Summer 2018
SBLBSHP NEWS South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Editors: Joanne Lin, Leslie Tanaka and Matt Horton
Inside This Issue: President’s Message
CSHP Seminar
Mentor-Mentee Social
Summer Social
Environmental Health Fair
Aloha Elementary School’s Career Day
Save the Date: Preceptor Development CE
Educational Dinners
Carson High School Award Night 11 Legal Affairs Update
Mailing Address SBLBSHP 11138 Del Amo Blvd, Ste # 127 Lakewood, CA 90715
Newsletter Archive
Message From the President Happy summer days, SBLBSHP member! I hope you have been able to stay cool in this heat wave. Luckily, many cities in the South Bay/Long Beach area are along the coastline where ocean breeze blows through, wiping away sweat and even stress. Our chapter strives to be like the ocean breeze, bringing you events that add a breath of fresh air to your days with new information and networking opportunities. This summer has been a season of transition for many of our board members who graduated from their residency programs. It is not easy balancing residency rotations, projects, and board responsibilities, and they have all done a fantastic job! Please join me in congratulating Joanne Cho, Jennifer Kwon, Emily Chang, Tiffany Luong, Matthew Horton, Alicia Wong, Jenny Zheng, Nikki Watanabe, and Melissa Yong for successfully competing their residency. If you are looking to hire motivated new
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
practitioners at your pharmacy, then please consider these bright individuals. This summer has also been a season of fun gatherings for our chapter. Earlier in June, the mentorship program co-chairs, Tiffany Luong and Helena Lau, hosted the mentor-mentee social where we got to mingle with some of USC students enrolled in our mentorship program. In July, we had a blast at the annual summer social event organized by Emily Chang, Nikki Watanabe, and Melissa Yong, getting in touch with our artistic sides. You can read more about both of these events later in this newsletter, and get excited for the next summer! If you have any new ideas for future social events, then we’re all ears. We look forward to hanging out with you along with your family and friends! Later in the newsletter, you will also see that our public affairs committee – Scott Harada, Jenny Wan, Alicia Wong, and Jenny Zheng – wrapped up several projects, representing our chapter to serve the South Bay/Long Beach community. Great job, team! I hope you have been able to enjoy monthly educational dinners organized by the educational affairs/ industry relations committee – Angela Jeong, Dan Bauman, and Matt Kamada. Who could say no to the latest news from industry and a good dinner? You can also look forward to the next CE program scheduled for September, which our clinical affairs committee – Lauren Alfano, Rosalin Preechakul, JR Flores, Cindy La, Jennifer Kwon, and Joanne Cho – has been diligently working on. Details are all inside! Lastly, as the 2018 CSHP seminar is coming up in less than 2 months, I would like to encourage you to take look at the policy proposals to be discussed at the Regional Delegates Conference later in August and at the House of Delegates on the last day of the seminar. Professional policies are important because they define and guide where CSHP stands on various issues as an organization. Based on professional policies, CSHP will either support or be against bills that will impact your practice in the health system. SBLBSHP will have 5 delegates representing you this year. You can find policy proposals on the CSHP website under the Policy tab → House of Delegates → 2018 HOD. Let us be your voice if you have any questions or comments on any policy proposals. As always, thank you for being a member of SBLBSHP and I hope to see you at upcoming events and the seminar! Best, Angela Lee 2018 SBLBSHP president
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
Reserve your spot for the largest state-aďŹƒliated health-system pharmacy meeting today! Seminar 2018 provides attendees with opportunities for networking with colleagues and gaining knowledge through the multitude of cutting-edge CE sessions and including the latest in clinical, technological, and regulatory information available in the practice of pharmacy.
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
SBLB Mentor-Mentee Social: Eat, Drink, and Mingle By Helena Lau and Tiffany Luong, Mentorship Program Chairs
The second mentor-mentee social of the mentorship program took place on June 1st, 2018 at the Five O’Clock Wine Bar in Long Beach, and it was a huge success! There was plenty of indoor and outdoor seating, even around fire pits at the venue. We had a total of more than 30 participants- including mentors, student mentees, and SBLBSHP board members. Everyone enjoyed each other’s company, especially with wine, beer, and platters of panini, pizza, and sliders. The main purpose of the social was to provide an opportunity for mentors and mentees who had been communicating mostly through monthly emails to get to know one another in person. Mentees were also able to meet other pharmacists in addition to their mentors. The mentorship program has been effective in engaging students in our chapter’s activities and giving them opportunities to be active in the profession beyond school. In fact, several of our current board members are former mentees. The social was scheduled from 7-9pm, but many people stayed well past this time to eat, drink, and mingle together. A special shoutout to Angela Lee, last year’s mentorship program coordinator and this year’s SBLBSHP president, for helping with the wine selection and logistics of the event. As always, the mentorship program continues to be only as successful as the support provided from the mentors listed on the next page, so thank you, mentors, for your time and dedication. There are a total of 24 mentor-mentee pairs in the 2018 program. We look forward to seeing more mentors and mentees together at future SBLB events!
Alicia Wong Angela Jeong Angela Lee Daniel Kudryashov Erwin Jeong Jennifer Fong Joanne Lin JR Flores Leslie Tanaka Kamlynn Chow Karen Ling Matt Kamada
Summer 2018
Matthew Horton Michelle Webb Mustafa Lee Rosalin Preechakul Tiffany Luong Tim Chou Tram Cat Emily Chang Nicole Watanabe Melissa Yong Helen Kay
Denise Huynh Tiffany Huynh Rochenelle Baquir Jonathan Hwang Hollie Wong Christopher Limbo Jung Kim Emily Taing Jonathon Lam Asia Quan Kara Onoyue Christina Lee
DanQuynh Bui Ngan Tran Sarah Le Andy Han Linh Pham Allison Hy Nancy Tran Evelyn Jou Yen Luu Keri Ann Nagaishi An Le
SBLBSHP Newsletter
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
By Nicole Watanabe, Melissa Yong and Emily Chang, Social Affairs Chairs On Saturday, July 28th, twenty SBLBSHP members and their families and friends gathered to paint, eat, and socialize the afternoon away. This year’s Hawaiian-themed summer social was held at Paint N Glaze in Long Beach, CA from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The afternoon consisted of an instructor-led painting session to create a tropical scene of flamingos and palm fronds. Throughout the event, guests enjoyed beverages from Maui Brewing Company and Ballast Point, as well as orange juice and champagne for mimosas. After completing the painting, members and guests shared a Hawaiian meal together catered by L&L Hawaiian BBQ. The meal was topped off by dessert from King’s Hawaiian bakery. All SBLBSHP members were given a raffle ticket at the beginning of the event for a chance to win a free registration to 2018 CSHP seminar. While everyone enjoyed the Hawaiian lunch and allowed their paintings to dry, they were able to walk around and admire all the artwork and mingle with other guests and members. The lucky winner of the raffle was Angela Jeong! This year’s summer social was a wonderful time of painting, eating, and enjoying each other’s company on a warm Saturday afternoon.
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
Torrance Environmental Health Fair By Jenny Zheng, Public Relations Chair SBLBSHP returned to the Torrance Environmental Health Fair this year to promote the importance of proper medical disposal to prevent medication misuse and minimize harm to the environment. The booth was hosted by USC student pharmacist Ewha Hong representing Generation Rx, an organization focused on advocating for safe medication practices for better health. Although there were many other activities and attractions, we had at least 50 visitors come to our booth. We were able to engage attendees of all ages in discussions regarding their current medication disposal practices, nearby disposal sites, and local drug take back events. We thank the City of Torrance for allowing us to participate in this event again.
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
Aloha Elementary School's Career Day By Scott Harada, Public Relations Chair This past June 4th, CSHP-SBLBSHP attended Aloha Elementary School's annual career day by showcasing how amazingly fun and important the profession of Pharmacy is to our community. Student pharmacists CJ Limbo and John Dawod from the USC School of Pharmacy provided an interactive learning workshop full of adorable drawings and encouraging 1st graders to consider a career in helping others. When asked if they would be interested in becoming pharmacists, many of the students said they would! As long as it didn't have too much homework, they exclaimed. We also wanted to give a quick shout out to our volunteers CJ and John for being frequent fliers in CSHP-SBLBSHP by being actively engaged in serving for our profession. This is certainly one of our favorite annual events and we look forward to visiting Aloha Elementary again soon.
Save the Date! Topic: Preceptor Development Speaker: Susie Park, PharmD, BCPP, FCSHP - USC Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Date: 9/18/18 Time: 6-8:30pm Location: El Segundo, CA 9
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Summer 2018
EDUCATIONAL DINNERS By Angela Jeong, Educational Affairs Chair In June, we gathered at one of our favorite spots to dine and learn, The Depot, sponsored by Trudi Demos of Incyte. Dr. Mojtaba Akhtari provided insight on the treatment consideration in Polycythemia Vera and Myelofibrosis. As usual, the food was excellent and the room was full of our chapter members eager to learn. In July, Peggy Kerr of La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company sponsored a program on New Treatment Option for Distributive Shock by Aaron Strumwasser, MD at Il Fornaio. We hope everyone enjoyed our summer promotional dinners and we look forward to seeing everyone at our Fall programs!
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Summer 2018
Carson High School Award Night By Alicia Wong, Public Relations Chair This is the first year SBLBSHP offered a scholarship to a graduating senior from Carson High School. On June 6th, 2018, a few representatives from SBLBSHP attended the Carson High School Senior Award Night at Carson Civic Center to present the $500 scholarship to the essay contest winner. The essay contest offered an opportunity for the students to research the roles of pharmacists and discuss the impact of medicine on society. This year’s recipient is Fiorina Talaba from Carson Academy of Medical Arts. She will be attending Kalamazoo College in Michigan this fall. The following is an excerpt from her essay, “Having a goal of becoming a pharmacist will allow me to become part of a system of health care professionals all striving for one ultimate goal: the progression of humanity’s health.”
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
Legal Affairs Update By Daniel Kudryashov, Legal Affairs Chair As you may recall from the SBLBSHP Spring newsletter, a number of bills were introduced that directly impact the pharmacy profession. More than a dozen bills aimed to address prescription drug abuse in various ways, such as imposing opioid prescription limitations (AB 1998, Rodriguez – passed Assembly, now in Senate Appropriations Committee), offering medication-assisted treatment (AB 2384, Arambula – passed Assembly, now in Senate Appropriations Committee), modifying medication education (AB 2487, McCarty – passed Assembly, now in Senate Appropriations Committee), and mandating pharmacist consultation before dispensing any opioids (SB 1229, Stone – pulled out at request of author), among others. Half a dozen bills addressed the CURES database, also pertaining to controlled substances. A number of pharmacy bills, some controversial, were introduced by Senator Jeff Stone, who is a practicing pharmacist and a pharmacy owner. Here are updates on the legislative lifecycle status of these bills: ✤ SB 1254 - would require a pharmacist at a hospital pharmacy to obtain an accurate medication profile for each high-risk patient upon admission and discharge. Bill held in Senate Committee on Appropriations. ✤ SB 1404 – would exempt pharmacy residents and clinical pharmacists from overtime pay regulations. Bill pulled out at the request of author. ✤ SB 1426 – would grant pharmacists the authority to prescribe certain drugs and devices from a Board-approved formulary. Bill pulled out at the request of author. ✤ SB 1264 - which would authorize pharmacist to provide hypertension management to Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Bill held in Senate Committee on Appropriations. ✤ SB 1285 – would require coverage of services provided by advanced practice pharmacists. Bill died in Senate Health Committee. ✤ SB 1322 – would make comprehensive medication management a covered benefit for Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Bill died in Senate Health Committee. ✤ SB 1373 – would impose minimum levels of pharmaceutical staff for general acute care hospitals. Bill pulled out at the request of author. Continued on the next page…
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Summer 2018
On the regulatory end, the Board of Pharmacy has recently released for public comment revision Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations related to Sterile Compounding. The revisions pertain to Beyond Use Dating requirements for non-sterile compounding as well as requirements for biannual smoke studies in ISO 5 class areas and lowering sterile compounding room temperature to 20 degrees Celsius or cooler. The public comment period will end on September 17, and all pharmacists are encouraged to submit comments to the Board. On a national level, USP <797> is being overhauled and re-written with several significant changes, including, but not limited to reorganization of the chapter, modification of microbial risk levels from three to two, and additional guidance on storing opened or needle-punctured manufactured sterile products. The chapter is currently in the second round of public comment until November 30, 2018. The targeted date of publication of the revised USP <797> is June 1, 2019. The new chapter will become official on December 1, 2019 (along with USP <800> and <825>).
We welcome YOU to our monthly board meetings! Feel free to stop by! DATE: Second Wednesday of every month TIME: Dinner and networking at 6:30pm, meeting at 7pm LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center North Hospital 1st floor Conference Rooms 5-6
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Summer 2018
SBLBSHP 11138 Del Amo Blvd., Suite #127 Lakewood, CA 90715
Newsletter Archive: Website:
SBLBSHP 2018 Board Members ANGELA LEE President ROSALIN PREECHAKUL President-Elect MATT KAMADA Immediate-Past President BILLIE GOMES Secretary JENNIFER FONG Treasurer STEVE THOMPSON & DAN BAUMAN Directors
TIM CHOU Membership Chair
ANGELA JEONG, DAN BAUMAN, & MATT KAMADA Educational Affairs & Industry Relations Chairs DANIEL KUDRYASHOV Legal Affairs Chair HELENA LAU & TIFFANY LUONG Mentorship Program Chairs