July 2021 | News and Events Magazine

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Get ready for budget season

with this class presented by Tammy Lee. Start with math formula review and learn to translate it to budget and financial planning. This is a great refresher course for those

getting ready to start 2022 budgets!

Member investment



To Join us

Thursday, July 22, 2021 GNAA Education Room

. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

SPACE IS LIMITED! SIGN UP TODAY. email to ginnyjohnson@gnaa.org or register online at gnaa.org. THANK YOU 2021 GNAA EDUCATION SPONSORS: Brookside Properties • Elmington Property Management • Freeman Webb Companies • Law Office of Hall & Associates • Law Office of Jennifer McCoy • Lighthouse Property Lincoln Property Company • Multifamily Utility Company • Signal 88 Security • The Hill Law Firm • The Liberty Group • Universal Media Group Inc. • Valet Living • Wheeler, Inc. • Yardi

CHAIRMAN Stacey Holt, CAM CHAIRMAN ELECT Tracey Crowe, CAM VICE CHAIRMAN Stephanie Liston, CAM, CAPS SECRETARY/TREASURER Jenn Mulholland, CAM IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Zac Ward, CPM MANAGERS REPRESENTATIVE Meredith Dixon, CALP SUPPLIERS REPRESENTATIVE Tyler Ellis, CAS MAINTENANCE REPRESENTATIVE Rusty Guilliams, CAMT, CPO MANAGEMENT DIRECTORS Anne Adams, CAM, CALP Brigitte Byron, CAM Tina Hamor Sully Lemmons, CAM, CPM Katherine Morrow, CAM Wes Schmitz John Sons, CALP Giovanna Suastegui, CAM Alice Ward, CAM, CAPS Dee Wilson SUPPLIER DIRECTORS Jennifer McCoy, Esq. Loyd Owen, CAS Dwayne Rawls, CAS Lacey Smithson, CALP JD Wright, CAS MAINTENANCE DIRECTORS Diane Mason, CAMT, CPO Jeremy Byrd, CAMT, CPO IREM LIAISON Richard Wright MDHA LIAISON Norman Deep LEGAL ADVISOR M. Wesley Hall PRESIDENT Victoria Tobin DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION & EVENTS Ginny Johnson COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Taryn Hill STATISTICS Bobbi Turner, ARM MEMBER SERVICES TBA FINANCE MANAGER Courtney Helms ACTIVE PAST CHAIRMEN Mary Bradley Stephanie Burns, CAPS, CAM, CALP Brad Cather, CPM, HCCP, SHCM, COS Kirby Davis Faye Ellis, CPM Andy Gass, ARM Shelley James, CAM, CAPS, CPM Andrew Klahn, CAM, CAPS, CALP Tammy Lee, CAM Chari Lewis CAM, CAPS, CPM Stacy L. Molen, CAM Nancy Morris Linda Page, CPM, ARM Ellen Parker Susan Sherfield, CPM Lisa Swick, CAPS Joyce Wolfe




07 09 11 15 19

Diamond Awards Know GNAA Members Who Shine in the Industry?

It’s the Law Change to Tennessee Domestic Violence Law Takes Effect July 1, 2021

Suppliers Managing a Healthy Supplier Partner Relationship

Cover Feature UDR

Feature The Benefits of the GNAA Mentorship Program


02 05 06 10 14 16 20 21 21

Budget Bootcamp Get ready for budget season!

Managers Luncheon How to Build Brand in a Crowded Market

Diamond Awards Nomination Form Nominate a deserving member!

Supplier Appreciation Luncheon Let us show you how much you mean to us!

2021 Apartment Tour Right Off the Rails

New Members Welcome!

Education HVAC Training Advanced Segment

Education Basics of Electricity Course / HVAC Certification Course

Calendar Stay up to date

ABOUT THE COVER Management of UDR were photographed at their property 1200 Broadway in downtown Nashville.

Thank you to our sponsor:

Paramount Construction & Restoration


Cover photo by: John Albani, John Albani Photography

JULY 2021













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Greater Nashville Apartment Association


MANAGERS LUNCHEON W E D N E S D A Y , J U LY 1 4 t h , 2 0 2 1

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News & Events

S P A C E I S L I M I T E D T O 6 5 A T T E N D E E S A N D O N LY T W O A T T E N D E E S P E R C O M PA N Y, P L E A S E T O A L L O W R E P R E S E N TAT I O N F R O M A S M A N Y C O M PA N I E S A S P O S S I B L E . T H E LU N C H E O N I S C O M P L I M E N TA R Y F O R M E M B E R M A N A G E M E N T P E R S O N N E L . A S S O C I AT E M E M B E R S W I L L B E C H A R G E D $ 3 5 AT T H E D O O R . A N Y M E M B E R W H O D O E S N OT C A N C E L T H E I R R E S E R VAT I O N T H R E E D AY S P R I O R W I L L B E C H A R G E D $ 3 5 . 5

P L E A S E R E G I S T E R AT G N A A . O R G

Diamond Awards NOMINATION FORM Each year, the Greater Nashville Apartment Association recognizes the distinguished efforts of our members and the unique contributions they make to the multifamily housing industry through its Diamond Awards. The nominations for the 2021 Diamond Awards are now being accepted!

Submissions in each category will be judged based on GNAA activity (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021).

Winners will be recognized at the GNAA Awards and Installation Gala. Nominations must be received by July 16, 2021.

Please use one form per nominee. (Print clearly)

Date ____________________ I wish to nominate: ____________________________________________________ Category (choose 1 category per form from the following): Multifamily Executive of the Year

Supplier Company of the Year

Note: This nominee must be employed at a regional level or above.

Supplier Volunteer of the Year Maintenance Professional of the Year

Management Professional of the Year

Maintenance Volunteer of the Year

Management Company of the Year

Service Technician Professional of the Year

Management Volunteer of the Year

Note: This nominee must be employed at the on-site level, and includes Groundskeeping/Housekeeping/ Make-Ready/Concierge/Porter and Service Team members.

Assistant Manager Professional of the Year Leasing Professional of the Year Supplier Professional of the Year ________________________________________________________________








Nominee’s Company/Apartment Community Address Phone



Nominated By

Company/Community Phone



PLEASE SEND ALL ENTRIES TO GINNYJOHNSON@GNAA.ORG, ENTRY DEADLINE- JULY 16, 2021 Submissions in each category will be judged based on GNAA activity (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021). 6

2 International Plaza, Suite 201

Greater Nashville Apartment Association Greater Nashville Apartment Association Nashville, TN 37217 | p: 615.365.3047 f: 615.365.3571 www.gnaa.org


Know GNAA Members Who Shine in the Industry?

Nominate Them for the Diamond Awards by Dwayne Rawls, Wheeler, Inc. and GNAA Awards Committee Co-Chair The success of the GNAA can be directly tied to the people who choose to participate in the organization. Investing member time and resources helps to make GNAA a better group for everyone involved. Recognizing those colleagues who choose to participate is important for the long-term success of GNAA. But what can you do to spotlight outstanding people who actively participate in GNAA? You can nominate them for the Diamond Awards! The Diamond Awards honor and recognize those persons who have participated in GNAA activities from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Diamond Award nominees are exclusively honored at a special meeting where they enjoy a complimentary lunch and are congratulated on being chosen by their peers. The nominees also receive packets to fill out and submit that will be taken into consideration when selections are made for the awards. Diamond Awards are given in the following categories:

Multifamily Executive of the Year Management Professional of the Year Management Company of the Year Management Volunteer of the Year Assistant Manager Professional of the Year Leasing Professional of the Year News & Events

Supplier Professional of the Year Supplier Company of the Year Supplier Volunteer of the Year Maintenance Professional of the Year Maintenance Volunteer of the Year Service Technician Professional of the Year Please consider nominating an individual or company you believe deserves recognition for their efforts. There is no cost to nominate people for the Diamond Awards. The process to nominate for a Diamond Award: Nominations are open now and have a deadline of July 16, 2021. You can submit nominations through the Diamond Awards online form, download the nomination form, get a copy of the nomination form at GNAA or at GNAA meetings and events, or look for the form in News and Events Magazine (look to the left of this article!). Submissions in each category are judged based on GNAA activity during from July 2020 to June 30, 2021. The Diamond Award winners will be recognized at the GNAA Awards and Installation Banquet in November 2021. Nominate a deserving person today for a GNAA Diamond Award!


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Greater Nashville Apartment Association


Change to Tennessee Domestic Violence Law Takes Effect July 1, 2021 Provided by Catie Lane Bailey, Policy Advisor/Attorney at Waller Information summarizing the change to the domestic violence law in Tennessee:

Public Chapter 293: Domestic Violence & Residential Rental Agreements On April 15, 2021, the Tennessee General Assembly passed House Bill 732 as amended. The legislation was signed by Governor Lee on April 30, 2021, and was assigned Public Chapter number 293 on May 18, 2021. The act takes effect July 1, 2021, the public welfare requiring it. As enacted, PC 293 authorizes a tenant to terminate a residential rental or lease agreement entered into or renewed on or after July 1, 2021, upon the tenant providing the landlord with written notice stating that the tenant or household member is a domestic abuse victim, sexual assault victim, or stalking victim, regardless of whether the victim is an adult or a child. In order for a tenant to terminate the tenant’s rights and obligations under the rental or lease agreement and vacate the dwelling without liability for future rent and early termination penalties or fees, the tenant must provide the landlord with: • Written notice requesting release from the rental or lease agreement; • A mutually agreed upon release date within the next 30 days from the date of the notice; and • A copy of a valid order of protection or documentation evidencing a criminal charge of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking of which the tenant was the victim. Any such documentation must be dated no more than 60 days prior to the tenant’s notice under (1). News & Events

This act prohibits landlords from revealing any identifying information concerning a tenant who has terminated a rental or lease agreement pursuant to this amendment without tenant’s written consent, unless otherwise required by law or a court. A tenant must vacate the premises within 30 days of giving notice to the landlord or at another time as may be agreed upon by the landlord and the tenant. A tenant terminating the rental or lease agreement pursuant to this act is responsible for: • The rent payment for the full month in which the tenancy terminates; and • The previous obligations outstanding on the termination date. Finally, this act specifies that its provisions do not: • Release other parties to the rental or lease agreement from the obligations under the rental or lease agreement; • Authorize the landlord to terminate the tenancy and cause the eviction of a residential tenant solely because the tenant or a household member is a domestic abuse victim, sexual assault victim, or stalking victim; or • Authorize the landlord or tenant, by agreement, to waive or modify any provision of this act other than the date for vacating the premises. The information provided herein does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; rather, the summary provided is intended for general informational purposes only. Please consult with your company’s legal counsel for your specific legal questions. 9

You’re You’re

Oh Yeah !

the the


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AWESOME perfection!

r e i l p p u S n o i t a i c e r App


excel l ent!


How do you do it ?

don’t miss the

supplier appreciation luncheon • Friday, July 9th, 2021 Paula Deen’s Family Kitchen • Begins at noon

Let us show you how much you mean to us!

Win prizes and goodies! 10

Greater Nashville Apartment Association Please preregister at GNAA.OrG


Managing a Healthy Supplier Partner Relationship A Partnership for Success by John Sons, Burlington Capital and GNAA Communications Committee Co-Chair The process of managing apartment communities presents several challenges on a daily basis. Many of the resolutions to these challenges lie within the products and services provided by our supplier partners, and the partnership between property management and their supplier partners is crucial. And that is just it, it is a partnership. Property management simply could not be successful without their supplier partners. Managing a healthy and successful partnership with our supplier partners proves successful for both. How do you build a successful supplier/property management relationship? Communication is a key part of any healthy relationship and/or partnership. Without proper communication, business relationships can die, just like any other type of relationship. Setting goals and expectations up front is crucial. Be sure to have an ongoing dialogue that monitors the successful progress of these goals and expectations. Regularly scheduled calls and/or visits are highly recommended to make sure all parties are on the same page. Be sure to let the supplier partner know if their products/services are falling short of your expectations or the expectations of your ownership and/or residents. Poor communication could lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, unfinished work, and unhappy residents. Consistent check-ins with your supplier partners ensure ownership expectations, your expectations and those of the residents are being met. This consistent and clear communication will give all parties a positive and respectful relationship. Your supplier partners are part of your team. Considering them as part of your team will make for a successful and seamless relationship, enhancing overall performance for all parties. Our industry is filled with unexpected problems and our supplier partners are there to help. They are News & Events

experts and their expertise in their areas can not only assist you with problem solving, but it can give you an edge over those communities that do not foster the same relationships with their supplier partners. This teamwork will ensure that projects are completed quickly, and your residents will be more satisfied. It is so very important to make sure your supplier partners are paid in full and on time. As property managers, we are frustrated when our residents do not pay their rent on time. Delinquent rent results in cash flow issues for the community. The same holds true when our supplier partners are not paid on time. Untimely payments to supplier partners could result in slow service or no service at all. This is one of the most crucial parts of fostering that is so very important to the property management/supplier partner relationship. Building long-term relationships with your supplier partners builds a level of trust and can usually move you to the top of the list when you have a need for their services. Some property management companies use a tactic of constantly changing vendors to save a penny or two. This never allows you to build a relationship that relates to trust and quality service, potentially leading to negative impacts on the satisfaction of your residents and the overall operational needs of your community. The end result could be higher resident turnover and higher expenses. Successful relationships with our supplier partners are beneficial for all parties involved. Our overall success depends on those relationships. Your supplier partners are an extension of your team, so take the time to choose them correctly and build that strong relationship. Be sure to use your GNAA Directory to select your supplier partners who are proud to be a part of our industry and GNAA. 11

June Event Highlights June Managers Luncheon: Cara, Paxton Cool Springs; Jeff, Reliable Roofing

June Managers Luncheon: Sharon, Ridge Goodlettsville; Chloe, A-1 Trash

June Managers Luncheon: Dwayne, Wheeler, Inc.; Meredith, NTS Development

Summer Mixer: Amanda & Tonya, The Burnham

Summer Mixer: Tiffany, Chase Cove; Regina, Cumberland Retreat

Summer Mixer: John, Burlington Capital; Stephanie, NTS Developoment; Julie, Fetch Package

Summer Mixer: Walis, Silver Linings Concierge; Darrin, QuikClean Carpets; Darren, Silver Linings Concierge

HVAC Beginners Training Course

May Maintenance Luncheon: Chloe, Tolleson Inc; James, Kenect Nashville

June Managers Luncheon: John, Burlington Capital; Jennifer, Law Office of Jennifer McCoy

May Maintenance Luncheon: Jeremy, RAM Partners; Debbie, Reliable Roofing

HVAC Beginners Training Course

May Maintenance Luncheon: Joey, Arden Village; Jim,HVAC Techline

Summer Mixer: Madison & Jackie, AptAmigo, Inc.

The Little Pantry Volunteer Work Day: Brawn

HVAC Beginners Training Course

May Maintenance Luncheon

June Managers Luncheon: Kelly, The Liberty Group; Sarah, Olympus Property

June Managers Luncheon: Guest Speaker Stacey Downey; Meredith, NTS Development

Summer Mixer: Maria, Floors First Nashville; Katherine, Venue at Cool Springs; Leslie, Pye Barker Fire & Safety

Summer Mixer: Matt, FitWorx, LLC; Ryan, ICU Security; Annette, ERT Nashville

The Little Pantry Volunteer Work Day: Group Briefing

The Little Pantry Volunteer Work Day: Thank You, Volunteers!

Plumbing & Hot Water Basics Course

May Maintenance Luncheon: Speaker Jim, HVAC Techline

June Managers Luncheon: Pamela, The Anson; Chloe & Danny, Tolleson Inc

May Maintenance Luncheon: Maria, Floors First Nashville; Tim, Deerfield at Providence

Summer Mixer: Felicia, The Hill Firm PLLC; Loyd, Bug Solutions

The Little Pantry Volunteer Work Day: Marcie, Affinity Waste Solutions; Tracey, Lion Real Estate Group; Erick, Volunteer Properties; Stephanie, NTS Development

Plumbing & Hot Water Basics Course

May Maintenance Luncheon: Toby, Baker Station; Wilson, VaVia

Right Off

The Rails 2021 GNAA Apartment tour The North Gulch Capitol View • 1200 Broadway • Infinity Lofts in the Gulch • 11 North Friday, August 20, 2021 • beginning at 8AM

Don’t Miss Out on your chance to purchase tickets!

tickets are $50 each For more information, contact Ginny Johnson at ginnyjohnson@gnaa.org. • No refunds. No cancellations.


Greater Nashville Apartment Association



Exceptional Locations, Stylish Living

The Colonnade

For more than 45 years, UDR (which has also been known over the years as United Dominion Realty Trust® and United Dominion Residential Communities) has focused on providing distinctive, high-quality apartment homes paired with exemplary service and amenities. Our apartment communities are situated in some of the country’s most desirable locations and hundreds of great neighborhoods in between in places that have it all: first-rate shopping, superb restaurants, lively nightlife options and access to thriving business centers. And – best of all – a beautiful apartment in a one-of-a-kind community setting to call your own.

Nashville, you’ll enjoy close access to retail shops, diverse restaurants, entertainment, and public parks – all within minutes of our community. We offer one- and two-bedroom apartments with Smart Home Package that includes new kitchens with name-brand appliances, deluxe baths, walkin closets, wood-burning fireplaces, and full-size washer and dryer connections. Work out in Breckenridge’s fitness center, cool off in the deluxe swimming pool, or gather with friends in the resident clubhouse or picnic areas. Residents also enjoy our pickleball courts and full-sized tennis courts.

From Franklin to Hendersonville, UDR offers apartment living in some of the most sought-after locations across the Nashville metro area. Our residents enjoy on-site community amenities including state-of-the-art 24-hour fitness centers and sparkling swimming pools. Select Nashville apartments feature updated kitchens, large closets, private balconies and spacious floor plans, also allowing the choice of one-, two- or three-bedroom apartment homes. At UDR, we employ innovative technology to make every aspect of apartment living more comfortable. Across our communities, we provide the lastest high-tech amenities with Smart Home technology, including smart locks, thermostats, smart plugs and water leak detectors.

Featuring beautiful landscaping, Brookridge apartments offer residents stylish living close to downtown Nashville. Ideally situated near great shops, public parks, and restaurants, our one- and two-bedroom apartment homes with Smart Home package provide a relaxing environment. Enjoy large closets, washer and dryer hookups, and breakfast bars. Select apartments have been professionally remodeled and include new fixtures and upgraded kitchens. A few resident favorites: our 24-hour fitness center, swimming pool, and grilling area.

1200 Broadway | Nashville Located in The Gulch, our high-rise apartment homes offer the perfect combination of sophistication, tranquility, and convenience in an unparalleled location. Relax and unwind at home while enjoying the chic finishes of our studio, one-, two-, and three-bedroom residences and take advantage of the lavish amenities throughout the property.

Breckenridge | Madison Breckenridge offers beautiful and spacious apartments in Madison. Located on the outskirts of downtown

Brookridge | Nashville

Carrington Hills | Franklin Enjoy enviable views, remarkable community amenities, and spacious apartments in Franklin. Carrington Hills apartments offer elegant one-, two-, and threebedroom apartment homes that feature deluxe kitchens, high ceilings, modern appliances, and more. A 24-hour fitness center and tennis courts are just a few of the popular amenities available to our residents and their guests. This property includes a Smart Home package!

The Colonnade | Hermitage Colonnade apartments provide high-end amenities and spacious living in Hermitage. Scenically placed in between Old Hickory Lake and Percy Priest Lake, our community lends itself to waterfront recreation and is also just a continued on p. 23

News & Events


NEW MEMBERS Management Companies Chad and Sarah Davenport 3504 Geneva Dr. Murfreesboro, TN 37128 931-743-0032 sdavenport@sbginc.us

Marquette Management, Inc. James J. Cunningham 135 Walter St., 4th Floor Naperville, IL 60540 630-30-0570 jcunningham@marqnet.com MPAT Asset Management, LLC Michael Nelson PO Box 1181 Brentwood, TN 37027 972-333-6513 mnelson1110@gmail.com Up Partnership GP Doug Kutzgar 2804 Clifton Ave. Nashville, TN 37209 812-309-8324 leasing@luxurynash.rentals

Apartment Communities Atlas Germantown Cory Cross 200 Madison St. Nashville, TN 37208 101 apartment homes 615-242-5242 atlas.mgr@ram-mgt.com RAM Partners, LLC

Harlowe Rachel Halvaei 908 Division St. Nashville, TN 37203 615-208-9908 300 apartment homes rachel.halvaei@greystar.com Greystar 16

Lofts at Brentwood Aaliyah Hopkins 1616 Bell Rd. #112 Nashville, TN 37211 615-212-2239 70 apartment homes brentwoodloftsmgr@lincolnapts.com www.leasebrentwoodlofts.com Lincoln Property Company Wrenstone at the Highlands Eric Johnson 350 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN 37221 323 apartment homes 615-679-2256 wrenstone@bellpartnersinc.com www.wrenstoneapartments.com Bell Partners


AHI Corporate Housing Michael Smith 470 Metroplex Dr. #202 Nashville, TN 37211 205-568-2526 msmith@ahicorporatehousing.com www.ahicorporatehousing.com Corporate housing Apartment Insiders Joel Sanders 146 51st Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37209 615-802-2222 jsanders@apartmentinsiders.com www.apartmentinsiders.com Apartment locating firm AvidXchange John McDermott 1210 AvidXchange Ln. Charlotte, NC 28206 800-560-9305 jmcdermott@avidxchange.com www.avidxchange.com AP automation; payment services; invoice acceleration

Benchmark Companies Hunter Osborne 6713 Miller Johnson Rd. Christiana, TN 37037 931-797-7426 hunter@benchmarkcos.com Mulch installation ButterflyMX John Somarriba 127 W. 26th St., 9th Floor New York, NY 10001 571-480-6579 marketing@butterflymx.com Video intercoms Camp Construction Services Shelby Jurca 15139 S. Post Oak Rd. Houston, TX 77053 713-413-2267 sjurca@campconstruction.com General contractor; roofing; disaster recovery Conversion Logix Colson Barnes 1041 E. Trinity Ln. #405 Nashville, TN 37216 colsonb@clxmedia.com www.conversionlogix.com Digital marketing & scheduler tools DISH Fiber Patrick Mikes 9601 S. Meridian Blvd. Englewood, CO 80112 720-500-7201 Patrick.mikes@dish.com www.dish.com

Greater Nashville Apartment Association

NEW MEMBERS Dreamscape Landscape Darci Gibbons 695 Nashville Pk., #116 Gallatin, TN 37066 615-509-2649 darcianngibbons@gmail.com Lawncare; landscape; flowers; mulching; hedge trimming FireAvert, LLC Nathan Brown 1655 W. Maple St. Mapleton, UT 84664 801-692-0306 nathan@fireavert.com www.fireavert.com Stop kitchen fires before a flame is ever present GoRoverGo Laura Ericson 12777 Jones Rd. #450 Houston, TX 77070 281-897-5100 laura.ericson@echemail.com www.gorovergo.com Corporate housing/technology ICS Contracting, LLC Tony Crawford 814 S. Church St., Suite 211 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 615-505-3399 tony@icscontractingllc.com www.icscontractingllc.com Restoration; renovations; roofing; siding; painting; concrete; new builds; remodels; asphalt sealing & striping; guttering; fencing; framing; outdoor living areas; grill areas; pergolas; general contracting

News & Events

Landing Matthew Smith 180 Montgomery St., Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-231-1701 matt.smith@hellolanding.com Long-term flexible living solutions

SmartRent Kegan Arnold 18835 N. Thompson Peak Pkwy. Suite 300 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 kegan.arnold@smartrent.com Smart apartment solutions

Mobile MedSpa Dr. Lauren Medwed 4219 Hillsboro Pk., Suite 101 Nashville, TN 32715 615-972-7478 Info@junemobilemedspa.com BOTOX/dermal fillers; PDO sugar threads

Smash My Trash of Nashville Jeff Stockton 612 Airpark Center Dr. Nashville, TN 37217 629-777-6226 jeff.stockton@smashmytrash.com www.smashmytrash.com Roll off dumpster compaction service

Music City Amenity Services Gordon Pennington 101 Pebble Beach Dr. Franklin, TN 37069 615-948-2462 power1line@aol.com www.musiccityamenities.com Commercial patio/pool furniture; playgrounds; shade structures; dog parks

Tri Star K9 Services Christian Blake 2550 Africa Rd. Lebanon, TN 37087 615-486-1548 tristark9services@gmail.com Bed bug inspections-K9; pest control services; wildlife trapping & removal

Newmark George Schubert 3102 West End Ave., Suite 400 Nashville, TN 37203 713-898-9524 george.schubert@ngkf.com Apartment brokerage

Vendor Marketing Group Brandon Winter & Pam Winter 7115 South Point Pkwy., Suite 5-118 Brentwood, TN 37027 701-799-8214 info@vmgtn.com Marketing & advertising

R1 Facility Services Kenneth Ramsey PO Box 30153 Charlotte, NC 28230 803-579-4327 kramsey@r1facilityservices.com Dryer vent cleaning & inspection; fireplace & chimney inspections


The Education Committee would like to thank the businesses and individuals who donated gifts for our auction: The Place Nashville Apartments at Fifth + Broadway, A-1 Concrete Leveling & Repair, Burlington Capital, Susan Sherfield & Jennifer McCoy, Contractors Inc, GreenWay Waste & Recycling, Universal Media Group, Inc., Law Office of Hall & Associates, Floors First Nashville, GNAA NextGen Committee, Elmington, Freeman Webb, Kings III Emergency, BG Multifamily, HD Supply, High 5 Residential, Arlington Properties and Pye Barker Fire and Safety. As you know, the proceeds from the annual auction provide educational scholarships to our members. This is especially important for people who want to grow their career in the industry, but who may not have the financial support from their employer to do so. We also wish to thank everyone who bid on the gifts! We hope that you enjoy your items and that you will participate again next year! Education Committee Co-Chairs Susan Sherfield and Dee Wilson


Greater Nashville Apartment Association


The Benefits of the GNAA Mentorship Program by Eddie Ivey, Freeman Webb Company and GNAA NextGen Committee In both business and personal life, we should all be seeking to develop our skills, learn new things and challenge ourselves on a regular basis. This has always been a challenge and even harder to do during a pandemic. One way to stay on track is to have a mentor who can help guide, advise and teach you through a problem or towards a goal.

• Higher self-awareness – Working out your goals with someone you look up to requires serious self-analysis around strengths, weaknesses and values. As a result, those who are mentored are more self-aware that those who aren’t – and selfawareness is highly beneficial when it comes to career development.

Mentoring has the power to accelerate our selfdevelopment, career progression and overall confidence. Unfortunately, Forbes reports only 37 percent of professionals have a mentor. As I look back on my 30+ years in the industry, there are several people who served as mentors to me. Each one brought different skills, ideas and talents with them, and these people have helped develop the person I am today.

• Exposure to new ways of thinking – For both mentee and mentor, the mentoring process exposes new ideas and revelatory ways of thinking or problem solving. This can have long-lasting effects on both people in the partnership, encouraging innovation.

There are many benefits of a mentorship program that go way beyond the mentee’s self-development by positively affecting the mentors themselves as well as the companies they work for.

• Giving and receiving feedback – Feedback is something we should all want in order to improve but probably don’t ask for enough. Similarly, managers everywhere struggle with delivering feedback honestly and effectively. Mentoring helps people develop their relationship with feedback in a productive way.

Benefits of Mentorship for Personal Development

Benefits of Mentorship for Career Development

• Increased confidence – Whether it’s the ability to share ideas comfortably in meetings or stand up for yourself in a challenging situation, people with mentors benefit from higher confidence in themselves. Mentors also experience an increase in self-confidence, as their mentee’s success reaffirms their abilities, resulting in a confidence boost.

• Promotions – Those who receive mentoring are promoted five times more often than people who do not have mentors. • Job satisfaction – Reaching your goals makes you feel fulfilled and successful. With mentors often helping mentees achieve their career goals, job satisfaction naturally increases. Similarly, those continued on p. 22

News & Events


Member Investment

$159 Per person



ADVANCED SEGMENT July 29, 2021 9 AM – 4PM Presented by

Jim Fox



Brookside Properties • Elmington Property Management • Freeman Webb Companies • Law Office of Hall & Associates Law Office of Jennifer McCoy • Lighthouse Property • Lincoln Property Company • Multifamily Utility Company • Signal 88 Security The Hill Law Firm • The Liberty Group • Universal Media Group Inc. • Valet Living • Wheeler, Inc. • Yardi


Greater Nashville Association Greater Nashville Apartment Association | 2 International Plaza Drive, Suite 201 Apartment | Nashville, TN 37217 p: 615.365.3047 | f: 615.365.3571 | www.gnaa.org

electr icity

ba si c s o f

TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2021 Thank You 2021 GNAA Education Sponsors:

circuitry, protection

devices and how to test electrical components,

switched outlets, 3 and

4 way switches and GFI circuits, plus how to

determine where the

circuits have failed and how to correct them.

Brookside Properties Elmington Property Management Freeman Webb Companies Law Office of Hall & Associates Law Office of Jennifer McCoy Lighthouse Property Lincoln Property Company Multifamily Utility Company Signal 88 Security The Hill Law Firm The Liberty Group Universal Media Group Inc. Valet Living Wheeler, Inc. Yardi


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

9AM – 4PM


Thursday, August 12th, 2021

c o ur se

GNAA Education and Training Room


Thursday, August 12th, 2021– All-Day Course Instruction Monday, August 16th, 2021 – Practice Test & Certification Test begins at 9:00 am



SPACE IS LIMITED. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register at www.gnaa.org or email to ginnyjohnson @gnaa.org. No Refunds. No Cancellations. (Must be paid in advance of event.)



Brookside Properties • Bug Solutions • Elmington Property Management Freeman Webb Companies • Law Office of Hall & Associates Law Office of Jennifer McCoy • Lighthouse Property • Lincoln Property Company Multifamily Utility Company • Signal 88 Security • The Hill Law Firm The Liberty Group • Universal Media Group Inc.• Valet Living • Wheeler, Inc. • Yardi

Register at www.gnaa.org or email to ginnyjohnson@gnaa.org.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday GNAA Trade Show


Farm Bureau Expo Center, Lebanon 5-8:30pm


Independence Day






News & Events Committee†*


Awards Committee* 11am

9am In person & Zoom hybrid



Communications Committee*







Suppliers Appreciation Luncheon

Paula Deen’s Family Kitchen 12pm


RPM Week


July 12-16

Directory Committee*





Board of Directors








Managers Luncheon

Gala Committee†

Paula Deen’s Family Kitchen, 11:30am



Membership Commitee*




Community Service Committee†




NextGen Commitee† Budget Bootcamp† 9am - 12:30pm


Maintenance Luncheon

Hermitage House 12pm




Education Committee† 11:30am


HVAC Advanced Training Course† 9am - 4pm

*held via Zoom †at GNAA Education Room

News & Events


Mentorship Program, cont. from p. 19 who mentor consider their job more meaningful and therefore experience higher job satisfaction and fulfilment than those who don’t. • Personal network – Those with mentors benefit from growing their personal network outside of their colleagues. A mentor can introduce you to a whole range of inspirational and important people who may have an impact on your career later down the line.

Benefits of Mentorship for Mental Health • Support – People struggling with mental health issues often feel isolated and can experience severe anxiety about both their future and their own abilities. Mentalhealth.org.uk lists mentoring as a method of supporting mental health issues in the workplace, for both the mentor and mentee. • Self-confidence – An increase in confidence can positively impact mental health, particularly as mentees feel supported in their decisions and career path. Mentors also experience improved self-esteem and confidence from the act of helping another achieve their goals, resulting in improved mental health. • Lower levels of anxiety – Harvard Business Review conducted a study researching the positive effects of mentoring, and found that people who served as mentors experienced lower levels of anxiety and described their job as more meaningful than those who did not mentor.

Benefits of Mentorship for a Company • Positive company culture – A successful mentoring program fosters a culture of learning, nurturing, and growth. This will filter through the entire company and create teams of people who feel satisfied and happy at work.


• Knowledge sharing – Mentoring is an effective and low-cost way for senior employees to pass on knowledge of the industry and company to younger staff. • Employee engagement and retention – With mentees and mentors feeling more satisfied and fulfilled at work than other employees, mentoring naturally has a positive effect of employee engagement and retention. • Recruitment – Mentoring programs are an attractive work perk for many people, particularly millennials, who have come to expect mentoring and development opportunities from companies.

Benefits of Mentorship for GNAA • More people involved – Mentoring will allow more members to get involved by encouraging participation in other committees/events. • Recruitment – A great mentorship program is another great benefit of being a member of GNAA. • Training future leaders – Mentoring the new faces in our organization will help them grow into future leaders. With all the positive benefits surrounding mentorship, the GNAA NextGen Committee has started a GNAA Mentorship Program. You might be asking, What is involved with becoming a mentor or mentee? It is very simple: Contact GNAA to get involved in the mentorship program from either side. You will be given all the information necessary for success. The time commitment is mutually agreed upon between the mentor and mentee. When taken seriously, this is an incredible program that can improve your career and yourself. There you have it! The powerful benefits of mentoring affect everyone involved, so sign up to be a GNAA mentor or mentee today!

Greater Nashville Apartment Association

Now Featuring, cont. from p. 15 short drive from multiple shopping centers and downtown Nashville. Colonnade offers one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartment homes that can include bay windows, large closets, garden tubs, soaring 9-foot ceilings, crown molding, and granite countertops. Our beautifully landscaped apartment community also boasts two swimming pools, a 24-hour fitness center, a pet park, package lockers, and the Smart Home package.

Hickory Run | Hendersonville Hickory Run apartments are a wonderful blend of country living and suburban convenience that makes life just that much easier and enjoyable at the same time. Our scenic West Hendersonville apartments offer the kind of amenities you’ll appreciate from the moment you move in, like our Smart Home Package. A sparkling clear swimming pool is the perfect follow-up to time spent at the fitness center and racquetball court. Enjoy the dog park and fun-for-all playground and then have a lovely al fresco dinner in the community’s grilling area. Hickory Run also conveniently offers both a car wash and pet wash station.

Legacy Hill | Nashville Nestled on a quiet hillside with the best of Nashville just minutes away, Legacy Hill apartments are ideally situated and offer award-winning customer service. Our Bellevue apartment community may feel like it’s out in the country, but it’s convenient to both I-40 and I-440. At home, you’ll love your stylish apartments, with large, walk-in closets, thoughtful finishes, Smart Home Package, and private balconies. You’ll also enjoy relaxing on the sun deck by our beautiful swimming pool.

Preserve at Brentwood | Nashville Surrounded by charming country hillsides and nestled on more than 40 rolling acres, the Preserve at Brentwood apartments are your private escape from the fast pace of downtown Nashville. Located between I-24 and I-65 near the coveted Brentwood area, it is an News & Events

ideal location for commuting to area work centers and entertainment venues. Twice voted one of the top three apartment communities in Nashville, the Preserve is ready to give you the lifestyle you’ve been looking for with 9-foot ceilings with crown molding, a private patio, Smart Home package and even a pantry. Step outside and enjoy our two amazing swimming pools and the outdoor kitchen.

Polo Park | Donelson Enjoy luxurious living in a lakeside setting when you make Polo Park apartments in Nashville your next home. Part of the Jackson Downs Development, our apartment community with Smart Home package option is located less than 10 miles from downtown. You’ll love walking out French doors to your large balcony or patio or, in select homes, curling up in front of the fire. Or relax on the veranda or in our sparkling swimming pool. Polo Park is tucked right next to the scenic Stones River Greenway, so step out your front door and onto the trail. Pet-friendly apartment living is also important to us, so we offer exceptionally welcoming cat- and dog-friendly apartments. In fact, staff members are even known to have treats on hand for the furry members of the community! We are also committed to reducing our environmental impact through implementing energy-efficient measures. UDR has an open commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities that assists us in identifying and managing our sustainability risks and opportunities; the strides we make to uphold this commitment means our designs improve operational quality, improve Associate and resident retention and reduce our impact on environment. Environmental responsibility is core to our business and a critical part of creating sustainable communities, and this is why we integrate our sustainability initiatives with our design, development and operations activities. We believe that ESG is growing in importance and is key to being a strong corporate citizen, which is why we remain committed to consistently driving new ESG-related initiatives and further improving the transparency of our disclosures. In 2020, we have expanded our sustainability initiatives by installing Smart Home technology across an additional 10,000 apartment homes, again participating in the annual Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), installing an incremental 840,000 kWh of solar energy production, and doubling our procurement of renewable energy to reduce the company’s carbon footprint. 23

June General Membership Meeting

DJ, The Liberty Group; Maria, Floors First Nashville

Felicia & Mary, The Hill Law Firm

Stacey, GNAA Chairman

Dwayne, Wheeler, Inc.; Mary, Arlington Properties; Jeremy, RAM Partners, LLC

Joel, Apartment Insiders; David & Heather, DevDigital

Stephanie, Lighthouse Property Management; Lee, Artisent Floors

Featured Speaker Lisa Gunderson, Bristol Development

Nancy, Freeman Webb; Holly, Brighton Valley

Tammy, Wood Partners; Jennifer, Law Office of Jennifer McCoy; Katherine, Venue at Cool Springs; Susan, Mercy Housing

Zac, Freeman Webb; Victoria, GNAA President

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