Winter 2015
SBLBSHP NEWS South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-System Pharmacists Editor: Amanda A. Wong, PharmD
Inside This Issue: President’s Message
Crusin’ With SBLBSHP
Photo Collage
Leadership Breakfast
Membership Report
Legislative Update
Mentorship Program
Treasurer’s Corner
Education Calendar
President’s Message
A “selfie” with Megan Blackwell and 2014 Board of Directors
by Cindy Odegard, PharmD, President
I am honored to serve as your President of SBLBSHP for 2015. I am very fortunate to follow a long list of Presidents that have paved a successful path. Our membership is strong and growing. We have a talented and energetic Board of Directors. In 2014 we had an 11% growth in membership. In 2015, we expect to retain and continue to grow. It is important to grow and support CSHP’s efforts with SB 493, Provider Status for Pharmacists. Healthcare Reform presents many challenges and with it opportunities. Please consider attending California Legislative Day on April 28th. 2015 started off with our annual Night With Industry and Installation Banquet at the Automobile Driving Museum in El Segundo with a record number of attendees. The theme was “Cruisin’ with SBLB” and Tim Chou organized the event. It was an amazing venue to host our event. There were aisles of vintage cars to cruise through along with our industry booths organized by Charles Lam. (Full story on page 3) We had several VIPs attend our event, including Dawn Benton, CSHP Executive VP & CEO; Megan Blackwell, CSHP Director of Marketing & Membership; and Stacy Raff, current CSHP President. Megan won a “selfie stick” and put it to good use taking photos of our installation and awards. [Continued on page 2] 1
Winter 2015 [President’s Message continued] Our 2014 Kelly Hayes
Memorial Pharmacist of the Year Award was presented by Dawn Benton to Lisa Gunther Lum, PharmD of Kaiser Permanente. Lisa has been very involved with CSHP, SBLBSHP and SCSHP. We are very proud of Lisa! On February 12th we had our 39th Leadership Breakfast, “CA Board of Pharmacy Update for 2015” at the Boathouse on the Bay Restaurant in Long Beach. (Full story on page 5) Our Education Affairs Co-Chairs, Angela Jeong and Billie Gomes have many events set up for 2015. Each month there is a dinner program planned, including a great Preceptor Development Program put on by Western University in
Congratulations 2014 Kelly Hayes Memorial Pharmacist of the Year! Lisa Gunther Lum, PharmD
March. We will have our annual Western States Presentations in May. For the first time we will be offering a half-day Educational Program in the Fall. Great opportunities to get C.E. and enjoy a great meal with colleagues! Our Social Co-Chairs, Ryan Ristau and Helen Hong are planning some fun events for 2015, including another wine tasting trip, back by popular demand! Our social events are open to guests! Our chapter subsidizes the costs of these events, so please plan to join us! It’s a great way to meet others and network! South Bay/Long Beach is a very active and fun chapter. I am very proud to be able to lead such an amazing Board of Directors and Members!
Congratulations 2014 Student Pharmacist of the Year! Daniel Kudryashov, PharmD Candidate 2015 SBLBSHP 2015 Board of Directors 2
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Night With Industry and Installation Banquet 2015 Crusin’ With SBLBSHP by Tim Chou, PharmD, President-Elect
On Friday, January 30th, SBLBSHP held our 35th annual Night With Industry and Installation Banquet at the the Auto Driving Museum in El Segundo. We had record attendance with about 90 attendees which included members, guests and pharmacy students. We also had some distinguished guests in attendance which included Dawn Benton, CSHP Executive VP & CEO; Megan Blackwell, CSHP Director of Membership & Marketing; Stacey Raff, current CSHP President; Kenn Horowitz, past CSHP Treasurer & President; and Steve Gray, past CSHP & CPhA President. The Night With Industry portion of the evening was held in the car museum which allowed our members and industry vendors to mingle while being surrounded by a showroom of classic iconic cars. The installation portion of the evening was filled with an eventful program including presentation of our new Student of the Year award to Daniel Kudryashov and 2014 Kelly Hales Pharmacist of the Year award to Lisa Gunther Lum. We were honored to have our installation ceremony of the 2015 SBLBSHP Board performed by Steve Gray. We also raffled off a bunch of prizes including Target gift cards, the very popular "selfie sticks" and a Go Pro for the grand prize! Congratulations to all of the raffle prize winners and award recipients! Thank you for Cruisin' with SBLBSHP!
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Cruisin' with SBLBSHP!
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Membership Report by Matt Kamada, PharmD and Charles Lam, PharmD, Membership Chairs
As of January 1st 2015, we have a total of 139 members (130 CSHP
Leadership Breakfast by Cindy Odegard, PharmD, President
and 9 CPTA). Please remember to renew your membership to
On February 12th we had our 39th Leadership
continue receiving all the benefits
Breakfast, “CA Board of Pharmacy Update for 2015” at
that SBLBSHP has to offer.
the Boathouse on the Bay Restaurant in Long Beach.
Join us in welcoming our new and renewing members! Pharmacists: Pamela Almeida, Peter Ambrose, Noemy Boghossian, Suzanne Folwick, Suzanne French, Thomas Hoey, Kirsten La, Lisa Gunther Lum, Mirta Millares, William Reeve, Sek Shia, Janice Shim, Amy Shimada,Robert Tindula, William Vasak, Joyce Watanabe, Arleigh Williams, and Norman Willis New Practitioner: Charles Lam, Angela (Na Hyun) Lee, Rosalin Preechakul, Peter Ty, and Andrew Warnock Retired Pharmacists: Taylor Boring, Bruce Ellinoy, Kenn Horowitz, Kayko Murakami, and Judith Shigemitsu
We were very fortunate to have Virginia Herold, Executive Officer CA Board of Pharmacy, speak on upcoming changes for 2015. This included hot topics as Advanced Practice License, compounding regulations and narcotic diversions. Virginia presented details about revenue (mostly from licensing fees) and expenditures for the CA Board of Pharmacy. She showed us sites and menus on the Board’s website; major activities done in committees; and special committees for SB 493 Implementation and Prescription Drug Abuse. This event was well attended by Directors, Supervisors, Managers and residents. Attendees earned one hours of continuing education credit and enjoyed a delicious hot breakfast while networking and meeting with representatives from nine of our industry sponsors: Bayer Health Care, Celgene, Boehringer Ingleheim, Helsinn Oncology, Janseen, Medicines Company, Nephron Pharmaceuticals, Novo Nordisk and Novartis Oncology. Special thanks goes out to Lisa Gunther Lum for getting Virginia as our speaker. Our Clinical Affairs Committee
Brittney Biegel, Lauren Epperson and Rosalin
Erika Dioses, Carol Glover, and
Students, Cindy La and Sang Yoo volunteer to work
Yasmin Yap-Mariano
Preechakul put on this event. We had two USC P4 registration and distribute CE certificates. 5
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Legislative Update by Daniel Kudryashov, PharmD Candidate 2015
The year 2014 marked many important regulatory, legislative, and policy developments for the pharmacy profession. With the passage of SB 493 in 2013, pharmacists gained official recognition as healthcare providers on the state level effective January 1, 2014. Although some provisions of SB 493 (Hernandez) are in effect, several others are on hold pending regulatory action by the California State Board of Pharmacy (Board). In addition, the Board is continuing its implementation of SB 294 (Emerson) and is working to release final sterile compounding regulations in a few months. On the federal level, last year saw the pharmacy profession come together in a group known as Patient Access to Pharmacists’ Care Coalition (PAPCC) to advocate for the provider status legislation – HR 4190. The information contained below is meant to give a brief overview of pertinent legislative developments, but it is by no means a comprehensive review and does not represent legal advice.
California Board of Pharmacy Updates • Sterile Compounding Regulations (ongoing implementation of SB 294 [2013]) o The Board is updating Title 16 of California Code or Regulations (CCR) pertaining to compounding of sterile drug products o Regulatory changes implemented in 2014: all pharmacies (resident and non-resident) performing sterile compounding are required to obtain a sterile compounding license, which is subject to annual renewal; the Board also gained the authority to inspect all pharmacies (resident and non-resident) o Proposed regulation: after a second period for public comments, which ended on February 20, 2015, the Board is likely to release its final rules on sterile compounding after discussion on it upcoming meeting on March 9, 2015. • Patient Centered Labels for Prescription Drug Containers o The Board updated regulations in 2014 pertaining to labeling of drug containers. Intent of this regulation was to ensure that consumer receive their prescription drugs with labels that are centered around consumers’ needs. o The regulation calls for 12-point sans serif typeface to be used for printing the name of the patient, name and strength of drug, SIG, and indication (if listed on prescription) on the drug container labels. Furthermore, the items listed above shall occupy at least 50% of the label. o Regulation will become effective on April 1, 2015. 6
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
SB 493 Implementation Several of the provisions of SB 493 are undergoing implementation, pending regulatory action. These provisions include: independent administration of ACIP-recommended routine vaccines by pharmacists, ordering and interpreting tests to monitor drug therapies, and prescription of medications recommended by CDC fort travel outside of the U.S. In addition, the Board will decide on the requirements for the Advanced Practice Pharmacist Licensure, provide protocol requirements for pharmacists who furnish self-administered hormonal contraception, as well as consider providing additional guidance for pharmacists providing smoking cessation services. Of note, although SB 493 had recognized pharmacists as healthcare providers in statute, no such recognition exists on the federal level.
California Board of Pharmacy Updates Last year HR 4190 was introduced by Congressmen Guthrie, Butterfield and Young to amend the Social Security Act to recognize pharmacists as healthcare providers in medically underserved areas. This could have far-reaching advances for California pharmacists, as according to the PAPCC, 53 out of 58 California counties are designated as “medically underserved.” HR 4190 also would have required the creation of pharmacist-specific CPT codes and established reimbursement for pharmacists’ services. In a matter of 8 months the bill received strong bipartisan support with 123 cosponsors. Thirteen of the cosponsors where Representatives from California: Mike Thomson (District 5), Michael Honda (District 17), Karen Bass (District 37), Devin Nunez (District 22), Mark Takano (District 31), Grace Napolitano (District 32), Ami Bera (District 7), Duncan Hunter (District 50), Doris Matsui (District 6), Adam Schiff (District 28), Alan Lowenthal (District 47), Barbara Lee (District 14) and Zoe Lofgren (District 19). HR 4190 was referred to the Ways and Means Committee and Subcommittee on Health and saw no further action in 2014. The provider status bill was re-introduced this year in both chambers of Congress as HR 592 (by Rep. Guthrie) and S 314 (by Sen. Grassley). HR 592 was referred to Ways and Means Committee and Committee on Energy and Commerce, while S 314 was referred to Committee on Finance. Currently, HR 592 has 52 cosponsors (4 from CA: Devin Nunes, Duncan Hunter, Alan Lowenthal and Doris Matsui) and S314 has 5 cosponsors (not Sen. Boxer or Sen. Feinstein). Now is the time for pharmacists to get involved in legislative advocacy and urge more legislators to support HR 592 and S 314. SBLBSHP is planning to organize local legislative visits in support of pharmacist provider status in the upcoming several months. Please stay tuned for information on how you can participate in this historic moment and make provider status a reality for all pharmacists.
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Mentorship Program by Tim Chou, PharmD, President-Elect
On December 2014, SBLBSHP started our first Mentorship Program with USC School of Pharmacy. The goal of this 1 year mentorship program is to provide mentorship opportunities to Thank you to our student volunteers at Night With Industry!
leaders and future leaders of the society through a program
Mentorship Program - Monthly Discussion Topics December 2014
January 2015
February 2015
March 2015
Introductions! Get to know your mentor/mentee! For this first interaction, talk about your career/ educational backgrounds, favorite hobbies/past time activities, etc. Establish expectations of what you would like to get out of the mentorship program. Set up how you guys will be communicating for subsequent months. Career options in pharmacy? There are so many career options in the field of pharmacy. Take this time to discuss about all the different career options that are available. What are the pros/cons of each career path? Mentors, Share your pharmacy career experiences that led up to where you are today. Open discussion #1! This is an opportunity for the mentee to come up with any discussion topic of interest. Is there anything that you would like to talk about that’s not included in the discussion topics? This is your chance to discuss about it! How to succeed in Pharmacy School: Academics With the amount of drug information constantly increasing and changing, the way pharmacy education are designed are constantly evolving as well. Mentors, please share how pharmacy education was back when you were in school and what tips/ tricks you used to help you succeed. Mentees, please share how pharmacy education is nowadays. Go over your curriculum for the 4 years of pharmacy. You’d be surprised how much has changed in a short amount of time!
designed to develop, inspire, and encourage involvement in the profession. We have members from our chapter across different fields of pharmacy volunteer to be mentors for the program. Mentors and mentees were matched based on the mentor's pharmacy field and the mentee's pharmacy area(s) of interest. A total of 24 mentors and mentees were matched and have begun their mentorship relationship as of December 2014. At the beginning of each month, a new discussion topic is provided to the mentor/mentee's to have discussions. Discussion topics range from career options in pharmacy to considerations for pursuing pharmacy residency programs. If you are interested in becoming a mentor for next year, please let me (Tim Chou) know!
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Treasurer’s Corner by Rosalin Preechakul, PharmD, Treasurer
Welcome to 2015 with the new board members—along with a well balanced bank account! Here is our annual Report for 2014:
EXPENSES&2014&&&& CAPE$ 3%$
UPS$Mailbox$ 1%$ LEG$ 1%$
PR$ 2%$
INS$ 4%$
BOD$Food$ 8%$ Installa0on$ 23%$
Edu$Affairs$ 19%$
Social$ 11%$
Leadership$Breakfast$ 20%$ Seminar$ 8%$
Social# 3%# CH#Rebates# 11%# Installa5on## 33%#
LB#1# 17%#
LB#2# 14%#
LB#3# 22%#
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
Education Calendar by Angela Jeong, PharmD and Billie Gomes, PharmD, Educational Affairs/Industry Relations Chairs
Brought to you by
Jan. 30, 2015
Night With Industry and Installation Banquet
Auto Driving Museum, El Segundo
Feb. 2, 2015
Leadership Breakfast: CA Board of Pharmacy Update
Boathouse on the Bay, Long Beach
Feb. 25, 2015
Introduction to Zerbaxa by Stefan Schneider, MD
Il Fornaio, Manhattan Beach
Cubist Pharmaceuticals
March 25, 2015
Preceptor Development by Jim Scott, PharmD
Tin Roof Bistro, Manhattan Beach
SBLBSHP & Western University
The Medicines Company
Western State Showcase
PGY1 & PGY2 Residents
Prostate Cancer
Astellas Pharma US
April 14, 2015 April/May 2015 June 2015
*Subject to change. Please watch for an Evite invitation in your inbox!
We welcome YOU to attend our monthly
Come Join Us!
Board Meetings! 2nd Wednesday of every month @ 7pm Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center Conference Rom B1 & B2 (Parking structure entrance is on the west corner of Normandie Ave & S. Vermont Ave)
SBLBSHP Newsletter
Winter 2015
CSHP Chapter of Distinction - 2012, 2013 and just announced for 2014! Mailing Address: SBLBSHP 21143 Hawthorne Blvd., #135 Torrance, CA 90503 Website:
SBLBSHP 2015 Board of Directors OFFICERS President – Cindy Odegard President-Elect – Tim Chou Immediate-Past President – Michael Nakao Secretary – Pauline Phan Treasurer – Rosalin Preechakul
CSHP DELEGATES/ALTERNATES Cindy Odegard Tim Chou Judith Nakao Kevin Kaneko Angela Lee
DIRECTORS Kevin Kaneko William Reeve
CSHP ALTERNATE DELEGATES Rosalin Prechakul Michael Nakao William Reeve Lisa Gunther Lum Pauline Phan
COMMITTEE CHAIRS Educational Affairs/Industry Relations - Angela Jeong & Billie Gomes Legal Affairs – Daniel Kudryashov Membership – Matt Kamada & Charles Lam Communications – Angela Lee & Amanda A. Wong Public Relations – Kirsten La & Scott Harada Clinical Affairs – William Reeve, Rosalin Preechakul, Lauren Epperson, Angela Lee, & Brittany Biegel Social Affairs – Helen Hong & Ryan Ristau Webmaster – Larry Gunsalus Tech Liaison – Yasmin Yap-Mariano Mentorship Program – Tim Chou & Angela Lee 11