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Scotch Parents – New ways to connect
Scotch Parents – New ways to connect
Heather Cowan President, Scotch Parents
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic brought with it many challenges and the need for our community to look for alternative and sometimes novel ways to stay connected.
It also highlighted the impact of social isolation, its effect on our health and the importance of human contact, feeling valued and belonging.
Maintaining strong connections within our community has always been a priority for Scotch Parents. Now, more than ever, we appreciate the support and flexibility of our community to connect in new ways. With the amazing support of 36 parent year representatives and an army of parent volunteers we have successfully coordinated over 140 events this year despite the restrictions. Congratulations to the Year 12
Ball Committee who achieved the impossible by moving an indoor event into an outdoor extravaganza within a couple of days due to last minute changes in COVID-19 regulations. The evening was a resounding success and lived up to its theme ‘Illuminate… the darker the night, the brighter the stars’. Thanks also to the wonderful Year 11 Dance Committee, who, unperturbed by restrictions managed to coordinate online meetings from all areas of the globe to give our Year 11 boys the most sensational ‘disco funk’ themed night to remember.
This year we celebrated the first anniversary of the Scotch Parents Walking Group and Community Choir. Unsure of how we would survive the impact of the pandemic, the Walking Group provided the ideal outdoors activity whilst the community choir relocated rehearsals off campus to my house and
a local church hall. We are truly grateful to be back rehearsing at Scotch and for the ongoing support from our dedicated members. New members are encouraged to join at any time.
Scotch Parents are truly grateful for the ongoing support received from the annual voluntary parent subscriptions which are used to fund grant requests from staff, boys and support groups. Recent funding projects include:
• Black drapes for the Dickinson Centre
Finally, I would like to thank the members of the Scotch Parents Committee Theodore Hasslacher (Vice President), Amanda Harris (Treasurer) and Rebecca Nerlich (Secretary), Mel Colling, the Special Grants Funding Committee, parent volunteers, staff and the entire Scotch community for their continued support, valuable contributions and friendship throughout 2022. If you are interested in being a part of Scotch Parents, please email scotch.parents@scotch.wa.edu.au.
125 Years of Philanthropy at Scotch
Headmaster Dr Alec O’Connell
The topic of philanthropy is nothing new to schools, but one which is quite often confused with the role of the community’s old scholars’ association.
While there is undoubtedly a strong connection between the two, Philanthropy has a specific role in maintaining and growing our community support for the next 125 years.
The original definition of the word was “love of humanity.” Today, philanthropy means generosity in all its forms and is often defined as giving gifts of “time, talent and treasure” to help make life better for other people, and in our case, the past, current, and future students. You can practise philanthropy by making a monetary gift, such as a donation to a cause you believe in or through a significant in-kind donation. Choice of support is the core to any successful Philanthropy strategy.
Scotch College commenced thanks to a philanthropic act by the Alexander family in 1896 when they donated 500 pounds to help found a Presbyterian school for boys in Perth. Since this time our College has benefited on numerous occasions from the generosity of many members of our community.
In 2020, the College’s Foundation agreed to make a Philanthropic donation to the school to assist with the establishment of a Philanthropy Office. This began under the leadership of Kate Quinn (now head of Philanthropy at Perth Children’s Hospital) with Mel Colling as the Executive Officer.
In 2022, we are adding a Philanthropy Committee to oversee the College’s strategy and to connect the work of this committee through the College’s Foundation. The goal of Philanthropy at Scotch is to provide a channel through which members of our community can continue to support the College in areas
which may be of particular interest to them as potential donors.
Donations can be made via several pillars, including Buildings and Facilities, Scholarships (12 Scholarships), Annual Giving Programme (Building Fund, Scholarship Fund, Library Fund), Alexander Society (Bequests), John Maxwell Ferguson Fund and the Art Collection.
A successful Philanthropy Office is essential to ensure the future of our College and to ensure that we build upon the original 1896 act of Philanthropy which allows us to study and work at such a successful College 125 years later.
If you would like to hear more, please contact Mel Colling in the Office of Advancement and Philanthropy on 9383 6987 or philanthropy@scotch.wa.edu.au.