3 minute read
John Wilson (OSC 2015)
Old Scotch Collegians were saddened to hear of the tragic passing of John Wilson in an accident on the family farm on 21 June 2022. John was a well-loved member of the Scotch community since he entered as a boarder for Year 8 in 2011 through to the end of his schooling in 2015. He enjoyed his time at Scotch and since returning to the farm he was a passionate farmer, sportsman and contributor to the Kulin and surrounding communities.
Our thoughts are with John’s family and all who knew him.
Timothy Beau Mead (OSC 2011)
Old Scotch Collegians extend their deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Tim Mead, who passed away suddenly and tragically in Brisbane, Queensland, on 10 July 2022. Tim attended Scotch from Year 1, in 2000 and graduated Year 12, in 2011. Tim was a student who gave so much of himself over his twelve years at Scotch, and in his final year he achieved extraordinary peaks. He did it with purpose, with thought and also with modesty.
Our thoughts are with Tim’s family and all who knew him.
Robert Ockerby (OSC 1958)
He loved his school life and excelled in his chosen sports. He played First XVIII Football in 1957 and 1958. In summer, he rowed and was in the 1st IV in 1957, and the 2nd VIII in 1958. He captained the Tennis team in both those years and competed in Athletics.
Clearly a leader of men, Rob became Captain of Cameron House in 1958. He was an Army Cadet from 1954-1957 and served on the Tuckshop Committee (1958) and the Library Society (1958).
Rob’s father, John, graduated in 1925, and the College has seen many members of the Ockerby family since, including Rob’s sons Doug (1988) and Peter (1992). Rob became and remained a proud OSC from the day he left school. For more than 50 years he was a self-appointed roving ambassador for the College.
He joined our OSC Committee in 1988 and served for 30 years until 2018. He was president in 1989 to 1991, and for his dedication to service he was awarded an Honorary Life Membership of Old Scotch Collegians in 2018.
Rob was so genuine and proud of his school and of the wonderful mates that he made there and whose friendship endured throughout his life.
A successful businessman with a wellknown real estate practice, his list of achievements and service to various organisations is extensive, and whilst it is difficult to encapsulate everything, Rob made incredible contributions to REIWA, Australian Institute of Conveyancers, Dalkeith Tennis Club, Tennis Seniors WA, International Tennis Federation, Tennis Umpires Association, Westside Wolves (formerly Old Scotch Hockey Club), Matilda Bay Rotary Club and the Cottesloe Golf Club, to name a few!
Robert Ockerby made an incredible contribution to Scotch College and to all the associations he joined. Our appreciation of his efforts and energy is immense and he will be sorely missed. Our condolences go to his wonderful wife, Bev, and to the extended Ockerby family.
Celebrating lives
Fred Keast 1943
James Paton 1945
Edmund Grey 1947
George Woodhouse 1948
William (Bill) Walker 1949
David Purser 1949
Jeremy (JM) Robinson 1950
Gerald (Jock) Hughes 1950
Allan Beste 1950
George White 1954
Donald Nairn 1955
Graham Devitt 1956
Robert Ockerby 1958
Terry Venables 1959
John Avery 1959
John Haselhurst 1961
Peter Eckert 1962
Michael Hind 1964
Peter Gmeiner 1964
Bruce Forsyth 1969
Andrew Locke 1982
Timothy Mead 2011
John Wilson 2015