O N L I N E MEDIA KIT 2022 Das Magazin & Fachportal für mehr Sicherheit am Bau
bauSICHERHEIT aims to make working on construction sites safer for everyone involved. As a trade magazine, bauSICHERHEIT focuses on all safety-relevant aspects especially around the construction site. Without pointing the finger, bauSICHERHEIT wants to help ensure that laws and guidelines are adhered to. But it is also about the practical benefits as well as the design and comfortable handling of all the equipment. Product comparisons and market overviews as well as preliminary and follow-up reports on trade fairs relevant to the industry provide an overview and serve as a decision-making aid. Manufacturers and companies that are particularly committed to safety and health in the building sector are also part of the editorial coverage, as are new product launches, practical tips, legal framework conditions, current legal judgements, as well as previews of dates (seminars, conferences, tra de fairs, symposia, etc.). Industry news from companies, associations and professional associations round off the reporting.
Organ Holl Kanat Haslach Cakirogullari
Volume/Year 6 th volume 2022 Mode of publishing 6 x per year 6 issues
Publishing house SBM Verlag GmbH Postal address Hermann-von-Barth-Str. 2, D-87435 Kempten Telephone +49 (0) 8 31 / 5 22 04-0 +49 (0) 8 31 / 5 22 04-50 www.bausicherheit-online.de info@bausicherheit-online.de
Management Markus
Joachim Plath Andreas
Publishing management Tobias
Editorial department Dan Windhorst Project management Tobias Nickert Advertisements scheduling Eray
Markus Holl
Subscription price
6 issues
Domestic: 39,00 € (dispatch and VAT included)
Abroad: 5w1,00 € (dispatch included)
Retail Price: 6,50 € (order at: www.bausicherheit-online.de/ magazin/abo)
ISSN: 1610-3785
Extend analysis 2020 / 21 = 6 issues
Magazine format DIN A4, 210 mm wide, 297 mm high
Total extend 424 pages = 100,0 %
Editorial part 325 pages = 76,6 %
Advertisment part 99 pages = 23,4 % including
Special publication
„branchenSPEZIALISTEN“ 19 pages = 19,2 % Insert 9 units
Content analysis of the editorial part
2020 / 21 325 pages = 100,0 %
1. Personal protective equipment (PPE) 71 pages = 21,8 %
2. Workwear 27 pages = 8,3 %
3. Building site safety 103 pages = 31,7 %
4.Vehicle safety 37 pages = 11,4 %
5. Practice reports 28 pages = 8,6 %
6. Counselor 23 pages = 7,1 %
7. New first 12 pages = 3,7 %
8. Miscellaneous** 24 pages = 7,4 %
*) *) Miscellaneous contain: Just a word, contents, imprint, at a glance, preview, worth reading, adviser, information technology, self-advertising
Total extend Editorial part
Total extend 1. 3. 6. 2. 4. 5. 7.
Advertise ment part 8.
Editions analysis
Copies per issue annual average st October 2020 to 30 th September 2021 based on the AMF scheme)
Print run 125
Acutally circulated issue 928 thereof abroad
Issue sold 90 thereof abroad thereof member pieces copies subscribed other sales single sale
Breakdown of the actually circulated issue according to Nielsen areas
Nielsen area I
Nielsen area Rhine-Westphalia
Nielsen area IIIa Rhineland-Palatinate
Nielsen area IIIb
Free copies 838
Residual, scample
Geographical circulation analysis
Economic area
Share of the actually circulated copies 7 539
Actually 928
Nielsen area
90 -
archive and
copies 197
issue %
Domestic 95,1
Abroad 4,9 389
circulated issue 100,0 7
2 100 monthly readers of the bauSICHERHEIT online edition plus
Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxory 1 032
II North
1 376
Saarland 881
Baden-Wuerttemberg 1 745
IV Bavaria 2 110 Nielsen area V Berlin 172 Nielsen area VI Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt 115 Nielsen area VII Thuringia, Saxory 108
domestic circulation 7 539 Aborad 389 Circulation control IVW connected Click here for more infos!
Statistical number of readers per company: 2,35 (reader analysis 2021)
The circle of recipients of the consists of approx. 61 000 readers from the processing building trade and the main buil ding trade. The readership is made up of company executives. Source: The evaluation is based on the in-house list of recipients and regular checks by the publishing house. The size of the business unit, education, age/ gender and the size of the municipality have not been considered in the evaluation.
EVERYTHING AT ONE VIEW 6 Industries / Economic sectors / Specialisations / Professional sectors
Recipient groups (changing monthly) Main construction Building trade / fabricators 46,1 % 100 % 59,3 % 100 % actually circulated issue (annual average) 100 % 9 989 copies Building trade / fabricators (finishing trade) 4 601 copies 46,1 %41/43 5 388 copies 59,3 % Main construction trade (structure and civilengineering, road construction, demolition and recycling) 45.21.1/ 45.23.1/ 45.11.1 Copies Portion of actually distributed copies Recipient group description according to the industrial classification of economic activities published by the German Statistical Office Department/ group/class Click here for more infos!
PRINT 7 Special Forms of Advertising Binder up to 170 g / m² 1 sheet (2-sided) 3 100,– € 2 sheet (4-sided 4 900,– € 3 sheet (6-sided) 6 400,– € Bound inserts are discounted. Multi-sheet bound inserts must be delivered folded accordingly, but untrimmed. For example 3 sheet (6-sided) Other Special Forms of Advertising (e.g.: Banderole, Panorama Folding Page, Gate Folder etc.) Price on demand Supplements Loosely inserted Price per thousand up to 25 g 220,– € All other 5 g per tsd. 15,– € Partial insertion possible from 10 000 copies onwards with 10 % price surcharge Format Maximum 200 mm wide x 290 mm high bausicherheit-online.de August 2021 08 SICHERHEIT 08/21 SCHULUNG FÜR SICHERES ARBEITEN IN DER HÖHE PSA:MEBSafetysetztaufpraxisnahe TrainingsundWeiterbildungsmaßnahmen LADUNG RICHTIG AUF DER PRITSCHE SICHERN Blickpunkt:HS-Schochkonzipiertneue »HS-Boxen«fürdensicherenTransport TITEL-THEMA »SPRINGFIT«: EINWEG-ATEMSCHUTZMASKE FÜR DEN BAU DAS PROBLEM MIT SCHWARZARBEIT Ratgeber:DiefinanziellenFolgen durch Schattenwirtschaft am Bau U1_BS_JSP_08_21.indd Alle 11:42 Cover page, 4-color, (209 mm wide x 190 mm high, plus 3 mm bleed) + Cover story, maximum 2 pages editorial, without right of withdrawal 5 900,– € (for increased editions on request) 2nd cover page, 4-color 4 250,– € 3rd cover page, 4-color 4 250,– € 4th cover page / back cover, 4-color 4 250,– € Click here for more infos!
PRINT 8 Advertisement Formats t: type area b: in the bleed (+ 3 mm bleed) Sizes width x height 1/3 vertical t: 185 x 90 mm b: 210 x 106 mm 1/3 horizontal t: 60 x 265 mm b: 72 x 297 mm 1/2 vertical t: 185 x 130 mm b: 210 x 146 mm 1/2 horizontal t: 90 x 265 mm b: 102,5 x 297 mm 2/3 vertical t: 185 x 175 mm b: 210 x 191 mm 2/3 horizontal t: 137,5 x 235 mm b: 150 x 251 mm special format Juniorpage 1/4 horizontal t: 90 x 130 mm b: 102,5 x 146 mm 1/4 horizontal t: 42,5 x 265 mm b: 55 x 297 mm 1/4 vertical t: 185 x 65 mm b: 210 x 81 mm right pageleft page 3/4 vertical t: 185 x 200 mm b: 210 x 216 mm 3/4 horizontal t: 137,5 x 265 mm b: 150 x 297 mm 1/1 page t: 185 x 265 mm b: 210 x 297 mm Bleed in the middle 3 mm, with motive extending past the trimm line by 5 mm per page 2/1 page t: 198 x 265 mm per page b: 210 x 297 mm per page 1/8 vertical t: 90 x 65 mm t: 185 x 32 mm 1/8 horizontal t: 42,5 x 130 mm 1/8 vertical b: 210 x 48 mm Click here for more infos!
Special x horizontal vertical x 32 vertical x 48 vertical 442,– € 530,– € 583,– €
1/4 x 265 horizontal x 130 horizontal x 65 vertical x 297 horizontal 102,5 x 146 horizontal x 81 vertical 900,– € 990,– €
1/3 x 265 horizontal vertical x 297 horizontal x 106 vertical 224,– € 1 346,– €
1/2 x 265 horizontal 130 vertical x 297 horizontal x 146 vertical 801,– € 1 981,– €
2/3 x 235 horizontal x 175 vertical x 251 horizontal 210 x 191 vertical 379,– € 2 617,– €
3/4 x 265 horizontal x 200 horizontal x 297 horizontal x 216 horizontal 2 719,– € 2 991,– € x 297 603,– € 3 963,– € x 210 x 297 205,– € 7 926,– € prices in € plus applicable statutory VAT rate. Prices b/w and 3c on request..
100 % net after receipt of invoice without With payment via bank collection or in advance 2 % discount. no. DE 198 152 137 Bank details Kempten IBAN DE14 7332 0073 6690 4171 87 number 127 / 137 / 20036
PRINT 9 Advertising Rates Format Advertisements in type area Dimensions in mm bleed-off sizes Dimensions in mm* Type area 4c Bleed 4c
format 42,5
90 x 65
page 42,5
page 60
185 x 90
page 90
185 x
page 137,5
page 137,5
1/1 page 185 x 265 210
2/1 page 2 x 185 x 265 2
Discounts In case of purchase within one insertion year (start with the appearance of the first advertise ment): Time scale: Quantity scale: 3 forms of advertising 5 % 2 pages 5 % 6 forms of advertising 10 % 4 pages 10 % 9 forms of advertising 15 % 6 pages 15 % 11 forms of advertising 20 % 8 pages 20 % Payment conditions
Deadline: 19.01.
Closing date: 26.01. Publishing date: 12.02.
Eisenwarenmesse Köln 06. – 09.03.
Worksafe Dortmund 30. 31.03. Logimat Stuttgart 08. – 10.03.
Worksafe Gorinchem 12. 14.04.
Safety in height
Deadline: 22.03.
Closing date: 30.03. Publishing date: 16.04.
Arbeitssicherheit Schweiz Bern 01. 02.06.
Interschutz Hannover 20. – 25.06.
Galabau Nürnberg 14. 17.09.
Safety & Health @ work Rotterdam 05. 06.10.
PPE Workwear Corporate Fashion
Deadline: 13.07.
Closing date: 20.07.
Publishing date: 06.08.
Special-Supplement Bau 4.0
Deadline: 17.05. Closing date: 24.05. Publishing date: 11.06.
Deadline: 14.09.
Closing date: 21.09. Publishing date: 08.10.
Expo Protection Puteaux 15. 17.11.
Arbeitsschutz aktuell Stuttgart 18. 20.10. bauma München 24. 30.10. Bau 2023 München 09. 14.01.2023
DECEMBER site safety
Deadline: 23.11.
Closing date: 30.11.
Publishing date: 17.12.
Aktuell & bauma Special
Digital Edition
Topics in each issue
1 Personal protection equipment
Personal protection equipment
Protective clothing
Head protection, helmets
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Hand protection, gloves
Arm, leg and knee protection
Breathing protection, respiratory equipment, dust masks
Sun and heat protection
Solo worker protection
Personal fall protection
Workwear, reflective clothing
Safety boots
Corporate Fashion
Image Wear
Textile services
2 Construction site safety
Fall protection systems
Working platforms
Safety nets
Attachment points
Personnel safety cranes
Material and passenger elevators
Equipment and facility protection
Tool safety
Construction site security, barriers
Construction site fences
Construction site surveillance
Speed bumps
Marking and labelling
Danger signs
Emergency lightning, Hand lamps
Anti-vibration products
Fire protection
Dust protection
Low-dust working
Dust removal
Dust removal machines
Air cleaning
First aid, rescue
Eye bath, emergency shower
Respirators, defibrillators
Life-saving equipment
Dressing material
Hazardous material storage / Explosion protection
3 Vehicle safety
Transport safety
Vehicle equipmen
Transport boxes, transport solutions
Sling gear
Protection ventilation
Camera technology, all-around view
Lighting technology
4 Information technology
Software solutions
5 Further education – safety at work
Trainings and seminars
Further education
Safety training
12 PRINT / ONLINE Possible Combinations of Our Construction Media Zeitraum: April 2020 bis August 2021 Coverage portal visits: 29 112 Coverage Newsletter: 35 484 Coverage Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram): 35 809 Coverage portal visits: 47 102 Coverage Newsletter: 46 632 Coverage Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram): 39 682 Coverage portal visits: 23 751 Coverage Newsletter: 23 469 Coverage Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram): 7 774 Online combinations Potential coverage 128 905 Potential coverage 74 994 Potential coverage 171 916 + ON LI NE bau Bauhaus Heavy Magazin = Schriftart unbekannt ON INE = TheSans ExtraBold mit Kontur und ebgerundeten Ecken + ON LI NE ONLIN E + ONLIN E bau = Bauhaus Heavy Magazin = Schriftart unbekannt ONLINE = TheSans ExtraBold mit Kontur und ebgerundeten EckenON LI NE + + complete edition: 28 500 complete edition: 20 000 complete edition: 38 500 Print combinations 8 BAUMASCHINEN BAUGERÄTE Vollelektrisch im Brechereinsatz BELL EQUIPMENT SBM MINERAL PROCESSING STENGER SIEBTECHNIK 8 BAUMASCHINEN BAUGERÄTE Vollelektrisch im Brechereinsatz SBM MINERAL PROCESSING STENGER SIEBTECHNIK 08 SCHULUNG FÜR SICHERES ARBEITEN DER HÖHE LADUNG RICHTIG AUF TITEL-THEMA »SPRINGFIT«: EINWEG-ATEMSCHUTZMASKE FÜR DEN BAU DAS PROBLEM MIT DAS FACHMAGAZIN FÜR DAS BAUHANDWERK Präzise Schweißergebnisse mit hoher Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit 08 08 SCHULUNG FÜR SICHERES ARBEITEN IN DER HÖHE LADUNG RICHTIG AUF TITEL-THEMA »SPRINGFIT«: EINWEG-ATEMSCHUTZMASKE FÜR DEN BAU DAS PROBLEM MIT 08 SCHULUNG FÜR SICHERES ARBEITEN IN DER HÖHE LADUNG RICHTIG AUF TITEL-THEMA »SPRINGFIT«: EINWEG-ATEMSCHUTZMASKE FÜR DEN BAU DAS PROBLEM MIT DAS FACHMAGAZIN FÜR DAS BAUHANDWERK Präzise Schweißergebnisse mit hoher Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit digitalem 08 Thomsit feiert 75-jähriges Jubiläum Das Bad Ausstattung bauSICHERHEIT: Professional builders and fabri cators, building construction, civil engineering, scaffolding, road construction, gardening and landscaping, safety inspectors, specialists for safety at work, trade (wholesale, retail and technical trade), organisations, trade associations, educational institutions bauMAGAZIN: Building construction and civil enigneering, road construc tion, demolition and recycling, extraction and processing, gardening and landscaping, scaffolding, special civil enginee ring and tunnel construction, ready-mix concrete, concrete block factories, system building factory, construction machinery, manufacturers and trade baustoffPARTNER: Complete building trade, fabricators, building materials trade, building materials industry, manufacturers TARGET GROUPS DASFACHMAGAZINFÜRDASBAUHANDWERKBAUSTOFF-PARTNER.DE PräziseSchweißergebnissemit hoherArbeitsgeschwindigkeit 08 BLICKPUNKTThomsitfeiert 75-jährigesJubiläum SONDERTHEMA DasBad Ausstattung undTechnik 8 BAUMASCHINEN BAUGERÄTE BAUFAHRZEUGE August Vollelektrisch imBrechereinsatz BAUMAGAZIN-ONLINE.DE MINERALPROCESSING»WollenunsereProduktion jährlich200Brechererhöhen« STENGERSIEBTECHNIK ImmerKundendirektenDraht bausicherheit-online.de 08 SCHULUNGFÜRSICHERESARBEITENINDERHÖHE Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen LADUNG RICHTIG PRITSCHE SICHERNBlickpunkt: TITEL-THEMA »SPRINGFIT«: EINWEG-ATEMSCHUTZMASKE FÜR DEN BAU DAS PROBLEM SCHWARZARBEITMIT Schattenwirtschaft Audited circulation Precise basis for the advertising market
13 PRINT / ONLINE bauSICHERHEIT Advertisement Editorial article Tragfähige GrundlageTragfähige Grundlage für das Gewerbegebiet D einMaschinenzugnotwendig, Bei der Erschließung eines neuen Industrie m2große GeländefürdieBebauungvorzu Newsletter Website Social Media YOUR KEY TARGET GROUP 29 860 CUSTOMERS 2 x a month We make you visible. • Cross-media • Measurable • Transparent Print run: 10 000 Approx. 10 000 subscribers Approx. 460 subscribers Approx. 6 000 visitors / month Approx. 3 400 subscribers
Short characteristic
bauSICHERHEIT online is the digi tal platform of the bauSICHERHEIT, which reports every 2 months on all aspects relevant to construction safety. In addition to the print publication, bauSICHERHEIT online offers various sup plementary forms of advertising.
Thus, we are able to maximize and multipliy the effectiveness of online advertising by integrating a company’s already existing marketing campaign into the marketingmix.
Our claim is to provide readers and cus tomers with highly professional, innovative and up-to-date information in the digital age.
bauSICHERHEIT online puts its focus on the latest trends and product innovations. The main topics are personal protective equipment (PPE), vehicle safety, fall protection systems, building site safety as well as information on new regulations, further training and insurance.
Detailed reports on important trade fairs and industry news from companies, associations and professional associations round off the Coverage.
Audited circulation Precise basis for the advertising market
Web-address SBM Online GmbH Hermann-von-Barth-Str. 2 87435 Kempten Publisher
ONLINE 14 bausicherheit-online.de
Distribution / Data and facts
Detailed reporting, being up-to-date and rapid presentation of information – that are the main characteristics of bauSICHERHEIT online.
• Latest news about all security relevant aspects espe cially about building sites
• User reports and coverages about operators
• Extensive listing of manufacturers
• Picture galleries, reports, interviews from fairs and events
• Newsletter (more than 2 000 subscribers) published monthly
• Facebook and Instagram –direct contact with and fans
Target groups
• Professional builders and fabricators
• Building constructions, scaffolding, civil engineering
• Road construction
• Gardening and landscaping
• Safety inspectors
• Specialists for safety at work
• Trade (wholesale, retail and technical trade)
• Trade associations
• Educational institutions
Delivery date
Please send your files at the latest five days before the start of the campaign.
Delivery address Mauro Di Renzo mdr@sbm-verlag.de
Our range/Month
Portal Visits: 5 761 12 321 Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter): 3 901 21 983 10.08.2021 average January – August 2021,
formats banners: jpg, gif, png
source: IVW Access 5 761 Visits 7 750 Page Impressions
Homepage Banner
1 Advertorial
Placement: Top-News
Price/week: 450,– €
2 Exklusive-Superbanner
Size: 964 x 200 px
Placement: Directly under the top news
Price/month: 650,– €
3 Video-Box
Placement: corporate video, product video etc. (within up-to-date messages)
Price/month: 300,– €
8 Mobile-Content Ad
Size: 900 x 600 px
Placement: Ad in the mobile version
Price/month: 300,– €
4 Superbanner
Size: 964 x 200 px
Placement: above topics, underneath, up-to-date messages
Price/month: 450,– €
5 Skyscraper
Size: 160 x 600 px
Placement: right side bar on the homepage + newsline + topic page
Price/month: 600,– €
6 Half-Skyscraper
Size: 160 x 300 px
Placement: right side bar on the homepage + newsline + topic page Price/month: 400,– €
7 Rectangle within up-to-date mes sages, spotlight, names/ news, fairs/seminars/dates Size: 288 x 350 px
Price/month: je 300,– €
1 5 6 7 2 4 O N L I N E MOBILE VERSION 8 O N L I N E
1 Wide-Content-Ad
Wide-Content Ad
Size: 600 x 200 px
Placement: after click of each message / news within the text, rotates with four companies
Price/month: 650,– €
2 Mobile-Content Ad Newsline
Size: 900 x 600 px
Placement: Ad in the newsline of mobile version
Price/month: 300,– €
2 O N L I N E
ONLINE 18 Newsletter 1 1 Advertising/Advertorial Size: 600 x 350 px Price/month: 590,– € Publication dates 1 10. January 2 11. February 3 11. March 4 14. April 5 04. May 30. May (AS-Schw) 6 15. June 24. June (branchenSPEZIALISTEN) 7 15. July 8 12. August 9 9. September 19. September (IAA) 10 07. October 12. October (Arbeitsschutz aktuell1) 14. October (Arbeitsschutz aktuell1) 20. October (Arbeitsschutz aktuell1 +BAUMA1) 21. October (BAUMA2) 24. October (BAUMA2) 11 25. November 12 23. December 05. January 2023
NEWSLETTER with the highest reach! up now!
Special Newsletter
Special newsletter
Dispatch to the entire bausicherheit-online.de Newsletterdatabase (DSGVO-compliant).
Price: 3 890,– €
Topic specific special newsletter
Offers the possibility of corresponding selections (e.g. topic-specific, or also manufacturers, dealers, rental companies, up to a maximum of 2 500 e-mail addresses are included.
Price: 1 790,– €
Any other key target group 250 ,– €
We publish your profile on bauSICHERHEIT online with all the in formation which is important to you (e.g. contact details, locations, portfolio, videos, pictures, product leaflets, data sheets...)*. All articels and messages about your company, your association or your seminar offers, which will be published in the bauSICHERHEIT will also be published on bauSICHERHEIT online, will be archived and are avaiable to readers at any time. Your profile on bauSICHERHEIT online is also linked to your website.
Duration period: one year from the booking date. All prices are net/net, plus possible commission for agencies.
1 Portfolio 2 Contact details 3 Archive of your press releases 4 Product/Company Videos and Images 5 Product/Service Portfolio * corresponding to our editorial guidelines. 1 2 3 4 5
690,– €
Sponsored Content
Sponsored Content
We publish your advertisement/news/ article or desired content on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) including a link.
199,– €
Pricelist € 3 the € 1 sidebar € 5 sidebar € 6 € 1 date € 7 € 7 x / 7 € 3
Homepage Size in pixel Placement Prices/month Monthly online booking option Superbanner 964 x 200 above topics, underneath up-to-date messages 450,–
units Exklusive-Superbanner 964 x 200 directly under
top news 650,–
unit Skyscraper 160 x 600 right
on homepage, topic page & newsline 600,–
units Half-Skyscraper 160 x 300 right
on homepage, topic page & newsline 400,–
units Video-Box within upto-date messages corporate video, product video (within up-to-date messages) 300,–
units Rectangle 288 x 350 up-to
messages, focus, names/news, fairs/seminars/dates 300,–
units Advertorial = paid editorial article Top-News (for customs without partner-package) 450,–
days Mobil-Content Ad 900 x 600 Ad in mobile version 400,–
units Newsline Size in pixel Placement Prices/month Monthly online booking option Wide Content Ad 600 x 200 after click of each message/news within the text, rotates with four companies 650,– € 1 unit Mobil-Content Ad 900 x 600 Ad in the newsline of mobile version 300,– € 1 unit Newsletter Size in pixel Placement Prices Booking possibility per newsletter Advertisement 600 x 350 Advertisement in Newsletter 590,– € 5 units Advertorial 600 x 350 Advertorial in Newsletter 590,– € 5 units The general Terms and conditions for the trade journal bauMAGAZIN and the trade portal bauSICHERHEIT online can be found at www.bausicherheit-online.de/agb.
B2B-Display Advertisting
Reach B2B users and decision-makers in the construction industry with attention-grabbing Display Advertising. Functionality Audience Display Targeting The interested users previously marked on bausicherheit-online.de will be found on the websites from our network Find users again 2 An average of 5 761 users a month marked by cookies. Users will be marked on bausicherheit-online.de 1 We feature your content and your advertising banners for the interested users without marketing waste. Reach users 3
TARGETING & LEAD-TOOLS 24 Campaign concept and creation of 8 different advertising banners which are displayed on the chosen websites of our premium network: 250,– € * Cost for 1 000 impressions (CPT): 36,– € * Campaigns can be implemented individually according to budget requirements. Examples from our Premium Network Audience Display Targeting Costs PACKAGE 30 • Campaign concept creation • Ad design (up to 8 different graphics) • 30 000 Ad impressions • Price Advantage of 100,– € PACKAGE 60 • Campaign concept creation • Ad design (up to 8 different graphics) • 60 000 Ad impressions • Price Advantage of 100,– € PACKAGE 90 • Campaign concept creation • Ad design (up to 8 different graphics) • 90 000 Ad impressions • Price Advantage of 150,– € 1230,– €* 2310,– €* 3340,– €* * All prices in € (Euro) plus valid VAT.
B2B Native Advertising
1. Text-Image-Advertisement
You can reach B2B users and decision-makers speci fically on our Premium network with Text-Image Ads. These adapt optically to the partner website and are linked to your website. Currently only available in Germany
2. 2. Text-Image + Advertorial
You can reach B2B users in our premium network with editorial Text-Image ads.
These adapt optically to the website environment and are linked to an advertorial, which is also displayed in the look and feel of the publishing website. This form of advertising has a very high level of user acceptance and is particularly suitable for the presentation of products that require explanation, such as in the B2B area.
Text-Image-Advertisement Advertorial
TARGETING & LEAD-TOOLS 26 NATIVE ADVERTORIALS • Creation of the various ad design 1. Text + Graphic 455,– €* 2. Text + Graphic + Advert. 610,– €* CPC (COST PER CLICK) • Cost per Click 4,– €* (Minimum 200 Clicks) Reach your target audience with content advertising on over 100 newspaper websites worldwide: * Prices do not include applicable sales taxes, possible AE commission.
B2B Geotargeting
Reach B2B users and decision-makers in the construction industry according to geographical areas, within the bausicherheit-portals as well as in our premium network, with attention-grabbing display advertising, e.g. in country, language, region.
PREISE to of choice
Automated Webinar as a Lead Campaign
We create the platform for an automated webinar as a lead campaign including the following services: • Automated webinars according to your schedule in the respective local time (global) or directly after registration • Landing page • Webinar room • Closing page • Automated forwarding of questions to your product specialist via email in real time • E-Mail Marketing before and after the webinar to participants: • Follow-up • Reminder • Double-Opt.-in registration • DSGVO compliant • Performance and lead reporting after the webinar campaign • Editorial support on the trade portal bausicherheit-online.de • Newsletter communication in the monthly bausicherheit-online-Newsletter with link to landing page • Promotion on social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter) • Promotion in business networks (XING, LinkedIn) 3850,– €/ per month* Webinar Closed Content Registration Unlocked Content Qualified Leads
• You have an interesting Whitepaper, which is published on bausicherheit-online.de and available for download
• Position yourself as a competent specialist
• Through registration to download the Whitepaper, leads are generated
• One month presence on bausicherheit-online.de – you will receive all leads generated at month‘s end
Placement of your Whitepaper on the bausicherheit-online portal with download function
(including your specified download registration data requirements, e.g. last name / first name / Email / function / department branch / company size, etc.)
Promotion through newsletter announcements and editorial support, as well as placement on social media and business networks
Basic price for One month, including reporting of all leads 220,–
* Prices do not include applicable sales taxes, possible AE commission.
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CONTACT Susanne Traub Bookkeeping/ Sales Assistance ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-30 ✉ traub@sbm-verlag.de Bookkeeping / Sales Assistance Monika Thuy Sales Assistance ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-29 ✉ thuy@sbm-verlag.de Joachim Plath Management ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-41 ✉ plath@sbm-verlag.de Markus Holl Management ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-40 ✉ holl@sbm-verlag.de Tobias Haslach Publishing director ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-39 ✉ haslach@sbm-verlag.de Tobias Nickert Head of project management ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-17 ✉ nickert@sbm-verlag.de Dan Windhorst Chief editor ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-19 ✉ windhorst@sbm-verlag.de Simone Frank ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-38 ✉ frank@sbm-verlag.de Layout / Editorial pre-editing Lisa Schröder ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-23 ✉ schroeder@sbm-verlag.de Magazine Layout Jessica Joos ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-21 ✉ joos@sbm-verlag.de Andreas Kanat Management ✆ +49 (0) 83 1 / 522 04-47 ✉ kanat@sbm-verlag.de Colin Fritz Customer consultant ✆ +49 (0) 831 / 522 04-43 ✉ fritz@sbm-verlag.de
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