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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
January 2013
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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
AĂąo XIII - ED No. 149
12Traits Successful Latinos
5307 W. Leland Avenue Chicago, IL 60030 Telephone: (773) 951-4615 | E-mail:
Why is eating Power Foods so Important?
EDITORIAL Laudir Lugo Salvador Cicero Martha Gines Millie Hidalgo Sylvia MelĂŠndez-Klinger RaĂşl Ventura-OrtĂz Tata VĂĄsquez PĂĄez Sergio Rojas Rafael Romero ART Victor Ulloa / Digital Image Anthony Santiago Erik Scottberg
CLIENT PARTNERSHIP / ADVERTISING GENERAL MANAGER Autumn Geist-Lombard CHICAGO-METRO Darinka Lora-Stepan Enrique Ortiz SUBURBAN CHICAGO Roberto V. Rodriguez Veronica Hoehn
U.S. Latino buying power By the year 2015 it will grow to be $1.5 Trillion
Sergio Rojas Vive en forma NHSN
Redefining Fitness
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS Jose Jara Linda Liken Alejandro Talancon
ÂĄ2013 ya estĂĄ aquĂ! Algunos de nosotros hemos estado esperando este nuevo aĂąo desde hace meses. Aquellos de nosotros que vemos el gran potencial de los latinos a florecer y prosperar en Estados Unidos hoy en dĂa estamos entusiasmados con las oportunidades que este nuevo aĂąo traerĂĄ. Por otro lado, es posible que entre nosotros hayan aquellos que no ven lo que serĂĄ diferente en este aĂąo que en cualquier otro aĂąo. Quiero desafiarles a concentrarse y estar mĂĄs presente en el momento. MĂĄs que nunca, Estados Unidos estĂĄ comenzando a ver la realidad del hecho de que nuestra naciĂłn se ha vuelto mĂĄs diversa. NingĂşn grupo se destaca en esta creciente diversidad mĂĄs que nosotros, los latinos. AmĂŠrica corporativa, las instituciones de educaciĂłn superior, y los polĂticos lo estĂĄn comprendiendo, y esto significa una oportunidad para ti. ÂżCĂłmo vas a sacar el mĂĄximo provecho de esas oportunidades en 2013? Comience aceptando esta idea, ÂĄha llegado nuestra hora!
2013 is finally here! Several of us have been looking forward to this New Year for months now. Those of us who see the great potential for Latinos to thrive and prosper in America today are excited about the opportunities this New Year will bring. On the other hand, you may be among those who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see what will be different about this year than any other year. I want to challenge you to focus and be present in the moment. More than ever, America is beginning to see the reality of the fact that our nation is become more diverse. No group stands out in this growing diversity more than us, Latinos. Corporate America, institutions of higher learning, and politicians are getting it, and this means opportunity for you. How will you make the most of those opportunities in 2013? Start by embracing this idea, our time has come!
4 NuevoImpaCt January 2013
Sergio Rojas
Food Gro ups www.nuevoim
Meet Lat Jose Jar inoscoop.comâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Comentario ¡2013, llego la hora…..!!! Barack Obama vs. Obama Con la presión de un 48% del electorado en contra y con un horizonte para remediar promesas incumplidas. Barack Obama se enfrenta a su peor adversario, un mito llamado “Obama”.
espués de un desgaste físico, económico y electoral, Barack Obama retoma el lugar que le concedió el pueblo Estadounidense en el 2008 y que por los acontecimientos suscitados no pretendía dejar, luchando por varios meses para habitarlo 4 años más, sin olvidar que la inversión para alcanzar dicho objetivo superó los 2,600 millones de dólares, es decir el alquiler de la Casa Blanca para el periodo 2012-2016 llegó a renta más elevada en la historia de este País. Sin embargo, la batalla del actual Presidente apenas comienza, ya no existe en el escenario un Mitt Romney con quien competir, tampoco una prensa a quien convencer, ni mucho menos preocuparse por los estados claves que definirían su elección, Barack Obama ya no es Candidato, Barack Obama ya no requiere simpatizantes que aclamen su nombre, es más Barack Obama no necesitara expresar su amor a Michelle ante millones de espectadores, Barack Obama es Barack Obama, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América y el responsable de enfrentar los retos que esta sociedad y el mundo entero le impone, pero sobre todo asumir los compromisos como un verdadero líder y no como un producto del Marketing Electoral. El empleo, la política exterior, el sistema de salud, el déficit presupuestario, y el Sistema migratoria serán sus blancos directos, ¡sin excusas!, ¡sin dobles juegos!, ¡sin campañas masivas de posicionamiento!, Barack Obama tendrá que enfrentarse al Mito llamado “Obama”, que hizo creer al ciudadano la oportunidad de un País mejor, con una equidad más justa en su territorio y sobre todo la solución a los millones de indocumentados que en sus sueños imaginaron que a los
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
primeros 100 días de su Gobierno podrían salir de las sombras. Barack Obama ya no es “Obama”, la ilusión se terminó, la realidad es otra; La participación electoral del 2012 fue menor al 2008, los Estadounidenses no eligieron al mejor, sus habitantes eligieron al producto electoral más ofertado. Demócratas y Republicanos han aprendido que el ciudadano se ha cansado, las alternativas políticas no satisfacen su decisión, su apatía electoral se demostró y lo peor es que si no replantean su posición, esta tendencia continuará y posiblemente su participación en el 2016 será mucho menor a la actual. Con una nueva apertura los Republicanos han abierto el diálogo en este segundo mandato al Presidente actual, con posturas para forjar un nuevo liderazgo para este País. Sin embargo, este inicio de año no pinta nada bien para Barack Obama, quién por principio de cuentas ya no cumplió lo prometido a su electorado con respecto al “Déficit Fiscal” quién con una bandera frontal contra los grandes capitales hizo creer al ciudadano que “quienes ganan más son los causantes de todos los males”, pero quizá se le olvido mencionarles que también esos capitales proveen un gran porcentaje de empleo para los Estadounidenses, Barack Obama deberá entender que el desarrollo de un pueblo no reside en discursos motivantes que solo calman los males del momento, Barack Obama tendrá que trabajar mucho el proyecto llamado Estados Unidos de América, ¡Sin retorica! y ¡Sin Marketing!, con proyectos tangibles y sobre todo con un equipo de negociación en su administración para que Demócratas y Republicanos conserven lo que se ha estado perdiendo en estos últimos años
“Una tierra de oportunidades”. Si Barack Obama pretende ser recordado como el Presidente que estabilizó una economía decreciente, que potenció fuentes de empleo, que reestructuro el sistema migratorio quebrantado y sobre encontrar una verdadera solución al “déficit presupuestario”, sin parches temporales y con tendencia al despegue de esta economía enferma de malas negociaciones, Barack Obama, tendrá que aplicar la única técnica que hace de una sociedad una mayor equidad en las decisiones, que permite incorporar a todos los elementos que la conforman y sobre todo encontrar el equilibrio económico de aquellos que proveen empleo, así como de quienes lo requieren, evitando la fuga de capitales de empresas no solo extranjeras sino las propias nacionales. Barack Obama debe ser Barack Obama, de lo contrario, solo quedará en el recuerdo que un excelente orador de Chicago llamado “Obama” se convirtió en el Primer Presidente Afroamericano, sin dejar legado alguno, sin trascendencia histórica y quizá lo peor, que en 8 años de estadía en la Casa Blanca no dejó una mejora en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de este País. Barack Obama, podrá dejar su marca como; “Barack Obama, el Presidente que mejoró nuestra vida” ó si repite su actitud del primer mandato, entonces tan solo será recordado como; “Obama, el ilusionista que habitó la Casa Blanca”.
Comentarios: Punto x Punto de 9 a 12 am cada sábado Los mejores análisis políticos.
January 2013
Por: Raúl Ventura Ortíz
Barack Obama ya no es “Obama”, la ilusión se terminó, la realidad es otra; La participación electoral del 2012 fue menor al 2008, los Estadounidenses no eligieron al mejor, sus habitantes eligieron al producto electoral más ofertado. Demócratas y Republicanos han aprendido que el ciudadano se ha cansado, las alternativas políticas no satisfacen su decisión. NuevoImpact 5
LazosFamiliares Chapter 1 E By: Martha Gines
ach day that we get up, we begin the next chapter of our life. This could be at 6:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m. or for those late risers, 8:00 a.m. That precious moment when we open our eyes and drag ourselves out of bed (or the sofa), we are gifted with the unique opportunity of writing another chapter in our life. Even though our life is made up of bound up chapters, forwards, prefaces and dedications, we are the authors of our own story! Sometimes, there are chapters of our lives that we wish we could remorsefully rip out of our books and just rearrange the page numbers. Some of our chapters are filled with marginal notes, highlights, folded edges, and underlined details. And, what about those pillaging scenes, where the villains swoop in and just tear up everything that you’ve worked for. This is the chapter where our lustrous reputations are attacked and the climax of the story, for some reason, persists in holding the hot interrogation lamp just a little bit longer over our heads. What about those chapters that simply
are short, compared to the others. There’s a sense of gray waiting for something exciting to happen, but nothing. The reader’s anticipation is let down, and is forced to just scan the pages before getting to another bone-chilling chapter in your life. However, that first chapter is crucial! As we approach a New Year, I cringe to think of unattained goals and disappointed humans. We always associate the New Year with starting something new, and if we don’t make the deadline, we just write it off as another failed attempt at a successful life. But chapter 1 of our life – we can write this chapter at any time. Of all the chapters that make up the story of our life, Chapter 1 is the most important. It is the most difficult one to write and takes the longest to write. Chapter 1 is the chapter that makes a promise to the reader. It gives them some insight into what the story will be about and what they should expect. Some of you are looking at a blank page right now and pondering what to
write. You’re stuck. You know that your life needs to change or go in a different direction. You have created an imaginary wall of self-protection from hurt and failures, and this holds you hostage to your own life. Yet, you hold the pen in hand. You have the power over the pen and you control the blank page in front of you. With quivering hand, and uncertainty looming overhead, you approach the page, and write. Write your own destiny, and stop living vicariously through the lives of others. Stop living in the shadows of others and writing about their successes and achievements. You are the only one who can determine what the rest of your life will be like by simply writing the first chapter with determination. Take ownership of your words. Ignore the voices of the naysayers, and write with passionate anger. Pen the words that will turn your life around and give you freedom and space to breath again. Pen the words that will give others hope in following your example. Pen your hopes and dreams on blank slate and watch them come to life.
Sometimes, there are chapters of our lives that we wish we could remorsefully rip out of our books and just rearrange the page numbers. Some of our chapters are filled with marginal notes, highlights, folded edges, and underlined details.
6 NuevoImpact January 2013
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Lazos Familiares
Family Ties
Capítulo 1 C
ada día que nos levantamos, estamos escribiendo el siguiente capítulo de nuestra vida. Puede ser a las 6:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m. o las 8:00 a.m. Ese precioso momento cuando abrimos nuestros ojos y nos arrastramos de la cama (o el sofá), somos obsequiados con la oportunidad única de escribir otro capítulo más. Aunque nuestra vida se compone de capítulos, prefacios y dedicaciones, somos los autores de nuestra propia historia. A veces hay capítulos en nuestra vida que desearíamos repentinamente arrancar las paginas y cambiar el formato. Algunos de nuestros capítulos están repletos de notas marginales, esquinas dobladas y detalles subrayados. Y, ¿Qué me dicen acerca de esas escenas donde el villano entra y saquea todo en nuestra vida por la cual hemos trabajado arduamente? Este es el capítulo donde nuestra ilustra reputación es atacada y el clima del cuento, por una razón u otra, persiste en mantener la lámpara caliente de la interrogación sobre nuestra cabeza por un tiempo mas largo. ¿Que me dicen acerca de esos capítulos Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
que son cortos comparados a los demás? Hay un sentido de “gris”, esperando que algo interesante ocurra, pero nada. La anticipación del lector queda insatisfecha, y es obligado a “escanear” las siguientes paginas buscando otro capítulo con detalles mas importantes y excitantes de tu vida. Sin embargo, ese primer capítulo es crucial! Según se aproxima el Nuevo Año, me estremezco en pensar de metas no alcanzadas y seres desilusionados. Siempre asociamos al Nuevo Año con nuevos comienzos, y si no los logramos para la fecha de vencimiento, sencillamente lo aceptamos como otro intento fracasado en comenzar una vida exitosa. Pero, el Capítulo 1 de nuestra vida – la podemos escribir en cualquier tiempo. De todos los capítulos que componen nuestra vida, el Capítulo 1 es el más importante. Es el mas difícil de escribir y el que toma mas tiempo. El Capítulo 1 le hace una promesa al lector. Le provee una vista de antemano de lo que se trata el cuento de tu vida y provoca su interés. Algunos de ustedes están mirando una hoja en blanco ahora y pensando en lo que
van a escribir. Estas estancado. Tú sabes que tu vida necesita un cambio o debe de tomar una dirección diferente. Tu mismo has creado una verga imaginaria de protección en contra de heridas y fracasos, y esto te ha mantenido preso en tu propia vida. Sin embargo, tú aguantas el bolígrafo en tu mano. Tu tienes el poder sobre el bolígrafo y tienes control sobre la pagina en blanco que tienes frente de ti. Con mano temblando, y la inseguridad que se avecina, te acercas a la pagina,…. y comienzas a escribir. Escribe tu propio destino y deja de vivir indirectamente a través de la vida de otros. Deja de vivir en la sombra de otros y escribir de sus logros y sus éxitos. Tu eres la única persona que puede determinar como el resto de tu vida se desarrollara sencillamente escribiendo el primer capítulo con determinación. Se el dueño de tus palabras. Ignora las voces negativas y escribe tu pasión con coraje. Escribe las palabras que cambiaran tu vida y te darán libertad y un espacio para respirar de nuevo. Escribe las palabras que brindaran esperanza otros. Escribe tus sueños en una hoja en blanco. Espera y observa como cogen vida.
January 2013
A veces hay capítulos en nuestra vida que desearíamos repentinamente arrancar las paginas y cambiar el formato. Algunos de nuestros capítulos están repletos de notas marginales, esquinas dobladas y detalles subrayados.
NuevoImpact 7
Lazos Familiares
Family Ties
uando comienza un Nuevo año, siempre tendemos a proponernos nuevas metas, y a comenzar el año haciendo cosas diferentes. Un año nuevo casi siempre nos da la oportunidad de reflexionar en lo que pudimos alcanzar en ese año o en lo que no pudimos lograr. Es por esta razón que muchos comenzamos el año escribiendo nuevamente las metas que no pudimos lograr. Cuando se pasa de los 50 años se ven las cosas desde otra perspectiva diferente. Ya no somos tan jóvenes, ya es muy tarde para esa meta que quería lograr, ya estoy muy mayor. Y nos sentamos a esperar que los años nos pasen por el lado sin hacer nada para cambiar nuestra situación. Hoy les quiero relatar un ejemplo que considero les van a ayudar a reflexionar sobre nunca es tarde para comenzar lo que realmente anhelamos. Era un día lluvioso y muy frio para salir a hacer compras, pero eran los días favoritos de esta señora salir a hacer sus compras. Porque en un día tan feo? Casi nadie sale a la calle en estos días y para ella era muy embarazoso ya que estaba muy pasada de peso y casi no podía caminar debido a sus muy enfermas piernas. Pero en estos días que no había casi nadie a fuera que pudieran mirarla despreciativamente, era mas fácil para ella. Ella pensaba mucho en la manera en la que la vida le había resultado. Había perdido a su esposo hacían 5 años, sus hijos casi no la buscaban debido a su continua depresión, y su vida en si era muy triste y soli- En la vida vamos taria. Tenia muchas a pasar por amistades, y una a una momentos lindos se fueron alejando y momentos feos. hasta quedar comple- Pero es la actitud tamente sola. Todo que tu tomas lo esto se debía a su acti- que hace la tud, todos en su mo- diferencia. En este mento se lo habían Nuevo año, dicho. Pero para ella proponte cosas todos estaban mal y nuevas, ejercítate, ella tenia toda la come mas razón. Era una per- saludable. Haz lo sona extremadamente que nunca te negativa y sin ningún habías atrevido a deseo de hacer nada hacer.
8 NuevoImpact January 2013
Photo byFamily Anthony Santiago Latino Lifestyle Magazine
Lazos Familiares
Family Ties
Resoluciones de nuevo año para personas de la edad de oro en la vida. A sus 75 años ya estaba resignada a que esa era la vida que le había tocado vivir y ya no había porque hacer nada Nuevo. En su cumpleaños numero 77 esta señora negativa y sin ninguna motivación por la cual vivir, hizo algo fuera de lo común. Ella se preparo a si misma una gran fiesta e invito a sus hijos, a sus antiguas amistades y a todos los que en algún momento significaron algo en su vida. Cuando comenzaron a llegar los invitados todos estaban asustados, pensando para que esta mujer tan negativa nos habrá invitado a esta fiesta, por ningún lado se veía a esta señora. Sus hijos que hacían años no sabían de ella, también estaban muy contrariados por la invitación. De pronto una muy distinguida dama toma el micrófono y comienza a hablar, lo primero que dijo fue hace dos
años que resucite a la vida, era un día muy lluvioso cuando de repente sentí que mi mundo se acababa, fui atropellada por un vehículo, me llevaron a cuidados intensivos y por días estuve entre la vida y la muerte. No quise molestar a nadie cuando salí del peligro porque por mucho tiempo fui una gran carga para muchos y una mala compañía. De repente mira a sus hijos con lagrimas en sus ojos y les pide perdón, mira a sus amistades y les pide perdón, nadie en el salón podía pensar que aquella distinguida y Hermosa mujer era la mujer negativa, gorda y fea que hacían dos años atrás no tenia nada porque vivir. Sus palabras retumban en el Corazón de todos los que la escuchan: Cuando te enfrentas cara a cara con la muerte, la vida te da otra oportunidad.
En la vida vamos a pasar por momentos lindos y momentos feos. Pero es la actitud que tu tomas lo que hace la diferencia. En este Nuevo año, proponte cosas nuevas, ejercítate, come mas saludable. Haz lo que nunca te habías atrevido a hacer. No piense que es muy tarde para comenzar de Nuevo. Recuerdo la historia de una ancianita que murió a los 95 años terminando el año, cual fue la impresión de todos los que estaban recogiendo sus pertenencias al encontrarse con sus metas para los próximos 5 años. La actitud que tomas ante la vida es lo mas importante para que puedas lograr todas tus metas. Recuerda que el único que te puede decir que no se puede, eres tu mismo. Comienza este 2013 con nuevos sueños, nuevas metas, nunca es tarde para comenzar de Nuevo.
By: Millie Hidalgo
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January 2013
NuevoImpact 9
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10 NuevoImpact January 2013
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
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By: Roula Crews Roula Crews is a Health and Wellness Coach with an established coaching practice, predicated on the belief that through good nutrition and exercise , anyone can achieve their goals of living a healthy lifestyle. Coach for the NBC show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Put your Money Where Your Mouth Isâ&#x20AC;? .
Why is eating Power Foods so Important? When you choose your foods, be sure to consider the nutrient density of the foods. Nutrient density refers to the amount of nutrients for the given volume of food. Nutrient-dense foods have lots of nutrients, generally with fewer calories. All the power foods we listed and in the suggested portions are nutrient dense. If you're worried about getting a handle on your high cholesterol level, or maintaining your current healthy levels it's natural to think about which foods you should ban from your diet and what should you add. Banning foods or limiting foods namely saturated fats in meat and full-fat dairy and trans fats in many baked goods help lower high cholesterol, what you do eat is also important in decreasing "bad" LDL cholesterol and raising "good" HDL cholesterol. In fact, diet plays a crucial role helping to prevent heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
folic acid aid in lowering the levels of homocystine, which in turn can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack or vascular disease. Another health benefit of legumes is their role in cancer prevention. They contain a compound called inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), which has proven anti-cancer action. Dried beans are better than can beans. Don't avoid canned beans if that convenience encourages you to eat more legumes. Look for no-salt varieties and rinse them thoroughly before cooking. Avoid refried beans with lard. Have 1 - 3 servings per day. Varieties: adzuki, black, black-eyed peas, fava beans, butter, calico, cannellini, chickpeas, edamame, great northern, kidney, lentils, lima, mung, navy, pinto, soybeans and split peas.
Garlic is the best choice others include onions, leeks, chives, shallots, and scallions. These are all body detoxers. They are high in sulfur compounds, which have been used to prevent and help treat a variety of ailments. These include: cancer (particularly stomach and colorectal cancer), coronary heart disease, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cataracts and gastrointestinal disturbances. Herbalist often use garlic against infection. It is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent, and is believed to even be effective against viruses. They stimulate the body to produce glutathione, and antioxidant that lives within each cell, ready to fight free radicals where they live throughout the body. Glutathione's action is especially important in the liver, where it helps to remove pharmaceuticals and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals. A certain flavonoids in onions, called anthocyanins, are incredible free-radical destroyers, and emerging science suggest they may also help fight obesity and diabetes. Garlic also helps to lower total cholesterol but raise HDL by decreasing the liver's synthesis of cholesterol. Leeks take the best aspects of garlic and onions especially manganese, a blood sugar stabilizer and combine them with fiber, turning them into an allaround fantastic choice to keep insulin levels stable. Have at least one serving a day. Varieties: garlic, onions, leeks, chives, shallots, and scallions.
A legume is a plant that has seed pods that are split into two halves that are edible. The legume family consists of beans, lentils, peas and soybeans and peanuts. Beans and other legumes (Best Choice: red beans) do have carbs, but the best kinds. Beans are high in dietary fiber and provide a good mix of insoluble and soluble fiber, which is key to good blood sugar control. One cup of beans contain over half the daily recommended amount of fiber for adults. The fiber aids in lowering cholesterol levels. They also have resistant starch RSI, which "resists" being digested in the small intestine until it can pass into the large intestine. There, the resistant starch ferments, rebuilds the intestinal lining, and creates short-chain fatty acids, which fight systemic inflammation, cancer and "bad" bugs in the gut like E. coli and candida. Legumes contain high levels of protein, antioxidants, vitamin B6, folic acid, iron, zinc, calcium, copper and magnesium. Vitamin B6 and
Berries The pigments that give berries their beautiful blue and red hues are also good for your health. Berries owe their beautiful colors to anthocyanins, flavonoids that just might trip our fat-burning
12 NuevoImpact January 2013
genes in the right direction. One researcher found that anthocyanins stop individual fat cells from getting larger and encourage fat cells to release sugar, and reverse leptin and insulin resistance. Another study found that anthocyanins can reduce blood glucose levels after starch-rich meals, preventing insulin spikes that lead to diabetes. Berries contain phytochemicals, the same phytochemical that gives wine and chocolate their health protecting qualities. Berries also contain flavonoids that may help to prevent some forms of cancer. Cranberries and blueberries contain a substance that may prevent bladder infections. Eating a diet rich in blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries may help to reduce your risk of several types of cancers. Blueberries and raspberries also contain lutein, which is important for healthy vision. Berries are not fattening and have no caffeine. Organic is preferred since berries are among the most pesticide-laden fruits. Fresh or frozen is best. Have at least one serving per day. Varieties: acai, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, currant, gooseberry, mulberries, raspberries, strawberries
Meat and Eggs Meat serves as a high quality protein and contains all the essential amino acids you need to build muscle (Best choice: Alaskan Wild Salmon). Meat and eggs both have amino acid L-arginine, critical to the production of protein and to the release of growth hormone in the body. Larginine is also a precursor to nitric oxide, a beneficial gas that improves the functioning of your endothelium, the lining of your blood vessel walls, to decrease clotting and increase blood flow. The amino acid tyrosine not only keeps a lid on your appetite and reduces body fat, it also supports the healthy function of your thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands. Leucine, another amino acid found in meat, eggs, and fish, also helps the body produce growth hormone, as well as regulate blood sugar levels and grow the muscles that help all your hormones work better, especially insulin and testosterone. Protein increases your metabolic rate because it takes more energy to burn than carbs or fats. When you eat protein and fat, especially the omega-3s found in organic free-range eggs, meat, and fatty deep-sea fish, ghrelin levels drop and the stomach releases more of the neuropeptide CCK, slowing down digestion and lowering your appetite. Salmon, which is rich in omega-3s is also a source of selenium, which is critical to your thyroid, and vitamin D, which Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Vida Saludable
Healthy Living
helps to preserve muscle. The omega-3s in salmon and organic free-range meats and eggs also help to manage blood sugar and fight obesity. Many vegetarians might argue that you can get omega-3s from vegetable sources, but no plant source of omega-3s would ever get you close to this beneficial dose. Have 3 to 5 servings per week. Always buy wildcaught salmon. Eat fresh fish within two days of purchase. Use canned salmon to sprinkle over salads and fold in wraps.
retonoic acid. Vitamin A is important for night vision, as an antioxidant can neutralize the damaging free radicals in the body, and is crucial in the health of your immune system. Orange foods are full of vitamin C, an antioxidant which boosts the immune system, protects against cardiovascular disease and helps rebuild collagen in the skin. Varieties: Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, mangoes, oranges, grapefruit, cantaloupe, apricots, nectarines, papayas, peaches, tangerines.
Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
Yellow: Most citrus foods fall into this category , and the vitamin C in citrus can also help us to manage stress. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables also keeps your eyes in good shape. Some fruits and vegetables may help prevent two common aging-related eye diseases-cataract and macular degeneration. Cataract is the gradual clouding of the eye's lens, a disk of protein that focuses light on the light-sensitive retina. Macular degeneration is caused by cumulative damage to the macula, the center of the retina. It starts as a blurred spot in the center of what you see. As the degeneration spreads, vision shrinks. Varieties: summer squash, lemons, yellow bell peppers, yellow apples, cape gooseberries, yellow figs, golden kiwifruit, yellow pears, pineapple, persimmon, yellow beets, yellow potatoes, rutabagas, sweet corn, yellow tomatoes
Consuming vegetables of varying colors (Best choice: tomatoes), you'll automatically get a range of phytonutrients, each of which has its own particular health-promoting strengths. These colorful plant foods also happen to be incredible sources of soluble and insoluble fiber-both essential for hormone balance and impossible to get from animal products. Orange: The abundance of antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients in orange foods are good for your skin, eyes and heart, and they may also decrease your risk of cancer. The best known nutrient in orange foods is beta carotene. Foods high in beta-carotene include carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and mangoes. Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A, which is commonly referred to as retinal, retinol and
Purple: The vast array of health benefits found with flue and purple fruit and vegetables range from improving the immune system, digestion, and lowering inflammation in the
body to lowering LDL cholesterol levels, tumor growth, and risk of cancer. Berries, grapes and olives have high levels of resveratrol, a type of plant antibiotic with tremendous promise in antiaging, anti-inflammatory, and blood-sugar-lowering effects. Varieties: Blackberries, blueberries, black currants, concord grapes, dried plums, elderberries, purple figs, purple grapes, plums, raisins, black olives, purple asparagus, purple cabbage, purple carrots, eggplant purple belgian endive, purple peppers. Red: All red fruits and vegetables share the phytochemical lycopene, a powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant. One of the richest sources of lycopene on the colorful vegetable and fruit list is the tomato. One cup of tomatoes gets you almost 60 percent of your daily value of vitamin C for just thirty-seven calories. Varieties: tomatoes, apples, strawberries, raspberries, blood oranges, cherries, cranberries, red grapes, pink/red grapefruit, red pears, pomegranates, watermelon, beets, red peppers, radicchio, red potatoes, rhubarb Have 5 servings per day. Try for at least one serving from each color category each day. Cooking tomatoes concentrate their power. In contrast, many other colorful veggies lose their potency with cooking
Brought to you by educating and motivating the Latino Community to make healthy choices.
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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
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January 2013
NuevoImpact 13
Lasers and Latinos Advertorial Are lasers appropriate for Hispanic skin? The New Year is here and what's better than to kick it off with the newest laser breakthrough, a secret weapon that only Dr. Shah possesses. Newer lasers can safely treat hispanic skin, while older lasers can damage the skin in. Those lasers can create loss of skin color and develop scarring. Laser therapy has been a mainstay of dermatologic therapy for more than a decade. However, until recently, most published literature is now focused on the Latino patient. The face of the aesthetic patient is changing to be more representative of the ethnic diversity of the population of the United States. It is imperative that your surgeon not only have an understanding of the concerns of the aesthetic patient but also have an awareness of the unique needs of Latino skin. Skin complexion among the Hispanic population varies as significantly as Latino heritage. Because of a diverse multicultural background, many Hispanics do not escape a variety of skin conditions. PIGMENTATION ISSUES While doctors agree there are few Hispanic-only skin issues, one area of concern for the demographic is that of skin pigmentation. Melasma: Overactive melanin in Latino skin can cause hyperpigmentation known as melasma. Melasma through exposure of the skin to sunlight. It is most commonly found on the face and is often symmetrical. Chemical peels and topical steroid creams as well as laser treatments are used to treat the condition, but daily use of sunscreen is the best way to prevent it in the first place.
14 NuevoImpact January 2013
Vitiligo: A less-common form of pigmentation issue seen among Latinos, characterized by a loss of pigmentation which leaves white markings on the skin. Inflammation: Another issue Hispanic skin faces is that of hyperpigmentation resulting from inflammation. Acne, insect bites, eczema, psoriasis and burns can all result in hyperpigmentation. ACNE While Hispanics are not predisposed to acne more so than other ethnicities, acne is a common inflammatory process which may lead to hyperpigmentation issues. In addition to the marks left on Latino skin, acne can also lead to self-esteem issues. Dr. Shah customizes and tailors treatments to the specific patient and their concerns. There are a series of treatments that you could do, or one very aggressive treatment. This includes making the skin younger, softening or removing brown spots, tightening pores, polish and purify acne scarring, and treating resistant acne. Skin rejuvenation can be achieved in a number of ways, ranging from laser, light and other energybased treatments to chemical peels and other non-ablative methods. The result is a smoother, clearer, and more youthful appearance to show off your beautiful, glowing Latino skin!
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anil R Shah MD is a plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in beauty
Dr. Anil Shah, MD, FACS, SC Chicago Plastic Surgery Center is located at: 845 North Michigan Ave, Suite 934e, Chicago IL 60611 | Tel. 312.944.0117 www.nuevoiMPACt.CoM
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Sergio Rojas REDEFINING FITNESS Sergio is one of the most in-demand fitness trainers in Chicago, and throughout the U.S. For almost 15 years he has worked with high profile professional athletes, celebrities, and top executives, in addition to developing fitness and wellness programs for major corporations. You can usually catch Sergio on Saturday mornings on NBC5 news in Chicago, where he does a fitness segment, and he frequently appears as a contributor for Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fitness Magazine. Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
January 2013
NuevoImpact 15
My motivation is my wife and kids. I not only want to be here for them for a long time; I also want to be mobile and have energy for them.
e is very down to earth for a guy that was appointed by President Obama, to serve as the Executive Director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports. Sergio spent several months in Washington D.C. following his appointment, but he decided he would rather be back home in Chicago with his family, and continue working on his life’s passion of working to help people get healthy and feel great through his own fitness center. He is an inspiration for Latinos desiring to lead in a new age of health and wellness.
Nuevo Impact: When did fitness and wellness become so important to you? Sergio Rojas: I have always loved playing sports, so on some level, fitness has mattered to me since I can remember. I remember being pretty competitive in PE class since the 4th grade, especially when we were doing the President’s Fitness Challenge. I loved getting that patch, but more so being at or near the top. But I believe it was when I was in my mid-twenties, and I was starting to get out of shape and really notice it; that’s when “wellness” also became very important to me. I started exercising regularly again, eating healthier, even meditating and practicing Qi-gong. NI: What fitness and wellness icons have you looked up to the most? SR: I have a lot of people that I look up to and admire. I mostly admire people that have to put in hard work, and things don’t always come so natural or easy for them. Athletes like Walter Payton, Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, and Bo Jackson come to mind. Their work ethic is so
admirable. I love Jack Lalanne, who pioneered strength training and taught us that you are never too old to exercise, improve our strength, and live with energy and vigor. He was one of the pioneers of juicing vegetables for cellular health. He was fit until the day he died, at the age of 96. Then there are amazing wellness leaders and coaches like Kris Carr, the author of ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer’, who has battled cancer with a positive attitude and lots of green veggies. She shares her passion and wisdom to inspire others. I also got the chance to meet Tony Horton, By creator of P90 and P90X when I was in Laudir Lugo Washington D.C. He is one of the first people to create a well-rounded workout program, based on fitness and wellness, instead of a gimmicky quick-solution program based on hype. I really admire that. NI: What kind of shape would you say you are in personally? SR: At 42, I can truly say that I am in very good shape. I exercise 4 to 6 days per week; I feel strong, flexible, athletic, and most importantly, I am pain free. I have endless energy and just feel great. As a business owner with two young kids, I need to have lots of energy, and I am so grateful for my health. NI: Do you preach fitness and wellness in your own home? SR: Oh yes… My kids, ages 6 and 3, know that if they want a snack or treat, they have to eat or drink something healthy first. The whole family drinks smoothies filled with greens, coconut oil, and fruits or
veggies every day. The kids actually love to help us make the smoothies or juices, so we make sure they are involved. My kids eat raw almonds, carrots, broccoli, ‘healthy’ cereal, etc… of course they still eat some of the things kids eat, but we make sure that they understand that there are consequences for all the poor food and drink choices. My kids also love to spend Sundays at my fitness center, especially during the winter. They make obstacle courses and exercise all over the gym for hours. NI: Why do you think Latinos suffer from so many chronic diseases? How can we change this trend? SR: I wish I fully understood this issue. I believe the Latino culture is so rich in tradition that we have a hard time giving things up, even if we know they are not so good for us. Our culture is eating everything on the plate, and then getting served a second serving, and if we decline, it’s an insult to our parents or hosts. It’s also our tradition is to eat oldworld foods that are high in fat and often unhealthy. I always try to remind people who say that their parents or grand-parents lived well into their 80’s or 90’s, and they ate all those foods, that our parents’ and grandparents’ foods were produced more naturally; they had less preservatives, less processing, less toxins in the soil, and so on. Today’s milk is not your grandma’s milk. Same goes for water, wheat, fruit, etc… We have to make a conscious choice to make changes. NI: What was it like working for President Obama? SR: It was truly an experience of a lifetime. It was great to work for a White House that is so passionate about health and fitness, and really has made it a priority in their administration. It was also amazing to be working with the President’s Fitness Challenge; the patch I used to look
forward to getting every year as a kid. Although my time in D.C. was brief, it was truly an honor to be appointed. NI: What is the most important thing a beginner should get started with? SR: Motivation. Without motivation, the best exercise program, fitness equipment, gym membership, etc… will not do you any good. You need to have a motivational drive and force to want to be healthy. My motivation is my wife and kids. I not only want to be here for them for a long time; I also want to be mobile and have energy for them. I also don’t want to be a burden on them, so I am motivated to be healthy and fit for them as long as I can. Each person needs to dig deep within them and find their motivation. Besides that, there are so many options for exercise programs and eating healthy. The Internet is a great place to start. NI: What’s dietary balance to you? SR: 80 to 90 percent healthy; 10 to 20 percent, anything goes. I make sure I always have smaller meals every three to three and a half hours. I load up on greens, healthy juices, shakes, salads and supplements almost every day. Then there’s my couple of meals per week where I don’t worry too much about what my choices are. I love my pizza, burgers and chocolate, and will never fully give them up. NI: What part of your journey has been the most rewarding to you? SR: Getting hugs from my clients; getting ‘thank you’s from my clients for impacting their lives; and the amazing friendships I have developed with my clients over the years. It’s so rewarding to help people be healthier and happier.
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18 NuevoImpact January 2013
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Entretenimiento Jose Jara, giving the Scoop in Latino entertainment!
n late December 2012 I met with Jose Jara, Founder / CEO and the mastermind behind, we spoke about his early days in the sales and marketing industry up until today, his 2013 initiatives, and LatinoScoop.comâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emerging partnership with Nuevo Impact Magazine. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a Latino who likes to be entertained, check out Jose's story and has to offer.
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
ose Jara is a native of Chicago; he grew up in the Southeast side of Chicago in an area near the Indiana border. Jose attended Loyola University of Chicago where he studied Political Science and Spanish Literature. A few years ago he started working for a local company in their marketing and sales By: department Rafael Romero where he enjoyed meeting new people, focused on branding/sales by going after new accounts, and expanded his contacts network. After that experience, he decided to start a website in 2007 focusing on nonprofits and a little bit of entertainment. He then sold that website and decided to launch in March 2011 where things have developed vastly for him; he currently has near 6,000 Facebook Fans and a growing number of followers on Twitter. When Jose was younger he had many dreams but none of them were what he is doing these days with When a new opportunity presented itself, he seized it and developed it overnight becoming a local Chicago brand. currently is in the works to expand to other Latino markets such as Dallas, Houston, Miami, NYC, L.A. Most of fans currently are in the Midwest area. The big drive behind Jose's experience with is the positive feedback from the fans, family, friends, and fun traveling to L.A., Miami and other cities. Currently, clients are various film studio
agencies, non-profits, and local merchants seeking a presence on’s social media platforms and on its website. One of’s largest client is The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), assisting with online marketing strategies for their annual conference and the ALMA Awards events. Some of Jose’s 2012 accomplishments for When Jose was include over 50 younger he had movie advanced many dreams but screenings with none of them about 250 guests were what he is per screening doing these days representing with between 10,000 and 12,000 guests When a new last year alone. opportunity presented itself, he participated in a seized it and couple of red developed it carpets in L.A. overnight Jose also had becoming a local dinner and met Chicago brand. with the cast members of the currently is in the movie "La works to expand Bamba" for their to other Latino 25th anniversary markets such as reunion at Dallas, Houston, Columbia College Miami, NYC, L.A. in Chicago. Esai Morales, Elizabeth Pena, and Lou Diamond Phillips were all in attendance for the reunion held at Columbia College and AMC River East theaters. also had the opportunity to meet and talk with the cast members of the movie "End of Watch", Michael Pena and Jake Gyllenhaal. 2013 will be an exciting year for the community as well as Nuevo Impact. They will be collaborating to present published and video interviews of some of the finest Latino talent and films in the entertainment industry.
The big drive behind Jose's experience with is the positive feedback from the fans, family, friends, and fun traveling to L.A., Miami and other cities. 20 NuevoImpact January 2013
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dedicados en asistir a los negocios en el Maria Chevalier Lewis CPA Tony B Lewis CPA Maria Chevalier Lewis logro de su 847-520-3568 847-360-9804 847-452-4290 crecimiento
630 N Milwaukee Ave 426 N Sheridan Rd 8755 W 82nd Place
empresarial, y en Prospect Heights IL Waukegan IL Justice IL
60085CPA 60458Chevalier Lewis la maximizaciĂłn Maria Chevalier60070 Lewis CPA Tony B Lewis Maria 847-520-3568 847-360-9804 847-452-4290 de sus ganancias, 630 N Milwaukee Ave 426 N Sheridan Rd 8755 W 82nd Place Fanny Albuja Linda M Perez Alba Calispa Prospect Heights IL Waukegan IL Justice IL 60070 60458 brindandoles una 773-267-2500 60085 224-636-3354 773-912-5220 Fanny Albuja 3450 W LawrenceLinda Ave M Perez 1639 Irving Park Rd Alba3107Calispa W Armitage Ave excelente calidad 773-267-2500 Chicago IL 224-636-3354 773-912-5220 Hanover Park IL 1st Floor 3450 W Lawrence Ave 1639 Irving Park Rd 3107 W Armitage Ave de servicios y 60625 60113IL Chicago IL Hanover Park 1stChicago Floor IL 60647 60625 60113 Chicago IL 60647 apoyo gerencialâ&#x20AC;? Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
January 2013
NuevoImpact 21
Empoderamiento U.S. Latino buying power T By: Tata Vasquez Páez
he craziness of the holidays is finally behind us; it is time to go back to normal life. But as we move into 2013 there is a powerful thing to consider, the tremendous buying power Latinos have and will continue to have in America. Every holiday season we buy gifts to exchange at Christmas, and we purchase all the ingredients to make our traditional holiday dishes, but are you aware of how much you contributed to the U.S. economy and its business success? Let me expound on this. As you probably know, U.S. Latinos have become the biggest minority group in the U.S. (1 in every 6 Americans is a Latino). According to the results for the 2010 U.S. Census, the Latino population in the U.S. is 52 million people (16% of the total U.S. population of 308.7 million), and we keep growing strong. In fact, U.S. Latinos will contribute to about 60% of
the population growth in the U.S. over the next five years, and it is not because more Latinos are migrating into the U.S.; immigration is down sharply; it is mostly because of family growth. The 2010 U.S. census also mentions that U.S. Latinos represented a buying power of $1 Trillion in the year 2010, and by the year 2015 it will grow to be $1.5 Trillion. To illustrate better, the projected growth of the U.S. Latino buying power will be +50% by the year 2015. When compared to other ethnic groups, it is estimated that our buying power will grow 54% faster than African-American buying power, 65% faster than Native American buying power and 89% faster than Asian buying power1. This is HUGE! U.S. Latinos have greater
U.S. Latino – Nuestro poder adquisitivo L Los latinos en este país tenemos el mayor poder adquisitivo entre todas las minorías o grupos étnicos. En un estudio de mercado desarrollado recientemente por la empresa Nielsen, se menciona que los U.S. Latinos tenemos una influencia imperativa en el crecimiento de la economía del país (Wow…debemos sentirnos orgullosos de poder contribuir de esta manera).
a locura de las fiestas decembrinas finalmente ha pasado. Ahora que nuestra vida vuelve a la normalidad, se ha detenido a pensar: cuanto nosotros los U.S. Latinos, contribuimos con la economía diaria del país? Si, me oyó bien; alguna vez ha pensado en esto? Especialmente durante la época navideña, compramos regalos y también todos los ingredientes que utilizamos en la preparación de nuestros platos típicos, pero me imagino que no esta al tanto de cuanto nosotros contribuimos con la economía de este país, y con el éxito de las empresas. Vamos a ver… sigue leyendo, de repente puede encontrar la respuesta. Como probablemente ya sabe, los U.S. Latinos representamos el grupo minoritario mas grande del país, sobrepasando a cualquier otro grupo étnico (1 en cada 6 Americanos es Latino). De acuerdo a los resultados del U.S. Censo de 2010, la población latina en este país es de 52 millones de personas (16% del total de la población de 308.7 millones), y seguimos creciendo. De hecho, esta proyectado que durante los próximos 5 años, vamos a contribuir aproximadamente con un 60% del crecimiento total de la población del país; y no es debido a un incremento en la inmigración, actualmente la inmigración hacia este país ha declinado; se debe principalmente al crecimiento de nuestras propias familias. El U.S. Censo del 2010 también menciona que los U.S. Latinos mostraron un poder adqui-
22 NuevoImpact January 2013
sitivo de 1 trillón de dólares durante el año 2010; y para el año 2015, se estima que este poder va a crecer en más de 1.5 trillones de dólares. Poniéndolo en perspectiva, el crecimiento va a ser mayor del 50% para el año 2015. Cuando comparamos esta información con otros grupos étnicos, encontramos (es un estimado) que el poder adquisitivo del U.S. Latino va a crecer 54% más rápido que el del africano-americano; 65% más rápido que el del nativo americano y 89% más rápido que el poder adquisitivo del asiático 1. Esto es inmenso! Los latinos en este país tenemos el mayor poder adquisitivo entre todas las minorías o grupos étnicos. En un estudio de mercado desarrollado recientemente por la empresa Nielsen, se menciona que los U.S. Latinos tenemos una influencia imperativa en el crecimiento de la economía del país (Wow…debemos sentirnos orgullosos de poder contribuir de esta manera). Si los U.S. Latinos fueran un país, estaríamos entre las 20 potencias económicas del mundo. Tomaríamos el lugar # 14 en la lista de los países del G20, al frente de Turquía, Australia, Argentina y Arabia Saudita 2. Este estudio también menciona que el ingreso capital de los U.S. Latinos es muchísimo mayor que cualquiera de los países del grupo BRIC: Brasil, Rusia, India y China 2. Como es posible? Yo creo que, a medida que nos educamos más y nos convertimos en profesionales, y nos envolvemos más con nuestras comunidades y con las empresas a las que trabajamos; somos más exitosos; y esto ayuda a
que nuestros ingresos crezcan. La mayoría de nuestros padres vinieron a este país con el sueño de una mejor vida, de que nosotros creciéramos para “ser alguien en la vida”; y estamos viendo los resultados de esta decisión. Se estima que, a pesar de la reciente recensión, el ingreso average de un hogar latino es de mas o menos $50.000 al año. Pero, como se distribuye este dinero? Vamos a analizar esta información por sector económico. Durante el primer trimestre del 2012, 11% de las compras del e-commerce fueron hechas por latinos. También contribuimos con 35% del crecimiento en el sector tecnológico 3. U.S. Latinos también influyen en los sector de las telecomunicaciones, servicios, ropa, alojamiento y viviendas, utilidades y transporte; y definitivamente la influencia en el sector de entretenimiento es mayor gracias a nuestra conocida cultura social. Pero, tengo que advertirte….las mayoría de las compañías se han dado cuenta de esta realidad, y están hacienda todo lo posible para que nos interesemos en sus productos. No te pierdas la próxima edición de Nuevo Impact en donde voy a hablar acerca de esto….te lo garantizo, es súper interesante! 1
Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies – Hispanic Facts The Nielsen Company Report – State of Hispanic Consumer: The Hispanic Market Imperative – Quarter 2, 2012 – pg 3. Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies – Hispanic Facts – Purchasing power
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
purchasing power than any other ethnic group in the U.S. A recent report done by Nielsen about this subject concluded that we are an imperative factor in the growth of the U.S. economy (Wowâ&#x20AC;Śwe should feel proud for such an amazing contribution). If we were to stand alone as a country, we would make up one of the top 20 economies in the world. We would take the 14th place in the list of G20 countries, ahead of Turkey, Australia, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia 2. The report also mentions â&#x20AC;&#x153;the capital income of U.S Latinos is higher than any one of the BRIC countries: Brazil, Russia, India, Chinaâ&#x20AC;? 2. How is this possible? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a true believer that, as we become more educated, as we earn higher degrees, as we get more involved with the companies we work for and with the community around us, we grow to be more successful. Therefore, our earning power should increase as well. Most of our parents came to this country for us to have a better education, a better quality of life; in their own words so we could â&#x20AC;&#x153;be someone in lifeâ&#x20AC;? and we are starting to see the results. It is estimated that, despite the recent recession, the average U.S. Latino household earns about $50,000 or more a year.
But where does all this money goes to? Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s break down the numbers by economic sector. During the first quarter of 2012 11% of the e-commerce purchases were made by Latinos. We also contributed with 35% of growth in the technology sector 3. U.S. Latinos also spent (and continue to do so) more in telephone, services, clothing, housing, utilities and transportation than nonLatinos, and we definitely have an impact on the entertainment industry, thanks to our well-known social culture. Now let me advise you, companies have been watching this trend very closely, and they are targeting us through their advertising campaigns. Companies already know that we Latinos love to buy, and they are doing a great job keeping us interested in their products. Lookout for Nuevo Impactâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next edition, where we will discuss this subject deeper. This is a subject that should get the attention of every Latino! 1
Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies â&#x20AC;&#x201C; - Hispanic Facts The Nielsen Company Report â&#x20AC;&#x201C; State of Hispanic Consumer: The Hispanic Market Imperative â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Quarter 2, 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; pg 3. Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies â&#x20AC;&#x201C; - Hispanic Facts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Purchasing power
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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
January 2013
NuevoImpact 23
Cómo vivir cómodamente sin sobrepasar su presupuesto
L En los Estados Unidos, el ingreso promedio de las personas de la tercera edad en el 2008 era de unos $29,000, según las tabulaciones de datos realizadas por el Servicio de Investigaciones Congresuales en la Encuesta de Población Actual (Current Population Survey) de marzo de ese año. A la hora de la jubilación, muchas personas enfrentan una sustancial reducción en los ingresos, y la cruda realidad de sobrevivir con ese nuevo nivel de ingresos.
as personas de la tercera edad son uno de los segmentos poblacionales de más rápido crecimiento, en la medida que los progresos de la Medicina han incrementado considerablemente sus expectativas de vida. Numerosos integrantes de la Generación de Posguerra, conocidos también como Baby Boomers, han entrado en la edad de jubilación y se unen al grupo de otros ancianos que viven de ingresos fijos. Esto equivale a que deben implementar estrategias para vivir cómodamente con menos dinero. Statistics Canada afirma que, según una encuesta realizada en el 2005, el ingreso neto promedio de los mayores de 65 era de unos $303,000, cifra caracterizada por dinero en cuentas de ahorro, e ingresos provenientes de pensiones y ayuda del gobierno. En los Estados Unidos, el ingreso promedio de las personas de la tercera edad en el 2008 era de unos $29,000, según las tabulaciones de datos realizadas por el Servicio de Investigaciones Congresuales en la Encuesta de Población Actual (Current Population Survey) de marzo de ese año. A la hora de la jubilación, muchas personas enfrentan una sustancial reducción en los ingresos, y la cruda realidad de sobrevivir con ese nuevo nivel de ingresos. A menudo, sólo tienen éxito en esto los que se adaptan y son capaces de manejar inteligentemente su presupuesto. A continuación, algunas ideas para lograrlo.
Reducirse. También está la opción de renunciar a ciertas cosas para disponer de más dinero. Muchas personas consideran inteligente vender su vivienda y mudarse a un condominio o apartamento más pequeño. Así, los gastos no sólo serán menores, sino que hay una buena posibilidad de que el complejo ofrezca mantenimiento, lo cual evita gastos inesperados. También podría cambiar a un vehículo más económico. En vez de hacer grandes pagos mensuales por un coche nuevo en el concesionario, podría optar por un vehículo usado con un calendario de pagos menor. También ahorraría bastante pagar al contado por el coche usado, lo cual le ahorraría los gastos en mensualidades. Considere comprar en tiendas de consignación. Este tipo de establecimientos ha surgido en zonas diferentes, incluyendo ciudades y pueblos exclusivos. Las tiendas de consignación han dejado de tener el estigma del pasado, pues en muchas ocasiones la mercancía es
Establecer prioridades. ¿Cuáles son las necesidades que no puede ignorar en absoluto? Pudieran ser la hipoteca o el alquiler, las cuentas de utilidades o cualquier otro préstamo en los que haya incurrido. Estas cantidades deberán deducirse de los ingresos mensuales antes de determinar cuánto dinero tendrá disponible para otras cosas.
nueva o sólo ha sido usada una vez. Podría ser el sitio ideal para comprar artículos del hogar, ropa, accesorios e incluso regalos para otras personas. Generalmente los precios están muy por debajo del mercado, e incluso podrían encontrarse marcas bien conocidas.
Rebajas en las tiendas. Con la popularidad que han adquirido los programas que enseñan a ahorrar en grande con los cupones, muchas personas creen que ésta es la mejor manera de ahorrar en el mercado. Sin embargo, a menudo los que compran con cupones capitalizan en la compra de enormes cantidades de productos y acumular demasiados cupones, algo que no es práctico para los hogares de personas de la tercera edad. Tal vez le podría resultar más conveniente comprar los artículos que adquiere frecuentemente en la tienda que los vende al menor precio. Esto podría incrementar la cantidad de paradas en su viaje de comprar, pero se puede beneficiar con buenas oportunidades en el proceso.
Hágalo usted mismo. En ocasiones, algunas mercancías que se compran en la tienda a precios altos se pueden reproducir fácilmente en casa con pocos materiales. Desde decoración para cabeceras a cortinas o almohadas decorativas, es muy probable que con un poco de ingenio las pueda hacer por su cuenta. También puede pedirle ayuda a un amigo o familiar para que colabore en un proyecto un poco más allá de su nivel de pericia. Para vivir con un ingreso fijo se necesita reevaluar las prioridades y hacerle algunos cambios al presupuesto del hogar. (MS)
Gane de $300-$1000 por mes ¿Tiene usted una visión de aumentar fácilmente sus ingresos por $300-$1000 cada mes, y quiere ser dueño de su propio negocio que ayuda a otros vivir una vida más saludable?
Llámanos hoy al: 847-394-2047 24 NuevoImpact January 2013
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Live comfortably on a budget
eniors are one of the fastest-growing segments of the population, as medical advancements have increased life expectancies considerably. Many Baby Boomers have entered retirement age and are joining the ranks of other seniors on fixed incomes. This means they'll also have to implement strategies to live comfortably on less money. Statistics Canada states that as of a 2005 survey, the average net worth of individuals age 65 and older was roughly $303,000. This amount is characterized by money in savings, income provided by pensions and government assistance. In the United States, the average income of seniors in 2008 was around $29,000, according to the Congressional Research Service tabulations of data from the March 2008 Current Population Survey. Upon retirement, many retirees are faced with quite a reduction in income and the stark reality of making ends meet with this new level of income. Those who are successful are often those who are adapting and are able to budget cleverly. Here are some ideas to do just that.
Set priorities. What are the necessities that you absolutely cannot skimp on? These may include a mortgage or rent, utility bills and
any other loan payments that have already been established. These amounts will have to be deducted from monthly income before you will discover just how much money will be leftover for other things.
Downsize. There is the option to cut back on certain things to free up more money. Many people find it is wise to sell their home and move into a smaller condo or apartment. Not only will the expenses be less, there's a good chance the complex will offer maintenance -further saving you on unexpected expenses. Consider downsizing your car as well. Rather than making high monthly payments for a brand-new auto at the dealership, you may be able to get a pre-owned vehicle for a lower payment schedule. Or you may have enough in savings to pay for the used car outright, saving you the expense of a monthly payment. Consider shopping at consignment stores. Consignment stores are popping up in all different areas, including exclusive cities and towns. Shopping consignment stores no longer carries the stigma it once did. Many times the merchandise in consignment stores is brand new or has only been used once. This could be the ideal place to turn for housewares, clothing,
accessories, and even gifts for others. The prices are typically marked well below retail value, and you may find some well-known brands.
Shop store sales. With the popularity of shows teaching others how to save big with coupons, many people believe this is the best way to save at grocery stores. However, the people doing the couponing are often capitalizing on buying in bulk and clipping mass amounts of coupons -- not practical for senior households. It could be in your best interest to simply shop for the items you buy frequently at the store that is selling it at the lowest price. It may increase the number of stops on your shopping trip, but you can get a really good deal in the process.
Get crafty. Sometimes things that are sold at stores for a high price can be replicated at home easily with just a few materials. From tufted headboards to curtains to decorative pillows, chances are with a little ingenuity you can make these items yourself. Or, enlist the help of a friend or family member to assist you in a project that is slightly beyond your level of expertise. Living on a fixed income can require reassessing priorities and making a few changes to the household budget. (MS)
In the United States, the average income of seniors in 2008 was around $29,000, according to the Congressional Research Service tabulations of data from the March 2008 Current Population Survey. Upon retirement, many retirees are faced with quite a reduction in income and the stark reality of making ends meet with this new level of income.
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Quienes estarĂĄn autorizados y preparados para preparar declaraciĂłn de impuestos Por Maria Chevalier Lewis, CPA
L 1.
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26 NuevoImpact January 2013
os que estarĂan autorizados a preparar declaraciĂłn de impuestos son cuatro categorĂas: Los Preparadores Registrados por el Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Los contadores pĂşblicos conocidos como C.P.A. (Certified Public Accountants) licenciados por el estado de Illinois. Los Agentes Registrados conocidos como Enrolled Agents y registrados por el I.R.S. Los abogados licenciados por el estado de Illinois.
Los Preparadores Registrados son personas que han tomado un examen con el I.R.S. sobre impuestos personales lo que incluye la forma 1040. Estas personas tendrĂĄn que mantener 15 horas de clases en im-
puestos anualmente. Los contadores pĂşblicos son individuos que han pasado un riguroso examen de impuestos, negocios y contabilidad con el estado y tienen que mantener su licencia con clases de 30 horas anualmente a parte de otros requisitos. Estas personas estĂĄn calificadas para preparar cualquier clase de declaraciĂłn de impuestos desde declaraciones personales hasta declaraciones de negocios, asĂ como tambiĂŠn podrĂĄn representar a sus clientes ante el IRS durante auditorias. Los enrolled agents son quienes han pasado un examen con el I.R.S. sobre impuestos personales y de negocios. Estas personas estĂĄn calificadas para prepara cualquier clase de declaraciĂłn de impuestos y representaciones durante auditorias. Los abogados son personas que han pasado el examen de abogados
del estado. Ellos estĂĄn calificados para preparar cualquier declaraciĂłn de impuestos y representaciones. Las cuatro categorĂas tienen que pasar un examen sobre ĂŠtica profesional, de lo contrario no podrĂĄn preparar declaraciones de ningĂşn tipo. Los que trabajan bajo un contador pĂşblico o un abogado no necesitan pasar ningĂşn examen , ya que serĂĄn supervisados directamente por el contador, pero si deberĂĄn estar registrados con el I.R.S. Esperemos que estas nuevas restricciones ayuden al consumidor a recibir mejor servicio. Para una pequeĂąa empresa lo mĂĄs conveniente es un contador pĂşblico ya que este tiene conocimiento en impuestos y en contabilidad. Para cualquier pregunta adicional puede contactarme al 847452-4290 o escribirme a Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
“El Nuevo Perdón desde EEUU” E
l pasado 4 de Enero el gobierno Federal comenzó el año publicando las reglas para permitir que los familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos puedan solicitar perdones sin salir del país. La regla cubre a esposos, padres de ciudadanos que tienen mas de 12 años, e hijos menores. Asimismo, las reglas han sido expandidas para incluir a aquellos familiares que tuvieron casos de deportación que fueron cerrados administrativamente. Esta medida –conocida como “Perdón desde EEUU” (“Stateside Waiver”)se había anunciado desde año pasado, pero las reglas no se habían publicado. Este es un cambio de gran importancia porque permite a personas que entraron al país de manera indocumentada, y que se casaron con un ciudadano, poder pedir un perdón a su estancia ilegal sin separarse de sus familiares. Sin embargo, cabe señalar que el están-
dar para estos perdones de “dificultad extrema” (extreme hardship) sigue vigente. Este estándar es muy alto y difícil de comprobar. Esencialmente quiere decir que sí el extranjero es separado de los ciudadanos, ya sea sus hijos o su pareja, estos ciudadanos experimentarían dificultades extremas (Nótese que el enfoque es siempre en el impacto al ciudadano y no al que solicita el beneficio). Un buen caso para ejemplificar este estándar seria un ciudadano de 65 años quien trabaja tiempo completo, con alta presión y diabetes, casado con una extranjera de unos 45 años, y con buena salud, que tienen cuatro niños ciudadanos en común (uno de los cuales tienen asma agudo). Sin la extranjera para ayudarlos y cuidarlos, tanto a él como a los niños, los ciudadanos sufrirían dificultades extremas para seguir una vida normal. Asimismo, es muy importante recalcar
que estas reglas no cubren a todo mundo y que entran en juego otros factores que, de ser ignorados, pueden impedir que las personas arreglen documentos permanentemente. Cuando una persona esta indocumentada, siempre es importante determinar sí entro varias veces al país y cuando sucedieron estas entradas y salidas. Por otro lado, también es importante saber si la persona entro con visa o sin visa o si acaso algún hermano o sus padres presentaron alguna solicitud anterior. ¿Cuándo, cómo y dónde? Todos estos factores pueden producir alternativas que tal vez sean mejores a pedir un perdón.
Por Salvador A. Cicero, J.D.
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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
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NuevoImpact 27
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12Traits Successful Latinos
11 years ago, Lionel Sosa wrote an important book, “The Americano Dream–How Latinos Can Achieve Success in Business and in Life.” The book was widely regarded as profound and provocative. In it, Lionel Sosa presents one of his most important concepts , The Twelve Traits of Successful Latinos. “The first trait, which is about setting goals, is the most important for emerging leaders,” says Sosa today. “Leaders are goal-oriented people— they didn’t achieve what they achieved by accident. But they need to continue to have specific goals. Not wishes. Not desires—they are not goals.” “When you got your degree you had a specific goal, and it was not hard to define. Then you begin thinking about starting in a job, and there is a risk that you might forget to set your next goal. That’s exactly when you need to make your next goal – don’t let anything get in the way. Set your goals higher and higher and you will turn your goals into accomplishments.” “If I were writing the book today I would add another trait— Successful Latinos Know How To Work and Feel Comfortable in a Diverse Society. All humans are tribal—we tend to stay with people who look and act like ourselves… our tribe. But successful Latinos need to make a conscious effort to go beyond their comfort level with African Americans, Asians, and Anglos. This is such an important element of success and leadership.”
28 NuevoImpact January 2013
Trait 1: Successful Latinos KnowWhat TheyWant, Believe in Their Ability to Get It, and Believe They Deserve Success Everything starts with believing you deserve to succeed. Then you must set a goal. To attain your goals you must first believe that achieving them is possible. You must believe this reality with so much passion that nothing will deter you. Your goals must be much more specific than “I want financial independence” or “I want happiness.” These are things everybody wants, but they’re so general as to be virtually meaningless. Make your goals clear, specific, definite—unique to you, coming out of your life’s passion and wildest desires, goals with a firm time limit (I will achieve Y in X years”), goals that once achieved will lead to additional goals in the years ahead. The goals need not be monetary—“El dinero no es todo”—they can be goals that improve others’ lives; they can be goals for yourself; they can be goals for your children or friends or community. You may not always be able to see the road that leads to your goal at first. But soon it appears, as if someone magically constructed it for you. Once known, the road to success will take many unexpected twists and turns before you reach your destination, but if the goal remains constant, it will be the beacon that keeps you on course.
Trait 2: Successful Latinos are not “Professional Hispanics” Here we have the antithesis of the soy un minority. These are men and women
who take an active pride in being Latino, who use their lineage not as an excuse or a crutch but as a source of inspiration. There is a huge difference between wanting to be the best-known Latino writer and being a writer who feels she deserves to be published merely because she is Latino.
Trait 3: Successful Latinos Don’t Carry the Weight of theWorld on Their Shoulders Successful Latinos don’t have an ethnic chip on their shoulders. They don’t need “entitlements.” They don’t whine about prejudice—“pobre de mi”—and minority participation (although they are not blind to prejudice and fight hard for a Latino presence in the business world), and they don’t think they’ll succeed or fail because of their ethnicity. These Latinos succeed because they are willing and able to compete in the real world, albeit often an Anglo world. Their position is achieved through inner confidence and strength, not ceded them by the government or a corporation having to fill a moral “minority quota.” They have shed the ghosts of their past, though not its glories. If they have an accent, they speak with pride and class. If their skin is dark, they wear it with honor. They dwell not on slights or rejections but on possibilities. Prejudice, they believe, is not relevant to their own situation. An essential element for Latino success is the knowledge that when the cultural luggage we carry is heavy, we must discard the negative part, keeping only the positive. Once we are free of the negative part, we are free to achieve our goals and to be confident of the future.
Trait 4: Successful Latinos Are Optimists A study reported in Psychology Today suggests that optimism is part of our genetic structure, preset at birth. No matter what, these optimists look on the bright side. For them, the glass is always half full, not half empty. But I’m not convinced that the only way you can be an optimist is to inherit the characteristic. It can be learned—in fact, must be learned, if you are to succeed. Of all the traits, to me this is the most important, for without it you cannot begin to plan, you cannot present a positive attitude in a meeting or interview and it becomes difficult to rebound from failure. Optimists believe the world is basically fair, that humanity is mostly beneficent, that they have as good a chance as anybody. Optimists look at the situation and react positively to what they see, good or bad. Pessimists will talk about what’s not right in life, “Nunca puedo avanzar,” about how badly they were treated by others, the unevenness of the playing field, or the weakness of the economy. They gloat over the misfortunes of others. Success in life is proof of an optimistic personality—in school, career and relationships.
Trait 5: Successful Latinos Trust Others This is the most controversial trait, the one most disputed by my friends when I discuss it with them. Most of them say, “No, man! Before you trust anyone, study them, check them out!”…like the background checks the government often conducts on potential employees. On the surface, this appears to be a sound, sensible approach, but ultimately it is Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
Presents: AVANCE self-defeating. Overcaution and lack of trust breed more caution and more lack of trust, to the point that everyone is distrustful. I believe that 99.9 percent of all people want to be trustworthy and honest. If you yourself are trustworthy and honest other people will respond in kind. Thinking the worst means getting the worst. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not saying you shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t read a contract carefully before you sign it, or ask for recommendations before hiring someone. But if you assume you can trust, you can trust! This is a mind-set. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re reading the contract more for fairness and accuracy than with the sense that someone is out to get you; youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re asking for references to round out your knowledge of the person, or to simply confirm your favorable impression.
Trait 6: Successful Latinos are Flexible Life changes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Todo en la vida cambia.â&#x20AC;? The unexpected happens; things unforeseeable and uncontrollable crop up in everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. The good business person can be momentarily unbalanced by sudden misfortune or failure, but momentarily is the operative word. No business plan should be so rigid that it does not take fluctuation into account. Successful business people must be prepared to change if circumstances demand it, to rebound if adversity befalls.
Trait 7: Successful Latinos Visualize Success If you have a clear goal, one of the ways to make sure you reach it is to visualize exactly what your life will look like when you get to your goalâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;how you will look
physically and what you will be surrounded by. It is as though you make a drawing in your brain, filling in all the details: color, shape, texture. Sit down by yourself, a solas, in a quiet isolated place. Shut your eyes. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re twenty, imagine yourself at thirty. If you are thirty, imagine yourself at forty. Visualize the entire day. Who is next to you in bed? What does your bedroom look like? Look in the mirror. What does your face look like? Has your hair changed color? Are there children? What kind of car are you driving to work? What does your office look like? Are you the boss, an executive, a regular worker? You may find it difficult at first, perhaps even stupid, a waste of time. But I assure you it is neither. Do it twice a week, and within a few weeks it will sharpen your brain, make your goals concrete, give you something to forward to, bring you inspiration when things are going badly and joy when things are going well.
Trait 8: Successful Latinos Overachieve Consistently â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Con Gusto Doing more than youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re paid to do is an artâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an art of attitude, of performance, of outlook. If you deliver a promised job a day before itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s due; if you provide three plans when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve contracted for two; if you add a flourish, throw in a surprise gift, knock yourself out to deliver more than whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expected, and you do it with grace, with pleasure, with pride, I guarantee you that your business and career will thrive. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll keep and grow the customers or clients you already have, perhaps the most important aspect of successful growth in business.
Trait 9: Successful Latinos Always DoWhat They Say Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Do There is a motto put up in the office of the San Francisco Superintendent of Schools that reads DWYSYWD. Everybody knows what it means, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do what you say you will do.â&#x20AC;? (Or, in Spanish, Dicho y hecho: Once spoken, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done.) Good advice. Even if you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t overdeliverâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and obviously there will be times when overdelivering is impossibleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; make sure that you fulfull your contract, your assignment, your promise. In their home countries, Latinos are often late for business meetings. When I, American born and American trained, went to my first 9 a.m. meeting in Mexico City, I arrived ten minutes early, and the man I was meeting swept in fortyfive minutes late, smiling and without apology. I was furious. Is he flojo, I thought, or loco? Lazy or crazy? When I understood that my compatriot was simply â&#x20AC;&#x153;in Rome, doing what Romans do,â&#x20AC;? my anger subsided, but I vowed that once back in the States I would be even more careful. Not only to be on time, but to make sure that I kept every business promise I made: delivery dates, specifications, costs. Dicho y hecho.
Trait 10: Successful Latinos Balance Their Lives Between Work and Family Compassion, love, understanding, the value of family: they are all built into the Latino soul. Alas, when we get into Anglostyle business, we tend to play down these valuesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we â&#x20AC;&#x153;overcompensateâ&#x20AC;? for them, getting wrapped up in our work and sacrificing family for career success. Make sure family and work are in
balance. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think that you can stick to business now and bond with your spouse and children when you retire. You may end up having children who, like you, are aloof and detached, valuing â&#x20AC;&#x153;other commitmentsâ&#x20AC;? over closeness and emotional gratification.
Trait 11: Successful Latinos KnowWhen to Let Go Letting go is an essential act if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to be truly successful. The willing delegation of responsibility, the recognition of the fact that you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it all and that others will do it differently from you, is fundamental to your business career. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural to want to hold on. After all, the business is your baby, your vision, your goal, es todo tuyo! By assigning responsibility to others, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re admitting someone else (even a number of people) into your dream. You become more encourager than doerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; the captain of the team, not the sole player. Remember: no matter how specific you are in your assignments to your people, the job will never come back exactly the way you envisioned it. Individual people have individual methods, individual eyes, and if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re any good at all, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll perforce add a piece of themselves to the mix. When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a mature manager, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll realize that your main job is to inspire and motivate. You will become chief strategist, not chief craftsman.
Trait 12: Successful Latinos Persevere After Failure Everybody fails during the course of a career. But the successful businessperson will use failure as a lesson, analyzing it with total honesty, and he or she will be better prepared for the next encounter.
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Owned and operated by Wireless Vision, LLC
January 2013
NuEVoImpact 29
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30 NUEVOIMPACT January 2013
Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
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s importante enseñar a sus hijos las buenas prácticas dentales desde una temprana edad. La buena higiene oral previene las cavidades y muchos otros problemas en el camino. Tan pronto que su hijo tenga su primer diente, comience a limpiarlo con un cepillo y agua. A la edad de 2 o 3 años, puedes introducir una pasta de dientes sin fluoruro. Haz que el cepillado sea divertido. Deje que los niños escojan sus cepillos de dientes. Y lo más importante, programa las visitas al dentista cada 6 meses para los chequeos y limpiezas. Asegúrese de que usted no pasa sus miedos o antipatías acerca del dentista a su hijo. Mantenga una actitud positiva: la oficina del dentista es un lugar divertido que ayuda a los niños a mantenerse saludables.
t is important to teach your kids good dental practices from an early age. Good oral hygiene will prevent cavities and many other problems down the road. As soon as your child has first tooth, begin cleaning it with a brush and water. By age 2 or 3 years old you can introduce fluoride-free toothpaste. Make brushing fun. Let kids pick out their toothbushes. And most importantly, schedule dentist visits every 6 months for check ups and cleanings. Make sure you do not pass your fears or dislikes of the dentist to your child. Keep it positive: the dentist's office is a fun place that helps kids stay healthy.
• Blanqueo de dientes • Hacemos rellenos blancos • Exámenes para la escuela • Coronas, puentes y Veeners • Frenos invisibles • Tratamiento Cosmético familiar • Endononcias Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine
December 2012
NuevoImpact 31