Icon Building

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The knowledge era is about creating new knowledge to form wealth and prosperity. Knowledge usually doubles every five years, so its base has increased substantially since it builds upon the knowledge that existed in the past. In the last 20 years, new knowledge generated in areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, communications, and computer offers hope for solving complex problems. Now thas we have new techological tools, a new paradigm emerges. Developing countries, like Mexico, need to change their economic models and move from industrial economies to knowledge based economies, as most of its processes have not been updated. The question now is how to change if we live with a mindset of the nineteenth century, with twentieth-century processes and twentyfirst century needs.

Sam Pitroda

Through Gujarat’s Icon Building, business, science and academia have common ground. Knowledge is the key resource that is maximized through specialized human resources and prone environment for commerce. Through this effort and common understanding between academic world, government, business, and civil society it is demonstrated that resources placed in the proper ambience foster high value added creation. The current generation of young men and women are transforming today’s economy into the knowledge economy. The Icon Building is the catalyst.









Icon Building Concept

Icon Building Design


Urbanization in Ahmedabad


A Fountainhead of Innovation


General Distribution of the Building


Economic Growth


Functions of an Icon Buildings


Evolution of Form


Real Estaste Market


Features and Schematics


Ideal Eco-system for Mixed-Use


Signature Programas


High-Density Buildings


Breakdown of Components


Central Ahmedabad


Neighborhood/Block Analysis


Business Eco-system


INTRODUCTION Ahmedabad is the 7th largest metropolitan area in India, and since the creation of the state of Gujarat in 1960, it has become an ever more bustling metropolis undergoing a major population and construction boom. “Forbes magazine rated it as the world’s 3rd fastest growing city in 2010” (after Chengdu and Chonggqing, both located in China). In 2011, the Indian Market Research Bureau rated it as the best mega-city to live in. The diversity of Ahmedabad’s economy and population, in addition to good connectivity and quality transportation systems, make central Ahmedabad an extremely attractive host for a world-class, mixed-use building. A building that would concentrate the vibrant, entrepreneurial essence of Gujarat into one, iconic tower.

Gujarat The state set up


$724 million USD in FDI

(Foreign Direct Investment)

between 2010 and 2011

Quality educational

the Vibrant Gujarat Program


to attract more foreign investment GDP upwards of

$104 billion

USD as of 2011 Three times as many hospitals

Industrial institutions

per capita than any other indian state

Ahmedabad Home to variety of industries, including: Pharmaceuticals Petrochemical companies Car manufacturers Real estate development IT services

Several multinationals have set up headquarters in the city

Acts as a commercial hub for nearby cities and towns

Quality educational and industrial institutes attract students and young professionals from all over India



Greater Ahmedabad Development Area Gujarat has experience a huge rural to urban migration since the 1960s, increasing ever more dramatically in 2011 and now the most quickly urbanizing Indian state. By 2030, Gujarat is projected to become the second most urbanized state, following only Tamil, and Ahmedabad and Vadodara will be two of the richest cities in the country (Surat Hub). Rates of urbanization over the next two decades will surpass that of any other state in the country with 66% of the state’s population living in cities compared to a projected national average of 40% (McKinsey Global Institute).

Ahmedabad 2011



City Development Plan for Ahmedabad

National Average 2011

population 42.6% urban in Gujarat

population 31% urban in India

men leaving villages 54% Gujarati to permanently move to cities

Indian men leaving their 39% ofvillages to move to cities

growth rate 19.7% population from 2001-2011

17.6% population growth rate

According to the most recent Census:

84.05 %

Urbanization percentage is the highest in India

3, 787, 050

3, 421, 150

65 years

70 years

Inhabitants Average life expectancy

According to the most recent Census:

percentage 84.05 % Urbanization is the highest in India 3, 787, 050

3, 421, 150

65 years

70 years

GDP $49 billion

Inhabitants Average life expectancy

GDP $49 billion 1.8 km

Ahmedabad is one of the most rapidly growing city in India 8



w) vie e R ic ) m o iew ev on Review) R c E c omic i n o o Ec om ioon oc S c mic Review) IE -E cono E CM o ( ci ts So IE or Review) M C nomic Eco s( t o ci or So IE M investment (CMIE (C So ital p cio ca -E d e c x M I C E Soc fi ries ( ioo t E c c on fa a’s

capita income increased 8.9% Per from 2004-2010

(CMIE Socio-Economic Review)

population involved 50% ofin agricultural work

(Surat Hub)

s di am on d

(Schweiger & Associates)

75% of In di

capita income increased 10.3% Per from 2004-2010

(McKinsey Global Institute)

80% of In dia’

Projected per capita $2,984 USD GDP by 2030

iew) Rev ic om

Projected per capita $8,100 USD GDP by 2030

iew) Rev ic om on

National Average


ex po rts a’s s (C alt M exp IE ort So 62% of In s( CM ci dia’ sp IE etr S oc oc he io 53% of I m ndi ica a’s l cru ex de p oi 22% of le Ind xp ia’s ex po 16.4% rt s of Ind ia ’s 9.6% of In di

Gujarat represents: Ahmedabad’s economic boom is in large part the cause for such rapid urbanization. The city is poised to become one of India’s richest cities by 2030, with a projected population of 8.3 million and a per capita GDP of $8,100 USD, next only to Delhi ($11,400) and Bangalore ($12,600) (McKinsey Global Institute). Reports suggest that over the next 20 years, urban India will create 70% of all new jobs in India and these urban jobs will be twice as productive as equivalent jobs in the rural sectors, creating even stronger incentives for urbanization (McKinsey Global Institute).

(CMIE Socio-Economic Review)

population involved 70% ofin agricultural work

(Surat Hub)

Ahmedabad is poised to become one of India’s richest cities by 2030

Fastest-growing states also had the highest urbanization rates Compound annual growth rate, % GDP 1990-2008 9.5 Pondicherry






Himachal Pradesh 7.0

Andhra Pradesh



Uttaranchal 6.0 Chhattisgarh Bihar 5.0

North East


Tamil Nadu



Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Urbanization, 2008 %

4.0 5


(India Urbanization Economic Model)






Size of state GDP in 2008



Managing Ahmedabad’s growth and infrastructure over the next decade will be crucial for the city to live up to its future potential. Gujarat’s cities need massive investments, more than most other cities, to upgrade their infrastructure to meet city needs. At 2008 prices, by 2030, Ahmedabad would need $246 USD per capita investment. This unprecedented urban growth creates an attractive investment opportunity for the private sector to participate in the urban transformation process. As outlines in a report published by the McKinsey Global Institute in 2010, “the ability of cities to create thriving living conditions, facilitate networks that foster innovation, and in general create the basis for attracting talent will be crucial to the ability of private companies to house themselves in productive settings that trigger growth.” This is an opportunity for India’s private sector to transform Ahmedabad’s urban landscape, be it through water, sanitation, waste management, public transportation, or real estate development.


Many realtors have launched commercial and residential real estate development projects in and around Ahmedabad. These projects have included Special Economic Zones (SEZs), hotels, integrated or specialty townships, gated communities, commercial complexes, malls, multiplexes and IT corridors but the city still offers relatively low real estate development costs as compared to Mumbai and Pune.

What makes Ahmedabad an attractive real estate development market? 1 Favorable FDI policy 2 Lower prices compared to India’s other major cities (the price of an apartment in central Ahmedabad averages purchase: 4,184 Rs./sq. ft. as compared to 9,578 Rs./sq. ft. in central Chennai)

Gujarat is an opportunity for India’s private sector to transform Ahmedabad’s urban landscape

3 Growing number of multinationals moving to the city 4 Good internal and external connectivity 5 Robust development of basic infrastructure 6 Heavy investment in road systems 7 Well-developed social and physical infrastructure (Times Property in the Times of India)




High-Density Buildings Ahmedabad’s booming economy has attracted a diverse set of workers from different parts of Gujarat and neighboring states who now form an integral part of the city’s economy. The city is home to a large middle class and acts as a commercial hub for nearby cities and towns. Quality educational and industrial institutions have attracted students and young professionals from all over India.

Ahmedabad’s Growth Over the Last Decade

In 2001

Such a diverse economy and population, in addition to good connectivity and transportation systems, make Ahmedabad a crucible for strategic development opportunities

In 2010


rou tG To rr


Stork, Netherla n


Bos Ger ch Rex man roth y ,

R Ne olle th pa er al lan , ds


Manufacturing Technology and consulting

Manufacturing and services


, ps

Higway Express Ahmedabad-Vadodara

Technology and manufacturing


Nirma Gro





tica ma Cad rmaceu a h P

nP so hn n Jo ede Sw

t ul n m i jor s Ma ffice o w it h

Railway Line / Station Bus Rapid Transit Station


Mil ind

Rated by IMRB as India’s best mega-city to live



n ut ma ace h s Di harm P

s ion d rat aba po ed or Ahm n

Ahmedabad Center of Innovation


International Airport of Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network spans 44.5km, with 75 stations serving 140,000 commuters daily. The network is expected to expand by 30 additional km. The city is well connected to all major cities within Gujarat and the rest of India through roads, major railway lines and the international airport. During the next decade, the city will adopt its own underground metro system comprised of 5 subway lines. Ahmedabad’s Sardar Patel International Airport is the 8th busiest airport in India, operating over 250 flights daily and connecting with major cities in India, the U.S., Kuwait, and Singapore. It is predicted to handle over 9 million passengers in 2012, with 25% of airport traffic being international and the other 75% domestic. The most frequent international destinations are Dubai, Newark and Singapore.

Ma head jor In qua dia rte n re c di

in A h a ti o n m e als dab ad

High Connectivity

Ahmedabad is home to half of Gujarat’s Special Economic Zones, industrial parks and state-owned industries


460 km2 size 5.3 milion people 2436 km roads

Adani Gro

190 km2 size 3.5 milion people 1271 km roads


Major Corporations with Headquarters of Branches in Ahmedabad

IDEAL ECO-SYSTEM FOR MIXED-USE Central Ahmedabad Central Ahmedabad is predominantly a high-density, mixed-use urban environment creating a rich social fabric and diverse community life that varies from block to block. For centuries, very high density built environments were common because the amount of space required for daily living was much smaller. Residential areas no longer need to be separated from work areas. High density, compact developments diminish the need for vehicle use, creating healthier urban areas. Street-front commercial spaces provides easy access to groceries, house-hold items or entertainment, as well as guaranteeing retailers a constant flow of window shoppers.

As seen in the map, there is a critical mass of education, commercial, medical and governmental entities concentrated in Ahmedabad. Industries include a multitude of IT service companies, engineering, software developers, petrochemical companies, pharmaceutical companies, banking and financial services.

Benefits of High-Density Mixed-Use Urban Development

el (public transport, w f trav a l k i ls o ng an ode d c em yc tiv li na

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Improve ec onom ic d eve Increase p lop hysic me al a ctiv Build stron nt by ity ger c t o h mm rou con Improve s u ocia l co nities gh c ce hes r Provide a ion with ea wid e e a r n a var Improve d s ener i gy e ety o cre Move g ffic f ood ien ho sa c nd Lower poll pro y uti vi on Less ti me le spe nt

ity tiv ac ic m

wledge intensive alue, kno , and igh v serv h f o ice y s t iet men r n orie o a r i v v n nta e and facilities de e s i l e c b ted i w erv ka s a l l a ec a g i o v r i d p i n y c g b w n good p on so ti unity e m r a o u m t blic o r o co s m e s nt s h e t pac odate changing need m m it ng acc ithin o es s cc r to a ie ity w le usage and easie c s i h e e v r ac iv yp ed ces at g t reduc ficiently f e s to n e i r o s h m u alt s ug e c o er i thr serv de creates more f ls ting ree u e m v tim m e co

) ng

Ahmedabad concentrates a critical mass of education, commercial, medical and government services 16

Schools & Universities Hospitals Main companies, banks and financial service providers Government buildings Ahmedabad International Airport Railway Line



The Icon Building will represent the collective dynamic of the neighborhood

Neighborhood/Block Analysis Gulbai Tekra is a mixed-use, centrally located neighborhood in Ahmedabad. It is home to upscale residential areas, thriving commercial areas as well as multiple institutes of higher learning. One of the main roads running through Gulbai Tekra is Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg Road, which runs directly into Ellis Bridge, giving the neighborhood good connectivity with the other side of the river, as well as the rest of the city.

taji Ne

MG Science College


Chimanlal Girdharial


This block where the proposed plot is located is only a few blocks from 120 Circular Road, directly across the street from St. Xavier’s College, and nestled right next to MG Science College. It is one of the few regularly-shaped blocks in the area and provides a cross-section of what makes the Gulbai Tekra neighborhood so diverse to begin with, being home to both residential and academic areas, making it a good representation of the neighborhood as a whole.

120 Ci



St. Xavier College

Plot total: 16,335 ft.2

Bank of Baroda Staff Colege

Engineers Academy

Law Garden

Built total: 7,575 ft.2 Average commercial real estate sale rate: $64 - $75 USD/sq. ft. Average building height: 4 stories 10.5 miles from the airport

GLS Institute of Cpmputer Technology

NR Girls College

Abundant trees and vegetation

Dr. V


m Sar


i Mer

g Rd

23o 01’ 37.21’’ N and 72o 33’ 33.68’’ E.


23o 01’ 37.21’’ N and 72o 33’ 33.68’’ E.



Business Eco-system The convergence of production, deliberation and implementation of ideas focused on health, education, sustainability, infrastructure, IT and development projects, all found in central Ahmedabad, has the potential to transform these industries. Creating an environment conducive to the collaboration and interaction between them plays a crucial role in creating synergies between government, private, and research sectors. Ultimately, these synergies can lead to corporate alliances, nurturing of groundbreaking projects and enhanced work opportunities.

This critical mass of mixed uses exemplifies why central Ahmedabad sets the ideal foundation for a mixed-use commercial development with the potential to help drive the economic development of the city and surrounding region.

Benefits of High-Density Mixed-Use Urban Development

Very few urban spaces have these three elements - government, private, and research sectors linked in one space. Such a space promotes an environment of dialogue and agreements that will bring benefits to all who are involved.

Private initiative


Economic development

Solutions generator

Business tourism Convergence of actors Investment opportunities Project conception Exchange of ideas Strategic Alliances Collaborative work


A mixed use ecosystem will create a virtuos cycle of productive creativity and innovation 20

Promotion of competition



Investment / Investing in the city





Benefits for the neighborhood and city: Towering over Ahmedabad’s skyline, the Icon Building will herald a 21st century hub at the nexus of sustainable development and business innovation. As an unrivaled mixed-use tower, the Icon Building will symbolize the city’s importance to global business. Not only will the building furnish Ahmedabad’s premiere Class ‘A’ rated office space, it will house a rich ecosystem of commercial portals, and signature programs that harness cutting-edge telecommunication technology to create innovative social spaces. The tower will serve as a beacon to attract the world’s leading multinationals to invest and install their operations with a guarantee that the city can provide the most elite business technology, services and amenities conducive to modern global business.

Benefits for economic activity:

Value Creation According to a 2011 McKinsey & Co. report, Ahmedabad is among India’s Tier 1 cities that are “critical to the growth of high-value-added sectors like banking and financial services, real estate, transportation, and communication.” These sectors require the latest world-class infrastructure for operations. Therefore, investment in Class ‘A’ office space is only the first step to transform Ahmedabad’s real estate market. Aggressive investments in such urban projects have high potential to bring unprecedented advantages and opportunities:

1 Optimum operations providing safety, security and efficiency to all the Icon

Building’s users and tenants thanks to modern technology, amenities and quality of construction 2 Developers can expect to be the first to see capital gains and value added to

their initial investments. 3 Offices of high value for its design, spaces and sustainable criteria.. 4 Creation of a urban icon, a symbol in the city. (CMIE Socio-Economic Review)

Icon Buildings become emblems of the cities in which they reside 24

National and international recognition

Creation of high quality social infrastructure surrounding influx of knowledge workers

Improved competitiveness of local industries

Absorption of latest technology and managerial capabilities

FUNCTIONS OF AN ICON BUILDINGS Skeletal Framework of the Icon Building Examples of Icon Buildings with established aesthetic value and strong aims to revitalize their respective cities include: the Torre Costanera Center in Santiago, Chile, by Cesar Pelli; the Vitra building in Sao Paulo, by Daniel Libeskind, or the Aleph Hotel in Buenos Aires, by Foster and Partners.

Solar panels

Solar protection panels on southern facade

The functions of an Icon Building are: 1 Serves as a representation of the conceptual identity behind the city in which it is built. 2 Include mixed-use, public spaces on ground floor and lower levels 3 Ofrecer a los usuarios instalaciones funcionales, cómodas y agra dables, independientes del programa 4 Diseño de vanguardia 5 Plaza pública y espacios comerciales MAXXI, Saha Hadid Aggregate benefits include: 1 Creation of valuable and dynamic social interaction. Work as an emblem for other development projects underway. 2 Rapid development and implementation of projects. 3 Attraction and fomentation of investment, competition, and new markets. 4 Attract occupants and investors within the ­region. 5 Growth of new jobs and research, from tourism to business ­development. 6 Formation of human resources and capital with great potential. 7 Promote the interaction between academia, government, and the private sector.

Automized electrical energy system

Water treatment for reuse

Leed certification

Swiss Re building London, Foster + Partners

An Icon Building is a monumental opportunity for any urban development program

Roof garden

Ground floor commerce or public ammenities

Parking lot and bicycle lanes

Public transportation stop





Consisting of pioneering research laboratories, sustainable commercial and financial activity, the Icon Building exemplifies a complex harmony of interconnected sectors. As a result, the architecture and planning process of the Icon Building is a meticulous effort to redefine space and create an interactive environment within the edifice and its exterior. Mixed use programs is essential for the complex objectives that the Icon Building engenders

The Icon Building is divided into three sections comprised of office space, signature programs, and commerce. Yet, among these three categories, one will find a rich and complex ecosystem of business, commerce, and research development working alongside each other day in and day out. The building’s space promotes building connections, forging ideas, and the conception of sophisticated working relationships through redefined spaces drawn from avant-garde design and planning that we shall explore in the following sections.

Distribution of the Icon Building

General Distribution of the Building Each level of the Icon Building acts as a different island, which are highly accessible to the buildings occupants. Such fluidity within one building has the potential to foster fruitful and strategic exchange between private business man and reserchers, incipient entrepreneurs, and residents of the apartment suites high atop the tower.

General Offices 9,687 ft2 per floor 27 floors 261,563 ft2

The flux of the Icon Building

Main Entrance



Public Square

s ram g o

Signatu re Pr



Signature Programs 16,145.86 ft2 per floor 2 floors 32,291.73 ft2



The Icon Building creates an interactive environment within the edifice and its exterior 30

Commerce 16,145.86 ft2 per floor 2 niveles 32,291.73 ft2



Phase 5 Phase 1 The ideal plot of land is located according to the objectives of the project and the location’s advantages within Ahmedabad. The plot’s latitude is:

After analyzing the proximity of both towers to each other and the decrease in natural light and ventilation caused by this proximity, it is decided that only one tower will remain. The remaining tower is closest to the southwestern border of the plot and leaves ample accessibility from the other three borders.

23o 01’ 37.21’’ N and 72o 33’ 33.68’’ E. Of the plot’s total 16,335 ft.2, 7,575 ft.2 will be used.

Phase 2 Optimizing the space provided by the plot of land, the first six floors would be built to a height of 92 ft. There will be three and a half parking levels underneath the entirety of the built structure.

Phase 3 The depth of the average story creates a lack of natural light and ventilation. For this reason, a central open space is created up to the tenth floor.

Phase 6 Given the proposed programs, the base of the building is created to correspond to the public retail areas and other semi-public areas. The following levels of offices are in a single, 31-storey tower that is built as to avoid creating shade over the base of the tower.

Phase 7 In order for the building to have increased interaction with the plaza below, the tower rotates on its base, creating a greater presence along the main avenue and eastern access point. This creates the best possible views of the tower and from the tower to the city.

Phase 4 In order to maintain adequate light and ventilation throughout the entire building, it splits into two independent towers.

Phase 8 The base and tower of the building are built with curves in the facade that protect the building and occupants from direct sunlight along the length of each level.




Breakdown of Components Modern Office Space Component

Automated Efficiency Systems

24,300m2 of space dedicated towards Class ‘A’ office space within the Icon Building are fitted to ensure top quality services, complete with sleek design, state-of-the-art facilities, modern furniture and excellent accessibility. These offices can be customized to the needs of financial services entities, entrepreneurial offices, and government institutions. Furthermore, there are unique features within the office space designed to promote and maximize flexible space, sustainability and hi-tech ingenuity.

From automated elevators that detect who you are and what levels of the building to give you access, to a parking system that measures parking space capacity in the garage, these automated systems provide advanced efficiency tools that increase the fluidity of traffic throughout the entire building.

The most recent trends in mixed-use architecture emphasize the entry of natural light and the elimination of unnecessary walls and columns that obstruct light’s effusion. Energy efficiency is maximized in the structural layout and positioning of office components.

Open Workspace vs. Private Workspace Open space allows for a communal area for individuals and teams to work together and coordinate efficiently in a vibrant space. Minimal manicured design emphasizes overall inclusion in the work environment and favors creativity and innovation. Private work areas are available, yet no longer dominant.

Class A Offices offer top–quality services, accessibility and flexible spaces Commercial Component- Commercial Foyer 3000m2 will be available for commercial ventures. This zone will be located at the bottom of the tower in the foyer or lobby and should contain high ceilings and abundant space for individuals to socialize and take advantage of food stores, clothing stores, gyms, bookstores and technological amenity stores. At ground level, the private world of the tower meets the public realm of the city in a four-story covered plaza. This soaring, light-filled space functions as a busy public square. The selection of these shops should be linked to the primary interests of the exterior zone as well as the overall ecosystem of the building. These stores would fit harmoniously together to promote an atmosphere of innovation, intellectual activity and financial ingenuity.




1. Social Spaces

2. Public Interest

Signature programs within the Icon Building are unique and state of the art spaces that bind the different individuals within a workspace and create an optimum environment for them to collaborate and innovate. There is over 3000m2 designated for the development of signature programs within the Icon Building. These spaces are divided into three categories: social spaces, public interest, and business.

Functions as the link between business, entrepreneurial ventures, and government policy makers housed within the Icon Building. The objective of this space is to enable the government to produce suitable and progressive policy to drive innovation and business growth.

3. Business Programs Functions as the link between business, entrepreneurial ventures, and government policy makers housed within the Icon Building. The objective of this space is to enable the government to produce suitable and progressive policy to drive innovation and business growth.




Solar panels Roof garden

Signature Programs Curved contours Museum/Art Gallery

Conference Centers


Services nucleus Commercial Foyer

Boutique Shops

Parking lot entrance Railings

Green wall Driveway Structure

Parking lot exit


CONTACT: +525552646235 contacto@scientika.mx www.scientika.mx

Mexico City 2012

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