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For a calendar of events go to: or call 805-963-SAVE



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4/16 - 4/17 Earth Day Bike World - Bike valet, tune-ups & entertainment, Alameda Park 4/20 Bike Touring in Hawaii - Slide show & demo, Natural History Museum 5/1 - 5/31 Bike Challenge - 5-member teams compete for prizes & glory, 5/1 Cyclocross-o-MAYnia & Bike Swap Meet - Inaugural bike race & awesome finds, SB High School 5/5 Bici Bonita - Bike fashion show, 1st Thursday, Casa de la Guerra 5/5 Bike Moves - Bike Prom theme, Casa de la Guerra 5/5 CycleMAYnia Kickoff Party - Casa de la Guerra 5/6 Dirt Demo Day & Trail Maintenance - Featuring Fuji & SBMTV, Elings Park 5/7 - 5/8 Tour de Tent - Bike tour & camp-out, SB to Orella Ranch 5/11 UCSB Bike to Work & School Day - UCSB bluffs 5/11 Women on Wheels (WOW) - Introduction to group riding (no-drop), Whole Foods Market 5/12 Street Skills Clinic I - Get Your Bike Ready to Ride, Bici Centro 5/14 Mountain Bike Time Trial - Romero Canyon hill climb 5/14 Lonely Roadies Welcome - Rage Cycling welcomes cyclists interested in club riding, Cabrillo Bathhouse Lot 5/15 Mountain Bike Clinic - Hosted by SBMTV, Elings Park 5/15 Tunnel Tours - Shuttle to Camino Cielo for downhill rides 5/15 California State High School Mtn Bike Championships - The Dirt Club, Los Olivos 5/15 Train to SLO Tweed Ride - Take Amtrak and join SLO’s famous Tweed Ride 5/17 Bike to School Day - Participating South Coast schools 5/18 The Lost Cyclist - Book signing & slide show for the 19th century tale, Chaucer’s Books 5/19 Street Skills Clinic II - Legal Rights & Responsibilities, Bici Centro 5/20 Bicycle Facilities Tour & Design Workshop - Santa Barbara 5/21 WheelHouse Cargo Cat - Produce delivery race benefitting the Foodbank, WheelHouse, 528 Anacapa St. 5/21 Street Skills Clinic III - Bike Handling Skills, Bici Centro 5/21 Street Skills Clinic IV - Group Bike Ride, Bici Centro 5/21 - 5/22 Mountain Bike Backcountry Overnight Camp - Santa Ynez River 5/24 Goleta Bike to Work Day - Hosted by Yardi, 430 S. Fairview 5/24 Bike from Work Day - Hosted by the City of SB, afternoon entertainment, bike blessing & treats for riders, Downtown State Street Farmers Market 5/28 Tweed Ride - Turn of the century jaunt about town followed by lawn games, SB Courthouse 5/30 Cottage Children’s Hospital Pirates Family Beach Ride - Ride & games, Hollister School to Goleta Beach 6/3 CycleMAYnia Film Fest & Bachelors on Bikes Auction - Acclaimed bike films & live auction for tandem bike dates, Natural History Museum

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