Home & Landscape ARE YOU A RESIDENT LEAVING THE RANCH FOR THE SUMMER? It is important for the SRCA office to have your current contact information. If you would like to change your primary mailing address from your Scottsdale Ranch address to your summer address, please contact Ricki Stamos at (480) 860-2022 or by email at rstamos@scottsdaleranch.org, to have your contact information updated in our property management software. By doing this, you will be able to continue to receive important letters, mailers, invoices and the SRCA bi-monthly magazines over the coming months.
ARE YOU A BOAT OWNER ON LAKE SERENA LEAVING FOR THE SUMMER? If you are leaving for the summer, please make sure to loosen your dock line. This helps protect your boat and dock in case of an active monsoon season. Also, we’d like to suggest that if you know a neighbor who stays in town for the summer, that SRCA can contact in the event we are unable to get a hold of you regarding your boat, please call the SRCA office at (480) 860-2022 to give us their contact information. Please note that there is a Watercraft Tow Policy charge of $75.00 to homeowners who require their boats to be towed or rescued.
LAKE SERENA BOAT IDENTIFICATION STICKER Attention Scottsdale Ranch Boat Owners: All boat owners on Lake Serena must have a SRCA boating identification sticker visibly displayed on their boat. If you do not have an identification sticker, you will need to complete a Boat Sticker Application and submit it to the SRCA office to obtain one. You can find the application on the SRCA website at www.scottsdaleranch.org under Local Amenities / Lake Serena / Boating Guidelines. Please complete the application and email it to Joni Shepherd at jshepherd@ scottsdaleranch.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the SRCA office at (480) 860-2022.
It’s Springtime and Lake Serena Awaits You The Scottsdale Ranch Community Association prides themselves in meeting the continued expectations of the residents that share this community. The positive aspects for all who are living on the lake range from fishing for the children as well as adults to pontoon boating to relax the mind. The next time you take a stroll by the lake or you are at the SRCA Community Center, peek at the lake. A great way to enjoy Lake Serena is to just sit back and enjoy a cruise along our five miles of shoreline while one of our drivers takes you and your guests on the SRCA pontoon boat. We ask that residents cooperate with one another when fishing. Catch and release fishing for bass from the lake is a rule. The lake is enjoyed by many people and is an amenity to all. Water skiing, windsailing, inner tubes or the like is not permitted in the lake. When boating on the lake, all areas (with the exception of docking on another resident’s private dock) are open for enjoyment. However, please be respectful of the lakefront property owner’s privacy. Residents’ homes and dock areas are private property so please do not trespass onto their property. Moreover, vice versa, lakefront owners must be aware that there are no “private” areas on the lake. When boating, review your precautions such as driving on the correct side, your speed or sobriety level. All watercraft must display the proper lighting. All boats launched and docked on Lake Serena must display a Scottsdale Ranch blue and white boat sticker. The boat sticker should be placed in a visible location so that SRCA staff and other lake property owners know that you are a registered boat owner and resident of Scottsdale Ranch. Boat and fishing permits are also required and may be obtained from the SRCA administrative office at no charge. There are several areas that SRCA has posted “No Fishing” for safety reasons, it is important to obey those rules. Quite often we are asked where can SRCA residents fish that do not own lakefront property. Below please find a list of access points that can be used for your enjoyment: • SR Community Center Area - 100th Street/Shea Blvd. to include multiple fishing docks, picnic area, grassy areas and benches • Along Shea from 100th Street to Lakeview Drive • Mini-Park area - 99th Street and East Island Circle • Various areas along Lakeview Drive between Shea and Via Linda: 1. Between Unit 8 and the Waterfront 2. Between Landings and Monterey Point 3. Between Charter Point and Heritage Village IV 4. Between Scottsdale Bay Club and Lake Serena Estates adjacent to the SR Park The areas are posted stating that fishing is for SRCA residents only. Again, please remember that children must be accompanied by an adult while visiting the lake. No Swimming, rock throwing, feeding of waterfowl from any easement area or any property maintained by SRCA or an ancillary association. As a reminder, when you do visit these areas, please pick-up your trash and be courteous to the surrounding neighbors. Recently, there has been a significant rise in yard waste and landscape debris being dumped into the lake by landscaping crews. When you see someone littering or someone using the lake inappropriately, we ask that you call our office. Fines are being asserted for violations, so make sure any landscapers you hire are made fully aware that disposing of yard waste into Lake Serena is not allowed. This will help reduce the amount of decaying and floating matter in the lake that can be so unsightly. The SRCA Lake Committee also works very hard at finding a balance to keep this lake clean and healthy. With all of this care, we still need your help. Help us by remembering the lake rules and exercising a few social graces as we all share in the usage of our most valuable amenity, Lake Serena. Feel free to call the SRCA staff and we will be willing to address any concerns you might have. In closing, please be sure you have a SRCA Fishing permit to use our lake areas. Should you need a permit or would like to schedule a pontoon boat rental, stop by the SRCA Administration office or give us a call and we would be happy to assist you.
10 April/May 2022 Expires 11/30/20