How to do a Miniature effect (tilt shift) 1) To achieve the miniature effect properly and avoid not being able to change your mistakes, add a duplicate layer that you will do all your editing on so its easier to go back to and delete.
2) After that, in the bottom left corner of the tool bar on the left hand side of your screen switch to ‘quick task mode’. 3) After doing that choose the ‘gradient tool’. You want the select the first black and white gradient and then select the horizontal rectangle four buttons from the
(3) (2)
Find the anchor point for where you want the part of the picture to be in focus.
5) Return to standard mode (the same button used to switch to ‘quick task mode’) and a rectangle marquee will appear representing the area and gradient you chose. (screen shot underneath is what screen looks like after returning to standard mode.)
Add lens blur effect by selecting ‘Filter’ then ‘Blur’ then ‘Lens Blur...’
Once on the Blur Effect screen, change iris and change from hexagon to octogan if you want then press OK. (Underneath is what the image would look liked after changes in Blur Effect.)
If the colour is not what you want it to be, just hcnage the saturation to give it a bit more colour or make any other changes and crop if nessesscary.
the final finished outcome after editing (above) and the before unedited image (right).
Another edited example. (Before and after)