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Amazing wok recipes by star chef Fae



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Wok dish with chicken and peanuts SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 30 MIN marinade:

1 tbsp. sesame oil 1 tbsp. soya oil 1 tbsp. sherry 1 stalk of lemongrass (finely chopped) Salt and pepper 1 tsp. cornflour (sprinkled on meat) ingredients:

2 x chicken breasts 2 tbsp. sesame oil 2 cloves of garlic 100 g sugar snap peas (cut into thin strips) 1 red pepper (cut into thin strips) 1 cup of unsalted peanuts (fried in rapeseed oil in a pan on the side) 2 tbsp. ginger (finely chopped) 4 tbsp. ginger (chopped into thin strips) 4 tbsp. soya sauce Salt and pepper 1-2 tbsp. chicken stock garnish:

Fresh coriander Fresh spring onions serve with:

Rice or noodles

Start with the marinade: Sesame oil, soya oil, sherry, finely chopped lemon grass and cornflower mixed together. Dice the chicken and mix in the marinade. Leave for approx. 15 minutes. Heat the wok to a medium heat while preparing the rest of the vegetables. Diagonally cut the sugar snap peas into 2 cm pieces. Finely peel and chop the garlic and 2 tablespoons of ginger – cut 4 tablespoons of ginger into thin strips. Wash the pepper and cut into strips. Fry the peanuts in a dry pan and set aside. Pour 2 tablespoons of sesame oil into the wok and add the garlic – don’t let it brown. Sauté briefly and add to the chicken meat, which is browned before adding the pepper, ginger and sugar snap peas. Fry further for a couple of minutes and add the soya sauce and chicken stock. Season and serve with rice or noodles and garnish with fresh coriander leaves and finely chopped spring onions.




Chicken Chow Mein SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 30 MIN marinade:

1 tbsp. oyster sauce 1 tsp. soya sauce 1 tsp. sugar Salt and pepper ingredients:

2 chicken breast 2 tbsp. sunflower oil 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) 300 g egg noodles (put in water until soft) 100 g Bok Choy or Broccoli (chopped into small florets) 2 sticks of celery (chopped into fine strips) 1 red pepper (finely chopped) 100 g sugar snap peas 1 red onion (finely chopped) 2 spring onions (chopped into strips) A handful of bamboo shoots garnish:

100 g cashew nuts (fried in a pan with rapeseed oil before adding to the dish) A handful of sesame seeds (fried in a pan with rapeseed oil together with the cashew nuts) 2 tbsp. rapeseed oil 1 tbsp. oyster sauce 1 tbsp. soya sauce Salt and pepper 50 ml chicken stock

Make the marinade and cut the chicken into thin strips. Marinate the chicken pieces for 20-25 minutes. Follow the next 4 steps while the chicken is marinating: 1) Start by putting the noodles in hot water for approx. 5 minutes until soft. Then put them in cold water to cool. 2) Mix the soya sauce, oyster sauce and chicken stock, salt and pepper in a bowl. 3) Fry the cashew nuts and sesame seeds in oil or in a dry pan until golden. 4) Heat the wok on a medium heat. Rinse all the vegetables. Chop the celery and broccoli (or Bok Choy) into 2 cm wide pieces. If you replace the Bok Choy with broccoli, peel the broccoli stalk and chop into 2 cm wide pieces. Cut the red pepper in half, remove the seeds and cut the pepper into large cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion. Chop the spring onions and sugar snap peas into pieces of 2 cm. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil. Add the onion and meat. Brown the meat until nearly cooked through. Fry in small portions until all the meat has browned. Add the noodles (which should be soft after being in water). Set the chicken pieces and noodles aside on a dish. Fry the rest of the vegetables in smaller batches – except for the spring onions. Season with salt - but remember there is also salt in the soya sauce. While frying the Bok Choy or broccoli, add 1/4 cup of water. Mix all the ingredients together – add more oil as required. When you add the mix of soya sauce, oyster sauce and chicken stock, make a well in the middle of the wok mixture. Use chop sticks to turn the noodles in the dish. Set aside the spring onions and fried cashew nuts. Use finely chopped spring onions or edible flowers as garnish.


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TIP Lemong ra taste w ss has a clean, s ithout t he bitte picy lemon fruit. Th rness of e dried citr gr excellen t grill sp een stalks also us ears for m e.g. ďŹ sh ake .


Wok dish with beef and ginger SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 30 MIN


1 tsp. Chinese five-spice herbs 1 tbsp. soya sauce ½ lime (juice), organic 1 tsp. sugar Salt and pepper 1 tbsp. sunflower oil ingredients:

500 g beef (inner or outer thighs, lean meat) in thin strips 2 tbsp. sunflower oil 1 clove of garlic (finely chopped) 300 g rice noodles (place in water until soft) 1 red chilli (finely chopped) 2 tbsp. ginger (chopped into thin strips) 1 stalk lemongrass (finely chopped) 100 g sugar snap peas (cut into thin strips) 8 x baby sweetcorn cobs (cut diagonally) 6 spring onions (finely chopped) ½ lime (juice), organic ½ lemon zest, organic 2 tbsp. soya sauce 1 red pepper (finely diced) Salt and pepper garnish:

Spring onions Sugar snap peas Edible flowers

Start by turning the meat in 1 teaspoon of Chinese five-spice and then marinate in 1 tablespoon of soya sauce, the juice of ½ lime and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Place the noodles in a bowl and pour over boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes until soft and then place them in cold water to cool. While the meat is marinating, heat the wok to a medium heat and prepare the vegetables. Rinse the chilli and remove the seeds. Leave the seeds in for a hotter version. Peel and finely chop the garlic and grate the ginger or finely dice. Wash the sugar snap peas and baby sweetcorn cobs and cut diagonally. Heat the 2 tablespoons of oil. Fry the meat until cooked and then fry the vegetables for 5 minutes in smaller batches if required. Add the noodles (which should be soft after being in water). Flavour the dish with the juice of 1/2 lime, zest of 1/2 a lemon and 2 tablespoons of soya sauce. Garnish the dish with finely chopped spring onions, finely chopped sugar snap peas and edible flowers.




Kung Pau chicken with dried chilli pepper SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 30 MIN


5 tbsp. soya sauce 2 tbsp. sherry (alternatively use rice wine) 2 tbsp. sesame oil 1 tsp. cornflour (sprinkled on meat) 1 tsp. sugar ingredients:

3 chicken breasts 4 tbsp. sesame oil 2 cloves of garlic 3 spring onions 1 red pepper (finely chopped) 1 cup cashew nuts (fried in rapeseed oil in a pan) 8 small dried chilli peppers (fried in rapeseed oil in a pan) 3 tbsp. water (stirred with cornflour) 1 ½ tsp. cornflour Salt and pepper serve with:

Jasmine rice

Mix 5 tablespoons of soya sauce and 2 tablespoons of sherry, 1 teaspoon of cornflour, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 tbsp. water in a medium-sized bowl. Cut the chicken into thin strips and let it marinate for at least 25 minutes. In a smaller bowl stir 3 tablespoons of water together with 1½ teaspoons of cornflour. While the chicken is marinating, prepare the vegetables and heat the wok to a medium heat. Peel the garlic and dice. Rinse the spring onions and cut them diagonally in 3 parts. Wash the red pepper and halve. Remove the seeds and cut into large cubes. Fry the cashew nuts and the dried chilli in oil or in a dry pan until golden. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the wok. Add the chicken. Brown the meat until nearly cooked through. Fry in small portions until all the meat has browned. Set the chicken pieces aside on a dish. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the wok. When the oil is hot, fry the garlic, red pepper and spring onions for 5 minutes. Add the meat and make a well in the middle of the sauce. Add small quantities of cornflour and water until the required consistency has been reached. Set aside the fried cashew nuts and chilli. Serve with jasmine rice and garnish with finely chopped spring onions.


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Wok dish with beef and broccoli SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 30 MIN


½ tsp. sugar 1 tbsp. rice vinegar – alternatively sherry 1 tsp. soya sauce Salt and pepper ingredients:

400-500 g beef (inner or outer thighs, lean meat) in thin strips 2 tbsp. sunflower oil 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) 6 tbsp. oyster sauce 1 tbsp. soya sauce 2 tbsp. chopped ginger 3 tbsp. water 1 broccoli (cut into small florets) 1 spring onion (cut into thin strips) Salt and pepper ½ tsp. sugar

Start by marinating the meat for 20 mins. in ½ teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar or sherry, 1 teaspoon of soya sauce and salt and pepper. Heat the wok to a medium heat and wash the broccoli. Split the broccoli into small florets and cut the peeled stalk into approx. 2 cm widths. Cut the spring onions into approx. 3 cm pieces – preferably diagonally. Peel the ginger and garlic and grate or chop them finely. Heat the oil and fry the beef until brown. Set the meat aside on a plate. Fry the broccoli, ginger and garlic for approx. 5 mins. in 2 teaspoons of oil and then add the oyster sauce and sugar. The vegetables should not brown, but remain crisp. Heat the mixture and add the remaining fried meat. Use the chopsticks supplied to turn the ingredients in the wok. Use the broccoli stalk as garnish, peeled to the finest strips (or use a peeler) and place them in cold water. Top the dish with the strips (as shown in the photo).




Wok dish à l’orange with beef SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 30 MIN


1 tsp. cornflour (sprinkled on meat) 2 tbsp. Acacia honey 1 tbsp. rice vinegar 1 tbsp. soya sauce 1 tsp. sugar Salt and pepper ingredients:

400 g beef (inner or outer thighs, lean meat) 4 tsp. peanut oil 300 g egg noodles (put in water until soft) 3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) 200 g broccoli (cut into small florets) 2 tbsp. ginger (finely chopped) 1 red chilli (finely chopped) 4 spring onions (cut finely lengthways) 150 g mushrooms (finely chopped) The juice and peel from ½ organic orange (cut the orange peel into thin strips and use in the dish). garnish:

Finely chopped spring onions and edible flowers (as in the photo)

Stir the marinade together and cut the beef into thin strips. Marinate the meat for 15 minutes. Put the noodles in hot water for approx. 5 minutes until soft and then place them in cold water to cool. Heat the wok to a medium heat while preparing the rest of the vegetables. Finely chop the garlic, ginger and chilli. Cut the broccoli into small florets and the spring onions and orange peel into very thin strips of approx. 4 cm. Fry the meat in the oil until brown, set the meat aside and add the vegetables, orange juice and orange peel and fry for 2 minutes. Place the noodles in the wok, stir and fry for a further couple of mins. Use the chopsticks supplied to turn the noodles in the wok.


TIP Oranges are a cit rus literally means th fruit and the na me e apple fr fruit has o a high v itamin C m China. The contains content ple and a phorous, nty of minerals, such as p lso iron and h potassiu therefore m. You co ossay that uld heaven o ra n g e s are a g in the da if rk winte r months t from .


TIP The taste of the ginger is intensiďŹ ed by adding fresh lime juice. Fresh ginger also tastes great as a tea tog ether with lemon juice and is particularly good against colds.


Salad wraps with chicken SERVES 4 PREPARATION: 35 MIN


1 tbsp. soya sauce 2 tbsp. oyster sauce 1 tbsp. dry sherry 1 tsp. sugar Salt and pepper ingredients:

1 iceberg- or romaine lettuce leaves (carefully separate the leaves and immersed them in cold water) 1 tbsp. peanut oil 1 clove of garlic (finely chopped) 1 slice of ginger (finely chopped) 2 spring onions (finely chopped) 500 g chicken fillets, roughly chopped 4 water chestnuts (finely chopped, cut some into thin strips to use as garnish) 1 stick of celery (chopped into fine strips) ½ freshly chopped red chilli Cornflour if required (to thicken the dish)

Wash the lettuce leaves and dry on a tea towel. Use the middle crisp “bowl shaped” leaf. Mix the ingredients into the marinade. Cut the chicken into very thin strips and stir into the marinade. Let the meat marinate for 20 mins. Heat the wok to a medium heat while you prepare the rest of the ingredients. Finely chop the garlic, ginger and chilli. Chop the celery, water chestnuts and spring onions – save some for garnish. Heat the oil and add the garlic, ginger and spring onions, taking care not to brown them. Add the chicken (save the marinade) and heat until cooked through. Set the meat aside on a plate. Add the vegetables and fry until tender but still crisp. Add the marinade and any cornflour mixed with water to thicken. Put the chicken back in the wok and heat for 2-3 minutes. Place a bowl-shaped lettuce leaf on a plate and put a spoonful of chicken and vegetables inside it. Use the lettuce leaf like a “taco”, with the meat filling in the middle. Repeat until there are no more lettuce leaves – you could also put 2-3 pieces on each plate and serve as a main dish.


– Rungthiwa Chummongkhon Fae has previously worked in Michelin restaurants like Noma, Geranium and Kiin Kiin – the only thai inspired gourmet restaurant in Europe with a Michelin star. She has also been at La Belle Epoque in Germany. And she is furthermore part of the Thailand culinary team, where she took part in winning four gold medals.

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