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StandingCommitteeonProfessionalExchange(SCOPE) isone oftheoldeststandingcommitteesinthe InternationalFederationof MedicalStudents'Association(IFMSA).Establishedin1951,SCOPE hasworkedtofacilitateprofessionalexchangeformedicalstudentsall aroundtheworld.InIndonesia,SCOPEIFMSAExchangeisfacilitatedby CenterforIndonesianMedicalStudent'sActivities(CIMSA). Under themanagementoftheNationalExchangeCommittee,ledbyNational ExchangeOffcers,weareaimingtodevelopSCOPECIMSAIndonesia tobethelargestexchangeprogramformedicalstudentsinIndonesia. Wefacilitateupto 250medicalstudents togofortheirclinical exchangeabroadannually. TosendIndonesianmedicalstudentsabroadasourparticipants,we selectthosewhohaveboth strongmotivation andinterest,alongwith the adequateamountofabilityandknowledge tohelpthemgrowby havingclinicalexperienceinvariouscountries.Wealsoprovidethemto facilitateotherstuffincludingadministrationandotherprocesses neededtogoforexchangeaccordingtoeachcountry.Thisistoensure thattheirexchangewillgosmoothlyandtheywillgetthemostoutof theirexchangeexperience. Surely,alloftheapplicantshavegonethroughthethorough selectionprocess.Hereby,Iwillannouncethosewhoareselected.We hopeeveryonewhogetsthisgoldenopportunitymay usethischance wisely. Doremember,asoutgoingstudentsyouwillbeartheweightof ourbelovedcountryIndonesia,youruniversity,andyourownreputation. So,pleasebehaveaccordinglyandberespectablerepresentatives. PleaserespecttheIFMSAandthehostcountryregulation,bepunctual astardinessmightharmthesustainabilityofyourexchange.Wehope youcouldusethisopportunitytolearnnewthings,culture,meetnew friends,anddevelopyourselfasabetterhumanresource-Indonesia' futurehealthprovider,fortheimprovementofournation'shealthcare system. EmpoweryourselftoImproveNation'sHealth. Onceagain,congratulations! PREFACE fromNationalExchangeOffcerforOutgoing

University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month UB Audrey Gracielle Tarigan Brazil DENEM UB Muhammad Royyan Balafif Latvia LaMSA August UB N Mohabbath Zikrullah S M Egypt IFMSAEgypt UB Saka Ardhayudicva Kazakhstan KazMSA UB Teresa Wynne Deanita Romania FASMR UB Thalita Kanaya Silitonga France ANEMF UB Zidan Dzulyadain Amri Mexico AMMEF UGM Abelard Valerian Herryawan RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ UGM Afina Azka Latifanisa Kuncoro Egypt IFMSAEgypt UGM Aishya Maharani Ardian Setiadi France ANEMF UGM Alifta Faramesty Kur niawan Poland PIFMSAoland UGM Amanda Salsabilla Zahra Malta MMSA July UGM Ani Talia Slovenia SloMSIC UGM Annisa Maulidina Sweden SIFMSAweden July UGM Arif Rahman Bahaswan Denmark IMCC

University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month UGM Arvin Hasani Raharjo France ANEMF UGM Charlotte Lintang Kinasih France ANEMF UGM Denisa Yemima Tobing France ANEMF UGM Hana Adiva Praditri RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ UGM Hasna Fikriya Poland PIFMSAoland UGM Ilma Tazkiya Egypt IFMSAEgypt UGM Patricia Aline France ANEMF UGM Siti Aziza Roza Putri Turkey TurkMSIC UI Aditya Parawangsa Portugal ANEM UI Azhar Ridha Lukman France ANEMF UI Devina Dwi Haryanto France ANEMF UI Fathia Amalia Faizal Brazil DENEM UI Kevin Tjoa Brazil DENEM UI Muhammad Orri Baskoro Ger many bvmd UI Nabilla Luthfia Salwani Italy SISM July UI Patricia Angelin Slovenia SloMSIC

University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month UMY Alma Serafina Harli Greece HelMSIC UMY Choirunnisa Fadhila France ANEMF UMY Fatma Fauzia Fauzan Egypt IFMSAEgypt UMY Hisma Fahada Indrani Bulgaria AMSB UMY Mohammad Bintang Bis Cirurgiputra Thailand TIFMSAhailand UMY Shofia Diaz Shakila Egypt IFMSAEgypt UNAIR Alisha Princessa Brahmana Slovakia SloMSA UNAIR Alverina Cynthia Sukmajaya Poland PIFMSAoland UNAIR Alyssa Mutia Mutiara France ANEMF UNAIR Andi Muh Rahul Alfaidin Finland FiMSIC UNAIR Arsya Auliya RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ UNAIR Atiqah Nurul Wardhany Romania FASMR UNAIR Azkarida Larasati Hungary HuMSIRC UNAIR Darian Mulyana Poland PIFMSAoland UNAIR Daryn Ikrima Mumtaz Zahravi Poland PIFMSAoland UNAIR Emirtry Rachmad Sulaiman Slovakia SloMSA


Mutiara Rizqia Rivania Slovakia SloMSA

Gifta Marshanda Qanitah Hamiseno Slovakia SloMSA



Ismail Hanan France ANEMF



Jovan Ferrel Reynaldo Siswanto Italy SISM August

Faiza Khansa Tsabita Zulkar naen France ANEMF






Mayoori Akirasena RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ

Jeffrey Aldric Afaratu Italy SISM August

Muhammad Zulfikar Defianto Italy SISM July



GabrielSDamarwibawaetianto Malta MMSA July

Farsya Putri Kamiko Fakhri Lithuania LiMSA




Lukiteswari Dyah Tri Hapsari Belgium BeMSA


M Pradjanto Morocco MIFMSAorocco

Fany Nabila Fauziah Egypt IFMSAEgypt

Made Ayu Rheina Putri Sweden SIFMSAweden July

Indriani Putri Paramitha France ANEMF

University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month

Nadhira Rahma Augustria RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ


University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month UNAIR Rafida Sofi Kamila Portugal ANEM UNAIR Roy Novri Ramadhan T Hungary HuMSIRC UNAIR Wynne W idiarti France ANEMF UNAND Azzahra Velia Poland PIFMSAoland UNDIP Kevin Christian Tjandra Poland PIFMSAoland UNISSULA Danissa Fauzira Fauzira Philippines AMSA Philippines UNUD Khasandra Etania Damara Brazil IFMSA Brazil UMJ Alya Nazila Rani Nasution Hungary HuMSIRC UNPAD Aliya Numasari Putri Poland PIFMSAoland UNPAD Almanda Gitta Puspa Poland PIFMSAoland

Cynthia Arista Suwono France ANEMF

Diandra Hafizhah Fir manda Latvia LaMSA July

Dominggo Girsang Russian Federation HCCM

Annisya Diva Shafira RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ

Anton Anton India MSAI

Azriel Rhaditya Arfiansyah Croatia CroMSIC

University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month UNPAD Immanuella Stephanie Putri Simanullang Brazil IFMSA Brazil UNPAD Laurentia Fidella Averina Setia Santoso Belgium BeMSA UNPAD Noah Jefferson Per mana Brazil IFMSA Brazil UNPAD Raden Shafiyyah Aathifah Sonya Romania FASMR UNPAD Raidah Fawwazah Mexico AMMEF UNPAD Rivera Adenia Firza Zahrani Egypt IFMSAEgypt UNPAD Siti Nadya Khairunissa Alamsyah Egypt IFMSAEgypt UNPAD Tiffanny Resta Kanisha Poland PIFMSAoland UNPAD Yasmin Zahrarianti Santosa Turkey TurkMSIC UNRI Farah Mardhiyah Portugal ANEM UNRI Muhammad Irvan Almaqdisi Portugal ANEM UNRI Sarah Udayana Brazil DENEM UNRI Tengku Amir Ramadhan RCzechepublic IFMSA CZ UNS Abi Prasetya Prasetya Finland FiMSIC UNS Charistika Lonika France ANEMF UNS Ginaung Sasti Megantari France ANEMF

University Name Country NMO Unilateral Spec. Month UNS Muhammad Yurizar Yudhistira Hungary HuMSIRC UNS Nasya Thahira Poland PIFMSAoland UNSOED Ahmad Husein Haekal Alkaff Egypt IFMSAEgypt USK Adinda Zahra Ayufi Ramadhani Poland PIFMSAoland USK Afikah Yasmin Azhar Poland PIFMSAoland USK Cut Maula Nanda Turkey TurkMSIC USK Lakaeisya SY Lathifah Turkey TurkMSIC USU Christine Natasya Ersinalsal Greece HelMSIC UWKS Ni Kadek Sukma Apti Pertiwi Romania FASMR

On behalf of National Exchange Committee SCOPE CIMSA 2022/2023, Ariana Safitri Putri National Exchange Officer for Outgoing CIMSA Indonesia 2022-2023 For further information, please contact the NEO for Outgoing, Ariana Safitri Putri (neo@cimsa.or.id), or the respective Local ExchangeOfficer

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