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What have they been up to?
What have they been up to?
Zefri Dennis | 1992
I completed my university years in the UK before returning to my home country, Brunei Darussalam, to start work. My first role was a management trainee position at an airline. I was posted to London, where I also met my wife. I enjoyed being in the travel industry but pursued an investmentrelated career and joined an investment bank This eventually led to a senior investment team role, managing a private equity fund. My wife and I
moved to Singapore in 2012 and we have been here since, together with our three children. I remain in the investment industry.
My time at Scotch was wonderful – friends, teaching staff and many sporting activities. Special thanks to my fellow boarders who kindly invited me to spend the holidays with them in the countryside. The memories are priceless! Please look me up if you’re ever in Singapore.

Andrew Johnson | 1982
After school I returned to the family farm in York for five years before pursuing a career in aviation. I worked as an instructor and charter pilot and gained my airline transport license, theory. I drove trucks to earn money for further training, this led me to Brambles who sponsored further studies, and the rest is history. I have been involved with Heavy Equipment Hire for about 35 years. It has allowed me to travel, meet some extraordinary people and experience new cultures.
In 1992 I met my wife, Susie (PLC 1986, Sister of OSC Jim Herzfeld). We travelled before welcoming George and Matilda into the world. George is an 2021 OSC, Tilly is at PLC in Year 11. We live in Swanbourne, not far from the old stomping ground, and I still row with a number of old boys. The stories get bigger, we think we are still 17, to the casual observer it’s clear our best work was done in the 80s.

Tom Moir | 2002
After leaving school, I followed my passion for Sport and completed a Certificate IV in Sports Management at TAFE. For six years I worked with the WA Football Commission as the Regional Development Manager for the Great Southern region based in Albany, just down the road from the family farm in Borden. I am now the Manager of Wellington & Reeves Real Estate in Albany.
I continue to be heavily involved in sport as Football Manager at Royals Football Club, Secretary of
Cricket Great Southern and have recently joined the Great Southern Grammar School Council as the Independent Chair of the Great Southern Griffins Sports Committee.
My wife Sarah and I married in 2017. We have two kids, Max (4) and Tilly (almost 2).
I look back on my time at Scotch College fondly. I always enjoy catching up with old school friends and am looking forward to attending our 20-year reunion in early September.

Peter Owens | 1992
After graduating as a physiotherapist and working around Australia, I settled back in Perth with my wife, Felicity, to be close to family while we raised two daughters. Our daughters attended MLC and are now in their 20s and studying at Uni. I own and manage several physio clinics. I enjoy being ‘my own boss’ and having flexibility with my time, but it can be stressful and demanding at times like any small business.
For recreation, I play golf and guitar – both very badly. I enjoy jogging and exercising which is lucky because it’s a constant struggle to keep in shape on a laissez faire diet and too much red wine.
I occasionally see fellow 1982 leavers Paul Ezekiel (who lives in New York), Michael Poidinger (who lives in Melbourne) and Tim Fisher (at golf). Living in Perth, I regularly meet other OSCs and it’s nice to have a shared connection.

Graham Whitley | 1962
After graduating from Curtin University, I travelled to North America to gain work experience in California and Montreal. Upon returning to Perth in 1972 I moved to Bunbury to manage a regional Practice. In 1981 I relocated to Perth with my family to continue practising with the long-established firm Parry & Rosenthal Architects, becoming a director in 1985. I married Heather Finch in 2001 and retired from architecture in 2010.
I am currently involved with two charities assisting refugees in Kenya and South Sudan, as well as three impoverished villages in Uganda – a very satisfying experience!
With a lifelong interest in sailing, I recently discovered the pleasures of racing radio-controlled model yachts. This hobby is pursued by many old-’salties’, including some fellow Old Scotch Collegians. Look out for us at Lake Jackadder in Woodlands when you are there next!