June 2022 | News & Events Magazine

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Educational Success at the Conference

Three Years in the Making The 2022 GNAA Education Conference was a wonderful

Freeman Webb Company, The Hill Firm PLLC, Law

success with over 200 attendees. The Education

Office of Hall & Associates, The Law Office of

Auction raised $2,271 for our Education Scholarship

Jennifer McCoy, The Liberty Group, Lighthouse

fund. Topics of discussion included “Managing in the

Property Management, Lincoln Property Company,

Multigenerational Workplace,” “Emotional Intelligence

Signal 88 Security, Valet Living, UMG Inc., and

and You,” Super Teamwork for Super Performance,”

Yardi. Special thanks to the Education Committee staff

“Diversely Similar,” “Avoid Extinction,” “Rules for Highly

liaison, Ginny Johnson, GNAA Director of Education

Effective Leadership,” “What Type of Communicator

& Events.

are You?” and “Dave Rendall Brings the Freak Factor.” A special thanks to our presenters, keynote speaker Lindsey Pollak, Valerie M. Sargent, Rich George,

Attendee Quotes “GREAT CONFERENCE! Lots of hard work went into

Mark Howell, and the Freak Factor himself and closing

planning this event and it is very appreciated!”

speaker, Dave Rendall.

“I think the event was FANTASTIC! We appreciate

We want to thank the Education Committee chairs,

everyone who worked so hard on this for three years!

Susan Sherfield and Dee Wilson, and the rest of the

Thank you.”

committee for helping organize the conference, and

“All the speakers I heard were awesome, but I really

also a special thanks to our Education Sponsors, who

liked their messages and it was a theme with all of

made our education courses and conference possible.

them. They all talked about generational gaps and

Our education sponsors are as follows: Artisent Floors,


Brookside Properties, Chadwell Supply, Elmington Property Management, Floors First Nashville,

News & Events

“It was great to get together with everyone, in person, again. The two keynote speakers were amazing.”


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