12 minute read
Libby Golsby (nee MacKinnon) eldest daughter of Daniel MacKinnon (OSC 1956) and her sons William (OSC 2026) and Charlie (OSC 2029) Golsby donated three historical albums created by Daniel. The MacKinnon family heritage has a long lineage ancestrally to Scotch with Daniel being the first to enrol in 1950 as a boarder hailing from Pinnacles Station, Leonora. Daniel’s brother Charles (OSC 1962) father to Chris (OSC 2000), William (OSC 1997), Tim MacKinnon (OSC 1993) and John (OSC 1958) father to Alistair (OSC 1988), Ross (OSC 1992), Lachlan (OSC 1994) MacKinnon attended the College.
The albums contain images of wool production at Pinnacles sheep station, agricultural landscapes of the north eastern Goldfields and fellow boarding families from the 1950s including the Young’s and Johnston’s.
At eleven years of age Daniel would carpool to school with his brother and sister or Guildford boys. A nostalgic image depicts them taking the journey 24 hours door-todoor from Pinnacle station to Kalgoorlie and onward on sleeper train to Perth.
Libby states that Daniel’s school friends were a very ‘close bunch’ including Brian Leach (OSC 1955), Bob Pickering (OSC 1955), Jimmy Stewart (OSC 1956), Ainslie Waddell (OSC 1956), Bill Johnston (OSC 1955), Rob Johnston (OSC 1955), Don Langdon (OSC 1955) and Bob Bunning (OSC 1955).
The images give an intimate glimpse of what it was like to board at school including students at M-Block Building, Collegians House, attending the Scotch College Ball, visits to the city and Trinity Arcade and a lovely suite of senior school students taking part in agricultural classes at Muresk Northam wool classing and fencing their agricultural farming plots.
Ainslie Waddell (OSC 1955) a good friend fondly remembers “Daniel returning to Pinnacles Station in the July holidays, catching the overnight train with many station kids also making their way home for holidays and getting up to lots of mischief”. He recalls “it was on Pinnacles holiday visits he learnt to ride, drive, drink and smoke”.
In his final year Daniel had an old station Landrover housed at Scotch which was hugely popular and used by many of his mates. “Dan was well regarded gentleman liked by all and was considered a dedicated sportsman and an especially good cricketer” Ainslie Waddell, 2022.
Clifton Taggart donated a significant range of memorabilia from his time as a boarder of the College. Clifton hailed from Wongan Hill, 120 miles north east of Perth, boarding from 1955 to 1959 along with his brother Doug (OSC 1958). Clifton captured various themes including cadets, excursions to Thomson’s Lake, Dormitory number six, construction of Memorial Hall, old gymnasium, quadrangle, interstate rugby games at Claremont Oval with Mr Mathis physical education teacher and vice-captain of the WA Rugby Team. Images of a 1957 Naval Helicopter displaying manoeuvres on the Top Oval and Master Harvey Barnett on his Vespa stand out from the collection.
Physical memorabilia include hand crafted wool classing scrapbook, several school reports and a text titled A School Arithmetic with Answers published by Hall and Stevens London.
Friendships captured throughout the suite of photographs taken on campus, include Gordon ‘Gus’ Angus (OSC 1958), Rodney Scott (OSC 1959), Michel Spring (OSC 1959), Murray Montgomery (OSC 1959), Erl Vincent (OSC 1959), Timothy Walker (OSC 1959), Ross Riches (OSC 1959), Russell Murray (OSC 1959), Robert Raffan (OSC 1959), Gordon Thomson (OSC 1959), Peter Drummond (OSC 1959), Rodney Scott (OSC 1959), Michael Spring (OSC 1959), Bruce Alford (OSC 1959), Glen Fowler (OSC 1959), Ian Graham (OSC 1959), Rex Noble (OSC 1959), Phillip Kerr (OSC 1960), Vernon Smith (OSC 1960), Peter Emmott (OSC 1960), Garry Clark (OSC 1960), Thomas Langley (OSC 1960), David Kiffin-Peterson (OSC 1960) and Garry Clark (OSC 1960).
David Beros (OSC 1981) donated a selection of images from 1978 including Brisbane House students in front of the bike racks pictured in retro 1970s streetwear attire.
Angus Jones (OSC 1981) donated images taken in the late 1970s near the Keys House boarding House: Memories of skateboarding during Cyclone Alby using dormitory sheets as a wind sail, tug of war Highland Games competitions, Alan Thompson (OSC 1980) and Alan Murray (OSC 1981) standing in school uniform in front of the demolished Brisbane House Master’s home. Alan Thompson (OSC 1980) sadly passed away in a truck accident during the school holidays later that year.

Nola Wheatley donated photographs belonging to her father Ian Tamblyn Grieve (OSC 1932) including various late 1920s and early 1930s team sporting photographs for Athletics and Cricket, 1928 Swimming, 1929 Running and 1932 Football XVIII.
Silver trophies were added revealing Ian’s fine athleticism awarded for 1927 Scotch College Under 13 Champion Athlete, 1928 Sports, 1929 Athletics Under 15 Champion, 1931 Champion Athlete, 1931 Scotch College Sampson Prize Form 6B and 1935 YMCAAC 1st Long Jump Champion & 1st High Jump Champion.
Post school Ian continued to play football under WAFL at Claremont Football Club 1935–1941 totalling 123 games.
Leith and Wendy Pritchard donated a portrait of Alan Frank Pritchard (OSC 1927). Leith’s father, Alan, originated from Marradong and attended the College for two years from 1924. The original illustration depicts him as a young man post school.
Felicity and James Stephens (OSC 2024) donated an incredible collection belonging to their father and grandfather, ‘Bill’ William Francis Richardson (OSC 1947) and grandfather and great-grandfather (Alexander) Rupert Richardson (OSC 1910) respectively.
Photographs include 1945 Scotch College Cadets, 1946 Rowing Crew Eight VIII second Winners, 1946 Cadet Officers and N.C.O.’s, 1947 Athletics Team, 1947 Prefects, 1947 Cadets Group photograph, 1947 Cadet Officers and N.C.O.’s, 1947 Cameron House, 1947 Prefects.
In addition, eight framed medallions awarded to Alexander were gifted, two bronze and six silver for placing first in the 1909 220-yard championship, 1909 Mile Championship, 1909 100 yards Championship, 1910 100 yards championship in 10 3/5 sec, 1910 14 mile championship and the 1910 800 yards championship recorded 2 min 11 1/5 seconds. Three engraved gold shields prized for the 1909 First Prize Gym prize, 1909 Cricket Bowling Average and 1910 Gym Prize.
Alexander was a magnificent athlete awarded a large silver trophy for winning 1909 Champion of School for Scotch College Sports along with the cotton athletics singlet he competed in featuring school crest and gold braid in near perfect condition.
Ms Pat Farrow and Ms Chris O’Brien donated twenty-one historical editions titled The Library of Useful Stories published by George Newnes Ltd London published from 1896 to 1903. Headmaster Peter Corsar Anderson’s daughter Mary gifted the books originating from his personal library.
First editions The Ancient History of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians by Charles Rollin was included published in 1739. The authentication date suggests the editions are likely to have travelled with him during immigration from Scotland to Australia. Illustrations, maps and engravings are included published by Longman and Company London.
Alex O’Connell donated photographs belonging to his great-grandfather William Augustus Goland. ‘Bill’ as he was known was a brilliant oarsmen and secretary of the WA Rowing Association from 1900 to 1905. He captained the West Australian Rowing Club from 1904 to 1910 and coached Scotch College to 17 Head of the River victories between 1901 and 1942.
A particularly early 1903 image christening and launching the Scotch College Race Four titled the ‘W.A. Goland’ was donated, along with youthful portraits of him as a young man and 1940s images with Headmaster Peter Corsar Anderson.

From top: 1928 Scotch College Swimming Team Nola Wheatley donation, 2022 photograph of donors James (OSC 2024) and Felicity Stephens at Collegians House, 1927–1932 Scotch College Cricket Team XI Nola Wheatley donation
John donated three football photographs made up of the 1961 First Football Team First XVIII, 1961 Football Team tour traveling to Launceston and the 1962 Football Team match at the Gooch Pavilion held at Memorial Grounds.
Margaret donated a Pipe Band Book titled ‘Scots Guards’ belonging to Colin Edward Hodgson (OSC 1955) who was Pipe major at the College from 1955 to 1956. A 1920s loose leaf stationary book belonging to Colin’s father ‘Jim’ James Hodgson (OSC 1928) was donated and links to previous donations belonging to Colin.
Charles donated a photograph belonging to his father Angus Hargreaves Robinson (OSC 1924). The image depicts a late 1920s image of Fourth Form featuring his uncle Thomas Hugh Robinson (OSC 1932). The photographic postcard features students in differing charcoal uniforms, some without ties on a summer’s day on Shenton Road lawn.
Phillip donated four original Reporter editions 1949 to 1953 belonging to Master Chester Bennett. Phillip recalls his year 10 history teacher at Prince Alfred College Adelaide “If things became tiresome in the double history lesson, we would ask Chester about his trips from Perth to Adelaide in his dark green English MG sports car which we loved very much. He would draw a map on the blackboard showing all the towns and the exact distances between them, as well as the speed he drove across the various sections of the trip. In those days the Eyre Highway was unsealed corrugated limestone, so it must have been quite a bone shaking journey!” Phillip Thomas, 2022.
Graeme donated his 1960s woollen felt school cap and spectacular photographs from his time at school including 1962 Cricket Team XI, 1963 captain of boarding Ross Banfield (OSC 1963), 1963 Stuart House Athletics Team, 1963 Stuart House Seniors and Prefects, 1963 Stuart House Swimming Team and 1964 Stuart House Boxing Troupe at playing at the school fete.
David donated images of the 1981 First VIII Rowing crew training on the Swan River at Freshwater Bay and East Fremantle. The crew is pictured enjoying a summer celebration at coach Adrian Monger’s home including shots with the crew’s parents.
Included in the donation is a newspaper clipping dated 9 April 1981 from the West Australian newspaper titled “Challenge to Aquinas” featuring the eight Marcus Dill-Macky (stroke) (OSC 1981), Andrew Johnston (7) (OSC 1982), Michael Wilson (6) (OSC 1981), David Barber (5) (OSC 1981), Cameron Edwards (4) (OSC 1981), Blair Venn (3) (OSC 1981), Steve Whalan (2) (OSC 1982), Tim Fisher (bow) (OSC 1982) and Andrew Raven (coxswain) (OSC 1982).

Sue donated a book awarded to her grandfather Walter Kingston Stott OSC (1915) in December 1915 for scripture studies in Form IV. The book titled The complete works of Robert Burns by Alexander Smith was published by Macmillan and Co Ltd New York.
John Wilson donated a one-of-a-kind moveable silver trophy won in a school boxing tournament. The beautiful flip trophy features an image of two boxers on one side and an engraving on the reverse ‘Scotch College 1952 Boxing E. J. Wilson’. The trophy is housed on a delicate bakelite stand and a note states “enclosed is a boxing trophy I won in a tournament in 1952 as a fifteen-yearold from the bush. In the old original gym on the lower side of the oval” John Wilson, 2021.
Debra donated three advertisements located in Western Mail publications. The 1938 and 1941 editorials respectively market Scotch College and PLC on one page. Scotch College’s 1941 advertisement states that “proper education of the young is the very foundation of the state” and “a school in which the building of character goes hand in hand with intellectual and physical development”. The editorial encourages the reader to send for a detailed prospectus.
John Gillett (OSC 1948) donated an enormous collection of memorabilia from his time at school and items belonging to his father Eric Gillet (OSC 1917).
A first edition book gifted to Gordon Gooch OSC1912 was donated Here My Son: An account of independent and other corporate boys’ schools of Australia by C. E. W. Bean. Gordon was John’s father in law and the book included a handwritten note dated October 1951 “from those at present belonging to this old school in appreciation of his long continued interest in its welfare and his very generous support. On behalf of the boys John Hill OSC1950 and staff George Campbell OSC1905 and Headmaster Maxwell Keys”. Lure of the North 2007 edition by F. W. Gunning was donated and highlights George Joseph Gooch’s life in the Gascoyne.
John was awarded multiple book prizes for General Proficiency from1943 and 1946 with editions The Valleys of the Assassins’, ‘English Short Stories of Today’, ’The History of Napoleon, Literary Essays’ and the H. B Stewart Prize for English awarded in 1947 for Form 6AI titled Van Loon’s Lives.
Early Thistle editions and 1946–1947 PSA Athletics Programme for competitions held at the WACA including signatures. Newspaper clippings from the West Australian titled ‘Schools Succeeds at work and play’ and ‘Men Behind Scotch College’ 1957 were included.
Reporter editions ranging from 1922 to 1968 were donated along with 1939 Scotch College Annual Dinner invitation on Boat Race Night along with 1940 Invitation to the 44th Annual Distribution of prizes.
A hand printed programme for the 1948 production The Duke of Darkness including tickets for evening held at the Assembly Hall and 1950s appeal form proposing the P. C. Anderson memorial Chapel drive.
John’s 1942 signed school admission form and 1940 letter from Cam Hendry school secretary outlining Eric Gillett’s (OSC 1917) placement on council.
Early school images of Eric in the 1916 First Crew IV, 1916 First Football XVIII and 1917 Prefects photograph is featured as well as his 1916 Latin and English exercise books written in pen and ink.