their work from peers and seniors


1. Theater way of breaking ice

• There are a lot of theater exercises that usually theater groups practice before their show to just ease them up a bit, making them relax, to break the ice between the team members and mainly to make them comfortable around each other.

• Nowadays a lot of official theater groups like ATMAN THEATRE are conducting workshops of such kind for outsider groups to help every group member to ease up and to increase the group spirit.

• If such exercises are conducted in CEPT after studio hours a few times a week, it will help everyone get comfortable with others. Since this is not at all related to work and is much more fun opening up exercises, juniors wouldn’t feel insecure to come and communicate with seniors. And with increase in such activities the students will slowly open up and even discuss work, experiences and non work stuff.


• As stated above it has been clearly laid out why communication is required between students of different batches but tackling the issue can be quite challenging.


a. Shaking-The-Hand


• Everyone briskly walks randomly in a space and whenever they encounter a person they have to smile and give a gentle handshake and greet each other and continue moving.

• Walking briskly helps them loosen up after hours of sitting continuously in front of laptop screens and just a hello can break the ice between people to a very small extent but it's a start.

b. Any One Who


• Set up a circle of chairs for everyone except one person. That person will say a statement that is true for themselves and also which might be true for a few people sitting there, for example, if he/she did night out an entire week, you can say “anyone who did night out this entire week”. If that statement is true for anyone in the group, they must get up out of their chair and quickly move to a different chair. The game continues with the person left without a chair and he or she must then say something true for them and so the game goes on.

• This is an exercise where you will know a person on a surface level for a start and later it can lead to conversations and hence breaking the ice.

c. The 10 Second Machine


• Maybe taking simple steps as a starter to break the ice between them like simple games, exercises where everyone can participate without any fear or insecurity of others judging them

• And here Theatre exercises comes as a solution.

• Divide the players into groups of 3 or 4. Each group has to pick a chit where they get a name of the machine, using their bodies they have to make the form of the machine in 10 seconds Each player in the group has to be part of the machine.

• This game is designed to help players work together and develop cooperation and team building



• The ice between juniors and seniors can also be seen in the everyday academics work. Due to the pandemic most people have become conformable with home as a working and choose not to stay on campus, in turn this leads to no interaction between batches.

• Interaction with seniors and juniors helps gain insightful understanding into the work and projects that are been done. It open an easy platform for juniors to approach seniors with doubts regarding their design or academics.


The most important idea is to promote all the students to stay on campus post the studio hours to increase a chance of interaction between the interbatches.

Some of the solutions are:-

• Make your own tag board

• Informal discussions and presentations regarding office training

• Hands on workshops with group participation

• Informal temporary work exhibitions

Make your own tag board

As students of a design university what we all have in common is a lot of passion and dedication for our work The best way to break the ice between different batches is through the medium of our work, our sharing information related to the creative or design field.

Informal work presentation

Office training is an important part of the curriculum and a subject that needs great help from seniors due to their past experiences.

• The other idea was to hold presentations in the seminar room regarding portfolio making, office training.

• Helps in understanding how the process works and through this increase interaction and make the bond a little comfortable and interactive.

Informal temporary exhibition

• Having informal studio exhibitions of the module that is done with in the most transitioned spaces of the building can help everyone understand about what each studio in doing and hence known places, studios or people they can approach from the very same department regarding some help with their very own design ideas or studio mandatory work.

• Most of the time the case is the students have no idea whom to approach for what.


• The idea of bring in people to hold small workshops such as print making, poetry or terrazzo workshops, this helps bring people with similar interest together and hence share similar ideas or projects together.

The idea here is to have small postcard size prints with works of a famous architect, artist, designer, musician at one likes on the side of the tag board. These postcards become conversation starters for people sharing same likings. Hence serve as an informal way.

UG180349 UIR20263


3. Games - as an interactive medium between seniors and juniors

• A lot of people hesitate to start the conversion because of the fear of getting judged or an inappropriate response from someone. Sometimes it may also depend on the nature of the person, he might be interactive but may not be able to start the interaction or may be an introvert

• Games can play a vital role in eradicating all such problems. It can help you build social connections both in real life and online. Playing in teams can teach group work, appreciating others, respecting them, erasing communication barriers, gaming knowledge from our peers and learning from our mistakes.

Designing games of our own - A plus point for CEPT students is that being designers, they can also give an attempt to design their own games. It can be fun, a way to increase knowledge and be creative. The people who don’t like to play certain games can engage in designing the games of their own interest in groups or individually. So when they introduce their games to others, they will go through an indirect interaction naturally by their own without feeling shy or awkward.

It broadens up your perspective as a game is not specific to a person, when you design a game, it requires you to think about all age groups and all kinds of people. To understand them and gain their perspective before designing a game, it forces or allows one to interact with them and know what they think.

Board Games

• Conducting Board game sessions every once a week

• Logical games like Catan, Ticket to ride, Seven Wonders, etc. need a solid group discussion. Thus these board games force each and every member from the team to speak and interact with their other members.

• There can be new teams formed every week so that we can interact with the maximum number of people.


The solutions proposed in the above slides can only work if they reach the students of all batches, the best way to do so is by

• pinning posters about the events on some of the most common places of the campus which most of the students tend to visit at least once a day.

• Spreading the word through digital medium like whatsapp, email etc

• And spreading the word through people in the college

Venues where this prototyping can take place

North lawns South Lawns

Double Height (FA) Sagra Basement (FA and FP) FT Basement (FT) South Canteen North Canteen Shrenikbhai Plaza Kund


U21225-Aneri Thakkar- Illustrations/ Solution Ideation/ Slide Formatting/ Identifying Issues/ Interacting with people to understand their issues

PCR22039-Anjana M S- Mission Statement/ Significance/ Survey and Analysis/ Presentation Coordination/ Text Proofreading

UG180349-Meher Shah- Solution Ideation/ Prototype Formulation/ Slide Formatting/Illustrations

UIR20263-Rishitha Tayyuru- Solution Ideation/ Presentation Coordination/ User Needs/ Prototype Formulation/ Prototype photography credits


Anjana M Sasikumar (PCR 22039)

Formulation of Mission statement needed clarity on direction which was achieved after discussion with fellow team mates. Survey reach was a challenge which was achieved by team effort as we divided and used our network for getting inputs from multiple levels and faculties.

Aneri Thakkar (U21225)

There was communication issues in the third week due to which the work I had done was somehow not put clearly in the ppt but by fourth week we slowly learnt how to adjust and work coordinately. I personally felt there were lot of problems faced in time management especially for me but i think i am slowly improving how to manage my time and accordingly work with others too.

Meher Shah (UG180349)

The challenges faced during this process were figuring out a solution or idea that was very applicable yet purposeful in solving the problem at hand. Further to understand this process we had to have a good understanding between all of us as group members because we also came from different years. Figuring out an idea that acted as a catalyst for further understanding of design and also increased interaction.

Rishitha Tayyuru (UIR20263)

In the starting week of the group work it was difficult for us to adjust our work based on other timing and work accordingly and there was a huge issue in communication also but as the work went forward we learnt to empathise with others situations and problems they are facing with studio work and adjust our timing accordingly and work together.

Post Mid-term Work

Improving Studio Infrastructure and Facilities at CEPT

Group 1

M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

Topic 6

Electricity Optimisation at CEPT (Part -1)


• Importance of saving electricity

• Observations on campus

• Electricity saving measures

Importance of saving electricity

• Electricity is needed in almost every phase of life now. We all need electricity to live a comfortable life full of amenities.

• Without electricity, world would not have been able to process this much. Almost in all the works electricity is the most important aspect. For example, all the health and educational facilities are governed by electricity also motor mechanics in the garages and engineers in the factory depend on electricity.

• Also all the transportation all over the world is dependent on the electricity.

• In the CEPT University (Ahmedabad), saving electricity is very important as most of the work done by the students, faculty and staff is on electronics such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets,etc.

• Also in the university all of the time all the spaces of the building are working throughout thats needs electric supply for lights, fans, A.C.’s etc.

• CEPT is one of the university that allows the students to work till 12 am in night and sometimes all night and because of it more consumption of electricity takes places. CEPT university also have various events happening frequently in the campus itself which also consumes electricity. Therefore, it is very important to save electricity in the university.

The above image is a studio space of building of design in which it can be seen that more than four fans and tubelights are there in a small studio space.

Observations on campus

• In the CEPT University, there are some of the building which has solar panels and some buildings don't have.

• In the university campus, it is observed that in every spaces of the building there are more than five switch boards, more than five fans and tube lights and some of the spaces have air conditioners and projectors too and all of these require much supply of electricity.

• In the campus, there are IT departments and administration departments running which requires more amount of electric supply. Also there are workshops in campus which have huge machines that require a lot amount of electrical supply too.

• In the building of architecture in CEPT, there are industrial fans installed in some of the spaces of the building which runs with help of solar panels installed in the building.

• In the building of Design in CEPT, double glazed glass have been installed which helps in climate control.

• In CEPT university, spaces are separated by tack boards and because of it sometimes air coming from fans are interpreted also lights coming from tube light are hindered by the partitions and because of it more fans and lights are used than require thus, finding a new partition method can be used to save electricity.

• It has been observed that in campus students don't turn off lights and fan even when they are not using the space and because of it wastage of electricity take place.

Electricity saving measures

In CEPT university electricity consumption is more and that is the reason saving electricity plays an very important role. Some of the measures to save electricity are as follows:

• Use of solar equipments and insulations

• Low cost measures in terms of lighting

• Low cost measures in term of heating and cooling

• Rapid payback measures

Use of solar equipments and insulations :-

Some of the measures to save electricity with equipments are as follows:

• Solar panels can be installed in all the buildings of the university which helps in conserving the electricity.

• Double Glazing can be used installed in the majority windows of the all the building in the university.

• Solar boilers can also be installed in the university campus.

• Materials that can extra insulation can also be taken into consideration as it helps to prevent heats entering the space.

Pie Chart

Pie chart shows which energy saving measures are more efficiently and use in much amount. For example solar panels are used the most in compare to others while solar boilers are used least in compared to others.

Low cost measures in terms of lighting :

• Use of sunlight can be maximize. As sunlight is free and very healthy too for human body, therefore using sunlight more is effective way of cost saving in terms of light. For maximum usage of sunlight in the CEPT university window and the opening placement can be in such a way that it allows maximum sunlight and at a same point not direct and harsh sunlight

• More usage of task lighting wherever it is possible As task lights have lesser energy consumption compared to other lights also if it is used carefully and if it is of a good company it lasts more than other lights.

• The administration of the university can implant a regular maintenance of light program where it can be observed that which lights consumes more energy than others, places in the university which requires more lights than other places and visa versa and observation on placing a light in the most effective manner by doing some trials.

The above image is a studio space of building of design in double height in which it can be seen that many number of tackbords are placed in an small space Solar panels Glazed window frame Solar boilers

Low cost measures in terms of heating and cooling :

• Having trees and vegetation planted around the campus and buildings in the campus can help the building in maintaining the temperature and it also gives fresh air to breath

• In summers, southern sides of opening and windows can be covered by blinds to reduce the excess heat and sunlight.

• The administration of the university can implant a regular maintenance of heating and cooling system where it can be observed that which spaces gets more heat than others and for that which insulation or HVAC can be installed in that place and visa versa.

• Regular checks on the pipelines of the cooling and heating system and if there is any leakage it should be repaired fast.

• In the building of the universities where vents are placed, make sure that it is cleaned and no furniture or paper stacks are around it as more energy is required to distribute air if vents are blocked.

• Rapid payback measures :

• Balance air and water system in the university.

• Insulations and solar equipments can be installed as it gives much amount of payback after a time.

• Energy effective motors that is standard induction motors and geared motors can be used in the university for saving electricity.

• An observation on campus can be done and from which unnecessary installed lighting and heatingcooling appliances can be removed or installed in place where it is more necessary.

Topic 6

Electricity Optimisation at CEPT (Part -2)


Understanding renewable energy sources:

• Renewable energy sources are those which are not depleted when used, for example solar or wind energy.

• Currently, all the power coming to CEPT (and Ahmedabad) is derived from non-renewable sources such as coal, fossil fuels and natural gas.

• However, this is not sustainable as these sources will get depleted on earth in the future and their energy extraction processes emit harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

• Adapting to renewable energy sources is extremely important for institutions such as CEPT, economically as well as a contribution to saving the environment.




Won’t run out High upfront costs for the university to bear

Economically better (less need to buy energy, can sell excess energy)

Renewable energy is intermittent (no constant supply)

Has numerous environmental benefits Has geographic limitations, performance can depend on location of installation

Creates brand image of a “green” institution, while also receives government benefits such as subsidies

Solar Energy

• Sunlight is our planet’s most abundant and widely available energy sources.

• The amount of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface in an hour surpasses the planet’s energy requirements for a year

• As seen in image 1, CEPT campus has 5-6 buildings, with a lot of surface area on the roofs.

• The roofs also extend above the tree line which gives them direct line of sunlight. These conditions are perfect to deploy solar panels on the roof.

Wind Energy

• Wind turns propeller like blades which transfer the kinetic energy to a generator which converts it into electrical energy.

• Wind is a form of solar energy caused by:

• Sun unevenly heating the atmosphere

• Earth surface-irregularities

• Rotation of the earth

• This means wind energy is almost a 24hr energy source, except for the fluctuations in wind currents and direction

Hydro Energy

• Similar to wind energy, hydroelectric power is generated using propellers which rotate in the flow of water

• While there are no flowing water sources like rivers around the campus, hydroelectric system can be integrated with a rainwater harvesting system.

• The system involves collecting rainwater from rooftops and directing the water into an underground storage tank.

• The flow of this water can be used to generate electricity.

• However, this system is expensive to set up and is only effective during rains

Hydroelectric system with propeller inside, generating energy before water flows to tank.

Energy Storage

• While generating energy in a clean manner is important, so is storing it and deploying when necessary.

• If CEPT uses solar energy, the highest period of energy generation will be in summer. However, there will be no energy use because of summer vacations for students.

• An energy storage system is crucial in this case for storing all the energy generated (or relaying it back to the grid) and deploying it when required by users on campus

• Supercapacitors can be chosen for energy storage at CEPT.

• They ridge the gap between conventional capacitors and rechargeable batteries.

• They store the most energy per unit volume or mass (energy density) among capacitors.

Image 1: CEPT Campus Plan Image 2: Solar Energy Generation

• This diagram depicts infrastructure involved in a solar panel (or any other renewable energy) system.

• One can observe, the energy takes different routes after passing the inverter, which controls the flow of electricity.

• Energy is either stored, passed onto to the building or sent back to the grid

• This can lessen the fuel charges and overall electricity bill you get as you will be compensated for sending energy.

Comparison (viability)

• However, installation of well designed and well placed wind energy windmills can improve the look of the campus. This can also be taken up as design projects for Product Design students to make windmills which are aesthetically pleasing and blend into the campus.

• The graph compares cost of various renewable energy sources in Dollars per Megawatt-hour.

• It takes into account initial construction and maintenance costs.

• Looking at the analysis conducted, information of renewable energy solutions and the above graph. Solar energy seems to be the best energy solution for CEPT.

• While setting up costs are high, it requires low maintenance as it does not have moving parts and only requires periodic dust removal.

• Wind energy may not be effective as CEPT rooftops are not tall and are surrounded by trees which may block wind currents and make the system redundant.

• Hydro power, which is the cheapest (to set-up) system and with the most power output, is not a viable solution as it may only product energy during monsoons on campus. While electricity is required throughout the year and it won’t produce enough to be stored for the year.

Topic 6

Electricity Optimisation at CEPT (Part


Mehek Mudgal


• Use of energy-efficient LED lighting in the university

• Replace hand dryers with paper towel dispensers to cut down in energy costs.

• Identifying areas where lighting is not required at all times. Installing sensor based lighting in such areas can generate massive rewards Keeping dogs in a safe space elsewhere so they don’t disrupt the use of sensor based lighting.

• Better Insulation of roof and walls so the campus does not get heated too much requiring fans and ACs to stay on the whole time.

• Conduct electricity conservation sessions for staff so that they can identify power wastage when they see it. Areas like pantries can be better utilized in terms of energy usage in the presence of aware staff members.

• Ensuring regular maintenance of appliances, especially of the kitchen as they are high consuming devices.

• A student committee can be set-up to patrol the electricity consumption in their building. They can ensure that everyone judiciously uses electricity and does not leave fans or lights on when the studio is empty.

• Double glazed glass can be installed in all the glass windows as they do not allow a lot of heat to enter the building.

• The reason that the building heats up very quickly is because there is glass windows while let in heat but no proper ventilation. This leads to excess heat generation and unnecessary use of energy. Hence, allowing openable windows and small openings in the roof will allow for natural ventilation and remove excess heat


• Each student needs to realise the importance of saving electricity on campus Ensuring that the lights, fans, AC of their studios are turned off if they are last to leave.

• A student patrol can be set-up which may approach the administration about suggestions of installing solar panels, boilers, sensor based lighting, extra insulation, double glazing etc. they, with the help of the council can send an official mail then set up a meeting with the relevant people to bring about this change.

• Sometimes, the on/off switch of the electric fans and lights installed in FA does not work properly, that is they don’t switch on/off so these problems should be reported right then to the admin so they can get it fixed and no extra energy is wasted.

Do you think it’s your responsibility as a student to be responsible about electricity wastage at CEPT?

Do you believe that a student committee set up for patrolling electricity usage is beneficial?

How posters can make an impact on students and educate them on what they should do to conserve electricity at campus?


• From the first survey, it can be safely concluded that students understand the importance of conserving energy. There could be a GBM about this issue, so all students get to know about it and are careful with the electrical devices they use. Each studio can take their own stand on how they want to ensure proper usage of electricity in their studio space- whether each student takes responsibility or they appoint one or two people from their studio to keep a check on its usage.

• From the second survey, we can see a rising need for a student committee for checking up on the electricity consumption at CEPT. This should be a mixed group of students from all faculties- FA, FP, FD, FT from UG and PG both.

• The responsibility of the committee would be to educate everyone on the importance of conserving electricity , putting up posters, pamphlets benchmarking a responsible student who conserves electricity at campus. They also regularly communicate with the administration about setting up renewable energy sources for electricity.

Topic 7

Managing Overcrowding during Lunchtime at CEPT


Between the hours of 1:30 - 2:30 pm, the CEPT canteens, both north and south canteen entertain an overwhelming public. With a student strength of 2700 individuals amongst whom most of the public relies on canteens to nourish them for the day, makes it an impossible task for the canteens to function in an overdrive. This not only leaves unsatisfied customers for the stall vendors but also a creates a hassle within the kitchen which often leads to partially cooked meals due to the time crunch and consumer demand. This often happened to be a cause for the students and teachers to make a late attendance at their respective classes.. Due to overcrowding often there is a lack of seating infrastructure to accommodate the crowd that leads to a further more dissatisfaction within the public.


With the expansion of the student and faculty strength of CEPT from 2000 students to about 2700 students in a course of 5 years. However, the hospitality infrastructure was and always has remained to support a strength of 2000 individuals which has lead to the inconvenience that has been occurring over the past couple of years.


Overcrowding or crowding is the condition where more people are located within a given space than is considered tolerable from a safety and health perspective The CEPT canteens find it is difficult to operate in overdrive given that there are 2700 students enrolled, the majority of whom rely on canteens for their daily meals Due to the time pressure and increased demand, this not only results in dissatisfied consumers for the stall sellers, but it also causes a hassle in the kitchen, which frequently results in half prepared meals. This frequently resulted in both students and professors arriving to their respective classrooms late. There are frequently insufficient seating facilities to accommodate the audience because to overpopulation.


Lack of development of the infrastructure form the main reason that has caused overcrowding in the two canteens. To overcome this several steps need to be taken starting with inviting more tenders to open up stalls at university designated spot; makeshift arrangement for tables and chairs to accommodate the vast population of students and teachers.

Malay M. Mishra Source: Pinterest Source: Malay Mishra Source: Malay Mishra

Tackling the issue

1. Setting up an online booking system for food service - Online booking would ensure that food is prepared by the desired time for service and ensure payment safety fo the vendors.

2. Setting up a microwave area at canteensstudents who prefer not to eat from the CEPT canteen but rather their home food or options other than the canteen can have a hot meal served to them when they desire

5. Increasing the number of food outlets - Call for more tenders to open up stalls at CEPT at various location could distribute the public load on the two canteens.

6. Installing Vending Machines - Adding vending machines to the campus is a great opportunity for a time saving method for a quick snack.

Source: Google images

Public Opinion


3. Smart Canteen System - a completely digitised system that works without any human assistance. Fully automated and computerized chefs prepare meals to a consumers delight.

Source: Google images

4. Limiting Options of daily cuisine - Having countable number of items on the menu would easy the task on the chefs and at the same time out decrease the chances of choice dilemma for the consumer

1 individuals stated that it did not make a difference

Source: Google images

Source: Super kitchen Japan

Source: Google images

Source: Google form

15 individuals agreed

Question asked- If the issue of fans affecting you personally ?

1 individual agreed to not being affected by the issue

3. Plinth and steps as a sitting place - The plinth area and the steps of the different faculty buildings at CEPT can offer a fantastic place to eat.

9 individuals agreed to being affected by the issue

Source: Malay Mishra


4. Attaching Foldable tables to the canteen walls -

This can be a game changer since tables will occupy space for the required time and ten can be folded back in position.

Source: Google images

Question asked- Would you sign up for a letter of concern to the matter of setting up more lunch sports and better seating arrangement ?

Source: Google form

Subtopic- Lack of Seating Arrangement

Often seen as subpar but a relevant issue of lack of chairs and tables for students and facility during lunchtime With undergraduate students inself being 2700 in number and then in addition to that the masters students that surpass the above number makes it an impossible take for everyone to accommodate with a seating arrangement. And this has been an ongoing issue from the past years But clearly no progress had been made to resolve the problem.

Source: Malay Mishra

1. Resetting TimeSetting up different lunch times for different faculties to avoid conflict in lunch timings Setting up intervals of half an hour for each faculty to sit and eat would create an efficient system

Source: Google images

2. Adding More Seating SpotsPlaces like the North Lawn, adding temporary chairs and tables during lunch hour, sitting tents for a more pleasurable experience.

Source: Google images

Source: Google images

Question asked - Would you want to change the management of CEPT canteen?

FA FP FD FT FM 0 5 10 15 Yes No

Topic 8

Lack Of Computer Labs At CEPT

Nivea Gupta | PLA22231


• Currently the facility of computer labs is lacking in the campus. It is a really important facility that need to be provided to the students at all time.

• Library do provide computers but a computer lab functions in a different manner rather than facilitated in a library.

• The computers have been kept to access E books rather than other facilities like access to the required softwares and access to high storage facility or helping students to rent up pc’s for a week or a month when there is a situation of broken or damaged piece.


• Colleges and universities should provide students with on-campus computer laboratories which they can use for coursework, research and other learning activities. These labs usually house dozens of computers equipped with software applications for different purposes.

• Computer labs are instrumental in helping students learn, work with software programs, complete assignments and interact with their instructors. Most importantly, these IT labs enable learners to acquire digital skills critical in the modern workplace without having to purchase their own hardware and software.

And even though laptop and computer ownership among students has been on the rise in recent years, this trend has not eliminated the need for campus IT labs. There are many reasons for this:

• There’s still a significant lack of computer ownership in some student populations all over the world.

• Not a lot of students who own computers have the raw computing power needed to support specialized software applications.

• Many specialized software applications are too expensive for students to afford.

• Some student owned laptops gets damaged and are unable to work immediately, hence a facility like computer labs can help such students to manage their work and deadlines.

Source :

Source :


Students choices


In today’s classrooms, most students are equipped with personal mobile devices like tablets, iPads or Chromebooks to learn and work. This new era of BYOD (bring your own device) is undoubtedly changing the way traditional computer labs function and has many educators and administrators questioning the need for lab space at all - even declaring it obsolete.

1. Equal Access to Technology - Despite the prevalence of personal mobile devices, the digital learning gap persists To these students, computer labs play a critical role in their ability to learn, access information and complete work. Until every student has access to a personal device, computer labs can help fill the gap in digital learning.

2. More powerful computing - Desktop computers are simply ideal for certain types of tasks. Video and photo editing, advanced programming, in-depth research and long-form paper writing, for example, are all best done at a desktop workstation. Tablets or iPads often don’t have the processing power to operate advanced software programs like Photoshop.

3. Help in maintaining posture - Desktops not only offer more computing power, but better ergonomics: monitors can be adjusted to eye level, significantly reducing neck strain. (Laptops typically sit much lower.) A desktop’s full-sized keyboard makes long typing sessions easier, while its large screen can display more information at once, making it easier to find and organize tabs and programs

Students in favor


The prevalence of personal devices in the classroom has resulted in the computer labs of the past losing much of their value as spaces for digital and online learning. Laptops and tablets have made it possible for students to take digital learning anywhere both in and out of the classroom without being confined to a hardwired desktop in a computer lab. Today, computer labs have a new function as learning spaces. A modern computer lab serves as a home for collaboration, STEM programs, makerspaces, and esports just to name a few. With a change in the function of computer labs, learning space design in computer labs has had to change as well.

1. Intelligent spaces and smart places - Closely linked to IOT. The lab should be completely equipped with all modern day devices which can connect to IOT (Internet of Things) Increasingly connected and smart.

2. Cloud and edge computing- Cloud computing – where data is stored on other computers and accessed via the internet – has helped to open up data and analytics to the masses. Edge computing – where data is processed on smart devices (like phones) – will take this to the next level.

3. Voice interfaces and chat boxes - Alexa, Siri, chatbots – many of us are now quite used to communicate with machines by simply speaking or typing our request. In the future, more and more businesses will choose to interact with their customers via voice interfaces and chatbots.

4. Renting out systems or storage to students - Systems can be rented out to students or storage can be rented out to students in case of emergencies.

5. Flexible Furniture - Computer labs of the past often only offered surface space for each desktop computer––of which there were at least enough to fit a whole class with one student at each monitor. In a modern computer lab, it’s crucial to offer tabletop space that isn’t occupied by a desktop and keyboard. With flexible furniture pieces, a computer lab can function as a responsive learning space that can accommodate several different subjects and activities. The right modular and movable tables and seating allow for collaboration, discussion and instruction, and space for students to use their personal devices

Source :

6. Open Space - Computer labs of the past have been characterized by rows or a circle of desks with hard-wired desktop computers at every seat. With the prevalence of personal devices, a modern computer lab has to be able to accommodate students who bring their own laptop or tablet to work on, and this means leaving open space where students can set up their own devices and learning materials Furthermore, it is essential to provide accessible power sources that don’t interfere with the stationary computers and technology in the room.


Source :


1. Restriction from inserting external hardwares

2. Limited website access - Social Media Websites, Gaming websites, Sites Unrelated to the Task

3. Permission to downloads

4. Wait For Permission To Log On

5. Do Not Install New Software without permission


1. The issue should be raised on a smaller level initially such as department level

2. Will talk to the fellow classmates about it and gather for issue to be solved.

3. Will conduct a collective poll on the same with other course students.

4. Will raise the issue as class representative to the department head.

5. Coordinating with the department head further will be involved with the meetings etc.

6. Later with the agreement with all the students the issue can be taken upto the student service council.

7. A draft with the budget can be presented in front of the council for better understanding.

8. Can consult the IT department for help moving forward.

Source :

I would like to acknowledge the cept university for introducing Creative Leadership as an elective so that we can gain some intangible lessons of life to move ahead with confidence not only in architectural field but in any field.

Then I would like to acknowledge Prof. Satyam Parikh for coaching us on the subject with the uttermost dedication and innovation. This subject demands patience and willingness to impart experienced knowledge which was imparted to us in an unbiased manner with great strategies.

Also, Acknowledging Dhavlesh Suthar (Teaching Assistant) for coordinating and resolving all our issues.

As a group member, earlier we faced some issues regarding communicating, coordinating and managing time. But further with some guidelines and mentoring, as a group we overcame the issues and worked in a consistent manner Personally, I believe our group has become a solid team now to work Hence each one of us is now responsible for our tasks and understand how time is precious to the other members and are in discipline regarding the same which is a positive sign as of a leader

Naturally Lit Spacious Privacy


Well-being & Healthy Environment at CEPT University

Lack of mental well-being and a healthy environment for students at CEPT University.

CEPT University is one of the most esteemed universities, recognized globally for the courses offered and its rigorous curriculum.

However, this comes with a price as all the students try to achieve an excellent quality and quantity of work. In such a competitive environment, students often fail to take care of their mental well-being which is equally important. The University should offer as much help to students in need as possible.


Group 2

• Meeting up with deadlines and submissions along with quality of output

• Personal / family issues

• Lack of self confidence

• Introvert nature

• Stressful environment

• Lack of communication / facilities and awareness regarding mental well-being

• Overworking

• Physical well-being

Universal design Physical Well being Healthy environment Mental Well Being

• Across the country there is a troubling spike in the number of college students with stress-related illnesses and mental health conditions.

• To achieve academic success, most students must commit significant time and effort and adhere to a disciplined routine, which can help them with their mental health

• Therefore, we should have strategies in place to protect our mental health during times of high stress.

As a result of this stress, students often experience

• a decrease in concentration and memory,

• confusion,

• loss of humor,

• anger, irritability, and fear.


Research shows that 70 percent of mental health issues in youth can be treated with early intervention. Detecting mental health concerns early and providing support to those who require it aids at-risk students before their problems worsen

In addition to offering individual counselling, colleges should also focus on what we in the mental health field.

These efforts can range from creating more shared spaces to increase social connections to combat feelings of isolation

Colleges must help students assess their strengths and overall resilience. By empowering students with increased self-knowledge


• Identifying the problem and the need to resolve it




• Defining areas through which we can have a healthy environment- parameters of wellness.

• Providing solutions for each of these parameters

• Taking survey to evaluate the take on well-being of currently studying students

• Planning of implementation


• A survey was conducted online in CEPT University with nearly 50 college students of Faculty of Architecture department about their emotional readiness, given the uncertainties accompanied by COVID-19.

• Students need more support from their school administrations and communities to persist through the physical and emotional stressors of this current time. Mental health should be a top priority for any institution.

Financial Environmental Emotional Physical Social Occupational Spiritual Intellectual

October is depression and mental health awareness month.

Let’s spread the awareness, take care of ourselves, and the ones around us as mental health comes above everything :)

Lack of integrated provisions for helping students with their well-being : Environmental & Emotional Issue


• A campus wide survey was conducted to find out the overall well-being of the students at CEPT University.

• This would help evaluate the need for environmental and emotional wellness of a student.


Environmental wellness is defined as occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. (Northwestern)

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1. Designing spaces for well being

In workspaces, there are key strategies to improve coworkers' well-being. Versatile spaces and furniture can provide a variety of layouts that allow more creativity and also contribute to making work less monotonous by optimizing each person's spatial experience.

Creating spaces for interaction as well as for isolation is essential, so people can choose the best space for each specific moment and activity


Designated spaces / rooms

The intensity and fast pace of college life and the constant exposure to new people and ideas can feel overwhelming. In this change from high school to college some students often feel lost in the crowd and so it is important to provide a space where individuals can just be by themselves.

Tranquil spaces with low sensory stimulation, visual / aural privacy, as well as exposure to nature, help them to replenish cognitive energy and gather peace of mind

There are different types of space devoted to therapeutic use – from quiet rooms, to rest zones, personalized immersive environments, and sleep pods which provide relaxation for overstimulated, anxious, or sleep-deprived students.

Text and image :

Access to nature

Access to daylight, views of nature, calming color palettes, natural materials, displays of art, greenery, and patterns with organic form, are a few of the many elements within the built environment that can enhance our restorative processes and help us relax.

Holding classes/discussions amidst the nature once in a while will make a huge difference to the emotional as well as environmental wellness. It is also proved to improve attention spans and enhance creativity.

Utilising these spaces (South lawn shed, amphitheatre) for both environmental and emotional well being as morning meditation / relaxation spaces for designated hours of the day.

Emotional Well-being

An awareness, understanding, and acceptance of your emotions, and your ability to manage effectively through challenges and change. (Psychology today)


1. Peer run support groups

Often, an outsider can never understand the intensity of stress that you are going through at your university. Hence, peer run support groups will help students understand and empathies with each others’ problems by sharing experiences while also listening to other people

This will improve overall an individuals well-being, increase self-confidence, enhance social skills and also help cope with stressful situations.

Such support groups are efficient and easy to create as they don't require any external resources.

2. Mindfulness sessions

It’s all about how you deal or cope with those issues that determines your emotional wellness. Just like in the school, yoga or physical fitness periods were integrated into the curriculum, colleges and universities can take at least 15-30 minutes of each day and dedicate it to having mindfulness or meditation sessions.

This way the students are regular in taking care of their emotional well-being and are able to cope with stress and anxiety in between their working hours. A few minutes at the start, middle or the end of the day can go a long way in changing the mindsets and wellness of a person.



Advantages over other institutions

CEPT University benefits from having intellectual and technological resources required to take the necessary steps towards mental wellbeing

• Good Indoor-outdoor study environment

• Clubs engaging students to mingle and participate

• On campus student activities and events


Disadvantages / Lack of facilities

The areas within which students feel discomfort or are dissatisfied

• Quantum of work and keeping up with deadlines

• Lack of empathy from peers as well as faculty

• Stressful schedules

with no time for self reflection


• The college can build an app wherein the students can participate in interesting challenges related to physical and mental well-being.

• They can track their progress, record their feelings for each day just, journal their thoughts into this one application.

• By completing wellness challenges, they can be rewarded with smaller things- like winning a free coffee / snack at the college canteen or elsewhere.

• Through this they can also connect with their friends/ peers and see what they are up to!


Scope of improvement

The areas within which the University can improvise to create a healthier environment

• Integrating extra curricular activities

• Wellness programs and challenges

• Peer support

• Regular breaks from core studies


Restricting parameters

External factors that affect the mental well-being of a student

• Increasing level of peer competition

• Financial / personal / physical problems

• Lack of awareness

• Performance anxiety


Being a design school, the college can do so much by spreading awareness about mental health through art and design

Holding art competitions on such mental health related topics and then displaying it together instead of having any winners can help encourage people to come together.


Integrating activities into the daily CEPT routine and curriculum so that the students are able to make time for themselves and refresh their minds in between working hours

This will help create an emotional wellness space and make it a habit for them to prioritize their mental wellbeing at a workplace.

workplace-wellness-challenge calendar-wellness-challenge.png



Lack of integrated provisions for helping students with their mental well-being : Occupational and financial


The capacity to strike a balance between work and play in a way that supports one's health and sense of personal fulfilment is known as occupational wellness

Why is it important?

The capacity to make choices that foster positive attitudes toward one's job, classwork, coworkers, and classmates, which will increase one's level of personal and professional fulfillment and encourage one to learn throughout one's life. A strong sense of self and discernment are required for this.

Signs of Occupational Well-Being

Peer run support groups

• Working in a stimulating and engaging environment.

• Knowing how to strike a balance between work and play.

• Working according to your unique learning preferences.

• Interacting with others and cooperating with them.

• Combining both solitary and collaborative work.

• Feeling inspired and challenged at work Feeling inspired and challenged at work.

• Appreciating the work you've done at the end of the day.


• Never give up, remain inspired, and pursue your goals.

• To reach your objectives, broaden your knowledge and abilities.

• Look for the advantages and virtues in your current position.

• Enjoy what you do and pursue your interests.

• Make friends with your coworkers at work.

• Set goals, make a plan for achieving them, and then get to work on the plan.

• If you feel stuck or unsatisfied.

• Look for something new and/or speak with a professional counsellor. Participate

• CEPT offers so many opportunities to participate in extra activities and events which help in building confidence, teamwork, collaboration and help in developing variety of skills.

• Brainstorming and creative thinking activities help in inculcating healthy thoughts and ideas and increases the productivity of the mind.

• Events at inter-faculty level build relationships and work groups with diverse and different ideas, which helps widen the horizon and eventually leads to positive occupational well-being


Living within your means and managing your finances in a way that provides you peace of mind is the definition of financial wellness. It involves keeping your income and expenses in check, avoiding debt, setting aside money for the future, and being aware of your financial emotions.

Why Is Financial Aid Important?

• Providing financial aid to students with low income families can help them break the financial barriers and complete their higher studies in desired colleges.

• It boasts their confidence and helps them get equal opportunities .

• Grants, scholarships, work-study programmes, and loans are all examples of financial aid.

• Financial aids can also be indirect by lifting food, or stationary expenses of the students.

Measures: mobile softwares and application

• Online platforms like Pan-CEPT application, where students from all faculties interact and people of similar interests and hobbies can come together to exchange ideas or take initiatives to showcase ideas on a bigger platform

• Combining the solution to Financial and occupational wellbeing, CEPT can take initiatives to create this online platform where students can make groups who can coordinate or meet online to collaboratively brainstorm designs and make prototypes.

• These specific collaborative projects can be open to public platforms and expose the students to a real market experience, this will help students to get a great exposure through cept and also help in some scale of financial support.

• Participating in these activities also boasts the confidence and open doors to wider knowledge and learning opportunities.

Graphics team

Students with good hands on graphics or even interest in it can collaborate to market customizable design templates that support clients that lack design expertise or need design assistance. The types you can construct are essentially endless, but as a place to start, for example.

• Facebook templates

• Templates for resumes

• PowerPoint decks

• Template emails

• Templates for brand style guides

• Logo designs

This will also improve skill set of the students and will be an added point to their portfolios.

Scholarships And Rewards

• CEPT can initiate scholarship programs or sponsorship programs can be initiated by the university.

• Competitions can be organized throughout different departments, which can have cash prizes or indirect benefits.

• Educational licenses for the softwares can be provided to the students at least for the course time-period.

• Housing services and paying guest tie-ups can be provided.


Lack of integrated provisions for helping students with their mental well-being : Intellectual and Physical

What is the issue?

Physical well being affecting intellectual well being.

Learning and concentration are both correlated with physical activity Strong, encouraging connections give kids the emotional tools they need to move beyond of their intellectual "comfort zone" and experiment with new concepts and ways of thinking, which is essential for academic success. Other school aims, like academic standards, may occasionally appear to conflict with the development of wellbeing. Unreasonably high expectations, a continuous testing schedule, or an overemphasis on the value of academic achievement may actually have a negative impact on students' well-being. For instance, they might not have much control over official exams and tests, curriculum content, the duration of the school day, or the actual school setting.


The ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without excessive stress.

• Creating efficient schedules that may be finished on time and meet quality requirements also requires coordination between the faculties and smart working plans with realistic deadlines. It can be done through coordination within faculties, smart working and regular inputs.

• Creation of areas for various forms of physical activity, such as a sports complex that motivates individuals to exercise. For physical wellness one can also use spaces like terraces or underground spaces if the space restriction is a hindering factor

• Introducing non GPA subjects to educate them about maintaining good personal hygiene and a healthy work-life balance.

Factors affecting physical wellness

• Lack of nutritious food and a healthy diet style:

• Consumption of fast food or inadequate food from the streets or canteens that is deficient in nutrients. The hurried way of life induces irregular, unhealthy eating patterns. People skip meals or eat lunch and dinner at different times every day, which has an impact on the body.

• Lack of physical wellness spaces:

• There are no physical activity spaces, such as a gym or other sports areas. People who want to participate in physical activities are also unable to do so due to a lack of space or equipment.

• Extremely tight deadline-driven schedules that are exhausting

• The hectic and exhausting schedules cause physical stress and disrupted sleep patterns. The difficulty of juggling the ongoing deadlines for many classes, along with the fact that students don't even get weekends off, makes it extremely tiring and can cause a variety of physical health problems.


• Creating universal, comfortable furniture that promotes physical wellness. Long continuous hours, even on comfy chairs, can be exhausting, but taking regular, brief breaks helps maintain the body physically active and healthy.

• Forming support groups and designating individuals to assist kids in maintaining a wholesome, regular diet. Empty classrooms and spaces can be used to resolve the space constraint issue.

• Burnout-producing exercise sessions

• The apps or softwares introduced for universal designs can also add features which keeps track of your personalized physical activities and needs.


The ability to develop curiosity to increase our knowledge and skills while also recognizing our creative ability.

Factors Affecting Intellectual Well-being

• Intellectual well-being is co-dependent on Physical wellness.

• The lack of healthy body and good physical well-being have an intellectual effect.

• Competitive environment leading to stress decreasing the curiosity.

• Feeling demotivated

• Lack of self confidence

• Lack of interactive approach

• Lack of creative sessions

• Lack of co-curricular activities


• Participating in conversations fosters intellectual growth.

• Brainstorming sessions that aid in learning about a variety of topics

• Recognizing your limitations and working within them

• Introducing unique gaming sessions, innovative academically irrelevant talks, and workshop sessions

• Including more extracurricular activities as a part of the curriculum.

• Introducing courses that are not related to the regular curriculum to help students explore.

Allowing all members of the school community to participate in meaningful decision-making in the classroom, for example, through consultations, opinion polls, referendums, electing class representatives, student parliaments, focus groups, in-class feedback on learning activities, and using teaching methods that promote a positive classroom environment and well-being, such as cooperative learning

• Remove objectivity.

• Discover that there are various methods for completing a task.

• There may be multiple "correct" responses; however, this is not always the case.

• Keep an open mind to new ideas, perspectives, insights, expressions, and ideals.

• Improve your critical thinking skills

• Introducing skill-learning workshops and encouraging curiosity

• Keeping track of quizzes and general events

Why do we need to resolve it?

When schools promote intellectual and physical well-being, students encounter fewer disciplinary issues, are better able to focus on their studies, and have stronger communication skills. Better academic performance and long-term health may result from this

Lack of integrated provisions for helping students with their mental well-being : Spiritual and social ISSUE SPIRITUAL

Spiritual wellbeing is a deeply personal dimension of well-being and may mean something different to everyone.


Our perception on the meaning and purpose of life has an impact on our spiritual welfare. In addition to our views, values and ethics, it might also encompass our ties to culture, community, spirituality, and/or religion. The capacity to maintain our spiritual wellness can help us make better decisions, stay grounded through times of change and develop the resilience we need to handle challenges with grace and inner peace A spiritual component in our lives may even aid in our recovery from a physical or mental illness The following activities could be a part of the path to spiritual wellness:

• Practicing meditation or yoga

• Praying or taking part in an organized religion

• Spending quiet time alone, thinking on deeper aspects of life

• Building awareness through journaling

• Serving the community, spending time around nature, appreciating music and art


A state of social well-being is one in which fundamental human needs are satisfied and residents may live in harmony in places where there are job opportunities.

How to improve:

• Having a solid support system of individuals around you has a favorable impact on your general wellbeing. Keep your loved ones close by and make an attempt to reach out to them when things are difficult. It's a give-and-take relationship, so we must empathies with and be there for them as well.

• Simple daily self-care routines can be used to practice self-care, but doing so with intention and mindfulness is different. For example, praising oneself for a job well done and taking time to recharge are both important for this. Making time for oneself ultimately benefits your interpersonal interactions.

• Taking part in hobbies and extracurricular activities lowers stress and aids in finding a better work/life balance. Participate in recreational sports, paint, garden, enrolling in an exercise class, or go hiking. Including someone else is advantageous since shared interests can strengthen bonds between people.

• Having a disciplined routine will improve your mood and enable you to have a positive influence on others around you. People often feel better when they get enough sleep, eat well, exercise frequently, etc. Although keeping a schedule requires effort and dedication, it has its own advantages.

What schools and colleges can do for their students’ mental wellbeing?

• These activities have been found to boost feelings of psychological well being They can also be easily integrated into the college day as a quick classroom activity.

• Sharing, creating and maintaining meaningful relationships with people can be characterised as social well-being. Asking friends and family how they are, sharing content and having phone conversations with our close ones, all help in developing and improving relations. Having friends we can turn to at life's lows and rejoice with during its highs is crucial. We all need to have at least one person we can chat with when things are tough. It is important for us to realize how much a conversation and active listening can help other people progress. It is also critical that we respect people and foster healthy, mutually beneficial relationships.

• We must try not to discount or alter what someone says when they express their feelings, experiences and points of view; by just listening to them, we are assisting them in a profoundly healing way. Even though our social circles can shift as we mature, some close relationships endure and develop alongside us As we grow in self-awareness and sincerity, friendships and relationships may fall out or grow at times. Though it can be challenging to comprehend, this is a normal aspect of life. In future there will or may be new friendships and connections that more accurately represent who you are right now.

• The strategies proposed are all things that colleges can do quickly, for free and with a relatively low time burden for faculties.

What schools and colleges can do for their students’ mental wellbeing?

1. Do mindfulness as a quick classroom activity

Mindfulness is the practice of deeply focusing on our thoughts and feelings in the present, to weaken the hold of negative thought patterns.

2. Make public commitments about positive wellbeing behaviors

Encourage students to publicly commit to a positive mental wellbeing goal Students might find this technique helpful to stick to challenging wellbeing habits like mindfulness or exercise, or simply to keep on top of their academic work.

3. Use phone calendars to help students develop a regular routine

Help students to develop a regular routine by putting together a weekly timetable with them on their phones. As well as their academic benefits, routines have a link to wellbeing. Some research suggests that people find routines to be sources of meaning, comfort and control in their lives.

4. Communicate the importance of wellbeing through senior leaders and influential students

Involve influential figures at the college in communicating information about mental health services. This could be the head teacher, influential students (e.g. student council leaders) or both.

5. Help students to help one another with peer-led campaigns and peer support programmes

Run a student-led mental wellbeing campaign, ideally involving the most influential students at the college

6. Involve students in decision-making about wellbeing issues

People who are involved in designing the services they use tend to feel more empowered, and user involvement might improve the quality of services too.

7. Highlight the importance of day-to-day self-care

Students might already know about the links between self-care and wellbeing, but teachers have an important role in repeating the message and normalizing the idea.

8. Use ‘implementation intentions’

Encourage students to set ‘implementation intentions’ - a technique in which we specify the where, what, when and how of actions we wish to do.


Nature, Play, and Learning:

Some of the learnings can be conducted outside the studios/classrooms like informal discussions, observations & teachings. This would help students improve imagination, one’s originality, creative thinking, attention to details, focus and release stress. It provides a break from indoors

BenefitsEveryone starts to feel a bit sleepy and lethargic after they have been inside for too long. However, outdoor education and outdoor learning can help students with a break from the monotony of learning indoors.

Nature provides just the right amount of refreshment

No classroom can be designed perfectly for every single student and to meet the needs of everyone. The amazing thing about outdoor education is that it provides the right amount of stimulation for almost everyone.

Increased Focus and Concentration

Time and nature has been show to increase our ability to concentrate and focus during indoor tasks. Why not add in a break to get outdoors and notice the effects on your students.


Dhruvi Shah | UG190372 - The major challenges faced while working as a team on the project were lack of communication, timely discussions as well as acknowledgement of work and efforts put by an individual To overcome this, we would openly convey the difficulties, meet whenever it was convenient for everyone and empathies with each other if someone is unable to cope up with work for some or the other reason.

Gauri Nevatia| PG22116 - Lack of communication was one of the most challenging part while working in a team. To overcome these difficulties individual mentorship on communication and networking by Mr. Satyam helped a lot.


Canteen Issues


• Seating at the Canteen

• Protection from Heat

• Social Anxiety

• Quantity of Food

• Cleaning at the Canteen


What is social anxiety?

Social Anxiety disorder also known as social phobia is a chronic fear of social situations. It is a common issues which can be found in youngsters but mainly it starts in teenage. This is a major issue which should be overcome with time or else it can be very stressful and can effect once career.

Symptoms of social anxiety

• Feelings of shyness and discomfort

• Fear with situations where there is a chance to be judged

• Being tensed about embarrassing yourself in a situation

• Being worried that people will notice that you are anxious

• Avoiding a situation of public speaking

• Expectation of the worst in any situation

Physical symptoms:

• Fast Heartbeat

• Sweating

• Nausea

• Muscle tension

• Feels lost

Result of anxiety

Group 3

M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

• Low self esteem

• Negative approach

• Low self Confidence

• Sensitive towards criticism

• Isolation

• Depression

• Lack of social relationships

• Low progress

• Addiction


The ideas that people have when they experience social anxiety, particularly in the canteen.


Challenges We Faced and How We Overcame it While Making the Presentation

• First and foremost, it was challenging to choose just one final topic to work on because there were so many options for topics to choose from.

We spoke with our lecturer, Mr. Satyam Parikh, who gave us the greatest advice possible on how to solve this difficulty.

• The other difficulty was finding time to work frequently despite our busy schedules.




Major issues

• Walking to canteen with tables full of people and bust out laughing which seems as if they are laughing on you and talking about you.

• Walking to canteen and thinking that everyone is looking at you.

• Thinking that people will know how anxious you are and will see that in your behavior.

Creative Solution

• Keeping a journal

Doing this would help to know what are the causes of stress and anxiety and will help to overcome.

• Setting Priorities

Managing once life would help him/her to manage their time and energy.

• Avoid unhealthy Substances

Use of drugs, alcohol or caffeine increase extreme anxiety as it makes you feel dependent.

• Facing the fear

if going to the canteen is scary then one should face the situation multiple times which will help to reduce the phobia every time.

Confidently interact with a group of people regardless they are strangers. As once a stranger may become one's best friend. (Mr. Satyam Parikh)

• Mindfulness training

Learn not to focus on oneself during a social situation which will allow one to concentrate on the conversation happening.

• Challenge your thoughts

Seeing the situation in a more positive way would reduce the anxiety.

Mr. Satyam Parikh assisted us in overcoming this by teaching us how to manage our time and collaborate for just 20 minutes each day at 11 p.m.

I would like to thank Mr. Satyam Parikh for his constant individual mentoring which helped us to reach here. Without him this project could not have been existing.


What's coming next!?

Identifying the Problem

Statistical data to indicate the problem

Identifying the problem

Creative solution

Innovative solutions to tackle the problem

Administrative solutions

Collaboratively working with administration to come up with viable solutions.

CEPT being a national university and a place of international fame, thanks to its architecture and architect BV Doshi, is visited by several people from all over India as well as the world. This leads to a congested space for the students in the canteen All the classes break for lunch at the same time and have a lunch break for the same duration of time. This extends the queue at the canteen and one has to wait for long hours to get lunch and even after that gets no space to sit and eat. Suggesting getting food from home is also not an option as most students have come here to study from all over the country and live in hostels. This space crunch is a very problematic issue right now considering the new batch consisting of 300 more students have also come to the campus. Thus, the key issue is that there is insufficient seating available for all because of not using the existing spaces to their full capacity and the placement of the existing structures

Statistical data

Solutions To Specific Problems

A higher surface to put your food while eating

This is necessary as often the dogs on the campus are always looking to grab food. The lack of this also creates a very uncomfortable position for eating which is harmful for one's health

Minimum Requirement For Seating

These low height plinths can be put to efficient use with the addition of small tables. These tables could be foldable and placed only during the lunch break.




Extra Chairs

Often it so happens that a large group of people intending to sit together, collect all chairs and accommodate themselves on one large table. However if there can be extra chairs the tables wont go unused and maximum capacity of seating can be achieved.

No of people it can accommodate

No of people effectively using


Existing layout of the North Canteen

Pros of the suggested layout:

1. Joining tables together and adding chairs on either sides will not only save space and accommodate more people but also form more clusters ensuring that there is more collaboration among the students from various faculties of various batches.

2. Since separate tables are joined to form a larger table, basic privacy issues are addressed on some levels

3 Adding tables to the plinth on the bottom left forms various small clusters which can be a space where interesting discussions and exchange of ideas can take place informally without social pressure.

Suggested layout of the North Canteen

Suggested layout of the North Canteen

Creative Solution

Creative Solutions

Pros of the suggested layout:

1. Rearrangement of tables to the corners by changing the angles will allow accommodation of more number of tables and hence seat more number of people. At the same time the separate tables would provide ample amount of privacy to its users.

2. There would also be enough circulation space in the central area and more chairs could be added to the tables in the center to accommodate larger groups.

Use of high height tables

Suggested layout of the South Canteen

1. This would allow multifunctionality in the space. One can use the table for a short period of time even if the chairs have been occupied elsewhere.

Existing layout of the South Canteen

2. The smaller radius of the table occupies less space thus, allowing more number of tables to be accommodated.

Source : Internet

Use of modular furniture:

Suggested layout of the South Canteen

Source : Internet

Administrative Solutions

Use of modular furniture:


This modular furniture can be sourced through the students themselves in the form of studio projects The faculty of product design has several studios on furniture making. Adding this to the curriculum would enhance their knowledge and also give the students an experience of working in the professional realms where their designs are used commercially.


Examples of work done by students from faculty of design

Source : Shria Thakkar

Challenges Faced and How we Overcame it

• Creative differences are pretty common in a group, yet communicating different point of views and finding common ground helps with smooth functioning of the work.

• Relating theoretical solutions to practical implementation of solutions is a problem that has been overcome by referring to the presentation by Mr Satyam Parikh and research over the internet

Identifying the Problem

Statistical data to indicate the problem

Understanding the issue

Creative solution

Innovative solutions to tackle the problem

Administrative solutions

Collaboratively working with administration to come up with viable solutions.

Eco-friendly solutions why not come up with solutions that help us contribute to the environment!

• In climatology, heat and light are intrinsically linked. Blind belief in looks and sometimes in light has led people to have big windows, resulting in heated-up interiors. Incidentally, one major shift in Indian buildings has been from small wooden windows to large sheet glass windows, without considering why small openings were provided for centuries, nearly all over India.

• The indoor temperature also rises which is welcome during winters. In contrast, during summer, we need to keep indoors cooler, and ensure that least direct light penetration happens into the indoors. The fact that sun moves at higher altitudes during summer helps in this direction. Incidentally, there are locations when sunlight and heat are undesirable round the year, for the winters are also pretty hot

• On an average, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., there is maximum heat gain through roof conduction and oblique light penetration through the windows. During other times, light and heat enter through wall openings more directly. Appropriate shading of openings using chajjas , staggered walls, fins, roof overhangs and such others need to be employed. On a daily calculation, maximum heat gain comes from the roof; hence it should be properly designed and treated.

• Northern light is both minimum and least heat, hence an ideal direction for openings. The eastern wall is comparatively safe though as day advances, light and heat may build up, but this heat dissipates during the day time. Properly designed sunshades can resolve majority of solar heat problems. The south orientation faces much of solar radiation; hence simple window top chajjas may not be sufficient

• Verandahs, vegetation, designed roof overhangs and such others are necessary. Among the problem fronts is the western façade, which receives solar energy during afternoon hours, heats up, conducts it inside and makes the indoor warm during the evening and night, just when we need to use them most.

• There are many ideas like tilting the building to best orientation, using materials with thermal mass or designing the type of opening which help in mitigating heat due to solar radiation.

• In urban contexts, it may be easier to employ skylights with adequate hot air vents. However, among the best to get light without heat is the idea of internal courtyard with minimal openings to outside – no glare, equal distribution of light and cross ventilation, all together. No wonder, our forefathers realized this and lived in courtyard houses. We need to modernize this concept for application today.

Creative Solutions

Terracotta Air Conditioner

• Inspired by the beehive structure, the terracotta air conditioner consists of numerous terracotta tubes that have been densely packed and arranged in a spherical form (concentric circles). The cooling system consists of inner and outer surfaces embedded on a metal framework. Water passes through the terracotta tubes, facilitating evaporative cooling.

• Air is cooled when it passes through the terracotta tubes and comes out and stays cool like water in an earthen pot This installation also gives a beautiful cascade effect when drenched in water. The humid clay traps some heat the air and the surrounding air gets cooled down to around 6-10⁰ C due to the process of evaporative cooling.


• The best way of keeping a house cool is keeping the heat out in the first place. Awnings are a great solution with this as they regulate the amount of solar energy that reaches the facade of your home, especially the parts of it that are glass.

• Awnings, according to the Department of Energy can prevent up to 77 percent of solar heat gain which can also result in up to 55% energy savings during summer.

• Also, by reducing UV rays from entering your home this can extend the life of your furniture

Cool Roofs

• Though there seem to be conflicting opinions on cool roofs in terms of their greenness with one side saying it could potentially increase global warming while others say it reduces global warming, cool roofs are another consideration for cooling your home.

• The principal behind cool roofs is that your roof is painted with a highly reflective, paint, sheet or tiles.

• Not only can cool roofs give you savings with reduced energy cost (with a/c) but you can save in a number of other ways including rebates, equipment downsizing and extended roof lifetime.



Administrative Solutions

Thermal Curtains

• Probably by now, we have got the message that windows are usually the biggest source of heat loss and solar gain in your home.

• Another method which can contribute as an alternative to an air conditioner is using thermal curtains

• According to thermal curtains are able to reduce the amount of heat that is transferred through your windows by up to 24%

• Not only are they able to offer extra energy savings they have the added benefit of reducing noise and blocking out all light, which is great for bedrooms.

• Awnings can be motorized and are virtually maintenance-free source:


Double Glazing

• Double glazing is popular in Oceania and the UK as it is able to keep the house cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

• Having double glazed windows can cause a reduction in solar heat gain by up to 13%. Triple glazing is also available for even more effectiveness.

• According to the Department of Energy, replacing old windows with new, energy-efficient windows can pay for themselves with the savings in energy costs

• In conjunction with Low-E glass, double glazing can prevent up to and over 50% of solar heat gain through your windows. Not only that double and triple glazing provide heat retention in the window for all year round energy saving costs. Not all glass is the same so be sure to do your research if you are considering double glazing.

Exterior Solar Screens

• The most efficient way to prevent heat from entering your room or house via the windows is by preventing the sun from passing through the windows at all.

• For these screens placed on the exterior of the house such as solar screens can be a great solution. According to one study done, having exterior solar shades can cut your air conditioning costs by up to 25%.

• Most solar screens are also able to be customized to fit nicely within your decor and are easily retractable during winter when you are looking to get as much sun as possible

ECO- Friendly Solutions


• If you are looking for an entirely green solution you will love this alternative.

• Some plants have the ability to keep the air temperature cool as they lose water during transpiration, which cools the air around them.

• According to a study, plants could have the ability to cool an office space by up to 10 degrees.

• Along with cooling the air the moisture released by these plants helps “maintain indoor humidity in the human comfort zone of 30 to 60 percent, and helps prevent materials such as wood from cracking when dried out.” Many of these plants also have air-purifying qualities.

Wall Vines

• Using a trellis or the right variety of vine to climb the walls of your house can help prevent solar heat through walls.

• Because the materials your house is made of, like bricks, absorb and retain heat, this causes the inside of your home to heat up.

• In the summer, vines can absorb and dissipate heat from the sun quickly and prevent your walls from heating and thus bring you energy savings on cooling.

• The right kind of vines can also protection for your walls from the elements.

• Vines also grow very quickly making it a fast addition to your energy saving costs

source: Trees

• If you are in it for the long haul, trees are a fantastic way of providing extra cooling for your home during summer.

• According to the DOE, shading is one of the most costeffective ways to reduce solar heat gain and cut energy costs.

• With the right kind of tree and placement, trees can provide great shade during summer months and come winter shed their leaves for more sun access in winter.

• Apparently, during summer, well-shaded neighborhood can be up to 6 degrees cooler than treeless areas


Green Roofs

• Much like vines keep walls cool, green roofs also help keep your home cool and reduce cooling costs.

• During summer, the surface temperature of a green roof can be cooler than the air temperature, whereas the surface of a conventional rooftop can be up to 90°F (50°C) warmer.

• The obvious benefits of a green roof are lower energy usage costs, contributing to air purification and the increase in biodiversity.



• There are a number of benefits other benefits that come with having a green roof including enhanced storm water management and enhanced water quality. source:

• Communication is a difficult task when there are people from faculties and fields who come together as a group.

• Since we all have studios and mandatory classes going on along with electives, it is a challenge to find a common free slot in everyone’s schedules.

• Meeting deadlines for every week submission was tough because every person of the team have to complete their part on time.

• In order to solve these issues, we came up with a group where everyone can drop in a message and clear communication takes place.

• We also fixed a slot of at least 15 minutes at the end of the day which helped us to work together.

• Moreover we tried dividing all the tasks equally amongst the 5 of us and set deadline until which it was compulsory to finish the task.

• We spoke with our lecturer, Mr. Satyam Parikh, who gave us the greatest advice possible on how to solve this difficulty.

• Mr. Satyam Parikh assisted us in overcoming this by teaching us how to manage our time and collaborate for just 20 minutes each day at 11 p.m.

• Personal guidance by Mr. Satyam Parikh has helped me work efficiently.

Quantity of Food at the Canteen Current Concerns with Quantity

Despite changing in accordance with the demands of the campus's students and faculty, some difficulties with the canteens still need to be solved and taken into consideration.

Higher Cost, Less Amount

• Even after accounting for the higher cost of ingredients, the meals in the canteens still appear to be more expensive. Since more than 50 per cent of the campus's students frequently dine in the canteens, longterm considerations should be given to pricing and the quantity of the food.

• Some dishes have higher costs, for the amount they provide

• Examples: Milkshakes, Dosa

Just One Variant in Quantity

• Currently, for most of the dishes, the canteens of the campus serve a dish in just one variant in quantity. Since the food capacity of people varies according to each person, one quantity may not be suitable for all.

• Sometimes it is difficult for one person to complete a dish. And sometimes, the quantity of many dishes is not enough for lunch/Dinner, making a person order again or order two dishes.

Inconsistency in Quantities

• There is a lack of consistency in the quantity and cost of the same dishes in the different canteens. Canteens serve dishes and beverages and different size dishes and cups; such inconsistency could be solved. Sometimes it's also evident that the same item is being served in various sizes of vessels in the canteen

• Examples, Tea/Coffee, Chaas, Sandwiches

Innovative Strategies for resolving the issue

Just one quantity for some food, making it difficult for one person to complete Examples, Chinese bhel, Similar dishes

Multiple Variants

• Canteens can have multiple variants of quantities for the same dish To suit the capacity of different aged people, and to decrease food wastage or crowd in ordering, food at the canteen can be served in multiple variants of quantities.

• The quantity in each variant would decide its pricing and the time to order correspondingly

Multiple Variants - Dishes

Following are two variants in the dishes that could be introduced

• Half Dish- Suitable for people with low food requirements, suitable during snack time Could cost half price of the Full dish

• Full Dish- Suitable for people with bigger food requirements, suitable during lunch/ Dinner times. Quantity can be optimized to average food requirements

For Example: If a Full Dish of noodles costs 70 Rs , a variant could be added with half the quantity for 40 rupees, which costs slightly more than half of the full dish.

Multiple Variants - Beverages

• Similar to the dishes, Two sizes could also be added to the beverages served in the canteens of the campus. (i.e. cold coffee). Currently, quantities of drinks do not correspond with the cost. And A bigger variant can be added.

Two sizes for the beverages could be introduced

• Medium Size (340 ml.)

• Large Size (480 ml.)

Standard Sizes

• Sizes of cups and dishes can be standardized in all the canteens on the campus

• Similar looks and sizes can be adapted for the dishes and cups.

Source : Internet

Source : Internet

Challenges Faced and How we Overcame it

• Allocating committed time for the team is required for the teamwork to progress smoothly. It being something i struggled in beginning, i was able to allocate few hours for the team each week.

• Understanding the speed of work for a team member is also sometimes required. Finding an appropriate time window that suited each team member was difficult because we all had different majors at university.

• One of the issues we had with the presentation was a lack of communication, which caused us to miss deadlines.

• This problem was handled by integrating more real-life encounters rather than relying on digital communication.

• Due to other issues, time was a major concern for me. I overcame this by devoting some time on weekends to group work when the weight of other topics was lighter.


In accordance with the needs of the students and their suggestions, there exist two canteen areas, one cafe and one restaurant on the premises, each coming with their own price ranges for the food items and each serving different cuisines

Varied Cuisines

• The different eating zones available throughout the premises are :

• Old Canteen - Beverages, South Indian, Fast Food

• New Canteen - Fix Dishes, Snacks, Beverages

• Chauraha Cafe - Snacks, Fast Food

• Toritos Restaurant - Mexican, Italian

Price Ranges

• The average prices and the most ordered dishes across the eating zones are :

• Old Canteen - Most Ordered: Lemon Iced Tea, Average Price: ₹75

• New Canteen - Most Ordered: Fixed Lunch, Average Price: ₹60

• Chauraha Cafe - Most Ordered: Chauraha Burger, Average Price: ₹130

• Toritos Restaurant - Most Ordered: Pink Sauce Pasta, Average Price: ₹250

All the above data is based on survey responses from students of Faculty of Technology (137 responses) The average prices are "Cost for Two".

Based on survey responses from students of Faculty of Technology (137 responses)

Student Survey

Unsatisfactory (20%)

Satisfactory (80%)

Cost to Student Satisfaction Index (Old Canteen)

Based on survey responses from students of Faculty of Technology (137 responses)

Unsatisfactory (43%)

Cost to Student Satisfaction Index (New Canteen)

Satisfactory (57%)

Unsatisfactory (30%)

Unsatisfactory (80%)

A step towards cost effectiveness

After surveying about the cost of the various food items in the canteens and the satisfaction, we came up with various areas to cut costs and various solutions possible.

Cost Solutions

• From the previous survey, it was found that the student satisfaction to the costs was somehow linked to the quality of food served as well.

• It was seen that despite the comparatively high prices of Chauraha, it had a satisfaction index higher than that of the new canteen

• The first solution that can be thought upon is increasing the quality of the food served while still keeping the prices same rather than reduced.

• This can be achieved through a more careful approach to the cooking techniques and/or employment of more skilled cooks.

• The university can decrease the rent rates for the canteen spaces which in turn can result in the decrease of the rates for the items provided.

• For Example –

With the increase in the rent rates, the price for "Oreo Chocolate Shake" in the old canteen went up from ₹40 to ₹70, which on an individual might not be a huge increase but when put under a microscope, it is a 75% increase.

• Another solution can be the consultation of the vendors themselves. The vendors can be consulted and made to understand that since, this is an educational institution with students attending from the age of 18 and above, they can cut down on their profits since most of the attendees are living off of their parent's money.

• For example: The price of an Iced Tea (Lemon) at the old canteen is ₹40. On bifurcation it can be seen that the cost of the powder used for making the iced tea is ₹10 when not bought in bulk Upon adding the other variables such as water, ice and refrigeration costs, the total comes up to be ₹14 (on the higher end). This gives them a total of ₹26 per glass as a profit which can be reduced to make a glass more budget friendly.

Student Satisfaction
Satisfactory (70%) Cost to
Index (Chauraha)
Satisfactory (20%) Cost to Student Satisfaction Index (Toritos)


Barriers to Bridges

Respective Studio Pan Campus

Management Level

The initiatives advised and the level of implementation proposed is mainly upto respective studios of faculties and to student council driven initiatives on a campus scale.

Respective Studio - Inculcating interactions and discussions regarding informal networking and perils of social anxiety and device systems within studios

Student Council - Sessions and events planned on a campus scale that help create connections amongst students of faculties.

Social Anxiety Vs Shyness

• Being a socially anxious college student can be difficult. Public speaking, being called on unexpectedly in class, getting to know new people, establishing friendships and working ties, conversing with teachers and lecturers, and many more study-related circumstances all include social interaction. These things on their own can be uncomfortable with social anxiety, the discomfort is increased to the point of fear and dread. They may avoid situations entirely or deal with them in a distressing way because to their extreme dread of receiving a bad grade.

• Although the terms shyness and social anxiety disorder are frequently used interchangeably, they are not the same thing Unfortunately, social anxiety disorder individuals themselves often mistake their symptoms for excessive shyness.

• An extreme fear of being negatively evaluated by others in social circumstances is referred to as social anxiety disorder. While social situations like going to college, talking at gatherings, meeting new people, or being seen in public might make someone who is shy feel uneasy, social anxiety is present when the fear is out of proportion to the circumstance and impairs the capacity to function as a student.

Level of Approach

• The initiatives described is not floated to the management level.

Group 4

M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership

Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

• The stakeholders in identified are mostly students and deciphering an approach that can be implemented in the same level is essential.The issues of social anxiety and hesitation is best tackled in peer and focus groups.

• Avoiding purposeful interventions of higher authorities unless and until asked for is at best.


Informal events Grey space events Formal events

For the buddy project to be most efficient , there needs to be a systematic way to break the ice and bring students together considering pace and comfort levels of a very large group

Informal Events

The category comprises more of low profile events where there is no differentiation between seniors and juniors or between different batches of students. These are necessary to be done to familiarise the students with each other without making anyone anxious Few such events that were mentioned previously are theatre and games exercise; further cooking, jamming and other events can be added.

Grey Space Events

These are the events which is a mixture between completely formal and informal events where there is no differentiation between faculties or batches but an interaction through teaching, learning, story telling, experimentation etc. These events can include workshops, tutorials etc.

Informal Events Fest

• There are lot of people in cept interested in things other than designing like music, dance, drama etc. These people want to collaborate with people interested in same and increase their approach in their other interests too apart from designing.

• Instead of big fests that gets conducted in college where preparation are done from a month, these can be small informal fests conducted within the faculty level where these also act a break for other students who are not performing.

• Even Though these are really small events, there will be need of documentation and management, people who are interested in event photography and management can also pitch in and work together

Basic life skills (cooking)

• Apart from connecting through designing, cultures, game exercises and break sessions there can be fun meetups of people for cooking, gardening, activities like such which are very informal learning and fun too.

• Considering most of the students live far from home, activities like these which they probably do with family will comfort them and also helps them while they are living alone.

• Casual Break Sessions

Formal Events

These are the events which are completely formal where there is a clear distinction between faculties and batches but it won't be that tensed or serious since there has been a slow and steady process taken before through informal activities and grey space area events; due to this everyone might have reached to a level of mental stability where they can be formal without getting anxious These events can include inter-intra faculty competitions, alumni meets, more inclined towards extending the professional reach.

After hectic schedule in studios, casual chai or coffee meetups can be conducted to steam off some heat. A specific place can be decided where snacks can be arranged These can be such events which directly focuses on direct informal communication unlike others where the communication happens through some or the other event.

These conversation can include topics like their professional and hobby interests, their struggles in the academics, experiences, about courses in studios and summer winter schools, basically a basic exchange of ideas where few people might have similar interest and extend their connections.

Grey Space Events Tutorial sessions

• Cept university has such a curriculum which involves learning lot of softwares and various workshop skills. Many times people have to take classes for these from outside which are really expensive.

• Spending of money for such things can be avoided if students from different batches whoever is good in so and so software or in working with materials like wood or metal or clay can conduct tutorial sessions.

• Such tutorial sessions with different learning can be conducted every week and whoever wants to learn that particular software or shop can participate.

• Through these sessions people from different batches and faculties can meet and extend their connections.

Intra and Inter Tournaments

• Conducting friendly tournaments of sports between faculties and studios of the university will help students socialize and also act as imminent networking opportunities. Moreover such events could act as ice breaker and help create contacts across campus amongst students. Tournaments of Football ,cricket, basketball is being ideated here

LAN games

People who are not interested in sports and are more inclined towards online gaming, The university can hold this LAN Game in their fest. In LAN gaming, you have to compete with other team and beat them for a win. This can be either in a group or between two players There are a series of rounds in which the players with the highest score will be the winner. This can happen in series of levels where its inter faculty and then moves to intra faculty.

Formal Events - Alumni Networking

• CEPT has a very strong community of over 8000+ Alumni across the globe

• A new digital platform called AlmaConnect has been launched to bring these people together in order to be able to Connect, Engage and Network more efficiently with fellow alumni

• CEPT has an alumni office to engage and create a mutually beneficial relationship with the University and its Alumni.The office will help alumni connect with the University and with fellow graduates through a wealth of activities, continuing education programs, online services, and alumni events around the world. People can connect to the CEPT Alumni office from the details given below:

Alumni Office

CEPT University

Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus

University Road, Navrangpura

Ahmedabad- 380 009

Phone: +91-79-68310000

Fax: +91-79-26302075 to +91-79-68310075


• Inter School tournaments provide students the opportunity to develop public speaking and learn new abilities, which boosts their confidence It encourages students to try new things and step beyond of their comfort zones, which not only helps them learn new skills but also builds their confidence

• Additionally crucial to the development of students' communication skills are their social skills. In order for students to develop overall social skills, communication is essential. Such tournaments enables the incorporation of multiple social cooperative learning patterns.

• • Unlike previously mentioned , competitions mainly involve games and play with the motive of socialising and creating topics of conversations in a jovial atmosphere.


Past Alumni Events

• The Career & Alumni Services(CAS) Office with respective Faculty Alumni Associations organized a welcome event for new students.

• In 2014 there was an alumni exhibition initiated by FAAA (Flight Attendants Association of Australia) followed by guest lectures, presentations, cultural event and alumni dinner

• Discussion on Future of Human Habitat in Post COVID-19 World. This webinar aimed to support young alumni in their professional development, provide career counselling and offer them key insights into their professions in a post Covid world.

Image Reference: Cept University Facebook Handle

Present Students-Alumni Interactions

Since the Alumni of CEPT is so huge and strong, new students can be provided with a chance to network and interact with the alumni as soon as they step in campus.

• This kind of association of future and present alumni will help the students develop a Vision for their future with some clarity.

• It will help them learn and grow in different ways and on a larger scale.

• Students will not have to go around and search for fellow alumni once they pass out as they would already have built a strong network by the time.

Possible Alumni Events

Another interesting way to increase interaction can be events organized by/for CEPT Alumni.these events can include:

• Formal and informal meet-ups.

• Software learning tutorial sessions

• Personality development classes.

• Learn To build a strong position in the industry.

• Celebrating festivals like Navratri, Onam, Diwali, Christmas, New Year, etc. with the same kind of tribe.

• Sessions that teach how to build strong professional connections.

• Establish an alumni association to organize timely events

• A magazine of notable alumni stories and teachings over the fields.

Alumni Benefits

It can be beneficial in many ways such as:

• Learning from their experiences.

• To get to know about the Industry.

• One can get great exposure by working with them.

• Have friendly and lifelong healthy relations with them.

• Helps built and increase professional network and connections.

• To have their help and support whenever needed.

• To get guidance about the future.

• Learn ways that can help gain balance over professional and personal life.

Formal Events Debates

• As part of interacting between the various faculty Departments at CEPT we can have debates to bring in the Exchange of ideas and knowledge between the different Fields.

• The debates between students will also help a few gain confidence and practice for Presenting their ideas, which is an important skill to have.

• Seminars

• Seminars are an interactive way of having discussions and interactions with the professionals.

• The seminars can be held by studio tutors or the

• Student body to gain training or extra knowledge in a specific subject.

• Seminars can help gain perspective on the professional side of the field.

• The seminars can be open for all student pan CEPT, as a very similar topic is tackled by students from respective faculties at various scales.


• Forums are formal events that can invite people from other design universities to showcase their work and process.

• Forums can help the students gain a new perspective to a subject or the process in general. Opening up interactions with the other universities can broaden ones vision and also open up multiple future opportunities of collaboration

• The forums also gives the students a chance to interact with

• very well known professionals as well as senior faculty members

• Lastly the process of holding such events inbuilts in the students teamwork and collaboration.

Guest Lectures

• This can be an initiative organised by students monthly bases to invite professionals, faculty members or senior students to showcase their work or experiences to the students.

• The lectures can help open up broader visions and subjects of interests of each individuals. An interaction with the faculty or the lecturer can help students create connections in the professional world.

• Also the process of inviting and talking to a multiple people can help can confidence and better understanding of collaboration

Importance of networking

Networking is an important skill that can be helpful in multiple ways, the above methods and ways can individuals, student and other members of the profession to grow and widen their perspective and ideas

Time Management

• As we come up with new ideas for making the academic and campus life more productive, fun and interactive, it becomes necessary for one to spare and manage time effectively to accommodate multiple activities in schedule

• It is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

• Time Management is a method to declutter ones schedule and set priorities straight.

• Adopting time effective measures help one to achieve set goals more easily.

• Few ways you can improve your time management skills:

• Learn to say no to unnecessary things.

• Prioritize your work wisely.

• Take enough rest.

• Spare minimal time in unproductive things.

• Set deadlines for yourself.

• Get enough sleep.

• Set small goals to gradually achieve the bigger ones.

• Plan out your next day everyday before you go to sleep.

• Keep your mind at peace and stay organized.


While planning and initiating such networking events it is important to understand the area of expenses that can come and prioritize as per requirement.


U21225-Aneri Thakkar- Formal Events - Alumni Networking/ Time Management/Ideation

PCR 22039-Anjana M S- Level of Approach/ Grey Space Events/ Costing/Shyness Vs Cost Analysis/


UG180349-Meher Shah- Formal Events/ Costing/Ideation


Cost Analysis

While planning the formal events it is important to understand and keep in mind its areas of expense

• The setting up of the events, Tables, chairs, and audio visual equipments

• The transport cost of the presenters invited to the events

• The cost to bring in a professional or a senior faculty member to give in their time.

• Logistical cost that includes printing, food, decoration, cleaning and repairs

• Things need to be taken care of

While conducting these events, it happens sometimes that few people get left out, it is important that all the events from informal to grey space to formal is carefully curated where no one is left out. Also taking care about the schedule of everyone's studios and juries and submissions. It's never possible that these events can be of benefit for everyone or the campus wide initiative can work for everyone but these events does help majority of people to move out of their comfort zone and socialise and expand their opportunities.

UIR20263-Rishitha Tayyuru- Trajectory path/ Informal Events/ Grey Space Events/Ideation


Anjana M Sasikumar (PCR 22039)

Formulation of level of approach to get a better understanding of the reach of the initiatives proposed. We came to a deficit of topics and required repeated brainstorming with my teammates to develop a new division/pathway to proceed with the topic.

Aneri Thakkar (U21225)

We were on the right track until week 7 but after that we faced a creative blockage and couldn’t come up with new ideas. Satyam Sir at that time helped us with coming up with new topics like costing, level of approach and more. After that we were back on the track and started working collaboratively within our group as well as individually.

Meher Shah (UG180349)

The issues faced after mid sem were the ideation of newer solutions and events that can connect people on a campus wide scale. How to integrate the idea of formal keeping in mind our main focus on interaction and networking. Satyam sir helped us segregate our ideas and channelise our thoughts in a correct direction.I would like to thank him for his guidance and mentorship.

Rishitha Tayyuru (UIR20263)

After midsem, one issue we had was extending our ideation and taking our topic to campus level. This required lots of discussions, brainstorming and research which pushed us off schedule. Considering it was after mid sem it was really hard for all of us to meet up and discuss for even few minutes.

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