GNAA News & Events - August 2020

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Thursday, September 10, 2020 Hermitage Golf Course

6:30am Registration 8:00am Shotgun Start 6:30am Continental Breakfast 2:00pm Luncheon Awards & Prizes Following the Scramble

Entry Fee



per player

Includes cart & player package

Prizes for:

Hole-in-one • Closest to the pin • Longest drive • Longest putt • Straightest drive Register online at or email to No refunds. No cancellations. There will be no competitive company or category lockouts on any event.

Thank you to our Scramble Title Sponsor! Sherwin Williams Flooring & Paint Greater Nashville Apartment Association | 2 International Plaza Drive, Suite 201 | Nashville, TN 37217 p: 615.365.3047 | f: 615.365.3571 |

CHAIRMAN Zac Ward, CPM® CHAIRMAN ELECT Stacey Holt, CAM® VICE CHAIRMAN Tracey Crowe, CAM® SECRETARY/TREASURER Stephanie Liston, CAM®, CAPS® IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Stephanie Burns, CAPS®, CAM®, NALP® MANAGER’S REPRESENTATIVE Meredith Dixon, NALP® SUPPLIER’S REPRESENTATIVE JD Wright, CAS® MAINTENANCE REPRESENTATIVE Rusty Guilliams, CAMT®, CPO® MANAGEMENT DIRECTORS Brigitte Byron, CAM® Malcolm Eller, CAM® Chloé Evans Sully Lemmons, CAM®, CPM® Katherine Morrow, CAM® Jenn Mulholland, CAM® Wesley Schmitz Giovanna Suastegui, CAM® Alice Ward, CAM®, CAPS® Dee Wilson SUPPLIER DIRECTORS Jill Krantz, CAS® Jennifer McCoy, Esq. Loyd Owen, CAS® Lacey Smithson, NALP® Dwayne Rawls, CAS® MAINTENANCE DIRECTORS Diane Mason, CAMT®, CPO® Dale Smith, CAMT®, CPO® IREM LIAISON Richard Wright, CPM® MDHA LIAISON Norman Deep LEGAL ADVISOR Wes Hall PRESIDENT Victoria Tobin VICE PRESIDENT Scott Meert DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION & EVENTS Ginny Johnson STATISTICS Bobbi Turner, ARM® FINANCE Valerie Grimes MEMBER SERVICES Jenny McWhorter ACTIVE PAST CHAIRMEN Mary Bradley Brad Cather, CPM®, HCCP®, SHCM®, COS® Kirby Davis Faye Ellis, CPM® Diana English Andy Gass, ARM® Barbara Haynes Shelley James, CAM®, CAPS®, CPM® Andrew Klahn, CAM®, CAPS®, NALP® Tammy Lee, CAM® Chari Lewis CAM®, CAPS®, CPM® Stacy L. Molen, CAM® Nancy Morris Linda Page, CPM®, ARM® Ellen Parker Susan Sherfield, CPM® Lisa Swick, CAPS® Rita Wilkinson, CPM®, ARM® Joyce Wolfe



05 08 15 17

Budgeting Is It Budget Season Already?

Budgeting Tips to Tame Budget Stress

Motivating Teams Motivating teams

Committees Still Working Virtually? Stay Active with GNAA!


02 09 11 14 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 23

2020 Golf Scramble Around the World in 18 Holes

2020 Trade Show The Roaring 20s

Nominations Committee Born to Serve? Join the GNAA Board of Directors!

Certified Apartment Manager Course Boost your knowledge, skills and confidence!

Supplier Success Class Sales are about the details!

Certified Apartment Supplier Course Become an apartment industry insider!




Stay up to date

Webinar Be a Coach, Not a Boss!

NextGen Trivia Night

Legal Week Register for this unique learning opportunity!

Education Sponsor Hall & Associates

Low Income Housing Tax Credit Seminar Fundamental and Advanced Training in LIHTC Compliance

New Members Welcome!


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Is It Budget Season Already? By Stephanie Liston, Lighthouse Property Management and Dwayne Rawls, Wheeler, Inc. As you are aware, budget season is quickly approaching. Property management professionals and suppliers alike dread the process. It can be time consuming, cumbersome and not produce the desired results. The keys to a successful capital budget process are early preparation, a detailed wish list and a good partnership between suppliers and management company professionals. Here are a few ideas on how to not only work together to get through the budget process, but also make it a little easier. This article “You can’t always get will concentrate on the what you want, but capital expense side of the equation. Income can if you try sometimes be very company specific you find, you get and may be beyond the what you need.” scope of this article. We are going to break this down into a few simple steps we learned back in grade school. This should help everyone get what they want out of the process and make the steps simple and less overwhelming. Just remember to ask the correct questions!

Who? You will need input from yourself and your onsite team, owners, asset managers, and suppliers. It is important you are in tune with your owner’s goals for the community. As a manager you may want a new grilling area. As a maintenance supervisor you may need the exterior lights replaced. As an owner you may want the parking lot resurfaced, and as an asset manager you may want to replace welds on steps throughout the community. Know what your company needs and wants and then reach out to your local GNAA suppliers to help News & Events

you through the estimating process. They will get you an accurate estimate that you can then roll in to your budget template.

What? What do you want? What do you need? Many suggest writing your “wish list” and include desired items from owners, onsite teams, asset management – don’t forget to include your own. The wish list is really simple. It’s just a list of items people have mentioned or you have noticed, or your maintenance supervisor needs. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy to start. Just simply a handwritten list of the most important items you feel would move your property forward or prevent building damage or liability issues. If you choose to make a handwritten list, just make sure you can read your own handwriting. I suggest for the most part a simple Excel sheet with the items listed in the left-hand side and the vendors listed across the top, so you can easily see and check off who you have talked to about what and if you have the bid back yet.

When? Start the budget process about TWO MONTHS before it is due. As a management professional it is imperative you know when your budget is due (seems simple, right?) so you can appropriately prepare. It is important that you start about two months prior to the budget being due. This allows time to get input from everyone about what to include in your budget. This will also give you time to continued on p. 7




Greater Nashville Apartment Association

find suppliers and solicit bids. Be kind to your suppliers – don’t forget that they need to put the bids together and get them back to you for evaluation.

Where? “Where do I start?” is the most overwhelming part of budget season for the management professional; however, you didn’t realize it but you have already started! It is important you start with a concise list of the capital projects you will be recommending for next year’s budget. It’s a small piece but it’s easy to start here. You just need the list and make a couple phone calls to your trusted GNAA suppliers who can help you determine scopes and pricing as well as perhaps some creative cost-saving measures to accomplish the same end goal.

Why? You will need a reason for each item on your “wish list.” Your maintenance supervisor may need the lights replaced because he is spending five man hours a week replacing bulbs in non-energy efficient fixtures. The asset manager may want to replace the welds on the steps to avoid liability. The owner may want the parking lot sealed to increase curb appeal. You may want that grilling area to help compete with the competition down the street. Prepare photos and facts to back up your conclusions, wants, and your needs. It is important that once you have all your facts you effectively communicate with your supervisor why you solicited each bid and why it is important these items be included in next year’s budget. This is where the photos and facts come in handy. If you are including a new grilling area, is there a return on the investment, is your competition that has one higher occupied? Are they getting $5 more a month in rent than you are? These are important things to discuss. News & Events

If you need the lights replaced, what is five man hours a week worth? What will the energy savings be on the new fixtures? How does this compare to the overall cost of the bid? Is it worth the initial investment? If you figure out that it is not a good investment or return on the money spent, maybe you may want to leave that item out of the budget “wish list,” which is why (depending on your position in the company) you may want to talk to your supervisor.

How? Start with your “wish list.” Reach out to your suppliers and solicit bids for each item. You should solicit three bids for each item. Some companies require more or less, but three is a good guideline. Sit down with your trusted vendors and walk the property with them, have them help you create a clear cost-efficient scope. Make sure by the end of the meeting with your supplier that you have come to a clear scope. This will allow all the bids to be similar. A clear scope of work may include materials you want to use for a project, finishes, or specific products. The more detail you include in the scope of work makes for bids that are “apples to apples” for comparison purposes. Make sure your suppliers know your desired outcome and partner with them for a solution that will make it clear to everyone what the end result will be. Give them a deadline, preferably a month before your budget is due. Some of your suppliers do not understand the budget process of the multi-family industry. Help your suppliers understand their part in the budget process. Help them understand the bids they supply for the budget today will be used to set aside funds for work next year. This gives the suppliers opportunity for work in the near future. When they submit prices for budget purposes they are increasing their opportunity for winning a bid in the future. If you break down your budget to-do list, and have some help from your trusted GNAA suppliers, the process seems less overwhelming and you are more likely to get what you want as well as get what you need. If you don’t get everything you want this year, remember there is a budget season every year! 7


Stress Relievers

Tips to Tame Budget Stress Courtesy of

Is budget stress making you frustrated and irritable? Stress relievers can help restore calm and serenity to your chaotic life. You don’t have to invest a lot of time or thought into stress relievers. If your stress is getting out of control and you need quick relief, try one of these tips.

Get Active Virtually any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever. Even if you’re not an athlete or you’re out of shape, exercise can still be a good stress reliever. Physical activity can pump up your feel-good endorphins and other natural neural chemicals that enhance your sense of well-being. Exercise can also refocus your mind on your body’s movements, which can improve your mood and help the day’s irritations fade away. Consider walking, jogging, gardening, housecleaning, biking, swimming, weightlifting or anything else that gets you active.

Meditate During meditation, you focus your attention and quiet the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. Meditation can instill a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Guided meditation, guided imagery, visualization and other forms of meditation can be practiced anywhere at any time, whether you’re out for a walk, riding the bus to work or waiting at the doctor’s office. You can also try deep breathing anywhere.

Laugh More A good sense of humor can’t cure all ailments, but it can help you feel better, even if you have to force a fake laugh through your grumpiness. When you laugh, it not only lightens your mental load but also causes positive physical changes in your body. Laughter fires up and then cools down your stress response. So read some jokes, tell some jokes, watch a comedy or hang out with your funny friends. Or give laughter yoga a try.

Connect with Others When you’re stressed and irritable, your instinct may be to isolate yourself. Instead, reach out to family and friends and make social connections. Social contact is a good stress reliever because it can offer distraction, provide support and help you tolerate life’s ups and downs. So take a coffee break with a friend (even virtually), email a relative or visit your place of worship. Got more time? Consider volunteering for a charitable group and help yourself while helping others.

Get Enough Sleep Stress can cause you to have trouble falling asleep. When you have too much to do – and too much to think about – your sleep can suffer. But sleep is the time when your brain and body recharge. And the quality and amount of sleep you get can affect your mood, energy level, concentration and overall functioning. If you have sleep troubles, make sure you have a quiet, relaxing continued on p. 9


Greater Nashville Apartment Association

bedtime routine, listen to soothing music, put clocks away, and stick to a consistent schedule.

Keep a Journal Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a good release for otherwise pent-up emotions. Don’t think about what to write – just let it happen. Write whatever comes to mind. No one else needs to read it, so don’t strive for perfection in grammar or spelling. Just let your thoughts flow on paper – or computer screen. Once you’re done, you can toss out what you wrote or save it to reflect on later.

Get Musical and Be Creative Listening to or playing music is a good stress reliever because it can provide a mental distraction, reduce muscle tension and decrease stress hormones. Crank up the volume and let your mind be absorbed by the music. If music isn’t one of your interests, turn your attention to another hobby you enjoy, such as gardening, sewing, sketching – anything that requires you to focus on what you’re doing rather than what you think you should be doing.



2020 Trade Show


October 15, 2020





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ow Thanks To Our Sponsors hSpecial

de S 2020 Tra

Gold Sponsors


News & Events



working on our

The Greater Nashville Apartment Association is excited to be back in the office and serving you, our members, with the excellence you deserve.

Doing our part to keep you safe, we have made these changes and additions:

Social Distancing Masks Hand Sanitizer Touchless Thermometer Sanitizing Desks & Chairs Disinfecting Fogger Please check the calendar at often for the latest updates. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected.


Greater Nashville Apartment Association

Born to Serve?

Join the GNAA Board of Directors! Do you have an interest in learning about and caring for the direction of the multifamily industry in Nashville? Have you volunteered your time with the organization and want to do more? This is your chance to share your talents with the Greater Nashville Apartment Association as a potential board nominee! Per the by-laws of GNAA, we have named our 2020 Nominating Committee, chaired by Immediate Past Chairman Stephanie Burns. It is made up of the current Chairman of the Board, Zac Ward, three management directors (Chloé Evans, Tracey Crowe and Dee Wilson), two supplier directors (Jennifer McCoy and Dwayne Rawls) and one maintenance director, Diane Mason. This year’s open positions on the board include the three representative positions (maintenance, managers and suppliers), two management directors and one each of

maintenance and supplier director. Nominations are now being accepted. What does serving on the GNAA Board mean? We have set up a great page on our website that highlights both the requirements and the responsibilities of being a board member. If you would like to see what both are, visit the GNAA website at BoardNoms. This page includes a document that can be filled out by potential nominees to make sure they meet the minimum requirements to be considered for the board. If you have any questions about the GNAA Board or want more information about being nominated, please reach out to this year’s nominating chair, Stephanie Burns, at 615-297-8587. We look forward to another great election in October!



Trade Show - Blast from the Past

Maintenance Luncheon

Bridget, Contractors Inc.

Amy, AccuWorks

Dominique, Baker Station

Mike, Music City Removal

Joey & Jeremy, RAM Partners; Loyd, Jimmy & Michael, Bug Solutions

Rusty & Brandon, RAM Partners

Tim, Deerfield at Providence

David, Deerfield at Providence; Mike, Music City Removal; Jeremy, RAM Partners

Larry, Maple Creek; Jimmy, Bug Solutions; Joey, RAM Partners

Brandon, RAM Partners

Dwayne, Wheeler, Inc.

Kelly & Brandi, The Liberty Group

Erik & Robert, Fitness Machine Technicians

Boost your Boost your Boost your Boost your knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, and confidence! and confidence! and confidence!

and confidence! CertifiedCertified Apartment Manager Manager Apartment Certified CertifiedApartment ApartmentManager Manager

WE RECOMMEND THIS COURSE community WE RECOMMEND THISforCOURSE formanagers community managers

and experienced assistant managers. and experienced assistant managers. WE RECOMMEND THIS COURSE for community managers WE RECOMMEND THISyou COURSE for community managers Earning your CAM credential allows to demonstrate that Earning yourassistant CAM credential allows you to demonstrate that and experienced managers. you have knowledge and ability managers. to manage an apartment andthe experienced assistant youyour haveCAM the knowledge and ability to demonstrate manage an apartment Earning credential allows yougoals. to that community and achieve the owner’s investment The Earning your CAM credential allows you to demonstrate community and achieve the owner’s investment goals.that The September 14-18, 2020 CAMyou credential positions you well forability careerto opportunities have the knowledge and manage anand apartment you have the knowledge and ability to manage an apartment CAM credential positions you well for career opportunities and 8:00 am - 4:00 pm advancement. community and achieve the owner’s investment goals. The

community and achieve the owner’s investment goals. The advancement. CAM credential positions you well for career opportunities and credential positions you wellorfor career opportunities SPACE IS LIMITED! SIGNCAM UP TODAY. Email register online at and advancement. advancement. Thank You 2020 Education Sponsors!

GNAA Education & Training Room

YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: Cost: $950 /person YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: GNAA Payment rates must be made by course • Policy: Occupancy date. Absolutely no refunds will be issued. If for • Comprehensive marketing plans • Occupancy rates any reason you cannot attend the course, you or your company may send someone in your place.


YOU’LL LEARNand ABOUT: • Sales team management product readiness • Comprehensive marketing plans • Occupancy rates

Brookside Properties • Bug Solutions • CORT Elmington Property Management • Ferguson Facilities Supply FirstCall Claims • Freeman Webb Companies • Apartment turnover Law Office of Hall & Associates • Law Office of Jennifer McCoy The vendors Liberty Group • Lighthouse Property Management • Working with • contractors Apartmentand turnover Lincoln Property Company • Universal Media Group Valet Living Wheeler, Inc. • Recruiting high-caliber • Workingemployees with contractors and•vendors

• Apartment turnover • Equitable of management current and potential • Employee orientation and training • Occupancy rates • Apartment turnover • treatment Sales team and product readiness • Recruiting high-caliber employees •residents Comprehensive marketing plans • Working with contractors and vendors • Employee evaluation • Equitable treatment current and potential • Employee orientation and • Comprehensive marketingof plans • Working with contractors and training vendors • •Resident retention and maintaining a positivereadiness• Employment Sales team management and product • Recruiting high-caliber employees regulations and record keeping residents • Employee evaluation • Sales team management and product readiness • Recruiting high-caliber employees company image • Analyzing the property’s financialand operations • Equitable treatment of current and potential • Employee orientation trainingand • Resident retention and maintaining a positive • Employment regulations and record keeping • Equitable treatment of current and potential • Employee orientation and training • Communicating with residents taking corrective actions for underperformance residents company image • Employee evaluation residents • Analyzing the property’s financial operations and • Employee evaluation • Customer service and issue resolution • Monitoring property performance to achieve the

Thank you to

• Resident retention and maintaining a positive • Communicating with residents

• Employment regulations and record keeping

taking corrective actions for underperformance • Resident retention and a positive • Enforcing company andmaintaining complying with laws owner’s•investment goals Employment regulations and record keeping company image policy • Customer • Analyzing the property’s operations and the image service and issue resolution • Accounting andcompany regulations • Monitoring propertyfinancial performance to achieve principles and practices • Analyzing the property’s financial operations and • Communicating with residents taking corrective actions for underperformance • Enforcing company policy and complying with laws owner’s investment goals • Property inspections with residents • Communicating • Maximizing net operating income

for supporting GNAA! Customer service and issue resolution and regulations • •Preventive maintenance programs • Customer service and issue resolution

taking corrective actions for underperformance

• Monitoring property performance to achieve the • Accounting principles and practices • Reporting property performance • Monitoring property performance to achieve the • Property inspections • Enforcing company policy and complying with laws owner’s investment goals • Service request process accurately • Maximizing net operating income

Maintenance and Community Members... use the code MAQ when ordering from HD Supply and GNAA gets a portion Available in person and online back, up to $6,000. Every Available in person and online Online member price: $825 Online member price: $825 little bit this year!

• Enforcing company policy and complying with laws owner’s investment goals and regulations Preventive maintenance programs • Accounting principles andperformance practices • Reporting property and •regulations • Accounting principles and practices • Property inspections • Service request process accurately • Maximizing net operating income • Property inspections • Maximizing net operating income For more information, visit Available in person and online • Preventive maintenance programs • Reporting property performance • Preventive maintenance programs property To locate•anReporting affiliate offering thisperformance course near you, visit Online member price: $825 • Service request process accurately • Service request process accurately For more information, visit Available in person and online To locate an affiliate offering this course near you, visit Online member price: $825 For more information, visit

For more information, visit To locate an affiliate offering this course near you, visit To locate an affiliate offering this course near you, visit

Code is good now through August 14th.


Greater Nashville Apartment Association


Motivating Teams By Jana Muma, Director of Learning and Development, The Liberty Group Motivating teams is one of my favorite training topics as it can literally make or break a company, so I am thrilled to provide my thoughts on this. When incorporated correctly, this can help leaders and teams improve performance, increase collaboration and simply be more successful. You will find many different types of motivation methods (especially if you do what everyone does and “Google” it). I am actually encouraging you not to do that. It is similar to Googling an ailment or illness and then get scared of the results you find. Let me break this down for you in two types of Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic: • Extrinsic motivation occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid punishment. In this case, you engage in behavior not because you enjoy it or because you find it satisfying, but in order to get something in return or avoid something unpleasant. • Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward. Essentially, the behavior itself is its own reward. In today’s world, yes, it is crazy, we have to adapt, change, accommodate and provide understanding and respect. How do we do this? I could provide you with a 100-page article, nothing you haven’t seen already. I am going to cut to the chase right now in an effort to give you ideas to help motivate your teams and associates in a quick checklist! People are the main and the most important resource of each company. For achieving great results, each leader needs to have a motivation strategy to create and maintain the spirit of enthusiasm among employees. Following are 9 effective ways for you to motivate your staff and ensure the continuous growth of your organization. 1. Leaders share the vision with each member. If everyone is aware of the vision, it will lead to success, motivation and

News & Events

enthusiasm, allowing them to become an integral part of the overall team/company. 2 . Appreciation. Who doesn’t like recognition? One of the greatest needs of each person is the need to be appreciated. Studies show that appreciation is a greater reward than money. Show your sincere gratitude. It is so simple – a nice email, text, fun gif, handwritten card (yes, those still exist), candy, etc. 3. Communication is crucial. You can’t learn about ideas, attitude or concerns of your team members without constant communication. Use each opportunity to interact. Don’t forget, communication is a two-way street. 4. Innovation. Empower associates with the opportunity to not only implement day-to-day tasks but to suggest new ideas and make them a reality. Give associates a chance to take initiative and you will be amazed by their ability to create brilliant ideas. 5. Give challenging tasks. Let associates develop new skills by giving them new challenges and tasks. At the same time make sure the tasks are achievable and in the frames of the associate’s associate’s 6. Encourage creativity. Don’t supervise, lead . You should not control each and every step. It means making sure all the the company activities are being implemented at the highest level. Give people the freedom to find their own unique ways of solving issues. Challenge them to think out of the box. 7. Provide opportunities to grow. If people know everything is going to be the same way all the time, they will definitely lose the motivation to put their to put their maximum efforts into work. They should be sure the devotion and hard work will lead to new personal and professional achievements, recognition, bonuses, awards, etc. 8. Empower each individual. When associates feel empowered to make decisions on their own, they learn from it and it provides motivation. 9. Create and maintain a team spirit. A team is like a family, where mutual support and trust are the most important values.



Still Working Virtually? Stay Active with GNAA! After almost six months of working remotely, there is a distinct possibility you may be going a little stir crazy. GNAA knows what you are going through – separation anxiety, the need for human interaction and seeing your pals at GNAA events. Well, the good news is that we are still staying busy with opportunities for all of us to get together…well within current restrictions, of course. It is important that you stay connected with your GNAA peers as much as possible during this time. Not only is it important from a personal and business perspective, but for those interested in running for a board seat or up for a prestigious Diamond Award, attendance at events counts toward eligibility for both. Here are some of the ways we are still here for you.

Monthly Committee Meetings All the monthly GNAA committees are working in full force, just with the addition of the Zoom platform. As long as we stay below 25 total people, committees are allowed to meet in person because we have all the social distancing and cleaning measures in place. Keep the website GNAA calendar bookmarked on your phone, tablet or desktop so you can check back regularly to see how committees are meeting. And just remember, even if it says Zoom you are more than welcome to attend in person. Just let us know ahead of time so the rooms can be set appropriately.

per Metro Health guidelines. GNAA is looking at doing the same with other luncheons as needed. Other events are taking place with either slight modifications or as planned. The GNAA Trade Show has been moved to a different venue on October 15 that allows for a more open floor plan with the ability to provide open air if possible. We are combining this year’s show with Election Night so we can take advantage of this space. As with everything this year, the event may look a little different but it will still be a great way for us all to get together safely! The GNAA Golf Scramble will be taking place as usual with only slight modifications as it is an outdoor event at Hermitage Golf Course. Look for more information as we get closer to the September 10 date…but make sure to get your foursomes signed up as they are going fast!

Safety is Key Please rest assured that we put our member safety on the top of our priority list as we plan any event. We still want and need to provide all members with ways to stay informed and connected so we will work hard to balance safety with great events. Hope to see you, either virtually or in person, soon!

Events at Other Venues If we are unable to host an event or meeting here at the GNAA offices, we are working with committee chairs and others to see if hosting offsite makes sense. For example, the maintenance luncheons have been going on when scheduled because they are hosted by a restaurant that maintains a different set of restrictions,

News & Events


Supplier Success Sales are about the details!

tuesday, August 11, 2020

Register Today!

GNAA Education Room 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Cost: $149 Approved for six (6)

Continuing Education Credits Register online at, fax this completed form to GNAA at (615) 365-3571 or email it back to

Space is limited! No Refunds. No Cancellations. Non-member price is $298. Thank You 2020 Education Sponsors!


Brookside Properties • Bug Solutions • CORT • Elmington Property Management • Ferguson Facilities Supply • First Call Freeman Webb Companies • Law Office of Hall & Associates Law Office of Jennifer McCoy • The Liberty Group • Lighthouse Property Management • Lincoln Property Company Universal Media Group • Valet Living • Wheeler, Inc.


September 23-27, 2019 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

GNAA Education & Training Room

Become an Become an Become an apartment apartment apartment industry insider! industry insider! industry insider! Certified Apartment Supplier Certified Apartment Supplier

Certified Apartment Supplier

WE RECOMMEND this course for suppliers of apartment products WE RECOMMEND this course for suppliers of apartment products or services.

or services.

WE RECOMMEND this course for suppliers of apartment products Earning your CAS credential allows you to network with peers from Earning your CAS credential allows you to network with peers from services. otheror supplier companies, as well as with community managers. CAS other supplier companies, as well as with community managers. CAS will help you understand theyou everyday challenges that apartment will help understand the everyday challenges that apartment Earning your CAS credential allows you to network with peers from management customers face andcustomers help you develop selling management face andunique help you develop unique selling other supplier companies, as well as with community managers. CAS propositions to meet those challenges. propositions to meet those challenges.

September 14-16, 2020 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

GNAA Education & Training Room

will help you understand the everyday challenges that apartment SPACE IS LIMITED!management SIGN UP TODAY. customers Email register onlineunique at face and help or you develop selling Thank You 2020 Education Sponsors! propositions to meet those challenges. Brookside Properties • Bug Solutions • CORT /person YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: Elmington Property Management • Ferguson Facilities Supply YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT:

Cost: $650

FirstCall Claims • Freeman Webb Companies

GNAA Policy: Payment must be made leasing by coursecontracts, • Property hazards •and crime hazards • Applicant screening, Law Office of crime Hall & Associates • Law Office of Jennifer McCoy Property and • Applicant screening, leasing contracts, date. Absolutely no refunds will be issued. If for The Liberty Group • Lighthouse Property Management and move-ins and move-ins • Environmental hazards any reason you cannot attend the course, you or • Environmental hazards Lincoln Property Company • Universal Media Group your company may send someone in your place. the moveValet Living • Wheeler, Inc. • Rent collection, lease renewal,


• Rent collection, lease renewal, the move• Analyzing property financial operations and • Analyzing property financial operations and out out underperformance underperformance Greater Nashville Apartment Association YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: process, lease termination, and eviction process, lease termination,• and evictionproperty performance to Monitoring • Monitoring property performance to • Property management systems and their systems • Property management and their achieve achieve • Property hazards and crime • Applicant screening, leasing contracts, functions functions the owner’s investment goals investment goals the owner’s

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( 615) 360- 0079 Sunday


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday











Legislative Committee* 8:30am



Be a Coach, Not a Boss Webinar 10am



Board of Directors* 9am

Maintenance Committee* 8:30am



Customer Service for Maintenance*








9am - 12pm

Membership Committee* 10:15am

Awards Committee*







NextGen Committee*

Gala Committee*



Communications Committee* 9am

Supplier Success Class* 9am - 4pm


News & Events


News & Events Committee*


Community Service Committee* 10:30am



NextGen Trivia Night*



Statistics Committee* 9am


Education Committee* 9am

Trade Show Committee* 10am *at GNAA office


Don’t miss online classes! zoom webinar

Be a Coach, Not a Boss! Helping you create the best team environment even during trying times. Hosted by: Connie Sue Centrella, “The Pool Lady”

Wednesday, August 12 @ 10am member investment



Register online at or email!


Hosted by to FREENAA G ALL bers! m me

Reg i onli ster GNA ne at rece to i info ve gam e rma tion !

Thursday, August 20

Trivia starts at 6:30 pm Social time starts at 7:30 pm Free to members but no-shows will be charged $15.

Thank you to our event sponsors! Law Office of Hall & Associates • Wheeler, Inc.

Greater Nashville Apartment Association

Welcome to Legal Week! Just in time for those who may need a big chunk of continuing education credits by year’s end, we are happy to announce a new alternative to our annual GNAA Legal Conference. Welcome to GNAA Legal Week! Since GNAA is not sure where current COVID restrictions will be in October, the Education Committee and our wonderful group of attorneys have already made the proactive decision to cancel initial planning for a day of legal topics. This year’s legal conference will now become a four-day event with one-hour virtual classes each morning. What better way to start your day than with some great education on pertinent legal issues? Legal Week will take place the last week of October, with the first session on Tuesday, October 27 at 10:00 a.m. Here is a look at the week’s schedule: Tuesday, October 27 “Stories from the Field,” facilitated by Jennifer McCoy with the Law Office of Jennifer McCoy

Wednesday, October 28 “Disparate Impact,” facilitated by Gary Rubenstein with Schulman Leroy & Bennett, P.C. Thursday, October 29 “Collections During COVID,” facilitated by Wes Hall and Nathan Lybarger with the Law Office of Hall & Associates Friday, October 30 “Fair Housing & Animals,” facilitated by Angelita E. Fisher with the Law Office of Angelita E. Fisher All sessions will be offered for the lower cost of $99 this year. That is a $50 savings from 2019! A registration for this year’s Legal Week also comes with a complimentary $10 Starbucks e-gift card so you can grab a couple of your favorite drinks while you attend the sessions. Each session will be recorded and will be available on the GNAA website after the sessions are completed. We hope you will register for this unique learning opportunity!

Law Office

Hall & Associates M. Wesley Hall III

Nathan C. Lybarger Matt Schulenberg LandlordAdvocate® Landlord Advocate® 223 Madison Street • Suite 212 • Madison, TN 37115

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News & Events

CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR SERVICE, INC. Locally Owned and Operated Since 1990 Commercial • Industrial • Residential Free inspection, consultation and recommendation w w w. r e l i a b l e r o o f i n g . n e t

Nashville: 615-333-3653 Fax: 615-333-6245 Murfreesboro: 615-895-7042

399 Haywood Lane Nashville, TN 37211

Eddie M. Patterson, Owner 21


Hall & Associates Hall & Associates provides professional eviction and debt collection services throughout Middle Tennessee. Convenient case assignment and case status information is available 24/7 via their online portal. When cases are accepted, the legal process begins immediately. Their objective is to rapidly achieve their client’s individual goals, whether that is recovery of the property, curing lease violations, or debt recovery that extends beyond the move-out date. Attorneys Wes Hall, Nathan Lybarger and Matt Schulenberg bring you 55 cumulative years of legal experience and a support staff with over 118 years of experience. Call their office at 615-868-4101 to establish an online account and bring on board reliable, experienced, professional representation.

Low Income Housing Tax Credit Seminar










Fundamental and Advanced Training in LIHTC compliance

Wednesday, October 21:

Fundamentals of LIHTC Compliance: 9 am - 5 pm (Lunch Provided)

Thursday, October 22:

Advanced Training: 9 am - 1 pm Optional HCCP testing: 1 pm - 5 pm

Location both days: GNAA Education & Training Room


Karen Graham, HCCP, CPM

Members $300 per person (Non-Members $350)

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Optional HCCP testing: additional $175 *HCCP Exam not included in class price, Students may elect to attend only the first day of Instruction, however the cost will not be reduced. No refunds or cancellations permitted. 12 Continuing Education Credits for both courses

Thank You 2020 Education Sponsors!

Brookside Properties • Bug Solutions • CORT • Elmington Property Management Ferguson Facilities Supply • FirstCall • Claims • Freeman Webb Companies Law Office of Hall & Associates • Law Office of Jennifer McCoy The Liberty Group • Lighthouse Property Management • Lincoln Property Company Universal Media Group • Valet Living • Wheeler, Inc.




3 year warranty | 24/48 Service Before you get started on your remodel, call Get A Grip! residential & commercial surfaces refinished & restored without removalTM

Greater Nashville Apartment Association

NEW MEMBERS Management Companies

MEB Management Services, Inc. Lori Gillespie 120 E. Congress St. Tucson, AZ 85701 520-620-1640

Amalie Point (109) Centennial Crossing at Lenox Gate (264)

Referral source: Properties are members ZMX, Inc. Matt Hoiles 4303 Gallatin Pk. Nashville, TN 37216 615-913-6581 Referral source: Word of mouth

Apartment Communities

Hickory Creek Natalie Meador 1150 Vultee Blvd . Nashville, TN 37217 615-361-7660 FAX 615-366-7259 200 apartment homes Morgan Properties Referral source: Management company Knox at Metrocenter Rachel Roberts 101 Athens Way Nashville, TN 37228 615-733-0160 322 apartment homes Embrey Management Services Referral source: Rachel Roberts

News & Events

Quail Run Estates Blair Brown 161 Falcon Dr. McMinnville, TN 37110 931-414-4112 FAX 931-414-4116 50 apartment homes Envolve, LLC Referral source: Management company Ryman Lofts Kelly Wilson 8 Academy Pl. #200 Nashville, TN 37210 615-780-0033 FAX 615-780-2611 60 apartment homes Freeman Webb Referral source: Management company


Absolute Soft Wash PJ Walker 104 Fawnfield Cir. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-522-7532 Pressure washing; exterior cleaning Referral source: Rusty Guilliams

Best Place on Earth Design Kathy Meert 7881 Pinewood Rd. Fairview, TN 37062 615-587-1285 Marketing & graphic design Referral source: GNAA Staff David Wilkinson Construction Jill Krantz PO Box 2936 Hendersonville, TN 37075 Roofing; siding; screened rooms Referral source: Jill Krantz Thetford Insurance Services, Inc. John Thetford 4004 Hillsboro Pk., Suite B254 Nashville, TN 37215 615-297-220 FAX 615-297-4492 Property & casualty insurance, specializing in multifamily insurance coverage Referral source: Word of mouth

Behr Paint Company Mario Garita 1801 E. St. Andrew Pl. Santa Ana, CA 92705 949-545-7101 Architect coatings & sundries Referral source: NAA and The Home Depot


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