3 minute read
Events back to life
Events back to life
OSC President Mr Aaron McDonald
Events that the Old Scotch Collegians have been traditionally able to host for its members have recently been struck back into life following the dissipation of concerns arising from COVID-19.
As I write this, the OSC has managed to ramp up the events including:
• the legendary wine tasting (this year being hosted by both Jay Beeson (2001) at his Old Bridge Cellars in North Fremantle, and Guy Lyons (2001), the Winemaker and General Manager of Forest Hills Vineyard); and
• the upcoming launch of the Old Scotch Collegians Business Directory (entirely free and available on our website) thanks to Richard Gardner (2000).
Founders’ Day will shortly be upon us. The Old Scotch Collegians looks forward to hosting a panel comprising Ian Olson the Chairman of Gage Roads (1985), John Flecker the CEO of Multiplex (1984) and former Premier of

From left to right: Jay Beeson, Guy Lyons, Aaron McDonald (all OSC 2001)
Western Australia and past Scotch parent, the Hon. Colin Barnett to discuss the creation of Optus Stadium from the perspective of the brewer, the builder and the Western Australian government. It proves to be a fantastic event and one that I hope you will be able to join in the College’s 125th year.
The OSC Committee is hosting a Strategy Day on Saturday 26 November 2022. The Committee will be considering the events and communications it should use in its activities to maximise values to its membership. If you have views on the future direction of
the OSC I encourage you to email me on oscpresident@scotch.wa.edu.au or via telephone if you prefer.
Lastly and sadly, I would like to acknowledge Rob Ockerby (1958) who unfortunately recently passed at the time of writing this. Rob was a former President of the OSC (and also Life Member) who had a tremendous sense of civic duty. Michael Silbert has penned a sage tribute to his life and the enormous achievements he accomplished throughout it. I encourage you to read it in the following pages.
Scotch Business Directory
Now open to the wider school community
Supported by the Old Scotch Collegians, our Business Directory has proudly featured local, regional, national and global businesses founded by our alumni. We have recently expanded the directory to include the wider school community, and now invite parents and those with significant connection to Scotch College to have their business included.
Submit your business or visit the directory at scotch.wa.edu.au/scotch-business-directory.
We encourage our community to support locally owned businesses as much as possible. Check in to the directory before making your next purchase or booking a service, and you might just find some great deals too!