www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.
How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org
August 5th meeting Join us on the first Tuesday of the month for our general meeting: Tuesday, August 5th 12:00 noon Santa Barbara Bank & Trust Community Room 1021 Anacapa Street Santa Barbara
Online email list We sponsor a free online email forum where you can post and read messages that pertain to regional bicycling issues. To subscribe, just send an email message to: sbbike-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
Leave the subject line and body of the message blank.
Join our Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our regional bicycling advocacy group. Together we’ll continue to make a real difference. See page 6 for info.
Our CycleSmart program The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition’s CycleSmart bicyclist education program offers bicycling skills classes for school children and adults. Look for details of upcoming classes inside Quick Release, or contact our Cocoordinators Dru van Hengel and Erika Lindemann by email CycleSmart@sbbike.org. Quick Release is published monthly by the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, PO Box 92047, Santa Barbara, CA 93190. Subscribe for $25 per year. Issue # 202.
August 2008
Bicycling is part of Plan Santa Barbara The Plan Santa BarThe inclusion of bara process that has bicycling within the been going on for 39 pages of the Reover a year will deport occurs 11 other termine the direction places. We are conthat the city will take sidered throughout. in the upcoming two Our Bicycle Coalidecades. tion sent a four-page Most recently, letter to the City with there were two public comments about three-hour workthe Report policies. shops on July 17th Perhaps most signifiand 23rd, attended cant is the omission by nearly 300 conof transportation in cerned residents. A the Energy & Climate Part of the July 17th public workshop included separate break-out Policy Options Report groups like this, lead by John Ledbetter, to discuss possibilities. Change section. based on previous Buildings are tarcommunity input, was available for discussion. It geted for reduced energy use, but not transportaconsists of background and seven areas of contion. In Santa Barbara county, 37% of our energy is cern, one of which is Transportation, the most used in buildings, but 48% goes to simply moving important one for people who bicycle. around. And as far as climate change goes, walkIncluded in the six transportation “core poliing and biking produce no CO2 emissions. Sustaincies” is one for bicycling: able transportation should be the most important Bicycle Transportation. The City shall work to part of the Energy & Climate Change section. expand, enhance, and maintain the system of The public will have additional opportunities bikeways to serve current community needs and to help craft our future as the plan progresses to develop increased ridership for bicycle transthrough the Planning Commission, the City Counportation and recreation. cil, and environmental review later this year.
Santa Maria BMX track opens to riders Mike Porter beamed as waves of riders descended from the starting gate onto the new Santa Maria BMX track. Porter has good reason to smile because the open track full of enthusiastic riders has taken him and others four years to complete. There used to be a BMX track in Waller Park in Santa Maria, but it closed in the 1980s. Then there was Valley BMX track in Buellton, but it closed in 2003. Riders could either drive to the Santa Barbara track or not bike. Most just gave up BMX riding. With help from Supervisor Joe Centano, Porter arranged use of an acre at the Santa Maria Elks/Unocal Event Center. The track is open, races began July 26th, but Porter wants lighting and a viewing stand. Race days are Saturday, with practices Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. To learn more, After four years of waiting, BMX riders of all ages flocked to an Open phone Porter at 938-1348-2008. House on July 19th to test their skills at the new Santa Maria track.