SAUCEink Magazine (December 2010 / January 2011)

Page 1


A World in

Black and White

Bachelor of the Month Who is the Real Elliott Danker?


A girlie affaire; from the beginning till the end

City Lights Taking a look at Singapore after dark…

Crystal PHOUNG

Professional Latin Dancer up close

Fashion Fresh

The Latest on Fashion at Paragon

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!

What to wear for Chinese New Year

Finding Mr. Right Where to go fishing for the big catch



Miss Earth

“I am a human being with two eyes, one nose and one mouth,” says Valerie Lim w w w. S au c e I N K . c o m



34 Marks


& Spencer



64 Custo




92 ED-08 & Etrica

84 Les





114 CNY 110 The

Professional Latin Dancer

28 . Bachelor of the Month


MEET OUR BLOGGER 116 Beauty Blogger



68 The Perfect Companion


Sabrina Wang Creative Director

Managing Director

Celestino Geronimo Desmond Wang Art Director

Finance Manager

Koh Ting Ting Winnie Ng Fashion Editor


Isabelle Neo Derek Rodriguez Fashion Assistant Vanessa Wang Maria Fernandez Priscilla Lee Photographer Aylwin Lek Fidelis Toh Writers Rykiel Sim Celia Lomio Catherine Panaguiton Margaret Lee Wang Xin Ling Melanie Lim Social Networks Facebook: Twitter: Contacts Editorial: Advertising: Mushroom Multimedia Pte Ltd 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #07-29 E-Centre@Redhill, Singapore 159471 Telephone: +65 6274 1028 Fax: +65 6274 9368 Email: SauceINK is published by Mushroom Multimedia Pte Ltd, 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #07-29 E-Centre@Redhill, Singapore 159471. Telephone +65 6274 1028. Fax +65 6274 9368. SauceINK shall not, without written consent of the publishers, be given, lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade, and it shall not be lent, hired out or otherwise disposed of in a mutilated condition or in any unauthorized cover by way of trade; or affixed to or as part of any publication or advertising, literary or pictorial matter whatsoever. We welcome editorial submissions from contributors but no responsibility is accepted for lost material. All views and opinions expressed by our contributors are theirs alone and do not reflect the views of Mushroom Multimedia Pte Ltd. All prices are approximate and are quoted in Singapore dollars unless otherwise stated.

Be a SauceINK fan, tap and receive discounts! Partnering with Taggo together with THEBLOGSHOP, SauceINK rewards YOU for just being our Facebook Fan! With every purchase at THEBLOGSHOP, regardless the amount, you’ll receive a flat 5 percent discount for just being a fan of our Facebook Page!

What’s more? From now until the release of our next issue (where we’ll announce the lucky winners), we’ll be giving out “Answer & Win” prizes to YOU! What’s the question you ask? We’ll be posting it out on our Facebook Page so stalk us if you may!

1st Prize: Polaroid Camera 2nd Prize: Holga Camera 3rd Prize: 3-lens Camera Consolation Prizes: 20 Tops

Letter from the Editor The world of fashion can be a cruel place but at the same time one filled with bright colours and countless styles, mats (what we gamers refer to as materials), etc. Who can really tell, “What’s in, what’s not?” It’s really quite a bias if you think about it. I can say Princess Leia’s costume is “in” and force that idea across to you. At the same time, another can say, I’m insane. But who can blame him/her; “experimental” type of fashion is not accepted by all. We all love Lady Gaga (or at least I do) but if you actually see someone dress in (really) strong shoulder pads and (really) short shorts... yes we’ll all take a second look, some might even admire her (assuming the “wear-er” is female) for her bravery. Others... might hold it in and laugh after walking a distance away. Fashion is like art and your body is the fortunate or unfortunate canvas. We mock or flatter, opinions on style are very personal. We probably don’t want to look like good ole Chuck 24/7. But then again, Lady Gaga’s style is probably a little (or a lot) off the norm scale. Basically, what everyone else (within your circle that is) is wearing is “in”, in reality that is. And what we drool over, as the tall model poses and passes us is... the designer’s perception of what fashion is to be. My point being? Not much really. I’m pretty conservative, though a cos-player deep down hidden in this dark, previously green, chamber of mine that I call “my room”, you wouldn’t even bother taking a second look at my not so “out there” style. What you wear - our supposed “style,” doesn’t always justify who you are. It only justifies what you want to become or need to be. Chuck and Lady Gaga I am not. I’m me. This girl that blends in, a little crazy from time to time, and has but as much style as Princess Leia without StarWars. (You don’t want to know what made me write this note/letter/whatever you want to call it.) On a lighter note, it’s the end of the year! Parties, gifts, the need to get a new organiser... did I miss out anything? Truth be told, I love the idea of “gone with the old, in with the new”. Sadly... though excellent in Mathematics when I was back in school (Accounting aside), numbers irk me - the only upset to a fresh new start of a fresh new year.

Sabrina Wang


For more fashion-lifestyle articles,

visit www.



09 20 O RE AP NG SI h rt ea ss Mi

valerie LIM She’s more than just a “pretty face”. She’s a white collar professional by day, make-up collector by night, and a beauty queen by title (Miss Earth Singapore 2009). A perfect combination of beauty and brains wrapped together in Black and White. We had the pleasure of having a one-on-one converstaion with this month’s covergirl.

Photography by: Aylwin Lek


In ten words (or so) describe who you are: I am a human being with two eyes, one nose and one mouth. Is that ten words already?

Q: Tell us something about yourself that you’ve never openly told anyone else before? I’m actually a guy in a girl’s body. Haha.

Q: How would you describe your fashion sense? If you were to pick one style, what would it be? I like to mix street style with a little bit class and cute. Think tailored jackets with sneakers or cute poofy skirts with high cut sneaker boots. And yes, I love sneakers.

Q: What is your favourite label/designer, and why? Sad to say, I don’t really follow fashion labels or trends because I look for comfort over anything else.

Q: You’re a beauty blogger. What do you think sets you apart from the rest of the beauty bloggers out there? I think having the title Miss Earth Singapore helps set me apart as the tips, tutorials and products I feature on my blog are items/tricks that I actually use and have experimented with.

Q: If you had to, how would you brand and advertise yourself and your blog? - dweaming of the beautiful (because I believe that if you can dream beautiful you can be beautiful).


Q: There are many types of modelling/models (fashion, beauty, runway, etc) - which do you think you’re best \ suited for? Wow. Of course if I choose, I’d say I want to do everything! But I think since I do the beauty blog, I’d have to say I’m best suited for beauty.

Q: How did it feel being crowned Miss Earth? Can you share with us a little of what you had to go through to get the title? Would you go through it again? If so, which title are you aiming for? It was surreal when I crowned Miss Earth Singapore last year. It was down to the two of us and when they called the other girl’s name for the 1st runner up, I was rather stunned. But it’s been an amazing experience learning about the environment and knowing what problems plague it. I definitely would go through it again because going overseas for the one month to compete internationally and meet 89 other contestants from all over the world was truly unforgettable. You get to learn so much about different countries, different cultures and you also learn something about yourself in the entire processals and products I feature on my blog are items/tricks that I actually use and have experimented with.


Q: Where do you see yourself and what do you hope to achieve in 5 years time? I see myself being the ruler of the world in 5 years time. Haha.

Q: Any tips (fashion, beauty, diet, etc) for the readers on how to be as fabulous as you? Awwww… Thanks for the compliment. I always like to say that beauty is a state of mind. Being beautiful isn’t just about looking good on the outside, you have to think beautiful to be beautiful. Of course, having a proper diet, a proper skin care routine, good rest and tonnes of water definitely helps. It probably sounds really naggy, but mom was right all along.

Q: Any last words you would like to convey to our readers? If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it. Because beauty is only a state of mind.



y by : Ayl




win Lek


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AW BL o AC r l K




Modesty Work Dress, SGD59.00, from WhoThatGurl


Dress from Ramwithroses




Top from Princessa’s Wardrobe, pants from THEBLOGSHOP


Top from cokefromthesky pants from THEBLOGSHOP


Dress from cokefromthesky


Dress from Princessa’s Wardrobe






Top, skirt and jacket from THEBLOGSHOP


Elliott Danker is not just a Host, Writer, Trainer… he is now a Fashion Designer! No wonder he’s among CLEO Singapore’s 50 most eligible bachelors and now SauceINK’s. Ladies could be going ga-ga (or are they already?)!

Bachelor of the Month Elliott Danker, previously a radio DJ with stations like 91.3fm and Power98fm, is currently an artiste with Artiste-E, a Boutique Talent Management, which houses talents such as Diana Ser, Jamie Yeo, Vernetta Lopez, Nicholas Lee, etc. When he isn’t hosting, writing, training, or designing, Elliott muses: “I like reading comics and collecting toys. My favourite past times are watching movies in the cinema or on DVD (which I have quite a collection as well).” “I love watching football and I support Manchester United.” Before Elliott embraced the media industry, he studied Law. He shared with us, “One day when I went back to my school for a visit, one of my lecturers actually told me that he always had a feeling I would go into the media industry and that Law was just a way of opening me up. Guess he was right.”



“In order to shine on stage, you gotta have a lot of love inside” - Elliott Danker

Photography by: Aylwin Lek

Q: In ten words (or so) describe who you are: I really am just an average kid who believes that dreams can come true. Q: Run us through your typical working day: I’m usually up and about by 8 or 8.30am and the first thing that I must have in the morning is coffee! Hahaha! It has to be the right cup, I love the good old coffee shop kinds but the mix has to be right otherwise my entire day is just ruined. As silly as it sounds it’s almost as if I haven’t started the day on the right note. After that most of the morning is spent answering and sending emails and such. Mostly to do with my other projects like my latest one being an online pop culture magazine so I’d be arranging for interviews and stories to cover. I work from home so I’ve set up my own home office so I’m in a pretty comfortable environment. By 2pm I’m out of the house attending meetings or show rehearsals and maybe even teaching classes since I’m a public speaking instructor as well.

Evenings are rotated between hosting corporate functions and just chilling out with friends over dinner or my favourite hobby, watching a movie. I’m an absolute movie junkie so I really love spending time at the movies. Q:What is your best asset? Hmmm I would have to say I know when to be patient and smile. Honestly I’m not the most patient person in the world but when it matters, like when I’m doing an event or I’m faced with a difficult client or situation where others are watching me, I tend to be able to smile and keep calm through settling it. Although other times when I’m among friends or alone, I get impatient when things don’t go right. Thankfully my friends are more forgiving. Haha! Q: How would you define your personal style? Actually I’m more of a T-Shirt and Jeans kind of guy because when I’m on stage I usually host Corporate events from my Artiste Management agency, Artiste-E so you can imagine I’m always in a suit and tie. T-Shirt and Jeans is something more comfortable for the off days. 29

I’d like to have a more open mind and guts when it comes to these things instead of having to sit and decide long and hard before doing it. Having said that, it’s not so bad taking a while to decide either because then I won’t be so blind diving into things.

I was young right so what the heck, I spent an entire day with the help of a friend baking that birthday cake, turned up at her door with it, covered with some flour on my shirt and gave her the cake. Did I get the girl? Haha no, she didn’t believe I made the cake myself. Q: What is your ideal date night like? I love a good conversation with a girl. It’s always nice to have some things in common but just enough so that there are things we’d agree on and things we could debate about, get different opinions. Intelligence in a girl really catches my attention dashed with the right amount of humour. Q: What is your worst date experience? There was this one time I was out on a date with this girl and we had absolutely nothing to talk about, I mean she was a nice girl but we just didn’t have much to talk about so I think it was kinda boring for both of us. Q:Your first crush. Who was she? Erm… my music teacher in secondary school. She was cute la and I was 13 or 14, she was probably fresh out of school so maybe 22 or 23.

Q:What is the most romantic thing you have ever done? This was a really really long time ago. There was this girl that I liked very much and I had never really “chased” a girl so I didn’t know what worked and what didn’t, so I asked some friends for suggestions and one of them said I should bake a cake for her on her birthday.


It was quite funny really I remember there was this one time she was learning to roller blade after school so half the class wanted to help her out. We stood in a circle while she tried to balance herself on her rollerblades in the middle, each one of us were “pillars” in case she needed someone to cling on to if she was gonna fall. I was lucky enough because I remember she hung on to me a few times... hahaha.

Q: What is the one physical feature you look for in a woman? I would say a nice smile, almond shaped eyes, strong jaw line, long hair… oh wait! I’m describing someone I’m dating! Q: What is the most important character/trait you look for in a woman? Intelligence dashed with the right amount of humour. Q: What do you think of women who go under the knife? Well it depends really. Minor stuff like removing a mole or what not I’m cool with it. But changing your entire look like maybe a nose or jaw job I’m against because I like a person who loves herself, is happy with herself and is confident about herself. Generally a lot of a person’s self confidence comes from how happy we are about the way we look so if the girl I’m dating is happy with her original look then I’d be glad to be with someone who is an “original package”.

Q: If you could be any woman for a day, who would you be? I’d say Jennifer Anniston. In most ways I’m kinda like the male version of her. Not exactly “woman of the year ambassador” but the type who’s fun to talk too, humorous and at the same time very passionate about the things that I do. If it were in local context then maybe Rebecca Lim who acted in “The pupil”. Strong willed and passionate yet still looking to learn more and grow.

Q: Beauty vs. brains? Which is more important to you and why? I’m not gonna lie, beauty is definitely important because if I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with this person or date this person for that matter, I wanna like looking at her. However if I had to choose between the two then brains is more important to me because I look for good conversations especially with the girl I’m dating and in love with. Good, intelligent conversations help two people connect and that’s really the best and longest lasting part in any relationship.


Fashion- Q&A ORIENTED Q: If fashion is food, what would it be? Why is that so? I would say it’s BBQ Stingray for me. I’ll always want it and I know where I can get good Stingray yet I’m still in search of that perfect BBQ stingray because I’m never satisfied. Q: Where do you get the inspiration for your designs? The idea of the name ED-08 was inspired by a number of things. I looked at my football heroes like David Beckham and Rio Ferdinand, they have clothing labels too and it normally features their initials and jersey number so I knew I wanted something like that because the idea appealed to me. In 2010 I was featured as one of Cleo magazines’ 50 most eligible bachelors and no. 8 was attached to me. So I thought to called it ED08, but as we got down to the Japanese anime inspired designs I figured that it would be a good idea to add a ‘-’ between ED and 08 to give it a more mecha feel. The designs are based on a robot made out of recycled parts. These parts are old music parts like a turn table and a boombox to highlight my love for music having been a radio DJ for almost 5 years; you will even find an “on air” box on the robot’s left arm. I then decided that I would call this robot ED-08 and we designed the entire range based on the different poses and aspects of this anime inspired robot. It’s got a lot of elements of me in it, like my love for robots, music and now my stand on being eco friendly. Q: Who are some of your favourite designers? Why? Anything particular about their designs that attracts you? To be honest fashion is something very new to me, I like clothes from Armani Exchange and Calvin Klein but with ED-08 it was not just the chance to design my own range that appealed to me but it was more the Eco friendly aspect which gave me a cause to stand for. Doing this is more about going into fashion with a cause and not just any cause, an eco cause that could be worn. You could say it’s like wearing what you believe in. 32

Q: Clothing can range from prices like 5 bucks to 5 thousand. In your opinion, what justifies the price? What do you think is most important ingredient in making good apparel? I think you justify your own price. How much do you like the designs to pay the amount that has been stamped on it? Of course marketing and business owners will disagree and say that prices have to match the value but answering as a consumer I think I decide how much I’m willing to pay. If the item is nice enough and if I can afford it then why not. Take a football jersey for example, it’s very much a part of the local fashion scene but it costs over 100 dollars. How often can you wear it? Material aside you probably can only wear it on casual or lazy days, it’s not like it’s very trendy for you to wearing for a date right. Yet people pay for it because they support the club and they love the club enough to want to buy the jersey no matter how others may feel about the cost. Q: Your slogan, “In order to shine on stage, you gotta have a lot of love inside” could you elaborate a little more on the statement? How does this apply to your fashion designs? As an artiste I am an entertainer on stage. As a host being an entertainer to the audience or to anyone for that matter you have to do it with passion and with heart. Of course there may come a point that you get so good at this job that being on stage is second nature. The thing is, having that special x-factor and spark still comes from the heart. In short, if I don’t love the job I do then I can’t do well in it. I suppose it applies to my designs because the character in the label ED-08 is made up of a lot of aspects of me. Take for example its structure is inspired by my love for robots and anime and it’s made up of recycled music appliances like a turn table, boom box and cassette deck. All of which outline my love of music having been a radio DJ for almost 5 years. Q: You recently had your first fashion show. How was the experience like putting a show together? Which part of it did you love and hate the most? Putting the show together was just like any other show I’ve put together during my time as a radio DJ. I always approach an event as a producer and so I produced the launch of Midnight Garden and ED-08.

An important aspect in putting or producing shows is to always think about the show first. I’ve seen people try to put shows together and somewhere along the line they start thinking about the glory of success, their own glory so to speak. That’s a big no-no with me because the show always comes first.

Q: Why eco-friendly? What does eco-friendly mean to you? To be eco friendly is to care for the environment. It’s doing your part. Now you can’t single handedly save the world but you can make a difference.

I love the creative process of putting the show together, the type of music we would use and how different we wanted to make it which is why I recorded voiceovers to introduce each capsule label but the voiceovers were in the form of a story.

Q: What are some of your goals in the fashion industry? For starters I hope people will buy the ED-08 range… haha! I hope that consumers would think of it to be a unique yet practical line and pick it up.

We were standing up for ‘fashion with a cause’ so we wanted to add that cause / story into the fashion show and I think it worked well. I can’t say I hate any aspect to producing a show. There are always ups and downs but if I could say there were something I would hate then it would be the production team not learning from mistakes or pointing fingers. I don’t like that; after all it’s a team effort so credit and blame should be equal. With the Etrican and ED-08 launch I was lucky because there was no such thing, the folks at Etrican and myself got along fine and it was really a pleasure putting the whole thing together! Q: Was your first fashion show how you imagined it to be? How would rate it on a five-star scale? What would you have changed if given the opportunity? Yes it turned out how I wanted it to. Personally if I could rate it I’d go for 4 out of 5 stars. 1 short of a perfect 5 because of little things like admin and some other minor details, all of which provide good lessons for us to improve on in future. Q: In your line of work, I’m guessing you interact quite a bit with artiste and models, if given an opportunity, who would you want to work closely with? My idol David Beckham! I think that says enough right… haha! Q: The fashion industry has a “reputation”. What advice would you give to aspiring fashion designers before they embark on this path? My advice would be to never give up on your dreams! I’ve interviewed and hosted for many international acts and they all say the same thing, dreams do come true but you gotta believe in it and keep doing it. One day all your hard work will pay off.

Long term I’d definitely like to do more designs and continue to expand the range. ED-08 is meant to be more than just the designs on the tees but the robot character ED-08 represents doing your part for the environment. It’s not just a design, it’s an idea. Q: You’re a DJ, host, writer, trainer, quite known in the industry; what made you decide to include “fashion designer” among those? It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Have my own ideas turned into designs for people to wear. The runway has always fascinated me, especially the significance and atmosphere of a fashion show. I’ve hosted fashion shows before and now that I’ve launched my own label. I can tell you that the feeling is completely different when you see models wearing your own designs. Q: Where do you see yourself and what do you hope to achieve in 5 years time? It’s always been my dream to be a host on a sports channel and I hope I will be able to achieve that or be given that opportunity in the next 5 years as an artiste. Honestly I want to continue to try new things, perhaps become a rapper or singer….. haha! I know I’ve done something unique here by making the switch from Radio to Fashion and I don’t expect to stop making and trying bold new things. Of course my love for Radio will always be there and to be honest, I do miss going on air so perhaps in the next 5 years I’ll be back on air too. I left the industry to pursue new things and grow from Radio DJ to Artiste but I’ve never said goodbye to radio and I didn’t say goodbye on my last day on air. 33

Photography by: Aylwin Lek



This fashion show previews the Marks & Spencer Fall/Winter 2010 Collection. It was part of “The Lighter Side of Style” by Paragon. 35


“The Lighter Side of Style” was Paragon’s celebration of fashion and style. Marks & Spencer was among the many other brands that participated. 37


The fashion show featured a collection with a mix of colour play as well as the basic shades for everyday wear. 39


For the smart wear, Marks & Spencer featured an array of colours with a combination of sleek cuts, basic style and subdue elegance. 41


Included also in the collection are dresses that will make excellent outfits for the holiday parties that will surely be pouring your way this holiday season. 43

Photography by: Aylwin Lek

Calvin Klein Jeans FASHION SHOW 2010 This fashion show showcases Calvin Klein Jeans’ Fall/Winter Collection for 2010. The collection carries denim and casual clothing. 44

Calvin Klein Jeans is one of the most visible brands in the Calvin Klein portfolio, with stores all around the globe. 45



G-STAR RAW 33thirty three

G-Star Raw, commonly call G-Star, held its Fall/Winter fashion show for both men’s and women’s collection producing fashionable urban clothing styles. Photography by: Aylwin Lek


G-Star is quite popular among students in Europe, and many notable persons modeled for the brand now and in the past, like Liv Tyler, Marnus Carlsen, and Joseh Belmonte. 49

The label was originally named Gap Star but they eventually changed it when they decided to join the international platform. As you can see in their collection, they focus on RAW denim which is simply unwashed, untreated denim. Photography by: Aylwin Lek



The inspiration of the brand is influenced by European fashion trends combined with military clothing based on vintage military apparel that they buy from different parts of the world. Photography by: Aylwin Lek


Their latest fashion show in Paragon was a success. Many fashion enthusiasts and experts were present as well as local celebrities.


Photography by: Aylwin Lek


DKNY jeans, one of Donna Karan’s many fashion labels, held a fashion show for their fall/winter collection. The show featured both their women and men’s offerings for the season. 54

Evidently, Karan was able to accomplish her goal and was able to combine comfort and luxury in her clothing.


This year’s collection includes “shearling fur dress,” Wool Boucle Poncho and their staple jeans and leather jackets.


For the men’s collection, they featured some knit scarves, cross-zipped jackets, slim articulated pants, and many other variations and style. 57

There are also dresses, like the Printed Floral Ruffle Dress that would fit quite nicely for the holiday season. Knit beanies complete some of the looks featured in the collection. 58

There are other designs available. This collection truly reflects the image of the brand that is DKNY jeans. That’s why it’s among one of the most successful by Donna Karan. 59



Anteprima Fall/Winter Collection fashion show at Paragon, is themed “Home Party.”

Photography by: Aylwin Lek



The collection carries warm, soft, comfy and natural touches; Inviting peers home to enjoy a relaxing, care-free yet chic party.


Custo Barcelona FASHION SHOW 2010

Custo Barcelona, the brand inspired by the lax attitude of southern California, held its Fall/Winter Collection at Paragon, featuring bold, bright and psychedelic patterns. 64

Brothers Custo and David Dalmau started the brand in 1981. Now the brand makes everything from suits to swimwear. Their followers just can’t get enough.

Photography by: Aylwin Lek


Coming from a humble origin of T-shirts, the screen-prints have evolved into these lovely dresses.


It’s a merry Holiday Season for Custo Barcelona because it’s difficult to be more colorful than this. 67


COMPANION Photography is a popular hobby for many Singaporeans. It goes either way - taking photos, or having their photos taken. Whatever the case may be, there can be a perfect companion for those perfect photo-taking sessions.

JILL-E medium deep pink leather camera bag, SGD330 from The Camera Corner



If you need a bit more room, features and functionality, we highly recommend a medium deep pink leather camera bag. It easily hangs from your shoulder - practically hassle-free.


More of the outdoor type? There’s the weatherproof deep brick leather with accented weave pattern trim exterior. You can choose between leather & suede, in a range of designs & colors depending on your mood.



JILL-E medium deep brick leather camera bag, SGD330 from The Camera Corner

This medium camera/carry-all bag can handle more demanding trips and tasks and look terrific doing it! Whether it’s an overnight trip, a daylong business session or a more complex photo shoot, they perform and protect with style and class.


You can also take for your photo shoots even when the sun is not quite shining‌

JILL-E brown suede with brown leather trim exterior, SGD330 from The Camera Corner

Kaedie Polka Tube Dress, SGD27, from Milly Walker


JILL-E medium bone leather camera bag, SGD330 from The Camera Corner

Shasta Stripes Dress, SGD30, from Milly Walker

If and when your outfit needs it, there is the weather proof bone leather with black trim exterior, for that picture perfect look!


Own a small camera? You can grab a small yellow nylon camera bag and you’re all set! Not bad for a nifty companion.

JILL-E small yellow nylon camera bag, SGD195 from The Camera Corner

Teryl Stripes Halter Neck Dress, SGD28, from Milly Walker


JILL-E small white leather camera bag, SGD230 from The Camera Corner


For a long walk, while capturing the view with your favorite camera, you can bring a versatile companion with you.


If you didn’t really plan on taking photo sessions, but you know you will never be able to resist clicking away, there’s a little companion that you can fall in-love with.



JILL-E alll purpose videocam/camera bag, SGD68 from The Camera Corner

But then again, if you’re particular with color (aren’t we all?) and your bag just has to match your camera, you can have it in red.


If you really need it even smaller because something bigger would definitely ruin your outfit, you’re lucky there is still something to match.

JILL-E classic black wristlet, SGD29 from The Camera Corner

Isaura Checkered Dress, SGD33, from Milly Walker



JILL-E small black leather camera bag, SGD230 from The Camera Corner

On the go and have no time to match? Go with something neutral that can fit most outfit in your closet.


There is also the perfect companion for the sun and surf if you need to lounge on the beach. A great companion outdoors!

JILL-E red sailcloth carry-all bag, SGD89 from The Camera Corner




JILL-E White sailcloth carry-all bag, SGD89 from The Camera Corner

If red doesn’t fit you, go white with a trim of blue.


Sit back, relax, and enjoy your masterpieces captured in your ever reliable camera. Memories that can last a lifetime!

JILL-E large moss green rolling camera bag, SGD405 from The Camera Corner

Photography by: Aylwin Lek


Be a SauceINK fan, tap and receive discounts! Partnering with Taggo together with THEBLOGSHOP, SauceINK rewards YOU for just being our Facebook Fan! With every purchase at THEBLOGSHOP, regardless the amount, you’ll receive a flat 5 percent discount for just being a fan of our Facebook Page!

What’s more? From now until the release of our next issue (where we’ll announce the lucky winners), we’ll be giving out “Answer & Win” prizes to YOU! What’s the question you ask? We’ll be posting it out on our Facebook Page so stalk us if you may!

1st Prize: Polaroid Camera 2nd Prize: Holga Camera 3rd Prize: 3-lens Camera Consolation Prizes: 20 Tops

les affaires fashion show 2010 Les Affaires prides itself in setting the international standard for sexy, stylish and comfortable clothing. It’s a European-inspired international sleepwear that made its debut in Singapore last 2008. Les Affaires combines materials of the highest quality to produce comfortable sleepwear guaranteed to intimately embrace the skin. It blends the latest cosmopolitan styles with functionality that every woman can fall in love with.



Les Affaires’s latest collection, the Vintage Trousseau, discovers the romance and sensuality of yester-year when you wear one of their pieces.



The collection ranges from flirty romper, to antique style lace dresses, drawing inspiration spanning from vintage and heritage, while still having a modern twist and touches in them.



Although a lot of women out there still believes in donning good ole fashion T-shirt and a pair of shorts, when we talk about hopping in to bed the princess within us all tells us that there has got-to be more to that and Les Affaires offers it.



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What most people know about Elliott is that he’s a Host, Writer, and Trainer. But quite recently he successfully launched his newest venture: ED-08. Elliott Danker, a local media personality and former Power 98 DJ, launched ED-08, a capsulate collection of organic cotton T-shirts designed in collaboration with Etrican which is the label leading the local eco fashion movements.


The collection brings together the ideas of entertainment and eco-friendliness in a modern context. The central theme is an imaginary android DJ, built entirely of recycled parts. The project seems perfectly natural when you talk to the people involved even though it is the first of its kind in Singapore. And according to Elliot, “I had been playing with the idea of going into fashion design for a while now and a collaboration with Etrican, given their eco-credentials, was the perfect way to put this into practice.”

On the other hand: Yumiko Uno, Etrican’s designer stated, “Given the excellent response we’ve had since we’ve started last year, a project of this sort was the natural step forward. Elliot’s great design ideas and his concern for the environment made the collaboration a no brainer.”

Hosted by DJ Choy, both collections were featured alongside local artists and promises to be a highlight of the local fashion scene this year. Local celebrities from the entertainment and environmental local communities were there to witness the event. It was truly a monumental partnership between Elliott and Etrican.

ED-08 was launched 13, November 2010 at Orchard Central together with “Midnight Garden collections,” Etrican’s brand new female collection featuring flower prints in subtle misty tones.


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PAVA Collection

“Have a Fling with some Bling” event

PAVA Collection Ptd. Limited, showcased their treasures at the event “Have a Fling with some Bling” at Incontro. While serving Prosecco and canapés, PAVA Collection showed off their Sri Lankan sapphire and gemstones.

Every piece of jewelry is created with a unique blend of contemporary and traditional craft. Wearing a piece is like becoming part of an exotic legend…


Photography by: Aylwin Lek

The PAVA collection is a result of a joint effort from Boutique ateliers in Sri Lanka and Singapore. Together, they created one of-a-kind designs at affordable prices. Luminous stones are set in gold, white gold, or sterling silver. The stones have fashionable cuts, influenced by current trends, with a classic feel to it that you are sure it will never go out of style. Ceylon white sapphire, which inspired royalty across the centuries, is where PAVA specialises. Let’s put it this way - if diamonds are a girl’s best friend, white sapphires would be her favourite pet! Sapphires, white and/or yellow gold, put them all together with PAVA’s distinguished team of craftsmen, and you definitely have a beauty to behold.



sophisticate IN ORCHARD ION Photography by: Aylwin Lek





Dresses from Sophisticate (51 Telok Ayer Street, #01-05); bags from THEBLOGSHOP


City Lights Photography by: Aylwin Lek


Victoria Beckham Dress (Sombre Grey), SGD59.00, from WhoThatGurl

Victoria Beckham Dress (Sombre Grey), SGD59.00, from WhoThatGurl


Jazzy Print Work Dress (Green), SGD49.00, from WhoThatGurl


Gabrielle Work Dress, SGD52.00, from WhoThatGurl


Cowlneck Dress (Grey), SGD42.00, from WhoThatGurl


Victoria Victoria Beckham Beckham Dress Dress (Midnight (Midnight Black) Black) and and Victoria Victoria Beckham Beckham Dress Dress (Sombre (Sombre Grey), Grey), SGD59.00, SGD59.00, fromfrom WhoThatGurl. WhoThatGurl

Break Out Work Dress (White), SGD52.00, from WhoThatGurl.




“So You Think You Can Dance?” Well, I can’t say I can but Crystal Phuong aka Crystal Fang, definitely can. This 26-year-old professional Latin dancer-instructor, and not to mention artist, took our breath away as she entertained us with her dance moves while our head photographer sweated, and snapped away, behind the camera.



110 Photography by: Aylwin Lek

In ten words (or so) describe who you are: Sweet, simple, sensual and sexy. A girl who loves everything in pink and shiny Crystal.

Q: Why Latin dance? I chose Latin dance because it’s sexy, wild, sensual and passionate. There wasn’t any story behind it. It was just a coincidence. I saw a short video clip of an international dance sport championship in 1998 and was totally stunned at the speed of the movements, the sexiness and the beauty of the female dancers that I decided to learn Latin dance. I wanted to be just like them.

Q: Care to share with us what makes or breaks a dancer? It’s not that difficult to become a dancer. All you need is time, training, patience, practice. However, to become a good dancer, you will need to put in a lot of hard work, even during injury. You need to have a lot of passion, 1 percent talent and 1 percent luck.

Q: You enter dance competitions. Could you name a couple of recent ones and how you fared? I’ve entered several dance competitions, for instance, the “International Queen’s Cup DanceSport Championship” in Jakarta in January. My partner and I came in sixth place in Amateur Latin category. We trained for weeks for it. After that, in August, the “11th Stardust DanceSport Championship” in Singapore. I changed dance partner and turned to Professional Latin instead. We took the championship title home. You can visit my Youtube channel ( to watch some of my dance videos.

Q: You described yourself as a “professional Latin dancer and instructor, freelance model and fashion designer”. What’s the difference between a dancer, instructor, model and fashion designer? I’m not just a Latin dancer; I’m a professional Latin dancer. It’s one of the recognition among the different levels of Latin dance. We have many different levels in Latin dance; from Beginner, Novice (intermediate), Pre-Amateur, Rising Star, Amateur and Professional. You need to pass each and every level in order to go for the next one. Professional is the highest level in a dance competition.


I compete, perform and coach, hence I’m also an instructor. Modelling is just one of my interests. I like to be in front of the camera, using poses to tell stories. I do events and photo shoots, but only selected ones, and only if I have time and if the project is worth my while. As a fashion designer... to be honest, I still haven’t had time or the chance to go through any proper fashion design course, yet. The clothing I designed are my own ideas and through self-learning. I started designing my own dresses when I joined my first dance competition in 2000. Then, I was looking for some tailors to make three dance costumes for me but I wasn’t satisfied with any of them. Making dance costumes were new to them and they couldn’t make it the way I want them to be. And so I decided to make my own dresses - of course with some help of the tailors. I don’t really differentiate the three: dancer, model or fashion designer. They’re all same to me because they’re my passion. Dancing makes my body flexible and it helps me to pose very easily in front of the camera. Fashion helps me a lot in saving money from buying dance costumes, which costs around SGD1,000 per piece. The only difference is, as a dancer you need to dance, as a model you need to pose, and as the fashion designer you need to come out with a new dress implementing your own style.

Q:How would you describe your fashion sense? If you were to pick one style, what would it be? Anything that is simple, unique and feminine - that’s my “fashion sense”. I love to play with the colour, combining different colours in one outfit. A simple dress with a nice decoration (not too much) catches my attention. I don’t usually follow the general fashion trend but I pick up things that I think is good and create a new style that suits my body and personality. For example, I would change a normal swimsuit into a dress, a Latin one, and nobody would be able to recognise that it was previously a swimsuit.


If I were to pick one style, it must be a SEXY one! I’ve tried many other styles before but my friends accepted none of them. The word “sexy” is the way to go for me, it’s like a signature.

Q: What is your favourite label/designer, why? Christian Dior! I fancy most of Christian Dior collections, in terms of design, colour, etc... Look at the latest Couture Fall 2010 collection, I find the colour combinations well matched. Dresses come with many shades and vibrant colours and they look sooo unique and attractive. Every single detail on the dress and accessories go so well the words sexy and feminine come to mind. I was really dazed when I first looked at the new collection and fell totally in love.

Q: In each of your fields of expertise, could you share with us what you felt you have achieved? Hmmm, tough question. Well, in my dancing career, what I’ve achieved is not just the titles or trophies. What is most precious to me is my students’ growth. Seeing them improve so fast, and the look on their faces as they jump up and down, clapping their hands likea kid (even though they’re 35- 40 years old and above), is my happiest moment. It’s my intangible achievement.

Q: What’s your deepest darkest secret? If I tell you my deepest darkest secret then it’s not gonna be my secret any more lolz :D

Q: Any tips (fashion, beauty, diet, etc) for the readers on how to be as fabulous as you? Exercise regularly! You don’t have to be on a diet, just go for any kind of exercise that you love and do it regularly. It can be the gym, running, walking, cycling, dancing etc. Drink more water, eat more vegetable, yoghurt, fruit, less sugar and oily stuff, and the body will balance itself. The most important thing is you have to stay happy and positive, always.

Q: Where do you see yourself and what do you hope to achieve in 5 years time? Changing my marital status from “Single” to “Double” (giving a hearty laugh). Five years is pretty long, things change along the way. I’m not sure where I will be in the next five years yet. For now, I just want to compete in the many local and international dance competitions and win some trophies. Maybe, I’d open my own dance studio and acquire popularity for my NCrystal Dance Fashion brand. Is that sounding a little too much?

Q: Any last words you would like to convey to our readers? Do take care of your image and beauty regardless how old you are, what you do, or where you come from because if you look good, you will feel good and confident. That’s one of the keys to success.


What to wear for

Chinese New Year

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

Another year has come, and everybody’s busy with the coming holiday season. Before you get too preoccupied doing your Christmas shopping, don’t forget that the Chinese New Year is just around the corner as well! The Chinese Culture has very rich traditions. Celebrating Chinese New Year is just one of the many traditions that is religiously practiced. It is a festive moment where people buy presents, decorations, food and of course - clothes. During the Chinese New year, everybody visits kin, relatives and friends. This practice is known as “new-year visits”. During these “visits” you wouldn’t want to be caught red handed without the right attire. Fret not because it’s fairly simple to make a statement. Always remember - think RED! You can still wear a different color, but make sure that you have red somwhere. Red symbolizes good luck, good fortune and wealth. Having mentioned wealth, gold is also a good color to wear during Chinese New Year. Try not to wear too much black because according to tradition, it symbolizes bad luck and possibly death. Nobody wants any of those two! If you want to play it safe, stick to traditional Chinese clothing like these. 114

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

If you’ll notice, the general concept didn’t change much since the 1900s.

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

There are a bit of changes in patterns and cut, but it still has the same feel to it. Both styles from different centuries still depict an aura of festivity for the Chinese New Year, good fortune and good life. Of course, don’t forget to accessorise. A bit of necklace with lots of charms paired with a bracelet or a nice pair of earrings, and even both would do the trick. Play around with colors. It wouldn’t hurt to be at your best in this festive season!


Kickstart your Anti-Aging regime with Boots! Recently I got to try Boots newest product range, No.7 Protect & Perfect Intense. Boots is UK’s leading pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer that specialize in anti-aging care Although I’ve just hit my sweet 20’s this year, I want to look good even when I’m in my 40’s, since I’m not blessed with the genes to possess glowing, translucent skin, it’s never too early to start my anti-aging regime. Better start early before you regret, I’ve known people who actually started using anti-aging products since they are 15-16 years old! I’ve been trying out the Boots best selling product Protect & Perfect Intense for a week now, the range consist of a Beauty Serum, Eye cream, Day Cream & Night Cream.

The Beauty Serum comes in a 30ml tube, it’s a gel-creme consistency which is light and perfect for people with oily skin like mine. It claims that after 4 weeks of usage appearance of lines and wrinkles is reduced up to 50%, I don’t have any wrinkles so i don’t see any obvious difference but i love how smooth and silky this serum glides on your skin, makes a good makeup primer as well. The Eye Cream contains lipopeptides, which help to penetrate the product deep into the skin which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. I like it that it’s hydrating but yet not greasy so it does not cause milia seeds on my eye area! Just apply a small amount of the eye cream and dab it on only with your 3rd or 4th finger. (Because they exert less pressure to prevent causing premature fine lines/wrinkles, after-all your eyes are the window to your soul, so do take care of them!)


The Protect & Perfect Intense Day Cream is awesome for lazy bums like me who prefer to have multi purpose facial products, ever heard of the phrase “One Stone kill Two Birds”? This magical cream other than keeps our skin hydrated and firm, contains the must-have protection our skin needs in sunny Singapore, SPF 15, UVA 5 Stars & lipopeptides. I’m loving how it just sinks into my skin, hydrating my dehydrated skin deeply, leaving it so smooth. And yet does not leave a sticky residue after application. The Protect & Perfect Intense Night Cream is basically the same as the Day Creambut without the SPF. I only have to use a tiny blob of this stuff for my whole face and neck, don’t forget the neck area! Do you know that the neck is where it really shows your age? Your neck is like tree trunks, the more rings the trunk has the older the tree is! Massage your face in upward strokes to “lift” your facial skin rather than downwards then you’re pulling your skin down and it might cause premature sagging! After one week of use, i feel that my skin is deeply hydrated and definitely more elastic! Kickstart your anti-aging regime by grabbing a set of Protect & Perfect Intense from

Loves, TheLuckiestChick.


The “Staycation” that had it ALL! Ask around folks, “staycation” is the way to go! A getaway that doesn’t actually require you to getaway yet still gives you that vacation feeling you yarn. In the United Kingdom, and probably the United States, a staycation basically means spending a period of time relaxing at home, and perhaps taking day trips to area attractions. It achieved popularity during the financial crisis of 2007 to 2010 as it was (and is) significantly more expensive to travel. Here in Singapore? Well, some of us tend to do it a little differently from others. Like all vacations, you need to plan, you need to research, you need to pack, and you probably need to spend - it can be expensive or inexpensive depending on how you go about it. Well, okay, if you actually go by the rules set according to Wikipedia, then no, you won’t have to pack or spend much. But like I said, some of us tend to do it a little different from others. Generally, it’s still a staycation as we regard Singapore (small as it is) our home. “When there’s a spark it can lead to fire,” so I say. All it took was a bit of work stress, a bunch of working girls, overly excited talk of a holiday, the realisation of budget constrain, and voila! We have ourselves a, “Let’s do a staycation!” Not just any ole staycation, “The” staycation that would blow the rest away.


So exactly how did we change the good ole “staycation” to something beyond your wildest imagination? Here’s our (or rather my) account of what it should be - a girls’ staycation with Singapore’s well renowned fashion, beauty and lifestyle bloggers.

The “Staycation” that had it ALL!

Step 1:

Finding a place to “stay” and have a “vacation” at. If you happen to have a nice place to stay, with no major restrictions from your family, GREAT! Then you can omit this. You can just get everyone to your place. Unfortunately for us, we can’t. And part of the reason for a staycation is to somewhat get-away from our families… kinda.

Step 2: Checking in to the hotel. The most exciting part of every vacation is the moment you’re about to embark in it. Unfamiliar with “staycation” the reception naturally assumed, with five girls checking into one room, it was a Bachelorette night. We played along.

Step 3: Settling in, making a mess! What fun is it in a tidy room? Despite being neat freaks, we manage to make a good mess - make-up bags, clothes, the works!


Wenya Designs’s Collection

Wenya Designs’s Collection Mynt’s Collection

Mynt’s Collection

120 Mynt’s Collection

Wenya Designs’s Collection

Elstarade’s Collection

Urban Bangs’s Collection

Vanilla Lollies’s Collection

The make-over and mini-fashion show! Girls and make-up gel perfectly! And let’s not forget the mini-fashion show we held to amuse one another. Photos were essential, tons of it if I may add.

Milly Walker’s Collection

Miuee’s Collection


Step 5: The nightlife. All dressed up with make-up and new clothing, nicely done nails and perfect hairdo. What better way to showcase our masterpieces then to hit the clubs! Nightlife in Singapore is rich with “culture�, and Clarke Quay is perhaps the best place to find it.

Step 6: Sleeping in style! Beauty sleep has never been emphasised the way we did it. And to synchronise, every piece of sleepwear came from Les Affaires.


Step 7: Pillow fight! Like all classic sleepovers, a pillow fight is imperative to completing the experience - think Sweet Valley.

Step 8: The end...

All good things come to an end. But every ending is a fresh new beginning. Till next staycation!

Read each girl’s account of the staycation! Nadia: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Jacelyn: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Fidelis: Part 1 Esther: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


TOP By Tjut Rostina



It’s the bane of every single woman’s existence… where did all the good men go? Or in Singapore, it’s WHERE DID ALL THE MEN GO? Easy - single women have been desperately looking for love in all the wrong places. And, stop waiting for Prince Charming to appear in front of you and sweep you off your feet! It’s a fairy tale, and we all know that fairy tales don’t come true. So, now that you’re done screaming foul at me for ruining your castles in the sky, you’re ready to find out where you can find real men – For True Love or Loving on the Go.


Photo from Web Link / Photo Link


This is one of the most underrated hot beds for a manhunt. Here, you not only get to see men who are brave enough to go grocery shopping on their own, but you’ll also get to gauge the kind of personality they’ve got from the items in their shopping cart. Whether you’re looking for the culinary expert in the kitchen, Mr Fix-It, or just straight to bed Jack, you’ll get them here. Who says you can’t go shopping for men?

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

East Coast & Siloso Beach



Ah… the sun, the sand and definitely the sex. The men can have their Baywatch dreams with boobs threatening to jump out of tiny swimsuits, but women know better than to hope for TV fantasies to come true. Women just head down to East Coast Beach, where we get to analyse those glistening bodies in action up close. Yes, we like watching men sweating in action too, and showing off their masculine power in battle, definitely screams out sexy in capital letters. On the other end of the category, this is also where you can hope to find the brooding, sentimental and sensitive guy, who is probably sitting somewhere trying to draw inspiration for his next work of art, or just staring at the sunset. Sexy or sensitive, take your pick here, or better yet, take two if you can handle it… after all, there’s a reason why you’ve got a drink named Sex On The Beach.

The Office Distraction

Remember that wonderful feeling when you wake up, knowing that school is just that much better and bearable thanks to that cute guy in your class? Now, revive that in the office. There’s definitely some nice single guy in the office, primed for picking. And the best part about dating a guy from Photo from Web Link / Photo Link work is that you’ve worked with him, you know his style, and there’s always that opportunity for a quick tryst in the stairway, elevator, or even in the boss’ office. The thrill of getting caught laces the little office scandal with a touch of danger and 9-to-5 flirtation. Now… you’ll never be late for work… or at least, you won’t be late for work alone.


Photo from Web Link / Photo Link



Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

Gym This is probably the one and only place where you can have a buffet spread of physical specimens and watch them pump iron. Or better yet, invest in dating the un-noticeable guy who is working his way to being the next hot stud on the block, in that way, there’s less competition, and he’ll also know that you’ve loved him from his wimpy crappy days. So, reluctant gym goers should really gather your lazy bones, because here’s another reason why the gym not only gives you a body that screams hot sex, but will actually get you some.

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

Some guys are such a turn-on the moment you lay eyes on them, but intellectual stimulation goes a long way after that first sight. No longer a place where you’ll only find the stereo-typical squares hanging out, the library has transformed itself into a bustling hub of activities, with exhibitions, art performances, courses, talks… creating more opportunities to meet and mingle with potential partners. Along with a hungry mind, quite a number of them have no clue that they’re attractive to the female of the species. But here lies the unexplored land of studs; your Clark Kent’s and Peter Parkers’ await to please you endlessly. With an intense desire to put their knowledge to practice and overwhelmed with the fact that you would want to mate with them, you can be sure that this time you will get to try out every move in the book. All you have to do is standby for a wild ride of utmost pleasure.


Photo from Web Link / Photo Link Photo from Web Link / Photo Link



Weddings Concerts & Arts Festivals Music, Dance and Drama! Nope, this is not just another Bollywood movie plot, but the possible start of your love story. In an environment with highly charged energy fueled with the passion of dynamic performances that tug at your emotions, you will lose your inhibitions and yet be confined in a world that entirely separates you from your worldly worries. It’s here that you will find guys who dare to be themselves, be it dancing and screaming crazily at a rock concert, or just truly appreciating cultural art forms. The mat rockers, the theatre critic or even the orchestra aficionado, will all be in their element here. And the best part is, the crazier you are here, the more they’re going to want you.t you.

A celebration of love and bliss is always infectious… everyone’s in that lovey-dovey mood; older relatives’ matchmaking eligible guys and gals, and aunties asking the number one most irritating question: “So, when’s your turn?” Fear not my frustrated single friends, as annoying as such questions can deter you enough from attending any wedding till you’ve got a man on your arm, every wedding is fertile ground to meet a special someone. Look out for the groom’s single friends, who are probably tolerating the same jibes you’re getting from your friends to get hitched. If it’s a relative’s wedding, you’ll be sure that people will be more than keen to get you hooked up, and the best part is, their whole family would most likely be there, so, no risks of “monsters-in-law”. In other words, everyone here, one way or another, is trying to hook singles up. Who knows, the next wedding might just be yours.



Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

Airplanes/Airports Remember how you dreaded the long flights and leg cramps, plus the sometimes horribly gross passenger who keeps falling asleep on your shoulder? Now here’s a little perk, a rendezvous that is even shorter than a summer romance… it’s about flying the friendly skies to heaven. Sounds corny, but really, all it takes is some light flirting with a fellow passenger that you fancy. Everyone here, no matter where they’re going, are all looking for a friendly face to beat the rigours of air travel. Give a smile to a fellow traveler… take your pick of businessmen, backpackers or just the usual holiday makers. A slight flip of the hair or just that glint of mischief in your eye would definitely start an intense communication of sorts, and with a little bit of luck, you can extend this to a summer romance.

10 The Internet

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link



Museums are another place screaming out geek kingdom. With all its historical fossil artifacts, some of you might be compelled to rekindle memories of falling asleep in class. But if you like “Ross” from Friends, you’ll definitely find the Photo from Web Link / Photo Link man of your dreams here. Constantly seen alone and looking intently at an exhibit, he will bowl you over with stories behind every picture and engage you in an intense conversation that you would probably wonder why you hadn’t found history this interesting before. Most men here are intense and passionate, with knowledge of numerous love stories; Samson and Delilah, Napoleon and Josephine, and with these, they’ll be looking into repeating romantic history with you.

Ok, hold your horses now! I know you’re probably gearing up to dash out of the door with your man-hunting gear, but here’s a quick short note...whatever you do, be confident and be yourself… that’s the sexiest thing in any woman or man for that matter.

Some single friends of mine are terribly wary of meeting men online. I mean, how would we know for sure that it isn’t a creep on the other side of the computer, or if he is (shallow as this may sound), grotesquely ugly that his personality doesn’t make up for it? All this has changed. In recent years, more people around the world have turned to looking for love online. It makes sense; a busy schedule and the amount of time we spend in front of our computers take a toll on our social life, and so, the Internet is a convenient and practical way to make new friends from all over the world. Here, you can actually choose the kind of guys you want to meet, strike up a conversation online and see where it leads you. And unlike creeps who approach you in public, you can get rid of a guy you don’t ever want to speak to just by blocking him online. And just to give you a little bit of hope for online dating… a few of my friends actually got married to their online friends. So, hook on the Internet, and start surfing for love! 126

Photo from Web Link / Photo Link

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