Summer 2016
SBLBSHP NEWS South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Message from the President Hello South Bay/Long beach Society of Health System Pharmacists (SBLBSHP) members! It has been an exciting year so far and we already had many exciting events to share! We have had multiple educational dinners planned by our Educational Affairs/Industry Relations Co-Chairs. Educational topics spanned from Harvoni for hepatitis C to Xtandi for prostate cancer. We hold these educational dinners on a monthly basis so please look out for Evites in your email to RSVP if you are interested! In addition to educational dinners, we also had 3 continuing education events. Our pharmacy residents from Kaiser South Bay, Downey, Caremore and Little Company of Mary Torrance were able to present on their exciting Western States projects to provide CE’s for our attendees. Our Clinical Affairs committee also put on our 2nd annual Half-Day CE Program at the Miyako Hotel in Torrance on May 21, 2016. This was again a successful event with great CE topics on management of chemotherapy-nausea vomiting, new drugs in heart failure and management of liver failure/transplant. We also had the opportunity to have representatives attend the annual CSHP student chapter end of the year banquets at USC as well as Western University. It’s great to see the energy and innovation of the next generation of student pharmacists. With graduating pharmacy students in May, we also held our 2nd annual Meet & Greet event at the Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach for the graduating 4th year pharmacy students to network with our chapter and to encourage them to stay involved with their profession and CSHP. Community service is also an area of focus for our chapter. Our Public Relations Chair Scott Harada planned multiple community service events that were well attended by our members as well as pharmacy students.
Inside This Issue: President’s Message
Intern Meet and Greet
Public Relations Update
Continuing Education Success!
Western States CE Presentation
Mentorship Program
Legislative Update
Mailing Address: SBLBSHP 11138 Del Almo Blvd Suite # 127 Lakewood, CA 90715 Email: Newsletter Archive: Editors: Vittoria Ledesma & Amanda Wong
Message from the President (continued) We participated in the Torrance Environmental Fair to teach the public about safe methods for disposing unused/expired medications. We educated members of the Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM) on Diabetes management. And we also participated in a Career Day at the Aloha Health Medical Academy to talk about the profession of pharmacy. As you can see, we had a busy year so far but we have more events coming your way so check your emails for Evites to participate in our upcoming events in the summer and fall! CSHP Seminar 2016 at the Disneyland Hotel & Resort in Anaheim is also around the corner so please plan to attend! I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming SBLBSHP events! Thank you, Tim Chou, Pharm.D. SBLBSHP Chapter President
Upcoming Leadership Breakfast: Save the Date! The South Bay Long Beach Society of Health-System Pharmacists is excited to host their 40th Leadership Breakfast. The event details are as follows: Date: Friday, September 16th 2016 Topic: Sterile compounding regulations and CMS regulations Speaker: Darryl Rich, PharmD from ISMP Agenda: 7:00-8:00 am – Breakfast, Registration, Pharmaceutical industry displays 8:00-9:00 am – Speaker presentation 9:00-9:30 am – Q&A Session and Discussion
Intern Meet and Greet! By Matt Kamada, President-Elect On June 6th, the second annual “Intern Meet and Greet” brought several pharmacy students and residents to the beautiful Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach to meet the SBLBSHP Board of Directors. With the Shade Hotel’s amazing wall of flowers in the background, the group shared drinks and hors d’oevres as well as a few ice breakers. While an overwhelming majority of pharmacy students are involved with professional organizations during their schooling, there is a sharp drop off of professional involvement once graduation occurs. In efforts to introduce and encourage professional organization involvement as a pharmacist, SBLBSHP’s Intern Meet and Greet ushers students into the professional arena. The students were taught the importance of networking, continuing education credits, and also the social aspect of SBLBSHP. Good luck to the interns who will be taking the licensure exams this summer and we hope you will stay involved and help further our profession of pharmacy!
Public Relations Update By Scott Harada, Public Relations Chair This past June was easily the busiest month of the year for the PR team. SBLBSHP just hosted its second class with the Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM), one of our local homeless shelters, about basics in diabetes. Second Year USC student pharmacists Sandy On and Valerie Nguyen represented Operation Diabetes by presenting about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, the importance of exercise, and the complications of letting diabetes get out of control. The twenty four LBRM members were so appreciative we ended up staying a bit longer to get through everyone's questions. Our student pharmacists were so touched, that even screening services might be offered later down the line for our shelter community. SBLBSHP also attended this year's Torrance Environmental Health Fair to talk about the importance of proper medication disposal which can not only help the environment, but also keep your family safe. Personally, I was surprised just how much the Torrance community cares about safe disposal practices. We counted at least 80 visitors to our booth and we almost ran out of fliers we were so popular! Hosting the booth was none other than 3rd year USC student pharmacists Tam Phan and Sophie Cheng representing Generation Rx, an organization designed on preventing medication misuse. An amazing job well done.
Our finale event and one of my personal favorites is our career day at Aloha Elementary School. Representing pharmacy were again USC students Sandy On and Sophie Cheng who showed first graders why pharmacy is the best career in the whole wide world! Our first graders were absolutely thrilled about learning what a pharmacist does and what it takes to become a pharmacist. Students drew us pictures and thank you cards of pharmacists helping the community. The SBLBSHP is proud to be a part of career day and we thank Aloha Elementary for giving us the chance to inspire a new generation. Thank you again to our amazing student pharmacists for coming out on your summer vacation to talk to our homeless shelter, our Torrance community, and our one day future pharmacists. If you're looking for a chance to get involved in the fun, I invite you to help precept at one of our up coming events (see below). If you have a new idea of an organization that you'd like to work with, I encourage you to email me at Thank you again and I hope to see you at the next event!
Looking for Preceptors for the following events: August 5: 10-11 am - LBRM Health Heart Fridays Topic "HLD" October 7: 10-11 am - LBRM Health Heart Fridays Topic "Smoking Cessation" December 2: 10-11 am - LBRM Health Heart Fridays Topic "Diet" Pending August - LBRM Health Fair - Currently in the works for screening services Pending Fall/Winter - Salvation Army Health Fair Pending October - I walk 4 kids
Continuing Education Success! By Lauren Epperson, Clinical Affairs Chair We held our 2nd Annual Half-day CE Event on May 21, 2016 at the Miyako Hybrid Hotel in Torrance. The event started off with great networking with the pharmaceutical vendors and a wonderful breakfast buffet. After the breakfast, the continuing education talks commenced. Dr. Curtis Holt from UCLA spoke on the topic of Liver Transplant, Dr. Cynthia Jackevicius from WesternU spoke about the two newer CHF agents: ivabradine and sacubitril/valsartan, and Dr. Vivian Chow of USC gave an update on oncology supportive care. The diverse topics provided a nice update for pharmacists in all practice areas! Those who attended had positive feedback for the event and were able to gain 3 CE units efficiently. We look forward to more successful events in the future!
Resident Western States CE Presentations By Vittoria Ledesma, Communication Chair Our chapter's annual "Residents' Western States Presentation" series went very well. SBLBSHP members were excited to hear their research project presentations, and provided valuable constructive feedback to help them prepare for the Western States Conference. Two sessions with five presenters were held on each night: Tuesday, May 3rd -- CareMore Medical Group, Cerritos, CA Amanda Wong -- KP PGY2 Drug Information Services Cindy La -- KP PGY1 Downey Medical Center Isaac Tse -- PGY1 CareMore Medical Group JR Flores -- KP PGY1 Downey Medical Center Marilyn Jen -- KP PGY2 Downey Medical Center
Thursday, May 5th -- Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center Andrew Trinh -- KP PGY1 South Bay Medical Center Jenny Chang -- KP PGY1 South Bay Medical Center Vittoria Marie Ledesma -- KP PGY2 Drug Information Services Josephine Aminpour -- PGY1 Providence Little Company of Mary - Torrance Lauren Kawabata -- PGY1 Providence Little Company of Mary - Torrance
Thank you to the Educational Affairs & Industry Relations Chair Billie Gomez for organizing the event and thank you so much to the residents for participating!
Mentorship Program: We’re Half Way Through! By Angela Lee, Mentorship Program Chair Treading through the year from one discussion topic to the next, 18 mentor-mentee pairs have reached the midpoint of the program! In addition to discussions, some mentees were able to participate in activities offered by SBLBSHP board members such as the Kaiser Permanente Central Refill Pharmacy tour coordinated by Lisa Lum on May 15th. Other mentees came out to the Half-Day CE program on May 21st to volunteer and network. Mentees who attended the Meet & Greet event on June 7th got to mingle with SBLBSHP board members and recent graduates over appetizers, drinks, and games. It has been a pleasure seeing some mentees consistently and actively involved in our chapter, especially Sophie Cheng (P3, USC) and Brian Phan (P4, USC), taking full advantage of what the mentorship program has to offer. Also congratulations to the recent graduate mentees, Eunice Lee (USC) and Leslie Tanaka (USC), who are both starting residency in July. Way to go! As always, MANY THANKS to our mentors for volunteering their time and effort to guide the students. This program could not exist without you! SBLBSHP is always looking for suggestions and feedback to improve our mentorship program. Mentors and mentees, please share your thoughts on the midpoint survey, and anyone else could contact me ( regarding the mentorship program. Cheers to summer!
Legislative Update By Daniel Kudryashov, Legal Affairs Chair Continuing Implementation of SB 493 In addition to recognizing pharmacists as healthcare providers under state law, Senate Bill 493 (Hernandez) approved in 2013 added a number of new provisions detailing services that can be performed by qualified pharmacists. Some of the provisions of SB 493 have already been approved, while others are still in the implementation process. Below is a status update on the implementation of the bill. SB 493 (Hernandez) Provisions*
Public Comment Period
Board of PharmacyApproved
Administrative Review
In Effect
In review
In review
In review
State protocol for nicotine replacement products State protocol for hormonal contraction protocol Advanced Practice Pharmacist licensure requirements Requirements for pharmacists furnishing travel medications Requirement for pharmacists to initiate and administer vaccines Notable New Pharmacy Laws in 2016
1) Intern Pharmacists With the passage of SB 590 (Stone) in 2015, the application for pharmacist examination has been amended. Individuals graduating from an accredited pharmacy school after January 1, 2016 are no longer required to submit proof of completion of 1,500 pharmacy practice experience hours. Instead, graduation from an accredited pharmacy school will be deemed sufficient to satisfy the pharmacy practice experience requirements. 2) Substitution of Biologics SB 671 (Hill), approved in 2015 establishes provisions for pharmacist substitution of biologic drugs with other biosimilar products that are interchangeable. In essence, a pharmacist may choose to substitute an interchangeable biologic if the words “do not substitute� do not appear on the prescription and the substituted product does not cost more for the patient. In addition, the patient must be informed of the substitution and the prescriber must be notified within five days.
3) Prescription Drug Labeling AB 1073 (Ting) established requirements that dispensing pharmacists provide translated directions for use upon patient’s or patient representative’s request. The translated directions for use must be printed on the prescription bottle, label, or a supplemental document, in addition to the standard directions in English. The languages included in the regulation are Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. Translation into additional languages or 15 standardized directions for use made available on the Board of Pharmacy website is not required. 4) Naloxone Protocol in Effect The Board of Pharmacy has finalized the emergency regulations allowing pharmacists to furnish, without a prescription, an antidote to reverse opioid overdose, effective January 27, 2016. This is a result of California Assembly Bill 1535 passed last year. *Source: The Script. California State Board of Pharmacy. Spring 2016.
Come Join Us! We welcome YOU to our monthly Board Meetings! Feel free to stop by! DATE: 2nd Wednesday of every month TIME: Dinner & networking at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center, Conference room B1 & B2
2015 SBLBSHP 11138 Del Almo Blvd, Suite # 127 Lakewood, CA 90715
SBLBSHP 2016 Board Members Tim Chou President Matt Kamada President-Elect Cindy Odegard Immediate-Past President
Amanda Wong & Vittoria Ledesma Communications Chairs Dan Bauman Membership Chair
Angela Lee Secretary
Billie Gomes & Angela Jeong Educational Affairs & Industry Relations Chairs
Rosalin Preechakul Treasurer
Daniel Kudryashov Legal Affairs Chair
William Reeve & Steve Thompson Directors
Angela Lee Mentorship Program Chair Scott Harada Public Relations Chair
Cindy Odegard, Rosalin Preechakul, Lauren Epperson, Brittany Biegel, & John Flores Clinical Affairs Chairs
Tim Chou, Matt Kamada, Kevin Kaneko, Angela Lee, & Judith Nakao CSHP Delegates
Cindy La & Marilyn Jen Social Affairs Chairs
Dan Bauman, Lauren Epperson, Rosalin Preechakul, & Mirta Millares Alternate Delegates
Amanda Wong Webmaster Lisa Gunther Lum CSHP Liaison Yasmin Yap-Mariano Technician Liaison
USC — Brian Phan Western — Dan Nguyen UCSF — TBD UOP — TBD UCSD — TBD Loma Linda — TBD Student Liaisons