www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.
How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org
February 7th meeting Join us on the first Tuesday of each month for our general meeting: Tuesday, February 7th Santa Barbara Bank & Trust Community Room 1021 Anacapa Street Santa Barbara 12:00 noon
Online email list We sponsor an online email forum where you can post and read messages that pertain to regional bicycling issues. It’s easy and free. To subscribe to our general forum, just send an email message to: sbbike-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
Leave the subject line and body of the message blank. That’s all!
Join the Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our own regional Bicycle Coalition advocacy group. Together we will continue to make a real difference. See page 6 for an application form.
Tax opportunity window shuts in April were given the task We’re rushing toof obtaining comwards a deadline munity input in mid-April—the February and March, end of public inand incorporating put on the content or those ideas into a of Measure D renew tax structure. newal language. These upcoming Measure D is the meetings are vital current half-cent places to make our general sales tax How do you want your sales tax money spent? voices heard! We that benefits urge you to attend transportation and tell everybody how you want your elected offiwithin our county. cials to spend your tax dollars. After the Association of Governments At our January 26th Board meeting, it was (SBCAG) Board meeting in December, when agreed that some major tax elements to ask for are: many criticized the proposed half-plus-quarter• Complete Streets Policy. Our transportation tax cent tax, it seemed dead. Then at the SBCAG Exshould benefit all users. Read about the Complete ecutive Committee meeting on January 6th in Streets program at www.completestreets.org. Buellton, the results of a new survey of county • Dedicated Safe Routes to School Program. voters showed that 73% would vote for the halfReduce school-related congestion and improve cent, and 60% for the quarter-cent add-on tax. safety and access to schools with a set-aside each That brought them to believe that the whole year. Marin County has a very successful prothree-quarter-cent tax might work after all if it’s gram. Look at www.saferoutestoschools.org. just modified to satisfy voters. • Dedicated Bicyclist/Pedestrian Program. We At the general SBCAG Board meeting on Janushould dedicate an amount each year for improveary 19th, Measure D consultant Larry Tramutola ments. Over 72% of county voters want more recommended public input into the planning prosidewalks and bike facilities. cess. Interest groups, the cities, and public in • Road Maintenance. We all want better road general had to be listened to. The plan, he exconditions for motorists, buses, and bicyclists. • Bus and Rail Service Policy. All new large bus plained, needs revision, balance, and integrity in and commuter rail service should provide accomterms of community desires. Craft it, he advised, modation for bicycles. so that the half-cent part addresses all transporThe tax meetings haven’t yet been scheduled, so tation needs, and the quarter-cent part gives exwatch for them. They will be before city councils, tra funding to speed things up. the county supervisors, business groups, PTAs, At the end of the SBCAG meeting, director Jim and community groups. Attend and speak out! Kemp, Larry Tramutola, and the SBCAG staff
County, Carpinteria and UCSB get bicyclist funding
Our CycleSmart program The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition’s CycleSmart bicyclist education program offers bicycling skills classes for school children and adults. Look for details of upcoming classes inside Quick Release, or contact our Co-coordinators Dru van Hengel and Erika Lindemann by email CycleSmart@sbbike.org.
February 2006
This bridge on the popular Obern Trail will get replacement planks for longer life and smoother cycling.
Bicycling projects within Santa Barbara County have recently been funded. The County Supervisors voted on January 10th to award Coastal Resources Enhancement Fund (CREF) money to two bike projects in Goleta and Carpinteria. Separately, Caltran’s Bicycle Transportation Account funding went to UCSB for needed bike racks. • Obern Trail Bridge Decking, $19,000. This will provide new 4-inch thick recycled-plastic bridge decking on the Obern Trail bridge west of Puente Drive near Hidden Oaks Golf Course. • Carpinteria Old Town Trail, $24,500. This will pay for planning documents for a multipurpose trail that will connect Linden Avenue businesses with Carpinteria State Beach. • UCSB Commuter Bike Parking Expansion Project, $54,450. This will fund 500 new bike racks for the University campus.