SBLBSHP Spring 2019 Newsletter

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Spring 2019

SBLBSHP NEWS South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Editors: Joanne Lin, PharmD and Leslie Tanaka, PharmD, BCPS

Inside This Issue: President’s Message


Public Relations Update


Legislative Day


Save the Date Summer Social


Legal Affairs Update


Student Liaison Updates


Educational Dinners


Hello SBLBSHP members!

SBLBSHP Raffle to support PPC-PAC


It has been really rewarding for me to be involved and serve on board with SBLBSHP and it is truly an honor to serve as the President of the chapter for 2019! Under our past leadership and amazing board members, we have been recognized as Regional Chapter of Distinction for more than 6 years in a row and received Affiliate Chapter Public Relations Recognition 2 years in a row! Moving forward in 2019, I’m definitely excited to continue our success and lead our chapter in another great year!

Mailing Address
 11138 Del Amo Blvd, Ste # 127
 Lakewood, CA 90715

Newsletter Archive


Message From the President

As we transition toward spring, I want to share with you some updates with our chapter as well as what to look forward to in the upcoming months. Since our installation in January, the SBLBSHP board has been working tirelessly to serve you and our community. On April 2nd, Angela Lee represented our chapter at Pharmacy


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

Legislative Day. This event gave pharmacists the unique opportunity to hear from influential leaders on where we are heading, what they are seeking to accomplish in the next few years, and how will it impact the practice of pharmacy. Our public relations committee continues to work closely with the Long Beach Rescue Mission to educate the homeless and expand the collaboration to include USC and Chapman School of Pharmacy. We will also be reaching out to our younger generation as we coordinate an event in June at Aloha Health Medical Academy in Lakewood. Members are always welcome to help precept our events so please reach out to us if you are interested. Lastly, I hope you enjoyed our educational dinner programs, Pharmacy Times CE, End of Life CE, and the Western States series set up by our educational affairs committee in collaboration with our industry relations committee. Our chapter has been busy but nothing can be done without your support. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for maintaining your membership and selecting SBLBSHP as your home chapter as your membership fees allow CSHP to collaborate with lawmakers to advocate bills that expand OUR scope of practice. CSHP’s vision is for pharmacists to be recognized as leaders in wellness, patient safety, and the optimal use of medications. CSHP and CPhA have joined forces to co-sponsor a bill on comprehensive medication management also known as AB 1131. This assembly bill will help improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs within the Medi-Cal program by utilizing pharmacists in collaboration with physicians to optimize medication management for chronic disease patients. In times like this, I respectfully request that you voice your support of this bill through the legislative process. Please feel free to invite your colleagues, residents, and students to our activities. This year SBLBSHP continues to contribute to cultivating our future pharmacists through our mentorship program. It is very exciting to see more representation from more pharmacy schools at our board meetings including students and faculty from USC, UOP, UCSF, Western, KGI, MBK, West Coast, and AUHS. Our profession is only as strong as those who support it and it is important that we include and mentor our students, our future colleagues in pharmacy. Thank you for allowing SBLBSHP to be a part of your family. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or any of our board members if you would like to be more involved in our chapter or have feedback on how we can better engage you as our member. Please stay tuned for our upcoming events and I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you at our upcoming events! Sincerely, Rosalin Preechakul, PharmD, APh, BCPS 2019 SBLBSHP President


Public Relations Update By Alicia Wong, PharmD, Public Relations Chair

For the past two years, the Public Relations Committee has been awarded the CSHP Affiliate Chapter Recognition Award. This year we hope to continue those awardwinning events and give back to the community. After a one-year hiatus, we have relaunched the award winning Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM) program where we provide self-care presentations to the homeless community. Our first event took place on Friday, March 8th where we had Diane Nguyen and Christine Cao from USC School of Pharmacy and Lila Rouzitalab from Chapman School of Pharmacy present about hypertension and diabetes. This was our very first event where we had a collaboration of pharmacy students from different schools. Overall, it was a successful event with more than 30 participants engaged and eager to learn more about hypertension and diabetes. We look forward to more collaborations with pharmacy students and to bring health awareness to the Long Beach community. If students or preceptors are interested in participating for future LBRM self-care presentations, they are every 2nd Fridays of every other month. Please email me for more information at:


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

Pharmacy Legislative Day By Angela Lee, PharmD, BCPS, Immediate Past President

On April 2nd, CSHP and CPhA jointly held the annual pharmacy legislative day at our state's capitol. Steven Thompson, Kenn Horowitz, Lisa Lum, and Angela Lee represented SBLBSHP at the event. The day started with a series of speakers who echoed the mission of the pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy students in attendance: to expand the scope of pharmacists as providers, fight for reimbursement, and ultimately be recognized as key players in compensating for the primary care physician shortage. The speakers included Senator Richard Pan, Assembly Member Jim Wood, California Deputy Cabinet Secretary Richard Figueroa, Assembly Member Rob Bonta, and Assembly Member Todd Gloria. There were more than one hundred pharmacists from various areas of practice, from independent pharmacy to acute care, who asked questions and voiced their concerns to the speakers. "I didn't know that" was a frequent response from the speakers, showing that the event was a great learning experience for both pharmacists and lawmakers.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

The afternoon was spent visiting lawmakers' offices in smaller groups to promote our stands on the following bills: •

Support AB 1131 (Gloria) to make comprehensive medication management (CMM) a covered pharmacist service under Medi-Cal, which will help increase medication adherence and appropriate utilization. Managing chronic conditions well in the Medi-Cal population provides an opportunity to increase health outcomes for vulnerable populations, reduce costs, and improve the experience of care

Oppose AB 1468 (McCarty & Gallagher), requiring opioid manufacturers and wholesalers to issue reports to the Department of Public Health for the purposes of taxing to raise $100 million for opioid programs. In the end, California pharmacies will be burdened


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

Legislative Update By John McGady, MS, PharmD, BCPS, Legal Affairs Chair

The following are pending legislative bills impacting laws and regulations that effect the practice of pharmacy. This is a short synopsis for your reference. To view the legislation directly, please visit the California Legislation Information website at billSearchAdvClient.xhtml

•SB-159 (Wiener) HIV: Pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis. Both CSHP and CPhA are co-sponsors of this bill, which authorize pharmacists to furnish pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) without a prescription in an effort to lower the rates of HIV transmission. Additionally, this bill would reduce barriers by removing insurance preauthorization requirements for these medications. •AB 1131 (Gloria) Medi-Cal: comprehensive medication management. Both CSHP and CPhA are co-sponsors of this bill, which would make comprehensive medication management (CMM) a covered pharmacist service under the Medi-Cal program. The bill would require CMM services to be offered to a beneficiary who meets one or more of specified criteria, including being prescribed 8 or more prescription drugs or biologics, collectively by multiple prescribers, to treat or prevent 2 or more chronic medical conditions. •AB-973 (Irwin) Pharmacies: compounding. This bill would require the compounding of drug preparations by a pharmacy for furnishing, distribution, or use to be consistent with standards established in the pharmacy compounding chapters of the current version of the United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary, including relevant testing and quality assurance. The bill would authorize the Board of Pharmacy to adopt regulations to impose additional standards for compounding drug preparations if they feel the need. •APhA: Pharmacy Technicians: Board certification options. Eligibility requirements for certified pharmacy technicians will change in 2020. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) will update the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) and also offer technicians submitting certification applications the option to either gain equivalent work experience or complete a PTCB-recognized education/training program. •SB-446 (Stone) Medi-Cal: hypertension medication management services This bill would provide that hypertension medication management services are a covered pharmacist service under the Medi-Cal program. •SB-491 (Stone) Pharmacies: compounding. This bill would authorize a pharmacy that provides compounding services to manufacture a non-patient-specific dangerous drug for a general acute care hospital in order to help alleviate a commercial shortage of that drug. 7

SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

University of the Pacific Chapter Updates By Jennifer Truong and Yen Doan, UOP Student Liaisons A new year always brings new excitement, and spring began for CSHP-Pacific with a flurry of activities and events. During the chapter’s annual Installation Banquet and Industry Night, the 2018 board members formally passed their roles onto a new team. With new faces and fresh ideas, CSHP-Pacific is ready to begin yet another year of advocating healthsystem pharmacy.

Top row from left to right: Jessica Ogihara (Central Valley Liasion), Wynonna Fuentez (Fundraising Chair), Amanda Yee (Secretary), Quynh Tran (President), and Lucas Harjono (VP of Membership) Bottom row from left to right: Vivian Lee (Technical Operations Chair), Erica Kim (Treasurer), Sandra Le (VP of Professional Affairs), and Brenda Dinh (Legislative Chair/SSEC Elect) The new board members include: • Quynh Tran (President) • Sandra Le (Vice President of Professional Affairs) • Lucas Harjono (Vice President of Membership) • • • • • •

Brenda Dinh (Legislative Chair/SSEC-Elect) Jessica Ogihara (Central Valley Liaison) Amanda Yee (Secretary) Erica Kim (Treasurer) Wynonna Fuentez (Fundraising Chair) Vivian Lee (Technical Operations Chair) 8

SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

The 2019 Board quickly went to work hosting their first events. Two key events for the spring semester included the Curriculum Vitae Review and the Member Appreciation Dinner, both hosted on campus at the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The CV Review paired first and second year students with Central Valley pharmacists, who provided guidance and support as students learned to fine-tune their CVs. With APPE rotations just around the corner, the review workshop was particularly beneficial for second year students. As a lighthearted end to the spring semester, the 2019 board members also worked together to host the chapter’s annual Member Appreciation Dinner. Featuring trivia games, raffles, and a home cooked meal, the Member Appreciation Dinner was a chance for CSHP-Pacific members to bond and unwind.

Pictured: CV Review (left), Member Appreciation Dinner (right)

Looking forward to the summer semester, the 2019 Executive Board continues to encourage student involvement and professional improvement. During graduation week in May, the chapter will host its annual Residency Panel featuring third-year students who have matched with residency programs. In addition to providing an overview of residency and the application process, the panel and provides an opportunity for students to ask questions and request advice. In July, the chapter will also host a Residency Showcase, an entirely student-run program which introduces pharmacy students to residency opportunities throughout the state. The chapter is eagerly requesting information from any and all available residency programs. Any resources to provide to student members would be hugely appreciated (i.e. brochures, flyers, etc). Putting their best foot forward, the CSHP-Pacific Board is eagerly preparing for these upcoming events.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

University of Southern California Chapter Updates By Christina Lee, USC Student Liaison & CSHP Chapter President On March 7th, 2019, we hosted our Annual Installation Banquet at Glenoaks Ballroom. At this event, we installed our new board, consisting of 37 new executive and general board members. We also highlighted the accomplishments of our outgoing board, as well as the pharmacists who have helped us with another successful year. Additionally, we recognized our graduating fourth year class and select fourth year members who earned special recognition through ASHP and CSHP. Â We would like to thank Dr. Steve Thompson, CSHP President, for supporting our organization this year by attending our advocacy and networking events and taking the time to attend our Annual Banquet. We look forward to another great year, full of innovative ideas and outstanding accomplishments. Â

We also held our annual Residency Speaker Series on March 5th and March 7th, where we provided tips on how to successfully navigate residency showcases and offered insight from a PGY-2 resident and current P4 student. During these sessions, we had two speakers give advice on how to leave a lasting impression on residency directors and presented information regarding how to apply for a residency through PhORCAS. This event was made to introduce the general timeline for residency applications and to help students get an early start.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

Our chapter also participated in the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Health Fair on April 14th, 2019. The LA Times Festival of Books is an annual event which gathers writers, poets, artists, filmmakers, musicians and emerging storytellers from all over the country and attracts over 150,000 people. During this event, our pharmacy students performed blood sugar, blood pressure and body fat screenings and screened over 300 participants! This was a great event for students to interact with the local community and represent USC pharmacy on a large scale.

On April 24th, 2019, our chapter organized a CSHP luncheon on campus to promote New Practitioner Membership to our graduating fourth year student pharmacists. We would like to thank Dr. Steve Thompson, CSHP President, and Dr. Lisa Lum, CSHP President-Elect, for taking the time to come to this event to speak to our students about the importance of staying involved in CSHP after graduation. We hope to make this an annual event and want to continue to promote active membership in CSHP. As another successful school year comes to a close, the CSHP-USC Chapter would like to sincerely thank SBLBSHP for collaborating with us and providing mentorship opportunities for our student pharmacists to grow. We look forward to working with you more this upcoming year and are extremely grateful for your continued support.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

Western University Chapter Updates By Ryan Tam, Western University Student Liaison On April 27th, 2019, CSHP participated in Drug Take Back Day at Kaiser Permanente Ontario campus. This was part of a national effort to reduce medication abuse and provide patients with a safe alternative for disposing their medications. Student volunteers helped collect medications and packaged them to be disposed by the DEA. Students from APhA’s Operation Heart and Diabetes, as well as CSHP’s Smoking Cessation committees also provided health education presentations to the community. On Monday, April 22nd WesternU CSHP hosted its annual Local Association Banquet. Pharmacists from OCSHP, ISHP, SBLBSHP, SFVSHP, and SGVSHP and students from local pharmacy schools were invited. The purpose of this event was to thank the local associations for their constant support for WesternU’s student chapter of CSHP. The pharmacists were part of a panel discussion that was open to questions from the attending students. Students were able to meet and interact with the different pharmacists and learn more about being involved in the local associations.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

On Saturday , April 6th WesternU CSHP collaborated with the Kaiser Permanente Hippocrates Circle Program in hosting a half day educational event. The program works with middle school students from underserved communities or those that are underrepresented in the health profession to encourage them to pursue a career in health care. Alongside the PA and DO programs at WesternU, CSHP Nutrition Committee held a nutrition presentation along with an interactive food scramble and juicing station. Our goal was to introduce these students to our profession as well as educate them on proper nutrition in regard to lifelong health. Students enjoyed the food scramble activity that tested their knowledge on the USDA MyPlate to illustrate a balanced diet of the five food groups. These students learned more about healthier alternatives besides sugary drinks when making nutrient filled juices. We wanted to demonstrate that eating healthy does require some more thought, but these eating habits develop over a lifetime.

On Saturday, March 16th, CSHP hosted a health fair at Arborland Montessori's annual Community Carnival. Our Health Fair subcommittee assisted with blood glucose, BMI, and blood pressure screenings and presentations while our Asthma Awareness subcommittee presented materials and activities to children and their parents . APhA joined us to present about diabetes, heart health, and the importance of vaccinations. 13

SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

Educational Dinners

Acthar Clinical Experiences/Case Studies 2/26/19 at Tin Roof Bistro

By Matt Kamada, PharmD, BCPS, Industrial Relations Chair On February 26th, 2019 our chapter held the first promotional dinner program of the year, hosted by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. Dhiman Basu, MD, flew in from Texas to teach attendees about Acthar. Dr. Basu was very energetic and was able to make his presentation relatable to pharmacists. As always, the Tin Roof Bistro delivered great quality food and drinks for the night in their private room. A sincere “Thank You” goes out to Katherine Dam (Pharmaceutical Representative for Mallinckrodt) for organizing this event with our chapter on such short notice. If you missed this dinner, we will have plenty of other opportunities this year so keep an eye out for more Evites!

Considerations for Novel, Targeted Therapies in the Treatment of Patients with B-Cell Malignancies and Plasma Cell Disorders 3/6/19 at Kaiser Permanente South Bay

By Lauren Epperson, PharmD, BCPS, Educational Affairs Chair On March 6th, 2019 SBLB partnered with Pharmacy Times for the very first time to provide a dinner CE program! Dr. Karen Fancher, PharmD, BCOP, presented “Considerations for Novel, Targeted Therapies in the Treatment of Patients with BCell Malignancies and Plasma Cell Disorders.” Despite most of the audience being unfamiliar with many of the new targeted oncology agents, Dr. Fancher presented the information in such a way that the audience was able to understand how these new agents fit within the treatment guidelines of B-Cell malignancies and key things even a non-oncology pharmacist should be aware of! We look forward to partnering with Pharmacy Times again in the future!


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

End of Life CE - Identifying and Tackling Symptoms in Last Hours of Life 4/30/19 at Matisse

By Lauren Epperson, PharmD, BCPS, Educational Affairs Chair On Tuesday, April 30th, SBLBSHP hosted a fabulous Continuing Education (CE) event at Matisse which is located in the Ayres Hotel. The event started off with attendees strolling through a room of numerous pharmacy vendors with their SBLB passports... after collecting stickers from each of the vendors they were eligible to enter a raffle! Thereafter, Dr. Kasey Malotte, PharmD, BCPS, APP, gave a great presentation titled “Identifying and Tackling Last Hours of Life.� The presentation was informative for pharmacists in all practice settings to understand symptom management and clinical pearls for this unique class of patients nearing the end of their life. Dr. Malotte did a great job fielding questions at the conclusion of the program about hot topics such as cannabis utility and the Death with Dignity Act. We look forward to hosting another CE event in the fall!


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019


Donation of $25 = one raffle ticket

BONUS: Donate $100 and get a free SBLBSHP shirt!

CSHP’s political action committee, PPC-PAC (Pharmacy Professionals of California Political Action Committee) ensures that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have a voice in the Capitol, advocating specifically on behalf of our profession. The goal of PPC-PAC is to elect, educate, and build rapport with elected leaders who understand the important role pharmacists play in our state. Your financial contribution plays a pivotal role in the ability of pharmacists to continue to be recognized as leaders and promote wellness, patient safety and the optimal use of medications.

CLICK HERE to contribute to PPC-PAC today!

Please email a copy of your receipt to enter Winner will be announced by August 2019


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2019

We welcome YOU to our monthly board meetings! Feel free to stop by! DATE: Second Wednesday of every month (meetings alternate between phone conference and in-person each month) Please RSVP for meetings via TIME: Dinner and networking at 6:30pm, meeting at 7pm LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center North Hospital 1st floor Conference Rooms 5-6

Come Join Us!



SBLBSHP 11138 Del Amo Blvd., Suite #127 Lakewood, CA 90715

Newsletter Archive: Website:

 President-Elect ANGELA LEE
 Immediate-Past President TIM CHOU, 

 Membership Chair

 Legal Affairs Chair

 CSHP Liaison

 Mentorship Program Chairs

 Technician Liaison

 Industrial Relations ANGELA LEE, CINDY LA
 Social Affairs Chairs

 Student Liaisons


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