ABOVE: Above: Mia Allen at work in the studio RIGHT AND BELOW: The shop’s selection includes clothing, jewelry, wellness products and crystals.
Full Circle A trio of owner-makers realize their dreams Written by SYLVIE BAGGETT
WHEN MIA ALLEN MET Julia Jarrett and Dymphna Frazier, something magical happened. “It all came together very quickly,” Frazier says. “Three women with similar dreams, different products, and the vision of someday owning their own shop.” The Circle, located at 125 East Broad St., is that vision come to life, bursting with natural light, shimmering crystals, trailing house plants and bright colors. The Circle also feels a bit like a dreamscape for its visitors: It’s not uncommon to see Jarrett gliding across the checkerboard-tile floor in roller skates or to
Photography by JEREMIAH HULL