www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.
How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org
April 2005
Adult Ed class offered by Coalition For the first time ever, the Adult Education division of Santa Barbara City College has agreed to offer a bicycling class—it’s the Bicycle Coalition’s Street Skills for Cyclists class. Our appreciation goes to hard work by our Board members Nancy Mulholland and Don Lubach for arranging this Spring 2005 class. We fervently hope that the class will be a great success so it will be offered on a regular basis to South Coast residents who partake in Adult Ed classes. At least 25 people are needed to hold this class—and offer it in the future. Here it is:
Street Skills for Cyclists class Saturday, May 7, 9:00-1:00 Schott Center, Room 29 310 West Padre Street, Santa Barbara
You can register beforehand at the Schott Center, or on the day of the class. There is no fee for the class that is open to anybody over 18 years old. League Cycling Instructor Nancy Mulholland will be the instructor. If you have any questions about this four-hour lecture and discussion class on safe cycling, contact Mulholland by phone at 5639073 or by email at nmulhol04@yahoo.com.
April 5th meeting Join us on the first Tuesday of each month for our general meeting: Tuesday, April 5th Sizzler Restaurant 5555 Hollister Ave, Goleta no-host dinner 6:00 PM meeting 7:00 PM
Online email list We sponsor an online email forum where you can post and read messages that pertain to regional bicycling issues. It’s easy and free. To subscribe to our general forum, just send an email message to: sbbike-subscribe@topica.com
Leave the subject line and body of the message blank. That’s all!
Join the Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our own regional Bicycle Coalition advocacy group. Together we will continue to make a real difference. See page 6 for details.
Our Cycle Smart program The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition’s Cycle Smart bicyclist education program offers bicycling skills classes for school children and adults. Look for details of upcoming classes inside Quick Release, or contact our Coordinator Nancy Mulholland by phone at 563-9073 or email nmulhol04@yahoo.com.
San Jose Bikepath moves ahead in the Goleta area Partly in the City of Goleta and partly in the County, the San Jose Creek Bikepath will connect Cathedral Oaks on the north with the Obern Trail near Goleta Beach on the south. It will provide bicyclist access between North Goleta, Old Town Goleta, Goleta Beach, UCSB, Isla Vista, and points east along the Obern Trail. On March 14th, the 1.4-mile long section of the bikepath south of Hollister Avenue was discussed at the Goleta Planning Agency meeting. An This photo looks north over an area where the proposed bikepath hour was spent considering the Draft will diverge from Highway 217 (on the right), pass over the gas pipelines, and use the access road underneath 217 before Mitigated Negative Declaration docuconnecting with the Obern Trail. ment for that upcoming section of the bikepath. What it means is that, while there are Jose Creek south of Highway 101—and that possome environmental problems with the bikepath, sibility will be studied as part of an upcoming they can be mitigated by suggested actions. flood-control project for the creek channel. Bicycle Coalition president Ralph Fertig was At the end, the Planning Agency voted to acone of six public members who spoke. He praised cept the plan but wanted more information about the project while expressing concern for the projected traffic on Kellogg. There are many steps northern part that includes biking on Kellogg Avyet to come, and there will be times for public enue. Because Kellogg has parking on both sides comments in the future, especially when quesand no bikelanes, he hoped that some safer altertions about funding the important bikepath arise. native could be offered in the future. That concern was expanded on by Goleta agency member Jack Hawxhurst who noted that the document did not consider additional truck traffic expected along Kellogg after the Ekwill and Fowler connections to Kellogg are constructed. One intent of those connections is to divert inIt’s back by popular demand! Mark your calendars for dustrial traffic from Hollister onto Kellogg. Saturday, May 14th for the bicycling event of 2005 Different possibilities were suggested. Goleta that you won’t want to miss. An evening with friends, Community Services Director Steve Wagner said dinner, awards, and the return of Willie Weir. Willie that parking might be removed from one side of will regale us with tales of his bike touring in Turkey Kellogg, allowing bikelanes. A more-promising during the Iraq War. Watch for an invitation this possibility is putting the trail alongside the San month or look at www.sbbike.org/celebration/fun.html.