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www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.

How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org

August 3rd meeting Join us on Tuesday, August 3rd for our monthly meeting. Let’s improve biking for us all: Tuesday, 12:00 noon County Public Works Conference Room, 1st floor 123 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, California

Online email list We sponsor an online email forum where you can post and read messages that pertain to regional bicycling issues. It’s easy and free. To subscribe to our general forum, just send an email message to: sbbike-subscribe@topica.com

Leave the subject line and body of the message blank. That’s all!

Join the Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our own regional Bicycle Coalition advocacy group. Together we will continue to make a real difference. See page 6 for details.

For sale: video & flag We’re pleased to offer our own video “Decide to Ride.” It’s about a young woman who learns to bike commute to work. It’s only $18 (tax and US shipping included) from us, address above. Plus, we’re selling Bike Week flags, 4’x6’ heavy nylon, terra cotta and white. They’re $33 plus tax. Look at this PDF file: www.sbbike.org/art-home/ flag.pdf

August 2004

101 In Motion—where‘s the bicycling? by Ralph Fertig that answered my question Where is bicycling as a “what happened to bike conmeans of transportation in siderations?” It said that the 101 In Motion study? there were two lists of “soluThe million-dollar study that tions”—a primary one that we’re buying is supposed to neglected bicycling, and a determine ways to reduce “complementary” one that did motorized traffic congestion include it. The final package, throughout the entire urban they told me, would be a South Coast between Wincombination of primary and chester Canyon and the complementary elements. Ventura County line. HowIndividualized marketing ever, it seems that all of the was one of their primary ele“solutions” so far are dements, but it only considered signed to deal with car com- A rough (and illegal) path used by bicyclists rideshare. Again, marketing muters between Ventura and exists along the railroad in Santa Barbara. pops up under complemenDoubtlessly, a permanent (and legal) path Santa Barbara. tary elements, but only for would attract a large numbers of users. When I read in the Newsbuses and carpool/vanpool. Press that three of the 34 ideas for relieving In contrast, an application of individualized marSouth Coast congestion were dropped, I looked at keting in South Perth, Australia, was a smashing what was left to see how ideas for increasing bisuccess: it increased bicycling 61%, walking by cycling to reduce congestion were faring. To my 35%, and bus use by 17%. It cost 1/30 as much surprise, they were not among the 31 remaining as roadway widening. To me, that’s very cost-efideas. What I had suggested at Goleta and fective. But as proposed by 101 In Motion, marCarpinteria public workshops (to applause) were: keting biking or walking is not considered. • A bikepath along the railroad between Ellwood As for a railroad bikepath, 101 In Motion did and Carpinteria include “expand bikelanes and bikepaths” as a • If commuter rail comes in, bike racks on the complementary element. The greatest request by coaches and secure bike storage at stations Bicycle Coalition members and others is for more • Individualized marketing of alternatives like bikepaths separate from motorists. Just like the bicycling to all households. railroad path would be. If you look at the 101 In Motion website that So where does this leave us? With the price tag serves our community, you find a listing (as of of $500 million, plus or minus a few hundred, for July 23) of upcoming public workshops in Februwidening Highway 101 over the next several deary and March 2004. There is a phone number cades, there must be cost-effective, healthy, susthat I called for information. I didn’t reach a pertainable alternatives. We only ask that bicycling son, but a recording told me that the next “stakewill be given fair consideration. holders” meeting will be June 28th, and please leave a message. I did, hoping that somebody would phone me back. Nobody did. A week later, I received an anonymous email

Member Appreciation BBQ on August 8th

Coalition works on “BikeEd” On July 23, our bike education people met with Jean Anderson, education advocate from San Luis Obispo to coordinate strategies. We’re ahead of San Luis with local instructors, but they hope to catch up this fall with a new training class. Erika Lindemann and Nancy Mulholland may assist them. As for coordinating with a statewide effort, that seems to have gone away, so we may have to work regionally on providing education.

Mark your calendars for a fun afternoon at our annual Member Appreciation Barbecue. Note that this year it’s at a new location: Member Barbecue Sunday, August 8, 1:00 PM Tucker’s Grove County Park, Area 3 It’s open to all Bicycle Coalition members, their family and invited friends. RSVP as soon as possible to the invitation that you, as a member, have received in the mail.

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