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Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.

How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 568-3046 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org

July 1st meeting Join us on Tuesday, July 1st for our monthly meeting. Help us celebrate and improve bicycling: No-Host dinner 6:00 PM Meeting 7:00 PM Taffy’s Pizza 2026 De la Vina Street Santa Barbara, California

Online email list We sponsor an online email forum where you can post and read messages that pertain to regional bicycling issues. It’s easy and free. To subscribe to our general forum, just send an email message to: sbbike-subscribe@topica.com

Leave the subject line and body of the message blank. That’s all!

Join the Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our own regional Bicycle Coalition advocacy group. Together we will continue to make a real difference. See page 6 for details.

For sale: video & flag We’re pleased to offer our own video “Decide to Ride.” It’s about a young woman who learns to bike commute to work. It’s only $18 (tax and US shipping included) from us, address above. Plus, we’re selling Bike Week flags, 4’x6’ heavy nylon, terra cotta and white. They’re $33 plus tax. Look at this PDF file: www.sbbike.org/art-home/ flag.pdf

1350 students celebrate biking to school This year’s Bike to School Day at 13 South Coast schools was a great success with over 1350 students bicycling on May 20th. That’s more than double the 2002 participation in schools and kids! Bike to School Day was a cooperative venture among the PTA Safety Kids at Kellogg School Committee, the Bicycle wearing Bike Week shirts. Coalition, COAST’s Safe Routes to School program, and many individual teachers, school administrators, and parents. Each of the 13 schools had one or more individuals coordinating events at their school. Arriving students were greeted and led to an expanded bike parking area. They were then rewarded with our Bike Week T-shirts, blinking LED lights, pencils, reflective stars, and other goodies that individual Bike to School coordinators solicited. The 500 shirts given away were made possible because of a grant to the Bicycle Coalition for purchasing Bike Week shirts from the Wendy P. McCaw Foundation.

Hope Elementary School topped everybody with the most bicycling students—265 of them! Kellogg Elementary was second with 222 bicycling. What went especially well? Here are some things: • Additional bike safety instruction at four schools • The T-shirts and LED lights were very popular • Perfect sunny weather • Driving parents who stopped a few blocks away • Having the police increase area patrols • Having principals and teachers bike • TV and newspaper coverage • School marching band playing as students arrive. What ideas were suggested to help increase bicycling for both Bike to School events and overall? • Promote the event earlier • Have T-shirts for all students • Encourage more parents to ride with their children • More give-aways for kids • Have several events during the whole year • Expand the program to North County schools. A community benefit from having students bike to school was the noticeable decline in motorists around the schools. Some parents bicycled with their children, or neighbors’ children, giving everybody exercise and time for sharing. It’s win-win all around.

2003 Spring Trail Daze is a huge success by Jonathan Maus

Over 100 volunteers showed up for a full day of trail maintenance, food, fun and prizes at the semi-annual Spring Trail Daze event held Saturday, May 17th. The event, organized by the Santa Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers (SBMTV) is held twice a year and is one of the largest trail maintenance events in the country. While most of the volunteers were cyclists, the event was open to anyone who cares about Santa Barbara’s trails. The full day of festivities began with a free breakfast at Manning Park in Montecito. After a safety and logistical briefing, the volunteers were split up into smaller work groups of 10-12 people. These groups each tackled a specific section of trail that had been pre-walked and mapped out by SBMTV member John Berberet. Instead of concentrating one just one trail, this year’s event focused on several trails. Sam Masson, SBMTV Events Director said. “Tackling more than one trail is unprecedented and harder to plan, but we felt there are sections of different trails that demanded immediate attention. And from the reports I’m getting, a lot of great work has been accomplished.” After the hard work of clearing overgrown brush, removing boulders and improving trail beds, the volunteers were treated to free beer (supplied by Island Brewing Co.) and a BBQ feast of seasoned chicken, marinated vegetables, bread and bean salad. After dinner the highly anticipated free prize raffle—which featured prizes donated by bicycle industry and many local businesses— left no one empty-handed. Trail Daze volunteers listen to For information on upcoming trail maintenance events visit the instructions before a day of trail work. SBMTV website at www.sbmtv.org .

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