1 minute read

Jesus shows me the way

“Nothing is impossible for God!”

Luke 1:37 (CEV)

God is not only all-loving, all-good and allsufficient, He is also all-powerful.

Back in the day, King Herod did not like the followers of Jesus. He had Peter arrested and thrown in jail. Peter was bound with heavy chains on his wrists and his ankles. There was a guard on each side of Peter and two guards at the door to make sure he didn’t escape. But that did not stop God from saving Peter. God sent an angel to rescue

Peter (Acts 12:1-8).

If you are struggling with something in your life, remember that nothing is too big or too small for God and nothing is impossible for Him.

Find the key word and write it in the sentence: Clues to help you find the Words:

Write a prayer to God and ask Him to help you with something that requires His power:

1. Calm 2. Heavenly Father 3. Get away 4. Free someone 5. Shackes 6. Rear 7. Prison 8. Disciple's name


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For God, everything is

Dear God, _____________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ___________________

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