www.sbbike.org Serving Santa Barbara County We’re a countywide advocacy and resource organization that promotes bicycling for safe transportation and recreation.
How to reach us Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition PO Box 92047 Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047 phone 962-1479 email info@sbbike.org web www.sbbike.org facebook facebook.com/sb-bicycle
August 3rd meeting Join us for our general meeting: Tuesday, August 3rd 12:00 noon Granada Garage 1221 Anacapa Street Conference Room, 2nd Floor Santa Barbara
Online email list We sponsor a free online email forum where you can post and read messages about regional bicycling issues. To subscribe, send an email to: sbbike-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
Leave the subject and body blank.
Join our Coalition You can help improve bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County by joining others in our bicycling advocacy group. See page 6.
Street Skills program The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition offers Street Skills for Cyclists classes. Details at www.sbbike.org/skills/apply. html, or email coordinators at streetskills@sbbike.org.
Bici Centro program Bici Centro of Santa Barbara is our community bicycle program, helping people who bicycle. Look at www.sbbike. org/bici/BiciCentro.html, or phone 617-3255. Quick Release is published monthly by the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, PO Box 92047, Santa Barbara, CA 93190. Subscribe for $25 per year. Issue # 226.
August 2010
South Coast high schools will roll Secondary Student Focus Group. Since developing car free campaigns at the high school level is new to us, we will hold a focus group of secondary students and parents to help us create a meaningful campaign. If you know of students or parents willing to help, please have them contact me. We’re seeking a good mix of students, some sustainable transportation users and some that are not. We want a mix of boys racks, pumped up for classes. and girls from diverse backWalk and Roll to School grounds and social groups representative of the Video. We’re putting together a short movie of school. The focus group will meet in September. local high school students and their parents who If you wish to receive our Walk and Roll e-Newshave positive routines using sustainable transporletter, just sign up at http://tinyurl.com/344zkhx. tation to and from school. They can be bicycling, Finally, if you’re a creative person with connecwalking, carpooling, taking the bus, or use a comtions to South Coast high schools and wish to help bination of modes. We will capture their experiwith the Walk and Roll campaign, please help us ences, challenges and solutions. We plan to show refine this exciting venture. the movie at the high schools as well as GATV and City TV. If you know anyone that might help please Kent Epperson is Director of Traffic Solutions. Reach him at 961-8917 or KEpperson@sbcag.org. have them contact me. by Kent Epperson
Traffic Solutions, the Community Environmental Council, the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition and the City of Santa Barbara will be rolling out a Walk and Roll campaign at South Coast high schools this fall. It’s designed to stimulate students to bicycle, walk, carpool and use buses. We need help from students and parents to participate in two upcoming Students roll up to the San Marcos high school bike Walk and Roll projects:
Adventure Cycling director coming here August 4th Mark your calendars for a special event on August 4th. We’re going to have an exciting evening featuring bicycle travel stories and hosting Jim Sayer, executive director of the 42,000-member Adventure Cycling Association.
Adventure Cycling Evening August 4th, 7:00 PM Santa Barbara Public Library Faulkner Gallery 40 East Anapamu St, Santa Barbara
Jim is cycling down the Pacific Cast from Canada to Mexico with his wife Wendy and daughters Samantha, Keilan and Lucy. In a way, they are coming home because Jim and Wendy met while students at UCSB. They will be talking about the Adventure Cycling organization, plus their own bike touring experiences. The evening will also include short presentations by Dave Bourgeois on bike touring France
Jim Sayer and family, dressed in rain gear, moving down the Oregon coast, heading our way.
with his wife Christine; Ralph Fertig about bicycling in northern Cambodia; and a film “Mzungus in the Mist” by Jacob Seigel-Boettner about Santa Barbara Middle School students biking in Rwanda. So don’t miss an inspirational evening. A voluntary donation at the door will help our bicycling education programs.