www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.
How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org
August 2nd meeting Join us on the first Tuesday of each month for our general meeting: Tuesday, August 2nd Santa Barbara Bank & Trust Community Room 1021 Anacapa Street Santa Barbara, California 12:00 noon
Online email list We sponsor an online email forum where you can post and read messages that pertain to regional bicycling issues. It’s easy and free. To subscribe to our general forum, just send an email message to: sbbike-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
Leave the subject line and body of the message blank. That’s all!
Join the Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our own regional Bicycle Coalition advocacy group. Together we will continue to make a real difference. See page 6 for details.
Our CycleSmart program The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition’s CycleSmart bicyclist education program offers bicycling skills classes for school children and adults. Look for details of upcoming classes inside Quick Release, or contact our Co-coordinators Dru van Hengel and Erika Lindemann by email CycleSmart@sbbike.org.
August 2005
Team Bike Challenge is great success! “We kicked their ass,” exulted Amy Orozco, team captain of Coastal View News Cruisers after beating 110+ other teams in the Team Bike Challenge. She was justified because her team got 402 points, way above second place team EDC (Environmental Defense Center) with 322 points, and third place Team Ding Bell (Bicycle Coalition team) with 318. They won a wine tour and catered lunch in the Santa Ynez Valley. Traffic Solutions, the Challenge organizer, reported that 476 bicyclists rode 6990 trips, or an average of 15 per bicyclist. They’re thrilled with the success, and are already planning a bigger and better Challenge in 2006. An email survey will be sent out shortly asking participants for their suggestions. Has it made people bicycle more? Yes! Orozco says, “We’re still riding.” Rider Nancy Tolivar said, “I did increase my bike trips and am continuing to do so.” It didn’t stop there because her 13-year old son, not an avid biker, became interested and joined a team. Tolivar reports, “He biked more that month than he had in a year. It’s been easier to get him to ride than it used to be.”
Captain Amy Orozco, right, with her Coastal View News team that beat everybody else. Photo by Kent Epperson.
Bicycle Coalition board member Jim Marshall persuaded his brother Jon Marshall, an infrequent rider, to join his team. It was a real success because Jon rode all days but two. Even more, his girl friend started riding as well, and they rode with her daughter to school. Overall, our congratulations go to Traffic Solutions and to all 476 participants. We’re looking forward to a greater event in 2006.
Coalition wants lockers at Goleta train station Bicycle Coalition member showed that those who and CycleSmart logo artist bike commute are most Jim Cody and his wife likely to choose bicycles for biked to the Goleta Amtrak other trips. Being assured station on July 9th, locked of convenient and secure their bikes to the rack, and bike parking at the Goleta took the train to San Diego station will result in greater for the weekend. Upon rebicycle and rail usage. turning, they found both Today’s bike lockers bikes stolen. So now they have plastic or perforated drive instead of bike. metal panels so security If the Bicycle Coalition’s personnel can view the suggestions are followed contents, and locking sysCurrently, there are bike racks at the Goleta by Caltrans this fall, such tems that allow users with Amtrak station, but no secure bike lockers. Yet. disheartening losses will be cell phones and credit cards much less likely. Right now, there are bike racks to access available lockers on site—a passnumber at the station, but no bike lockers. So when is automatically given to them to open a specific Caltrans’ Division of Rail sought suggestions for bike locker door. improvements last February, we said “Install bike This fall, Caltrans will be putting together a lockers at the station.” proposal for station improvements, hopefully one A huge potential group of bike locker users althat will include bike lockers. They have ready exists at nearby UCSB: the 15,000 stu$700,000 to spend and lockers would only be a dents, staff and faculty who bicycle onto campus small portion of that. The Bicycle Coalition will be each day. A recent survey of University people following the progress.