INITIAL IDEAS At the very start of the brainstorming process, I had an idea I really liked and thought I would use for the project. The name was Waterway Cruises. I had sketched out a logo (shown in the image on right) that resembled waves and the movement of water. I thought this was a great logo because it could be used as a design element throughout all of the pieces. I had also sketched out some of the pieces I was planning on making to get an idea of what they would look like. After getting feedback from my classmates and professor, I decided that Waterway Cruises was not exciting enough and that I should go in another direction. Not only did the pieces have to be exciting, the name did as well. I went back to the drawing board and brainstormed more ideas. Naming my cruise company was very difficult because I could not find a word that could encapsulate what the cruise company was going to be about. I tried to search for words that were elegant, memorable, and could allow me to create visuals for all of the pieces. Some of the words I considered to use for the company were Crystal, Mist, Ripple, and Ebb. I also searched for random words that I could use like Seiliu, Ekcle, Nooz, Voquev, and Pruvia. I was very close to using Crystal because I could use a diamond shape throughout all of the pieces and the slogan could be “The Choice is Crystal Clear.” I started searching for words that related to nature and came across Stargazer and thought that would be a great choice. It was elegant and had a relaxing tone to it. Having the word ‘star’ in the name could allow me to play with the shape of a star for the logo and other design elements. After talking with my classmates and professor, everyone seemed to really gravitate towards Stargazer. I really enjoyed it too, and decided to use it for the company.