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Ötzis Lebensraum entdecken scoprire il mondo Di Ötzi Discover Ötzi‘s habitat

Ötzi: Wie lebte er? Wie sah seine Kleidung aus? Was aß er? Wie jagte er?


Viele Fragen werden im Erlebnismuseum archeoParc grundlegend beantwortet. Und im großen Freigelände mit originalgetreuen Hütten erlebt man es selbst: Abwechslungsreiche Aktionen zum Mitmachen machen die Jungsteinzeit begreifbar: Fallen bauen, Feuer machen, Kupfergießen, Töpfern, Brot backen, Bogenschießen..

Unser Frau • Tel. +39 0473 676 020 • www.archeoparc.it

Ötzi: come viveva? Com’erano i suoi vestiti? Di cosa si nutriva? Come cacciava? Molte di queste domande troveranno risposta nel museo interattivo archeoParc. E nella grande area all’aperto con la riproduzione delle capanne potrete vivere il neolitico in prima persona, partecipando ad attività come costruire trappole, fondere il rame, modellare la terracotta, cuocere il pane, tirare con l’arco e tanto altro ancora...

Madonna di Senales • Tel. +39 0473 676 020 • www.archeoparc.it

Ötzi: How did he live? What were his clothes like? What did he eat? How did he hunt? Detailed answers to these many questions are available in the adventure museum archeoParc. And, you can also experience this for yourself in the large outdoor areas with faithfully reproduced cabins: many different interactive activities will bring the Neolithic period ever nearer: setting traps, lighting fires, copper casting, pottery, making bread, archery and much more ...

Madonna di Senales • Tel. +39 0473 676 020 • www.archeoparc.it

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