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www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.

How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org

April 7th meeting Join us for our general meeting: Tuesday, April 7th Madam Lu Restaurant 3524 State Street Santa Barbara No-host dinner 6:00 PM Meeting 7:00 PM

Online email list We sponsor a free online email forum where you can post and read messages about regional bicycling issues. To subscribe, send an email to: sbbike-subscribe@lists.riseup.net

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Join our Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our bicycling advocacy group. See page 6.

CycleSmart program The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition’s CycleSmart bicyclist education program offers bicycling skills classes. Details at www.sbbike.org/ CycleSmart/ apply.html, or email coordinators at CycleSmart@ sbbike.org.

Bici Centro program Bici Centro of Santa Barbara is our community bicycle program, helping people who bicycle. Look at www.sbbike. org/bici/BiciCentro.html, or phone 617-3255. Quick Release is published monthly by the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, PO Box 92047, Santa Barbara, CA 93190. Subscribe for $25 per year. Issue # 210.

April 2009

UCSB presents transportation challenge The University of California Santa Barbara has a Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) that proposes a 1% annual growth of students, staff and faculty between now and 2025. To accommodate the 6700 new people, campus redesign and building programs are proposed for access, housing, research and classrooms. An outstanding feature of UCSB’s plan is to house new students, staff and faculty on University land. This means that most trips to school and work will be on foot or bicycle. A major feature of the LRDP is Ocean Road develThis drawing of the proposed Ocean Road redesign depicts opment. It consists of 16 new buildings with a generous and gracious tree-lined boulevard. Rendering for 543 residential units for staff and faculty, and UCSB is by Urban Design Associates. added parking g Question: How do you manfor 1435 motor Make five of the 12 Isla Vista connecting streets into bikepaths on the campus side. age traffic when there are vehicles. All 12 many more bicyclists and Isla Vista streets g Open Picasso to through motor vehicles, and keep Sabado Tarde available for buses. pedestrians than motorists? would connect g Block through motorized traffic in the remaining to Ocean Road. Answer: Slow motorists to five Isla Vista streets. Bicycle Coalibicyclists speed and provide g Manage all the Ocean Road intersections with tion president safe street crossings for creative—mostly passive—traffic control. Ralph Fertig has people on foot. g Slow Ocean Road motorists to bicyclist speeds. taken a particug Do not stripe bikelanes on Ocean Road, instead lar interest in the Ocean Road development. He integrate bikes and cars to reduce turning crashes. perceives it as an opportunity for a livable enclave with equality of transportation for all. Fertig recently gave a well-received presentation to UCSB’s Transportation Alternatives Board. Among his suggestions were the following:

Early this month, University planners and consultants will meet with Bicycle Coalition and AS BIKES committee people to consider Ocean Road traffic. Stay tuned, it’s an exciting opportunity for us all.

DC Bike Summit anticipates new transportation act The National Bike Summit took place in Washington DC on March 11-13. Bicycle Coalition member Chris Orr attended and reported bubbling enthusiasm over the upcoming reauthorization of the six-year federal transportation act this fall. Speakers and topics included: Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation. Read his comments about addressing the Bike Summit on page 4.

Doris Matsui, California representative. She sees the Complete Streets Act of 2009 as reducing congestion, poor health, and air pollution along federally-funded roads. Earl Blumenauer, Oregon representative. He hopes to clean up the existing Bike Commuter Benefit Act by combining bike and transit benefits together.

Our man in DC, Chris Orr, arrives for a Capitol Trail design. Poor design Jim Oberstar, Minnesota repre- Hill Rally breakfast and meetings with our is often the cause of trail sentative. He wants a national legislators. Photo by Jonathan Maus. access contention. Access legal standard to ensure respect and recognition works best for everybody when the trails are built of bicyclists on our roadways. specifically with bike use in mind.

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